  • 8/19/2019 A Metric Study of Three Types of Artificial cranial modification from North Central Peru


    A Metric Study of Three Types of

    Artificial Cranial Modification fromNorth-Central Peru



    a Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, Department of Biological 

    Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QH, UK b Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Highfield,

    Southampton, SO17 1BF, UK 

    ABSTRACT Artificial cranial modification (ACM) involves the alteration of cranial vault shape by culturalmeans, and is performed during infancy while the cranial bones remain soft and malleable.The direction of normal cranial growth is altered through the application of external forces. Inthis study, three types of ACM from north-central Peru (posterior flattening, bilobed andcircumferential) were analysed using standard craniometric techniques. The aim was todetermine the effects of these forms of ACM on craniofacial morphology, and the extent towhich different types of ACM could be distinguished from one another and unmodified craniaon the basis of these measurements. Significant differences between artificially modified andunmodified crania, and between different types of ACM, were demonstrated in cranial vaultshape for all types. Significant differences in facial morphology were found only in the bilobedgroup compared with the unmodified crania. Canonical variates analysis (discriminantanalysis) confirmed that major differences between modification types and unmodified craniawere in measurements and angles of the cranial vault. While the results show some similaritiesto previous studies, they add to the variability in the patterns and extent of differencesdocumented to date. It is suggested, based on these results and visual observations, that

    interpopulation variation in ACM within major modification categories may explain some of thevariability in results between studies, an explanation which has previously received insufficientrecognition but which remains to be tested since varied methodology between studies mayalso be a contributoryfactor. While previous studies have often sought to generalise about theeffects of ACM, the examination of the differences between populations even within majorACM categories may offer new insight into cultural variation in modification techniquesbetween populations and the nature of craniofacial development. Copyright     2009 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

    Key words:   artificial cranial modification; craniometrics; Peru


    Anatomically, artificial cranial modification(ACM) is ‘the product of the dynamic distortion

    of the normal vectors of infantile neurocranialgrowth through the agency of externally appliedforces’ (Gerszten, 1993: p. 87). The restriction ofcranial growth in certain directions results incompensatory growth in other less restricted orunrestricted directions (Aufderheide & Rodrı́ guez-Martı́ n, 1998) and thus alteration of cranial shape.The direction of growth, rather than its

    International Journal of OsteoarchaeologyInt. J. Osteoarchaeol. (2009)Published online in Wiley InterScience( DOI: 10.1002/oa.1044

    * Correspondence to: Leverhulme Centre for Human EvolutionaryStudies, Department of Biological Anthropology, University of

    Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QH, UK.e-mail: [email protected]

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Received 28 January 2008 Revised 30 September 2008

     Accepted 2 October 2008

  • 8/19/2019 A Metric Study of Three Types of Artificial cranial modification from North Central Peru


    magnitude, is affected (Moss, 1958) and the brainachieves a volume comparable to unmodifiedcrania (Aufderheide & Rodrı́ guez-Martı́ n, 1998).

    ACM has had a surprisingly broad distributionthroughout the world, being found on everyinhabited continent at some stage in the past (e.g.

    Hrdlic ˇ ka, 1922; Dingwall, 1931; Blackwood &Danby, 1955; Brown, 1981; Antó n & Weinstein,1999; Ozbek, 2001). It has been suggested for theDynasty of Akhenaten in ancient Egypt (Snorra-son, 1946), and was common in certain districtsof 19th century France (Dingwall, 1931). Theearliest certain cases of ACM come from LatePalaeolithic Australia and China (Brothwell,1975; Brown, 1981; Clark  et al., 2007).

    To produce permanent effects, ACM must beperformed during infancy when the cranial bonesare malleable and when the trajectory of growthcan be controlled (Dingwall, 1931; Torres-Rouff,2002). It is therefore not a feature acquiredthrough individual choice (Torres-Rouff, 2002),but rather that of parents or carers. An exceptionmight be cradle-boarding or laying the infantwith its head on a hard surface for long periods,which unintentionally flattens the occipitalregion (Dingwall, 1931; Moss, 1958; Mason,1887). Methods of intentionally modifying craniaare more varied and the effects generally morepronounced. Cloth or other material may be

    used, sometimes with boards, pads, bags of earthor clay or even special headdresses (Dingwall,1931; Allison  et al., 1981).

