
School usually starts at nine o'clock in the morning and finishes at about three o'clock in the afternoon. Most schools in Britain require their students to wear a school uniform. Our School starts at 8:55 with registration.What is registration?The attendance of every child attending school each morning and afternoon is recorded in a special book. The teacher reads out each childs name in turn. On hearing his/her name, the child replies 'yes Mrs. (teacher's name)' and the teacher notes down in the book whether the child is in school or not.

At 9:10 we go to assembly. In assembly we sing songs, listen to a story and pray.Our first lesson begins at 9:20.We have break time from 10:20 until 10:35. During break time, the children have a snack and play games out doors.Afterwards, we go back in for another lesson until lunch at 12:00.Afternoon lessons begin at 1:10 and end at 3:15, when the children go home.We do not have a break in the afternoon.Actual taught time as defined by Department of Education is 23.5 hours weekly.[20:07, 16.06.2014] M arius Petre: Salut. Sigur cu placere. David e "senior infant @ junior school " ceea ce in romania este echivalentul a clasei pregatitoare. Ziua lui de luni arata asa: - se trezeste la ora 8. Mananca micul dejun si la 8:45 am plecam la scoala. Prezenta este obligatorie in curtea scolii las 8:50 am, iar la 9 am toti copii organizati pe clase intra in scoala. Noi suntem norocosi ca stam peste drum de scoala . La 10:30 am au pauza mica pt o gustare. De obicei stau in clase. La 12 au pauza mare pt prnz. 30 minute daca ploua afara sau 45 min cand e soare. De obicei ies in curtea scolii sau sala de sport. La 1:30 pm se termina programul. Copii trebuie colectati obligatoriu de catre printi sau persoane desemnate de catre printi, din fata usii de la intrare. Noi ne am facut in asa fel programul ca sa nu fie nevoie sa l ducem la afterschool. De regula, copii stau la afterschool pana la ora 6 pm. Acolo isi fac si temele. David isi face temele in max 30 de min, iar la 6:30 pm merge la Boyscouts pana la 7:45 pm. Acolo are diverse activitati: jocuri, sport, etc. In jur de 7:30 pm mncm de cina si la 9:30 pm la culcare. [20:07, 16.06.2014] M arius Petre: In principiu zilele sunt cam la fel. Exceptie e ziua de miercuri cate este dedicat intregral sportului. Si sambata cand merge la fotbal. Ai duminica la inot [21:28, 16.06.2014] M arius Petre: De exemplu, luni are matematica, citire si lucru manual ( pictura, desen, chestii creative). Scoala e diferita de cea din ro. Nu are ore fixe. Are program zilnic dar flexibil. Organizarea in clasa e la latitudinea educatoarei. [21:28, 16.06.2014] M arius Petre: Se pune mare accent pe activitati. Nu pe stat n banca sau memorat. Fie are clasa are ecran tactil cu jocuri interactive, cntece, filme etc

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