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Dates to remember:

Thank you to Mr Sean Geoghegan and all members of the Leadership team for their work while

I was involved in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project Intensive course in Leuven. We

received our Catholic School Identity report and recommendations from Leuven University

earlier this year. Attending the Leuven Course, for which I’m very grateful, will be useful as we

work to shape our school as a Catholic College with continuing relevance to students in the

twenty-first century. Evidence witnessed from attending school visits in Belgium clearly reinforced

to me the importance and urgency of reflection on our current Catholic practices in the College.

Maintaining our Catholicism in teaching and learning must be at the forefront especially with the

many different pressures arising in a changing society. Deepening student’s spirituality and

enriching their values and morals will allow them to contribute as valuable adults in society.

This week you all would have received an email link to a survey from the School Review and

Improvement team. I would appreciate if you would complete this survey to enable us to receive

feedback to assist in future school development. Next week we will have two external reviewers

visit the school and participate in classroom visits and meetings with staff and the wider

community. As mentioned in prior newsletters, this audit will then be incorporated into our

School Review and improvement Process. I look forward to being a part of this positive renewal


Attached to this newsletter is our Missions Statement and Statement of Special Religious

Character. As part of our School Review and Improvement process we need to review both of

these documents. If you would like to suggest any changes could you please email our office with

your suggestions. ([email protected])

St Patrick’s Family

This past week has been a sad time for three St Pat’s staff members. Ms Sarah Neivandt lost her

mother, Margaret Menso, Mrs Jenny Staples lost her mother Josephine (Joyce) Rasmussen and Mr

Simon Korneliussen lost his father-in-law Mike Pass. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sarah,

Jenny and Simon at this time.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. Amen.


Year 11 Maths A students will sit their end of term 2 exam tomorrow morning. Year 11 will then

have normal classes from Lesson 3 onwards. Year 12 has normal classes all day. Monday and

Tuesday 13 and 14 June are also normal school days. The exam block will commence on

Wednesday 15 June.

Industry Placement

Industry placement begins for a number of Year 11 students next week. Industry placement is

their first priority. If a student has an exam in the exam block they are to attend work as usual

and sit the exam in the evening indicated in the exam timetable. Thank you to the generous

business owners in Industry that mentor and guide our students in these placements.

Enrolments 2017

We begin our enrolment process for 2017 this evening with our Introduction to Senior Schooling

evening. If you know of someone from another school interested in attending St Patrick’s College

next year please ask them to contact the college office so that we can send them the appropriate


June 2016

9 Senior Schooling


10 Year 10 Maths A exam

13 Year 11 Industry

Placement starts

15 End Semester

exams commence

19 Music Ministry, 6:00 pm

St Patrick’s Church

23 Show holiday

24 Exams finish

End of Term 2

July 2016

11 First day of Term 3

11-12 JCU Experience

12 Photo day

14 Subject Selection

15-16 Arts Camp

17 Music Ministry

18 Reports uploaded to

Parent Lounge

9 June 2016



The number to send

SMS messages

regarding student

absence is

0416 906 288

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Weekend Masses

9 June Introduction to Senior Schooling beginning at 7.30 pm in St Patrick’s

Hall. All prospective Year 11 students, accompanied by at least one

parent, are strongly advised to attend. Enrolment forms and

information and Choosing Subjects books will be distributed at this


14 July Subject Selection Evening from 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm in St Patrick’s Hall. Attend

at a time to suit your family.

22 July Due date for Enrolment and Subject Selection forms to be returned to St Patrick’s


8 August Notification of enrolment interview date posted in week beginning 8 August

15 August Formal enrolment and subject advisory interviews with a member of the college

leadership team will begin during the week of 15 August.