    The suggested motives for intentional ACMare varied, but not mutually exclusive. ACM maysymbolise social identity, as some Spanishchroniclers suggested for the Andean region(Aufderheide & Rodrı́ guez-Martı́ n, 1998). It canserve as both a permanent symbol of intra-groupsolidarity and of inter-group cultural differences(Torres-Rouff, 2002). As such, it may be useful inarchaeological studies of inter-group interactions

    (e.g. Torres-Rouff, 2002). Cultural notions ofattractiveness (Hatt, 1915; Dingwall, 1931;Blackwood & Danby, 1955) and supposed healthbenefits (Hatt, 1915) have also been cited asreasons for the practice, although such explana-tions have not generally received strong supportin subsequent work. However, Blackwood &Danby (1955) present ethnographic evidencefrom Melanesia that ACM was considered to

    increase an individual’s physical attractiveness.This provides valuable insight to a practice thathad largely died out worldwide during the 20thcentury

    The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) toexamine metrically the effects of different types

    of ACM on morphology in order to assess theway in which they can be distinguishedmetrically; (2) to investigate the extent to whichdifferent forms of cranial modification influencefacial morphology. The cranium may be con-sidered a functional matrix comprising numerousseries of interacting functional units (Moss, 1958;Antó n, 1989). Growth restriction in the cranialvault therefore indirectly affects growth in otherareas such as the cranial base and face (seeBlackwood & Danby, 1955; Moss, 1958; Bjork &Bjork, 1964; Schendel  et al., 1980; Brown, 1981;Antó n, 1989; Cheverud   et al., 1992; Kohn  et al.,1993; Cocilovo & Costa-Junquiera, 2001; Rhode& Arriaza, 2006; and experimental work on rats,Puciarelli, 1978). Kohn   et al. (1993) haveproduced a useful geometric model of the effectsof ACM on the cranial base and face and the wayin which they interact. The neurocranium isrepresented by a square and the face by anattached triangle (when viewing the craniumsuperiorly). The extent of this interdependencebetween different cranial elements is a matter of

    controversy which metric studies have attemptedto address (Antó n, 1989).Several such studies have been undertaken (e.g.

    Blackwood & Danby, 1955; McNeill & Newton,1965; Schendel et al., 1980; Brown, 1981; Antó n,1989; Cheverud   et al. 1992; Kohn   et al., 1993;Cocilovo & Costa-Junqueira, 2001; Rhode &Arriaza, 2006) but the number of populationsanalysed is small and several studies includematerial from the same collections. Comparisonsbetween studies are limited by the variety oftechniques used, which include finite element

    scaling analysis (Cheverud et al., 1992; Kohn et al.,1993), and measurements taken from the craniadirectly and/or X-rays (e.g. Moss, 1958; McNeill& Newton, 1965; Antó n, 1989). However, thesestudies have generally confirmed and quantifiedthe visually observed effects of ACM, and high-lighted changes in the shape of the cranial base andface, although the precise differences observedand their extent even within modification types

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     E. Pomeroy  et al.

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    vary between studies. It is argued here that thismay relate to interpopulation differences in themodification process, even where apparentlysimilar types of modification are performed.

    Materials and methods

    The crania studied are derived from four sites innorth-central Peru (Figure 1). Pitakilla, Paucarmá sand Tuquillo are located on an approximatetransect from the Andes to the coast. The samplefrom Huallamarca represents another coastalpopulation, from Lima.

    Pitakilla occupies a long natural rock shelteroverlooking the archaeological site of Gotush-

     jirka, at about 3650 m altitude in the CordilleraBlanca. The crania were from 10   machayes(communal mortuary structures) of which onlyone remains standing, and a natural tunnel andcrevice in the rock shelter. All were lying on thesurface. The site dates to the Early IntermediatePeriod (AD 200–600) and Middle Horizon (AD600–1100) (Herrera, 2005).

    The necropolis at Paucarmá s is located on thesouthern margin of the upper Rı́ o Loco in theCordillera Negra at about 3375 m altitude. Itconsists of at least 22 machayes distributed along a

    horizontal kilometre of slope. The crania studiedwere from two subterranean structures locatedbeneath large rock outcrops. The human boneslay on the surface within the structures andprobably date from the Late Intermediate Period(AD 1100–1400) (Herrera, 2005). Crania werestudied on site at both Pitakilla and Paucarmá s.

    The Tuquillo sample is from a heavily lootedLate Intermediate Period cemetery on theTuquillo peninsula, north of the Huarmey valley.The sample, Registry Number 20040, is from asurface collection conducted by Lorenzo Samaniego

    in July 1978. There is no published informationon the collection (which is stored at the MaxUhle Museum at Sechin, near Casma).

    The fourth sample was from the   huaca   atHuallamarca, situated in the San Isidro district ofLima. This ceremonial adobe platform dates tothe Lima culture (AD 200–600), but was used inlater periods for burials. The sample consists ofeight specimens excavated at the huaca, dating to

    the Late Intermediate Period and Late Horizon(AD 1400–1532).

