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  • Form ApprovedREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE TOMB No. 074-0188Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of thiscollection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson DavisHighway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 205031. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVEREDblank) 26 February 2002 Symposium Paper 26-27 February 20024. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERSNaval Topside Design: Learning from the Past, Shaping the Future

    6. AUTHOR(S)Baron, Neil T.; Bird William R; Potter, Patrick;Rockway, Dr. John W.; Stetson, Neal K.

    7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATIONNaval Sea Systems Command REPORT NUMBER1333 Isaac Hull Avenue SE Stop 5011Washington Navy Yard DC 20376-5011 N/A9. SPONSORING i MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND 10. SPONSORING I MONITORINGADDRESS(ES) AGENCY REPORT NUMBERNaval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division17320 Dahlgren Road N/ACode N1ODahlgren VA 22448-5100"11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESPrepared for the Engineering the Total Ship (ETS) 2002 Symposium held in Gaithersburg, Md. at the National Institute ofStandards & Technology and sponsored by the Naval Surface Warfare Center & the American Society of Naval Engineers12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODEDistribution Statement A:Approved for public release: Distribution is unlimited A13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)Just as 21 s' century Naval warfare is going through a transformation in roles and missions, early results of this change isbeing seen in the topsides of Naval combatants. The pace of the transformation is driven by modifications and upgrades inthe threat, by new technology and by changes in business practices. Increasing demands for additional capability and newtechnologies are being worked into existing ships of the line. At the same time, some very new forms and materials alongwith new system architectures are showing up in the blue prints (computer screens) of our future fleet ships. While wedesign, build and deliver Naval combatants optimized around an aircraft carrier battle group or amphibious ready groupfoundation, radically different ship concepts, to be utilized in unconventional force deployments are being actively studied.This paper will discuss the state of topside design in the U.S. Navy, the technologies and processes that are keeping ouractive fleet current, the evolving threat, and our response to it as realized through the topside designs of our next generationNaval combatants. The challenges (technical, organizational, business) we face in crafting the ship topsides of the Navyafter next will be discussed.

    "14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGESIntegrated Topside Design; Total Ship Systems Engineering 27

    16. PRICE CODE



    NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18298-102

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  • Approved for public: Distribution is unlimited.

    Naval Topside Design: Learning from the Past, Shaping theFuture

    Neil T. Baron, William R. Bird, Patrick Potter, Dr. John W. Rockway, Neal K. Stetson

    ABSTRACT (CS), Command, Control, Communication andIntelligence (C31) and Hull, Mechanical and

    Just as 2 1 t century Naval warfare is going Electrical (HM&E) functions while maintainingthrough a transformation in roles and missions, maximum functionality of all systems to do theirearly results of this change is being seen in the individual jobs. And at the same time the topsidetopsides of Naval combatants. The pace of the must continue serving the basic ship operationaltransformation is driven by modifications and functions such as underway replenishmentupgrades in the threat, by new technology and (UNREP), refueling at sea (RAS), flightby changes in business practices. The traditional operations, small boat deployment, docking andview of our father's Navy, a Navy constructed of maneuvering, navigation, and personnel"steel ships and iron men", founded in the post movement. All while meeting overall shipWWII era, is gone. A good historical indicator signature requirements and imposing minimalto the change in surface warfare is evident in manning and operating impacts.views of surface ship topsides. Increasing The challenge of the integrated topside design ofdemands for additional capability and new a modern Naval surface combatant is atechnologies are being worked into existing sophisticated assortment of weapons,ships of the line. At the same time, some very electromagnetic (EM) radiators, and HM&Enew forms and materials along with new system hardware as well as the form, material andarchitectures are showing up in the blue prints structures that make up the foundation of the(computer screens) of our future fleet ships. topside surface. Large numbers of antennas,While we design, build and deliver Naval transmitters, and receivers are required to meetcombatants optimized around an aircraft carrier radar, Electronic Warfare (EW), Informationbattle group or amphibious ready group Warfare (IW), and communication requirementsfoundation, radically different ship concepts, to [Law 1987 and 1983]. An increasing inventorybe utilized in unconventional force deployments of EM systems is constantly being added to meetare being actively studied. This paper will requirements for additional communicationsdiscuss the state of topside design in the U.S. capability with greater imagery and data transferNavy, the technologies and processes that are capacity.keeping our active fleet current, the evolvingthreat, and our response to it as realized through Ever since Guglielmo Marconi's successfulthe topside designs of our next generation Naval experimentation with the radio phenomena at thecombatants. The challenges (technical, turn of the 20 century, there has been a steadyorganizational, business) we face in crafting the increase in the applications of electromagneticship topsides of the Navy after next will be based capability to the military. In the past twodiscussed. decades, this increase has shown an exponential

    trend on Navy ships. As a result of the1.0 INTRODUCTION increasing use of the radio frequency (RF)

    spectrum, there has been an almost uncontrolledNaval topside design for combat ships is by proliferation of antennas on ships. For example,necessity a search to find innovative ways to current Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) havemeet competing requirements for system approximately 80 antennas. Each of thefunctionality within limited space, weight, and "bubbles" in the DDG 51 pictorial (Figure 1-1)cost constraints. The combatant topside must indicates an antenna system. Aircraft Carriersaccommodate a wide array of Combat Systems (CVN) have nearly 150 antenna systems aboard.

    Approved for public: Distribution is unlimited.

  • The consequences of this growth have been needs to look at the topside geometry of past,unacceptable increases in: present and future destroyers (Figure 1-2); the

    evolution towards more 'stealthy' topside design* antenna siting issues i paet

    * signal masking and obstruction : a r

    * weight, volume and moment issues

    * maintenance and repair costs

    * electromagnetic interference

    * radar cross section


    Figure 1-1. Pictorial of DDG 51 Topside :

    The consideration of a ships electromagneticsignature is an additional complication adding tothe already difficult topside integration task.The required target strength of the ship (and thusthe topside) is steadily decreasing in magnitudewhile at the same time increasing across thefrequency spectrum. The need for reduced RF ,Infra-Red (IR) and Electromagnetic (EM)signatures presents its own challenges for the Figure 1-2. DD 963 Class, DDG 51 Class andtopside designer. Traditional ship designs have DD 21 Classvery large radar cross-sections. As a result, The traditional topside design approach is based

    mode deign mus inorprate"clan"on developing separate systems and associatedtopsde oncpts.Thi ca be iffcul toantennas for each individual topside function.

    achieve while maintaining all the functionality The individual topside systems are then arrangedof topside equipment. In addition, Infra-Red seeking an optimal solution that meets the(IR) signature control presents its own unique requirements of all topside design issues. Thechallenges, not only for control of exterior hotre ntvl m ofN y m s ag s d rsi gspots, but also for control of the large area system blockage and EMI problems, and thesurface radiance (the glow an operational ship expenditure of efforts to mitigate these problemspresents against a cold sea or night sky has shown this strategy to be unacceptable.background). Finally, as the RF emissions Improved topside design process and proceduresincrease with the antenna numbers on ships, the are a critical need. The combat effectiveness ofneed to control the active emissions to mitigate Navy ships is limited by the ability to providehostile exploitation has become increasingly acceptable topside designs. The creation ofmore important to RF system engineers. For a affordable designs with acceptable antennaqualitative assessment of this trend, one only

