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A Correlated-Polaron ElectronicPropagator: Open ElectronicDynamics beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

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Citation Parkhill, John, Thomas Lee Markovich, David Gabriel Tempel,and Alan Aspuru-Guzik. 2012. “A correlated-polaron electronicpropagator: Open electronic dynamics beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.” Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (22):22A547. doi:10.1063/1.4762441.

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A correlated-polaron electronic propagator: Open electronic dynamicsbeyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximationJohn A. Parkhill, Thomas Markovich, David G. Tempel, and Alan Aspuru-Guzik Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 137, 22A547 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4762441 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys.Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors:

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A correlated-polaron electronic propagator: Open electronic dynamicsbeyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation

John A. Parkhill,a) Thomas Markovich, David G. Tempel, and Alan Aspuru-Guzikb)

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, 12 Oxford St., Cambridge,Massachusetts 02138, USA

(Received 12 June 2012; accepted 30 September 2012; published online 6 November 2012)

In this work, we develop an approach to treat correlated many-electron dynamics, dressed by thepresence of a finite-temperature harmonic bath. Our theory combines a small polaron transfor-mation with the second-order time-convolutionless master equation and includes both electronicand system-bath correlations on equal footing. Our theory is based on the ab initio Hamiltonian,and is thus well-defined apart from any phenomenological choice of basis states or electronicsystem-bath coupling model. The equation-of-motion for the density matrix we derive includesnon-Markovian and non-perturbative bath effects and can be used to simulate environmentallybroadened electronic spectra and dissipative dynamics, which are subjects of recent interest. Thetheory also goes beyond the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation, but with computationalcost scaling such as the Born-Oppenheimer approach. Example propagations with a developmen-tal code are performed, demonstrating the treatment of electron-correlation in absorption spectra,vibronic structure, and decay in an open system. An untransformed version of the theory is alsopresented to treat more general baths and larger systems. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.[]


The small-polaron transformation of the electronicHamiltonian was originally developed in the 1960s,1 andmore recently revived2, 3 in the many-electron context. It is aclassic example4 of the utility of canonical transformations inquantum physics. Its usefulness is well-established4 yet it isalso experiencing renewed interest.5–8 In particular, second-order master equations in the polaron frame afford good re-sults in all bath strength regimes9–11 employing the varia-tional technique of Harris and Silbey.12 In the many-electroncase, there has also been some recent pioneering work to-ward developing random-phase approximation equations.2, 3

The electronic structure community has also produced somerelated work,13–18 including phenomenologically damped19

response theory.In this paper, we formulate and implement a correlated

many-electron master equation that overcomes several limita-tions of the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation, andincludes effects such as excited-state lifetimes and vibronicstructure. The basic goal of our method is to produce elec-tronic spectra for small molecules that include the effects ofcoupling to an environment. With continued development, ourformalism could describe the environmental localization ofelectronic states and the decay of quantum entanglement incorrelated electronic systems.

The theory we present exploits the polaron transforma-tion to combine both electron correlation and system-bathcouplings in a single perturbation theory. In the transformed

a)Electronic mail: [email protected])Electronic mail: [email protected].

frame, high-rank quantum expressions are dressed by envi-ronmental factors, which cause them to decay during dy-namics. This introduces the possibility for environmentallyinduced decay of the correlations in an electronic system,thereby making the problem computationally more tractable.We also discuss how a general one-particle perturbation tothe electronic system may be treated in a closely related un-transformed version of the theory. Physically relevant cou-pling models of this form are numerous, and several exam-ples include nuclear motion coupled to electronic degrees offreedom,20, 21 Coulomb coupling to a nearby nano-particlesurface,22 the electromagnetic vacuum,23 and perhaps evenCoulomb coupling to surrounding molecules in a condensedphase.

The present method is distinguished from previous workby a few characteristic features. Unlike virtually all masterequation approaches, it treats the dynamics without assum-ing the many-body problem of the electronic system tobe solved. The reason being that, in general, the appropri-ate basis of a few electronic states to prepare a master equa-tion cannot be found a priori. As a result, this theory be-gins from a system-bath Hamiltonian, which is well-definedand atomistic in terms of single-electron states and employsa non-Markovian equation of motion (EOM) in place of phe-nomenological damping. Conveniently, we find that high-rankoperator expressions responsible for the computational in-tractability of exact, closed, many-particle quantum mechan-ics are multiplied by factors, which exponentially vanish inmany circumstances.

The picture of electronic dynamics offered by a mas-ter equation is complementary to the time-dependent wave-packet picture of absorption.24–30 In the latter approach, the

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electronic degrees of freedom are described as a superposi-tion of a few adiabatic surfaces, and nuclear wave-packets arestudied in the dynamics. In our approach, the electronic de-grees of freedom are described in all-electron detail, but thedynamics of the nuclei are approximated by the choice of theHolstein Hamiltonian. It is possible to combine a wave-packetcalculation of the bath correlation function with the untrans-formed equation of motion, presented in this work, to leveragethe physical strengths of both approaches.