    Classification of crania

    There are many different classification systemsfor ACM. Many use broad categories, contrasting‘fronto-occipital deformation’ (Cheverud   et al.,1992; Clark   et al., 2007) or ‘antero-posteriordeformation’ (McNeill & Newton, 1965; Antó n,1989; Rhode & Arriaza, 2006) with ‘circumfer-ential deformation’, or ‘vertical’ versus ‘oblique’occipital orientation (Moss, 1958). However,such systems may mask interpopulation varia-bility in cranial form. Although some researchersavoid (Allison   et al. 1981) or discourage (Black-wood & Danby, 1955) naming types, it is useful tofacilitate discussion.

    Three types of ACM were recorded in thisstudy. The first, ‘posterior flattening’, is charac-terised visually by flattening of the occipitalregion and an increase in breadth in the parietalregion, while the frontal bone is unaffected(Figure 2a). Posterior flattening in our sample mayhave been unintentional, as it was highly variablein extent, and frequently mild and asymmetrical.This would be consistent with the effects ofcradle practices (Neumann, 1942). This type has

    received little attention in craniometric studies(except Ewing, 1950; Moss, 1958). Antó n (1989)suggests that generally this type of modification isnot included within ACM, but it is included herebecause it is the product of cultural practices withpotentially intentional effects (Dingwall, 1931),and may have implications for studies attemptingto examine relationships between populationsusing standard craniometric techniques. Reichlen(1982) suggests that posterior flattening wasunknown in the Peruvian highlands before theInca period, but the sample studied here does not

    support this.The second group was termed ‘bilobed’ (e.g.Dingwall, 1931), referring to the two distinctlobes formed in the parietal region on either sideof the sagittal suture (Figure 2b). This was clearlydistinguished from posterior flattening by thepresence of frontal modification and a cleardepression along the line of the sagittal suture.Growth is restricted antero-posteriorly and

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     Artificial Cranial Modification in North-Central Peru

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    compensatory growth occurs laterally and verti-cally. The direction of restriction is similar to theposterior flattening type, but more marked andaffects the frontal bone as well as the occipital.Some cases in the literature (e.g. Dingwall, 1931)

    are far more marked than any studied hereimplying substantial interpopulation variation.This type of modification was often found incoastal populations in pre-Columbian Peru (Ding-wall, 1931; Bjork & Bjork, 1965; Reichlen, 1982)and was probably produced using a headdressencircling the vault with an additional band alongthe line of the sagittal suture (Weiss, 1961; Allisonet al., 1981). Although a depression along the

    sagittal suture may occur naturally, its extent,combination with frontal modification and thegeographical limitation of this character toindividuals from a single site (Tuquillo) indicatethat this is a consequence of this particular

    method of ACM. Variability in bilobed modifi-cation was high in terms of modification of thefrontal, angulation of the occipital, and severity(as illustrated in Figure 2b). The occurrence ofthese different features showed no consistentpattern, so they were studied as a single group.

    The third group was termed ‘circumferential’and characterised by narrowing and postero-superior elongation of the cranial vault as a result

    Figure 1. Map of north-central Peru.

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     E. Pomeroy  et al.

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    of binding the cranium around its circumferencewith fabric or other material (Figure 2c). In pre-Columbian Peru this type of modification wasoften (though not exclusively) found in highlandpopulations (Dingwall, 1931; Bjork & Bjork, 1964;Hoshower  et al., 1995). Again, there is consider-

    able interpopulation variability in the severity ofmodification, and resulting cranial shape within(Figure 2c) and between populations (see e.g.Weiss, 1961).

    The unmodified group consisted of crania withno indications of ACM. The use of comparative

    Figure 2. Categories of artificial cranial modification, demonstrating variability in resulting cranial shape within thesamples: (a) posterior flattening, (b) bilobed and (c) circumferential.

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     Artificial Cranial Modification in North-Central Peru

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    samples from populations other than that fromwhich modified crania are derived has beencriticised (Cheverud   et al.,   1992; Kohn   et al.,1993). Although it would be ideal to use craniaderived from single populations to minimise theeffects of interpopulation genetic or environ-

    mental differences, this was not possible due tosmall sample sizes. Hence unmodified crania fromall sites were pooled to produce a singleunmodified group.

    Current understanding of temporal and geo-graphical craniometric variation in Peru is some-what limited due to the small number of previousstudies (Ross et al., 2008), perhaps in part becauseACM is relatively common in Peruvian popu-lations. A recent study of coastal and highlandpopulations from central and northern Peru hasdemonstrated some differences in cranial shape,but not overall size, between populations (Rosset al., 2008). Coastal populations are characterisedby lower, longer cranial vaults than highlandpopulations (Newman, 1943; Ross   et al., 2008)and postcranial morphology also shows adistinction between highland and coastal popu-lations (Weinstein, 2005), while there is morpho-logical similarity within these regions even overrelatively large areas. This may reflect thecombined effects of genetic drift, environmentaladaptation (particularly for postcranial morpho-

