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" PRO PATRIA " contains in its numerous pages a fund of information upon the special agencies that the war has called into being, or has stirred into activities on a hitherto undreamt-0f scale. 1 There are also a series of expert articles, a good bibliography, and other useful material for those at work or seeking a post of service. A study of this summary serves to emphasize the tragic waste of war in its injury and destruction of human treasure. To lessen this, in part, there have sprung up endless societies of relief, symbolized in the Red Cross. Every woe of war has inspired some ameliorative remedy. Enthusiastic volunteers have drifted into groups, each according to his kind. Some degree of chaos was inevitable at the first rush of war, but, with time, definition of function and co-operation have come about , and this book impartially records the process and result. Developments proceed rapidly and a new edition should soon be called for, with a list of the over 4oo war charities regisfered under the recent Act of Parliament, and with the story of such new funds as the Rumanian Relief, the Kitchener Memorial, and the Strength of Britain Movement. A final edition of " Pro P a t r i a " will be excellent material in the hands of future philan- thropists at the time of the next great international or race conflict, though, indeed, we wish that its sole use %r posterity should be as an historic record of the redeeming features of a dark age when war, tuberculosis, intemperance, and other preventable human scourges were tolerated by the selfishness of rulers and the !gnorance of their peoples.


I M M U N I Z A T I O N A G A I N S T T U B E R C U L O S I S .

" Under ordinary circumstances the efforts of the tuberculosis crusade cannot bear appreciable fruit for many years ; but we are con- vinced personally that this object could be attained with greater rapidity, certainty, and uniformity by a general application of the method of specific prophylactic immunization proposed by us." So say Drs. Karl yon Ruck and Silvio yon Ruck in their new volume of "Studies in Immunization Against Tuberculosis." 2 This treatise is an able ex- position of the specific treatment of tuberculosis by tubercle bacillus products, as carried out in connection with the Winyah Sanatorium and its Research Laboratory. The work is divided into three parts: the first deals with theoretical considerations, such as immunity in in- fectious disease, acquired specific immunity, and the r61e of bacterio-

1 ,, Pro Patria : A Guide to Public and Personal Service in W a r T i m e . " Edited by T. N. Kelynack, M.D. Vol. i., pp. xxxiii + 26o, with illustrations. London : John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd., 83-9i, Great Titchfield Street, Oxford Street, W. I916. Price 3s. 6d. net ; post free, 4 s. net.

2 ,, Studies in Immunizat ion against Tuberculosis ." By Karl von Ruck, M.D., a n d Silvio von Ruck, M.D. Pp. xvi+439. New York: Paul B, Hoeber, 67-69, East Fifty-ninth Street. i916. Price $4. "

a8 T H E B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F T U B E R C U L O S I S

lysins and bactericidins and the complement-fixative reaction ; the second discusses procedures for practical immunization against tuber- culosis, including the authors' method of specific prophylactic immuni- zation agaimst human tuberculosis, the administration of the vaccine and its results, and the specific treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis; and the third enumerates the results of an important series of experi- mental studies, including investigations regarding the toxic- constituents of the tubercle bacillus, the valne of the guinea-pig in experiments on tuberculosis, and animal experiments with bactericidal sere. The whole volume merits thorough study, and will be found of exceptional value to those working with tuberculins and allied bodies. Students will know how to appreciate the numerous references given to the best literature of the subject. We would suggest to the authors the wisdom of preparing a condensed version of the volume, which should provide busy practitioners with the essentials of the subjects which are here so elaborately discussed. The book is one which should be studied in its entirety by tuberculosis officers, superintendents of sanatoria, and all serious students of tuberculosis.

P U L M O N A R Y T U B E R C U L O S I S .