We demonstrate the implementation of the formalism in apilot code, and apply it to calculate some dynamic propertiesof model small molecules. The spectra produced by the elec-tron correlation theory are shown to compare favorably to re-lated methods in the adiabatic limit. Vibronically progressedspectra are shown to be produced by the dressed theory, anda Markovian version is applied to a basic model of elec-tronic energy transport between chromophores. Finally, theundressed, uncorrelated theory is used to simulate the ultra-violet absorption spectrum of 1,1-diflouroethylene and com-pared with available experimental data.


A. Hamiltonian

As in the work of Refs. 2 and 3, we use the non-relativistic ab initio many-electron Hamiltonian with aHolstein-type31 (linear) coupling to a bath of non-interactingbosons (summation over repeated indices is implied through-out this paper unless stated otherwise), given by

H = F + V + Hboson + Hel-boson

= f qp a†

qap +V rspqa

†s a

†r apaq +ωkb

†kbk +a†


k (b†k +bk).(1)

Here, a†s creates an electron in the single-particle basis state s,

while b†k creates a bosonic bath particle in the kth mode. F is

the Fock operator of the reference determinant, and V is thetwo-electron part of the electronic Hamiltonian in the samesingle-particle basis. The third term is the boson Hamiltonian,Hb and the last is the coupling of the electronic system to thebath. For a general bath mode with dimensionless displace-ment Qk, the bi-linear coupling constant, M


k , is related to the

derivative of the orbital energy via Mp

k = ω−1k


dQk(no sum-

mation over p and q implied). Assuming this sort of couplingis only appropriate for nuclear configurations near the mini-mum of the Born-Oppenheimer well. There are prescriptionsfor defining these parameters from normal-mode analysis21

and molecular dynamics32 for the semiclassical treatment ofanharmonicity. The latter approach can also include electro-static fluctuations. For the purposes of this work, we are onlyinterested in the properties of the method we develop, and donot present any calculations of the bath Hamiltonian. In thefollowing discussion, we will assume the one-electron partsof H and F to be diagonal in the (canonical) one-electron ba-sis with eigenvalues εp = f

pp .

We now introduce the displacement operator:

exp[S] = exp[a†papM


k (b†k − bk)], (2)

Mkp ≡ Mk

p/ωk, (3)

which generates the polaron transformation. Since the opera-tor S is anti-Hermitian, it generates a unitary transformationof the electron-boson Hamiltonian H → H = e−S H eS . Ex-plicitly, the polaron transformed Hamiltonian is given by

H = F + Hint, (4)

where the one-particle part of the transformed Hamiltonian isgiven by

F = Fele + Hboson = (εp − λp)a†pap + ωkb

†kbk, (5)

and we have introduced the reorganization energyλp = ∑

k Mp

k /ωk . The transformed electron-electron in-teraction is given by

Hint = V rspqa

†s a

†r apaqX


†rXpXq, (6)

where the transformed matrix elements are

V rspq = V rs

pq − 2(ωkM

rk M


)δpsδqr (1 − δsr ), (7)

and we have defined the bath operators Xp as

Xp = exp[M



(b†k − bk

)]. (8)

For future reference, it will also be useful to define dressedelectronic creation and annihilation operators, denoted bya†s ≡ a


†s and as ≡ asXs .

The key feature of the polaron transformation is thatH has no electron-phonon coupling term. As a result,the two-electron and electron-boson parts of the origi-nal Hamiltonian are combined into a single term, whichnow couples two dressed electrons and two dressed bosons(Eq. (6)). One should intuitively imagine the situation de-picted in Fig. 1, where two displaced electronic energy sur-faces are dragged into alignment by the polaron transforma-tion, altering the coupling region between them, which nowabsorbs the electron-boson coupling.

In what follows, our expressions will be derived in the in-teraction picture with respect to Eq. (6) and then switched tothe Schrödinger picture. The harmonic nature of the bosonsmeans that the correlation functions of X operators (in anycombination and at multiple times) can be given as simple

FIG. 1. A schematic representation of the polaron transformation. One-electron energies of the underlying Hamiltonian take the form of displacedparabolas coupled to the Coulomb interaction V . In the transformed frame,the boson effects are absorbed into a V , which depends on the boson oper-ators, X. This makes V effectively time-dependent via the bath correlationfunction B(t).

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functions of ωp, M and β = kbT .2 The transformed electron-boson problem takes the form of the usual many-electronproblem with a time-dependent electron-electron interac-tion. This allows us to harness powerful methodologies thatstem from two distinct areas of research: quantum masterequations33 and quantum chemistry methods.34 We exploitthis feature to produce a model of electronic dynamics, whichtreats system-bath dynamics and correlation effects within thesame perturbation theory.

