
A Guide to

My Benefits

2016 Plan Year

Table of Contents

Eligibility 1

Medical 2

Medical & Pharmacy 3

Medical Plan Comparison Chart 4-5

Dental and Vision 6

Flexible Spending & Health Savings Accounts 7

Wellness 8-9

Life Insurance & Disability 10

Retirement Plan 401(k) 11

Additional Benefits 12-13

Phoenix Children’s Hospital (PCH) Benefits Program

Our mission to provide the best health care for children and their families extends to our Phoenix

Children’s Hospital family - our employees. We are proud to offer a comprehensive benefits program that

is designed to promote the health and wellness of you and your family, protect you and your family

against financial hardship or loss, and help build financial security for retirement.

This benefits guide provides information about the options available to you as a benefit-eligible

employee at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Please take time to learn about the benefits so you can make

informed choices and decisions.

The benefits described in this guide are governed by Certificates of Insurance Coverage and/or Plan Doc-

uments. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these materials, any errors, omis-

sions, or discrepancies will always be governed by the applicable official plan documents.



Who is Eligible? If you are a full-time or part-time employee in a FTE of .40 or above, you are eligible for medical, dental

and vision benefits. If you are in a FTE of .60 or above, you are also eligible for life insurance and disability

benefits. Eligible employees may elect to participate or waive coverage. Benefits are effective the first

day of the month following your date of hire or eligibility.

Your eligible dependents include:

Legally married spouse

Dependent child to age 26 including:

Natural, legally adopted child, or child placed for adoption


Child for whom you are court-appointed guardian

Child of any age totally disabled due to a physical or mental handicap

Qualifying events include:


Divorce / legal separation

Birth / adoption / legal custody of a child

Death of a spouse or dependent child

Employee and / or dependents gain / loss of other


Your benefit elections will stay in place

until the next Open Enrollment period

unless you have a qualified life event

as defined by the IRS. You must contact

the Benefits Department within 30 days of

the qualifying event.

Loss of Coverage: If you lose medical, dental or vision coverage due to separation of employment or a

reduction of hours, you may continue coverage under COBRA regulations. Information will be sent to your

home regarding the election of COBRA eligible benefits.

Dependent verification is required for all covered dependents.

1 Eligibility

Medical Medical Benefits

Choosing a health care plan that best meets the needs of you and your family is important. PCH medical

plans use the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus provider network and medical claims are administered by UMR

(United Medical Resources), which is a third party administrator. The UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus

network is vast and includes a wide selection of hospitals, physicians and specialists.

You have three health plan options

PCH knows that employees’ health care needs vary

and even change over time. Therefore, PCH offers

three health benefit options (500 Plan, 1000 Plan and

CDHP). These plans vary by deductible, out-of-pocket

maximums, pharmacy benefits and general design.

To help you choose the best coverage for you and

your family, review the plan comparison chart on the

next pages.

PCH is committed to you and your family’s health. As

such, PCH pays 100% for preventive services in each

of the three plans.

Medical Plan

Clinically Integrated Networks

Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs) promote the

use of consistent standards for care delivery, quali-

ty tracking and reporting, information sharing and

physician collaboration. The benefit to patients

and families is the ability to choose a doctor from a

network of expert providers who are committed to

high quality coordinated care that can lead to

improved patient outcomes at a lower cost.

Phoenix Children’s Care Network (PCCN) is the

state’s only pediatric-focused clinically integrated

network with more than 800 pediatric providers,

including our own PCMG physicians along with

community pediatricians throughout the Valley.

PCCN has affiliated with Arizona Care Network

(ACN), a CIN led by physicians and supported by

Dignity Health Arizona and Tenet/Abrazo Health,

to offer network providers with office and hospital

locations across the Valley to serve the health care

needs of patients of all ages.

In the 500 Plan and 1000 Plan, physician services

provided by physician members of either PCCN or

ACN will not be subject to your Health Plan deduct-

ible. This feature only applies to physician charges

(not facility charges).

Note: the IRS does not allow deductibles to be

waived for the CDHP Plan; however, once the

deductible is met, coinsurance will be only 10%

for services provided by a PCCN or ACN physi-


The Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBCs)

are available online at


Note: According to the Affordable Care Act, you must have health coverage or face a tax penalty. You have

the opportunity to enroll for PCH medical coverage as a new hire, during our annual open enrollment or

within 30 days of losing other medical coverage. If you do not enroll, you will need to find coverage from

another source.