End term 3 Notification of acceptance

24 November Orientation Day

Mackay Marina Run

It was great to see many of our students volunteering to support the Marina Run. I appreciate

the organisation and early rise needed to be able to attend and volunteer. The proceeds of this

charity event go to the Leukaemia Foundation. This illness has touched many lives within our

community. Thank you to the following students for their support: Chandra Bolla, Shravya

Boppana, Jonty Brown, Chloe Burke, Emma Carroll, Brianna Costigan, Mikaela Dobie, Kit-Julia

Elliott-O’Brien, Molly Falvo, Kate Finger, Georgia Griffiths, Grady Hamilton, Shaye Hunter,

Kaitlyn Hyde, Alison Larcombe, Zachary Lindemann, Madalyn Mackenzie, Kayla McKie, Ella

McMurtrie, Sonia Munro, Lachlan Stevens, Daisy Stoltz, Connor Stuart, Shevy-Jean Zerner

Red Shield Appeal

The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal was recently held with a number of St Pat’s students

helping to door knock. The Red Shield Appeal raises valuable funds for the Salvation Army who

work with people who are less fortunate than themselves.

Southside Cluster Saturday Vigil Mass

6:00 pm St Francis Xavier

6:00 pm St Mary’s


7:00 am St Patrick’s

7:00 am St Therese’s

Northside Cluster

Saturday Vigil Mass

6:00 pm St Joseph’s

6:00 pm St Brigid’s


7:30 am St Brendan’s

9.00 am St Joseph’s


Saturday Vigil Mass

6:00 pm St John’s


7:30 am Eton

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Readings at Mass, Sunday 12 June 2016 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading, Samuel, 12:7-10, 13 … ‘The Lord, for his part, forgives your sin; you are not to


Psalm, Ps 31:1-2, 5, 7, 11 … ‘Lord, forgive the wrong I have done’.

Second Reading, St Paul 2:16, 19-21 … ‘I live now not with my own life but with the life of

Christ who lives in me.’

Gospel, Luke, 7:36 – 8:3 … ‘her many sins, must have been forgiven her, or she would not

have shown such great love.’


Some people could survive quite happily for a long period of time on their own, without

companionship. However, many of us would begin to feel uncomfortable very quickly. This was a

central theme of the movie ‘Cast Away’ (2000), starring Tom Hanks, which at the time was quite

a talking point for people who viewed the movie. People are generally social beings, preferring

the experience of community rather than isolation.

Imagine if Mass was celebrated as a private ritual, would it maintain the same meaning for people?

On a personal level, it may be significant for the individual and their relationship with God.

However, Jesus taught us that we should love our neighbour, therefore what better way to get

to know your neighbour than to come together in celebration? The Eucharist is often referred

to as Holy Communion; the important concept of communion is the shared experience. As a

group of like-minded people we come together to share God’s message and experience the sense

of community.

Being a part of the Church community can be an important part of healthy living, because we

come together and contribute to both our social and spiritual health. The Bread of Life is more

than food; it is also the spiritual nourishment from the sense of community. ‘Let us offer each

other the sign of peace’.

Exam and Assignment Stress

Our students are now approaching the business end of the term and this is the time when

students start to feel the pressure of assignment deadlines with exams just around the corner.

Our Year Eleven cohort should now have a very good understanding of our expectations

regarding assignments and study so will hopefully be better prepared for the coming weeks. Our

Year Twelve cohort on the other hand have noticed an increase in assignment pressure this term

so the upcoming exams may possibly bring a whole new level of stress. It is during this time that

teachers and guardians ask how can our students survive this period and obtain the marks that

they will be proud of? One of the best ways to reduce stress during this period is to prepare a

study plan, one that is balanced and includes all other commitments. At times it is difficult to

balance all areas of our lives and it is during this time period that part time work can be an issue.

Students should talk to their employers and if needed, ask for reduced hours. It is also a time

whereby students should ask themselves what is it that they want to achieve each day/each week?

Students need a quiet study space, one that is free of distractions e.g. TV, mobile phone, social

media, gaming etc. There will be plenty of time for this in the holidays. By having a well-planned

study plan, students can still spend time with friends, play sport etc. which are all important in

reducing stress levels. One of the best ways to reduce stress is through exercise. It is a great way

to clear the mind and think through problems. Perhaps students could test their knowledge of a

subject area whilst going for a walk. This is a different technique that could be beneficial. To

further reduce stress, students need to eat nutritional snacks whilst studying and avoid food high

in fat and sugar. Snacks high in complex carbohydrates and protein are a better choice for

maintaining energy and concentration. Drink plenty of water as well and avoid sugary beverages.