B. Electronic dynamics

Having reviewed the polaron transformation in Sec. II A,we now combine it with the time-convolutionless perturba-tion theory (TCL)35, 36 to arrive at the central theoretical re-sult of this manuscript. Our goal is to derive an equation-of-motion for a dressed particle-hole excitation operator, whichwe denote oi

a ≡ oai a

†aai (here, i, j, k. . . are zeroth-order occu-

pied levels and a, b, c... are unoccupied). We consider onlythe particle-hole part of the density matrix, commonly re-ferred to as the Tamm-Dancoff approximation37, 38 (TDA), tosimplify the derivation of our equations and avoid the pos-sible issues associated with the non-linearity of the otherblocks.39 To derive Fock-space expressions,40 it is convenientto assume that the initial equilibrium state is the canonicalHartree-Fock (HF) determinant, i.e., the initial density ma-trix is |�(0)〉〈�(0)| ≈ |0〉〈0|, with |0〉 the HF determinant.This assumption relies on two approximations: (1) The firstexcited-state energy of the systems we will study is muchlarger than kbT, so that the system is effectively in the ground-state. (2) The initial state of the system is weakly correlatedand hence dominated by a single Slater determinant. Assump-tion 1 is clearly valid for the small molecular systems we willstudy, while assumption 2 requires more care and the effectsof initial correlations are discussed in detail in Sec. II E. Wedefine projection operators

PA = PF (T rb(A)) × 〈X†...X〉b,eq , and Q = 1 − P. (9)

PF is a Fock space projector onto maps between single-electron {a†a} operators such as the typical projector of a par-titioned electron-correlation perturbation theory i.e.,


(L1 : oq

pa†qap → ηs

ra†s ar

) = L1, (10)


(L>=2 :

pq...a†s a

†r · · · apaq → η...r ′s ′

p′q ′ a†s ′a

†r ′ · · · ap′aq ′

) = 0.


This partitioning is consistent with the perturbative orderingof H by powers of V . We treat the description of the many-electron state in terms of only one-body operators (neglectingall higher density matrices) on the same footing as tracingover the bath degrees of freedom,41 so both phenomena areeasily incorporated in the same master equation.

The effective Liouvillian becomes time-dependent dueto the polaron transformation. Consequently, there exists nosimple analytical formula for its Fourier transform. Instead,we must give a differential representation of the EOM for aparticle-hole excitation, which can then be integrated numeri-cally. Given these projectors, the time-convolutionless pertur-

bation theory35 (TCL) over the space of P is42


dtP o(t) =

(PL(t)P +

∫ t


)o(t) + I(t).


This is written in the interaction picture whereL = −i[V (t), ·]. The first term above is the uncorre-lated part of the evolution,43 the second is a homogenousterm reflecting correlation between the system and the bath,and the last term is an inhomogeneity reflecting correlationsof the initial state. The interaction picture perturbation44

is V (t) = (V pqrs ei

pqrs t a


†paras) × (X†

q(t)X†p(t)Xr (t)Xs(t)),

where γδ...

αβ... = (εγ + εδ + · · · − εα − εβ − · · · ). Expandingthe first term over the one-particle space and moving into theSchrodinger picture, we obtain (left arrows, ←, are used toindicate the contribution of a term to do/dt)


dtP ou

v (t) ← −i(εu − εv + V vp

us Bvspu(t, t)


p(t). (13)

We have introduced a shorthand for the correlation func-tion B

(a†),(a)(a†),(a) (lower time, upper time)

Bmnoppqrs (t, s) =〈X†


p(t)X†q(t)Xr (t)Xs(t)〉.


Term (13) is comparable in dimension and physical contentto the response matrices of configuration interaction singles(CIS)45 with an attached, time-local boson correlation func-tion. Because all arguments have the same time-index, B onlyapplies a real factor (∼1 as M → 0) to values of the interac-tion and thus introduces no new time-dependence. The indicesof the boson correlation function, and their order, are simplyread-off the V integral they multiply.

The second homogeneous term introduces bath correla-tion functions between boson operators occurring at differenttimes (t and s) according to


dtP ou

v (t) ←(−i


)2 ∫ t


ds(PL(t)QL(s)P o(t)) (15)

= −[V rs

pq(t),Q[∫ t


Bab,xyrs,qp (t, s)V ab

xy (s)ds, onm(t)



Moving the electronic part into the Schodinger picture andrearranging this becomes

= −[V rs

pq,Q[V ab

xy , onm


pq )t ei(nm)t

∫ t


Bab,xyrs,qp (t, s)ei(ab

xy )sds.


Expanding the commutators in Eq. (17), applying Wick’s the-orem to remove the many vanishing terms, and enforcing theconnectivity constraint, one obtains many topologically dis-tinct terms. In our implementation, this is done automaticallybefore the execution of a simulation. The terms are easily re-lated to terms, which occur in the expansion of the second-order Fermion propagator (SOPPA)46–48 and diagonalization-based excited-state theories such as CIS(D).49 Since weemploy the time-convolutionless perurbation theory, the

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oscillating eit factors are different than those which oc-cur in Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theories (in theenergy-domain denominator 1

ω−) and warrants further study.

