
Analysis of other A level music magazines

Analysis of A - level music magazines - Kieran Ansong

Pop magazineThis is a magazine cover that was created by another 6th Form student. This magazine has a target audience of mainly females. The use of a B&W central image makes the image stand out from the rest of the front cover, this helps to draw attention from people. The text for the masthead used light colours and doesnt use a bold font, this makes it very female friendly. There are not many puffs on the front cover which means that you can focus on the most important stories that are in the magazine. The bright colours suggest that this is a Pop magazine.

Hip Hop magazineThis is a magazine cover that was created by another 6th Form student. This magazine has a target audience of mainly males. The magazine uses dark colours such as the red and black. The font for the masthead is graffiti which suggests that this magazine is associated with the streets of big cities. The main image is of someone wearing a hat and glasses, these make him look antisocial and serious as he is also not smiling. He has his hands in his pockets and is keeping himself to himself, he isn't inviting anyone in with his arms stretched out. One of the puffs uses a rhetorical question Is your swagger on point? This will grab the readers attention as it seems like a direct question to the reader, this will make the magazine more appealing.

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