Page 1: A. Minutes From the May 21, 2020 HRTPO Board Meeting 09A Consent... · 2020-07-09 · HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 4 Prepared by C. Mulkey A quorum

HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 16, 2020│ Agenda


A. Minutes From the May 21, 2020 HRTPO Board Meeting

Minutes from the May 21, 2020 HRTPO Board meeting are attached. Attachment 9-A RECOMMENDED ACTION:

Approve the minutes.

B. HRTPO Financial Statement

The Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the activities of May 2020 is attached. This statement reflects the financial status of the HRTPO as a whole. Attachment 9-B RECOMMENDED ACTION:

Accept the HRTPO Financial Statement.

Page 2: A. Minutes From the May 21, 2020 HRTPO Board Meeting 09A Consent... · 2020-07-09 · HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 4 Prepared by C. Mulkey A quorum

HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 1 Prepared by C. Mulkey

Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization Board Summary Minutes of May 21, 2020

The Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (HRTPO) Board Meeting was called to order at 10:37 a.m. in the Regional Board Room, 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia. Pursuant to Governor Northam’s Executive Order 53 issued on March 23, 2020 and Executive Order 61 issued on May 8, 2020 prohibiting all public and private in-person gatherings of ten or more individuals, the HRTPO Board Meeting was held electronically with the following in attendance: HRTPO Voting Members in Attendance: John Rowe, Jr. (Chair, PO) Donnie Tuck (Vice-Chair, HA) Ella Ward (CH Alternate) Barry Cheatham (FR) Michael Hipple (JC) McKinley Price (NN) Kenneth Alexander (NO) Herbert Green (PQ Alternate) Linda Johnson (SU) Robert Dyer (VB)

Thomas Shepperd (YK) Senator John Cosgrove (GA) Delegate Stephen Heretick (GA) Delegate Jeion Ward (GA) William Harrell (HRT) Zach Trogdon (WATA) Christopher Hall (VDOT) Jennifer DeBruhl (DRPT Alternate) Cathie Vick (VPA Alternate)

HRTPO Nonvoting Members in Attendance: Christopher Price (CH) Amanda Jarratt (FR) J. Brent Fedors (GL)* Mary Bunting (HA) Randy Keaton (IW) Scott Stevens (JC) Michael Johnson (SH)

Patrick Roberts (SU) Thomas Leahy (VB) Andrew Trivette (WM) Michael Giardino (PAA) Terry Danaher (CAC) Stephen Johnsen (CTB)* Sheppard Miller (CTB)

HRTPO Invited Participants in Attendance: Col. Ed Vedder (Langley-Eustis)

Capt. Brad Rosen (Alternate, NAVY)*

HRTPO Executive Director: Robert A. Crum, Jr.

HRTPO Other Participants: James Gray (HA) David Jenkins (NN) Shannon Glover (PO)* Bob Baldwin (PO) Leroy Bennett (SU)

Ray Amoruso (HRT) Todd Halacy (VDOT) Ivan Rucker (FHWA) Ryan Long (FTA)

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 2 Prepared by C. Mulkey

HRTPO Voting Members Absent: Phillip Bazzani (GL) William McCarty (IW) William Gillette (SH)

Paul Freiling (WM) Senator Mamie Locke (GA)

HRTPO Nonvoting Members Absent: Cynthia Rohlf (NN) Chip Filer (NO) Lydia Pettis-Patton (PO) J. Randall Wheeler (PQ) Neil Morgan (YK) Jessie Yung (FHWA) Jeffrey Breeden (FAA)

Terry Garcia Crews (FTA) Robert Bowen (NAA) Mark Flynn (VDA) Larry Ewan (FTAC) John Malbon (CTB) Capt. Kevin Carroll (USCG)

HRTPO Staff: Mike Kimbrel Sam Belfield Rob Case Rob Cofield Kathlene Grauberger Sharon Lawrence