We will review some terms from a hole → particle ex-citation, which is obtained by multiplying both sides ofEq. (12) on the left with (a†

uav)† and applying Wick’s theorem,

˙oai (t) ← V


bd V bdcj oc

i ei(cj

bd )t∫ t



aj,bd (t, s)ei(bdcj )sds. (18)

This term has six indices overall, but can be factorized asfollows:

˙oai (t) ← I a

c (t)oci ,


I ac (t) = V


bd V bdcj ei(cj

bd )t∫ t



aj,bd (t, s)ei(bdcj )sds. (19)

The calculation of I ac scales fifth order with the number

of single electron states, and linearly with the number ofbath modes (which go into the calculation of B(t)). Thislow scaling with number of bath modes is inherited fromthe approach of Silbey,12 Jang,7 and Nazir.50 The algebraicversion of the second term in Fig. 2 is

˙obk(t) ← V


akVabcj oc

i ei(cj

ab)t∫ t



ij,ak (t, s)ei(abcj )sds. (20)

This term is sixth order with the size of the system, withthe boson correlation function preventing a desirable factor-ization of the V-V contractions. Fourteen sixth-or-less-orderterms are found, which couple hole-particle excitations toeach other; skeletons51 of these are shown diagrammaticallyin Fig. 2 with explicit expressions for each of these termsgiven in the supplementary information.52 We should notethat our formalism lacks several terms, which occur inthe SOPPA because of the Q projector and the absenceof VtovacoVs ordered terms that are invoked in the formalexpansion of the time-ordered exponential.

As described so-far, the EOM is not time-reversible evenwhen M = 0 because neither the homogenous term, nor thenormal excitation operator takes the form of an anti-Hermitianmatrix.53 We remedy this by adding the terms, which resultfrom the normal excitation’s operator’s Hermitian conjugate,i.e., the indices of the vacuum and o are swapped, and thesigns of s and prefactor are flipped and the new term isadded to the other perturbative terms. For example, Term (20)

becomes the following two terms:

˙obk ← 1



akVabcj oc


∫ t



ij,ak (t, s)(ei(cj



˙oci ← −1



akVabcj ob


∫ t



ij,ak (t, s)(ei(abcj )(t−s))ds.

Making this modification, the linear response spectrum of theadiabatic model is not significantly altered, but the adiabaticnorm conservation is enforced, and changes by less than 1%after 1700 a.u. in the case of H4 with 4th order Runge-Kuttaand a time step of 0.05 a.u.

C. Dipole correlation function

Like any canonical transformation,54 the polaron trans-formation preserves the spectrum of the overall electron-phonon Hamiltonian but the statistical meaning of the staterelated to a particular eigenvalue is changed. In other words,the operators of our theory are different objects from the adi-abatic Fock space. To lowest order in system-bath coupling,50

electronic observables such as the time-dependent dipole cor-relation function, which predicts the results of linear opticalexperiments, can be obtained by generating the transformedproperty operator μ = eSμe−S = μi

ja†i ajX

†i Xj . Within the

Condon approximation, the dipole correlation function is thenthe product of the electronic trace and bath trace over the X

operators introduced in μ. This adds a bath correlation func-tion to the usual observable. Taking all the relevant expecta-tion values gives the following explicit numerical formula forthe dipole moment expression:

Cd−d (t) =∑ijab


· T rB{X†a(t)Xi(t)X

†b(0)Xj (0))}. (22)

This expression for the dipole-dipole correlation function as-sumes that the bath remains at equilibrium. CIS, likewise,only offers a zeroth-order oscillator strength.55 The spectrain this work are generated by “kicking” the electronic systemwith the dipole operator instantaneously, and Fourier trans-forming the resulting dipole-dipole oscillations.

D. Untransformed version

Because of the polaron transformation, the above for-malism is accurate in the strong bath regime with diago-nal system-bath couplings. To treat an off-diagonal, weakcoupling one can develop the complementary untransformed

FIG. 2. The particle-hole → particle-hole skeleton Brandow51 diagrams in the second-order homogeneous term, the first two come from the VtVso term inthe expanded double-commutator, and third from VtoVs . The fourth occurs in VtoVs , VsoVt , and VtVso. The boson correlation function depends on any linesemerging from the ellipses, which represent virtual electron scattering events at times t, s.

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theory. With a bi-linear system-bath coupling of the form

Hsb =∑ij

a†i ajM


k (b†k + bk), (23)

the development of an uncorrelated particle-hole equation ofmotion follows similarly to the above with Hsb taking theplace of V . The untransformed version also makes it possi-ble to introduce an Ehrenfest scheme for the nuclear bath,which may be pursued in future work. The projector of theuntransformed version is simply the equilibrium trace overb operators. The TCL produces second-order contribution ofthe form

˙o(t) ←∫ t


[Hsb(t), [Hsb(s), o(t)]]ds, (24)

which after translation into the Schrodinger picture and appli-cation of Wick’s theorem produces several terms56 similar tothe following:

oal (t) ← M


k Mm,j

k oam(t)ei


k t

∫ t


eimj sC(t − s)ds (25)

with τ = t − s. The correlation function Cm(t)= 〈b†m(t)bm(0)〉 is given by the usual formula57

Re (C(τ )) =∑





)cos (ωiz),


Im (C(τ )) =∑


sin (ωiz).