It is during this stressful time that it is extremely important that the student gets the required

amount of sleep. Students should be getting 8-9 hours of sleep each night and they need to be in

a relaxed state before going to bed. Using technology before going to bed should be avoided as

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this speeds up brain activity and results in restless sleep. Parties should definitely be avoided

during this time.

Students also need to ask their teachers/parents for help if they need it. We all want our students

to do well so students should seek the support of their teachers or parents. Teachers can assist

students with study techniques and can offer valuable feedback on study notes, practice essays

etc. Parents can also do this even if they don’t know the content. With my own children I would

always talk about what they were studying/learning and this helped them to retain information,

remember important dates, names etc. Family members can provide a lot of support for students

during this period as well as increasing their knowledge as well. Placing mind maps all over the

toilet door is a technique that was used in our home. Some of them still remain and are now a

part of our interior design.

Finally, if your child is experiencing stress over the coming weeks, be prepared for changes in

their moods. Try to avoid conflict as this will just add to the stress levels for everyone in the

home. Provide as much support and positive reinforcement as possible and put those daily chores

on hold for the next two weeks to lighten their workload.

If students are really struggling with exam stress support is available. Our Pastoral Care team and

College Counsellors are available to assist if needed.

Science 21 - Forensic Science Workshop - two student reports

Report from Brock Thomas

On Tuesday 31 May 2016, all Year 11 Science 21 students participated in a Forensic Science

workshop to prepare them for next term’s unit. The students were immersed in a fictional

murder case and given the opportunity to investigate clues and look for red herrings. They learned

about the various techniques that forensic scientists use to collect and analyse evidence from a

crime scene, including footwear impressions, microscopes, black lights, and DNA profiling. The

students were also introduced to the application of CCTV and entomology, the study of insects,

in solving criminal cases. They were encouraged to delve deep into the case and piece together

the chronological sequence of events leading to Sally’s death; Sally, of course, being the fictional

subject. Whilst everyone enjoyed the workshop, there was a very serious underlying message

about cyber safety which, for some, was a much-needed wake-up call.

Report from Breanna Kerr

Last week we had a forensic scientist visit us and she took us through a story which helped us to

understand what processes forensic scientists use to successfully do their job. We completed

activities such as searching through the victim’s phone to find clues or evidence, examining finger

prints from nearby sources that would help us identify a suspect, searching for body fluids on

clothing to check if the victim had been sexually assaulted during the time she was murdered and

looking at clues that would lead us to solving the murder. This activity was helpful to us because

it was interesting and entertaining to be involved and to listen to the processes forensic scientists

use to do their job.

Today was the final day of filming within our Construction and Engineering as part of the best

practice documentary being developed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

It has been a very hectic three days and a wonderful experience for the students involved whether

as participants in the particular classes or as rent a crowd for the group shots.

There are considerable clips of work being undertaken, student and staff interviews and general

shots of the College at work. We are all waiting with interest in seeing what the final documentary

will contain.

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Next week the Year 11 will be commencing their first placement in industry. It is essential that

they are on time, ready to work and attend each day. They will be informed of the rules of

participation again tomorrow just to remove any doubt.

It is important that if there is any sickness causing unexpected absence, the employer and the

College must be notified as before the start of the day.

Year 12’s should have their application forms for their next placement in by tomorrow. Because

finding and securing placements early is increasingly difficult it is important that this be attended

to at this time.

JCU Experience 2016, Townsville

All year 12 students who are interested in studying at JCU are invited to attend the two day JCU

Experience. The students will travel from school by bus on Monday 11 July and return to school

on 12 July. Students stay at one of the JCU residential Colleges, and meals will be provided. This

is a great opportunity for students to experience life at the university campus for two days as

they tour the campus, meet lecturers, students and participate in a variety of university-related

activities. Interested students should register at the school counsellor’s office, and permission

notes and further details will be available on Monday 6 June.

Defence Trade Careers Information Session

Stage Band Workshop with CQCM Staff

Last Thursday, our stage band had the privilege of having Central Queensland Conservatorium of

Music lecturers; Jason Smyth-Tomkins, Peter McKenzie and Luke McIntosh work alongside them

during their rehearsal. The students performed “Watermelon Man” for the lecturers and gained

valuable feedback such as: how to play together with confidence, how to slightly alter the written

score to enhance the performance and how to make the music more polished with articulation

and dynamics.