John Mihaly Kendall Miller Keith Nichols Jeff Raliski Dale Stith

*Denotes late arrival or early departure Others Recorded Attending: Scott Taylor; Dustin Rinehart (Delegate Barry Knight’s Office); Jim Ponticello and Chris Voigt (VDOT); Keith Cannady, Kelli Arledge, Cynthia Mulkey, John Sadler, Sheila Wilson (HRPDC Staff) Mr. Robert Crum, HRTPO Executive Director, stated that the meeting was being held electronically in response to Governor Northam’s Executive Order 53 and Executive Order 61 and to protect the public health and safety of the Board members, staff, and the general public. He indicated that the HRTPO will continue to hold electronic meetings until advised that it is safe to convene meetings in person. These remote meetings are required to complete essential business on behalf of the region. Per the requirements of the Code of Virginia, the meeting notice, agenda, and attachments were posted on the HRTPO website one week prior to the meeting, and electronic copies were provided to the Board members and other interested parties. Notice of the meeting was also posted for public review. Mr. Crum noted that a recording was being made of the meeting and will be posted on the HRTPO website.

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 3 Prepared by C. Mulkey

Mr. Crum also noted that the general public was provided the opportunity to provide comments on the meeting agenda via two options:

1. Members of the public were invited to submit comments via email. 2. Members of the public were also invited to call into a dedicated phone line where

comments would be recorded. He reported that there were no submitted public comments via either option and stated that members of the public were also invited to listen to the meeting using a phone line. Mr. Crum thanked everyone for their cooperation and patience regarding the electronic meeting. On behalf of the HRPDC and HRTPO staff, he expressed his appreciation for the Board’s commitment to the region. Attendance was recorded by roll call. A quorum was not established. Chair John Rowe continued the meeting with items not requiring approval. Public Comment Period Chair John Rowe asked for public comments, and Executive Director Robert Crum reported that no public comments for the HRTPO Board were received.

Submitted Public Comments There were no submitted public comments. Transcribed Public Comments from Previous HRTPO Meeting The transcribed public comments from the February 20, 2020 HRTPO Board Meeting were included in the Agenda packet. Executive Director Report Mr. Robert Crum, HRTPO Executive Director, referenced his enclosed report and provided a summary of current work activities of the HRTPO, making particular note of the HRPDC/HRTPO staff-created COVID-19 dashboard on the HRPDC website ( to provide information, maps/data, and resources concerning the COVID-19 pandemic impact in the Hampton Roads region. * Invited Participant Captain Brad Rosen departed Mr. Crum also reported meeting with the region’s Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) on a continuous basis via conference call to discuss a coordinated response to the COVID-19 crisis, share information, and discuss how the localities can assist one another.

HRTPO staff reported that Chesapeake Voting Alternate Member Dr. Ella Ward was participating in the meeting.

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 4 Prepared by C. Mulkey

A quorum was established. Approval of Agenda Chair Rowe stated that the Agenda could be approved without a roll call vote, as long as there were no objections from any Board members. No objections were noted. The agenda was approved as presented. Hampton Roads Express Lanes: HRTAC Update on Status of Master Tolling Agreement Chair Rowe asked Mr. Crum to provide Board Members with background information on the Hampton Roads Express Lanes Network. Mr. Crum reported that during the HRTPO Board meeting on October 17, 2019, the Board adopted a resolution endorsing the Hampton Roads Express Lanes Network as a consistent HOT-2 network beginning on I-64 at Jefferson Avenue in Newport News, proceeding along I-64 through Bowers Hill in Chesapeake and continuing along I-664 to I-64 in the vicinity of the Hampton Coliseum. The resolution stipulated that funding, operation, and use of toll revenues of the Express Lanes Network be managed by the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission (HRTAC) through the Master Tolling Agreement. Mr. Crum introduced Mr. Kevin Page, HRTAC Executive Director, to provide the HRTPO Board with an update on the status of the Master Tolling Agreement. Mr. Page described the Master Tolling Agreement document as a complex framework delineating the relationship between HRTAC and VDOT regarding the development and operations of the Hampton Roads Express Lanes Network. Mr. Page commended the leadership of the Master Tolling Agreement Advisory Committee as well as the Hampton Roads Caucus for moving forward with House Bill 1438 during the General Assembly Session. Considering the complexities of the agreement, it became complicated to move forward without a definitive conclusion regarding whether HRTAC or VDOT would be the issuer of the debt, and HB 1438 established the parameters and authorizations of HRTAC as the tolling authority of the designated Network. There has been significant progress regarding edits to the Master Tolling Agreement since the legislation was signed into law by the Governor. Mr. Page reported that while the Master Tolling Agreement has been undergoing negotiations and drafting, VDOT and HRTAC have continued the traffic and revenue study. He emphasized that the HRBT Project Agreement relies on a tolling revenue funding plan from the Hampton Roads Express Lanes Network. VDOT and HRTAC have been identifying definitive segments throughout the network and determining how each segment can contribute to the completion of the network build by 2025. In conclusion, Mr. Page summarized the forward progress on the Master Tolling Agreement as positive, and he commended current communications with the Commonwealth.

