
A glance of interventions activities in different land use systems of Abreha we Atsbeha, Ethiopia

Interventions activities on hillsides and mountains areas (terraces, trenches, etc…

Area exclosure for self rehabilitation in Abreha we Atsbeha

On farm interventions (soil and water conservation, water harvesting, irrigation, FMNR and Agroforestry activities

Gully rehabilitation and reshaping (before and after)

Grazing land management

Beekeeping activities in Abreha we Atsbeha and other nearby villages

Newly established fruit Orcharges on rehabilitated land -owned by landless youth and women

Transforming farmlands in climate resilient farming system – before & after

Abreha we Atsbeha become a learning and knowledge center for Ethiopia and beyond

Abo Hawi’s household activities – Hand dung wells

Abo Hawi’s household activities – different fruit trees species

Abo Hawi’s household activities cont…

Abreha We Atsbeha community - The 2012 Equator prize winners in recognition of outstanding success in promoting local sustainable development solutions for people, nature & resilient

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