  • 1. A Brief Introduction to Zend_Form

2. About Me Jeremy Kendall PHP Developer since 2001 Organizer Memphis PHP Contributor to FRAPI project ( [email_address] @JeremyKendall 3. The Goal

  • Practical knowledge
  • Just enough to get you started

4. Just enough to be really dangerous Better understanding of the Zend Framework's philosophy 5. Not the Goal

  • In-depth technical knowledge

6. Beautiful UI 7. Wealth beyond your wildest dreams 8. Forms

  • They're everywhere

9. They're indispensable 10. They might well be your primary job responsibility 11. Form Requirements

  • Collect data

12. Filter input 13. Validate input 14. Display validation messages 15. Include default data (ex. List of US States) 16. Pre-populated fields (for edit/update operations) 17. . . . and more. 18. Example: PHP Form, Code Sample 19. Works, but . . .

  • Tons of markup

20. Code in the markup 21. Confusing conditionals 22. Client side validation only 23. Zero input filtering 24. Requires two scripts: form & processor 25. I could go on and on . . . 26. Could form handling be improved?

  • What about . . .
  • Markup generation?

27. Built in validation and filtering? 28. OO for extensibility and ease of re-use? 29. Separation of concerns? 30. Zend_Form

  • Introduced in version 1.5.0PR, early 2008

31. Creates, validates, and renders forms 32. Object oriented 33. Easily extended 34. Completely customizable 35. Can be used apart from ZF MVC 36. Slices and dices 37. Available for the low, low price of $19.95 38. Zend_Form Examples

  • Some fields required

39. Default Zend_Form markup 40. Some default data included 41. First example stands alone 42. Second example in ZF MVC app 43. Example: Zend_Form, Standalone 44. Example: Zend_Form, MVC 45. Pros and Cons

  • Since most of this presentation has been about the pros, the cons include:
  • OO overhead

46. Code and display are still combined 47. Steep-ish learning curve 48. Resources

  • Zend_Form Quickstart

Rob Allen's talk, Working with Zend_Form


Zend_Form_Element_Multi Tips and Tricks


49. Questions? 50. Thanks! Jeremy Kendall [email_address] @JeremyKendall

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