The PCH benefit applies to PCH emergency

room charges only if the patient is admitted.

Medical & Pharmacy

500 Plan & 1000 Plan Retail Pharmacy PCH Retail Pharmacy

30 day supply

Generic $10 co-pay $5 co-pay

Brand $25 co-pay $20 co-pay

Non-Formulary $45 co-pay $40 co-pay

90 day supply

Generic $20 co-pay $10 co-pay

Brand $50 co-pay $40 co-pay

Non-Formulary $90 co-pay $80 co-pay

You pay the contracted rate for prescriptions under the CDHP

Pharmacy Benefits

Your prescription drug coverage through CVS Caremark is automatic when you enroll in one of the PCH

medical plans. You can purchase prescription drugs through a retail pharmacy or through mail-order.

If you have a prescription that requires ongoing, regular use, you may be required to use the mail-order

prescription program and receive a 90-day supply of your medication for the price of a 60-day supply; your

prescription can be mailed or picked up at either a CVS Caremark Pharmacy or the PCH Retail Pharmacy.

Discounts apply under the 500 Plan and 1000 Plan when you use the on-site PCH Retail Pharmacy.

For information on how you can fill or transfer your current prescriptions, contact them at 602-933-2048.

Bring your kids to Phoenix Children’s!

Take advantage of cost savings by using Phoenix

Children’s Hospital and Phoenix Children’s Medical

Group (PCMG) for your dependent children covered

under a PCH medical plan. For services provided by

PCH, no deductible will apply and PCH will pay 100%

of the first $500 of charges per child up to $1,000 per

family for the 500 Plan and the 1000 Plan, after

that, your coinsurance will be only 10%.

The $500 up to $1000 are applied to the allowable

amount prior to the coinsurance.

Note: the IRS does not allow deductibles to be

waived for the CDHP Plan; however, once the

deductible is met, coinsurance will be only 10% for

services provided by PCH.

Medical & Pharmacy 3

Medical Plan 500 Plan

In Network Out of Network


Individual / Family

$500 / $1,000

$500 / $1,000

Out of Pocket Maximum

Individual / Family

$2,500 / $5,000

(includes deductible)

$3,500 / $7,000

(includes deductible)

Lifetime Maximum Unlimited Unlimited

Coinsurance Level

(After deductible is met coinsurance applies)

PCH pays 80%

Member pays 20%

PCH pays 70%

Member pays 30%

Office Visits

Preventive Care Office Visits 100% - No deductible No deductible, you pay 30%*

Primary Care Office Visit No deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

Services Provided by PCH**

No deductible,

PCH Pays 100% of first $500 for 1 child

up to $1,000 per family

After this, you pay 10%


Services Provided by PCCN and ACN Physicians

No deductible, you pay 20%


Specialist After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

Laboratory & Radiology Services

Laboratory Services After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

X-Ray Services After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

Complex Imaging (CT, PET, MRI, MRA) After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

Inpatient Hospitalization After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

Outpatient Surgery After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

Emergency Room ** After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 20%*

Urgent Care After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*


Retail (30 day supply)

Generic Not Covered

Preferred Brand Name Not Covered

Non Preferred Brand Name Not Covered

Mail Order (90 day supply) Not Covered

Retail Pharmacy PCH Pharmacy

$10 Copay $5 Copay

$25 Copay $20 Copay

$45 Copay $40 Copay

2x Retail Copay $10/$40/$80

*Balance Billing: The amount the plan pays for a covered service is based on the allowed amount. If an out-of-network provider charges more than the allowed amount,

you may have to pay the difference. For example, if an out-of-network hospital charges $1,500 for an overnight stay and the allowed amount is $1,000, you may have to

pay the $500 difference in addition to your out-of-network co-insurance and/or deductible. This amount does not apply to the annual out of the pocket maximum.

