Page 1: 8K0RETARY RUSK'S REPORT. 8ELECTI0NS FROM reaiiied hy mr own ugil'-.i't ir.l producto, a'-roru- pani



IAMBB incki"asj: in jjot. _nd OAT____B FXPOUTS

-BETT-UI OL'TI.'JOK FOll .'.rr_ON-HIG-<:i;STt'.\s hu. MOlir BFfXCTIVE

Vv'Ol'.K IX TIII' DEPARTME-TXV-aehlnmen, Nov. 20..Tin- repOrl ol the s.r.r't.iry

of Afrtcnltare hai been BUhmltled tu th- PraaklentTho repori begina with a oonparlaon of lhe axporl

trade of tt...- ln-. Baetl year wlth thal of f*n_*r yaara,and empha .ro the (aet th .t of the more tha-, !.'..<*>".uooixio i-PreaauUng the e_p r1- ol onr domesUiprodur.t«, f'»r tl- !:, >,.,,'.-. nearly -<> per c«nl < -i

ii-te.1 of uptoaltaral produet*, Ihna not only maklngthe t'nlt.d -tn'-- tl:.' oredltor uf the »_. >rhl for a -ntu

«__iM.(iii)K MOO.OOO.CH-O.t_M exee_a >.f oar exporta ev*r

Import^-but rcUeving onr bosa* marfceta fr.,n, n mi,-

plua paodnel wblch wonM otherwiae bavi redneedprlce* to 11 point helow |!i<. eaal Ol prodm tlcn. FOTa larfre ?.hm-e in ibrlngtng about Uu rondl arhlcht»ve niad- theae gratlfylng re nlta poaalble the i>»r-

r,'n t elalnu oredlt for hla Department.In le-nnl ;o Impofts, ):- QnAfl -n< uurngenient for

the farni.Ti I- t'.i" fiu t thnt, ln iplt* »>t au ;>._r.r_,t<'lociauan, there l^ a rednctton ti the proportlon efUaporta eoilalBUng ..: prodn, whleh enapete with our

Imialran agrlcnltnre, far wbll* ln the btea! >eu>-,-nded ln ]"-:> .'.l per aent of tl.e linporta w*ie ,

petlng, onJv l-i (?,.: cenl ,.f onr 1m

petts for tba laal li-^ial year dlil 4-c. r.mpete.He neverthel-K. r-gnrdt tba tmport* .oinnetlng Ih Uieproducta of our own >*,il aa »tlll far too gr-at.Me Inatoaraa »W,eoo.lXio worth of __!mal pti-iU'-ivr' ". v-OO.OMi -aoith «»f llbre-, PJT.OlXl.O-Xt wonli .flil_e._. eCO.<._.>.(...) wctth af lruiu und win,-;. »s artlcklot this klnd. and ritrs tte Importa ,.f raw rtlk, amouiit-

im to BB&ABBkOQQ rtarh, _- an Inetanea ot prortuctsimiporteri, wblch could. with proper encourag nient.b, ptoCucod ln our »>i>-ti coutltry. Me derUre* th, ie

fgnr.a to Inttrata tke uiain ultlumte ebject of tliewvh «>f tha _ep.itttuot.-. whleh he -etine., ln bt1«f. a«-the cJo*-<.'$t Btady el a'.l BMrkBla abrand whleh maytk reaiiied hy mr own ugil'-.i't ir.l producto, a'-roru-

pani <i lj paaatatonl and halalUfeal *H»ria to extemlU-Hfl. and the s.iMUtutt ln onr nw_ roarlU'ti olhome-gr-.w;, far foralfB«frawn prnlucta."

sinc* his laat raport tha Becretary mv.. prahHUUtaniagalnst Amni-lran pork paadneta bave be»u artlMhaailin ail aonntHoa wbara tiiey *______! ai-n _MtO.MMpoiitids of tn«pe.te<l p. >r_. wlt1-_ wl tii _l lH_|WLllUItould not h.'iv. founl ii niark-t uhifad, 1.*\e h_en

.apjr.*-. CuDipar.iijj the e.xport tra^le far M.v. mna,Ju.\ and AugUBt oi tM1- yeai, u j_r,ol lu which Ihe. 3 :- ol lii-pf-tkn i-HU ¦¦ .;.-.-tT- . bU, *U!i th,corre-p >i .'.ins jpericd la*. year. be uo'e* an ln reaaeln iiuAiitlt^ BMppad thla *ear of »>'J ptx icnt. tu :m

udvuiic. ln pri.-e which IncriaiCd v.ilut^ for tha saiue

reriod by f>i\ i-_ per e»nt. Me coraparea pri .-s forbeptembar, lSM, vith thoae ot Seaatember, !.«_., Umyear b_.'or* p,-rk In-iie tion wn.-- ndopt»d. :iud .-howi,

an Inrreaae "f 80 cenu a I0(i pounda ln favoi oltiils year, an uverage of lp_ a l.end on e\ery hog sold-an inonraNe m p:lre Lls'iiy gratlfylng In view al th-

larjt Inuinai la tl_' namber ol bogi marketod.¦Merrlni to tn-. proekunaMon ol B*ptaniber '^'¦.

AaetaHng the rountry tree frotn pleuro-pneumonU. the

UBIialBIJ einp.'.afl/es Mm pnnauUou^ t.-ik.-B bc-f^re tbit

paailaniaM. u araa l«.ued. tu-.d Uie thoreuglUy ttt**tsictoiy grouDds ajUBilag for tiii* Bm lanulou of oat

Unmantty u__i dliaaae. Bawlnwloi ..* regnla-tl--.» fo.-- the conuT»l aad pravennoa of Texaa Ibver,he ends wllli Ube ._*-ilaiatlon tlut tiier uh»ve i_v-'iIfcif* Umes ns much moriiv to <attle-_iom-er» )e_rlyat> I. requlred io ran tlie wbole Di-parun_Bt."

Ue Bava ibal oar U:\pectlon _a«? h ,\e reMored theooi,t',denc-> of Px-dK-ser- in tte baalthfalneM of our

ccitle. l_v« c.-.ttle export* ln l-*» auiaujoted toai.5.000 _-_d, wbereaa In I*'."* wa ^*p*rt»_ ai»4.t>'x.

_o_d. a; an iMtloart ln valaa a\f_-,i_:i_ M B l!_ad. A

eotnpariaon of <hira;t> qnotaUooa fo.- Seplembar,ir'.-<, wltn -epteinher. IkSP, pnov-, an ln,-._.-> in th,

vuiu* of ..-attle *oid amonntlng to from .¦.4 to v\b a

liead, atcorditiK to walplit. Cu the aggregat* of >_ttlelold ln a -*ini,l* yar thla Monld aaaMnt t»> *J ..

oou.ixx*.I Ii- Secrttary Ka>« ol tp* arorfc Ol h,« lt.din'i COTO

ap.-ni in Owaiij t .. t mauj dlflarnRl** attended tlielatroduotlon ol a new lood ___rot-__>ra pciieraiiy re-

gurd*-l lu Kiir»-,i>-' __¦ uot. fi-iltaWe for hni:i_n eoDKiimp-tjoii. (me rf-iilt is the B-Blntenanoe of tba prlaa ofcorn in _. laea of la.-irel. laoranaed . \j".rt_.. Th-c-im exports for lS'tO. tlie only ywar n, wMeh thoyl.ive aqualled uio c\|/ona of tl.«- prcseut y«or. brouahtliit pri..- dotrn to a fr_..tion under 42 -ents a but.tit-1ut ti..- i ..rt of sbipments agaln*- b IraeHoa o»er 53centa u bnabel Ihla ye:u-, a dUTerence .;grecaUiig oothe expOTil "f the last liM':a! year not laes U:an§10,01 0,000.

Beoretary i.u>k aalea tlie red_<)_->n *f the oottoaar»n in tUs conntry _> » raf.ve_i.nt tn the rtght dl

*T*e_o_. For th.- l*u few year4- Uie prlce oi eottonb_a been axtraordlnarlly low und the prodacUtoa ao

ffftaA lhal eack rear ¦'¦¦ » rarfln iver ranmunn-tion, linuiiT produdng aaeh a pletborl. eondltlon ln

the BMrkeC *«¦ greaUy to dteconragt t..» 'to_ growrrs. I*. anaat-BfiBctory oondltlon of uiTuin.. bewever, w;.^ nol wlthoal BBlalary effeeia; for it u- <vi-

d'-t.t now f-it :. .: derable reduettoo In tba t.r«,a

¦laated lo eotton hai taken plaea, tha r-_ult ol .-.

detarmlned etfort oa the parl al the grwwara la Hattprodn Uon aad 11 aarn a portion of their ia::d» to

ervpi Anythlng which loada to a dlveraillintlon of orope th-canghoal tke o. mtry, bat aapootaUylo -," :i,.ii devoted f« man] yaaxa almoal e\clu-

-lieiy to th<- ratalng of one ,-'_p_j orap, li to »,eKUded. ii," Baefwlnn *<id-:

¦.]_ rcniiectl-jn ivltii thi* mbJOOt lt i» well t_^; I

t,h'-i.d c-uU nlt. ntlon to tlie great Inci-eHJi: Whleh h:i»

tni.e:, plaoe of lat, year-- iu our ImportB of rmw eaaton, linpor'.s WblCh bal a ffr'V ie_:> _i> W0TI h.iniii

knoWn. During U.e w^t Ooeal year r»w eottoa waa

ted fi. al dat] to t-.»- a.:ouht ot t.-.-Ji3.JK'oa^ __aln-t ?-.-*»¦<<>< Bn th" year prevtoai and OM._--j.7,-'i far .be Itacnl .ear endUuj In l-H-0moit ol "ttr Unported oottdn oomai t<> u: Ir«n Bgypt,_:.d is d.-iuki d'.i by o^i manulhetnrera on aeeounl ttthe i_-.ji.ii_j- okoraetarlaiea Wnich :t poaaaoaaa aadWblch ai" not to be found In "ur bome-gTOwn eottooa.Boobo Unpoeti of eaaaon are atoo naia trom r>rn,nnd i au, it.formed on good aatbortty thf lha entire

aappli of Perav-an entton'-lBpoKed tindb its «

,,.. ,'..,. eotton tertorlee, bui latoi tk* raanafi.« woollen gooda, Ri -_.»_«« betal r«oh ni to makei, ipodnUy avallakla for ¦____¦ rrlth wooBon good*wiiboul det-ctlon. *\xb . v_en »*}***». ** **

