Page 1: A Hillbilly Weddin’ A 25th Anniversary Presentation · the main characters who happens to be ... owed a CNA at a nursing home, but since she has al-ready been trained to do these




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April 2017

A Hillbilly Weddin’-

A 25th Anniversary Presentation

Kallie Asher

Sophomore Staff Writer

Kansas High School Drama Club Presents: A Hillbilly Weddin’! After a long twen-

ty-five years, Kansas High School is revisiting the Belsnickle family in the back-

woods of Kentucky. A Hillbilly Weddin’ is the story of Pa Belsnickle on a mission

to get his six daughters hitched. In-

volved in each and every one of Pa

Belsnickle’s wacky schemes is his

trusty shotgun, which Pa uses fre-

quently to try to “persuade” men to

marry his daughters. Ceelie is one of

the main characters who happens to be

the oldest daughter that Pa tries the

hardest to “marry up” to someone. At

nineteen, she is considered an “old

maid” and she needs a husband ASAP.

Pa finds it difficult to find her a hus-

band, however, because of her love of

her pet rattlesnakes and the fact that

she has not taken a bath in the last nine-

teen years. Next is Bonnie Mae, she seems to have very little interest in finding a

husband because she really just cares about her education, unlike her five sis-

ters. Juney Lou is the next youngest and could easily be considered the sassy sister

who actually cares about how she looks, unlike the majority of her siblings. Four,

Five, and Six are the three youngest of the bunch, they can be considered the three

stoogettes of this production. Everything changes for the Belsnickles when two city

slickers drop in after their car broke down just down the road from the Belsnickle

house. What Pa didn’t know when he said that they could stay was that Ceelie and

Bonnie Mae would both take a liking to Ronald, the male city slicker, which will

later lead to wild plots to marry him up to Ceelie. We’ll leave it here so you can en-

joy rest of the play for yourself. This play is something from the days of Kansas past

that is being revived by the present day cast and crew of the Kansas Drama

Club. The previous Kansas Drama Clubs have left a great legacy that we all hope to

live up to.

photo by Jett Pilcher

2017 KHS Track and Field

High School boys and girls roster:

Dustin Campbell, Colton Capps, Wy-

att Curtiss, Austin Glass, Ryan King,

Zack Lamont, Yeng Lee, Kade

Moore, Kalin Parsons, Jamall Potter,

Ethan Vaughan, Kaylee Armbrister,

Brianna Holland, Taylor Kingfisher,

Emma Kirk, Belle Pickup, Savannah

Brock, J’Lynne Bryant, Haylee

Buck, Kylie Lamb, Theresa Potter,

Bonnie Pruitt, Skylar Scott, Baylie

Tarin, Warren Chewey, Zack Dan-

iels, Bobby Honaker, William Hou-

ston, Jacob Jones, and Tim Oling-

house. Managers are Myranda John-

son and Taylor Peters

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Kirk Crowned Queen

Kallie Asher

Sophomore Staff Writer

After a long and hard season, the Kansas Comet and Lady Com-

et seniors were all competing for the titles of basketball home-

coming king and queen. The contestants for queen included




Kirk, Tail-

ee Reding,



son, Torey




and Sandy

Lee. The


ants for

king included Tyson Teague, Alex Spodnick, Kalin Parsons, Bo

Adams, Ethan Sinor, Nate Collins, and Dylan Siers. After the

Kansas High School student body voted on who they thought

should win, the votes were tallied and nobody other than those

who tallied the votes knew who won. This was a very stressful

and anxious time for those hoping to be crowned. Finally, after

the game had been rescheduled, making the wait even longer,

we were finally able to know who won. Emma Kirk was

crowned queen and her king was Dylan Siers. Neither Dylan

nor Emma felt very different after being crowned. Emma even

went as far to say, “I still felt like myself, just wore a crown and

was in a dress, but it was an honor.” Both candidates were ex-

pecting someone else to win the crown but they were both pleas-

antly surprised by the outcome. Even though both have realized

that their last high school basketball season is over and that it is

bittersweet, both Dylan and Emma plan to go to college, but

only Dylan will be wearing his school’s jersey on the court. A

message to the rest of the homecoming court from Dylan, “I’m

gonna miss you guys dearly,” and his message for the rest of the

school, “Work hard and don’t take it for granted.” Emma also

had message for the homecoming court, “So glad we got

through this after waiting another month. We all looked

good!” She also had one last message for the rest of the school,

“Thank you for voting for me! I may look mean but I’m super

nice once we get to know each other!” Both the Dylan and Em-

ma have worked their tails off through high school to accom-

plish everything that they have and definitely deserved this awe-

Dr. Oliver

Regan White

Senior Staff Writer

James Oliver is from Vinita

Oklahoma. He served in the

Army for seven years and he

has been a teacher for thirteen

years. He’s been teaching at

Kansas as a high school sci-

ence teacher for two years. He

decided to be a teacher be-

cause he worked with kids all

the time and enjoyed it so he

thought he should turn it into a

career. Mr. Oliver went to 3

different colleges. He went to

YUBA and got his business degree. He also went to

Northeastern State University in Tahlequah twice. The

first time he went he got his bachelors degree in elemen-

tary ed. When he went back to Northeastern he got his

masters degree in science education. He also went to As-

pen and got his doctrine in Ed, specializing in education

leadership and learning.

Golf According to Madison Gilman

Regan White

Senior Staff Writer

Coach Phillips is the coach of the

golf team at Kansas. There are eight

girls and six boys on the team. This

is Madison’s first year to play golf.

She said, “I like to play golf in my

free time and thought it would be a

good idea to join the team.” So far

Madison said it has been fun and

they have a lot of tournaments.

Madison said “The first tournament

at Keys went good and there were

five other teams.” On April 12th,

Callie Pollet scored a 97 at the Mohawk Park tournament. The

girl’s qualifier was April 18th but got cancelled because of the

rain. The boy’s qualifier was April 24th. Throughout Madison’s

time being in golf she said that she has

learned to be patient and not to get frus-

trated so easily.

photo by RKS

photo by RKS

photo by: Kallie Asher

Page 3: A Hillbilly Weddin’ A 25th Anniversary Presentation · the main characters who happens to be ... owed a CNA at a nursing home, but since she has al-ready been trained to do these

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Vo-tech Health Careers Clinicals Jamie Ruiz

Senior Staff Writer

Just recently some of our vo-tech health careers stu-

dents had to finish their clini-

cals, which are two state man-

datory days where CNAs or

those in training work in a

nursing home for eight hours

to get on-site training. Whit-

nee Robinson, decided to tell

us a little about her experience

at her clinicals. Whitnee shad-

owed a CNA at a nursing

home, but since she has al-

ready been trained to do these

things she can literally help do

the job along with the nurse

she’s shadowing. During her

time of doing them she would wake the residents, take

them to the places they needed to go, help feed them,

and get anything else they needed. Although it is a

bunch of hard work; Whitnee knew what she was get-

ting herself into beforehand. She already knew what

most nursing homes were like in advance instead of go-

ing in blind like some other students may be. So every-

thing was what she had expected it to be except this

time instead of observing what goes on, she was the one

taking care of the residents. However, even with there

being no time for sitting and being constantly on her

feet, Whitnee had a blast. She was able to talk and get

to know some of the residents, and even got attached to

just about all of them. She found them ‘sweet’ and

‘adorable’ even when they were being difficult at times.

In spite of clinicals being required and for a grade,

Whitnee definitely had learned a lot from doing them

and appreciates the worth of going to them. It brought

her out of her shell, taught how to not be afraid, showed

what old age can do to you, and just how important her

future job as a CNA will be. Therefore, when you get a

chance, thank a CNA because they are the eyes, ears,

and hands of a nursing team, and are helping those who

can’t help themselves.

Sophomore-Senior Research Paper

Damon Fowler

Sophomore Staff Writer

It’s that time of year again where seniors are stressed

over their senior research pa-

pers. They are all rushing to get

it done with all the other senior

stuff they have to do. But what

happens when a sophomore is

doing the senior paper too Kal-

lie Asher one of two sopho-

mores doing a senior research

paper and is also feeling the

stress. Kallie is in Mrs. Asher’s

AP English class. She is doing

her essay over the censorship of

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D.