**The PCH benefit applies to PCH emergency room charges only if the patient is admitted. The $500 up to $1000 are applied to the allowable amount prior to the


4 Medical Plan Comparison Chart

Comparison Chart

1000 Plan CDHP

In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network

$1,000 / $2,000

$1,000 / $2,000

$1,500 / $3,000

$1,500 / $3,000

$4,000 / $8,000

(includes deductible)

$5,000 / $10,000

(includes deductible)

$4,500 / $9,000

(includes deductible)

$5,500 / $11,000

(includes deductible)

Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

PCH pays 80%

Member pays 20%

PCH pays 70%

Member pays 30%

PCH pays 80%

Member pays 20%

PCH pays 70%

Member pays 30%

100% - No deductible No deductible, you pay 30%* 100% - No deductible No deductible, you pay 30%*

No deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

No deductible,

PCH Pays 100% of first $500 for

1 child up to $1,000 per family

After this, you pay 10%


After deductible, you pay 10%


No deductible, you pay 20%


After deductible, you pay 10%


After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 20%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 20%*

After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%* After deductible, you pay 20% After deductible, you pay 30%*

Not Covered Not covered

Not Covered Not covered

Not Covered Not covered

Not Covered Not Covered

Retail Pharmacy PCH Pharmacy

$10 Copay $5 Copay

$25 Copay $20 Copay

$45 Copay $40 Copay

2x Retail Copay $10/$40/$80

Retail Pharmacy PCH Pharmacy

After deductible,

you pay 20%

After deductible,

you pay 20%

5 Medical Plan Comparison Chart

Dental & Vision

MetLife Dental Benefits

Service Value Plan Premium Plan Elite Plan

In Network Out of

Network In Network

Out of

Network In Network

Out of



(Individual / Family) $50 / $150 $75 / $225 $25 / $75 $50 / $150 $25 / $75 $50 / $150

Preventive Services 100% 70% 100% 80% 100% 90%

Basic Services 70% 40% 80% 60% 85% 75%

Major Services 40% 30% 50% 40% 60% 50%

Orthodontics $1,500 Child Only $1,500 Child Only $1,500 Adult & Child

Annual Maximum $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000

The Vision Service Plan (VSP) provides coverage for routine eye exams, eyeglasses and contact

lenses. No VSP Card Needed! You can find a provider on the VSP website and

call them directly to schedule an appointment.

VSP Benefits

Service In Network Out of Network

Exams $10 Co-pay Reimbursed up to $35

Prescription Eyeglasses $10 Co-pay N/A


(In lieu of Contact Lenses) $150 Allowance Reimbursed up to $70

Contact Lenses

(In lieu of Frames) $150 Allowance Reimbursed up to $105


Eye Exam, Lenses, Frames Once every 12 months


Dental Phoenix Children’s Hospital offers 3 dental plans through

MetLife: Value, Premium and Elite. Each plan offers both

In-Network and Out-of-Network benefits.

With the Phoenix Children’s Hospital dental plans, you have

the freedom to use any dentist. If you choose to go to a

dentist who is not in the network, you may be balance


No MetLife Card Needed! You can find a provider on the MetLife website and call the office directly to

schedule an appointment.

6 Dental & Vision

Flexible Spending & Health Savings Accounts

Flexible Spending and Health Savings Accounts allow you to pay for eligible expenses on a pre-tax basis.

You decide how much to put into your account(s) each calendar year.

Health Care Spending Account (HCSA)

Using the Health Care Spending Account can help you

budget for health care expenses, such as your

medical deductible and coinsurance, vision expenses,

dental expenses, prescription co-pays, and several

other eligible expenses. The HCSA can only be com-

bined with the 500 and 1000 Plans. The IRS annual

maximum that you may contribute is $2,550.

Dependent Care Spending Account (DCSA)

A Dependent Care Spending Account allows you to

save money for expenses to care for your child or

other eligible dependents so that you and/or your

spouse can work, look for work or attend school

full-time. The provider of care is required to provide

a federal tax ID or Social Security Number.

The IRS annual maximum that you may contribute is


Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Rules

FSAs are an optional pre-tax benefit for which you

must enroll or re-enroll each year.

No changes can be made to the FSA contribution amount until the next annual enrollment unless you

experience a qualifying life change event.

Plan carefully because any money left in a Health and/or Dependent Care Spending Account at the

end of the plan year will be forfeited.