These contributions to the equations of motion scale with the4th order of the system size; two-orders of magnitude cheaperthan the transformed version. They can be combined withjust the uncorrelated part of the particle-hole equation of mo-tion, or added to the correlation terms developed above withthe bath factor removed. To treat a continuous bath of os-cillators, one can introduce a continuous parameterization of(Mk)2 = J (ω)/ω2 = ηi


−ω/ωc as an ohmic spectral densityunder the assumption that the coupling to the continuous bathis the same for every state up to a factor.

Furthermore, we find that the reorganization energy isgiven by λi = ωid

2ii , which can be subtracted from the origi-

nal Hamiltonian.

E. Initial correlations

In the above, we have expanded on existing master equa-tions by giving the electronic system a many-body Hamilto-nian with Fermionic statistics. We have also improved typicalelectronic response theories by incorporating bath dynamicsbut we have assumed that the initial state was a single determi-nant and employed the corresponding Wick’s theorem. Theseapproximations are made in many other treatments of elec-tronic spectra,20, 58, 59 and are acceptable for situations wherea molecule begins in a nearly determinantal state. Optical ab-sorption experiments of gapped small molecules belong tothis regime. To rigorously study electron transport in a biasedjunction,60 or otherwise more exotic initial state requires atreatment of initial correlations,61–64 as in the non-equilibriumGreen’s function(NEGF) method.65–67 These methods treat

correlation of the initial state by executing an imaginarytime60 propagation. Numerical applications of the NEGF for-malism require storage and a manipulation of a state vari-able with three indices: Gpq(ω), and are usually limited tosmall systems,68 and short times. We can similarly performan imaginary time propagation, and have performed some ex-ploratory calculations, which are described in the supplemen-tary material.52

Instead of performing an imaginary time integration, onecan replace the usual Wick’s theorem, and build the theorybeginning from a state, which is already correlated. Extendednormal ordering69 makes it possible to take expectation val-ues with a multi-configurational reference function via a gen-eralization of Wick’s theorem.70 Using the extended normalordering technique, the expressions of the present paper canbe promoted to treat a general initial state directly, so longas the density operator of that state is known. This approachwould eliminate the need for any adiabatic preparation of theinitial state, but would generate more complex equations, andis a matter for future work.

For weakly correlated systems, it is reasonable to keepthe approximation that the usual Wick’s theorem applies tothe initial state of the electronic system, and instead of adia-batically preparing an initial state, choose a perturbative ap-proximation to the correlated part of the initial state, Qo(0)= ∫ 0

−∞ dsL(s)o(0), and treat the first inhomogenous71 termof the master equation

I(t) = PL(t)Q∫ 0

−∞dsL(s)o(0). (27)

The bath parts of the inhomogenous term are known tobe relatively unimportant from studies of tight-bindingHamiltonians,7 and only slightly perturb the results of a prop-agation for short times, and so we will not include them.

It is interesting to note that with the addition of thisinhomogenous term, there is a correspondence between thepresent theory and a model of electronic linear response de-rived from an effective Hamiltonian, CIS(D).59 The CIS(D)excited states are the eigenvectors of a frequency dependentmatrix, A

CIS(D)ai,bj (ω), with the dimension of the particle-hole


ACIS(D)ai,bj (ω) = H CIS − PVQVP

( − ω)+ PVQT2P. (28)

In the above, T2 is the second-order excitation operator fromMoller-Plesset perturbation theory. These terms correspond,respectively, to the Fourier transform of our PVP , PVQVP ,and I(t) terms with different denominators. This correspon-dence suggests the present method should produce linear re-sponse spectra of quality similar to CIS(D), which is usu-ally slightly better than time-dependent density functionaltheory (TDDFT). Because the formalism is somewhat in-volved and many approximations have been made, we havesummarized the limitations of this work in Table I with ref-erences that point to possible improvements. The formalismis now developed to the point where particle-hole excitationscan be usefully propagated, and the main features of the ap-proach can be demonstrated in calculations.

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TABLE I. Limitations of this work and how they may be relaxed. Orbitalrelaxation is not really an approximation, per se, but would be beneficial forthe results of the perturbation theory.

Approximation Extension

|�eq〉 ≈ |0〉 Extended normal ordering69

Second-order in V TCL-472

〈μ(t)〉 ≈ T r(μ · o(t)) Use basis commuting with μ

TDA Include the additional blocks55

Orbital relaxation Variational condition12


A. Adiabatic (M → 0) spectrum

To incorporate both bath and electron correlation ef-fects, it was necessary to write down a second-order, time-local EOM for electronic dynamics based on the time-convolutionless perturbation theory, which we will call “2-TCL.” The zeroth order poles of the correlation terms inthis theory differ from those which occur in other second-order theories of electronic response (SOPPA,73 ADC(2),55