    logy) and dietary influences. However, Ericksen(1962) observed a temporal reduction in craniallength in a highland population from Cajamarcawhich might have been a reflection of increasedgene flow with the coast over time. This may beof particular relevance to the populations examinedin the current study which were mainly fairly late indate. Archaeological evidence for the degree ofinteraction between coastal and highland popu-

    lations is controversial (Weinstein, 2005) butsuggests some cultural interaction (and perhapspotentially gene flow) between the coast and thehighlands in north-central Peru at this time,probably through trade networks for ceramicsand animals/animal products (Lane, 2007). Thus

    while the use of a combined unmodified sample inthis study is not ideal, it seems that the degree ofmorphological similarity between populations,particularly within the highlands or coastrespectively, and evidence suggestive of a degreeof gene flow between these regions, justifies theuse of a mixed unmodified sample in this case.

    Table 1 shows the number of crania in eachgroup and the sites from which they derive. Itshould be noted that sample sizes are small,particularly for the circumferential group, andvaried for individual measurements due to varyingpreservation. This should be borne in mind whenexamining the results presented here.


    Forty-four measurements were taken, as definedby Howells (1973) and one of the authors(MML), 11 cranial angles (after Howells, 1973)

    and six indices (after Bass, 1995) were calculatedfrom the measurements. Sex was determined onthe basis of cranial morphology (since associatedpelves were available only at Huallamarca) usingstandard methods (Bass, 1995; White & Folkens,2000), with final sex determination classified asmale, female or indeterminate. To ensure that thesex distribution was not statistically significantbetween the different groups, a Fisher’s exact test

    Table 1. Sample sizes and origin

    Group Number of crania

    Pitakilla Paucarmás Tuquillo Huallamarca Total

    Unmodified 11 13 14 8 46Posterior flattening 32 0 1 0 33Bilobed 0 0 19 0 19Circumferential 0 11 0 0 11Total 43 24 34 8 109

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     E. Pomeroy  et al.

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    was performed (due to small expected values infour cells) which indicated no significant differ-ence ( p¼ 0.108) (Table 2)1. Age was estimatedon the basis of third molar eruption (wherepresent) and fusion of the spheno-occipitalsynchondrosis, in order to ensure that only adult

    crania were included in the study (Bass, 1995;White & Folkens, 2000).

     Analysis of the metric effects of artificialcranial modification

    Means of all measurements, angles and indiceswere tested for significant differences betweenthe four groups using one-way ANOVA in SPSS11.0. For measurements showing significantdifferences between the groups,   post hoc   testswere used to determine which differences weresignificant between the unmodified and each ofthe artificially modified groups, and between thedifferent forms of ACM, in order clarify thepattern of differences. Where the Levine statisticfor equality of variances was insignificant (andequal variances could be assumed), the post hoc testused was Hochberg’s GT2 test, while where it wassignificant, a Games-Howell test was used (Field,2005).

    Canonical variates analysis (CVA, or discrimi-nant analysis) was used to explore how well thedifferent types of ACM could be distinguishedmetrically from each other and from unmodifiedcrania; which measurements are principally responsi-ble for the differences observed; and whether thevariation in the cranial vault associated withdifferent forms of modification influenced facialmorphology. In canonical variates analysis,multiple variables can be combined to producemathematical equations (functions) which separ-ate the groups most effectively (Klecka, 1980).

    Variables to be included in the analysis wereselected from those giving significant differences

    in the ANOVA results, and sample size was alsotaken into consideration to maximise the numberof specimens included.

    Clark et al. (2007) recently applied discriminantanalysis to craniometric data from artificiallymodified samples in order to develop a generalequation to assist in distinguishing artificiallymodified and unmodified crania. Their focus wastherefore on common features of different typesof ACM, specifically cranial shape in the sagittalplane, in order to achieve maximum separation ofmodified and unmodified crania. In contrast, inthe present study we applied similar techniques asa means to investigate the major differences betweenmodification types using a variety of both cranialand facial measurements.


    Table 1 above detailed the sample sizes and originof crania studied. A total of 46 crania wereclassified as unmodified, 33 as showing posteriorflattening, 19 were classified as bilobed and 11 asshowing circumferential modification. It shouldbe noted that sample sizes for individual measure-ments vary due to differential preservation. Theresults of the ANOVA tests are given in Table 3,along with descriptions of the measurementstaken and abbreviations used to refer to them.The results of the   post hoc   pairwise comparisons

    between groups are given in Tables 4–9.The results confirm the observation that themajor effects of ACM are on the cranial vault, asindicated by the highly significant differencesbetween unmodified and artificially modifiedcrania in measurements of cranial length (GOL,NOL) and breadth (XFB, XPB, AUB, ASB, STB),angles of the vault (FRA, PAA, OCA) and indicesof cranial shape.