If you terminate employment, only expenses in-curred before your termination date are eligible


Qualified Dependents for child care expenses include: Your natural child, stepchild, adopted or foster child who is under the age of 13 and is

claimed as a dependent on your income taxes.

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-exempt

account in which you can save money for future

qualified medical expenses. To get the benefits

of an HSA, the law requires that the savings

account must be combined with the Consumer

Directed Health Plan (CDHP).

Unlike an FSA account where unused money is

forfeited at the end of the year, contributions

toward your HSA will rollover from year to year.

However, you need to elect the HSA every year.

The 2016 IRS contribution limits for HSA are:

$3,350 for single plan coverage

$6,750 for family plan coverage

UMR (United Medical Resources) administers the

FSA accounts. Visit the UMR website at to access your account and to get

a list of eligible expenses.

OPTUM Bank™ administers the HSA. Visit their

website at for infor-

mation on HSA requirements and IRS guide-


Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Use it or Lose it! (Elect with the 500 & 1000 Plan)

Health Savings Account (HSA) Rolls over every year! (Elect with CDHP)

Flexible Spending & Health Savings Accounts 7

Wear your Boomerang Plus tracker, log Sonic

Striding activity and you can earn up to $100 a



Wellness 8

ImpACT Your Overall Well Being

Phoenix Children’s Hospital is committed to your health and the health of your family. Our mission is to

provide support, encouragement and tools to live a healthy life. ImpACT is a unique benefit we offer

employees to help you attain your individual wellness goals. The program focuses on three pillars of well

being: physical, mental and financial. We continuously add new wellness programs and opportunities. Some

of our more popular programs include:

Free Onsite Annual Screenings

PCH provides convenient, confidential biometric

screenings at no cost to you (one per year per

employee). The screening includes total cholesterol,

HDL cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, BMI,

height and weight, and body composition. Biometric

results can be entered directly into your Health

Quality Assessment (HQA), found on our Sonic Boom

wellness portal, which will generate your compre-

hensive health status report. You are also encour-

aged to schedule an appointment with MOM (Mobile

Onsite Mammography). MOM is on-site several times

throughout the year.

Sonic Boom & the Boomerang Plus Activity Tracker

PCH offers an exciting program to support healthy

behaviors and lifestyles.

The Sonic Boom Program includes the Boomerang

Plus activity tracker, portal, contests, and challeng-

es to help you focus on optimal nutrition, physical

activity and weight management. The regular

challenges are fun and educational. Not only will you

develop healthier habits and connect with cowork-

ers, but you’ll also have the opportunity to earn

some cool rewards along the way.

Hiking Group

For those employees who enjoy hiking with others

and trying new trails, PCH impACT has a hiking

group that goes on monthly hikes together from

October through May. Many hikes are family

friendly so bring your loved ones, friends and

pets. New to PCH is Geocaching, so come join us

on some hiking treasure hunts.

Walking, Fitness, and Weight Loss Challenges

PCH impACT features walking, fitness and weight

loss challenges (including the $10,000 Healthy-

Wage Team Challenge!) We urge all employees to

join in a little healthy competition while earning

potential rewards.

Holiday Market Festivals

Enjoy our Holiday Market Festivals held several

times throughout the year on our beautiful café

patio. The market features a variety of vendors

including crafts, fresh produce, breads, oils, sal-

sa, skin care products, spices, fitness centers and


Tobacco Cessation

Being a health care organization, PCH believes

that tobacco use is unhealthy and is not consistent

with our mission.

PCH offers ongoing tobacco cessation programs

at no cost to you. If, however, you and/or your

spouse decide to continue to use tobacco,

there will be a $25 per pay period additional

premium to your health plan in 2016. Employees

and/or your spouse who successfully complete any

of the tobacco cessation programs offered by PCH

will be refunded any tobacco premiums paid

during the year. Our goal is to help you to

successfully discontinue using tobacco products*.

*Tobacco products include but are not limited

to: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco,

snuff, dip, electric cigarettes and loose tobacco

smoked via a pipe, hookah or hand rolled


Tobacco Cessation Programs


Talk to a “live” quit coach to help develop a per-

sonalized plan, set goals and offer support.

Freedom from Smoking®

The nationally recognized program offered through

the American Lung Association. Online 3 month

quit support.

Contact PCH Wellness for additional information.


