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ParochialARE PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS THE ANSWER! By Mary Perkins Ryan. 176 pages. Bolt, Rinehart and Winston. $4.Mrs. Ryan says no and makes a good case for the thesis that Roman Catholicism has emphasized the school over the church to the religious impoverishment of the Catholic community as a whole. What is needed, she writes, is a workable system of religious education designed to make all Catholics better Christians.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Amateur to Ruthless Jihadi in FranceChrif and Sad Kouachis Path to Paris Attack at Charlie HebdoThough he was two years younger, Chrif was more aggressive, playing striker while Sad played defense, their former coach said. They laughed and played like normal teenagers, said Alain Lascaux, the president of the club. Nothing then could have predicted what they did last week, nothing at all.Mr. Badaoui who is himself Muslim said he could not remember their ever praying. Like other boys in the center, the brothers just dreamed of leaving their parochial village of 1,700.If they had a religion, he said, it was Paris.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MercurialMERCURIAL MarketsPublished: April 5, 2000Volatility was redefined on Wall Street yesterday. First the Dow fell more than 500 points by 1:15 p.m. Then, miraculously, it gained back all but about 57 points by the 4 p.m. closing. The Nasdaq dropped 574 points before it too roared back to end down 74. Comparing start and finish, there was not that much change. But for investors already jittery after Monday's biggest point drop ever on the Nasdaq, 349, yesterday's whiplash market was jarring.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AmenableRacism Is Not A Treatable IllnessPublished: August 30, 1999Re ''They Hate. They Kill. Are They Insane?'' (Op-Ed, Aug. 26): Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint is to be commended for drawing attention to racism as a delusional mental disorder amenable in many instances to psychiatric treatment. However, it is important to note that he does not call for exculpation on grounds of insanity when racists are arrested for crimes committed by them.Such people should have access to treatment in prison settings. Those who refuse treatment or who are not treatable obviously warrant incarceration for as long as legally possible. Others, responding to treatment, become candidates for parole and mental health follow-up in the community.ABRAHAM L. HALPERN, M.D.Mamaroneck, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1999---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The World Asks, 'Can We Talk?'Published: April 22, 2001To the Editor:Those who say there is no simple solution to the lack of linguists for key security jobs in Washington (front page, April 16) should look to Esperanto. The artificial language was devised to satisfy the need for a global tongue and is much easier to learn than English.Is it not conceivable that computers could handle the instantaneous translation of every language into one common form of expression? The genius of Bill Gates could be called on to devise a program amenable to computer users, beginning in kindergarten.JOANNA C. ROVELSTADHayward, Wis., April 17, 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CommensurateWhen Art Is Dangerous (or Not)THE only time art ever seems to make news here in the West anymore is when a Pollock or Warhol sells for a sum commensurate with the budget of a Transformers film. It seems bizarre, then, to find ourselves grappling with international crises in which art is the issue: the imbroglio involving the Sony movie The Interview, the massacre at Charlie Hebdo in Paris.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ImpertinentJean Paul Gaultier, the French designer whose fashion house has been in partnership with Herms since 1999, said Tuesday that the Puig Beauty and Fashion Group, a Spanish company whose primary focus is perfumes, was acquiring a controlling 60 percent share of the company. Mr. Gaultier became known in the 1970s for channeling street style and diverse cultures into French fashion. His impertinent and outrageous creations, which included cross-gender models on the catwalk, have been worn by rock stars like Madonna and Lady Gaga. He has also worked with the Spanish film director Pedro Almodvar.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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