,,,- ./ (orelgn cottdM, -r-'iuiiy l*a K.vp'i:,n, i

have taken mea ..- I« uadertoke. wltk .'.""".pvi-U .A ma ,.' ti,- Bxp*rl_B*ni autlona tn lhe eotton

experimenta wlth a viea Ui prodnclng ootton,. growth «!.:;, aball im aa au efflcli

ra^r^'ant'^H _s£. t_'ii ... ibal there was _< Uiutho ltan r,.p- of l^.'l. *0 ''''V. -,-.,¦ tvt-ii

B__r* wheal grown h '' -' -' «J" ',, /' , ,,

lvt-V;,::1'.^''^^-;": :;¦..'"''-.-,-V-.,V'-SSBbTuS .. >«^S5 Zr"lXSJU ':--'^-", .v!';-ii.imIIUoiii wlucb kav* at Ia*t over... ,,v.v -oniron _,.-.. m'«

,.,- » l rlrun ftirmer niual dm . un

Sen, j':!.; iTalwbriS productlon down to Uietiorunil de¦ , _._._.iii

The experteuee of lha darparUnenI ln Uy " >" ludu irj coudrma.lbe N '.' / \]ri,'..\I, .4 onl :,. thal domeatlc *ngax ""/",)"Blll prolll . -t ti.-""l> und t" ¦.'

mttumr, provWed thal Ibe wndltier. ".'".., "i'r.ii,_nif:,-'.r.- toalBted upon ny - aapar__-»m

'"j-.h't-ri,. to tha- eeonomy nltl wbtah -

de:v.'-.. 'f. -B-r. OUt bU ,-onu^rien-lv- pan- >

K..-. .a\- that, Bfter dednetliig Ul- ,:,''i"}"\Sg ib* WeaUiei Bnreau, a ileh l- not -"',"-';".but a t-ai.-i.:. aud ii" Bpproprtailon for tn* mw

nnerlmenl atallona. -.' "\-^' u\ «'

ten. tbe totiil aum ramalnug ol tbe preaj-ia ytaiappoprlation. baral. ex«.-.__ the appropMaU. ol

..,,.;,:;,.., lei t..t lor lhe »tottoaa. tor U.eDfC-l year ended ln l*ab H* *** nol !¦¦ HO '""

-T_.cUo_ of th* appreprtallona wlthln nwro* HmlKbal :,.- doea elalm n-alt for «1,:,| bai be-n a, -, m

¦i v)th tbe Ilmlted approprlatlona il hla dl*

nnla Baendon rPvlpfarg in detatl tbe fortt ol tk*Kfcral .1 v,_h-io "r tt, DeimrtinefK. the BureaivolA_ir_: ffls. th- (*« a ^Kiiff_J_tS_2SUie Weather burenn. 'I'.alng wltli a d"t:,tl'<i mbkoi

ofihe._."_t iii-1 v:,rl"t> oMl.-r.titnieitl.'.^pbM;;from the Dep*rr_Den1 of Agrlrurture to ha worin

Borti nt ekaatio_,.r.T.r.'or*1.....,"¦¦" iff^^JX.}*-all dlvlalona of th* work ahould be .^^^w""LrTIenc- to iheir charactor. Into bureaoa. foi owlnp Um oi

pudutlon adopted lnerana-nt, nnd gn-atiy

Breretar* Bo** tosaetU tiop rtanlto Ike mturc or*wnlB*Uon of Uie »«-P«rtmi n

aU dlvlalona of th* work ahould be groupe»(_:.- ta their cbaractar, n»'" 4__[_f_2___J_fJ "«T"f_rbo'v.aluilon adopted ln other de;,,,,^ nent-. t.i. '«<

emment. ..nd gn-atiy redoelng tke ntmbtr Jt re

rpaaaOU. rbi.H-B dlrecl eonMiitntion with u he- l ;fUhldeiwrtment Buoh i burean ayatea'.over --\ . etinble the >er,etary to command,_._>'.!; of lhe oflkwa ol "tnoiuin-nt and1 d> ii

etvi^tf. ihe ,,.-v" ol lhe beal equlpped men ln tt..

eoaiitn ii, th li aeveral Une..Ak i,i I,, «.,_l lhe Btaerotan »xpre*_ea btaPf"

faun-i ,.,,., V,f tho eoi ItaJ arinpathy and hroadKSlUf, .. wl b "whleh tk* Fri^tant 1.h, .... .-.:.l>flk.".ip,?.,-,ut hla AdmlnMrntlon. l..-e«l.-.l th.. .-hI-s f

.Ul. ..Iture. Blld he prr.ilit-4 lhal th" t"-op,. 01 Ullij

.untrv wl l le.m to ippmiat* more nnd non the tajtt»*t the iirat Adinlnl-tr-tl'.n during wM '" ^« "''"^fcnt of Agrlenlture beM tU« rniib «if "««"«^i^^t_Sln*nt ef tbe Ooveiiimeiit *»^ .n-^ded ov*r oy a

_£__£__.*_!___! n*m fa""<1 u> ftPP^clate tl.e Im-5?_r_e.a 7 MftcaJtar*. it, dlgnlty and iu valae to the

.¦ iti at lurite.


0V1 il aLL BROWR TO BR FVI/.:.We**_ngton, Ror. _o ar#eetal)..Oa th* Ihlth el «

i""'-ly _ot_r_rneted n-t _f Represent*_v«a-elee1 pab-ii bad reeeatly ln "The Waahlngton Poat," a generalare i dlapateh from here taat nlghl Bonoaaced thal '

Demoeratie ma]orlty over all Ib the aeal Hooae ofBepreaentatlv. wonld prohahly reach nlnety-tw*.Ther... wereralk! |_ __ ,.],.,-.^ '.'J'- Deaaoento, 123 Re-puMlraaa aad 7 Popa-tota, *1_b meatben yel le b*ehoaen froni Rhode Maad. Thes" Bgnraa whea an-atyaed nre s^en to i«- exaggmted nnd mbleadlng. m'Tbe Poat." il-i aeveral Demorrat* Bgure a* electedwhom tha lateal returoa ahow to have been defeated.ln the VIIIth Hllnota Ui irlrt, for InataBre, <' IMRepnMlean, baa been ekosen In of&teward, DeaiiT4t. Settla. RepubUran. wlll repreaeBl the Vth NorthCaroUna Dtatrlrt, Inatead of WllUanui, Democrat. lathe ild New-IIamp_ilre Dlatrlct, Baker, i:« jmi.i.. :tri,baa defeated Parker, Demorrat. ProbaMj aobody inffear-Yerk baa aver beard that I Mckerlag, RepMa defaated by W. x. Ketrt, Demorrat, la tha OiDl tricl. "The PobVb" !_.!<. akowa thi- remarkabl.'r.-..ilt.

Many ather Inaecnractea oeenr, aarh aa eonnllngRewtanda, ol N.vada, and Bell, of Cotorado, In theDemoeratie column. an.l maklng llarrta, ol Knnaaa, u

*tral?ht h'ii Democrat, Inatead of a PapnUat.Tiu- t.»-t r.Tn-n- recelved ao tar bii'.w Bhe electloa

-f un RepaMtrana, -l-t Drmo rata and II Popullata,glrlag a D^mo'-rat'.,- majorlty or 7*. biatead ol BO. TheRepttbttrBB oaadktale. lu Rbode Uland both :..ui pinnJltlea on Rovaaaber -. and arlll aBdoabtedly u-e_o£en on th" aeoond txlui. The Demoeratie majarttyln t-e Hoaae v.-in hhea be reduced to 73.


OR.AXTMIRAL WaI.K-T.'s aCTIOR.W*B8__ngt_B, ItOV. 20 (Sper-lnl)..faptaln K. H

Xaaker, af the Mkrlne Cerps, wbo wus rarently cobrteted by a genara] .onrl-martlal or. board the Chlrago. f eharR^ia of oeglecl of duty and li.ell,. Ln. v ln tiu-

peifwauance af daty, prelarred by Rear AdmlralWalhar, _.;.. by anthorlty ol th* _eer*tarj ... th* Savy,upF«arod at the Dfpartment and rabmltted his written

nppe.,1 to th* S cretary, a klng lhat, owtag la Beveralrieaa legal ln the praceeding* ln Ma ca*o,

the tindtng aml aentrnce of the court be *n aat.tu:and th:>t he be rdhti r*d ta hla hmaar -.'afiu Ib iii--

rorp.-. It l«, -tat-d 'h.-.t Ncrafha. Ttacy l_)A*B*d*_lj |o ui_rn Meeker. BTeaeatatlea "i M»

grtavaaoeB, bm Btd a*l ln any aranaer ladlralc hlaoplnioo ,.;i th- <¦--¦. The Baoratary i- now ron-klerlngthe Bppeal. h. casea ,-i thta kiM. U.o actlon ..f the

oonvenlag aathorlty aa the prooeedlogi *1 a generalrwurt-m*rtl*1 i- llnal, wben bo appeal by Ihe p*r**Bnie.l la made to tbe r. el.wlng BaC-orlty, Ihe Prealdenlar tba ftacrelary ol Um Navy. Captaln Meeker, havlagaatered a r--_ nl ai plea ln b i awn ea**, however, th*

D*p*rtaa*nl haa th. pewer :<. retlew th<- procaedtagart ard Inqulre lato ih* lejut-itv of Uu>

i)ro,-__iiin aa well aa the Badlag and seataaea ot i_

c.nrt. ln It« revlew af tha ¦-...-. and u.r ronUderatlBBal Captala Meeker. appeal, the Departmeal wlll har*bronght b***ra for datcrmlnattoB three mportanipatata ol naval law ..nd dhaclp'Jiie, whleh n- foi e w

rlrat.. arhofher t_e pabUoatloB un Bbe gaanerda n

of tl e r.-irugo af an '.mer wkloh Mdeeted upo* theeharacter and .ndaol ol th* murii't-* aad .:<iptuinMe. K*r waa 8 puLaV rrrrt'''-^'1 cf u»"1 °n"'or-

--,..] i[ tarh ..ilt.ii wa-- a publlr r< P'.linaiid of

a aamaitaaloned ufli'tr (which a-t bj th- eoBBMBder.1 a raaral i> prahlblled by tow), who it t-. tdiini^ for

IU proinilgatloti; andTlilrd. whether a geaeraj lourvniarlial Ui l-.e Ra*7

OBB he ordrred ta procrd wlth thr triai of an j.

e*_*d i-en-on afkar tha r**_1 baa formnih ragtalneda p;-.a la t.fir ... trlal, oa the grouad of tba Inalrtloaoi Bravtoui puala nt. ... .