9 Wellness

Wellness Onsite Well Being Classes

Refresh. Renew. Replenish. PCH offers onsite well

being workshops such as, stretching, meditation,

mindfulness and more.

Financial Sessions

Throughout the year, PCH offers one-on-one 401(k)

financial counseling sessions on-site and hosts

periodic workshops on various financial topics.

Fitness Center Discounts

PCH works with a variety of fitness centers through-

out the valley many of which offer discounts.

To receive a complete listing, visit the impACT

intranet page or visit Human Resources.

For a third year, we are proud to be named a

Fit-Friendly Workplace by the American Heart

Association. ImpACT Wellness also received the

Healthy Arizona Worksite Award—Copper Level in

2015. Both awards recognize employers who

champion the health of their employees and work

to create a culture of physical activity and health

in the workplace.

Life Insurance & Disability Benefits

Life and Accidental Death and Dismem-

berment (AD&D) Insurance

Basic Life and AD&D

Life and AD&D insurance plans are offered through

The Hartford and offer financial protection for you

and your family. As part of the benefits at Phoenix

Children’s Hospital, eligible employees are auto-

matically covered for an amount equal to one times

base annual earnings (not to exceed $300,000).

Supplemental Life and AD&D

You also have the opportunity to purchase addition-

al supplemental coverage for yourself, spouse, and

dependent children.

Disability Benefits

PCH provides Disability coverage at no cost to

eligible employees through The Hartford. Disability

coverage helps provide financial security for you and

your family in the event you become sick or injured

and are unable to work. Employees are automatically

enrolled in disability benefits once they are eligible.

Non-exempt employees are eligible the 1st of the

month following 6 months in a disability eligible

position. Exempt employees are eligible the 1st of

the month following date of hire or eligibility.

Employee Options

Benefit Amount* Increments of $50,000

Maximum Amount $700,000

Guarantee Issue $300,000

Spouse Options

Benefit Amount* Increments of $5,000

Maximum Amount $100,000

Guarantee Issue $30,000

Dependent Children Options

Benefit Amount $2,500 or $5,000

Guarantee Issue All Amounts Elected

*Life insurance benefits are reduced at age 65

Short Term Disability

Non-Exempt Hourly Employees

Waiting Period 7 calendar days

Benefit Amount 66 2/3% of base salary

Weekly Maximum Up to $1,000

Maximum Benefit Period 26 weeks (180 days)

Exempt Salaried Employees

Waiting Period 7 calendar days

Benefit Amount 100% of base salary

Maximum Benefit Period 26 weeks (180 days)

Long Term Disability

Waiting Period 180 days

Benefit Amount 60% of base salary

Monthly Benefit Up to $10,000

Maximum Benefit Period Up to Social Security

Normal Retirement Age

Note: Evidence of Insurability may be required for

amounts over the guarantee issue or if adding/

increasing coverage more than one $50,000 increment

(for employee) or more than one level (for spouse)

after initially eligible for this benefit.

10 Life Insurance & Disability Benefits

Retirement Plan 401(k)

The Phoenix Children’s Hospital 401(k) Retirement Plan

offers you an easy way to save for your future. PCH

offers both a pre-tax 401(k) option and an after-tax

Roth 401(k) option.

Consider these great advantages to start

saving for your retirement:

For every dollar you put in the Plan, PCH will

contribute $1.00, up to 4% of your pay. The

company matching contribution will happen

immediately upon your enrollment into the Plan.

You are always 100% vested in the money you

contribute to the Plan, the company match and

the earnings on that money.

Convenient payroll deductions. Simply choose how

much you want deducted from your pay, and your

contribution will automatically be deducted.

To join the plan visit Fidelity NetBenefits® at or contact a repre-

sentative at 800-343-0860. When you enroll you

will need to determine the percentage of pay

you want to contribute and choose your invest-

ment options.

To Enroll:

Online: click “Register” at the top of the

page and the Website will guide you through

the process to establish your Username and

Password. Then, log into NetBenefits and

choose your contribution amount and invest-

ment options. You must also make your

beneficiary designations online after enrol-

ling in the plan.

By Phone: The voice response system will

guide you through the process to establish

your Username and Password. You can then

continue to enroll through the automated

system or opt to speak with a Service Repre-

sentative who can set up your contribution

and investment elections.