    Table 2. Sex of individuals by ACM type

    Male Female Indet. Total

    Unmodified 16 27 3 46Occipital flattening 14 12 7 33Bilobed 3 14 2 19

    Circumferential 3 6 2 11Total 36 59 14 109

    1A female bias is apparent in three of the four groups. In the groupsshowing ACM this may relate to the effects of ACM influencing theappearance of sexually dimorphic traits traditionally usedto estimatesex. It was due to the uncertain reliability of sex estimates based only

    on the cranium in individuals showing ACM that sex was notfactored into the analysis.

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     Artificial Cranial Modification in North-Central Peru

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    This analysis also allows quantification of theobserved effects of ACM. The posteriorly flat-tened sample has significantly shorter vaults thanthe unmodified sample (GOL is reduced by 4.7%,NOL by 4.9%). The breadth (XPB) is greater by4.9%. Whilst frontal and occipital angles are

    unaffected, the parietal angle in posteriorlyflattened crania is more acute. Bilobed modifi-cation also results in shortened vaults (GOL andNOL are reduced by 7.5% and 7.0% respectively)and increased breadth (11.2% greater XPB)relative to the unmodified sample. By contrast,circumferential modification exhibits significantlygreater cranial length (NOL) by 4.2%, and a5.5% lower breadth (XPB) compared with theunmodified group, and significantly longer frontaland occipital cords (FRC, OCC) and frontalflattening (FRA). Surprisingly, no significant diffe-rence in GOL was seen between these samples.

    ACM also affects the morphology of the cranialvault in less visually obvious ways. With posteriorflattening, greater cranial breadth was alsoobserved in the frontal (XFB, STB) and temporal(AUB) areas. The difference in vault breadth isgreater closer to the source of growth restriction(i.e. in the posterior region) than anteriorly(frontal region). Similarly, bilobed modificationshows a significantly higher average maximumfrontal breadth (XFB), and greater breadth in the

    temporal region. Since it is thought that bilobedmodification is effected by applying pressure tothe frontal and posterior regions of the neuro-cranium, it is interesting that this effect is so muchless than on the parietal breadth. Pressure may begreatest on the posterior part of the cranium, or itmay be more plastic (being less constrained byfacial development) allowing more compensatorygrowth in this region.

    The results also imply that in posteriorlyflattened and bilobed crania, the majority ofcompensatory growth in the neurocranium

    occurs in the mediolateral plane rather than ina supero-inferior direction. There are no signifi-cant differences in cranial height (BBH) betweenunmodified and posteriorly flattened or bilobedcrania, yet they show highly significant differ-ences from unmodified crania in cranial breadthacross the parietals, frontal and temporals.Although the modifying apparatus which issuggested to produce bilobed modification (see

    Weiss, 1961; Allison   et al., 1981) might restrictheight growth along the sagittal suture andfrontal; no such height-restrictive effects shouldexist for the posteriorly flattened crania. It ispossible that there is an increase in height whichis not reflected in the measurement taken (basi-

    bregmatic height, BBH), since the work of Antó n(1989) and McNeill & Newton (1965) on ‘antero-posterior’ modification imply that there is heightincrease mainly posterior to bregma. Alterna-tively, small sample size due to frequent damageto the cranial base may have prevented differ-ences from attaining statistical significancebetween the groups.

    Unexpectedly, circumferential modificationalso showed no significant difference in cranialheight. However, the visually marked heightincrease is principally posterior to the point ofmeasurement, which may account for this result.Small sample size may also contribute.

    Comparisons of different types of ACM high-light the contrasts described above in the direc-tion of restriction and lateral growth between theposteriorly flattened and bilobed crania on theone hand, and the circumferentially modifiedcrania on the other. The suggestion that theeffects of posterior flattening are less severe thanbilobed modification is supported, with theformer showing a smaller decrease in cranial length

    and a smaller increase in cranial breadth acrossthe parietals, frontal and temporals. However, thedifferences in the effects on breadth were onlystatistically significant between these groups forparietal breadth. Bilobed modification showssignificantly greater frontal and occipital flatten-ing in the sagittal plane compared with posteriorflattening, again reflecting the greater severity ofmodification in the bilobed group and differencesin the method used to produce the modification.

    Only bilobed modification shows significantdifferences from unmodified crania in facial

    morphology, namely a significantly higher meanfronto-maxillary breadth (FMB) and less prog-nathism (indicated by SSS). The posteriorlyflattened group shows significantly greater facialflatness in the orbital area (DKA) than thebilobed group, and the posteriorly flattenedgreater than the circumferential group. Thecircumferential group shows significantly greaterlower-facial flatness than the bilobed group.

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     E. Pomeroy  et al.