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 5 Prepared by C. Mulkey

Chair Rowe thanked Mr. Page for his update and asked for questions. Hearing none, Chair Rowe referenced related Consent Agenda Items 7A and 7B, and Mr. Crum stated that without objection, the items may still be considered and approved as part of the Consent Agenda. FY 2021 HRTPO Budget Mr. Robert Crum, HRPDC/HRTPO Executive Director, reported that the Joint HRPDC/HRTPO Personnel and Budget (P&B) Committee met electronically via conference call on May 7, 2020 to review the proposed FY 2021 HRPDC/HRTPO Budget. The Personnel and Budget Committee took the following action:

“The HRPDC/HRTPO Personnel and Budget Committee recommends approval of the FY21 Budget by the HRPDC and HRTPO Boards, with the condition that the budget be revisited by both Boards at their October 15, 2020 meetings.”

This approach was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis. Preparing a 12-month budget is difficult due to the challenges for all levels of government. Traditionally relied upon revenues at the local, state, and federal levels may be reconsidered for other purposes. Mr. Crum stated that while the presented proposed budget is for a full year, the P&B Committee recommends revisiting the budget in October. The expectation is for a better understanding of the revenue outlook as well as an anticipated timeline of an economic rebound. Mr. Crum referenced an enclosed memorandum summarizing the proposed FY 2021 Budget. He described the budget approach as cautious and stated that in many aspects, it mirrors the budgets proposed by the region’s local governments. He reported locality membership contributions remain at the reduced $0.80 per capita rate approved in response to the recession; no merit or cost of living increases included for staff; and significant reductions in professional development, travel, furniture, computers and software, outside printing, and meeting expenses. He noted a slight 0.67% increase in personnel costs due to the increase in VRS retirement and health insurance as well as a $1.2 million increase in pass-through funds. While the overall budget increased by 24.7%, operating expenses significantly decreased by $187,398 from FY 2020 and is the lowest proposed operating budget since FY 2015. In conclusion, Mr. Crum listed future budget considerations not included in the proposed budget as building and grounds maintenance, competitive staff wages, addressing salary compression, pension liabilities, an agency vehicle, and information technology needs. Motion: Mr. William Harrell Moved to approve the FY 2021 Budget as presented with

the condition that the budget be revisited at the October 15, 2020 Annual Meeting; seconded by Mayor Robert Dyer.

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 6 Prepared by C. Mulkey

Mayor Donnie Tuck commented regarding the reduced $0.80 per capita rate approved in response to the recession and questioned why the amount had not been restored to the previous rate of $0.82 per capita. He stated that due to the projects around the region, an increase should be a priority.

Mr. Michael Hipple responded that the P&B Committee was considering a

recommendation to increase the locality contribution rate as well as petitioning the state for a contribution increase. Those considerations are on hold due to the pandemic.