    ~ ~\ /$2

  • performance and reduced signature is the system to accomplish its purpose. An effectivechallenge of a new Integrated Topside Design partition to focus an analysis of this embedded(ITD) strategy. This strategy requires innovative system construct is on the interface of theengineering approaches due to physical particular system of interest with the otherconstraints such as weight and moment design systems and higher level system-of-systemlimits. Hence, it is necessary to achieve formulations. The topside, as a system-of-substantial space and weight savings by the use systems enabling shipboard operationalof advanced composite materials for performance characteristics to be realized, is justsuperstructures and deckhouses. Additionally, such an analytical domain where the interfacesthe use of such composites can enable new become the primary focus of the topside design.possibilities for the deployment of advanced Figure 1-3 shows a figurative boundary betweenantenna systems while offering advantages for the topside elements and the ship environment.signature control. This can be useful to understand the dimensionsThis expansion of requirements and change in of the interfaces that must be accounted forthe 'look' of combatant topsides is in response during any topside design the evolutionary improvements in radartracking and missile terminal guidance There are many aspects and characteristics of thetechnology coupled with the widespread topside design that must be assessed as part ofproliferation of these technologies. Although it tpi design thtlut be ssessed a r fshoud b clar romthe recdin dicusionany design evolution (new ship design or fleetshould be clear from the preceding discussion modernization). Following are some examplesthat effective topside design does not hinge on a of the types of analytics that must be conductedsingle technology area, the recent emergence of to assess the operational performance of thethese increasingly difficult signature topside itself and/or of systems and materialsrequirements will dramatically influence the roll that may reside within the topside. This is notof the topside designer relative to future ship an exhaustive list, but only a few examples ofdesign programs. A successful topside design the types of analysis that must be conductedfor future ships will require innovative topside either holistically as part of new ship design, ordesign and signature control strategies that aredeveloped, desigued, installed and operated with as piece wise analytics for the introduction of a

    new system into an existing ship topside. Latera total integration of all other ship systems. in this paper, a modeling and simulation designThus, the topside design process for future ships executive tool will be discussed that helps tomust be a full integration of often conflicting integrate the assessment process and link tooland diverse technologies that take advantage of sets to a common ship description.the discipline instilled through the Total ShipSystems Engineering (TSSE) trades.The goal of this paper is to discuss the health oftopside design practices in the current Navyincluding the technologies and processes that arekeeping our active fleet current. The evolvingthreat and our response to it as realized throughthe topside designs of our next generation Navycombatants. Finally, we'll explore thechallenges we face in crafting the ship topsidesof the Navy after next.

    Analytical Dimensions of Topside Design

    Every system is part of some larger system, andmust interact with other elements of the larger

  • Weapons ESnals 675 Flight FuelRASFood

    Ship-Air TBoat OpsInterface Topside Element Ship LevelShp-atrCharacteristics m=Ship- WaterSpe,Interface Operators and Weight, Space,/ below-deck elements_..j Noise, EE.


    Figure 1-3. Ship Topside Boundary Conditions

    Weapons Integration - Toxic fumes from rocketmotor ignition, temperature calculations for theapplication of ablative materials and blastshields to handle the tremendous heat from Imissile launches (as illustrated in Figure 1-4),and large caliber gun blast and overpressure Icalculations to protect other nearby sensitivetopside elements are just a few of the weapon Isystem integration assessments that must beconducted to successfully integrate a hard kill Jweapon or decoy launcher into the ship topsideenvironment. Figure 1-5 shows an example ofthe temperature profile surrounding a VLSlaunch.Coverage/Cutout - Systems located topside Figure 1-4. VLS Launchusually have a need for maximum coverage of -100or-_the external spherical volume surrounding the 28 _ _ _ship. The expected coverage or view that a 20 W 1509system will have to the exterior environment and 12 ft- 2the control of where a system can point (and justas important, where it can't point) is assessed 4 fthrough blockage analysis tools to develop 8coverage diagrams and weapons cutouts.Figure 1-6 depicts an example of a cutout (inmercator projection) of a missile systems fire 2_0__-____-and no-fire zones

    Figure 1-5. Missile Blast StagnationTemperature Contours (F)


  • Fire Zn

    Figure 1-6. CAM Cutout Analysis for Weapon System Coverage

    in an operationally realistic scenario. Figure 1-8shows the results of the combination of hard kill

    EM Signals - Electromagnetic based systems weapons (missiles) and soft kill weapons(communication and surveillance (electronic warfare systems) as evaluated forantennas/arrays) require a significant detailed simultaneous operations against a stressinganalysis due to the interaction of threat to the ship. The results of this analysiselectromagnetic waves with surrounding can then be measured against capstoneshipboard structures. Surrounding structures requirements for combat capability at sea.and other nearby systems will cause negative Deficiencies can then be identified and aeffects on the performance of an antenna sensitivity analysis conducted to identify whichelement. Beam pattern and side lobe combat system elements are driving the result.degradation as well as system sensitivity and A subsequent design iteration can then addresselectromagnetic interference all need to be the deficiency most effectively [Bobrowich andassessed as part of the topside design analysis. Douglas 1992].Figure 1-7 depicts an example of anelectromagnetic analysis of beam degradationdue to surrounding mast structures .... t Shi A capbiit at sea.

    Weapon System Performance - To assess s i a is ond t t ioverall weapon system performance, a series of

    Clean as wellIE as -.e aian a

    electromgnetic Antenfrnce Patterneedith be Mastiinc otefetvlBorwc n

    Figure 1-8. Warfare Analysis, Self Defense

    - -~- ,.Air Wake/Flow - Specifically, with theintroduction of gas-turbine propulsion, the air

    Figure 1-7. Antenna Beam Distortion Due to flow analysis into and out of a ship through theSurrounding Mast Structure topside has taken on increasing significance duepreviously discussed analysis (weapon coverage, to volume, temperature, particulate of exhaustcutout, antenna beam performance) are into the topside and back pressure characteristicscombined and assessed against a potential threat to the propulsion plant. Also the introduction of

    stealthy topside forms has created a condition


  • wherein smooth surfaces of the topside have operations on the USS San Antonio (LPD 17)created what equates to a new design condition, of laminar air flow across the topsidesurface. The laminar flow creates much moresignificant sheer forces to arriving and departingaircraft (specifically rotary wing aircraft and aftflight deck designs). Figure 1-9 depicts an air-wake analysis recently conducted as part of theLPD 17 design with the composite maststructures topside.

    Lx ~29,82'20.99!


    Figure 1-9. Air Wake Analysis of USS SanAntonio (LPD 17) Figure 1-10. Boat Handling Simulation on LPD17Flight Deck Safety - The envelope aroundwhich an aircraft can be operated safely is Structural Analysist-Ship topside structurestightly controlled. Any topside design evolution (deckhouse, mast, platforms) require continuousaround the flight deck areas of an air capable structural re-assessment for the introductionship requires an assessment for flight safety and and/or removal of systems/equipment topside.may require the re-certification of the flight deck Not only are the traditional structuralfor operations, engineering assessments necessary for theintroduction of topside systems but also modalReplenishment at Sea (RAS) - The movement of analysis is required to understand the stressesfuel, stores, ammunition, and people must all be imparted in topside structures from shock loads.accounted in the topside design. Not only are Topside mast structures have been found tothe keep clear zones identified for the RAS/FAS accentuate low frequency shock loads as theystations that run up and down the port and progress from the hull of the ship through thestarboard sides of the ships, but also the superstructure and into the mast. This effect hasmovement of the stores over the topside (usually been so severe as to cause the complete failureby man or by small pallet vehicles) to the of topside equipment foundations. Figure 1-11applicable strike down location into the shipmust all be accommodated.Boat Operations - Boats of various kinds mustbe deployed and recovered from off or throughthe topside. Traditional techniques such as useof the ships crane and/or boat davits are beingreplaced in newer ships with hidden signaturecontrol curtains and behind signature controlledstructures. As the deployment concepts forboats become uniquely assessed for each shipclass, the utility of deployment and recoverysimulations are becoming very important to the Figure 1-11. Mast Modal Analysistopside designer. Figure 1-10 depicts asimulation of boat deployment/recovery


  • shows a structural analysis of a mast/platform system developments that are mounted to ortransition under shock stresses. hung off of traditional box deckhouse and

    skeletal mast structures. Construction tends toSignature Analysis - Topside signature be traditional maritime steel and aluminumanalysis for those ships that have a signature fabrication with a strong focus in design on pre-

    requirement that must be met or maintained fabrication a pro n fociency.must be included in all aspects of topside design. fabrication and production efficiency.