Salinger. The paper needs to be at least seven pages to-

tal in MLA format, with six of the pages being her essay

and the last page consisting of at least six sources she

used. Before the final paper though, Kallie has to turn in

a minimum of 20 notecards and a rough draft of her es-

say. In the end, this will count for 20% of her final

grade, but even if she were to pass the class without it,

Kallie could not graduate. Nevertheless, all this stress,

Kallie feels lucky to get it out of the way now rather

than when senior year comes around. The only down-

side is that she won’t be getting as much writing and

spelling experience, but the advantages outweigh the

disadvantages in her opinion. Lastly when asking Kallie

if she’d have anything to say to future students, she stat-

ed, “A word of advice for those who still have to write

their senior paper, ‘don’t procrastinate, it WILL come

back to haunt you.’”

photo by RKS

photo by Jamie Ruiz

Congrats to the State



Daris Glass and

Jarren Yeager

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Life as Junior Madison Gilman

Junior Staff Writer

When you enter your Jun-

ior year the first thing that

comes to mind is that you

are almost out of high

school. It’s a bitter sweet

moment. As the year goes

on you meet new people

and make new friends.

Your Junior year is sup-

posed to be one of the

best in your years in high

school. One of the hardest

things your going through

when you are a Junior is

that if you have friends

that are Seniors, they

leave before you. You are

left alone without any

friends. You have to start

new and try to find

friends. You don’t want to

get in the wrong group

when you are trying to

make friends. Being in the

wrong group you could

get into doing drugs or

something else that your

old friends wouldn’t have

done. You want to be able

to find people like the

ones you used to hang out

with. Don’t settle for

someone who tries to act

like someone their not.

Teacher of the Month Baohnia Lor

Senior Staff Writer

Which teacher earned the recognition of their students

this month? Last month’s Teacher of the Month was

Mrs. Steele. Will she carry on with her realm or be de-

feated by a different teacher? We shall see… Students

nominated their choice of

teacher of the month. The

winner of this battle? Mrs.

Killgore! This fierce yet lov-

ing teacher has won over the

hearts of the many students

here at Kansas. Students say

that Mrs. Kill- gore never

gives up on her students. If

she’s not busy grading papers

or teaching, you will see her

walking in the halls trying to

find her stu- dents, making

sure their work is finished. Her determination and faith

in her students is certainly one of a kind.

Senior Reality


Zach Hollenback

Senior Staff Writer

Prom was held in Jay on

April 1, 2017. I would

say that it was a success.

It was a very good turn-

out, but it also served as

a reality check to me.

Driving home from

prom, I realized that

there is only a month

left until I graduate high

school. It does not seem

that real until I think

back on all of the mem-

ories that has been made

at this school. Most peo-

ple say that school is a

very small portion of a

person’s life, but it is

also what I would con-

sider the most important

years of one’s life. It is

the time where you learn

most life lessons and

learn responsibilities

and other hardships of

being an adult and sup-

porting yourself. It is

bittersweet knowing that

the days full of laughing

and spending time with

the people I have grown

up with is shortly com-

ing to a close. It is al-

ready time to go in the

real world and see

where the world will

take me. It’s been real at

Kansas High school, but

it is time to prepare for

graduating and giving it

all I have in life.

photo by RKS

Middle School Track and Field Teams 2017

Boys Roster: Deven

Cooper, Tharrick Cowett,

Trey Glass, Johnathan

Sandoval, Ethan Starr,

Jace Harlin, Josiah

Robinson, Shelby Spence,

Ty Walls, Dakota Davis,

Kobe Green, William Hall,

Darkus Jumper, Beejay

Lee, Drew Patterson,

Caleb Reding, Bryant

Shaver, Staley Starr, and

Easton Wiggins

Girls Roster: Aritza

Barker, Shawndell Collins,

Katelyn Edleman,

Courtney Hubbard, Justice

Jumper, Sidnee Mckie,

Sarah Brock, Courtney

Caforia, Baylee Davis,

Alyssa Glass, Emily Ruiz,

Kolby Vaughan, Emily

Jech, and Fallyn Tarin

Congrats to the

KHS Golf Team

for making it to


Page 5: A Hillbilly Weddin’ A 25th Anniversary Presentation · the main characters who happens to be ... owed a CNA at a nursing home, but since she has al-ready been trained to do these