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    Table 3. Descriptions of and ANOVA results for all measurements taken, statistically significant differences ( p  0.05)indicated in italics

    Measurement Description Region   n    ANOVA  F p 

    GOL Maximum vault length from glabella Vault   101 20.109   

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    Although the one-way ANOVA demonstratesstatistically significant differences in mean upperfacial height (NPH) and orbital height (OBH)between all of the groups,   post hoc   tests fail toshow any significant pairwise differences.

    Canonical variates analysis(discriminant analysis)

    The function giving the highest rate of accurateclassification used nine measurements: NOL,

    XFB, XPB, ASB, AUB, STB, PAC, FRC, OCS;and two angles: FRA and PAA. The functions canbe used to predict group membership based onthese variables, which can be compared with the

    actual group membership to indicate the effec-tiveness of the model. The number of specimensclassified mathematically into the categoriesidentified visually was 91.3%, or 73/80. This isconsiderably higher than expected if specimenswere randomly assigned to groups, suggestingthat the functions are powerful, and that thevisual differences between the samples arequantitatively expressed by the measurementstaken.

    The first function is primarily responsible forthe separation of the circumferential group fromothers, while the second function separates the

    bilobed group from the unmodified and posteriorflattening groups (Figure 3). The circumferentialgroup is visually well separated from the otherthree groups in Figure 3, and while the

    Table 3. (Continued)

    Measurement Description Region   n    ANOVA  F p 

    SSA Zygomaxillary angle, facial flatness at level of baseof nose

    Face   65 4.042 0.011

    NFA Angle between nasal bridge and orbital margins Face 101 0.109 0.955DKA Dacryal angle, relative sweeping back of orbital

    margins relative to midface

    Face   85 6.494 0.001

    Cranial index XPB/GOL100 Vault   101 58.044   

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    unmodified and bilobed groups are well separatedfrom each other, the posterior flattening groupoverlaps both of these groups. This suggests thatthe circumferentially modified sample is the mostmorphologically distinct.

    The Wilks’  l

      values and their significancesindicate that all three functions are likely to makesubstantial contribution to the separation of thegroups ( p   values before derivation of first 2functions  

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    (eigenvalue¼ 0.304, canonical correlation¼ 0.483).The classification matrices using the originalfunctions give a high rate of correct classification(91.3%), the main errors occurring in distinguish-ing between unmodified and posterior flatteningcases in line with the impression given by Figure 3that these two groups are not well separated. Thecross-validation procedure (where each case isclassified using new functions derived from allother cases except that in question, Table 10)gave a lower rate of correct classification at73.9%, again reflecting mainly problems dis-tinguishing between unmodified and posterior

    flattening, and between posterior flattening andbilobed crania. This reflects the overlap betweenthese types in Figure 3 and the broad similarity inthe direction of modification forces in posteriorflattening and bilobed crania, with the result thatmore extreme cases of posterior flattening andmilder cases of bilobed modification may showmetric similarities.


    The effects of ACM observed here are broadlyconsistent with those found in other studies (e.g.

    Table 7. Pairwise comparisons: posterior flattening and bilobed

    Measurement Posterior flattening Bilobed Significance ofpost hoc  test ( p )

    Mean SD Mean SD

    XPB 143.76 5.368 152.32 6.733  

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    Blackwood & Danby, 1955; McNeill & Newton, 1965;Brown, 1981; Antó n, 1989; Cheverud et al., 1992;Kohn   et al., 1993; Cocilovo & Costa-Junqueira,2001; Rhode & Arriaza, 2006) but suggest

    interpopulation differences in the extent andprecise pattern of the effects of ACM on thevault. For example, Antó n (1989) reported signi-ficantly greater maximum cranial breadth by

    Table 9. Pairwise comparisons: bilobed and circumferential

    Measurement Bilobed Circumferential Significance ofpost hoc   test ( p )

    Mean SD Mean SD

    GOL 155.68 8.374 172.50 6.346  

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    10.8%, and maximum frontal breadth by 8.5% inher ‘antero-posterior’ (bilobed) group comparedwith unmodified crania, a slightly smaller diffe-rence in maximum cranial breadth, but a largerdifference in maximum frontal breadth than

    found here. Cheverud   et al. (1992) reported anapproximately 5% lower cranial length in their‘fronto-occipitally’ modified Peruvian sample,similar to the posterior flattening but less thanthe bilobed group here. With circumferentialmodification, Antó n (1989) demonstrated sig-nificantly higher maximum cranial breadth by7.5% compared with unmodified samples, and signi-ficantly lower maximum frontal breadth (XFB) by5.7%. In the present study, no significant differencesin XFB were observed, and a similar difference inparietal breadth (XPB). Others have found a