    The nature of the signature reduction problem isthat any one item can dominate and control thesignature of the entire ship. In addition thesignature of any individual piece of equipmentor of a complete system will often be controlledby how it is integrated into the ship topsidestructure. Signature budgets must be establishedfor all topside elements and these budgets mustbe continually reviewed and updated as systemdevelopment and topside design proceeds. The A1110concern for signature control must be included atthe beginning of system developments since it isoften impossible and always expensive to "addon" signature control after fundamental system Figure 2e 1 USS Ninitz (CVN 68) Mast forwardarchitectural design characteristics are detailed. view looking aft

    Figure 2-1 shows the new mast structure of therecently completed Refueling Complex Over-Haul (RCOH) for USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Thismast is typical in form and design of our Current

    2.0 CURRENT NAVY Navy showing the plethora of antenna, sensorand navigational aid systems dispersed on

    The Current Navy comprises those ships horizontal yardarm structures. The heaviestcurrently deployed or in various stages of elements are arranged on or near the main mastindustrial availabilities readying for deployment, vertical support element. This location, out ofAs the tip of the spear of our operational forces structural necessity with a skeletal design,"From the Sea.. .", the design attributes and challenges these larger systems to look aroundperformance characteristics of the systems, or through the large metallic structure, a featequipment, materials and architectures contained particularly challenging for RF and opticalin the topsides of these ships must work, as systems, and leads many times to reducedpredicted, with clearly characterized capabilities performance and/or complete blind zones ofand limitations. The topsides of our Current coverage.Navy surface ships have a very wide range ofchallenges. These challenges range from thetraditional topside corrosion problems that have The USS Nimitz mast example is a bit unique inplagued metallic ships at sea ever since the USS Current Navy topside integration in that anMonitor to network centric warfare capabilities entire new mast was designed, fabricated andof the Naval Battle Force now enabled through installed as part of this major industrial event.electromagnetic emissions on and off the ship. The design originated from the mod-repeat

    design evolution of the USS Ronald Reagan(CVN 76), the next new construction aircraft

    With rare exception (SPY-1 Radar installations carrier recently christened on March 5, 2001.on AEGIS ships), the topsides of our Current Due to very similar combat system and C3INavy are a consolidation of many independent architectures of these two ships and an artifact of


  • their industrial schedules, the USS Nimitz topside elements is increasingly becomingversion of this mast design has gone to sea first. compressed as the operational tempo of our

    Current Navy continues to increase while theindustrial availabilities are becoming shorter and

    A more traditional Current Navy example of shorter.topside design is shown in Figure 2-2 where aseries of independent Ship Alteration Records(SARs) are being integrated into an existing There is a strong desire by the technicalsuperstructure with many pre-existent and community to gain more efficiency in theunrelated systems surrounding them. engineering evolutions (analyze once, use many

    times) by consolidating work packages andperforming the integration design on a class orbaseline basis. The development andmaintenance of a Projected Class Baseline

    Global Broadca em (PCB) design package is just such a product.Only through the consolidation of as manyknown ship alterations over the course of a 3-year period can the topside designer hope tokeep up with the rapid pace of change. As aplanning tool, the PCB becomes an enabler for

    s Controe S= the topside engineer to meet the challenges ofthe compressed schedules proposed under newmilestones for the Fleet Modernization Program(FMP) (see NAVSEA ltr 09JUL01). This set of

    Figure 2-2. USS SAIPAN (LHA-2) Island aft view milestones is shown in juxtaposition with thelooking forward battle force deployment schedule known as

    In this typical case of system integration into a Deployment date less 30 months (D-30) inpre-existent topside, there is as strong a desire Figure the topside designer to understand andmaintain operational performance of the currentsystems, as there is a desire to optimize theperformance of the new proposed system. Thiscould translate into various engineeringassessments such as structural, air wake/flow,electromagnetic, weapons coverage and effects,sighting/blockage, safety, etc. In addition,overall ship assessments may need to beperformed such as survivability, vulnerability,accessibility, maintainability, reliability etc.Unfortunately, although the desire is there toaddress all ship impacts of the new install on thecurrent condition of the topside, the resources(funding and time) are usually not available.

    The resources provided for integration are tied tothe installation dollars of the particular program,which limits the scale, and scope of engineeringactivities that can be performed. Further, thetime in which to perform the many trade-off andanalysis activities required to locate the new


  • Per P SPAWARNAVAIR/PEOs Provide Oufyear Installation Plans

    CONOPS Readiness D D-39for first Review

    install of (IRR) Integrated Topside Studies Start Poet CclassS availablenegrte Projected Classc sF n Baseline Approved

    PY Shipoheck Topside Studies

    IL3., H1-4 * 0 ,-17-6 ID10 I D460-0Pre Deployment POM Previous Deployment POM CNO Avail D

    SARA~pproved SIDsApproved Revised FMPl App funded MilestonesI SAR Complete

    JFCF Approved] Task/fund SAR I Tasfund Sljbm~e ICDsto PY

    Figure 2-3. Timeline for Integrated Topside system installation studies or unique situationsStudies due to hull-to-hull variations within a class.

    The initial investment up front in the PCBThe time metric for D-30 relates to the 30-month enables a rapid response for the follow on ships

    period of planning and alteration execution prior in the class within the constraints of the f MP

    to the scheduled next deployment of the ship milestones.

    with its Battle Group assets. While a span of 2

    1/2 years (30 months) to plan for and execute aninstallation may seem like a considerable The engineering design tasks of locating oneamount of time, one must consider theconstraints on the topside designer to understand system or many systems onto the topside of aship are essentially the same. The importance ofthe need for this period. In actual execution, the including as many systems in the design phasetime span covers a previous deployment cycle at as possible, however, permits weighing theD-23, so that the ship or ships are essentially impacts of the installation in an attempt tounavailable for 6 months out of the D-30 cycle. optimize the arrangement. Unfortunately onThis is relevant if early ship visits and/or today's extremely crowded topsides this oftensurveys are required by design and planning results in a choice amongst several bad options.teams early in the design process. This is Even the best system engineering practicesimportant to note as the Ship Installation applied to integrated topside design will not beDrawings (SIDs) must be completed, approved able to solve the many competing needs forand the work contracted out in time for the nextship alteration availability that starts at D-16 (or designer can only hope to minimize impacts toAO on the FMP milestones). The location of the the high priority systems and provide as muchnew system must be completely worked out functionality for the new systems as possible.

    prior to the start of the SID or no later than the How do we propose to accomplish thts? The

    final ship check at D-25 or D-24. The topside Integrated Definition methodology IDEF Level

    design therefore must be completed 2 years prior 0 process chart for Current Navy topside design

    to deployment or at 8 months prior to the next is shown in Figure 2-4. This chart diagrams the

    ship availability. Given the state of the art of various technical steps necessary to lead to an

    integrated topside design analyses methods the Itrated topsid eDesign to no aftopsde esiger ouldnee to tar at - 3 toIntegrated Topside Design. Although not a flowtopside designer would need to start at D- 39 to diagram, the procedure can be seen as ancomplete a first-of-class installation plan. The iterative process requiring review by the many9-month study would result in an approved PCB, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for eachwhich could then be used to support emergent discipline noted.


  • Analyze TopsidePerformance __EMCReqts rSulePtrum [A2.5

    Systems F,=c LevelrueStructures s BFI.Materials gals Screen Isolation/Separation Analyze TopsideCollect Syte Topside EMC constraints Structural Cvrg

    -- InformationCletSseI A22 cntr ints CvrgA.

    A2.1-A22 Atr.A2.

    A2.1 Le,.sons Learned,I|(IGE / STAWSEMCAM 3 pAnalyzeTopsideVendor data HM&F. EME Combat System


    MILSTD46 PrPrpbelow itiable21

    hStep f r es pPriparenDigital Ship/Sensor tpsgdele t sA2.7)rcieceves y q re nts oArrangement2 a n eA2.3 eA2.4 tAnalyze Topside

    CADo grStructures

    3) U d t C AD3 D A 2.8

    IPP [Stack Gas & Air

    Proposed Required and thTopside Revisions ane tDesign Evaluate Analyses

    age nst design-1goals/thresholds [Other Topside

    A2.11 st a pcSystems

    tIPT A2.10

    Figure 2-4. Integrated Topside Design Process based upon an evaluation of the impacts across

    Diagram the elements of an integrated design check list(draft SPAWARINST 3090. 1) provided in thebelow Table 2- 1.

    The steps for performing the integrated topsidedesign can be summarized as:

    1) Receive your requirements,2) Gather needed data on the systems

    and current ship configuration,3) Update 3D computer models of the

    systems and the ship,4) Prepare an arrangement,5) Analyzm pve sufimpacts to ship system

    performance due to the addedsystems and placement,

    6) Revise the arrangement as neededuntil an optimal arrangement isachieved.

    This process requires experienced engineersfrom combat systems, C41 systems, aviationsystems, and Naval architects. A thoroughanalysis must provide sufficient information tosupport a design decision. This decision is


  • Table 2-1. Integrated Topside Design Check ListConstraints/Inter- Ensure appropriate constraints are applied. Examples are cablefaces or waveguide maximum lengths, minimum height above water

    line, maximum allowed height above water due to bridgerestrictions, etc.

    Blockage/Coverage The proposed location is blocked at least partially or at least part-time, or both, from 100 % transmit/receive operation at 100 %reliability. Coverage of surrounding systems is not significantlyimpacted.

    EMI/EMC Electro-Magnetic Interference/Electro-Magnetic Compatibility.

    RADHAZ RADiation HAZard.

