Page 1: A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

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Page 2: A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

Table Of Contents:

- A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

- A Look Back at Beer Containers

- A Look Back at Beer Vessels

A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

It is a well known fact that Americans love their beer and desire nothing but the best from their beer.

No doubt the large commercial beer manufacturers hold a considerable chunk of the beer making pie, but the number of home beer makers too has steadily been rising.

In fact, the popularity of home brewed beer has risen dramatically during the past twenty years or so, and custom made beers are more popular now than ever before.

Only Need a Few Hundred Dollars to Get Started

The American taste for beer is quite sophisticated and faced with an inexpensive as well as easy method of making home brewed beer has only stoked the fire of brewing beer at home.

You may only require a few hundred dollars investment to purchase the required home beer making kits along with ingredients before you are well on your way to preparing homemade beer.

You can easily source home beer making kits from homebrew supply stores who stock not only the kits, but also the required ingredients as well.

Before you actually get stuck into brewing beer at home you should be well acquainted with the different home beer making kits available that each comes with different supplies.

At the very least, your home beer making kit must include vital items such as the brewing kettle that is usually made from stainless steel and is used to make the wort. You should select a brewing kettle size that can hold at the very least twice the amount of beer you wish to brew.

Page 3: A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

Another important piece of equipment that your home beer making kit should have is the fermenting container which holds the brew at the same time as the yeast performs its function. In addition, the container should allow the brewer to check the fermentation that is going on, and it should also have an airlock to let gases escape.

Your home beer making kit should also have a hydrometer which is a tiny probe whose function is to measure the wort’s specific gravity while fermentation is taking place, and also before the fermentation process begins.

A good thermometer is also necessary to check the temperatures between a low of sixty degrees Fahrenheit and a high of two hundred twelve degrees Fahrenheit at which point water begins to boil.

A very important facet of brewing beer at home is cleanliness and so you should ensure that your home beer making kit also has a sterilizer and it should also come with a racking cane, associated tubing as well as racking bucket - all of which help in transferring the fermented beer into a temporary location before it is actually bottled.

It is not unusual for home beer making kits to not contain bottles, caps as well as cappers which you will require for storing the fermented beer from the racking bucket into the bottles. With these pieces of equipment you should have no difficulty in brewing your beer at home.

A Look Back at Beer Containers

It is commonly known that beer has been around mankind for a long time.

The way we consumed beer developed as beer expanded, grew, and advanced.

The earliest vessels humans used for drinking included stoneware, pottery, carved out wood, and even sewn-together bits of leather.

As time proceeded, humans saw small improvements in the quality of their beer glasses.

During the bubonic plague beer steins were essential because of their closed top to keep bugs from getting in the beer and getting them ill.

Nowadays, the most important thing to affect modern beer glass production was the development of glass. As glasses became more and more popular, customers could actually see what they were consuming and demanded a lighter and better color and taste.

Drinkers didn't want chunks in their beer anymore so manufacturers started to filter their products. With this new, more aesthetically pleasing wave of beer glasses, it appeared beer steins were on the way out.

Page 4: A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

All kinds of beer glasses were created and produced for the different kinds of beverages. The most popular in the United States is the 16-ounce pint glass.

It was originally used to cover a Martini shaker, but barkeeps soon found that as the beer flowed out of the beer tap handles the pint glass was the perfect vessel because it let some of the carbonation to be released and let the smell of the brew to be more obvious.

The pint glass rapidly became popular with bartenders who had to rinse each glass individually because it can be stacked on top of each other and put easily on the shelves.

On the advertising and marketing front some extraordinary and groundbreaking moves were developed by early breweries to try and persuade people towards their products.

Handing out beer glasses to people was one way that manufacturers found to promote their products even though it was prohibited. This led to the breweries creating beer glasses that were works of art unto themselves.

Gold or silver embossing on either side of the glass was not uncommon for these first flashy and pricey glasses. Gradually, artisans for the breweries began doing detailed etchings on the sides of the glasses or steins and even developed a method of firing enamel paint onto the beer glasses.

These painted glasses remain some of the most unique beer souvenirs, even though they were produced later than the others.

Today fervent collectors all over the planet continue to collect these signs and collectables that are sometimes worth thousands. Have you been up in the top of Granddad's old drawer lately?

A Look Back at Beer Vessels

It is commonly known that beer has been around mankind for a long while.

As beer itself changed, expanded, and improved, so did the way in which we actually got the beer to our mouths.

Pottery, wood, stoneware, and even sewn up pieces of leather made up the earliest drinking vessels. As time went on, man witnessed small advancements in the quality of their beer receptacles.

Early Europeans that lived during the time of the black plague saw the development of beer steins, which had a closed top on the steins to prevent flies from landing in the beer and making the person ill.

Today, the most important factor to influence modern beer glass making was the creation of glass.

As consumers actually started to be able to look at what they were consuming from the glass they began to demand a beer with more flavor and a improved hue.

Customers didn't want chunks in their drinks anymore so manufacturers began to filter their beers. With this new, improved wave of beer glasses, it appeared beer steins were on the way out.

Page 5: A Home Beer Making Kit Will Improve Your Popularity

A variety of glasses were created and produced for the various kinds of beers. The sixteen-ounce pint glass is the most in demand glass in the United States.

It was originally used to fit the top of a Martini shaker, but barkeeps soon discovered that as the beer poured out of the beer tap handles the pint glass was the top receptacle because it let part of the carbonation to be released and let the aroma of the brew to be more obvious.

The pint glass rapidly became popular with barkeeps who had to rinse each glass by itself because it can be put on top of each other and stored easily on the shelves.

An attempt to get consumers to get their kind of beer by breweries led to some unique and groundbreaking moves on the marketing and advertising front.

Handing out glasses to consumers was a way that manufacturers found to promote their beers even though it was illegal. This led to the manufacturers creating glasses that were works of art unto themselves.

The first were gaudy and costly; they would often have gold or silver embossed on the sides. Eventually, artists for the breweries began doing detailed carvings on either side of the beer glasses or steins and even developed a method of cooking enamel paint onto the glasses.

These enameled glasses are still some of the most rare beer souvenirs, even though they were made more recently than the others.

Nowadays avid collectors all over the earth continue to collect these tin signs and memorabilia that are sometimes worth thousands. Have you looked up in the top of Grandpappy's old drawer in a while?

If you like tasty beer recipes like I do, there's no need to worry we have some delicious recipes for you to prepare:

- => Brew Your Own Beer Recipes

Best Regards,

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