CIS(D),59 and CC258), which arise from perturbative parti-tioning of what is essentially an energy-domain propagatormatrix. Interestingly, the denominator of the present theory isnaturally factorized and in the adiabatic limit all terms can beevaluated in fifth order time, unlike the Rayleigh-Schodingerperturbation theory, which requires a denominator factoriza-tion approximation to avoid a six-index denominator.49 Toverify that the electronic part of this work is indeed a rea-sonable model of electronic dynamics and check our imple-mentation (signs, factors, etc.), it is useful to compare an adi-abatic spectrum (a calculation with no bath coupling, M → 0)to one arising from exact diagonalization. We have coded theabove formalism into a standalone extension of the Q-Chempackage74 from which we take the results of some other stan-dard models. The particle hole equation of motion is inte-

grated with the Runge-Kutta 4th/5th method with an adaptivetime step. Propagations in all three directions are followed atonce, and the resulting time dependent dipole tensor is Fouriertransformed to produce the spectra presented below. Bath in-tegrals are calculated with third-order Gaussian quadraturewith the same time-step as the electronic Runge-Kutta inte-gration, or integrated analytically in the adiabatic limit. Theexact results and moments shown below come from the PSI375

program package.To check the adiabatic theory, we present calculations

of dipole spectra on the H4 and BH3 molecules.76 In bothcases, the molecules have been stretched from their equilib-rium bond lengths to a geometry where correlation effects arestronger77 and excitations are anomalously low-in-energy be-cause of near degeneracy of the single-particle levels. We pre-pared the minimal basis molecule of H4 in a density excited bythe dipole operator, and propagated it for 250 a.u. The dipole-dipole correlation functions Cαβ (t) = 〈μα(t)μβ(0)〉 were col-lected during the simulation and Fourier transformed. The realpart of this spectrum of spherically averaged dipole oscilla-tions is compared against stick spectra with the height givenby the transition moment at the poles of an exact adiabaticcalculation within this basis, and related theories. One seesthat the propagator of the present work is a meaningful cor-rection to CIS, moving poles away from the green positionstoward the blue (Fig. 3) as CIS involves the exact diagonaliza-tion of the single-excitation part of the many electron Hamil-tonian while the present theory involves correlation effects aswell. In the adiabatic limit of the response model, only cor-relation effects (and not bath effects) are present. The excitedstate near 12.52 eV in H4 has increased in energy from thegreen position of 11.54 eV toward the exact pole at 13 eV. Amore strongly correlated state just below this is unresolved.This is likely because the dipole moment operator does notcouple the reference determinant to this multi-configurationalstate. The higher energy peak of the spectrum is brought intogood agreement with the exact result. Similar performance

FIG. 3. (Left) Adiabatic dipole absorption spectra of H4 in the minimal basis, CIS which is a part of the first term in (12), CIS(D), and the present theory.Numbers indicate maxima in eV and horizontal axis is given in Hartree. The largest maxima have been normalized to the same value. (Right) Adiabatic 2-TCLapplied to the BH3 molecule. The placement of red peaks nearer to blue than green indicates success as a perturbation theory. The atomic geometries (given ina footnote, are also shown).

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FIG. 4. Polaron-transformed absorption spectrum of H4 with a Lorentizanbath oscillator at 1600 cm−1. Each adiabatic peak is split into a Boltzman-weighted vibronic progression magnified at inset.

is seen in the case of a distorted BH3 molecule, albeit withcorrections of the higher energy peaks near 23 eV being toosmall.

B. Vibronic features

The spectra of Markovian system-bath perturbation the-ories take the form of Lorentzians23 at the poles of the re-sponse matrix. Because the present theory is non-Markovian,it should be capable of yielding new poles off main transi-tions. To evaluate this effect, we add a strong bath oscilla-tor at 1600 cm−1 and calculate absorption spectra. We choosethis bath oscillator at high energy to observe vibronic peaksin a reasonable amount of propagation time (1700 a.u.), andchoose a correspondingly high temperature (4397.25 K) sothat there are several peaks in the progression, which shouldtake-on a Boltzmannian shape. The resulting absorption spec-trum is pictured in Figure 4, with a close up of the promisedprogression. It is relevant to wonder whether the vibronicpeaks are simply the result of the bath displacement operatorspresent in the dipole correlation function expression, or theresult of the polaron density matrix dynamics. Simply elim-inating the bath-correlation function from the dipole expres-sion and generating the same spectrum, a vibronic progressionstill results, indicating that it is the non-Markovian dynamicsof the system operators, which provides the vibronic progres-sion.

C. Energy transport and Markovian evolution

The continuous integration of rank-6 bath correlation ten-sors required for the non-Markovian propagation executedabove is a rather costly proposition for large systems. This isespecially true if one would like to study incoherent electronicenergy transport, which takes place in times on the order of pi-coseconds, roughly a million times more than the electronictimestep required to integrate Eq. (12) for a typical molecule.A useful approximation to overcome this is a Markov approx-

imation, by which we mean taking the limit of the integral toinfinity for each term, such as


ij,ak = limt→∞

∫ t



ij,ak (t, s)(ei(cj

ab)(t−s))ds, (29)

where R is now a factor replacing the integral expression.Each term possesses its own R tensor, but these must onlybe calculated once. Numerically, this limit can be taken in thecase of a continuous super-ohmic bath with cutoff frequencyωc by introducing a cutoff time tc, above which the bath corre-lation function is assumed to be equal to its equilibrium value,which is a good approximation for βωc(tc)2 � 2.