    HERO/HERP Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance/Hazard ofElectromagnetic Radiation to Personnel

    RCS Radar Cross Section

    Impact to combat Ensure that the selected location does not degrade sensor orweapons systems missile illuminator performance. Assess any impacts to the

    ESM/ECM and direction finding systems.Impact to Existing Ensure that selected location does not block other emitters,Systems navigation aids, foul boat davits, interfere with chocks or cleats

    or any way adversely impact ship's operations.Maintenance Ensure that selected location provides appropriate access toAccessibility conduct routine maintenance.Missile/Gun Blast Note proximity of selected location to missile launch systems andEffects gun mounts, with respect to vibration, smoke and heat from

    weapons systems when fired. Evaluate impact to coverage andfiring zones.

    Flight ops/jet Ensure all aviation support systems are unimpeded, considerationblast/helo down for hazards of jet blast, required clearances are applied to locationwash/acrft parking decisions.Green Water Take into consideration the proximity of the selected location toLoading salt water spray, wind, etc. while the ship is underway.Stack Gas Effects Ensure that selected location is as free as possible from the

    effects of engineering plant exhaust.Weight/Moment Take into consideration the weight of the antenna and distanceImpact form ship's waterline in determining the weight/moment

    characteristics.Survivability Overall consideration of all effects on antenna placed in the

    selected location. Note: while optimum coverage may be gained,it may be off-set by adverse effects from weather, etc. Ensure thesystem shock and vibration capabilities are compatible withselected location.

    numeric score must be arrived at whichVarious methodologies can be used to support summarizes the supporting analyses.the decision making process. In each case the Additionally, an effort has been made to bring inimportance of the above elements of the Fleet experts to assist in assigning operationalchecklist are decided, ranked and weighted. A weights to the topside systems under analysis.


  • The combined score for the topside arrangementtherefore reflects the criticality of the system tothe ship mission and any impacts to its Table 2-3. Design Factor Weighting Definitionperformance due to the proposed arrangement.

    KPP WeightAn example of a recent study done for theLHD 7 illustrates the methodology for achieving Antenna Coverage (Total desired 50a design decision. The antenna systems for the coverage)large deck amphibious assault ships listed in No EMI (To or from other 25Table 2-2 were prioritized during a Amphibious systems)Warfare Ship Sustainability and Modernization No Blockage (To other systems) 15conference (msg DTG 141504ZSEP99) andpromulgated by the ship program sponsor (msg Antenna Survivability (Includes 10DTG 020015ZOCT99). The relative weights or maintainability)importance of each antenna were arrived at An optimum location has athrough discussions with combat system Design Factor of 100engineers and the ship design manager. Thecombination of antenna relative ranking with the The numeric value assigned to the KPP Antennaassigned weight was coined the antenna system Coverage was determined from a topside designimportance factor. tool known as the Blockage Analysis Model

    (BAM). The total coverage available to theTable 2-2. Antenna System Importance Factor antenna for any given location was based on a

    complete view over 3600 of azimuth and -10' toSystem Weight +90' in elevation expressed in a percentage of1. SHF (AN/WSC-6(V)5) 20.0 the requirement.2. UHF SATCOM (Quad DAMA) 15.03. Challenge Athena (AN/WSC- 12.08(V)2) The value assigned for the KPP EMI was more4. EHF SATCOM (Dual Systems) 11.0 subjective. Various electromagnetic coupling5. GBS 8.5 tools are available for use in a study6. AS-3439/U (Doughboys) 7.5 [Rockway,et al 2001; also Baron and Cebulski7. DWTS 6.5 1992], yet each requires quite a bit of8. EPLRS 6.5 engineering interpretation as to the nature and9. SINCGARS 5.5 impact of the predicted interference. EMI was10. CHBDL 5.5 evaluated as severe, medium, mild or none and11. TV-DTS 0.5 given a point value of 75%, 35%, 5%, or 0%12. JINMARSAT B 0.5 reduction respectively.13. AS-3439/U (Second set) 0.514. AN/SMQ-1 1 0.5 The KPP blockage was also assessed using

    BAM. The value assigned was based on theA subset of the topside design elements listed in sum of the blockages to the other affectedTable 2-1 was chosen to be used as key antennas. The percent blockage reduces theperformance parameters (KPP) for the study due time and budget limitations. The KPPs wereassigned weights as listed in Table 2-3 with thecombination called a design factor. The concept of the KPP survivability was

    interpreted much more simplistically than wouldbe done in a complete warfare effectiveness


  • assessment, again due to budget limitations. The of our Current Navy as long as preliminaryreasoning was that all systems located topside digital descriptions of the ship can bewere subject to some level of damage, therefore established. Pioneering work in this area hasall systems would be somewhat similar. The been performed in support of re-engineering thedifference between locations was evaluated only topside design process for in-service amphibiousas to whether or not the antenna was easily warfare ships. A demonstration of capabilityaccessible for maintenance. The value assigned was accomplished during FY01 utilizing thewas either 0 or 10 (or a factor of 0% or 100%), framework of an Integrated Data Environmenti.e., easy maintenance access isn't or is (IDE) known as LEAPS (Leading Edgeavailable. Architecture for Prototyping Systems). LEAPS

    has been under development by NSWCCD forthe last 5 years [Ames and Van Eseltine 2001]

    For example an antenna location that resulted in: with the goal of promoting the easy and timely95% of the desired coverage access of ship information by an integrated

    95% of 50 = 47.50 design team. The LEAPS data storage schemaspermit a wide variety of parametric data, ship

    Medium EMI to another system structural information (in the form of(100-35)% of 25 = 16.25 standardized geometries), parts libraries,

    A 5% blockage to another system relationships between the entities or parts, and a95% of 15 = 14.25 common access method. A pictorial diagram of

    the LEAPS environment is depicted in Fig. 2-5.No survivability or maintenance access concerns Examples of

    100% of 10 = 10.00 Design Interface Application Tool Types

    The total design factor in this example is 88.0. LEAPSSmartProduct -%Engineerig Model,Model and Data Repository Logistics ModelsOW OT4 o Generic Class Stdtr HAFederate Data

    W ao y Product Meta-Mordels Initialization/Store

    Using the design factor value calculated in the ..... ! Nabove example (assuming applicability to .Transatorhe,;rI~r Product Model Data Srasetecsystem No. 4, EHF), the assigned overall value 4 Tteno,trto, Spreadsheets, etc.or sco re fo r th at co n figu ration w ou ld b e (88 X ......... t le. t E e11 = 968) out a maximum possible score of Libra Manager Ga=tay1100. Working through each antenna system Get the rtght data tot .. right Per

    In tho right tonttt at the right timeproposed for the new topside using the methodo u tlin e d a b o v e w o u ld r e s u lt in a c o m b in e d s c o r e "The i. t.a .tte . . .ore te ra e. .to digital e t from th...... ... .. . . ... S.. c,for each grouping of antennas. A significantdifference in total score supports a decision forthe best overall arrangement. The chosen Figure 2-5. LEAPS Integrated Data Environmentarrangement would then be passed onto the otherSMEs for their own review and assessment. Design and assessment tools used by Naval

    architects have been modified for use with the

    Proceeding through the design process in a LEAPS environment. The modifications aresequential fashion would be prohibitively time basically translators to provide a two wayconsuming. Thus, some means is needed to interface to the required data stored withinenable a parallel design process. The key to our LEAPS. Currently, these tools can support shipneeds lies in the rapid sharing of complex design concept design, signature reduction analyses andinformation to all team members, much in the contract design. Recently a subset of themanner demonstrated by Simulation Based NAVSEA Electromagnetic EngineeringAcquisition a number of years ago. The same (EMENG) analysis tools was modified toprinciples developed to speed and improve the exchange information with LEAPS. Thedesign of new ships can be applied to the ships resulting capability, for the first time, enabled a


  • reviewer to access the tool output remotely can be considered is limited to items which canthrough the use of a common browser, instead of be fielded in the near- to mid-term. Fortunately,having to use the stand-alone EMENG analytical there have been a number of Science andtool package them self. An example of Technology (S&T) investments and associatedaccessing an antenna optical blockage analysis technology demonstrations that point the way tousing the browser is shown in Figure 2-6. achievement of significant advances in the

    topside design that can be applied to theseplatforms.

