Page 1: A hero shows courage. - Awana · delicacy (a super fancy food). Chefs served peanut butter sandwiches at the finest restaurants. They created combinations such as: peanut butter and

Are YOU A HERO?(Psalm 31:24) Be of good courage, and He shall

strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

A hero shows courage.Courage means standing strong and bravely doing what you need to do when facing fear or trouble or danger.

Remember Joshua? He led the Israelites to the Promised Land – that meant guiding thousands and thousands of people through enemy territory. Talk about scary! But God reminded Joshua to have courage because He (the Lord) was with him.

Joshua had courage. Joshua was a hero.

The Bible has lots of heroes: David, Ruth, Esther, Daniel, Paul … and the list goes on and on.

Maybe you think: “Well, those people were diff­erent from us! Of course, THEY had courage.” Guess what? Even though those people lived a long time ago, they could be just as frightened about doing something as we are. Kids today can be heroes (people that show a lot of courage when faced with fear or trouble or danger) too. Here are a couple kid heroes we know.

Sam invited Cody to Awana. Cody went just one time and that made Cody’s parents angry. They didn’t want Cody learning about the Lord Jesus Christ. Sam had never told anyone about Christ before (and he was scared to do it now), but since Cody couldn’t come to church, Sam knew it was up to him to tell Cody about the Bible. So, Sam explained salvation (using the Start Zone) to Cody, and Cody became a Christian!

Sam had courage. Sam is a hero.

As soon as Katie’s choir teacher showed the choir the song they would sing at the spring program, butterflies started doing gymnastics in Katie’s stomach. The song had a very BAD word, a word Katie knew was wrong to say. After class, Katie told the teacher she couldn’t say the word. The teacher laughed at her and said some VERY unkind things. Katie liked choir, but she decided that she would quit if she had to say THAT word. When her friends asked her why she was quit­ting, she told them. Her friends said, “I don’t want to say that word either.” The teacher was

angry and said she would NOT change the song. But the next time the choir practiced, ALL the choir members refused to sing the bad word. Katie’s teacher changed the song.

Katie had courage. Katie is a hero.

How about you? When you face fear or trouble or danger, do you remember that the Lord is always there to help you do the right thing?

God promises to give you courage. You can be a hero.


© Rich

©2015 Awana® Clubs International. This newsletter may be reproduced only by churches registered with Awana. Visit us at PAGE 1

Page 2: A hero shows courage. - Awana · delicacy (a super fancy food). Chefs served peanut butter sandwiches at the finest restaurants. They created combinations such as: peanut butter and

Summit is a yearly event when hundreds of Journey™ teenagers get together for a fun four days of Bible Quizzing, AwanaGames™ and Fine Art Competition. Many of them also receive their Citation Award during a special presentation.

This year I wandered around, talking to the teen­agers and asked them: What advice would you give a T&T™ clubber?

Here’s what they said.


Be a good example to the kids who are younger than you (Puggles, Cubbies and Sparkies). MAGGIE − GALETON, COLORADO

Work consistently so you’re not trying to catch up to earn your Citation when you’re a senior.COLTON − GALETON, COLORADO

Get ahead on your Bible reading. TROY − RICHLANDS, VIRGINIA

Always be ready to share your faith because you never know when you’ll get the chance. LINDSAY − SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA

What’s smaller than a dog, but can scar

e a





If Ap

ril showers bring Mayflowers, what do Mayflo


s bring?Why did the baseball player chase his house?

IF YOU were stranded on a desert island, what would you eat?

(See bottom of Fun Facts for the answer.)

BACK WHEN peanut butter was first “invented,” it was considered a

delicacy (a super fancy food). Chefs served peanut butter sandwiches at the finest restaurants. They created combinations such as: peanut butter and apple, peanut

butter and prune, peanut butter and tomato, peanut butter and chili, peanut butter and ham, and

peanut butter and cabbage!


LEGEND has it that the sandwich was “invented” in

l762 by the cook of John Montague, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. The Earl wanted some food, but

didn’t want to interrupt what he was doing to take time to eat, so his cook put some slices of

meat between two pieces of bread – and the sandwich was born. So then, how come the

sandwich isn’t named after the cook? He’s the one who invented it.

Answer to the desert island riddle: I would eat the “sand which” is already there! / A hero sandwich got its name because it would take a “hero” to eat so much food. / Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

by Hannah5th grade

by Carole 5th grade

by Alex, 5th grade

Answers: Pilgrims; To see a home run; A skunk

©2015 Awana® Clubs International. Visit us at PAGE 2

Page 3: A hero shows courage. - Awana · delicacy (a super fancy food). Chefs served peanut butter sandwiches at the finest restaurants. They created combinations such as: peanut butter and


©2015 Awana® Clubs International. Visit us at PAGE 3

He went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. (Daniel 6:10)

I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the LORD is with him. (1 Samuel 16:18)

… they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment. (Hebrews 11:23)

And the angel said unto her, Fear not ____, for thou hast found favor with God. (Luke 1:30)

But ___ found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (Genesis 6:8)







(All verses are in the King James Version of the Bible.)

Page 4: A hero shows courage. - Awana · delicacy (a super fancy food). Chefs served peanut butter sandwiches at the finest restaurants. They created combinations such as: peanut butter and


Club News and Announcements

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celebrate march!

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• National Music in Our Schools Month• National Frozen Food Month• Poetry Month

3 – National Anthem Day 4 – Hug a GI Day 6 – Dentist’s Day 12 – Plant a Flower Day 25 – Waffle Day 26 – Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

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