Page 1: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

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Page 2: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

Many food plans tell you what to do but do not give you advice on the

exact foods you should and should not eat.

Here we will break down the food categories to really help you get started with your healthy eating


Page 3: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

Fruit and VegetablesTo maintain a healthy balanced diet eat 5 pieces of Fruit and Vegetables per day.

Fresh Fruits/Canned FruitsOrangesPearsGrapesStar FruitPlumsPineappleApricots

Frozen VegetablesSweetcornCarrotsPeasCabbageBeansCourgettesLettuceCucumberTomatoes

OtherLentilsBaked BeansPulsesBeans

Below is a list of these foods…

Page 4: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

Bread, Potatoes & CerealsFor a healthy eat planning 5 portions of these foods are recommended each day.



These include…

Your aim should be to include

one of these foods into each meal you have throughout the day!!!

Page 5: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

Milk and Dairy FoodsThe healthy eating level for milk and dairy foods in 2-3 servings per day.

These include:

Fromage FraisCheeseYoghurt


Always eat these foods in moderation and try not to exceed the daily guideline. Foods like cheese are high in fat and are hard to breakdown in

the digestive system.

In measurement form the guidelines are as follows;- A glass of milk is 200ml per day- Yoghurt is 150g per day- Cheese is 30g per day

Page 6: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

Meat, Fish and AlternativesThe recommended daily amount for meat and fish per day is 2-3 servings. When buying meat it is advised to trim the visible fat.


Some of these foods can be high in fat so always spend a little more time looking for the lower fat options. There are also the alternatives to non-meat eaters which are

good for you when choosing the lower fat options, these include:

Kidney BeansTofu

Vegetable ProteinNuts


Page 7: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

Fatty and Sugary FoodsThe recommended amount is 0-3 small servings per day.

Foods containing high fat & high sugar;

CreamFried FoodsMargarineButterCrisps/ChipsOilMayonnaise

Foods recorded in high sugar;

Soft DrinksJamsSweets

Foods high in both fat and sugar:

ChocolateHoneyPastriesIce-CreamSweetsCakesBiscuitsFizzy Drinks

Page 8: A Guide To Healthy Eating Plans

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