

­ The student will compare numbers (integers, radicals, rational)

­ The student will use graphs (scatterplots, box-and whiskers, stem and leaf, and histograms) to compare data.

­ The student will use proportions to solve problems.

­ The student will be able to find and interpret slope.

­ The student will solve equations with one or more variables.

­ The student will write and graph equations in slope-intercept form, point-slope form, standard form, and function notation.

­ The student will use the order of operations to solve problems

­ The student will understand the rules of algebra (distributive, commutative, associative)

­ The student will translate between verbal descriptions, tables, and graphs.

­ The student will know the rules of exponents.


­ Students will be formally introduced to the elements and principles of


­ Students will explore modeling (shading) to create depth in their


­ Students will expand their drawing skills to include drawing an object

from a photograph.

­ Students will create a theme painting focused on color, unity, and variety

(of space, size, shape, color, and position of both positive and negative


­ Students will create a collage using magazines and other found objects,

coupled with writing to express an idea that is important to them.

­ Students will demonstrate understanding of basic human face proportions

by constructing a clay relief face, which will include the element of

design (texture).

­ Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of creating pottery on

the pottery wheel.

­ Students will use the medium of paper mâché to express a language

trickery concept.

­ Students will use plaster block as a print-making medium.

­ Students will research an artist to explore different styles of art and

understand their place in history.

­ Students will demonstrate the ability to properly clean and use all tools in

the art room.


­ I can sit in performance posture, breathe band style (full breath) and produce a full

sound on my instrument. ­ I can perform with written articulations: staccato, legato, accent, tenuto, slurs, ties. ­ I will practice enough to achieve 90 or better on lesson tests and maintain a good sound. ­ I can perform in-class testing. ­ I can learn to change my interpretation of music based on the advice of others. ­ I can play the Chromatic, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, F, C, G scales and arpeggios, Woodwinds two

octaves, memorized, quarter note=160: in 8th note pattern. ­ I can read key signature for the scales listed above, and perform in the correct key. ­ I can read, perform, and write the notes on the staff and up to three ledger lines for my

clef. ­ I can count, play and write whole, half, quarter, eighth, dotted rhythms, 16th and triplet

notes and rests. ­ I can understand and apply elements of music including melody, harmony, texture,

unison, divisi, and form. ­ I can play with style, phrasing, and balance. ­ I can play with the following dynamics: ff, f, mf, mp, p, pp, sfz, crescendo and

decrescendo with a full sound. ­ I can play in 4/4, 2/4, ¾, cut time, slow and fast 6/8. ­ I can change time and key signatures within a piece of music. ­ I can perform music of different styles on a concert. ­ I can perform the fundamentals of marching while playing. ­ Percussion: In addition to Paradiddle, Single Stroke Roll, Multiple

o Bounce Roll, Flam, Double Stroke Open Roll, 9 Stroke Roll, 17 Stroke Roll, Drag, 5 Stroke Roll, Flam Accent, and Flam Paradiddle, I will learn the following rudiments: 13 Stroke Roll, Triple Paradiddle, Flam tap, Single Drag Tap.



­ I will be able to perform rhythm patterns in a piece of choral music.

­ I will be able to sight sing a melody line using solfege syllables.

­ I will be able to recognize the vertical alignment of a piece of choral music.

­ I will be able to rehearse and perform music from a variety of contexts and styles alone or within small

or large groups.

­ I will be able to analyze and interpret a variety of musical works and performances using established criteria.

­ I will understand the meaning of diction and be able to demonstrate good diction in performances.

­ I will be able to perform alone and in a group (two- and three-part harmony) using musical expression such as phrasing, dynamic contrast, technique, balance and accurate articulation.

­ Develop an artistic intent, including how audience and occasion impact performance choices.

­ I will be able to revise performance based on the feedback of others, self-reflection and artistic intent.

­ I will be able to evaluate my vocal health and determine a probable cause and solution if there is a problem.

­ I will recognize and model good audience etiquette behaviors when observing other performances.


­ I can write a business letter in an appropriate format for the purpose of writing a letter of


­ I can make an informed decision about the use of credit cards.

­ I understand that the same behavior expected of me in school can be transferred to the expectations of the workplace.

­ I can evaluate how I use my time and make adjustments accordingly to help myself meet my goals.

­ I know how to set SMART goals.

­ I understand the relationship between my education and my future potential income.


­ I can examine the potential seriousness of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

­ I can explain the function of reproductive systems.

­ I can describe how some health risk behaviors can influence the likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviors

­ I can access valid health information from home, school, and community.

­ I can analyze the outcomes of a health-related decision.

­ I can assess personal health practices

­ I can explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors


­ The student will follow all instructions and directions.

­ The student will follow all safety rules.

­ The student will clean up the shop.

­ The student will respect and help their classmates.

­ The student will plan, construct, and finish a metal project.

­ The student will plan, construct and finish a wood project.

­ The student will plan, construct and fly two rockets.

­ The student will gain a profound respect for the dangerous characteristics of machines.



­ The student will follow all instruction and directions.

­ The student will follow all safety rules.

­ The student will clean up the shop.

­ The student will respect and help their classmates.

­ The student will plan, construct, and finish a wood project.

­ The student will gain a profound respect for the dangerous characteristics of machines.


­ I can state the strongest evidence of what a text says outright or explicitly, and what it infers.

­ I can find at least one theme or central idea in a text and analyze its development throughout a text including its connection to the characters, setting, and plot.

­ I can analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, events, or ideas including analogies or allusions to other texts (including historical or mythological texts).