We have used the letter R to suggest the analogy betweenthis time-independent rate tensor and that occurring in theRedfield theory,79, 80 although in this theory there are 28 suchfifth and sixth rank tensors. These tensors also differ becausethey use the transformed, rather than the bare correlation func-tion. The value of the integral above only depends on the val-ues of a Laplace-transformed B(ω) = ∫ ∞

0 eiωtB(t, 0) at thezeroth order electronic frequencies (). The Markovian ratematrix can then be calculated once in sixth order time, givingeffective kinetic rates, which include the effects of correlationand bath coupling. These can be used to calculate dynamicsat a drastically reduced fourth order cost (since the perturba-tive EOM then takes the form of a single matrix product withtime-independent effective Hamiltonian) or diagonalized di-rectly to obtain spectra. The frequency independent nature ofthis term means that no new peaks can appear due to corre-lation or system-bath coupling. Only damping of dynamicsbetween correlation and bath shifted CIS-like poles leadingto Lorentzian spectra can be expected within the confines ofthis Markovian approximation.

To give an example of how this methodology could beapplied to transfer of electronic energy, we examine two Hy-drogen molecules separated several bond lengths81 in a DZbasis. The basis has been expanded to allow for the induceddipole moment between the two molecules. Since these twomolecules are well separated and held at nearly their Born-Oppenheimer minima, there is no longer any strong corre-lation or spin-frustration in this system. The adiabatic linearresponse spectrum is shown in Fig. 5, again showing goodagreement with the stick spectra emerging from exact diago-nalization as in H4. The CIS states of this pair of molecules arewell-localized. The splitting between the two peaks around18 eV corresponds to a weak coupling between them, anda distortion to the molecule on the right, which has beenimposed to lower the energy of the state localized on thatside so that a bath can induce transfer of population. Weinitialize the pair of molecules into an even superposi-tion of their excited states and couple a 2831 cm−1 os-cillator at 273.0 K to the HOMO, HOMO-1, LUMO, andLUMO+1 with dimensionless M’s of (0.025, 0.05, 0.165,and 0.055), respectively. Over the course of ∼60 fs (Fig.6) the overlap of the time-dependent state with the higherenergy state 0 has halved the overlap with the lower en-ergy state has grown, and the overall norm of the statehas decreased by about 10%, corresponding to non-radiativedecay. The rapid beating between the states correspondsto what would tight binding-model would describe as the

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FIG. 5. Adiabatic linear response spectrum of a minimal model of transportbetween electronically excited states, two H2 molecules in the DZ78 basis.

coherence between collective states 0 and 1. The evolutionof this “coherence” is not captured well in the Tamm-Dancoffapproximation because we have truncated the blocks of thepropagator coupling particle-hole excitations and their conju-gate hole-particle modes.

D. Untransformed and uncorrelated version

The transformed version of the theory has severalinteresting formal advantages, but to treat larger systems oroff-diagonal system-bath couplings, we have also presentedthe untransformed version of our theory, which is similar toa propagation of the CIS wave-function with dissipative bathterms. Even in our relatively rudimentary code, it is possibleto treat much larger systems with the undressed version,especially if the electron correlation terms are neglected.To demonstrate the idea, we have simulated the ultraviolet

FIG. 6. Transfer of probability between H2 molecules in the DZ basis. Afterbeing initialized in a transition density, which is the superposition of the adi-abatic states at 17.3 and 18.1 eV, probabilities relaxation proceeds because ofinteraction with the bath. To zeroth-order in bath coupling state 1 is localizedon the left, undistorted H2, and state 0 is localized on the right, distorted H2.

FIG. 7. Experimental and simulated UV absorption cross-section of 1,1-diflouroethlyene in the region dominated by the π → π* transition producedby 1500 a.u. of propagation at 303 K. The untransformed version of the the-ory is employed and correlation terms are neglected.

photoabsorption spectrum of 1,1-diflouroethylene.82 We willcompare the result of an untransformed calculation (Fig. 7)with available experimental data83 for the valence π → π*transition. Bath bosons are positioned at the experimentallyraman active frequencies, the C=C stretch at 0.214 eV, theCF2 symmetric mode at 0.114 eV, and the CH2 rocking modeat 0.162 eV. We have also added a super-ohmic spectral(n = 3) density with coupling constant α = 0.01 and cutofffrequency of 5580 cm−1. Because of a mixture of basis lim-itations and the absence of electron correlation, the simulatedabsorption is centered at an energy an electron-volt aboveexperiment, but both transitions appear in a qualitativelysimilar way. The somewhat irregular vibronic progression ofthe experimental peak hints at limitations of approximatingthe nuclear degrees of freedom as a harmonic bath. Thissuggests that in future work, it may be interesting to exploremore accurate ways to calculate 〈b†(t)b(0)〉, for example bypropagating frozen gaussians or pursuing an Ehrenfest-type84

scheme. In this untransformed version, semiclassical orwave-packet85 approaches to calculate 〈b†(t)b(0)〉 are easilycombined into the electronic equation of motion.