    significantly higher cranial height (BBH) amongcircumferentially modified Melanesian craniathan unmodified crania (Blackwood & Danby,1955; Brown, 1981), while no difference wasobserved here. Differences in the patterning andextent of the effects of ACM on cranial anglesbetween this and other studies were also observed(e.g. McNeill & Newton, 1965; Antó n, 1989). It isnotable that our circumferential sample demon-

    strated a relatively mild modification comparedwith other samples (see Weiss, 1961, for examplesof severe circumferential modification in the Andes)which may be a contributory factor to differencesin results between studies, although differences in

    methods and small sample size in the currentstudy may also be contributory factors.Significantly greater facial flatness of the

    orbital area was found in the posteriorly flattenedgroup than either the bilobed or circumferentiallymodified groups. While the first is the opposite ofwhat might be expected in the light of Cheverudet al.’s views (1992), the latter is expected underKohn   et al.’s (1993) model. However, no signi-ficant difference was found between the bilobedand circumferential groups in facial flatness,although these were the two groups predicted

    to differ most in this respect. Additionally, facialflatness was greater in the circumferential groupthan the bilobed group, contra  expectations fromKohn   et al.’s (1993) model. It may be thatCheverud   et al.’s (1992) ‘fronto-occipital’ modi-fication and the bilobed modification studiedhere affect the cranium differently due todifferences between groups in the precise detailof the way the modification was performed. This

    Table 10. Classification matrix showing the initial and cross-validated classifications of cases based on the discriminantfunctions calculated from the selected variables

    Original group Predicted group membership Total

    Unmodified Posterior flattening Bilobed Circumferential

    Original functions   n    Unmodified 29 1 0 0 30Posterior flattening 3 21 2 0 26Bilobed 0 1 17 0 18Circumferential 0 0 0 6 6

    % Unmodified 96.7 3.3 0 0 100.0Posterior flattening 11.5 80.8 7.7 0 100.0Bilobed 0 5.6 94.4 0 100.0Circumferential 0 0 0 100.0 100.0

    Cross-validation   n    Unmodified 27 2 0 1 30Posterior flattening 9 13 4 0 26Bilobed 3 2 13 0 18Circumferential 0 0 0 6 6

    % Unmodified 90.0 6.7 0 3.3 100.0Posterior flattening 34.6 50.0 15.4 0 100.0Bilobed 16.7 11.1 72.2 0 100.0Circumferential 0 0 0 100.0 100.0

    In the cross validation analysis, each case is classified using functions derived from all other cases excluding the case inquestion. In the original analysis, 91.3% of cases were correctly classified, while in the cross-validation analysis 73.8% ofcases were correctly classified. This decrease relates principally to difficulties distinguishing between the unmodifiedand posterior flattening groups.

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

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    perhaps highlights the amount of variabilitysubsumed within the major modification typescommonly used, although again methodologicaldifferences and small sample size should beconsidered.

    No significant effects of posterior flattening on

    facial morphology were found when comparedwith unmodified crania, consistent with Ewing’s(1950) finding in Lebanese crania subjected tocradle-boarding and the low level of severity inthis type of modification. The lack of effects ofcircumferential modification on facial morpho-logy is contrary to the results from other studies,and may reflect a true difference between thecircumferential group studied here and those ofother studies, or differences in methods or samplesizes. The extent of gross visual circumferentialmodification varies substantially between popu-lations, and its effects on facial morphology mayvary accordingly.

    Other studies have generally shown moremarked effects of ACM on facial morphology.Methodological differences and small samplesizes, especially for facial measurements, may partlyexplain the general lack of significant differences.Also, since the cranial vault represents a muchlarger proportion of cranial volume than the face(Cheverud   et al., 1992), even if affected to asimilar extent as vault measurements, as Cheverud

    et al. (1992) suggest, they may be subject togreater relative measurement error. Particularlywith small sample size this may cause difficulty inachieving statistical significance. Alternatively, thedifferences may be real and relate to interpopula-tion differences in the modification process.

    Although other studies have found significanteffects of ACM on the cranial base (e.g. Moss,1958; McNeill & Newton, 1965; Antó n, 1989;Cheverud etal., 1992; Kohn etal., 1993), themeasure-ments taken here did not permit a detailed study.

    As noted above, posterior flattening was

    observed to be a generally mild form of ACM,and the relatively poor separation from theunmodified crania achieved in the canonicalvariates analysis reflected this. In some cases itwas difficult to determine whether or not acranium was unmodified or demonstrated mildposterior flattening, as an effectively continuousspectrum of cranial shape variation was observed.Indeed, the lack of clear distinction between

    unmodified and artificially modified crania can beproblematic for a variety of modification types(e.g. Clark et al., 2007), but is a particular problemwith such a mild form of ACM as posteriorflattening. This may also have implications for themethodological approach taken here where

    crania were categorised as modified or unmodi-fied from the outset as there may have been somedegree of misclassification. Another approachwhich may provide an alternative means ofassessing variability in cranial shape would be topool data from all crania without prior assignmentto one modification type or another, and to usethis as a starting point to investigating cranialshape variability and clustering of cranial shapeswithin and between populations.