Dr. Halliday G. Sutherland is an enthusiastic disciple of Sir Robert Philip, and in Edinburgh and elsewhere has devoted years of patient study to the medico-sociological aspects of the tuberculosis problem. He sees that if real progress is to be maintained the general practitioner of medicine must be willing and able to participate effectively. And to further this aim Dr. Sutherland has recently issued an admirable treatise, comprehensive and yet compact, explicit and up to date, with data and directions so grouped and presented as to provide essential principles and necessary practices in a form which the busy doctor can appreciate and use. 1 The book is one which should be in the hands of all working for the prevention and arrest of consumption. It is a complete and modern exposition o f pulmonary tuberculosis as a systemic disease, with a serviceable account of clinical and biological methods of diagnosis, and affords guidance in regard to approved rational methods of treatment. The author states that his book, although planned before the outbreak of war, "was written in the neighbourhood of the equator, on board H.M. armed merchant cruiser E.mPress o f / ~ , i t a f u . " As a clinical guide the volume is admir- able. The suggestions for the use of graphic signs and abbreviations will doubtless find favour with many tuberculosis officers. There is a useful chapter on the use of X rays in diagnosis, and considerable space is given to a consideration of tuberculin in diagnosis and treatment. The volume is well got up, paper, printing, and illustrations all being worthy. We strongly commemd this suggestive and informing manual to those desirous of a reliable, condensed, and thoroughly practical guide to the study and management of pulmonary tuberculosis.

1 ,, Pulmonary Tuberculosis in General Practice." By ttalliday G. Sutherland, M.D., Consulting Tuberculosis Officer for North ]x/iarylebone, and Medical Officer to the South Marylebone Tuberculosis Dispensary. pp. xv+29 o, with 6 plates, 42 figures, and 9 charts. London : Cassell and Company, Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.G. I9161 Price ios. 6d. net.

N O T I C E S O F B O O K S 29

C U T A N E O U S D I S O R D E R S .

E v e r y tuberculos is officer and all super in tendents of sanator ia should possess a pract ical knowledge of diseases of the skin, for cu taneous disorders of many and var ied kinds are f requent ly met with among tuberculous subjects. T w o recent works deserve to be spec ia l ly commended to our readers. T h e new edit ion of Dr. \ ¥ . Knows ley S ib ley ' s manual is a par t i cu la r ly pract ical work for pract i t ioners des i rous of up- to-date guidance in the managemen t of pa thologica l s ta tes of the skin. 1 I t provides information, in a convenient and rel iable form, regarding the chief methods of t r ea tment by X rays, radium, electrolysis , ionic medication, h igh-frequency currents , the use of carbon dioxide snow, the product ion of s tates of hypermmia; vaccines, and regula ted dietar ies . T h e major par t of the vo lume consists o f directions for the managemen t of the various forms of cu taneous de- rangement . The re are excel lent sect ions on lupus and o ther tubercu- lous lesions of the skin. The vo lume is also provided with a service- able collection of prescr ipt ions which all prac t i t ioners will find of except ional value. T h e i l lustrat ions, taken from photographs of actual cases, add much to the interest and helpfulness of this prac t ica l hand- book . W e would also direct a t tent ion to an excel lent and bount i ful ly i l lus t ra ted F r e n c h work, which bears the name of Dr. H. Gougerot . ~ I t is a member of the excellent series " Comment Gu6r i r ? Bibl io- th~que des Pra t i c iens , " publ ished under the direction of D r , C. F iess inger . Dr. Gougero t ' s work is divided into two parts . T h e first provides " une r u e d ' ensembie , " while the second, which forms t h e major port ion of the volume, is des ignated " L e s Prob l~mes de Dermato log ie Pra t iques , " and in a series of twenty- th ree chapters

d e a l s with the chief diseases of the skin. A lengthy sect ion of over s ix ty !Sages is devoted to " T u b e r c u l o s e s Cutan6es ," and deals at length with the var ious forms of lupus and other tubercul ides. T h e il lustra- t ions of tuberculous lesions are excellent . Indeed, the i l lustrat ions, of which there are no less than i8o, some in colours, a r ranged on s ixty- six plates, are special features of the work, and make it, i r respec t ive of i ts excel lent teXt, one which the busy doctor will find of except ional value. W e . s t rongly commend this prac t ica l F r ench manua l to the notice of Bri t ish prac t i t ioners of medicine.