WhetlMW tt,- publk*tlon of Admlral Vialkera *eve:t order reBecUng ni^on the muiiv. ..: tlie « hleagont.d upon tbeir offlcei w.,- du. to tbe dlreotloe ol\dmliiil WMlk"t or to Captaln M«GIen*er i- notthough! by ofllcen. ot th. bavy. for everal raaaona,-.. .»¦ materlal: ho. tbal a euurnnortlal rannot l-eordered to prorei-d wltb _n ofhrer. ti-.l -("-r Ibepourl _..- liiveatlgatad bl« ph-.i ln bar ol U .1 andd.K rnliied to b* good and auffleleat aeemi to ger.'¦thI'iv ae^^i* .". ai th. <e.i\ taund eoncInaloB ofj II .

pouat._It wai l.arned at the Navy Y-.r-l In BfOOklyn roa

terdav that the .o.irt nmrtliU w_ini trl'-d CaptainNfeeber had senlenred l.lm fo Im aiupend.-d fromn»»ik and duty, on half-pay. fw one lj*r- Thene.Ieet ,.f d u,lv roported bn n<wak uia fallnr.. to pravent bb wen fr..i. tadalglng Inii^iior »f i.h I'lin'i-, on Oetober 7.



BTaaaungton, N ... BO B.inKga».-*ByB__etar4J*B.ti..- Ravy. kaj laal iaad* *«

, retarj 1 hla Bral raport u bead of

_h»- aew N..v..l ftar«BM of Biuapll*a aad A*.

aoBnta Thla b_reau waa oreatad by h brw

appravBd oa .mly 19. ty Mm texma ol wMob

^i ..,-. .. both "f par haaea an

u baadled ln i atagla eentral offloe. Iiy a .or,

...-."..11 ofeJl fte ooBuaerrial bualaci of tbe havyi_ the bandi ..f oae ban «a, ln charr of tha Pa

ma.trr-Oeneral II bta to detrr In. -' u I

.,,..,.,,, f.. ,....: roodltlofi f -ii" DeBarRnan* ac

... lkn.. to trar* Ib* whol* mrreat ol Iti bn

t.. anj <ia'.. Tb. beneata of thla almple and

ntthod ol tranoaetiBg bnalne-a a- alreadyappareat. and great credlk li da* t* ^TmaMer Ot loral

-usVarl ind beeretarj "- '¦ '.noelvtngand tnaaga.ratlns thla rafbrm. ln bla reporl the l_ymaotar.¦,. n< ral oaya In v*^

i- the -nir*-_ f SappMea a"l Aoroi n. "- Navy

¦ <K -«-*--«___._ SSfJI1;,. ,.on ., n Hitalned wlth all i- I-rty:'>,;,.' I,' v_r". _?.d wlth all BPpraprl

,,,.!: .¦- "f¦"'¦'''., ..,,. miittltildtnom ma'1-r

^T^i^fflesand dLiraementa _nd from which" >J"7 .; :,.;,'; fr iv.,1 eape-ndtnr. and foj

;'";;.¦. .',,.,. ,-. -¦ objeet to whleh ererr

- '71?';:,.'l:,:!.;i'-:-.:"rwt n Junr ."._,1 :.-,.',',.,, ,,,,,,:,«.. ... two reara

' .;-." ?.:.;:"',,,._'V,,. ".' ... .... --. *?*«^,U;;re,v\.--li,. l«f- Ihora h*d be«, a-. ln-

"'*, *1.441.471 «1. I-Bder th-

^^¦.^._r_=f_e^Tlieiiym.-,- .i,.l.-:.v.. >: 1T.,.,,....-!,p,,, i.r". aa ;.'¦.¦ '...',.,.,' :,., -.

Z, ,,rm_ The '..Id '"..'l;:^1,.,| il. h un i. '..-¦

I,. .1 . t,.-,v.-a.f..'i gmrt*^

ng ih* Inerea "i ">".-; ¦'' ; ,.,.,;.. _.rr ,.*the puTmenta Ir p rr B*e ',' , .r,*edlnf rear.,v fto.onn Iha "'i were In "''',' ,'.^_. H,,.aarb ,...".-.. "rh'T''r,Mr.'\'liv.'^'-:'.'''''':,..;x; __S-_:-¦ _ ^Kr)-.;^^,,,,,., >!¦ .. mad-- r <r "," linrenn _m--.,--. rit llici"

-':", " ,,m".:... ;.r,.,f.'..,.-M.e.iH.-s of ...rrle*.|n ; , ,.; ..pendltnre ol tu.r.\-.M i IB.


,., ,nenl a life ln Ihe ,. ilr; baa glven pubfl IU «

"v,:..-.,,i Ihranbjeel ol Ihe ar.«£¦»..¦_f... with whleh the ravalry of Ibe Arajy iheald

tZtiZl aad a. Ihe .>>_a-ml'. rMk.«d -i-

. .;,;-1^.vi.r-.lo,,aonth.s,.i..Jevt.o-l-Md-ri'lon nt all,. hi, n.r- reeeal *.prea.

J, -,-e now reeclvlBg the atteatloB ol olleara af

"\r'niv oeneral Cerr ia**« the ***"*_?_*«..... (orth* -a'.,.- for* porttoa a. k_nd efthe

JJ riggeat. .ha- th* taneea ba la the form

rss fflw--e-T_Sr-syi-.; rrs: ^__r_^T_./Jt_?__-i*SU£ -_ _n_c_-_-_B_:!. *».. - .*.

thnt the priictln,! advnntaee of a trooper being ahl*tn lmp_]»> »u enetny up-n Ike pelr.t of hN lance wltb-onl bttaa, raJMlaaUy near Un enemi lo b* <-ut down*it_ the Mitii-.. ,,r p|rn,.(j Wl.|, a bayonot, contrlkun-ito tb* eftc. Uvcn, ".p. .f th- lanre.

ln Iba ..jiiiiton ,,( bmb) /vrmy olllcera th,r- ara obj.'.tioii. t. th" ndoptlon ol the lance ky Unltod BUteatra< pa aot t!..- kuu. ot whleh li lhe f," t that rkelance wu, u...^ by eavalry foi nuury yean nnd BaoUjaboltabed io give pi,,.. tba uwuponi In aaa toatay,the aabra, rafblnc ind revolver Anotket obtaeHonorged agalnat rupplving tbe Iroopera wlth th-: lanceagaln la that u long, carefa] tnlnlni In tke oae of !_#¦arm hi Beecaaary ta make man tkllfnl In handttng ItMon Amerleana wka wonM ba called on by the 0©*

¦t ln iin,,- of _., _re aomewbal tamlllai wltria-.- at <i n v .iv, ra, an aol a few ,,f ih"f« i,:.v^ .k,hnd prerwilnary InatrarUona In iwnrd exerelaaB; bnl., ;- _llj !.,;,- ... m ., ...;,,. .v c|| tl.'r.:;i. "i a volnnteer armi lu tlme ol war have eveiHeen, mn li leaa n id, .-, lanee, the tlme bi** e_i requltvd lo make , , men _<i. ¦,- ln .I._a tan.e*

... '- mon Iv m.i .. nij appiiod i.. other tu¦.--.,rv leaturea ol ti,- arl of war.


ii.". OP Tiir m v ii \m!'..iiip.-- TOTIIK STATE

a/aakJnftan, n.,v, j,, (gpeelal). it la anderwl odtbat oonalat-nlly wlth tbe pol.-. (o ajve all poeatklear.d proper enconragemenl to tbe formailm nnd <!..

velopmenl ,.f ih- Waval Reaerve ol Hi* eonnlry, Beo¬retary i' is new eonatdeitng t:.,- paaettcaMlttp or

¦in fenlng tke !f*w-llamp*hlre to tie N.-w-v. rl' Bilerve 'or an ladeflnltr p rlod, for um- a>- _n a-ino y,.r rendeav u_ foc dr..i and lus-rue t n. Tb,- p cp -.lUon l- um allogetker a Bew one, aa lt wu. tngg1 ledlaal f .11 Bfter Ike return o thal v_B*el from ber ikorlpraetlee erulse wltk tke r* enre on board.

The N. w Hampchlre li ine f Ike ail _o,d.n Bal|, g higatea, aad prtor lo ber arrlval al n>*Y .1, or

tbe annnal evolutlom ol lhe ICaval Reaerve, waa »m

pluvrd aa :, reeelvtng ablp for boy* *t _r*w»_ond n.