­ I can compare and contrast the structure of 2 or more texts and analyze how the different structures contribute to the meaning and style. I can analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text including how specific sentences develop and refine an important idea.

­ I can determine an author’s point of view or purpose and analyze how the author acknowledges and responds to conflicting sides. I can analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader create different effects such as suspense or irony.

­ I can analyze how similar or different a filmed or live production of a story or drama is from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors. I can analyze how two or more texts can share conflicting information on the same topic and identify differing information.

­ I can write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

­ I can write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and share ideas and information through the use of relevant content.

­ I can write narratives and creative texts to develop real or imagined experiences using relevant details and well structured event sequences.

­ I can write clearly and coherently with development, organization, and style that are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience. I can use a writing process to develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach focusing on reaching the purpose and audience.

­ I can do short research projects to answer a question, using several sources and evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source while avoiding plagiarism. I can create additional focused questions for further research and investigation using multiple possibilities for exploration.

­ I can write an objective summary of the text.

­ I can participate effectively in discussions with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing my own clearly and persuasively.

­ I can include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims, and add interest.

­ I can take apart and respond to a speaker’s argument and evaluate the reasoning, relevance, and sufficiency of the evidence including identifying when irrelevant information is used.

­ I can use proper grammar including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing or speaking.

­ I can figure out the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words using context clues or root words consulting reference materials as appropriate. (and verifying meaning if needed)

­ I can demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and small differences in word meanings.


­ I will demonstrate each presidential fitness tests and know the component of fitness relating to that test.

­ I can find my personal fitness scores and where it falls in the national average of my peers.

­ I can demonstrate the ability to review and modify fitness goals based on my ability.

­ I can pass and set volleyball with correct form.

­ I can play all the volleyball position and stay in own area of the court, relying on teammates.

­ I am able to identify a penalty on the soccer field and assign correct course of action.

­ I can shoot a basketball from the free throw line using correct form.

­ I can demonstrate person to person defense in basketball.

­ I can demonstrate passing from teammate to teammate in floor Hockey.

­ I can demonstrate shooting form from both forehand and backhand in floor hockey.


­ I can read and comprehend stories, dramas, and poems written at the eighth grade reading level.

­ I can determine the textual evidence that most strongly supports what the text says explicitly or infers.

­ I can determine the theme of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text.

­ I can analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the actions, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

­ I can figure out the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words using context clues, affixes, and root words. I can analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.

­ I can demonstrate an understanding of technical and figurative language.

­ I can analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

­ I can determine how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader create such effects as suspense or humor.

­ I can analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.

­ I can determine whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient.

­ I can analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from myths or traditional stories.

­ I can write an objective summary of the text.

­ I can participate effectively in discussions with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing my own clearly and persuasively.

­ I can analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media formats and evaluate the motives behind its presentation.


­ Different groups and cultures have contributed to the advancement of science, engineering and technology.

o I can explain how the Babylonians, Ancient Greeks and Europeans

o Contributed to our understanding of the Solar System.

o I can show how the advancement of astronomy paralleled the advancement of science.

­ I can use the correct equipment to make measurements.

o I can use an electronic scale to find mass.

o I can use a triple beam balance to find mass.

o I can find volume using b x w x h or using glassware.

o I can calculate density.

­ I know our Earth is composed of interacting layers.

o I can describe each layer.

o I know that geological events like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are the result from the movement of tectonic plates

o I can describe how landforms result from volcanic eruptions, weathering, and other events.

o Weathering, erosion and glacial activity are just some of the things that have shaped Minnesota’s landscape and given it a wealth of geological resources.

o I can interpret rock layers.

­ I can identify 13 common minerals by planes of cleavage, streak and miscellaneous other properties.

­ I can identify and classify 15 common rocks.

­ I know that the surface of the Earth is constantly changing through weathering and erosion and that humans contribute to this change.

­ I can model how combination of the Earth’s tilted axis and revolution around the sun causes the progression of seasons.

­ I can model the Earth’s rotation and tell how it causes days.

­ I can describe how the moon changes phase and tell why.

­ I know that the sun is a medium sized yellow star. It is at the center of the solar system, which is composed of planets, moons, asteroids, comets and other objects.

o I know the sun supplies the Earth with its energy.

o I know that the oceans have a major effect on the global climate because

o I know it stores a large amount of heat.

o I can describe how gravity and inertia help maintain regular motion for

o I know many objects in the solar system.

o I can tell how the gravitational force between two objects is affected by mass and the distance between them.

­ Humidity, temperature, wind strength and direction, and air pressure contribute to the weather.

o I can measure temperature.

o I can describe wind direction.

o I can read a barometer.

o I can describe the motions of low and high­pressure systems.

o Using a map from the Internet or newspaper I can predict the weather with reasonable accuracy.

o I can describe the water cycle.


Standards will be posted during the 2011-12 school year.

FCS Lab Class Power Standards -Students will be introduced to meal planning by using the My Plate guidelines. -Students will expand their nutrition knowledge to be able to read food labels for the purpose of making healthy food choices. -Students will demonstrate understanding of basic recipe terminology by successfully following several recipes and evaluating the outcome of the foods made. -Students will demonstrate the ability to prepare and use a sewing machine to sew straight seams, square corners, curves, and finish seams by creating samples of each and construction of a project. -Students will show their understanding of pattern symbols and directions by construction of a project. -Students will demonstrate the ability to sew on a button and do simple repairs to clothing both by machine and with hand stitches. -Students will demonstrate the ability to properly use and follow all safety practices in the kitchen and with sewing machines and supplies.

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