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Nine Frames Analysis

“Misread” Kings Of Convenience

Artist: Kings of Convenience Track: Misread Album: Riot on an empty street Genre: Folk/Folk Rock Released: June 21, 2004 Song Length: 3:09

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The Frames

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1 At the opening scene of the music video, an established and bird-eye view shot showcased to the audience a massive grass yard and several people are playing football on it, from the scenery as we viewed, the audience would anticipate the massive grass yard are surrounded by the mountains, the camera shot is right behind a blossom tree, also by the directions of the shades the audience could aware it is sunset time, with all those features the whole scene provides the audience a quite peaceful and chilling atmosphere which quite fits the folk genre music and the feeling that this song has created. Also the whole scene are expressing a “Fresh” and “tranquilly” emotion which quite suits the “Star Image” of the duo band Kings of Convenience, which is two “clean” Norway boys play some clean and quiet music, and also the natural environment suits the stereotype of the acoustic music which quite peaceful and primitive.

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A medium bird-eye view shot showcased to the audience that a young man are setting under the blossom and he is writing something upon a little piece of table, a few writing papers are spreading around him on the ground, also the petals of the blossom tree are all over the ground, also a guitar bag and a book with a tape box on the top of it appears in the frame. The audience could aware the season is spring or autumn by the outfit of the young man, which provides the audience an immersive feeling of the scene, also the guitar bag suggests acoustic music which quite fits the folk genre, and the petals of the blossom tree suggests the season spring which always been recognized as the sign of hope and birth, the whole scene are fulfilled by the color green which provides the audience a chilling and natural feeling which stereotypically refers to the folk music genre which links to the Barry Keith Grant’s idea that genre allows audience to recognizes texts by the familiar characteristics.

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3 A medium shot showcased a young man are laying down on a sheet with some pillows upon the grass, he is in a red knitwear and playing the guitar, from his facial expression the audience would able to sense the feeling of peaceful and relaxing, also the audience could sense the chilling atmosphere from his body language as well, the whole scene stereotypically contained all the iconic features of the music video of folk genre which is grass, shinning sunlight, acoustic guitar been playing by a main character who is laying on grass, all those combinations has created a breeze atmosphere for the audience. And from Carol Vernallis’s theory, we could aware that the visual effects are been created to fits the genre which this music video did perfectly well.

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4 From this close-up shot, the audience would seen the sunlight shines through the shot, which has created the peaceful and illusional atmosphere to the audience, and furthermore has fit the genre characteristics of folk music according to Goodwin’s theory, the reflection of the sunlight has created a fantastic juxtaposition on the screen. Also the who atmosphere that created by the scene has perfectly fit the “Star Image” of the duo band Kings of Convenience, and also fit the stereotype of the genre which is “Folk Music”. Also according to Tim O’ Sullivan’s theory that states “All media texts tells a kind of story”, therefore this frame can be seen as an establishment of a plot.

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5 From this medium close-up shot, the audience could see the singer has sit up and starts singing to the screen, the acoustic guitar playing scene has perfectly fits the “Folk” music genre characteristics, also this frame which showcased the singer were singing on the grass have fit the “Star Image” of Kings of Convenience. The lighting and the setting has created a perfect atmosphere for this song which fit in the folk music genre, the facial expression of singer has demonstrate a delightful feeling of them, also another singer of the band that stays behind him writing has suggested the narratives within the music video for instance the friendship between him and the singer (fit the lyrics), because of this music video basically has nothing much relevant with the original lyrics, but from those pieces of fragments within this frame therefore according to Goodwin’s theory, this music video are actually amplify the lyrics.

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6 From this medium long shot, the audience would seen that the man in the yellow hood is holding a little mirror and reflecting himself, this frame has again proved that this music video is made of amplify the lyrics, which means has no specific link to the lyric but has some symbolic connections between them, there is only instrumental music been playing through this part of the music video which means there are no specific links between the frame and the lyric. The green colour and gentle lighting of the scene has built a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere for the audience, also the location choose, which has fit the characteristics of the folk music genre and the star image of the “Kings of Convenience”. The props within this scene contained a few writing papers and a little mirror, the writing papers perhaps suggested literature and the mirror perhaps suggested “introspect” which fits the lyrics of the track.

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7 From this medium long shot, the audience can see that a football been passed to the yellow

hoodie wearing man from distant by a man in jacket, this scene has clearly suggested the friendship between them by the body language, therefore it fits the main theme of the song which is friendship, the yellow colour of the hoodie may suggested energetic and vitality which also been suggested by the football, also it fits the “Star Image” of the Kings of Convenience, and the setting and the warm lighting has created a relaxing atmosphere for the whole which has perfectly fits the genre characteristic. Also the football has suggested a bit narrative as well, for instance the friendship between them, also this frame has amplify the lyrics, as the singer is singing “The Loneliest people” in this part, although it has shown a significantly different image in the music video, but those fragments within the scene can been built as a link between them.

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From this medium shot, the audience can seen the singer is shaking the blossom tree and making petals falling all over the place, the blossom tree and the petals suggested spring and vitality, rebirth, which has built a cheerful, chilling atmosphere for the audience and also fits the genre characteristics for the folk music, also the green shirt of the singer has given him a peaceful, harmless image which fits the “Star Image” of the Kings of Convenience, the natural atmosphere of this frame has fit the characteristics of the music genre, also due to vague connections between the music video with the lyrics, from this scene the audience could aware that this music video is amplify the lyrics, and demonstrate the connotations from the original track.

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From this medium two shot, the audience could seen that the two singers of band are talking to each other, the relaxing and chill body language and cheerful facial expression of them suggests that they are quite close friends, which refers to the lyrics theme “friendship”, from the settings and their costume which suggests location probably would be Northern Europe which refers the origin of the duo band- Norway, again the natural environment of setting has created a vital atmosphere for the audience, also the lighting suggests the time is sunset which fits the genre characteristics, and the whole relaxing feeling over the scene fits the “Star Image” of the Kings of Convenience.

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