Page 1: A Moral Recovery Program



The events at EDSA in February 1986 not only ousted a dictator, but also demonstrated to the world and to ourselves our great strengths as a people. At EDSA we saw courage, determination and strength of purpose; we saw unity and concern for one another; we saw deep faith in God; and even in the grimmest moments, there was some laughter and humor.

We were proud of ourselves at EDSA and we expected great changes after our moment of glory. Today, sometime after, we realize that most of our problems as a nation still remain. We may have ousted a dictator, but that was the easy part. The task of building a nation is so much more difficult. Now, with EDSA only an inspiring memory, we are faced with our weaknesses. Self-interest and disregard for the common good rears its ugly head. We are confronted with our lack of discipline and rigor, our colonial mentality, and our emphasis on porma (form). Despite our great display of people's power, now we are passive once more, expecting our leaders to take all responsibility for solving our many problems.

The task of building our nation is an awesome one. There is need for economic recovery. There is need to re-establish democratic institutions and to achieve the goals of peace and genuine social justice. Along with these goals, there is a need as well to build ourselves as a people. There is need to change structures and to change people.

Building a people means eliminating our weaknesses and developing our strengths; this starts with the analysis, understanding, and appreciation of these strengths and weaknesses. We must take a good look at ourselves--objectively with scientific detachment, but also emotionally (i.e., lovingly) and, when appropriate, with disgust. We must view ourselves as might a lover viewing a loved one but also as might a judge capable of a harsh verdict. We must not be self-flagellating, but neither can we afford to be defensive.

We must change, and for this understanding ourselves is the first step.

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