    The Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor System(AEMIS) Advanced Technology Demonstration(ATD) that was demonstrated on the USSRadford (Figure 3-1) is an excellent example of

    -- innovation in Integrated Topside Design that can- provide near- and mid-term solutions. The

    AEM/S demonstrated the concept of largecomposite structures that can provide significantoperational benefits to the performance oflegacy antenna systems (reduced/eliminated gainreduction and antenna blockages from metallicskeletal masts) while improving the Radar CrossSection (RCS) signature and reducing the7 -- ................................. maintenance requirements of those systemscontained within. The AEMIS concept also

    Figure 2-6. Browser View of Antenna Optical enables incorporation of new aperture conceptsBlockage Analysis such as embedded HF antennas. The salient

    characteristics of the AEM/S include:* LARGE COMPOSITE STRUCTURE

    The continued development of the ability to

    store ship model and analyses data in LEAPS 87 3/4' High; 31' Dia; -40 LTonswill lead to the smart product model for ships of * SHAPED TO REDUCE RCSthe Current Navy and enable affordable topsidedesign analysis to be executed within the FMP Hexagonaltimelines discussed earlier. The first step must 100 Slopebe establishment of a smart product model forevery major ship type/baseline/class and thus 0 UPPER HALFgreatly enhance the ability to create topside Frequency Selective Structurearrangements that can be shared, adjudicated andapproved within the tight timelines of the D-30 Integrated Communicationsprocess. * LOWER HALF

    Reflective; RAS Option3.0 NEXT NAVY Metallic Shielding

    The Next Navy comprises those ships currently 0 BALLISTIC WAVEGUIDE TRUNKin the design/build stage (DDG final production, * INTEGRATED EMI/EMPDD(X), LHA(R), JCC(X), CVN(X)) as well asships which may undergo major forward fit and The AEM/S has already been selected forback fit upgrades to their capabilities (CGs, incorporation into the new construction USS SanLPDs, and early DDGs). Due to the schedule of Antonio (LPD 17) baseline (Figure 3-2).these ship introductions, the technology which


  • that address other dominate topside signatureissues like exhaust system Infra-Red radiationand the RCS of HM&E items as well asincorporation of multi-function phased arraySATCOM antennas into deckhouse structures.In particular the LMS project demonstrated twoadvanced exhaust suppresser systems that are

    i mu enclosed in a low signature composite structurecontaining two embedded antenna systems thatprovide four SATCOM links in current use onNavy combatants. The concept for the LMS isshown in Figure 3-3. Figure 3-4 shows the LMS

    Figure 3-1. USS Radford with AEM/S Mast during recent at-sea testing in the Gulf ofMexico.

    There are several additional ongoingdevelopments that promise to provide topsidedesign options. These include the IntegratedVHF/UHF/L band multi-function antenna, S-band antenna development, and the LowObservable Integrated Deckhouse (LID) of thePlatform Protection Future Naval Capability(FNC) project. All of these emerging topsidetechnologies can be used to field new andmodified combatants with greatly enhanced

    Figure 3-2. AEM/S Application to LPD17. capabilities. One concept of how theseAnother example of innovative topside design is emerging technologies could be used is shown inthe Low Observable Multi-function Stack Figure 3-5.(LMS) ATD which demonstrated technologies

    ( Is I.,NN

    Figure 3-3. LMS Concept


  • . Improve combat system effectiveness byreducing sensor blockage andmaximizing system availability.

    The technology basis for an enhanced capabilityDDG or the application of this technology toother platforms like the DD(X) has been or isbeing proven in the recent S&T developments.However, in many cases the technology is notready for immediate incorporation into detailedship designs. While individual ship programsare very interested in the capabilities that

    Figure 3-4. LMS At-Sea Test on RV Lauren incorporation of these technologies can bring itThe concept for the Enhanced Capability DDG is often difficult for individual programs to carryis based in a large part on taking advantage of the necessary Engineering, Manufacturing andthe technologies that we have already developed Development (EMD) efforts needed to increase

    the technical readiness levels. What is neededin the S&T programs discussed above. Theprimary benefits of this concept are full network are coordinated EMD programs to bring thesecentric operations, reduced platform signature, technologies options to the maturity necessaryand increased combat system effectiveness, so that they can be included in detail design ofSpecifically this concept will: ships. This can only be achieved with a

    balanced investment strategy that will be


    IR Treatment I %

    Figure 3-5. Enhanced Capability DDG 51 Concept Hull Coating

    "Improve theater Missile Defense discussed later.capabilities by providing additional Another area that needs to be exploited for thecommunication links for shared organic Next Navy is that of advanced real time shipdata and direct downlink from national signature/emissions tactical decision aids.assets. Current signature and emission modeling,

    " Improve Naval Fire Support capability prediction, and measurement capabilities can beby providing additional communication extended in the near to mid term time frames tocapability for UAV control and direct provide a tactical capability to Navy combatantsdownlink from UAV and staring that allow the fleet to take full advantage of thesensors. signature and aperture investments underway.

    "Figure 3-6 provides a notional representation ofSImprove Survivability through reduction how near real time ship signature assessmentsof both RCS and IR signatures. (acoustic and radar cross section) might be used

    to provide valuable tactical utility and


  • Figure 3-6. Simulated Mission Analysis Run Using Signature Predictions

    vulnerability information to fleet operators. This the topside designs of recent ship designs, therecapability could be introduced in steps starting is opportunity to investigate alternatives that canwith a near real time situational awareness tool enable the synergistic cohabitation within theand progressing to a fully integrated action and topside design.response system.

    Signature control for the Navy After Next will4.0 NAVY AFTER NEXT require innovative signature control strategies

    that allow the ship to remain effective in aThe Navy After Next is represented by those constantly changing environment. Thesecapabilities to be realized beyond the current strategies must overcome the challenge ofFuture Year Defense Plan (FYDP) and out 15-30 maintaining effectiveness while at the same timeyears. It could be better described as the Navy's being robust in a shipboard environment, havingcutting edge research and technology minimal impact on other ship systems, and beinginvestments studying completely different low cost. In addition the signature controlsystem architectures, ship and vehicle forms and strategies for the Navy After Next mustfunctions and new ways of performing the anticipate and counter ever evolving threatknown traditional missions as well as flexibility execute the unknown future mission postureof the Naval forces.

    Historically the primary emphasis for shiptopside signature control has been on Radar

    Extensive function and system trade studies are Cross Section (RCS) reduction in specific bandscritical to ensuring the most efficient investment of the microwave spectrum. In more recentstrategy for the Navy After Next. These trade times there has been additional interest instudies must consider current and future Infrared (IR) signature control, mostly in theoperational architectures of Naval and Joint thermal bands. This relatively narrow focus wasoperations, system performance requirements, appropriately based on current threat capabilitiessignature requirements, topside integration as well as the cost and availability of technologytechnologies (as an element of the form and solutions. As we look forward to the Navy Afterfunction changes to the platform), and cost. Next it is clear that ships will face increasinglyAlthough the future is always hard to predict sophisticated and capable threats. Not only willwith accuracy, it is relatively easy to envision the threat performance capabilities in thethe need for extensive technology and system spectral regions of current interest increase, buttrade studies related to the continued expansion the threat capabilities will expand to cover moreof stealth in our military platforms and the still and more of the electromagnetic spectrum. Inexpanding capabilities realized through order to maintain effectiveness against theseexploitation of the RF spectrum. While these evolving threats, signature control technologiestwo domains have appeared to be in conflict in


  • must have three inter-related and seemingly moment, cosite interference, andincompatible characteristics: signature).

    (1) Solutions with increased 0 Continually changing constraints (e.g.,performance capability that is robust propagation, interference, QoS .... ).across a wide range ofacros a ide angeof 0 Mandated lower life cycle costs andenvironmental conditions and acrossthe range of anticipated ship manpower requirementsoperational evolutions

    (2) Solutions that are compatible across The challenge is to provide Dynamicthe full spectrum of threats Interoperable Connectivity while meeting the

    (3) Solutions that are affordable in challenges of Integrated Topside Design. Theterms of initial cost and life following sections provide several developmentscycle/ship impact costs that will serve as the basis for the Navy After

    Next Investment that meets the increasingdemand for Interoperable Connectivity while

    Navy After Next signature control solutions will supporting Integrated Topside Design.need to take advantage of S&T innovations inmaterials and processes. These solutions will Communication System Commonalso require a willingness to re-visit current Frameworkaccepted tenants of signature control to allowtradeoffs among the wide range of requirements. The Shipboard RF Distribution System of todayFor instance changing the approach to signature severely limits Dynamic Interoperablereduction in one spectral band might Connectivity. It is the principal limitation tosignificantly open the design space in another Dynamic Interoperable Connectivity. The RFspectral band. Distribution System consists of stand-alone

    devices requiring switching, patching andcabling. Operator intensive actions are required

    From the perspective of Navy communications to change configurations. It is manpowerthe goal is to provide Dynamic Interoperable intensive with great potential for error. TheConnectivity thus better isolating the physical Navy's most modem shipboard RF Distributionhardware changes/updates from the functional Systems are far from meeting the objectives ofchanges/updates. The challenge of Dynamic Dynamic Interoperable Connectivity. The RFInteroperable Connectivity includes: Distribution System is physically large, heavy

    "* "Stove piped" communications and expensive with limited capacity tosystems. accommodate future growth and technology

    insertion. There are limits to the number of" Non-interoperable protocols and data circuits that can be connected to an individual

    structures (e.g., JCTN/JDN/JPN antenna. For this reason the Shipboard RFinteroperability & data "sharing" Distribution System of today not only limitsissues). Dynamic Interoperable Connectivity, but

    " Too much data push and too little severely limits the ability of communicationability to pull. antenna systems to meet the objectives of the

    Integrated Topside Design. The following" Capacity limitations (i.e., not enough figures are representative of a shipboard RF

    capacity to meet the needs of all Distribution System.users).