    The results obtained here further highlight andadd to the variability in results from previous studies.Although some authors (e.g. Antó n, 1989; Cheverudet al., 1992) lament about the lack of consistencyin results, we suggest that interpopulationvariability in the modification process receivesinsufficient recognition as a potential cause ofthese discrepancies. This is reflected in the use ofvery broad categories of modification in somestudies which subsume considerable variability incranial shape. Cheverud   et al. (1992) recognisethat differences between their two populationsshowing ‘fronto-occipital’ modification may arise

    from interpopulation differences in details of themodification process, and state that ‘generaliz-ations should be restricted to similar extents andtypes of modification within local culturaltraditions’ (p. 343). However, they continue tocompare broad categories in their subsequentstudy (e.g. Kohn   et al., 1993). This suggestioncould not be explored in the present study, andmethodological differences between studies mustalso be considered as a factor contributing to thisvariability in results. The metric comparison ofdifferent populations showing superficially

    similar types of ACM will be an interesting areafor future research to confirm whether suchvariation in results between studies does reflect, atleast in part, population differences in ACM.

    These results also support the conclusions ofRhode & Arriaza (2006). They demonstrated thatmeasurements thought to be unaffected by ACM,and therefore suitable for craniometric studies ofpopulation relatedness, are actually influenced by

    Copyright# 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol.  (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

     Artificial Cranial Modification in North-Central Peru

  • 8/19/2019 A Metric Study of Three Types of Artificial cranial modification from North Central Peru


    some types of ACM. Ten measurements (BPL,NPH, OBH, OBB, WCB, NLH, NLB, ZYB, MABand maxillo-alveolar length, not measured here)had been suggested to be suitable for this purposeas they were unaffected by ACM in someArgentinean groups (see Rhode & Arriaza,

    2006). Of these measurements, they found thatonly facial depth (BPL) and nasal breadth (NLB)were unaffected in both sexes observed in asample of Chilean crania. A different pattern ofresults was obtained here (only orbital height,OBH, showed significant differences), supportingtheir assertion that these measurements aredifferentially affected by ACM according tothe population studied.

    It should be remembered that any significantdifferences in cranial dimensions between thedifferent types of modification could also relate inpart to body size differences between thepopulations. However, it was not possible totest for such differences due to the relatively smallnumbers of unmodified crania from the individualsites and a lack of associated postcrania in whichto examine potential body size differences. This isan area for further investigation which this andprevious comparative studies involving differentmodification types and populations have not yetfully addressed.

    This and previous studies have shown that

    ACM can have significant effects on the cranialvault, base and face. Future investigations shouldfocus on variability resulting from apparentlysimilar modification types. This will potentiallyrefine our knowledge of the interactions betweenvarious elements of the cranium during growthbeyond the information already gleaned fromprevious studies. The differences might resultfrom small differences in the modification processitself, such as the position, intensity and durationof the application of the apparatus, or from otherenvironmental or cultural factors which remain

    after the process of modification or which alter itseffects. These factors are a component of thevariation seen within populations showing agiven modification type (Blackwood & Danby,1955). Variation within broad modification types(e.g. Weiss, 1961) and even within populationscan be considerable, as observed in this study andhighlighted by Blackwood & Danby (1955).Variation between geographically close popu-

    lations practising apparently the same type ofmodification may itself be of interest in terms ofthe degree to which practices varied on a localbasis, and the implications this might have forinteraction between such groups (Hoshower et al.,1995).


    Metric analysis was successfully used to charac-terise the effects of ACM on cranial vault andfacial shape compared with unmodified crania.Measurements may be used to distinguishbetween different types of ACM. Although thepatterns recorded broadly agreed with those ofother studies, they differed in detail. Thissuggests that there may be considerable inter-

    population differences in the precise effects ofvisually similar types of modification, a factorwhich warrants further investigation and greaterrecognition as a potentially contributory factor todifferences in results between craniometricstudies of ACM.


    The research was made possible by the grants

    from the Hanley Fund and the Johnian SocietyTravel Exhibition (St. Johns College, Cambridge);the Cambridge University Worts’ TravellingScholars Fund and the H. E. Durham Fund (King’sCollege, Cambridge).

    The authors thank Alex Herrera, Kevin Lane,Camilo Dolorier Torres, Timoteo, Don Panchoand family, Felipe Livora, Pedro and Fraser Sturtfor access to samples, help and assistance at thesites, and preparation of the figures. The authorsalso thank the editor and two anonymousreviewers for helpful feedback which substan-

    tially improved the manuscript.


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