Sbe i« ol 4.160 Im tent, and In p a. U, l %

v |, peel r» emblea the Vernont, ike preaanl r«

relvlng ahlp :.t Ihe N'ea Tork Ravy Vard. BavtngIpng _i<!e d< -111 ll.-.-id -p:i,-e u';l "

iimial batlerj and Rtlln ol ., man-of-war, thii ,,:

frlgate w uld make u \,-.v eomfortable , d Ual oto t

!-: roaa o tke n ive, and ia Beeretarji Troe; lafamlllar wttb tbe faci t .,. ibe r lerve ol Ibli Btalenow ti*-. nearly tlie hlll .juota allowed tv law tobatallloni of tne UnvaJ Reiwrve i3UOi, nnd '

tbrouirh lhe InteHlfei ,¦ t'd .-¦-.1 ol heei andmen "-¦ I'.-int ll lh. V'.-'i.t). ii-- Iln .¦", _»»"<-v

d ni. ln h< couiitrv, it l- af. to *

that Iti .. tter of provldlng . u.lfable armory for tMeiregll.ible organlral II ;¦¦ Itlon ol the NaVJfi-v. ira Bt li .,.'.'. -n-.


WORK OFTIli RNOIRBRRIRO OOBPS\v,. ,_l:;_."H. N-v. 9_ (Sprclal)..Wkeu ir vlM n for

tv,,. j; ,.... tke '-on ,: >'";i 'U'1 pwaervatlon of co**t(Ortlflratloni er klndrrd projeeta l » »*a raly madehy Congreaa .. ...... aeeent reOn tke

progr-« o' theae p __t_ .loe- aot <r-a.- mnehUr, M*vertbe__n. rflon* to taap-ove rlvoc and a

defenem .'o iteadltj, - Hta anu hualljapproprlatod f-v Congr ¦ 'or t_is purpo-, ra beingj dlntoaaly axpended In the annnal r.p.,rt ,.f Gen»t.: <'_«»y, OMef "f Knglneera, to Om _*er.__iry "f

War, tr.' lator o! n*tt i nr ind proaervlng fondbna, plH^n.f woel ¦. n Bddch f" bmobihish-l*'*'!" guai, ind othei bmh araa lo tonprove tkedcfcB-e* of ^J* raontry. partrrnlarly _B_aa at or ne«r

.on. h «'. ii., pto Baada, Wl l m ¦ y'l i '.

V:,.; Waaklngton, Varrngaaaett M.-r, Partlaad,and «iri I.-bik-.^" ..'. deeerlbed at l.:,-

paired ntth Ike defenora al IflrportaM dtkitratefjaal poinu In f >~tl| v« Bntiln Ikooa 11'-in po'.ut cf _.u_:-. oi mataotal and woriunai blpoinpare mo*'. fWvr. * u^-^ atr<r,dTh. Bict Ikat Ui modern _J_i..t itralegy Um .-.;>

lfal <' i. Blti *:i b*l -¦¦ ". ded-Bl *f Ita li thoroughli pll«hed eemi t- be kdl-

appreetated by th* I ¦ rO pa,.¦ mlahowa, and pr,


<.. nr« agaln-i *

U II ¦-, Roa 1-. tbe k-\,,',',-...¦

lhe lata ' f 1I,, | . Ukh. -i -. ten ln, h ... d

... be, Of the | al' e ea-enw .- Btemptaled a- pan "! W bli .,

i, v. been er.nppUt, d..- m

VMXflBQ ir/R/Tt'AtJRIfC* TBlCKfAma Sra Fky, annnnt "' n -.i..i-t-i;.UMt«- ni.-iitim.

wl... had ," -¦ "i hrom Knropluid giv.n aeanee* belbr* t»»- «'¦¦ '

of Pweden, th. Bnltai ¦<<. Tnrl ^. and ny Imp.Btlantll «'-¦. lUuatratedlorture ob apirituall ni «od th * VrorA ¦¦

Ti.m»!v laat nlf'.t befnre an au_l*nce ol ooa .

alae. llie ani oun, n ol aau '¦¦ " ..

parbapa, Inaamnet i U_ ra wna ih* lan lj reU«tn laetore, no#_k mhi ind 'Ae apirit world a

rwproent-d bv eerle .¦: clevarly aieculedTboae ^»:.o hnd axpected la aa bblnp ;.

avra aadly du* pp l-'!l uttatA I.a] Uluatral om of _h* "hla u art." TU man wl o

tr- ed "¦¦ ¦' f"! ''A''

andii-i,.- i<. _*n_ Bpon lb* Btagi and li peci Uie w *k

itv of ir.c "Uln tratl*- ..._i lo aaal i In Wndltj-. t,, .,», ,: ,,. Bdweid Han gan, th< a. tor, an

l^r. l_n«i*.v volnnteeced.>!_-¦ Fki' han li were tied i..:, nd her,

tban bonnd t" i d Id Ui* »':'- ¦'", '¦'¦" l%- A '"'

Utin ¦_ i drawn In ir-.t.t of ber- and In .li i" i"""

ihe rang bel '

.. r, ,4, pnper, Bnd dM man) othea >'.. UK__> » kulfc wi P.';

.j ber, uiKl tbe *)«lri1 al her <ae», ¦- ta ... |.4, ii n, lh- ...... r. Called o iw lh- man

_'.. exptaliied Mta-. rav'* Uiuatratlon*" ent theuntly deotad hy all Ihoa* ol I c

r_»n nn th» lafo.

bisobbb raoH BBW-oaueAKtTh- RewOrleaw l.'nlverslty Calored ol** f*ib

4Hi,. yeatordaj aflen am at ti,- tloalng meetlng ,.!

week o| pra .. h, 11 al tbe Bedford knu4, _. ... .,,, \ arlation, ln

¦k-,. near No imnd ave., Broohlvn. 1iH-ven In number, were warmly _. n-.-r.-ti Bnd thel!.. a,, || i;,,i tn wll ¦ '.".. Th* R, v.

j j- ,¦.,.,.,, |t_i ibe other exerctsea ol lhe meetlog.

.1 >/."// rp if'w IB .'.'»/./ir DABOl I.

Pl .tn Tb* Pl Itad, Iphla 11m*.li.,. g|gbl .¦ re ui tethlng wonderful, and

ll h more woudeiful -nl! lhal -o very f' « "f "" "'

gre ti,,' There ls n more warj w pl ." >* '¦ "'

tl,,., n,- mada t ". -. IHej wlll imla bere Wlth. il llrst earel dlj . ¦'- th' -' ¦'ll' "N

lYoi.i lh" llelght Ul Wlllrh th-\ By imd III lhe r.i ''

atiuoapliere ul lhe pralrh i Ibej r u for mlltliej rurefiill) avold an) muvlng objeit, parll. .nrii.,1 th- buman form. w- t, <l p'lit aeveral daj lhl,ef,,r- %n- w-r. 1,1- tn dlarover Ibe llelil' Ihey _ere

r.-MliiK-' en. Tl.e.. .> en ¦. Miod Un ph," " "u;llterttiiv -|.,i..: wlth tbeli .:.". pliu Bi.d lin-ar,-_t|,. .. ,v. e|e, led « snllahle p il, ¦¦"- '"

lii\iui,,.i- plla, Bx»d ..,. "t.-- up *1Ui -l.-i'- »tutbi,,,. oarefuli) .- n d« nj a.ul )<iln to _.iit tl, romli .- J' ' nnk, »' ,,:"',,,,.. li, :,.. pll ... v a few n-inut"- _,,".i We B*,m.v .,ii nn lhe r l,l- wlinl appeared be a man

wltb n '!¦ lyii .i'.'' n ou i.i- baek, then Jumpli ip.,;,d unnliia ibeii mi ng around .,- ,f be waad.mei.led. We l.«M ¦ I. eonaiiltalbm ft-.m

pll .,, ii ik ... | nl « li**( h'- d -'. ¦.

knew tbe .¦. "- nol .,,, down fr»m rt,p r|,.u., |img ;. Ihat Mlon i i ako '. tt waa d«_Medibal i ihouM run over t l.lm and .-t blm io va.-ai*vamoe from lh« pralrie. On reaeMng hlra nuindif tn tn :.. n llltle ¦¦¦ nai I. it bi rafool. d, wlt'i ' .'

nore hrom walklng ln tbe luirp-potnted wbeal mbbli'll. wn- crylni.

lt,. bad " bb ah*. n ' lold him r-h-r we.,..1, tii-iii '. t- ,r*iw ,n BHOther dlrection, indu.t blm t"itrd. 1 had returned lo the |H bnl......rt tlme when the .erenmlng andibe ri fllgb! wna b<-*rd, Bnd peeplng ov r lhe "' "

.. v. .¦ a* n greal movlng el for "<. but '.r Btter dl i- .t ann<>....¦,. _.. al '. aw ti i- .1 '.n old l>bu k hor - ambllnl,: ing t .ward na. Mu- «t/.pr_-d and v-i;.,l nl lb* top oli,,.,- \,,|,,. -wh-... dld -..', - mv <. p

'" ".'

t,.1,1 ii»-t- where, and -'¦ d ber t.> "rnove rm." '-'

:,,t;,*," BB .,- Wi |. ,,,' . onr ahoollng, .!r-. bnlvi,.- dldn't nr woiiMn'i nnderstnnd, and .i* mant,.',l h-r H abe dldn't hurri up he wouM nul a r.f ahol Inlo lhe oh) hoi e. The ahe ¦.«¦ "...':,;.t wblnplng up Ro Innt t-. ihe an n in ¦¦'" "'

..icht. imd .> wera tbe g*e e, Tbe Boeh ". welngher had awerved bj ua .-, qaarter of i mlle awniThen nothlng waa tn t- done bol t> wnll rornext and the targeal m-ht. whleh ln i njuarter of bb

bour w* lieiird loinln-- loward ',-. fnl'V a oouple or

Pillea o(T.Hnt .... <- metblni ela* e mlrir. Il l« n woma i.

