

Antoni Pitxot - Montse Aguer - Salvador Dalí

Script MONTSE AGUER and DAVID PUJOL Photography IVAN CARREROFilm editor and sound JORDI MUÑOZ Producer IVAN CARRERO Documentalist LUCIA MONI

A documentary produced by Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí filmed by DocDocFilmswith the collaboration of Fundació Abertis.








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Official selection


With his great mastery of painting, Salvador Dalí effectively renovated the language of Surrealism. He was tireless in his search for the most innovative and experimental ways of reflecting reality, a reality that extends well beyond the boundaries of the canvas. He was a modern creative artist who, nourished by a pro-found knowledge of the art of the past, paved the way towards the most contemporary art.Dalí plays with reality, breaks it down and transforms it through the paranoiac-critical method of interpre-ting reality, his great contribution to surrealism. Dalí appeals to our subconscious and to our desire, but he also engages our memory, our capacity to interpret the world in a polysemous manner. Dalí seeks to capture reality beyond the limits of simple visual perception. In light of this, we must not forget that the real object of his work is to connect with the spectator’s mind. It is on this basis that he challenges us and invites us to parti-cipate in his work and his consciousness, both of them always open, unfinished, and endowed with infinite meanings.

To visit the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres is to im-merse oneself in Dalí’s universe, in the evolution and understanding not only of his work but also of the history of art, to which he constantly refers, in a profound respect for tradition. It is to venture into the heart of a labyrin-th without any chronological order, a labyrinth in which interpretations abound because, as Dalí himself said, the meaning of many of his works remained obscure even to him. It is to become an active spectator, an agent in an act of creation, both timeless and transient. It is to embrace the possibility of personalizing the intellectual experience and/or the moments of cultural leisure that correspond to plunging into the museum space, ultimately to give meaning to the work, its meaning par excellence.The Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation is committed to ma-king this space, this theatre of memory, accessible to the greatest number of people and, yet more ambitiously, to demonstrating a way of understanding art and creation that goes far beyond simply explaining an artist’s work.What we have sought to do with this documentary is evoke Dalí, his work, his thought and his personality, and also the last great creation of this remarkable artist: the Dalí Theatre-Museum. A place into which he poured his entire universe and to which he devoted all his efforts, and a place that synthesizes a whole life dedicated to art.

Dalí’s Last Masterpiece, by the writers

Montse AguerDirector of the Center for Dalinian Studies

Theatre of memory, dream architecture, world of optical illusions … an ‘imperialist and surrealist museum’, in Dalí’s own words. These are con-cepts that continually came to the fore as we wor-ked on the script of the documentary with Montse Aguer. One of the main challenges, then, was how to apprehend visually the space characterized by these definitions. This was no easy task, because, once inside, we found that the works came to life, thanks to the way they reflect the sun and to the effects of the light, changing from one moment to the next. The Theatre-Museum is full of visual traps and it was only after failing with our first shots that we came to realize that Dalí, from the beyond, was still playing with us. The visual lega-cy he has left us is constantly changing. Nothing is stable. In the shifting light and shade the works merge, and if one looks at them for a few minu-tes they almost seem to be inviting us to chaos and contemplative confusion. For the first time in filming the works in the Dalí Theatre-Museum we have allowed ourselves to surrender to the crea-tive weightlessness that the artist has given us here. The documentary is counterpointed by the interventions of Dalí himself, of Montse Aguer and of the painter Antoni Pitxot, a close friend of Dalí’s and Director of the Theatre-Museum. In perfect harmony, these three voices reveal some of the secrets of Dalí’s last great work: his museum.

Dalí’s Last Masterpiece, by the writers

David PujolDirector

“Dalí, from the beyond, was still playing with us. The visual legacy he has left us is constantly changing. Nothing is stable. In the shifting light and shade the works merge, and if one looks at them for a few minutes they almost seem to be inviting us to chaos and contemplative confusion.”

David Pujol - Director


This documentary sets out to offer the spectator a di-fferent approach, at once complex and familiar, to the universe and the personality of Salvador Dalí as an indi-vidual and a character, because our prime objective is to facilitate a fuller appreciation of the artist and his world through the discovery of the Theatre-Museum. We also want to engage all of those who have not yet visited this place and to invite those who already know this unique space to discover aspects that may go unnoticed on a first visit.This film also seeks to unveil some of the enigmas of the museum through the eyes and the words of Dalí him-self, and to remind the spectator that when we cross the threshold of the Dalí Theatre-Museum, we are not simply entering a museum: we are accepting this provocation of letting ourselves be swallowed up in the last great work of Salvador Dalí.

“This museum is my life’s work. I shall devote to it the years I have left. But I have said that nothing, absolutely nothing, in the Theatre-Museum will be finished. Because if it were to come to an end, I too would come to an end. And I, I want to live.

Salvador Dalí

Stills: Nel mondo del surreale: Salvador Dalí nel “giardino dei mostri”, 10/11/1948, La Settimana Incom Archivio Storico Istituto Luce CinecittàAquarius, Hello Dali, 1973ITN Source/ITV Studios

Photos: ©Melitó Casals “Meli”/Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 2015.Image Rights of Salvador Dalí reserved. Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 2015.

Of the works by Salvador Dalí:©Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 2015.

©Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres,


Ivan [email protected](0034) 692 03 24 76

David [email protected](0034) 607 93 64 63

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