

And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Sovereign our

El’elohim יהוה, as he hath commanded us.

These are the statutes, which the Lord commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house. Num 30:16

1. If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married (Ex 22:16-17)

a. He must pay the bride price, 50 shekels of silver (Dt 22:28-29)

b. If her father permits, she may become his bride (Gen 2:24)

2. Marital unfaithfulness (Dt 22:13-21,22-27)

a. If a husband suspects his wife has committed adultery (Matt 5:32)

b. If a husband divorces wife and marries another (Mark 10:11)

c. Whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Luke 16:18)

d. If a woman divorces her husband and marries she commits adultery (Mark 10:12)

e. A married woman is bound to her husband by the law as long as he lives (Rom 7:2-3)

f. A wife is not to depart from her husband, but for separation of reconciliation (1 Cor 7:13)

g. Let the unbeliever depart to establish peace. (1 Cor 7:15)

h. If the husband dies, a wife is at liberty to marry whom she will. (1 Cor 7:39)

3. A Woman's Vows (Num 30:6-16)

a. A husband has a right to nullify any vow his wife makes (1 Cor 7:10-20)

b. A widow's or divorced woman's vow is binding (1 Cor 7:8-9)

4. Fornication of Unmarried And Whoredom (Lev 19:20-22)

a. Carnally lieth with a woman, a bondmaid, betrothed to a husband, not redeemed(1 Cor 7:1-2, Dt 23:17, Ex 22:16)

b. Sodomy / Bestiality (Lev 20:13-16)

5. Marrying of Relatives (Lev 18:18)

a. Do not marry any near of kin

b. Do not lie (Lev 18:6-17)

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matt 5:13



6. Marrying heathen or strange women (Dt 7:3)

a. Do not marry heathen women (Ezra 10:1-4)

7. Marrying captive women (Dt 21:10-14)

a. If a Hebrew man wants to marry a captive woman (Prov 20:16)

b. Bring her into home (Titus 2:3-5)

c. Shave her head : Acknowledge the Husband as head (Eph 5:23)

d. Trim her nails (Let her learn the ways of the Lord) (1 Cor 7:13, 34)

e. Put aside the clothes she was wearing when she was captured (1 John 1:19)

f. Wait one month for her to mourn her mother and father (Mark 10:8)

g. If not pleased with her later (Matt 19:9-11)

i. Let her go (Jer 3:1)

ii. Do not sell her or enslave her (Col 3:19)

8. Virginity of a Damsel (Dt 22:13-21, Mk 10:8, 1 Cor 6:16,7:20-26)

a. A man must pay the damsel’s Father 50 shekels of silver (Dt 22:28-29, Ex 22:16-17)

b. If a husband claims his wife was not a virgin

i. Wife's parents must bring proof of virginity to town gate

ii. If she was a virgin

The husband must give 100 shekels of silver to her parents

The husband cannot divorce her

c. If she wasn't a virgin

i. Bring her to the door of her father's house

ii. All the men of the town shall stone her

9. Separation from Husband (1 Cor 7:11)a. if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matt 5:13


A Covenant of SALT EVEN MARRIAGE10. Adultery (Dt 22:22, Luke 16:18)

a. If a man is caught sleeping with another man's wife (Lev 18:20, Dt 22:25-27)

b. Stone them both to death (Dt 22:23-24, Lev 20:10, Ex 20:14, Rom 7:3, Matt 5:31-32)

11. Divorce (Dt 24:1-4)

a. A man may divorce his wife if he finds her displeasing or indecent (Matt 19:7)

b. He must write her a certificate of divorce (Mt 19:7-9)

c. He may marry again (Num 36:6)

d. If he is divorced from another wife, he may not remarry one of his previous wives

e. A woman cannot issue a divorce (Mark 10:11-12)

12. Newlywed men (Dt 24:5)

a. For one whole year (Acts 17)

b. No duties or warfare (Acts 16:14-15)

c. Stay at home and please his wife (1 Tim 5:10-12)

13. Husband’s Brother Duty of Marriage (Dt 25:5-10)

a. If a brother dies without having a son: A brother according to the spirit (John 1:13)

b. His brother must marry her (Rom 12:10, 1 Pet 2:17)

c. The first son born to them shall carry on the dead brother's name (Mark 12:18-27)

d. If he refuses to marry her (Pro 27:6-12) (Luke 20:27-38, Matt 22:23-32)

i. The widow reports this to the elders (Phil 4:3)

ii. The elders shall talk to him (1 Tm 6:1)

iii. If he still refuses, the widow shall (Gal 5:1)

Take off one of his sandals (2 Cor 6:14)

Spit in his face (Rom 14:3)

Testify to his refusal (Isa 54:5-8)

His line shall be known as the Family of the Unsandaled (2 Tim 2:19-21)

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matt 5:13


A Covenant of SALT EVEN MARRIAGE14. Marriage of Wives (Ex 21:10-11)

a. If a man has two wives, one beloved, one hated The double portion is the right of the firstborn (Dt 21:15-17)

b. Abomination to deal treacherously with the wife of youth (Mal 2:5-17)c. Love your wives even wife of youth (Prov 5:17-18, Eph 5:25-28)d. Do not multiply wives (Dt 17:17, 1 Ki 11:1-4, Jer 44:25, 2 Ch 11:18-23, 12:1)e. Seven women take hold of one man (Isa 4:1, Dt 3:18-20, 1 Cor 7:27-40)f. Let there be no division among you (1 Cor 1:10, 3:3) g. Well reported of good works (1 Tim 5:10-12)

15. Marriage of An Elder (Lev 21:7, 13-15)

a. A man shall feed the flock (1 Tim 3:5)b. A man that ruleth well his own house (1 Tim 3:4)c. A man must be patient, not a brawler, not covetous;d. A man must not be a drunkard (Luke 21:34)e. A man of a pure conscience (1 Tim 3:9)f. A man’s heart is safetly with his wife (Pro 31:11)g. A wife whom is not a slanderer, but sober, faithful in all things (1 Tim 3:11, Pro 10:18)h. A wife whom is virtuous, her price is far above rubies (Prov 31:10)i. A wife is faithful and does not goes aside from her husband (Num 5:29, 18-27, Titus 1:6)j. A wife that feareth the Lord shall be praised (Prov 31:30)k. A wife whom is not bitter having a heart of love (Ecc 7:26, Acts 16:14)l. A wife is known to be honorable amongst the people (Acts 17:12)

O LORD, by these things men live, and in all these things is the life of my spirit: so wilt thou recover me, and make me to live. Isaiah 38:16

Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. 1 Cor 7:18-24 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Cor 6:19, Jn 2:21

And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the LORD. Ex 19:8

And Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord, and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All the words which the Lord hath said will we do. Ex 24:3

And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient. Ex 24:7

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matt 5:13

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