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Stage band captain, Taylah Hubon (Year 12), says:

“It was really amazing to have people with so much experience come work with us. They had a real feel

for the music we were playing and we learnt how to play together as a proper jazz ensemble, not just as


As the school assembly was also held that day, it was decided that this was a performance

opportunity not to be missed. The band were brave enough to give their first performance for

the year on assembly and they did a wonderful job.

Thank you Jason, Peter and Luke for working with us and giving our ensemble the confidence

boost they needed! We look forward to seeing you all again next semester!

Airlie Beach Arts Camp

An important reminder that all payments must be paid with filled-out permission slips returned

to school no later than next Wednesday. If a minimum of 20 students have not done this by then,

the trip will unfortunately be cancelled.

Female choir uniforms

Yesterday, all female choristers received a note regarding the hire of our choir uniforms. Students

are to have the form filled out and returned to school in order for a uniform to be issued. They

must see either Miss Larsen or myself for a fitting. Students should get in fast and choose their

best fit!

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Table Tennis

St Pat’s has successfully defended its Mackay Secondary Schools Table Tennis Championship title

with Sam Griffin and Rohan Purohit taking out the event held recently at the Mackay Table Tennis

Hall. St Pat’s entered five teams into the Open Boys division, all of whom represented the school

proudly. A big thank-you to Mr Martin Hollis who supervised the teams on the day.

Mr Martin Hollis and all participants Winners -Rohan Purohit and Samuel Griffin

Mountain Biking

The St Patrick’s College Mountain Biking team

recently took out 2nd place in the Mackay Schools

Mountain Biking Championship. The team,

consisting of Quewan Sweet, Hayden

Bamford, Nicholas Hilder and Thomas Ford,

were supported by Mr Brendan Brauer on the day.

Thank-you to Mr Brauer and the team for

representing the College at an event which is set to

grow over the next few years.

Rugby League - 2nd XIII

The St Patrick’s College 2nd XIII have all but wrapped up a semi-final spot in the Mackay Secondary

Schools Division 2 Competition. They played their last round game last night against Mackay High

2nd XIII in a curtain-raiser game to the Aaron Payne Cup clash between both schools. Results will

be in next week’s newsletter.

Rugby League - 1st XIII vs Kirwan SHS

The St Patrick’s College 1st XIII travelled to Townsville last Thursday to take on reigning National

Schoolboy champions Kirwan SHS in the Aaron Payne Cup. With only 16 fit players available, the

team put in a commendable performance going down 36 – 14. It is worth noting that the majority

of the Kirwan team is comprised of students who are turning 18 this year, which makes the

performance of our players even more special.

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Rugby League – 1st XIII vs MSHS

Last night, the First XIII played in the Aaron Payne Cup against traditional rivals Mackay State

High School. With both schools 2nd XIII teams playing in a curtain-raiser, an entertaining night of

schoolboy Rugby League ensured. Results will be in next week’s newsletter.

Netball (Mrs Tracey McLeod)

Congratulations to both our netball teams on their great wins on Tuesday afternoon in the MDSSS

semi-finals. Both teams are now in the grand finals to be played at 4:00 next Tuesday. St Pat’s

Red will play Pioneer in the Open B final and St Pat’s Gold will play the undefeated Holy Spirit

College in the Open A final. Best of luck to both teams and to their respective coaches, Raylene

Sellings and Jessica Seymour.

St Pat’s Gold

Time Court

Semi Finals

4:00 pm 3 SPC Red v Pioneer High School

4.00 pm 1 SPC Gold v Holy Spirit College

Hospitality Department

The Year 11 Hospitality class has been cooking up a storm this week, making White Chocolate

and Raspberry Muffins on Tuesday and Chocolate Chip Muffins on Wednesday. The aim was to

cook in bulk, similar to catering for 40 people. It is always helpful to cook in bulk and freeze the

remaining portions for school lunches or unexpected guests. Modifications were made which

included using Macadamia Nuts instead of white chocolate in the muffins. Add the following

recipes to your collection - I am sure you won’t regret it. Happy Cooking!

White Chocolate & Raspberry Muffins


1 cup white chocolate bits

1 ½ cup caster sugar

4 cups SR Flour

2 cups frozen raspberries

2 eggs, lightly whisked

1 cup oil

1 ½ cups milk

2 tblsp melted butter

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1. Preheat oven to 200°C.