M A N U A L S F O R M E D I C A L A D V I S E R S A N D W O R K S O F R E F E R E N C E .

The l a s t two volumes of Studies issued from the Bureau of L a bo ra - tories of "the D e p a r t m e n t of Hea l t h of the Ci ty of New York, under the directorship of Dr . W i l l i a m H. Pa rk , contain .numerous ar t ic les

1 ,, The Treatment of Diseases of the Skin." By W. Knowsley Sibley, M.A., M.D., B.C., M.R.C.P., Physician to St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin. London. SecOnd edition. Pp. xii+3o7, with I6 plates. London : Edward Arnold. z916. Price 6s. net.

" La Dermatologie en Clientele : L'Indispensable en' Dermatologie." Par H. Gougerot, Professor Agr~gd ~t la Facult6 de M6decine de Paris. Pp. xii+754, i i 4 figures en noir en 52 p]anches, 40 figures en couleurs en 16 planches hors texte. Paris : A. Maloine et Fils, 27, Rue de l'Ecole-de-M6decine, i9i 7.

30 T H E B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F T U B E R C U L O S I S

l ikely to be of in teres t and value to s tudents of tuberculosis. 1 A m o n g the ar t ic les in Vol. V I I . reference m a y be made to the following : T h e relat ion of the virulence of the tuberc le baci l lus to its pers is tence in the c i rculat ion, by Dr. Alf red L. Hes s ; acid agglu t ina t ion of tuberc le bacil l i , by Dr. Char les I~rumwiede, jun. ; the r e l a t ive impor tance of the bovine and human types of tuberc le baci l l i in the different forms of tuberculosis , by Drs. W i l l i a m H. P a r k and Charles Krumwiede, j u n . ; on tubercul in, and also on a t t empts to immunize agains t tuberculosis by the combined act ion of injections of tubercul in and of the s6rum of tuberculous rabbi ts , by Drs . James P. Atk inson and Charles B. F i t z p a t r i c k ; the f requency of B . t u b e r c u l o s i s . i n the marke t milk of N e w York City, by Drs . Marie Grund and H a r r i e t L. W i l c o x ; compara t ive tes ts of spu tum by the Kinyoun and E l l i m a n - E r l a n d s e n method, by Drs. Jane L. Be r ry and Mary A. Smea ton ; tuberc le bacil l i in the blood, by Dr. Jane L. B e r r y ; and l ime ass imila t ion and tuberculosis , by the late Dr. I r a Van Gieson. Vol. V I I I . contains many communi- cat ions of grea t value, and the t i t les of cer ta in ar t ic les should be ment ioned here : The ut i l izat ion of reac tor -mi lk in tuberculo-medicine, by Dr . Charles B. F i t zpa t r i ck ; a device for the successive determinat ion of solids and fat in milk and other fluids, by Dr. Armin Se idenbe rg ; the type s of pneumococci in tuberculous sputum, by Dr. Haro ld W . L y a l l ; and a s u m m a r y of four years of cl inical and bacter io logical ex- per ience with meningi t is in New York City, by Drs. P h e b e L. Du B o i s and Josephine B. Nea]. These notable volumes should be avai lable for all s tudents of exper imenta l medicine, and all concerned in t h e i r p lanning and product ion are to be congra tu la ted .

Mr. C. Mansel l Moull in has been well advised to issue in convenient book form his interes t ing and sugges t ive Bradshaw Lec tu re on t h e Biology of Tumours . 2 T h e work raises many points, and e x p r e s s e s opinions which are not l ikely to pass wi thout severe cri t icism. T h e au thor divides turnouts accord ing to thei r mode of origin into the t w o c lasses : T u m o u r s due to the reproduct ive power of the t i s sues ; a n d turnouts due to s t ruc tura l details not being perfect ly carr ied out. The work should prove a s t imulus for further research.