With no further questions or comments, a roll call vote was conducted and the votes were recorded as follows:

Chesapeake Ms. Ella Ward Aye

Franklin Mr. Barry Cheatham Aye

Gloucester County Mr. Phillip Bazzani Absent

Hampton Mayor Donnie Tuck Aye

Isle of Wight County Mr. William McCarty Absent

James City County Mr. Michael Hipple Aye

Newport News Mayor McKinley Price Aye

Norfolk Mayor Kenneth Alexander Not Recorded

Poquoson Mr. Herbert Green Aye

Portsmouth Mayor John Rowe Aye

Southampton County Mr. William Gillette Absent

Suffolk Mayor Linda Johnson Aye

Virginia Beach Mayor Robert Dyer Aye

Williamsburg Mayor Paul Freiling Absent

York County Mr. Thomas Shepperd Aye

HRT Mr. William Harrell Aye

WATA Mr. Zach Trogdon Aye

VDOT Mr. Christopher Hall Aye

DRPT Ms. Jennifer DeBruhl Aye

VPA Ms. Cathie Vick Aye

General Assembly Senator Mamie Locke Absent

General Assembly Senator John Cosgrove Aye

General Assembly Delegate Stephen Heretick Aye

General Assembly Delegate Jeion Ward Not Recorded

The Motion Carried with 17 votes in favor, none against, and no abstentions.

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 7 Prepared by C. Mulkey

Consent Agenda The following items were on the Consent Agenda for approval:

A. Hampton Roads 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Amendment and FY 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments Related to the I-64 Express Lanes Network

i. 2040 LRTP Amendment – I-64 Express Lanes – Segment 2 (Construction Phase)

ii. FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC 112923 I-64 Express Lanes – Segment 2

iii. FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC T23594 I-64 Toll Integration – Hampton Roads Office

iv. FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC T23595 I-64 Toll Integration – Fiber Optic Communications

v. FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC T23596 I-64 Toll Integration – Systems Integrator

B. HRTPO Resolution Adopting the Hampton Roads Express Lanes Network as a Component of Regional Priority Projects

C. Minutes from February 20, 2020 HRTPO Board Meeting D. HRTPO Financial Statement E. 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and FY 2021-2024 Transportation

Improvement Program (TIP) Regional Conformity Assessment Report F. HRTPO FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): Final G. Linking Hampton Roads – A Regional Active Transportation Plan: Final H. Hampton Roads Congestion Management Process: Part I – Introduction and System

Monitoring: Final I. Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Bylaws J. Bowers Hill Interchange Improvements Study Parameters

K. FY 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments i. Isle of Wight County – FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC 109314

Nike Park Road Extension ii. Norfolk – FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC 111017

Brambleton Avenue/Tidewater Drive Intersection Improvements iii. Norfolk – FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC 111021

Granby Street Bike Lanes iv. Virginia Beach – FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC 17630

I-264 Interchange Improvements at I-64 and Witchduck Road v. Virginia Beach – FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment – UPC 108041

I-264 and Witchduck Road Interchange and Ramp Extension (C-D Road) (Child project of UPC 17630)

vi. Grouped Projects – FY 2018-2021 TIP Amendment: FFY 2020 Maintenance Federal Revenue Obligations

L. FY 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Extension Motion: Mr. Michael Hipple Moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented;

seconded by Mr. Barry Cheatham.

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 8 Prepared by C. Mulkey

*Non-Voting Member J. Brent Fedors departed

Ms. Cathie Vick shared that Mayor Kenny Alexander was participating via phone but unable to provide verbal comments.

*Non-Voting Member Stephen Johnsen and Other Participant Shannon Glover departed Mr. Sheppard Miller commended the TPO Board and the Commonwealth for

their collaborative efforts and commented regarding the TIP Amendment and others that will follow. He stated that the general thinking when the project began was that the only way to produce funding was through tolling. He noted that the approved sales tax contribution has proven to be a relatively painless high-value proposition in raising funds. Alternatively, he shared his concerns that as the Board moves toward tolls, it raises many questions about how much, where, and for how long. The studies and the work of the committee identifies that without management in place, the system is likely to fail within 20-25 years and tolls will have to support the lane management.