ib* mother ol the linl- |lop.ep nnd hl~ alat*r, lh*hdr-r ..f th" Mn'-k horae. Tnl girl bad rldden hom*«t..'d h*r Biotker w» thrf-aiem-rt to al.t h.-r andth* motker*! 'Jerman blood waa irmiaed. Thein.rtlfl Brea of the Fntherland ^'-" aMrred "Vb\nher nnd when ahe nrrlved wl'hln Mi'»t'tf,_ dlatanc*

ler lly rav* n- Rti Bb* wonld B«'*n fo "'

explanntlon. n° defenee. «h" aetnallv eharged ui

.Tith havtnr frleht-tied I-r <-her.p by having ¦¦ r*M*v*iwtth na. and voarad venreanea. We b. - b*d h*r.implored h-r t* go.anvwbere, ao c,e re «e wouldn'teer- b*"". "id '^e rr"1''' hflVB nll the V*flg*wanted tifter thov i«.d p,,"e.. Rut, ti". ah* «t°'v1nnd Jaw.d md empha-lj-d her adjo-tlvp". iv w.vlnch.-r nrtn- lllte a wlndmlll The u-ee^e p^-ed 0V*r,tTnf out of mn-,-. nnd -'-." Rnally 1*1 ber :*rn.- fallbv rer ^td-. tind stlJl turr.lncr *V*rt mlnill* OT bwind np her argureenla In cnmpreaaad _.nn. -'.,. ikrwlf,n (appeared o*-*r n knoll and waa loat lo alajbl aln,.t t- men tv dei.r. \n<I w. | \v..||. we tr. plta :,nd «Hh _pad.- nnd ikovel -1l.-it'v Blledthem up .ii. iin. nnd hutdlv il/irlr,e to trn t ours-lrplo -penll we cot hltO the wngon :,nd dr..v.- t Uatewn and to tka traln, for thla _ua our last l,u_t Irtb* ' -.-'.ii of 180'J.



ntn . ih-1-..iTo t li a Rd 11 o r o f The Tribune.

_lr: v.nj,- tlme age l B*tle*d i commankjailonfrom the treaaarer >.f the Ohnreh __tr-atfk_ Caaualtto*of N.-w Yorit Preahytery, eormneotlng aaoa th* raportof u aeraMW t.i a dlstlBgalabed dergynraa of the city._l B ftit-mr .oiitri'., v ... io d a Mabjeet, pleea* lel

bi* Bdd two or tkre* racta, whleh m-y <":v*' aa illMV

trattona of th* polnt mad* la the Bforeaaid .emmaal-

.'.'.,' th- eveatag of Ravenber BB. WW. °»lw»

Preabytertan Charch, In One-bandredand_Uteenth*t..hatween Lenoi aad Hfth av. expectt to celebrata:.. teatli un ln ary ot th- Insi iiutl m .»' '' paator.On thal acca l< n addre ->¦- wlll ...¦ >nade by .im

nuvn of thr extena:oB commltte. and olhen Interestedtbe work. Anj p< r on *l ihai| prool ol tha .-"t

that .'!iur.!i extcBslon is anch ln reollty aa weU ai-

in nnm». wiii nnd abBBdanoe of ll i" "hai may b*-uld at tllilt TIK-ti'lg.

Aattelpailng thal event, perm ne lo aay IbalHivurv Church l- a ...ii-|iin. "I- examplc "f the wla-

dom nnd aenl ol thoae eogaged In the work ol churchorterudoa II .- not true thal th* orgaalaatlon, at

Irtut, begna a Uttle eve* ten roon ago, and ao* com.

prlolng over 500 memhera, wlth » aroaerty ol Biw>.aa), v.,- only rurnlahed a bome lor i!"' Preabyterlana«i., bave moved Irom Ihe lower part* ol the c'Ay.l>n the rontrary, more than half, r**, two-thlrdi ol

IU membenhtf ur.- ctoar gala to th* denomlnatton.II mot a-trmed when the orgnnlaatlon waa Bi

Bft-cted, in wta* 'ii cernera of the dtaatlon alreadjon th* pound, thal th. Prexbyterj waa aeven yearaH,o late ln maklng aurh a move. In »"v caae, *,'r''

i, ,,,.. ihai uptown churchea only furnl-h home* f'-r

dcmutown fte-byterlana. tha. In llaelf wimld be a

go_d work. aad there I no n'^^^0?-^^^,there tu erertl ol -.i-i.i. lu

I,.,. ohurrh meBibera wh.. mnj hnve gone rrom tm

k:v,:m:,',;:>i^-'"-^-:i-'^''' >.-»»¦;.". ,o ",n-mio pi >.>,.|M,.|| »lm

te-ra-s__S_New York, R**. IT. '-.'-¦

Tlli: NWV «¦' 't'K I-- i he r. di t i-r of The Trlbnn -.

iir. Ywi. v.,.v.'..n artlrtaon tho Danl-rth rouit-

inutial. P'.'-li ---I t.d.v. eema. to ha**

ledfa. oneprejnd ed I, fa-vo. X ¦. l,w'*Jc"v.., . ,y, -Thi ragulaUoa prnvtdea

th*tth* .fthedech ''TTtli,:,....¦ »nd whlloon _ny duty th*

f ,M, mvolvni ihe movementa of the

', D ,.. ih" .,'iit'T.i.¦ "' f*> ; '" " ',, , ,-, .....,¦ -r wl

¦i ulatlona dlatl

j Bliconform,0 u» ordera of the o«« »r of th

,-.,. ....-,...,. i. referred io the one, i ' take it,

,,..._...., b, r ,.," ,v-r .-.', Brhouler of the board

',¦:,-..¦.! -aa. --"- "" '-;",,,,,,;.,, ,.,.!,,,-..!"r,.f..,".'lvl... ¦,;:.., aae ln whleh

... .f_rer «f th* 4>ch . ln etpllrll languBg*. clothedthe raptaln of th* ahlp.

.,..,. .. . never be*n v. , .f the derk

tl. ..,. tn*, long bave been, an unfor

__bJ, . n| conti -.¦.

Danf rl *ro Wm ord

_, mechanhal rontrlvancea, or by me-

bnl ro. dlmorhrgbt " -"¦'' '". v v " '

I ror Mr. D I rtl ''.¦

,, ol Captaln Meeker. th«re bt a dell

... ... M« afterT-t ..,.


lh,.j ,n ImraN"..\... Vork, 5 r, 20, -vu »¦

THE ATTACR ON RWHOP WIOORR.i. . t . .¦ Bdltor of T he T rlbn n ...

.lr ri.,, ,. nllow i... t ii -». twn remark abonl., . |p .¦.¦ nl rtrciitar aenl to the roverend

U) bava

age-inj..... ... mi ort.lul

| ,.-. mnh ln the. -.wi. a umlng t. mueh have tata

o_| auereoa

in tb. 'ii"

;,.....,1 bi n

v .'. '''¦"

..,...,i rountry, and. ii it -.¦.';

r. .

prot-el bhe l,\ iind pr,.f li.

N \ i ..¦ ¦' forwurd,...'-..

,., u, ..i un .- tJerma n e\Phan

I...II.I l' V, I' I).lorsey I'ltJ ll-i-ii'-. Nov. 18,

-. _-

-..,,- ||OPF.n I. OR TIIK I n ItK.

To ib. Edll »t I." Prl-, ,,,. Miltorl .1 D< i'i' -- Hi- Mlllei nlum." ln

,,|lVv ,,.|,.,. vi ki i.ulll"). 'il "i li 1

l;. ,,.11,11. iii. We who '"' .' l'1'1

f.i.i, and were u. m-ved b] Ih. -du ilv. b«..., ,!:, i.... n wlth the -1..I.I

... nch i.-i'i. >¦ ni.r the Republl. in

,,',,,.' i,.,, ,| |. .1 terml rd II il .'¦' <¦ ifler we wlll

I- a.'.-. Ive ¦! '' 'I

irtlh to- iiiai v ol ... ln the pfl l. 0" thr Dem ¦.. ,'

,. ii... ¦.. in i" 'rel »rm' m. ure tiu i bn' e, n

And f th< i. ¦¦ .i "in »hl<..,,,..!|U. .1- navil.d I.i '1'"

ol Ih. pc»Pta ta»l - day thal Ita.ibi i

.ni ,..,..,t .. v. !.¦ ..- pm peronfl durlng Ihe ni (I « n

,, it baa i" n during Ihe laal I.feor* t ii

M ,., .,, .,;.. ,.,i irouble, ih- rotera wlll per.'. ,t the ii. nr ratl .i not he

lleve half li" I"- '"'" »''.¦-'. !l''1 * '"n """'' "l

,..,..,,, |., hl prl* ile mlnd arhethri the meaaar. h»,,..1 _nd la, li all * be en

irted wlth,. ,. ¦, the admUdon m "i" b> tbe wrlter w in

ho, I.i il.- way. a llfelong De.

rP_l ., ,hi nn. v durlng il" Clevehind Adndnl-tni. ,, ,,.. ,., ,,, nmc . promlnenl ..fhrlal n

Lu rouniy I" b letter i"'i."i i".'" tm veal.-rdny. ln.. |l0 Ktiva: .: iml" i. ai .'" H-'',"

-,..: il ln hti ihr -.ln bul im n llllli'.f, ,l,i .. rh.-ro .."" m«re "d'.nl.lln- Thomase ln

ihe Demoei M. ramp than thi .¦ and from ob-,,:, | .,., ,. .nvlnred ih.u ther.' are thoiiWHidn ol.,..,, Hir, nit retfre*. Ih th« coal th. tr rota

ln favor "I <l. i"l..ii'i an.l Kteph. naon.'"\ Ml M, \ l,-KITiil.l.'A.N..