W o r k s on therapeut ics are nowadays compara t ive ly rare, and t h e r e - fore Dr. G. F . Goldsbrough ' s l i t t le w o r k on " F i r s t Pr inc ip les " should be given an unpre jud iced perusal . ~ I t is based on the H o n y m a n - Gi l lespie Lec tu re s del ivered at the London Homceopath ic Hosp ! t ak Some idea of the scope of the book will be best given by an enumera- t ion of the t i t les of the four lectures : T r e a t m e n t depends on Prognos i s , A Subord ina te Order of Pr inc ip les Foreshadowed , T a k i n g the Case, and T h e Search for and Choice of Medicine.

1 ,, Collected Studies from the Bureau of Laboratories, Department of Health, City of New York." Dr. William H. Park, Director. Vol. vii., 1912-!3, pp. 463~;. vol. viii., 1914-15, pp. 435, each with illustrations, charts, plates, etc. New York:: Bureau of Laboratories, foot of East Sixteenth Street.

.2 ,, The Biology of Tumours." By C. Mansell Moallin, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S., Lieut.-Colonel R.A.M.C., T., Consulting Surgeonto the London Hospital. PP. 55. London: H. K. Lewis and Co., Ltd., 136, Gower Street, W.C. I916. Price~ 2s. 6cl. net.

" First Principles in Therapeutics." By Giles Forward Goldsbrough, M.D., Senior Physician to and Honyman-Gillespie Lecturer on Therapeutics at the:: London Homceopathic Hospital, and First President of the British Homoeopathic Society. Pp. v+i38. London: John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd., 83-9! Great Titchfield Street, W. 1916. Price 7 s. 6d. net.

N O T I C E S O F B O O K S 31

Motoring, either for health or professional work, can now only be carried on under difficulties and with serious limitations, but before long it may be hoped that an economic and reasonable use of the motor- car may be available for those who have to depend on its services for the conservat ion of physical powers and the conduct of all forms of welfare Work. Mr. R. T. Nicholson has wri t ten an informing, well- i l lustrated and helpful handbook on the management of a simple, inexpensive, and easily controlled car. 1 The manua l will appeal to doctors, and especially to medical super intendents of sanator ia or other es tabl ishments in country districts where some form of reliable means of t ransi t is indispensable.

The Teachers ' W a r Service Committee of the Educat ional Ins t i tu te of Scotland; the Secondary Educa t ion Association of Scotland, and the Scottish Class Teachers ' Federat ion have accomplished much prac- tical and patriotic work, and all our readers should make a point of procuring the new edition of a pamphlet on Thrift , which has been prepared by Mr. George C. Pringle, M.A. 2 I t is an admirable collec- tion of notes " for Speakers, teachers, and preachers," and, we should like to add, medical and nurs ing administrators.

Photographers, especially those of the amateur variety, may be reminded that the 1917 edition of the just ly valued " Wellcome" Photographic Exposure Record and Diary is now available. I t retains its neat, compact pocket-book form, and serviceable a r rangement of data, diary, and docketing, and is, indeed, an indispensable companion for all who desire to be up to date in photographic knowledge?

1 "The Book of the Ford." By tZ. T. Nicholson, M.A. Pp. 245, with illustrations. London: Temple Press, Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C. I916. Price is. 6d. net.

2 ,, Thrift: its Doctrine 'and Practice." By George C. Pringle, M.A., Member of the Scottish Committee for Organization of War Savings. Second Edition. pp. 4 z. Edinburgh : Teachers' War Service Committee, 34, North Bridge. I916. Price 3d. net ; post free, 4 d.

3 The " Weilcome " Photographic Exposure Record and Diary, i917, is published by Messrs. Burroughs Wellcome and Co., Snow Hill Buildings, Holborn, London, E.C. Price is. net.

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