2. Combine the white chocolate, sugar and flour in a large bowl.

3. Coarsely chop half the raspberries. Add all the raspberries to the mixture. Stir to combine.

Make a well in the centre.

4. Whisk the egg, oil and buttermilk in a jug. Pour into the flour mixture. Gently stir until just


5. Spoon evenly among 16 Muffin papers. 2/3 fill each muffin paper.

6. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Remove from

oven, set aside to cool. Enjoy.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

(Makes approximately 50 Biscuits)


1 tin Condensed Milk

2 packets choc bits (small)

5 cups of SR Flour

1 tsp vanilla

500g butter

1 ½ cups White sugar

Baking Spray


1. Pre-heat oven to 180*C (moderate oven).

2. Cream butter, sugar and condensed milk in a large bowl.

3. Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl until well combined. Add wet ingredients and mix


4. Spray biscuit trays with Baking Spray.

5. Form biscuit into small balls and press lightly with a fork.

6. Cook for approximately 15 minutes or until golden brown.

7. Remove from trays and allow to cool. Enjoy

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2016 Term 2 Year 11 & 12 Exam Timetable

Students are asked to note the exam timetable below and see Mrs McLeod for alternative times if they

have an exam clash. All students are required to be in attendance at least 15 minutes before the start

of the exam with all materials.

Day Time Year 11 Exam Day Time Year 12 Exam


10 June

8.30 11 maa (120 min)

Non Year 11 maa students

have normal classes


10 June

8.30 Year 12 Normal classes

P3 Year 11 Normal classes P3 Year 12 Normal classes

Monday 13 June and Tuesday 14 June – normal classes


15 June

8.45 11 eng (90 min)

11 enc (90 min)


15 June

8.45 12 CHE (120 min)

12 S21 (90 min)

11.45 11 mac (120min)

11 hos (70 min)

11.45 12 SOR (120 min)

12 PHY (120 min)

Year 11 IP students must sit today’s exams 4:00 - 7:00 pm (time subject to work requirements)


16 June

8.45 11 bio (120 min) Thursday

16 June

8.45 12 MAA (120 min)

12 MAB (120 min)


11 sor (90 min)

11 rel (90 min)


12 LEG (120 min)

12 ITS (120 min)

Year 11 IP students must sit today’s exams 4:00 – 7:00 pm (time subject to work requirements)


17 June

8.45 11 aer (90 min)

11 leg (90 min)


17 June

8.45 12 ENG (120 min)

12 ENC (90 min)

11.45 11 mab (120 min) 11.45 12 BIO (120 min)


20 June

8.45 11 chem (120 min)

11 s21 (90 min)


20 June

8.45 12 AP (75 min)

12 MOD (120 min)

12 ACC (120 min)

11.45 11 phy (120min)

11 mus (90 min)

11 ap (60 min)

11.45 12 IPT (120 min)

12 HEC (100min)

12 JAP speaking (20 min each)

Year 11 IP students must sit today’s exams 4:00 – 7:00 pm (time subject to work requirements)


21 June

8.45 11 hec (90 min)

11 anc (100 min)

11 acc (70 min)


21 June

8.45 12 ANC (100 min)

12 DRA (180 min) – Line E

12 JAP writing (60 min)

11.45 11 mod (90 min)

11 ipt (90 min)

11.45 12 MAC (120 min)

12 DRA (180 min) – Line C

12 MOD (120 min)

Year 11 IP students must sit today’s exams 4:00 – 7:00 pm (time subject to work requirements)


22 June

8.45 11 jap reading (60 min) Wednesday

22 June

8.45 12 BCT (120 min)

11.45 11 jap writing (60 min) 11.45 QCS – MC P1 (90 min)

Year 11 IP students must sit today’s exams 4:00 – 7:00 pm (time subject to work requirements)


23 June

Show Holiday Thursday

23 June

Show Holiday


24 June

8.45 Make up exams by arrangement

with Mrs McLeod


24 June

8.45 QCS – MC P2 (90 min)

11.45 Make up exams by arrangement

with Mrs McLeod

11.45 Make up exams by arrangement

with Mrs McLeod

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