Jaaul a. i.. i.. Noi, 14, I8V3.


f ., t li ,. Rd 1 o r Ol T I, a T rlha ll 8

-ir: Yoar rdltorlal iii - .nlng on "DeUiylng' haa ih.- rnrreel Unue lo I rre

ii,,. iifthtlng nlong Ihe wbole Une, and ibi Ihe fourlh__- o| nrxi Maroh the rounlry wlll be tn*tcd t»

th, i.i.,i. .. Bhow ,.n Kniiii." 'Hi" rlrcua wlll con-

Inln' rlnga North. Routh, Ka-i and We I. wlth a

ratlr irl. k mule ln ea. h rlng, ea< b mule gallopii,..- ln .ntrary dlrectl ai, a o il) D. m rntlc mnlea:,,,. rnpflble .( dolng. The nudlence wlll be enter-talned four yeara by the performanee*. and al th.|n ,.,.,. I.., intor wlU rerelvc, aaoo iveBlra, pockei

.,ll ,.( free allver aod wlldeal carreney. .,|n|. be|..,.'..i down wlth free wool, rrnptate, Iwo, forelgnmanufaetare*, .."-.. and be derorated wtlh an -ln

,.ime in .,'. Imported *xpre*»ly fi .'" Ragiand foiAmerican aae, Durlng Iha performi ee "th« Mng>wump hand" wlll k-ep up it- dlwordanl aminda.Rlngmsater, Henry a-att*r*on. .-t Kentuoky. a*sl«tediv t iark llowella, nf rrcorgla, and othera No po*vpf,nemeni on nrcou t ol a R*publ!tw Pn ildenl or

I'ui, ror th" tiiii ii ona. Hurry bb the mll-leonlum. JOHN T. LO km.\N.

New*York, Rar. i"'. 1-'.»-¦


To tlie F. dltor of Th» Trlhune.,-lr: W. T. -tnllh X Bon, BaaBUflaCtarera Of >mvrnn

rne- and cheetlle rartalB* and eovera. who eontem-

|,v,',d ti.- rrectlon of a larg* mlR al Anegheay-are.Bnd M.. eoaBlermaBded the order; Bbenm: aay the couae i- th* ree*nl elrel on, whleh meaBa

. revbdon of tae TarH taw», aad thal aaaaaa a r*

adja-taaoal ol ralaes, kaaed oa leaa order* and brawai:.-. CbealU* _ooda bava m.-tiv haaa moootmtnr.u in Oenaaaj aad An-tria. whera taa wagaa paM_ra loia tbaa BBB 108811 K"ld lor the autua olii_a of

work ln Plill_delp__i. It waa lmposslble for the

maantaetaren to make the pooda in-re untll aueh

ilm- ai UM Me Kltilwy hlll went Into etteot; chenllle

-.-'. ire wholly munufnttiired from eotton. which ls

Id, .t't.iiy tha auni prlee ln both aonatrtaa. Thu lafre* raw BMtertal "pnra nnd mm.i.-."

-li.,-,. th.. eleetlon, tka Brm hu_ hai 9BB appllcantstw work, eauaed by tlie Btm't stnrting to work two-

Iktrda tlme. Prevtoai to Um alaetlon -K>me aalta w*r*

,| iv and nlght. nnd labor was flmo"t Jni'm.p.l'il. to _,-f lhe 'inlek ehBtiire In th" nuirk'tahowa how aen -Uv,- tiada ls. aad 1- bnt a fnrerunnerof what may b* expectad when th* tiirttf I- imt ba*hio what lt wai pr.vlou* to th- MeKftitaj hlll. it"

-....- ...t,nti..n wUl applv lo tka tae* enrtata and a

hundred other tradea wh'rn dep.-nd on the tnrllT for

Pfallndelphla, Nov. ir>. n>f>_.

INTKHNATIONAl. 1NI"N F'>R -lOHTWO DISEASK.Io . he Edltoi f The Trl buno.

glr: Perhapa tbe Mea haa ilraady been i bell. re thnt ll wonld be ¦ wortky Oktael for your

efforta to urge wkat mighl ta ealled a WorM's BanttaryCommtaalon. or "Board ol Heattfc." Certaln dr*ad.<l

di.,:,... like efcolera, yellow fever or la eripp" ar*

endemlc ln eertaln pirti ol tke world at ill Bmto.Th.y now .ind then break fortk from th"ir mvlroni,. ,| pp ,,| :,. leourgea tkrougbonl the world. rotlowtagllneaofcommereeand Bdgratton. Nnw, tsltnnt all tke ,iviii7.."i oatloni may ba broughi Intoconcerted acttan-, nnd ¦ WorUVt Baaltnl. ComnUaalanrormed ol lha beal expart| of aoeh nation, wkoaa datytt iball ta t» Inveattgate th,- loealtttea *-k*ro Ike greataconrgea ,.r.' endemK. d-t-rmln- th-lr eaaaM :,nd Bkabeal meana to conflne, radnee :md wip- th.-m out,

and to make proper lawi to qnarantln* and ieatroyti.. dtaeaaeal WonM lt nol ta poaalkle fo plaaa the

power of Uta nattooa, ind tke neeeaaary money behlndthis eemmtaalon, m thal Ita wtoe enaouaanti ihaBba "nf..r,-,.d. Tkeaa dlaeasea may arlse la c.tnmunl-

U*a tkal ire not Ihellned to -uhmlt to the towa oloiviiu-d itf». BeBgtoua enatom, mek us tkoae olMeeea, aiay bave mu.-h to do wltk Ik* *pr>'nd of

,11 eaa*. Theae may ta inrd tklngpi to mrmoant.Bnt tbe anlted power of the elvlBaad aatloaa eauka'.-. r-Mniv eatoree nhmtaalon to tt,e regulaUons that

ba found neeeaaary to the _if"ty of the world.

i um convin, "d lhal th- world wiii ke r_M_p*Uad ta

rome to aomi lueh nrrnns, m. nt. lf lt ha.-. been rlchttor nation to control nation In tiie latereata of com-

merce ind nntlonal aggTandlaaii- mt-n thlag wklokbaa n-t "niy been d. Bnd ccnafdeted lawful. bnlhai been attended wlih wonderfuBy good r«_tilt_ to

tb* rabjeet oaUon ln eertaln Inataneaa.II eertalnlyrnnnol be leaa rlg t and lawful for the unlt-d power,,f the moal advanced natlona t.. a_anuM whatevar eon-

..,,, ,,,,.. be oeee iry In any tand to win* <">.-.

dr,..-ided irourge whleh menace* :ill manl.ln.l. fher,. ,ili «iu be we|| worth ill Uie money thal may bereiiulred. 1 i-ll-v- tiiit th* fnlKxl Btatei Oovwn.... ,,i n.uld nol ,t.. a better thlng than to open negotla-Hona t,. hrlng ihi about, and am atoo ti.Hln.-d tolM.k thal -.!'!, a commlaalim wouM Bnd many ot,.,.. dl-_-n-..H which are famlUar In every commtinlty,,,,,, ..,' . iv Vbrutent, bnl now :md then anre*dlng over

ihe rotintry wlth terrlMe reeulta, raeh u_ aearle.nv-r in--, -1---. amnllpoa and dlphtherta. propertyromlng und. r Ita eye, md that lt WonM ba abta to <loveri mneh toward rMdlng tke wortd ol »Jj"lB*n« ". W. POBT-BB.

i.n, v.i, N. I., Nov. 7, 1803.

TIIF. NKW BiTB FOR ri!K (ITV COUJDOE.T o the Bd 11 Or 01 T h .' Tribune.

Sir; in Mleetlng n Ute .».' the pfopoaed new bolkl-;. tbe City Cofleg* tke qneatlon of enady reaeklng

it by can from aU porla of ike elty ihonM not i_»

irerlooked The Sornul Colteg* ls a eaac lu point.lh- rexldenta on thu We*t Md., _bov-

,., rala] wealkar fcav* to take three Bnoa ofrara, with tlu- attendant dlacomfort imd deloy. 1 im

-i.t of -evTii ,_..->> whe a rtudet ta, ift*r waltlng.- nin" on the etreel cornora ln n .lnnchlng raln,

m.iompeltad to retwra to ho,,,^. lt should

',. ;,- Bome poial on ¦ tkraagfe Hn* Ol rirs nnd n":ir

tb* |im. M-n ol ¦ eroaatoirn Hn*.>,,,>! , point, 10 my mlnd, I. ne;.r Flfty tiltlth-st..

.-..,, N'lntb in.l 1'1'lrl :i\es. Thi- wonld be Bfl

,!. ., ,. y ii aonld ifcon bnve the advantag* ofU ||, .i-i.l ennveyanee*, devated, eroaa

l th- aurfaca wa. WltMn i bloek or t_

point, "itl-r north ,.r aouth, WOOld. tn my.... fernhle t the -it- propoaed (at-.i.,t Blde). Tl la a polni Lhal -li"il.l

¦,!¦. |., f.- -J." lUdi lit" llP-ra.t.

.\. « y.irk. Mov, l'.. t '.'-¦Wl.-T SIDEil.

FREE TRADE'S I'III'. TMISO.f0 xh" I.'I tor of The Tribune.

sir; H the ptantlng .'ii.'i euHnra of tke lead of

Proteetlon produre wefc a erop aa tn hurv. .ted 1__ -t

Tu-.i ,v. glve ii- thi tl.. muBen or ikank la.bage-,.,,.,., |. preferoble. if nothUig bal 1'rc*. Trnde wiii

ti,- _:._._ rkor tkan I-' Ihem b*v* u g.«.d,',,.. i !>,;., ii,,-. la Ihe can*e "f oar unexpeeted d*-

1 huve l.-. travelllng along the poUUcal _ndl_ia. i abnaiM taow mor*

thi.i - .tlll i know wbal i thlnk. h*nd for th*Iui, and let u- huv. I. - Trade. II.

A-hhill'l. ohlo. Nov. II, l-'.'-'.?


r ,, i ,. r ,i .. i- .. h ¦¦ 'rn b u n e.