This is only a general overview of the plan. You should consult the summary plan description (SPD) to

obtain more detailed information about the plan. To print or view a copy of the SPD, you can access the

Phoenix Children’s Hospital employee intranet. If information contained herein differs from the applicable

provisions of the plan document, the plan document will prevail.


You contribute on a pre-tax basis. The money will be

taxable when you withdraw it.

Roth After-tax:

You contribute on an after-tax basis. The contributions

and earnings are tax-free when you take a distribution

if certain criteria are met.

11 Retirement Plan 401(k)

Don’t wait to start saving!

Additional Benefits Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

This program is available to all employees and their

dependents at no cost regardless of your benefit

elections. This program provides confidential assis-

tance, information and resources to help you.

You have up to 8 free personal sessions per issue

per rolling calendar year. Contact Cigna Behavioral

anytime, any day to talk to an advocate who is

ready to assess your needs and develop a solution

to help resolve your concerns.

12 Additional Benefits

800-446-7566 or

Employer ID: PCH

877-242-2737 or

Username: PCH Password:4backup

Bright Horizons Care Advantage

The Bright Horizons Care Advantage program is sub-

sidize by PCH and is available to all employees. This

program offers up to 7 days a year of high-quality

temporary back up child and adult/elder care to

use when disruption to your regular arrangements

occurs. Bright Horizons Care Advantage also gives

you access to resources such as help locating ongo-

ing child, adult or pet care and discounts to high-

quality education assistance such as tutoring and

test preparation.

Educational Assistance

Phoenix Children's Hospital (PCH) provides educa-

tional assistance to regular full and part-time (.40

FTE and greater) employees, who take approved

programs of study related to their job or career at

PCH or take an approved nationally-recognized

certification exam and receive the recognized

certification. The amount reimbursed is based upon

the employee’s FTE status.

PCH partners with EdAssist to administer the

Educational Assistance benefits. EdAssist offers free

educational and financial counseling, tuition savings

at accredited schools and easy reimbursement



Additional Benefits

The supplemental benefit programs are not Phoenix Children’s Hospital benefit plans and are not covered by the

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA). Phoenix Children’s Hospital does not

endorse, recommend or guarantee any of these insurance arrangements, and you should review them carefully to

determine whether they are appropriate for your needs. PCH does not guarantee or verify the accuracy of any

statements made in the carriers’ printed materials or websites. At your option, you may consult with your own

personal accounting, legal and tax professionals before electing any of the offered services.

Discount Programs

PCH offers a variety of individual voluntary benefit plans and employee discounts. The following discount

programs are available:

United Pet Care

Liberty Mutual Auto & Home Insurance

Employee Network

Health Clubs

Child Care Facilities

Cell Phone


Hyatt Legal

This plan offers you, your spouse and dependents legal services from experienced attorneys at a low group

rate, which is deducted through the convenience of automatic payroll deductions. Once you enroll, you

must remain in the plan for the entire plan year.

Services provided include:

Court Appearances

Document Review & Preparation

Debt Collection Defense

Will or Living Trust

Family Law

Real Estate Matters

More information about this program is available when you contact the Hyatt Legal Plans.

13 Additional Benefits

800-821-6400 or

Access code: GetLAW

Benefits Resources Phone Website/Email


Fidelity Investments


Auto & Home Insurance

Liberty Mutual


Ext: 58148

[email protected]

Group Number: 112341

Benefits 602-933-5637


[email protected]

[email protected]

Benefits Help Line 888-724-4236 [email protected]

Bright Horizons Care Advantage 877-242-2737

Username: PCH Password:4backup


MetLife Dental


Group Number: 117536

Disability Benefits

The Hartford


Policy Number: 395041

Educational Assistance




Employee Assistance Program

Cigna Behavioral


Group ID: PCH

Employee Discounts

The Employee Network


Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

UMR (United Medical Resources)


Health Savings Account (HSA)



Legal Plan

Hyatt Legal


Access Code: GetLaw


UMR (United Medical Resources)


Group Number: 76-411826

Pet Care Discount

United Pet Care



CVS Caremark


Phoenix Children’s Pharmacy 602-933-2048


Vision Service Provider (VSP)


Wellness Programs 602-933-5627 [email protected]


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