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Transcript, Group 5 I found yourWikispaceproject enthralling. I mean if you really think about the historical context of the experiment you get a moresolidview of it. During a time in a nations history when special needs children were put away in abackroom,institution orgiven away never to be thought of again. These childrenwere not lookedupon as a gift that should be loved. Theywere lookedupon as burdens that were shameful secrets. Many doctors encouraged parents to put their children in state-run facilities. If the attitude toward special needs children was one of encouragement (back then), do you think that this would have taken place? I felt so hurt reading thisbecause these poor children did not have a voice in the truest sense of the word, theywere marginalizedbecause they were different. It is horrifying to think that Dr.SualKrugmanthought nothing of experimenting on these poor children. It is heartbreaking that parents were so desperate to get ridof their childrenthey would sign papers letting this man torment their children. Do you really believe that a loving parent would have knowingly left their child atWillowbrook?Hi, Group 3, I found yourWikispaceprojectinteresting. I mean to think that this project took obedience toauthority to another level. If you put good people in an evil place, what is the outcome? Let me start by saying the volunteers for this project were very courageous to sign up to be in a prison environment. Prison is hostile. During the summer one year I worked at the police department typing in jail records and pawn sheets. I mean jail is a smaller interpretation of a prison. The people stay a couple of days, anything more theyare sentto the county jail. These people would come in abusive to the police officers. Some of them would start to panic when the cell door closed for no reason at all. I think the thought of being confined does something to a personand makes them become thesurvivalist. I think thatin most prisonsthe information about the prison guards istrue. There isa handful that treat the prisoners bad; the other group is indifferent, and the last group does not know what to do. I think that the volunteers who were inmates were lucky if they had no psychological effects from this experiment. Would I joinan experimentlike this one? No, I have no desire to help anyone reconstruct the environment of a prison. This study was unethical on so many levels and went beyondMilgramsexperiment. It could have caused permanent psychological damage for the participants. RepliesReply toEdward StephensonWhile working on this study/experiment I pondered the limits of man. I thought about how this whole strategy would fit into a school system. I mean just observing the students. I have to say that students in school now areangrierand meaner. To me, the school is a minor reflection of society, and society isangrierand meaner. In the video about evil and what it takes to be evil a lot of valid points are made most evil people are not innately evil something triggers that change. I think thatMilgramhad a great idea with the experiment and what he tried to do, but the truth is conditions causes these triggers. For instance, one day (it was night)I stopped byMcDonaldswith my kids. There was this woman in there she was asking the manager for the hamburgers that they were going to throw away for her children. I feltbadfor her, gave her some money. She purchased the food and took it to her children. They were in her car, and it looked as if they were staying in the car. I looked at the manager and asked him if they were going to throw the food away after closing why could he not give the food to her. He stated that it was policyand that the lady would have to get it out of the dumpster. My point is that thiswas an everyday guy who was probablynice, but had to follow the rules to keep his job. Now after giving her the money and when she purchased the food he did give her extra food (that was nice).Reply toJefferyStockmanI understand what you mean by looking around and wondering about your submission to authority. I thinkas teacherswe submit toauthoritya lot even when we feel the situation is notidea. When I read your response to reading ourWikispaceprojectI pictured the big trail that just ended involving many Georgia educators around the Atlanta area.I read the information about their trail, and I still can not figure out why in the world they involved themselves in something so reckless, and my conclusion is that they capitulated toMilgramsidea of obedience to authority. Many of these people participated because they were ordered to, not because they wanted too. I by no means agree with what they did, but after studyingMilgramsexperiment on obedience to authority I can picture these people going along with the status quo. I think that is what is wrong in todays society people go along instead of standing up. I think about all the children thatwere hurtfrom the self-serving needs of these teachers. I understand goingalong,but remember the obedience to authority has a price.

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