9r! ... thla aort ot l lonotonona:-'A.lli.nn C. Wbllney, Demoernt, of Bew-York, laM

ronndaUon of Uie new Mavy >¦: tkeTbta appeared In "The Se_

Vofk p>'i:i- yeaterday, and dmllar *tntementaiv* ,,,;,. ired ln aome of the other Democrart.

ji-h-t ii i ;. matter of otMelal record Ib Waahlng... new N.vv reeeived Ita Biwt atarl ln

i--i. when, under - dlreetlon ol W. II. Ilnnt, then

Sii-retarj .1 th. Savy, the iir' N ival Advlaory B irdto report opon the nnwdng ol

iippn.prtate v, !. r-,i.ii-.l to reptaee tl.Id woodenI... board. m Xovember, l--t. aubmltted a

,. ,.,rt. npon whl. h wa baaed the coi traeUon ol tba

Bnl loi of -t. 1 v- -

A. ..., n' \u.-i-: ¦.. I"--'. Biithorlfetl

,.. ,,., .,..,. uon of the -t.l crutaora Attonta, Boal in,l-j,l, ,.-, md liiilphln. '.',. A. B. C and D of the B*wj, v, .,, ,..,- m hidld tbem were nwardedl. ,u, i--:i. nnd lhe Itrsl nl Uie Viawela, the H.,1-,,. u:, iinlsii.-d ln Nov.-iiii.. l. i--i. and } waa noll, ,11 M,,, i--.,. tbni Wtlltam Whltney mcr. i.i VVilllam K. rhandler in KepuNlran. ttttirrrr-

... ii,,, fpjavy. Tbe Attanta »« launehed oo|| i--i th- |...-i'iii on Deeember .». 18*4,

.1M,, ,,,,. r-hicag.1 ..n Di-eemlMT :.. 18i.3. \TEB1TAS.S, ¦. Vork, Nov. ll. l-'-.


a ...i RK-IOM OP RTIIICB.f i iu- K.,i '.f Ph e i rlbo h e,

rt, the nneatlon "f el lea dl cuaaed ln The Tribnneofio-day regardlng the donatlon ,.f l-ft ,.tf prmenM

ri, i. i..,. alread) reeet»-ed I Mtlafaetorj aoloHonln ,,.. vSt.i,i idopted bj many churebe* tn Bngtand.I,. fii- .yatem th* aaltaMe garmenta *enl t" the

,.., . urce ol greal good to the i.r ln twoi.... garm nt- re elved ur* t_ k*ted wltk

pr) .. murti below v.iiu- and irranged ,.n tablea In a

room t.. i..n-.in_ to th- rhureb. "n a glven d.iy the.,.,|. md tbem elvea aelecl wbal they r-

.Vulre. wivlng tlie -nnll *um ;. ked. They Uiua nol,,nlv bnve -,,i Brtl'le nl xuperlor v''>". :l r-ir-ii-.l--uualltv :n ii irlfliua prlee, bul >i- lhe money thua;,.,,.,.,! |. rti-voti-l to the they ihem-dv.-si...,,ni.. i-oniril.utoi. to ti,- t.munlty t. whl h t'-vl,-l..r,_ K M. W.

Ne* York, Nov. 11. 1802.

PHABITY SHOITLD BOT COX8IDEB THB DIVBB,Xo t l. - Bd Itor of Th.- Trlh u u .'.

glr With n gard lo tke ^Beatloa ralaed by s,,tn,> Boatonmorallata, aa to wb*ta*r tb* gtvlng aaray of __**-_¦rlnthlng to th* iK.or _ not Injnrtoai to tke bmtbI atataol ti,.- donor, i wonld Hke t" itate tkal l tobrty r.-

celved :, ttar from a poor woman, a frlend of mln*,to wnom have ..n ln tk« habll of lendlng anaaalty.,,, ,, ,.| rlothlng, in whleh ihe iayi thal my regularpraetle* ol doing this ba* rataed h-r famlly frotn ba-mlllntlon lo elf-reapect. Tlie redplent In tkla cbm

U then beneflted; hh* donor doea ti"t thlnk >,f any.i.,l,. i..|i,.iii aeerulng '¦> beraetf. In dotng Udnn tohi'ln nther. We are not to thlnk of t!.tf-.'t aa. ir ..-Iv.-. V»ur I'lirNt Mlm-lf. dlrecta us lni.'i. .._.. when be aayi tkal *Wkoaoever lhal] Ma*hh llfe -i.'.u Hnd ii."A. L. L.

.wa ^ irb, Sov. l". 1883.m ¦

N.,\V LET THEB FUBBIAH TIIK PBOSPBRITT.To lli >. E d l t o r " f T I, e Trl I, u n ..

glr: Whl- t1 >. maaa ,,f Bopublleana of ti." 6-ontryai.- «¦ nderlng how IMa avatanefce >f Demoeratiev ,,,.^ hai c - aboul and mmm ^ay "lb* Inrtff,",,!',., (,, ,t ihe niitp-,- nr- UBBtablO," fte., l"t in.-,

one .1 yoor dally raaden lo thla far away dtjr. lellrou ,,, incldent whtob, I bolleve. an_wera tka (aaetlonwi.v very f -ivii.iy.

i oeeaaiOBOlly amploy n tenalble, .itiiet irishnmnIbonl hfty JtktB Bt lf-, ot-.e w!:o runi. to t'.l< (ountr..wfcen i," wb* v tiit, Ual hy hla Idineitaeaa undfrugaltty hOI ;. jnlr-xt a h_me and <">._¦

Eleetlon morning be eame in to do ^ime

work BbOOt 0 O'eloek. " Have you vwted Mr.-"1isld I. "Well mmnm, 1 huve." "What tlcliet did

you vnt""! Wtth aome h-sitatlon bl answercd. "ThoDemoerot." And In real. lo my queition nf why hedld - >. .ild ¦' Well Mr> A. .-, l Iwd It pr .ved lati,.. tkal ti,.- oountry i- Ml any .,m,iI ta thn i>oor mun

¦ny loi,p.-'r." Froin further couv.-r-atl,)ii wlth hlni 1i,._r.,"d tkal Ik* Deaaoerah. in tuis -ity in i_u«'e ..f

bavtag itreel pemdea, bava Imd tiu-ir " BBamonartaa'gotng from hon-r lo hoii-" iiiiioiir ihe worklBKiiien, tn

BaaBng Ikelr wkidi «i:;iii,-t "tka rlek inan's- party,and nialilng pr.mNes bi them <f wonderfnl pro-iporlly Ifthoy wouM put Um _-ei_ocr*_i la powar. lf tlua


Thry Are All ibe Mere Ailracllve aod (harmlad

Becaaae They are Wloe aod Meoolble.

Who l» a wlee woman 1 She la one who knowa Uereelf.knowa what ahe reqnlpi-s, aod gorenn hTielt ocordingly.Sh<- may reaJlic that ahe la not ao young oa formerly,tliat poaelbly her romplcxlon la not ao One. her health ao

ciol. but If ih" l. a wlae woman ahe tahea ate]>* to

prv-t-rva her health, _e,-p h«-r complexlon and remaln roayund bright, even wlth _'ivun< Int; yeara. It la true -ho

annoc do thla nti:>:d"d It la truo that ahe needa aeaUtanieand r*f*ir*a "a frl.-nl ta need." That frtend m.i«t be

BBBBatk-Bg tliat ran reatore all theae. hadlng 8J__a_aa* RBMMt he asma ..mtle »tlnml_nt tnk-M, in moderatlon. fi l

wla.t? Ther.- Is but one. The only medlclnal atlmulant

whlrh ls "ix-.'la'.ly d.-algni for ladlox t. Dutty'a Pure M.u

WhNkey. Theae are not Idl.i worda, but iruUi. whleh

_B_g b»-»-ii proved by the happlnea* and h.-alth ot thou-andW

of aaaaaa tn -11 part" of Anv-rte*. Prominent lodlee ad-

iult Uxls and tlii-y do not he-dtatfl to aay /that aa

ti:edlrlnai stiinulant, Da*.*a Pure Malt Whtakey la a god-BBBi -> *ny woman. It la the r-lmtlnn ot theae thlngat~_t ma_"~ the wf*e; it 1t« the neglect of theae thlnga that

"-onaUtntea the fooilah woman. It ahould be earefulljborne iu mlnd, however, that no otb-sr wbiakey ta

mMlclnal or furnlahf*. th« qualitles reqnlred for praserv.

Ing the life and I rlngln. health.

method wa* n-ed here. Is lt not reaionable to anppos.(ln- Mirnn taettca were lt. use al! over the countryl

Permlt BM (a woman who lnv« no de,<dre for aaa that the O, 0. P. ln _-_tr purdinmble prldeover their paat rer ird have tt.iui.hl the evldenre ofIt ought t) fa; roiivlnetn*.. and BBVe left the Wlnd toI..- vd by tlie UBprlBrlple*. Th« prahleaa Of the. w_semlnd. of the RepubUean party to faee and solve iabo*r to edaeata tli»- aaaaa of votun. The man referredtn toid bm bo RepubUean aver -xpt-lned Um prineiptea0| rh>- party BB BB eouM uii.let-»._id thu questlon BtIMne. And at their dlnnet t-ble told mv cook, lf heluid the knovrledft Mrs. A-hnd plven him, ha*ot_ld i'jbvo roted the RepubUean tielret.

(Iiiclniiatl, Ohl>, Nov. 11, !_!>._. .MRS. E. D. A.

TIIE DEMOf KATS IIAYF.VT THE tho Rd 11. r el The Tribune.

»Slr: "Yon tn.iv fool some of the people .11 th*tlme. nnd nll of tiu- p.-«ple BOBM af the tlme, but yournn't fool all tlie paeate .11 Uie Um.'." vai trnlysald bf our War l>r<"sld"iit. As Ktnti after.itate falls Into line for the iLtnocriitle eandldnte thJaapp._rs lo bc the tlme wli.n all the p.-ople nrn

rnntad. aaal lf lt taat atoariy prevaa that the Demo-taattt pttrti has gnt baek to po*_r ln the Federal,;.,'.-.'tnt,:"nt l>v Dthaa pr.ten.-. s. tln-n I am nior.- dena.tbaa I Ba* to :iritiiowl,"l,e. "The tarlff ta a tax."utlered ... aotoainly oy Mr. Clevelaad, ims been kept-lmt" l,y every Mat-tit piirrot fpom Cape Cod toth" Oofctea Oate, nnd from tho La_a of the Woodalo Cape Sable, .nd thal " Reelproelty araa a aaathaff."Niiw, aa aeema Mk.-iv, Ihe De*Borr*ey will have full.wiiiif i,oth noaaea ..f Congreaa aad the Bieeattve.The people have mad.- tli" tt-ad.-: l"t ii- have our till..ilv.- tt- pleatv of Dem a naey and lts nieth- d... hi d I wll.'guaranteB thla country'a appellte arlfl ba fully snteibefore Orover CleveUnd'a teim e_*_rea,

BRRORART MAJOR.dlfton Sprln-ri, N. Y., Nov. 11. lfl__.

