


by Craig Wm. Peters

The Jewish people have an interesting history of revealing the Messiah of Yisrael to others while, ironically, they themselves fail to recognize Him! It is amazing to hear partially enlightened Jews speak the truth over some spiritual matter, and all the while, they never realize just how remarkably their words find a perfect fulfillment in the Savior of all! The present introduction sets forth two examples in this regard.

1. At the Messiah’s first appearing, the high priest, Caiaphas unwittingly prophesied eswhy of Nazareth would die for the sins of the people.1 And the Messiah’s death clearly fulfilled significant Bible prophecies in Psalm 22 as well as in Isaiah 53.

2. We cite yet another example: In his book, “Ancient Secrets,” Rabbi Levi Meier wrote an entire chapter on “The Wounded Healer.”2 He speaks there of what some rabbis regard to be the most mysterious rite in the entire Torah: The cleansing ashes of the red heifer. This was a mystery replete with paradoxes: Through the cleansing power of the red heifer’s ashes, the impure became pure; the pure became impure; and the one wounded brought healing. How can this mystery be solved which, according to Jewish tradition, even presented an enduring and unsolvable puzzle to the unsurpassed wisdom of King Solomon?

In many cases, when a Scripture seems enigmatic, one can certainly suspect it may well be Messianic in nature. And if a text is prophetic of the Messiah, it will

generally remain esoteric until it is resolved by the life and teachings

of eSwhy, the Son of Elohim.

In the case of the red heifer, there are not only New Covenant Writings which directly address

1 John 11:49-52 2 (chapter 26 in the 1996 edition; ISBN: I-58023-064-4)

the enigma, but the words of the Prophets also give indications of the answer. Amazingly, the Messianic Writings answer the questions posed almost word for word! Sha’ul, the emissary to the nations, wrote this about the offering of the Messiah:

For He has made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made

the righteousness of Elohim in Him. 2Corinthians 5:20

The Pure Messiah became impure that those who are impure might become pure through His power. This would answer the enigma regarding making the Pure impure, while making the impure pure: The Messiah’s sacrifice brings cleansing to those who seek it. Yet this cleansing is only possible because eswhy was also the Wounded Healer! This concept was not only spoken of by Kepha/Peter,3 it was also clearly addressed by hwhy in the prophecies of Isaiah:

But He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquities: the

chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

Was the Messiah wounded? Indeed, He was wounded terribly: His face was smitten and marred beyond recognition,4 He was beaten,5 and His back bore the stripes of the searing whip.6 And on the execution stake, His hands and feet were pierced just as predicted in the 22nd Psalm!7 Yet the Messiah was completely without sin; thus, His unjust punishment on our behalf now makes wholeness within reach of all those who turn/repent and draw near to hwhy through Him.8 Because He suffered this

3 1Peter 2:24 4 Isaiah 52:14, Matthew 26:67, Luke 22:63-64 5 Matthew 27:30 6 Matthew 27:24-26 7 Psalm 22:16 8 Matthew 13:15


wrenching injustice, the Messiah now imparts healing to those who continually turn to Him. eSwhy the Messiah is the Wounded Healer!9

In this book review, we will see that Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh—the author of The Alef-Beit—has likewise spoken unwittingly of the Messiah of Yisrael, and in so doing, he has inadvertently revealed eSwhy the Messiah to be the Savior of the whole world.

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The Alef-Beit, by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, is a book which is teeming with edifying thoughts on the Hebrew ALEPH-BEIT (alphabet). It further includes numerous discussions on Jewish thought surrounding the nature of the Messiah.

While there are a few teachings in this book with which we strongly disagree,10 other teachings which Mr. Ginsburgh provides are not only true and profound, we believe some of the rabbi’s discourse actually proves eswhy was, and is, the Messiah of Elohim! Of course, we are neither claiming, nor even implying that Rabbi Ginsburgh teaches or believes any such a thing. Based on what is written in his book, like most Jews, it appears this rabbi still awaits the coming Messiah. There is no evidence in his book which indicates Rabbi Ginsburgh believes eswhy was (and is) the Messiah. However, just like many of his predecessors, we believe this dear teacher has unwittingly proven the Messiah’s identity since one of the things which Mr. Ginsburgh openly teaches about the Messiah is something which we see as having been clearly fulfilled by eswhy of Nazareth! We find this evidence in Mr. Ginsburgh’s discussion surrounding the letter NUN, ( n ):

Mr. Ginsburgh states the letter NUN is quite related to the animal which English speaking people know as the fish. And the rabbi clearly shows how the Hebrew letter, NUN, is related

9 Psalm 22:16, John 20:24-27, Revelation 5:6 10 Such as the rabbi’s claim that only Israelites were intended to observe the Shabbat: The Seventh Day rest was a decree for the world given from the beginning of creation for all mankind well over two millennia before the Jewish race ever existed!

