  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


    Emami, the personal and healthcare major decided to foray into the chyawanprash

    market in 1999. A spoonful of chyawanprash twice a day, is consumed in India

    households (mainly in Northern & eastern regions) as an essential tonic in winter. It

    builds immunity, protects from cough & cold, activates digestion system and boosts

    energy and vitality, more so for the children and elderly.

    Emami had a dual challenge(1) creating an image of the company in the

    ayurvedic market and (2) fighting the established brands in the market such as

    Dabur, Baidyanath, Zandu and many other regional players

    The brands ad showcases Shah Rukh Khan in a double role, one physically strongand the other mentally agile. The two go on to merge and form a perfectcombination of 'Surakshit Tan, Tez Dimaag

  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


    Brand personality of Sona Chandi Chyawanprash-Sona Chandi Chyawanprash is the premier brand from the house of Emami

    Sona Chandi Chyawanprash takes great pride in providing its consumersan effectiveimmunity builder that fortifies the entire system and an idealrejuvenator for our bodyand mind.

    Gold Since ancient times Gold has been known to fight toxic elementswithin the body. It also tones up cardiac muscles and improves bloodcirculation. By boosting immunitysystem, it protects the body fromdiseases. Thus gold acts as complete rejuvenator.

    Silver It is an excellent toner of the brain and nervous system. It activatesneurons in thebrain to enhance memory power, increases mental energyand improvesconcentration. It helps in making brain sharp & alert

  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


    Positioning statement for Sona Chandi

    Chyawanprash-Pao Susth Sarir aurTez Dimag

    Sona chandi is positioned in the healthplatform offering both physical andintellectual well being

  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


    Perceptual mapping is agraphics technique used byassetmarketers that attempts to visually display the

    perceptions of customers or potential customers.Typically theposition of aproduct,product line,

    brand, or company is displayed relative to theircompetition.
  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


    Marketing researchtechnique in which consumer's views about a

    productare traced orplotted(mapped) on a chart. Respondents areaskedquestions about theirexperience with the product in terms of itsperformance,packaging,price, size, etc. Theses qualitativeanswersare transferred to a chart (called a perceptualmap) using a suitablescale (such as the Likert scale), and the results are employedin

    improving the product or in developing a new one.
  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


    Emami created a unique chyawanprash, which is softer, tastier and includedgold and silver as prime ingredients. It was given simple brand name, easy toremember Sona Chandi Chyawanprash

    The brands ad showcases Shah Rukh Khan in a double role, one physicallystrong and the other mentally agile. The two go on to merge and form aperfect combination of 'Surakshit Tan, Tez Dimaag'.In fact, Sona Chandi is thefirst Chyawanprash to promise mental agility, in addition to just physicalstrength, states an official release. Sourav Ganguly and Sunny Deol havefeatured in earlier ad campaignsof Sona Chandi Chyawanprash. Strong visualswith Kallaripet (traditional martial arts of Kerala) fight with sword and shieldwere made

    .It strived to earn consumers confidence through money-back offer.

    Consumer study showed that there was some disbelief about real goldcontent. So, a gold challenge offer was formulated: whoever proves that theproduct didnt contain gold, will be given 1 kg of pure gold.

    There is a common belief that chyawanprash produces heat in the bodyand so consumed in winter. But need for immunity, energy and stamina

    customer will use Sona Chandi Chawanprass throughout the year.

  • 8/4/2019 A Case Study on Sona Chandi Chawanprash


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