    " Severe limitation by platformconstraints (i.e., volume, weight,


  • 4 The Communication System CommonFramework provides a more affordable, open

    : architecture that can lead to improvedinteroperability with Joint and Coalition forces.Incremental investment strategies are possible.COMMON INTERFACESCommon interfaces would include taking

    , Cmilitary RF frequencies and converting them toCOTS (i.e., commercial off-the-shelf)intermediate frequencies (IFs). It would alsorequire the use of Ethernet control protocols.This would allow leverage of commercial

    Figure 4-1. Today's Shipboard RF Distribution developments.System. INDIVIDUALLY ADDRESSABLEA Communication System Common Framework MODULESis needed. A pictorial of the Communication A dynamically reconfigurable physical layer forSystem Common Framework is depicted in the all subsystems is achievable with individuallyaccompanying Figure 4-2. The system concept addressable modules. Dynamic reconfigurationfor this Framework includes an open is key to Dynamic Interoperable Connectivity.architecture, common interfaces, individually With this inherent flexibility it may be possibleaddressable modules, an Internet Protocol based to reduce the number of required circuits. Thiscontroller and enhanced interference mitigation. would lead to a decrease in the requirements onEach of these attributes are discussed in the topside antennas.following: INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) BASEDOPEN ARCHITECTURE CONTROLLERThe open architecture expands the software An IP Based Controller enables automatedradio philosophy of the Digital Modular Radio diagnostics and recording. Automatic and(DMR) and Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) remote update of software is possible. The RFthroughout the entire RF Distribution System. A Distribution Systems of a Battle Group would begeneral architecture is envisioned of distinct remotely accessible with possibly a web site forfunctions. All RF Distribution Systems perform each shipboard system. Each device is then aa set of common functions (e.g., filtering, web page. It would be possible to reconfigureamplification, conversion .... ). The general the physical layer of an entire Battle Group inarchitecture would be a decomposition of a set response to changing C4ISR requirements.of individual, orthogonal objects that can be Communication would not be limited by quasi-assembled to meet a specific set of RF static communication plans.Distribution System requirements. Multiplevendors could provide the individual ENHANCED INTERFERENCEcomponents of a RF Distribution System, which MITIGATIONwould lead to an increase in competition and This is key to increasing the number of circuitspotential decrease in over-all cost. The that can be supported by an individual antennaFramework would be updateable with maturing system. This has a direct impact on thetechnologies. It would not be necessary to swap reduction in the number of topside antennaout entire systems for upgrades. systems.


  • links can be increased to over 300 Mbps byRF Mitigation High leveraging the higher frequency bands and

    System Tx Power R High Power technology of military data links. Ku-band links(Cosite Filters) (can be leveraged as part of a Battle Force

    t ,Communication Network. The Ku-band linksLow could be formed into a microwave network

    Power RF providing very high capacity within the Battle(0 dBm)(0Im Group. Through the use of relays, the

    microwave network could be extended in range.RF Mitigation VeyLw UnvraSystem Rx Power RFI Frequency(RFI Filters, (-60 dBm) Converterd lLimiters) In the second development increased high data

    t rate SATCOM would be provided to the Fleet.IF In the commercial world, business plans are

    (-15 dBm) emphasizing the migration of SATCOM to thehigher frequencies with more capable satellitesfor increased data rate to the user. The Navywill by economic necessity follow a similarmigration. This migration includes theWideband Gapfiller System (WGS) at Ku-bandand the Global Broadcast System (GBS) at K-

    Figure 4-2. Communication System Common band. These military systems should beFramework. augmented with emerging commercial

    capabilities at Ku and K/Ka-band. As depictedThe technical challenge to developing a in the following Figure 4-3, these developmentsCommunication System Common Framework is provide the potential for a considerable increaseconsiderable and will include technologies such in capacity to the Battle Group.

    as system-on-a-chip, low cost phased array

    architectures and active EMI cancellation toname a few. Oilitay SATCOM

    Commercial SATCOM WGS- INTotELSAT .WS

    Ott.,UAV.MLASICDL, Predator, etc.Exploitation of Higher Frequency, High W.4Mbps USAF.U-2..AyRC2,t.Capacity Links SHoIL

    The emphasis on Network Centric Operations IC274,Mb.guarantees additional growth in the demand forcommunication capacity. This can force largernumbers of antenna systems on Navy ships,where SATCOM antennas already dominateship's deck space. An approach is required thatprovides increased connectivity to the Fleetwhile supporting Integrated Topside Design.Two developments are proposed.

    Figure 4-3. High Capacity Battle Group Network.In the first development, terrestrial links wouldbe increased in capacity. Present terrestriallinks are limited in capacity. HF surface wave The movement to higher frequencies reduces thecommunications has been demonstrated up to 64 requirements for physically large antennaKbps. UHF Line-of-Sight communications has structures. Antenna performance is directlybeen demonstrated up to 3 Mbps. Terrestrial related to frequency. As the frequency of a


  • given sized antenna is increased, its performance the necessary shipboard functions. Theis increased. In addition, the modem satellites in affordability aspects of planar array technology,the Ku-band and K/Ka-bands are more capable, which is necessary for ship integration butreducing the requirements on the terrestrial user. currently expensive with the moderate costs ofBoth of these factors lead to smaller sized the elements which could number in the manyantennas with higher capacity. Thus, smaller 1,000's per array, is realized again throughantennas could replace the current physically multi-functionality. A planar array per functionlarge SATCOM antennas with increased would be inefficient and unaffordable.capacity. In addition, multi-function phased Partitionable wide-band sub arrays will allow forarray technologies at these higher frequencies some amortization of the higher cost arraycan be used to mitigate the platform integration across the many functions it now provides.issues of integrated topside design. The high These elements of the aperture strategy arecapacity battle group network of the figure fundamental to meeting the challenge ofabove could be implemented using multiple Integrated Topside Design.beam Ku-band phased arrays. A single, multiplebeam Ku-band phased array would provide highcapacity connectivity to military and commercial At this time the investment emphasis has beenSATCOM, military data links and a microwave on the development of multi-function, extremelynetwork. Finally, this increase in terrestrial wideband arrays. As an example, the concept iscapacity should reduce the requirement on the a single extremely wideband array with multiplelower frequencies terrestrial links. This could beams supporting all RF functions in the 1 to 5lead in a reduction in the number of antennas GHz band thus significantly reducing thesystems required to support these lower number of topside RF apertures. Some of thefrequency bands. RF functions such as radar and electronic

    warfare require positions high in thesuperstructure due to horizon line-of-sight

    An investment in the exploitation of higher limitations, while other functions, such asfrequency, high capacity links is key to SATCOM do not. All requirements would haveproviding the increased capacity demanded by to be satisfied in a single array concept. Athe Fleet, but also in meeting the challenge of possible, earlier spin-off design concept couldintegrated topside design. have multiple phased array antennas covering

    the band. As an example, four 40% widebandAffordable Multi-function Phased Arrays antennas are required to cover a 1 to 5 GHzband. This wideband, multiple array conceptRecently the Navy senior leadership has taken a may actually provide more flexibility tovery positive and active role in developing and achieving topside integration. A set of 40%aligning programmatics to an overall aperture frequency bandwidth arrays vice a single 5:1strategy. This RF Aperture strategy has been bandwidth frequency array may serve earlycritical for the transition of Navy ships fromplatforms with multiple RF systems of singleantennas supporting single functions (i.e., radar, Multiple, wideband array antennas can beElectronic Warfare, Information Warfare, designed to meet low signature goals. WithCommunications) to multi-function, multi- increasing bandwidth, signature control becomesfrequency shared apertures. The strategy much more difficult to achieve.addresses two major issues, flexibility inspectrum exploitation and affordability. Theflexibility in the RF spectrm usage of the Using a single, extremely wideband array mightship/battle force is inherent in the application of have economies of scale. The argument is thatan RF Resource Controller that allocates in real- the cost of individual elements will be lesstime, the multi-function sub array elements to because all of the elements are the same. Using