In this paper, we have presented a model of correlatedelectronic dynamics that is transformed by a Bosonic bath.This allows us to study the effects of environmental dephas-ing on electronic excited states without assuming a reducedmodel for the electrons and their coupling to each other. In-triguingly, factors appear in the theory, which damp high-rankoperator expectation values. The possibility of exploiting thisdamping to reduce the cost of high-level electronic structureis interesting.86 The adiabatic limit of the propagation de-veloped here offers a useful correction to the placement ofelectronic energies. The linear-response spectrum of the com-plete model has been shown to exhibit vibronic structure. AMarkovian, Tamm-Dancoff approximation to an energy trans-port problem has been examined, leading to bath-induced

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transfer of electronic energy between H2 molecules, althoughcoherence decay cannot yet be captured because several off-diagonal blocks of the transition density matrix have been ne-glected in the EOM of this initial work. The untransformedversion of this formalism could be made efficient enough tostudy nonlinear optical experiments87–89 via propagation.

Accurate protocols for providing a per-orbital spectraldensity must be developed and the accuracy of the resultinglineshapes and lifetimes must be assessed. Simply project-ing the orbital energy gradient onto the normal modes of themolecule is an obvious choice, but it would be appealing totreat the influence of surrounding molecules in a similar way.The Tamm-Dancoff equation of motion provided in this workpropagates only one-block of a much larger transition densitymatrix, which must be treated to capture coherence phenom-ena between particles amongst themselves (and holes). Thetreatment of a thermalized initial condition is an interesting,but computationally demanding question. The payoff for de-veloping these additional features would be electronic excitedstates with more realism than can be offered in the adiabaticpicture. These states would be naturally localized, with a sizedepending on vibronic structure and temperature and evolveand relax irreversibly.


We would like to thank Shervin Fatehi and JarrodMcClean for help with the manuscript, and Professor SeogjooJang for valuable conversations. We acknowledge the fi-nancial support of the Defense Advanced Research ProjectsAgency (Grant No. N66001-10-1-4063). A.A.G. thanks theCamille and Henry Dreyfus and Sloan foundations and theRLE Center for EXcitonics for their generous support.


Time-ordered harmonic correlation functions (HCF’s) ofall orders of the type 〈XX†...XX†〉 were made available inDahnovsky’s pioneering work2 by expanding the exponentialsin X as power series in Ak = (bke

iωkt − b†ke

−iωkt ) and apply-ing Wick’s theorem to the resulting A operator strings pay-ing careful attention to the combinatorial statistics. Since weemploy a master equation theory rather than a Green’s func-tion theory, our version of the HCF depends on the sign of(t − s), but is otherwise the same after making the simplifica-tions, which appear in our second order theory,


(s, t) = ⟨X†


p2(t)Xp3 (t)Xp4 (t)X†


q2(s)Xq3 (s)Xq4 (s)

⟩= exp








}· exp






)Fm(t − s)



Fm(t) = Coth(βωm/2)Cos(ωmt) − iSin(ωmt). (A1)

We use an abbreviated notation (the same as ),Mab...

ij... (s) = (Mas + Mb

s ... − Mis − M

js ...). The correlation

function above includes equilibrium value of the HCF. Thequalitative behavior of the real part of bath integrals in termslike (20) governs relaxation and is worth comment. If ωs

∼ > 0 at time s, and Mat tMat s < 0 then summed over allterms Re(B(t)) is negative (causing relaxation) for a time onthe order of 1/(ωs − s), after which it oscillates. If < 0,then relaxation occurs if Mat tMat s > 0. In most applicationsof Master equations, a single, positive, spectral density is as-sumed for all states, which basically parameterizes Mat tMat s

as a function of ω. This approximation is more than a mereconvenience; if M is assigned generally and different statesare allowed to couple to a single frequency with differentstrengths, it is quite easy to for some elements of the EOMto have Mat tMat s > 0 causing exponential growth in theMarkovian limit and at short times.

To treat a continuous number of bath oscillators, one canintroduce a continuous parameterization of M called the spec-

tral density, Ji(ω), Miωα

= ∫ ∞0

√Ji(ω)/ωδ(ω − ωα)dω. The

renormalization of the electronic integrals is clear given thisform. With a relatively simple functional form for J, suchas a super ohmic spectral density with cutoff parameter ωc,Ji(ω) = ηi


ω2ce−ω/ωc , the time dependence of of correlation

function B(t, s) can be analytically calculated90 to a good ap-proximation. So long as ωc is the same for all single-electronstates and only ηi changes, the whole formalism works iden-tically with

√ηi taking the role of Mi

ωα. We note that the re-

quirement that the correlation function be easily integrable isonly a prerequisite for the polaron transformation. If only thetime-convolutionless equation of motion is used, any correla-tion function which is known can be easily incorporated.

Without further approximation, a sixth-order number ofB’s must be calculated and integrated (in our code a thirdorder Gaussian quadrature with the electronic time step wasfound sufficient), since at least two indices are shared betweeneach V . Consider the cost limiting term Eq. (20). It would beadvantageous to evaluate the implied sum over c and make a

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