to the fish of creation. He further points out that, just as in the English language, the Hebrew word for “fish” can be either a noun or a verb. This being the case, it is more than interesting to hear his speaking of the coming Messiah as the ultimate fulfillment

11 of the “great fish.” But what occurs with the title, “the great fish,” if we make the noun, fish, a verb? Following the rabbi’s own admission that the Hebrew word for fish (dag) can be a noun or a verb, if we make the noun in this title a verb, instead of being called “the Great Fish,” the Messiah could just as easily be called “the Great Fish(er).” Yet eswhy was, indeed, the Great Fisher! hwhy revealed eswhy as “the Great Fisher” by empowering Him in the Spirit to perform many stunning miracles in relation to catching fish!

• We recall the time eswhy assisted His followers in a miraculous catch which was so large it burst their nets. Luke 5:1-9

• On still another occasion, a catch was so large it should have burst the nets, but miraculously, it did not! Yochanan/John 21:1-11

• And we especially remember the amazing, miraculous instance in which eswhy directed Kepha (Peter) to go catch a fish and that in this fish he would find a shekel—enough money to cover a tax payment for the both of them!

And when they had come to Capernaum, they that received the half-shekel came to

Peter, and said, Does not your Teacher pay the half-shekel? He replied, Yes. And when he came into the house, eswhy spoke to him first, saying, What do you think, Simon? The kings of the earth, from whom do they receive

toll or tribute? From their sons, or from strangers? And when he said, From strangers, eswhy said to him, Therefore the sons are free.

But lest we cause them to stumble, you go to the sea, and cast a hook, and take up the fish

that comes up first; and when you have opened his mouth, you will find a shekel: Take that

and give it to them for Me and you. Matthew 17:24-27

11 Mr. Ginsburgh writes, “ultimate personification.”


A miracle, indeed, and one which could only come from the hand of the Messiah, the Great Fisher!

• Further, eswhy was a Great Fisher of men! He not only won the hearts of the broken, oppressed, and afflicted,12 He also taught His followers to “catch men” as well.13

So like the high priest Caiaphas in the days of old, we believe Mr. Ginsburgh has unwittingly declared eswhy to be the Messiah of hwhy! But he has failed to realize just how very true and amazing his words really are! The Messiah is the ultimate fulfillment of the Great Fisher.

The Alef-Beit contains many other truths of edification even beyond those which relate to Jewish thoughts on the Messiah. These topics include many profound spiritual thoughts on misparim (gematria) and numerology. As a final note of caution: This book does contain many references to various Jewish literary works and philosophies and some readers may chose to avoid these things altogether. Mr. Ginsburgh not only cites the Zohar and the Kabbalah, he actually propounds reincarnation. We warn that belief in reincarnation is based on gross error and a misguided understanding of Scripture. While it is true the Creator promised to send Eliyah the prophet before the coming of the Day hwhy,14 this was not a literal promise: Yochanan the Immerser came in the spirit and power of Eliyah,15 but he was not the same person! hwhy can put the same spirit on a person just as Satan and his demons can place the same type of evil spirit on those who succumb to their influence. While we understand there will be those who may wish to avoid these false teachings, we also feel the actual, tangible truth seen in this work is profound enough to make it worth filtering through certain statements and claims made by 12 Isaiah 42:3, 61:1-3/Luke 4:18-19, Matthew 12:20-23, John 9/Isaiah 42:6-7, Acts 10:38, plus many, many more! Read the accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Yochanan (John)! 13 Mark 1:16-18, Luke 5:10, Matthew 28:19-20, 1Corinthians 9:19-22 14 Malachi 4:5-6 15 Luke 1:13-17

Mr. Ginsburgh. While some of these claims may be difficult to verify (i.e., prove from Scripture), others may even be outright rejected as falsehood, provided one has a solid grasp on the Torah, and provided one is not inclined to succumb to man-made traditions which violate clear statements of Scripture. So while we caution readers to approach this work with sound discernment, it is also believed this profound text is far-reaching in its scope and that it will be used to bless many people in these Last Days.

C.P. Northridge, CA 3/15/2006 Reprinted: 7/28/06, Revised: 1/13/2010

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Book Details:

The Alef-Beit, by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

ISBN 0-876658-518-1 (hb) ISBN 1-56821-413-8 (pb)

Copyright 1995, 1991 by Gal Einai Publications

The Alef-Beit should be widely available through Internet book searches and

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PC Personal Copyright, 2006-2010, by Craig Peters:

This document may be copied and distributed without stipulations if left in its entirety

and if given away at no cost. Matthew 11:5, Luke 4:19, Galatians 2:10

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