A vlJLOAB UI.;»T OR 8T0_t-l B-OKI MOCNTAIN.T o tho E d I t o r » f Tho Tribune.

Slr: Is there .my aoetety er eeaMattt** for prevent-Itir ha* <I1 <J.j_'irliiK nf our R^aJoaal sreneryt I aaw

tfata afternooB from :i train aa ih- Hudaaa Rlver ro-.dn new iidv.-iti.ein.-iit i-ilnl.d on <!.. '¦ "t "f > ini

Kln_. Can vou n..t nlp ln the luid thU deseermloni.f iii" Hnd-on Rlver, fruni whleh tt has b.H»n ao longfr.". ABTHCS 11. ALLKN.

.\. -York, Nov. 9, 1-H-J.

coit-U-cnRa an 0v___-B_Hjir,To t h e Edltor of T h 8 Tribune.

.-ir: Klndly p.-rnilf u eorreetlon of my remarks oaI "t.-r I><-tiiit't'lVn, whirh appe.-ir ln your paper to-iay. Tlie arorda "pu..a<>d to liis reat, abov.- the Ira-perfeei hamoalen of <\-irth, beyond th<> auaaaaa, a*> tlie hllN" n.ii) gu.>t<vi and thev iiould huvebeen vt Indlrated. JAXEb A. BLANCHARD.

Ne- Vork, Rov. 18, !___.

\F Tlir. M. KIM-KV IiII._ 1> fNjrST. HEPEAL IT.T o tiu- Edltor o f The Tribune.

Slr: I Bope you wlll _d**e*te tlie extra sesslon olCnegreaa and the r»p*dl af Iha RrRlaajy biu, w-hiehaaa m aad befora eaxttea and so gaad aaw. That isthe \v_.v nll fhe iiianiifurturers fe.-l here. Our helpbave beea deeeivrd -.nd have roted acafaat aa, undnow Ibe -TOtlg f»l)",il.l be rlel.tpd.

(1EORGR S. COLTON.ERtthampton, Maaa., Rov, 14, 1892.

TII,': TRIRr.NR DID ITS DfTY.T i) I ll .' R d I f 0 r 0 f Tli" T r i b 8 ll *

»lr: I beartUy dealre lo .-xt.-nd my <ln.-er.-st com«

¦eodarlooa for th" earaeBt, aU* aad Btalaaa B-BBRcr«irh whu'h you oupportrd Bepublatafl prlaelgfea ln thaia." campolgn. Long llf. and pfo-perlbr ta youiEvery RepubUean wlll l.^.u io you for guldance andln*p__tlon. IIH llAUU hl-NTNEB.

Rew-York, Nov. IO, |B__,


ktXRIATVRR Af.MAXAO.Snartae, 0:.0i_et, J\ ktoaa aeai i _4 p.m|Moon'a *;$

HIOH WA II_t TO-DAY.\ m Baady B :n Rov. lataad 8:.t|R_U Oau- 10:44,-.M-sar,fly llouk B:_8|liov. 1-land '..:l.i 11.11 ..ate 11:08


Veaael. .To.n. L'ne.H rvla .Llverpool, Xov 12. uuard

-ad".!lr. !,.",,. S'ov 1-.X .. b-jr_v.tvofl'ara....;..., Nov 13.I'ao Mall

Tli.MVW. SUVKMIlLll BS,.vri^ona.Uverp_B<. N". 12.OutaaE-BS ....noi No\ 12 .X ., LlavdVuiiiiiri.Havaaa, x»\ 18.RTRCaaa

BTKDRRB0AT, ROV-_kUa_-R 23.I"'...'....,.1, Nov 16.White_UtK_ynlo_d.Aolarerp, Xov l_.i;.-d stAt


XI all Veaael<-..¦« .....

i'oloni.ila. Paa M..II. Colun .'.10 00 a ni 12 B)

Tt7__U>AT, XOVKMHKIt 22.Ilaiel. X ('. Lli.yd. BrSBaBB . 5 00 B tn 8.00am

wi;nvi:sii\v. n.ivi:miikh 23.i Itv of FarlB. I.lurp.ol . 4.30am .* :00 am... nt.iiil. Hlilt. .->t.r, Iji.rp_.ii. IHI l n. 8 :¦ O . iu

li Igeutand, K.-d Star, Antwrrp 0 OOat - ki., __

Al'iie AtlTl^. West Indl'-a.11 00 B ln SlSOfBIbBT-togB, H I tl ul.J, llaiuuu. 1 00 p in BiOOpM


POI'.T OK RRW YOHK-SINUAY, N,.\ ... - J'r t'huiK Wo (Rr), ..ratuin, TokaaB-BB An.'in

'.'.I. K..I,- S.»i>t",iiO"r 'i. NoaaoBki ., MiudkI.-i 22 ,...hnw¦.-1. Aniiiy _*., -.lagaporo Octobo* rt. Buei 27 |*ort .>..ia¦jst, i.ib,_itar N.V-B_Mf rt. with i,id». i.. CUrtei \luij_ in. Aini.-I iii ii," Har at 11 .. m

Bteamer k-_r_ahe__e itir., ll.iKh<-». ai-liff N<,. . Bag I,iu bollo-t to -hlptoii .il''ll. ,n t|, ||_; ,,-.l :io a in.

Uiraai i t araa* (Uer), Wltu-nberg, li.n Octolier SP,»lil, ..,i~. to Bl-i|ia-n, HpeBc. Jl \..»ii){. Anived iutli. I'.at ut 7 .. in.

Si ..,,»r i.a. ChampagBe 1», Boyer, Ha\^- v..\.,,,_. r1L-. Kltfe li.l." BBd PiOoeagel. t.. A l..r$,;t. _.

the Har at » :li> l> Ba.M. .in.-r Aml". iBr), Wll.lama, Ivai-an-Prine.. Rev.

1ihi I ...iiiaii.- .1 f. HI Uoave '.. J-f. ml.- 7. and l'..rtLun,,) 12, «itii inJ.." to Ita, PWwod v ii, Arrli aai ti." .it I :M |. ii.

Bteamer Aii.-rt DuB-da (Xor), Roafaid, Havana Nimt i.i, mUi aataa i" w i> Mbbom. Arrtved ai iha Ba-al t 80 u. ....

M-aiinT Mi.".. Dui.i.'U (Nor). Kanttr, KBOOBB Xi.v.i,,.tx-r I'i. in t-allu-t to -_-_M R N\ard i L'a ArHved atHe liar at .'.' ¦." p. n..

Baeamar t'lty of Aaguata, r-itherine, >a\ai.iiah, witamd... and paa-aagera to li 1, Walaar.

Bteaaier U/yonok., Baa*. Hlrhmnnd. Kewpon Raa_and Norlolk, ultli B-N and paaaBBflBIB lu Ola U-BllBloBBa i'o.

.Mn-amer I"Itv of l', Jrnn^v. W.-t I'.ant Vo»wiUi n.a>" umt p_.«!ie,).. r» U. <)|,l 1>oi,iI,,ii,,i >.(,,' ..iiiiinrt'iti" \v»:Krr, Xewport N'ewa und Nor-folk. with ind." ai.d |.a.Hi..ix"r-. to uld iwiiiinum >s Co.

M.-atii.-r Manhattan. Oragg, I'MltaBd. with bbBm anl|nw- .. r. to lliirallo II lll.

M«n.-r t.laucus, lUrrv, Koston. wlth 'odsc f<> ll KUlll.,.. K.

>t.».ner <lty of Pi'ehbt.ra. Hlbher, Fall Rlver BaBerdea *. _oveii. w

m NSKi-wm. »t Sandy Hook moderate w el.-o*At my uiai.,1. lighi w rlear. ¦ .~ar.

SA1LFD.^te*mers r.*hlnpl», r,]a».ow Canada. I.ondon Oa'llaa,Hull; Aii.-teidam. R_*trr__m; Chateau Lafltte, Bor1< aa\'

Olinda. nnorto, etc; I>e Bav, Li'bon; Cludad Coi.ddni . - ab.

Bjbib Sv. John for Smi I raneueo.Itara Xlatantae for Havana.a.... --me<i. via l.on. Uland Sound:Mcamera 1'ortla for tlallla_, etc; H. V. Dlo,ne_ and

WiiBeoBBrr*. l»o»ton.Dark Plymo'.th, for Rourn.

THR MOVF.MF.XTS OF STEAMERS-FOREIOX PORTS.St"am». I'mbrta (Br.. M K>t from Llverpooi, i_ti_l

fron. Q..en»Uiwn for Xew-York November 20.Meaiuw Wvonnng Hln, Jon.a, otllel from Qne*. «.

town for New-Ynrk Haeawk*. 20.Baaaflaw Aiier itien, Cbrlaaaaera, trom Rfw>Taek ier

llr--i. .ii, artli.-d ..t BMtlUUBplaa Norcn.b*r<_m,-r CBlMBda (Rr), _il«l from Hull lor New-

York Xov.mber 20.Steamer Murlello (Br., ftom New-York lor Jlull,

p.n-.-d tha I.i.aiil Nov.-inber '.'.'.st.-vii". 11'.)'. ii Po.ia.-n, __l._ from RoUer*

.la.a lor Rd--Y«rk Noveinb»r 1*.Sfain.-r Iai (1>), ''olller, from New-Yorli,

arrtvud at Havre Xoveir,_,>r 20.M-anier Ui_i,*_.iv (Br), (rom Japan and Chlna p_^

tt _B-._*rk, rl* _uri. __M*d Malt* Nwv_b_H_ _fl_ j

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