  • a wideband, multiple array design, thearchitecture is the same for all of the apertures.There are economies of scale when there is a 5.0 INVESTMENT STRATEGYcommon architecture. Companies have showneconomiof srchiecare. w anihers hav c homm n "A balanced investment strategy is the besteconomies of scale when there is a commonarchitecture through the use of flexible assembly investment strategy". "Build a little-test a littlelines, works for the Navy". Today's acquisition

    philosophy/structure is already risk adverse andwill continue to be in the near future due to ever

    It is well known how to build arrays. Phased pressing fiscal constraints. An evolutionaryarrays have not been cost-effective for most development of ships' integrated topsides willapplications. An important consideration is how lead to a predictable end state. It allows forphased array systems become affordable. GPS "buy in" by the Navy community ofsystems became affordable once Japanese stakeholders (ONR, OPNAV, SYSCOM, andconsumers wanted GPS systems in their cars. Fleet) with measurable progress through fieldingDue to the commercial cellular phone/wireless capabilities along the path. Investmentcommunications industry, arrays developed in strategies that only resource the end state at thethe L/S frequency bands can achieve expense of all other items on the evolutionaryaffordability using readily available discrete path is very high risk. A technological failure ofcomponents. Arrays in the Ku, K, and Ka a critical path item related to the end statefrequency bands have similar potential with the initiative with no backup could set the Navydrives for commercial systems in these bands. back in topside technology implementation andWhere there is little to no commercial interest, therefore fielded warfare capability. In addition,such as Q-band, systems suffer from problems a failure of transition due to misalignment withof component availability, cost, and performance the other critical stakeholders necessary todue to a lack of interest from producers. Multi- transition the capability in significant numbersfunction phased arrays are key to Integrated to achieve "warfare capability at sea" couldTopside Design. However, in order to ensure jeopardize an end state success.the shipboard implementation of this importanttechnology the investment in multi-functionphased arrays technology needs to focus on Teblne netetsrtg utbaffordability, evolutionary in its approach and focus. It mustbe predicated on a balance of investments.

    These investments can be described in terms ofAs previously stated, extensive system trade near-term, mid-term and long-term. Funded andstudies are critical to ensuring the "best reprogramming efforts are the focus of the near-investment strategy" for the Navy After Next. term. Mid-term focuses on technologies that areThese trade studies must consider system either in advanced development or areperformance requirements, signature candidates with some investment for advancedrequirements, topside integration issues, and development and require engineeringcost. A strong case can be made for investing in development. Exploratory Development is thea common RF framework for ships, for focus of the long-term. For the purpose of thisexploiting higher frequency, higher capacity discussion, near-term relates to the Currentlinks on ships and in battle groups and finally Navy, mid-term relates to the Next Navy, andthe advancement of wideband array technology long-term relates to the Navy After gain control of the spectrum and make it aforce multiplier. New ship concepts and forcestructures assessments should be evaluating The "balanced investment strategy" isapplicability of these technologies to achieving representative of the best development strategytheir final requirement goals in our Navy After for both new construction and the fleetNext. modernization program. This strategy supports


  • full Network Centric Warfare capabilities, fleet architectures. These products must becombat system performance capabilities, and paced with combat system upgrades using alow signature HM&E concepts. This strategy similar strategy (e.g., Advanced Integratedwould consider the investment of multiple Electronic Warfare System, Multi-Functionsponsors and ensures affordable success by Radar) for common integration and fieldingexploiting commercial developments. It is only [Mearns and Stetson 1999]. The envisioned endwith the balanced strategy approach that the state will be realized by building off this mid-needed topside technologies would be viable, term investment. This will provide industrialTable 5-1 lists some of the technologies that base maturation, fleet experience in expansion ofshould be exploited for the various categories the RF and low observability domains to satisfyNavies. new operational needs, and acquisition

    experience in multi-function systemprocurements and SCN driven packages and

    The strategy must address the fielding plan for associated life cycle costs (LCC). The majoritynext generation topside systems. The Fleet is of the investment burden must be borne by thiscomposed of approximately 330 ships, which mid-term investment for the Next Navy.make up 12 Carrier Battle Groups and 12Amphibious Ready Groups. Approximately 5pairs (CV/L) are readied for deployment in any Finally, a small but no less important investmentone year. It is unrealistic to expect the fleet to must be supported for the long-term, high-wait for next generation topside systems via the risk/high-payoff technology domain for theslow introduction of next generation ship Navy After Next. Here new constructs for theacquisition timelines (i.e., DD(X), CVNX1). foundational architectures of the Naval force can

    be experimented with, evaluated for war fightingvalue and can be used to set the "goal" for

    The mix of RF systems comprising the war technology roadmap developments. Having thisfighting capability of the Battle Force must be goal is very important to act as a compassintroduced not only via high-end new ship/RF direction for what can be realized (the art of thearchitectures, but also via RF system upgrades to possible) as the current acquisition programs-of-existing ships of the Fleet (i.e., DDG 51, CG 47, record evolve in execution due to performanceLHD, LHA, CVN). These ships will exist in challenges, economic realities and politicalsignificant numbers through the middle of the century. It is unlikely that currentlyenvisioned end states for RF services would befiscally viable for these current ship "If you don't know where you're going, anyarchitectures via the Fleet Modernization road will get you there". These long-termProgram (FMP). These legacy ships need investments will establish the boundarysimpler, quicker to market, and more flexible RF conditions for the development of the nextsystems that still have some of the positive acquisition program.benefits of the advancing technology base.

    A balanced approach must recognize and deliverinterim products to integrate into the existing


  • Current Navy Next Navy Navy After NextEng Design Tools Composite Materials Wide Band Gap Semi-ConductorsEng Design Data Bases Planar Array Antennas Multi-Function Apertures

    Radar Absorptive Structures Directed Energy WeaponsIR Signature Control Autonomous Operations

    Cooperative Engagements Cooperative Deployment Cooperative Force StructuresSingle Integrated Picture Common Operating Pictures Collaboratively Controled EnvNetwork Centric Architectures Open Architectures Morphological StructuresMinituration Consolidation Nano-Devices

    Signature Tactical Decision Aid Advanced Signature Control

    Table 5-1 Exploitable Technologies for Enhancing existing fleet architectures. These ships willShip Topsides exist in significant numbers through the middle

    of this century and it is unrealistic and perhapsnegligent to delay the insertion of this

    6.0 CONCLUSIONS technology until new ship classes reach the fleet.

    Historically, warfighting effectiveness has beenthe primary driver for advances in the A balanced investment approach needs toimplementation and arrangement of topside incorporate both the evolutionary path ofsystems on U.S. Navy combatants [Tibbitts- 'sustaining' technology developments as well asBaron 1998]. That observation is still valid the revolutionary step towards 'disruptive'today and will be into the foreseeable future. technology insertion [Martin 2000]. Critical toThe role and the challenge to the Navy's topside either of these approaches is a greater emphasisdesign community is to simultaneously achieve on experimentation and demonstration. Therethis increased effectiveness across three separate has been a lot of interest on experimentationfronts: associated with the call to 'transform' the

    military [ IDA's Joint Advanced Warfighting- Maintaining the combat Program]. A definition is offered below:

    effectiveness of our current Navy experimentation: The process of exploring- Preparing for the modernization of innovative technologies, especially to assess

    our next generation Navy their feasibility, evaluate their utility, or- Developing the topside technology determine their limits.

    to be implemented in the Navy afternext

    In the topside technology area, there is a needAs a group, we must develop, design and for systematic and continuously planned, fundedmaintain our ships and systems for the and supported at-sea technology demonstrations.evolutionary incorporation of emerging This support needs to be across the Navytechnologies as they are developed as well as organizational spectrum and include theidentifying and exploiting the revolutionary requirements, acquisition, technology andinnovations necessary for step-function operations codes within OPNAV, NAVSEA,increases in capability. Success in these areas SPAWAR, NAVAIR, ONR and the fleet. Theserequires a balanced investment strategy that demonstrations need to support technologyconsiders the slow introduction of next solutions that are applicable across multiple shipgeneration ship acquisition timelines coupled platforms. Demonstrations are needed not onlywith the cautious and seemingly unavoidable to mitigate the risks associated with the eventualhesitance for the introduction of new technology adoption of advanced technology by new shipthat results once a ship acquisition program has programs but also to provide the legacy fleetbegun. A balanced approach must recognize with some of the positive benefits of theand deliver interim products to integrate into the advancing technology base. The demonstration


  • of developing technologies on a fleet asset pose Do we need to more strongly pursuespecific risks (both technical and financial), autonomously operated surface vehicles? WhatThose risks need to be acknowledged, accepted is a littoral support craft? How will future gunand budgeted in order to accelerate the adoption systems influence topside design? What isof warfighting benefits to the fleet. stealthy enough? Why?