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April Birthdays May Birthdays

Kallie Asher 04/28/2001

Angel Baker 04/27/2001

Damian Barrett 04/18/2000

Callie Belt 04/11/2000

Christopher Budds 04/20/2001

Kristen Budds 04/21/1999

Mason Carnes 04/01/2002

Logan Cochran 04/19/1999

Zackery Daniels 04/18/2001

Jaela Deere 04/30/2001

Shane Ethridge 04/01/1998

Emily Hays 04/05/2001

Julie Jenks 04/07/2000

Trevor Kaiser 04/04/2001

Alexandria Kirk 04/14/2000

Darius McClelland 04/27/2001

Gabriel Morrison 04/03/2002

Magali Perez 04/21/1997

Tailee Reding 04/04/1999

Spencer Sanders 04/06/2002

Megan Schwabe 04/10/2000

Cassidy Shaver 04/10/2001

Corissa Squire 04/06/2001

Jordan Squire 04/29/1999

Tavian Steward 04/09/2002

Nevaeh Taylor 04/03/2001

Nora Thurstenson 04/17/1999

Kylie Tye 04/16/1999

Shawn Alarcon 05/11/2000

Cheyenne Baker 05/29/2000

Dylan Cooper 05/17/2001

Bobbi Devor 05/19/1998

Makayla Goedecke 05/24/1999

Kassidy Golden 05/18/2001

Addison Gregory 05/09/2000

Danielle Herriman 05/16/2000

Bodie Hough 05/29/2002

McKenzie Kendrick 05/02/2002

Zackery Lamont 05/27/2000

Sandy Lee 05/30/1999

Tayiah Meldrum 05/29/2002

Kalin Parsons 05/20/1998

Belle Pickup 05/22/2000

Taeya Pigeon 05/31/1998

Amber Potter 05/02/2000

Aaron Reeder 05/25/1999

Kadan Rogers 05/09/2001

Sierra Sapp 05/13/1999

Trina Smith 05/13/2001

Riley Tagg 05/30/2001

Kobie Tye 05/14/2001

Shanell Welch 05/22/2001

Gordon Williams 05/23/1998

Kylee Wooten 05/26/2001

When is homework not homework?

Answer: When it’s turned in to the teacher.

No matter how bad things get for the people of the Arctic, they will not eat a penguin.

Why not?

Answer: Penguins live in the Antarctic, not the Arctic.

Two people are born at the same moment, but they don’t have the same birthdays. Why

is that?

Answer: Different time zones

Which is correct “The yolk of the egg is white” or “The egg yolk is white?”

Answer: Neither, egg yolks are yellow.

Life Jamie Ruiz

Senior Staff Writer

Life is full of possibilities

Yet also more filled with


School tries their best to teach


Although there’s only so much

you can discuss

Freshly out of school and our

parents’ home

So much world out there to


We promise to try and do our


But college doesn’t let us rest

There will be many sleepless


However there is some


There will be happy memories

of your experiences

Everything will always have its


Life is what you make of it in

the end

To make your happiness


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What has a head

and tail but has no


Answer: A coin

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Jamie Ruiz

Jamie Ruiz

Alexa Risenhoover

Joy Malone Joy Malone







Page 8: A Hillbilly Weddin’ A 25th Anniversary Presentation · the main characters who happens to be ... owed a CNA at a nursing home, but since she has al-ready been trained to do these

Can you guess?

Page 8

1. Brett Blackfox 2. Cherokee Sexton 3. Caden Cochran 4. Taylor Peters 5. Jessica McCay 6. McKenzie Teel 7. Michelle Waits 8. Hanna Woods 9.

Azalee Maddan 10. Kelton Holland 11. Donald Tennison 12. Myranda Johnson 13. Tyler Green 14. Danelle Biesiot 15. Jodi Warren 16. Drake Thop-


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