Mr. Miller cautioned against losing assets that are already paid for and

belong to the citizens. Expanding the limited restriction of lanes from the current few hours a day during peak periods in turn also reduces the remaining hours of free lane use. He recognized that while the TIP Amendment does not go into how much restriction will be added, the work will require payment one way or another. With each TIP Amendment, he urged Board members to consider how it will be paid for and what will it change in order to be fully informed regarding the implications before they vote.

Mayor Donnie Tuck asked Mr. Miller, given that consideration, what would

he suggest. Mr. Miller stressed caution going forward to avoid spending their way into a

position where the only way to pay the funds back is through greater lane restriction and higher toll rates.

A roll call vote was conducted and the votes were recorded as follows:

Chesapeake Ms. Ella Ward Aye

Franklin Mr. Barry Cheatham Aye

Gloucester County Mr. Phillip Bazzani Absent

Hampton Mayor Donnie Tuck Aye

Isle of Wight County Mr. William McCarty Absent

James City County Mr. Michael Hipple Aye

Newport News Mayor McKinley Price Aye

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 9 Prepared by C. Mulkey

Norfolk Mayor Kenneth Alexander Aye

Poquoson Mr. Herbert Green Aye

Portsmouth Mayor John Rowe Aye

Southampton County Mr. William Gillette Absent

Suffolk Mayor Linda Johnson Aye

Virginia Beach Mayor Robert Dyer Aye

Williamsburg Mayor Paul Freiling Absent

York County Mr. Thomas Shepperd Aye

HRT Mr. William Harrell Aye

WATA Mr. Zach Trogdon Aye

VDOT Mr. Christopher Hall Aye

DRPT Ms. Jennifer DeBruhl Aye

VPA Ms. Cathie Vick Aye

General Assembly Senator Mamie Locke Absent

General Assembly Senator John Cosgrove Not Recorded

General Assembly Delegate Stephen Heretick Not Recorded

General Assembly Delegate Jeion Ward Aye

The Motion Carried with 17 votes in favor, none against, and no abstentions. HRTPO Board Three-Month Tentative Schedule Chair Rowe highlighted the HRTPO Board Three-Month Tentative Schedule. Mr. Crum reminded the Board Members that per the approved Regional Meeting Schedule, the HRPDC and HRTPO do not meet in June. The next scheduled meeting is in July. Correspondence of Interest Mr. Crum noted the Correspondence of Interest, which included the following items:

• HRTPO Board Appointment Letter of Todd Halacy as the Alternate Voting member representative from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)

• Comment Letter on the 2045 LRTP Draft Candidate Projects • Comment Letter on the Recommended Enhancements to the HRTPO Project

Prioritization Tool • HRTPO Board Appointment Letter of Delegate Steve Heretick as one of the two

Voting Members of the Virginia House of Delegates • HRTPO Board Appointment Letter of Delegate Jeion Ward as one of the two

Voting Members of the Virginia House of Delegates

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HRTPO Board Meeting Summary Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 10 Prepared by C. Mulkey

Minutes of HRTPO Committee Meetings Mr. Crum referenced the Minutes of HRTPO Advisory Committee Meetings. For Your Information Mr. Crum commented on the For Your Information section, which included the following items:

• Hampton Rods Transportation Fund (HRTF) Monthly Financial Report • HRTAC Program Development Monthly Executive Report • Requests for HRTPO Resolutions of Support – SMART SCALE

Old/New Business Mr. Crum reported there was no pending Old Business and expressed his appreciation to the Board Members for their patience during the electronic meeting. Chair Rowe invited New Business or Announcements. Mr. Barry Cheatham stated he did not seek re-election to the Franklin City Council and a new representative from the City would attend the Board meeting on July 16, 2020. Chair Rowe thanked Mr. Cheatham for his 12-years of service on the Franklin City Council, 8-years on the HRPDC, and 4-years on the HRTPO. Board Members applauded Mr. Cheatham and indicated that he will be missed. Adjournment With no further business to come before the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization, the meeting adjourned at 11:44 a.m.

John L. Rowe, Jr. Robert A. Crum, Jr.

Chair Executive Director/Secretary

Attachment 9-A

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