    Only by working together as a total shipAs discussed in this paper, the topside design community, will we be able to get the rightcommunity has done a good job of embracing answers.the tenets of Total Ship Systems Engineeringand integrated topside design practices. Perhapswe've been less diligent in translating that REFERENCESintegrated approach to the planning androadmapping necessary to coordinate our CDR Mary Martin, USN, "Revolutionaryinvestments across the many technical areas that Innovation in a Fiscally Constrainedmake-up the topside. This coordination is Environment", Naval Engineers Journal, Julyessential to continue our successes in either 2000.evolving or revolutionizing the topsides of our "What Does 'Military Experimentation' Reallyfuture fleets. It is a large and diverse Mean?", one of a series of Occasional Paperscommunity and we need to conscientiously work prepared by IDA's Joint Advanced Warfightingtowards improving our communication, needs Program (JAWP). An extract of an extensiveand priorities. There is an opportunity for better body of work originally funded by the Deputycoordination between the many organizations Director for Wargaming, Simulation andthat affect and influence the topside design Assessment; Director for Force Structure,process. We need to get off the merry-go-round Resources and Assessment (J-8).every once in a while and ask ourselvesquestions. P. E. Law, Jr., Shipboard Antennas, Artech

    House, Dedham, MA, 1983.Do we understand the requirement needs forfuture ships in time to plan S&T needs? P. E. Law, Jr., Shipboard Electromagnetics,

    Artech House, Norwood, MA, 1987.Are our current modeling and simulation toolssufficient? Do today's EM engineering tools N.T. Baron and D. R. Cebulski, "EMI - Theadequately handle the performance and isolation Enemy Within," Naval Engineers Journal,issues associated with the unprecedented trend March 1992, Volume 104, Number 2, pp.69 -8 0.towards integrated antennas? Will those tools be P. Bobrowich and B. Douglas, "Mitigation ofable to account for the arrangement and Shipboard Induced Degradation on LHD 5distribution of topside systems at afleet level as Combat System Performance," Association ofopposed to a ship level as envisioned in a truly Scientists and Engineers of the Naval Seanetwork centric fleet? Are our signature Systems Command, 29t" Annual Technicalprediction codes adequate to predict the ever- Symposium, May 1992 Symposium Record.decreasing signature requirements of the future? Capt. B. Tibbitts, USN (Ret.) and N. T. Baron,Can we adequately predict the performance of "Topside Design of Warships: A 100 Yearadvanced composite structures to the harsh "Topsive From Warch A Rearenvironmental and combat loads of a surface Perspective," From Research to Reality In Shipship? Systems Engineering Symposium Proceedings,American Society of Naval Engineers,Is there a need for a more diverse investment in September 1998, pp. 57-75shared aperture technology? Does the currentinterest in very wideband arrays make sense if Rockway, J.W. et al., "EM Design Technologyinteestin ery ideandarrys mke ens iffor Topside Antenna System Integration," Navalthe future fleet make-up consists of smaller, fo r T op A nalSystem Integration,"iNavacheaper, network-linked, littoral craft? Engineers Journal, Vol. 113, No. 1, Winter



  • Mearns D. Michael, Stetson Neal K., " the development of Naval Battle Force systemsIntegrated Topside Design," Naval Surface engineering tools and processes. In addition,Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Technical Mr. Baron lead the recent re-establishment ofDigest, 1999. the Navy's Directed Energy Weapons ProgramAmes, Robert M., Richard T. Van Eseltine, Office specializing in high power microwave"Architecture for Multidiscipline Integration of and High Energy Laser weapon systemAnalyses in a Common Product Model developments. Mr. Baron is a Past-President ofEnvironment for LHA(R) Topside," 2001 The Association of Scientists and EngineersElectromagnetic Code Consortium (EMCC) (ASE) of the Naval Sea Systems Command.Annual Meeting, Kauai, Hawaii, 28 May - 1 William R. Bird is a senior engineer in theJune. Signatures Directorate at the Carderock

    Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center(NSWCCD). For the past twelve years Mr. Bird

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS has worked in the development of ship topsidesignature reduction Science and Technology

    This work* is representative of a larger effort (S&T). For four years he was the Task Leadersupported throughout the Navy organization. for the Topside Signature Reduction Task in theThe authors would like to thank the senior Navy's Surface Ship Technology Exploratoryleadership for their support and vision helping us Development Program. This task concentratedall achieve the Navy after Next. on developing technology for establishing

    signature goals, predicting and modeling shipsignatures, and producing low signature ships.

    Neil T. Baron is currently the Director of the For three years Mr. Bird was the supervisor ofCombat Systems Engineering Division at the the Infrared Signature Control Branch. He isNaval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) currently the Technical Manager for the LowNaval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA, Observable Multi-Function Stack Advancedand is responsible for all aspects of Surface Ship Technology Demonstration Project which hasCombat Systems, Undersea Warfare Systems demonstrated advanced exhaust suppressers, LOand the DD(X) Land Attack Destroyer warfare structures, and integrated SATCOM antennasystem engineering developments. Mr. Baron arrays. Mr. Bird holds a BSEE from Drexeljoined NAVSEA from Marquette University University.(Bio-Medical Engineering) in 1981 focused on Patrick C. Potter is currently a Project Officer atradio frequency radiation hazards to personnel the Office of Naval Research in the Ship Hull,(RADHAZ) research and electromagnetic Mechanical & Electrical Systems S&T technology with specific interest in Prior to ONR he worked for 11 years at thecomputational modeling and applied ship Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderockdesign. Through out the late 1980s and 1990s Division in the Marine Composites Branch. HeMr. Baron provided combat systems engineering received a Bachelors in Aerospace Engineeringto all the major Navy surface ship design from the University of Maryland and has aprograms related to antennas/weapon Masters in Structural Engineering from Thesystems/ship architecture and systems George Washington integration. Mr. Baron has beeninstrumental in forwarding the "Topside Vision" Dr. John Rockway is the Head of the technicalfor the Navy and continues to support the Navy staff of the Electromagnetics and AdvancedSecretariat and OPNAV in the control of ship Technology Division of the Communicationsdesign processes and the development of topside and Information Systems Department,technologies and their application to ship and SPAWARSYSCEN San Diego. He has moresystem acquisition programs. In his most recent than twenty-five years experience in developingassignment, Mr. Baron was the Director of Force and evaluating shipboard antennas, developingWarfare Systems Engineering, responsible for and applying advanced computational


  • electromagnetic (CEM) and advanced RFsystem design tools and developing advancedcommunication systems. Technical publicationsinclude approximately 40 government reports,55 professional publications and five books.Government and professional recognitionsinclude the Navy Meritorious Civilian ServiceAward, National Society of ProfessionalEngineers Federal Engineer of the Year Award,the Applied Computational ElectromagneticsSociety Mainstay Award, and IEEE SeniorMemberNeal K. Stetson is a senior engineer in theElectromagnetic Effects Division at the NavalSurface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division. Heis currently assigned to NAVSEA 53H as theTechnical Direction Agent for IntegratedTopside Design for the Naval Sea SystemsCommand. He holds a B.S. degree in electricalengineering from the University of Miami. Hewas formerly with the Naval Surface WarfareCenter White Oak Laboratory working in thearea of nuclear electromagnetic effectsprotection. He was the program managerresponsible for instrumentation systemssupporting the EMPRESS II electromagneticpulse simulator for the Naval Sea SystemsCommand Theater Nuclear Warfare ProgramOffice. Since transferring to NSWCDD in 1994he has worked in the area of electromagneticenvironmental effects and combat weaponsystem frequency management in addition tointegrated topside design.


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