Page 1: 8D7N DALIAN/HARBIN/YABULI/SNOW TOWN/VOLGA MANOR …哈尔滨冰雪大世界主题乐园。 After breakfast, visit the Volga Manor Park and Harbin Ice and Snow World Park. Day7 哈尔滨


** 行程特色 Special Highlights: T/Code: 8CDX_MF 哈尔滨 Harbin

哈尔滨的冬天让你体验一趟极端低温之旅,伴随你的还有各种美轮美奂的人工冰雕,以及天然奇景——松江江畔的雾霜! Harbin winter let you experience a trip to extreme low temperature journey, accompanied by a variety of magnificent artificial ice,

as well as natural wonders - Songjiang River fog!

亚布力 Yabuli

亚布力滑雪场是中国最大的天然滑雪场。度假区加上滑雪训练中心总占面积约 255 公顷。拥有亚洲最长高山滑道。自 1998 年始举办每年一度中国国际滑雪节。 Yabuli Ski Resort is China's largest natural ski resort. The resort covers a total of about

255 hectares of ski training center. Has Asia's longest mountain chute. Since the

beginning of 1998, held an annual China International Ski Festival.

雪乡 Snow Town 冬季最美的风景莫过于白雪皑皑,在中国降雪量最大的地区就是“雪乡”,雪乡在哪里 ?

The most beautiful scenery in winter - “Snow Town” with the largest snowfall in China.

伏尔加庄园 Volga Manor 伏尔加庄园位于哈尔滨市香坊区成高子镇阿什河畔哈成路 16 公里处,占地面积 60 多万平方米,是一个以俄罗斯文化为主题 的园林,是完完全全充实着异域风情的庄园。 Volga Manor is located in Xiangfang District, Harbin City, into the high town of Ash River Ha Cheng Road 16 kilometers, covers an

area of more than 60 million square meters. It takes Russian culture as the theme of the garden, is completely full of exotic scenery.

Day1 吉隆坡 (KUL) 大连 (Dalian) ** 航班经停厦门 Flight stopover Xiamen

餐食 Meal : 晚餐 Dinner

团队集合于 KLIA 机场,乘搭客机前往大连。接机后安排享用晚餐,


Assemble at KLIA for your flight to Dalian. Meet on arrival and proceed

for dinner. Transfer to check in hotel.

Day2 大连 (Dalian) –《高铁 2 等座 high speed rail》4 hours – 哈尔滨 (Harbin)

餐食 Meal : 早餐 Breakfast/ 午餐 Lunch/ 晚餐 Dinner 早餐后,乘高铁前往哈尔滨。前往温暖棉服店选购御寒衣物、防洪纪念塔、


After breakfast, take the high-speed rail to Harbin. Visit the Winter Clothes Store to buy winter clothes, Flood Control

Monument, Central Avenue, Sofia Cathedral Square, coach tour passby Gogol Street, Alexeiyev Church Square.

风味餐 Special Flavor :特色酱骨 Special Sauce Bones, 东北农家菜 Northeast Farm Flavor, 特色铁锅炖

Northeast Wok Stew, 东北火锅 Dongbei Hotpot, 东方饺子王 Dumpling Flavor, 大地春饼 Spring Cake

DAY 1 KUL/DLC MF 832 0920/1740

DAY 8 DLC/KUL MF 831 1320/2155

Page 2: 8D7N DALIAN/HARBIN/YABULI/SNOW TOWN/VOLGA MANOR …哈尔滨冰雪大世界主题乐园。 After breakfast, visit the Volga Manor Park and Harbin Ice and Snow World Park. Day7 哈尔滨

Day3 哈尔滨 (Harbin) – 3.5 hours – 亚布力 (Yabuli)

餐食 Meal : 早餐 Breakfast/ 午餐 Lunch/ 晚餐 Dinner

早餐后, 前往亚布力-包入门票 (娱滑自费,客人也可选着参加各项自费活动,例如 :在东北雪上民俗文化村内


After breakfast, proceed to Yabuli - including ski resort entrance fee (skiing and recreation by own expenses, customers also can participate the OPTIONAL TOUR to visit the North Eastern Snow Folk Culture Village riding horse plow into the mountains, take small train tour to enjoy the snow scenery………)

Day4 亚布力 (Yabuli) – 2.5 hours – 雪乡 (Snow Town)

餐食 Meal : 早餐 Breakfast/ 午餐 Lunch/ 晚餐 Dinner




After breakfast, transfer to Snow Town. Free activities. Include

the main entrance fee and local inverted car, recreational activities on own expenses. With Dream Home entrance fee and

free leisure for snow scenery shooting, making snowman

or take a dog sled by own expense.

Day5 雪乡 (Snow Town) – 6 hours – 伏尔加 (Volga Manor)

餐食 Meal : 早餐 Breakfast/ 午餐 Lunch/ 晚餐 Dinner


After breakfast, free at own leisure or customers can participate the optional tour to the Yangshan Mountain for rime wonder shooting. Noon, return back to Yabuli Resort for

lunch, then continue journey go to Volga Manor.

Day6 伏尔加 (Volga Manor) – 1 hour – 哈尔滨 (Harbin)

餐食 Meal : 早餐 Breakfast/ 午餐 Lunch/ 晚餐 Dinner

早餐后,前往伏尔加庄园园区游览 及


After breakfast, visit the Volga Manor Park

and Harbin Ice and Snow World Park.

Day7 哈尔滨 (Harbin) –《高铁 2 等座 high speed rail》4 hours – 大连 (Dalian)

餐食 Meal : 早餐 Breakfast/ 午餐 Lunch/ 晚餐 Dinner

早餐后, 餐馆俄罗斯工艺品商店,乘高铁返回大连。

After breakfast, Russian Handicraft Store and take the high-speed

rail back to Dalian.

Day8 大连 (Dalian) 吉隆坡 (KUL) ** 航班经停厦门 Flight stopover Xiamen

餐食 Meal : 早餐 Breakfast


After breakfast, visit Xinghai Square, Century Carving, coach tour to Coastal Road, Tiger Beach Group Carving, Seafood

Market. Transfer to the airport.

*最后行程确认,将以团队抵达各地后,由接待社安排为准 !!! *

* The itinerary is subject to the final discretion of the land operator !!! *

HOTEL 酒店 Dalian (2 nights - 4✰) Holiday Inn Express Dalian City Center/ similar 海尊智选假日酒店/ 同级 Harbin (1 night - 4✰) Harbin Golden Century Hotel/ similar 金世纪精品酒店/ 同级 Yabuli (1 night- 准 5✰) Yabuli Avaunce Hotel/ similar 亚布力雅旺斯国际会展中心/ 同级 Snow Town (1 night - 民宿) Snow Town homestay/ similar 雪乡民宿家庭旅馆/ 同级 (炕标双人间, 独立卫浴间) Volga Manor (1 night - 4✰) Volga Manor/ similar 伏尔加庄园宾馆/ 同级 Harbin (1 night - 5✰) Wanda Realm Hotel/ similar 万达嘉华酒店/ 同级

推荐自费项目 OPTIONAL TOUR:RMB 450/ 人/ pax

哈尔滨关东古巷 & 极地馆 + DIY俄罗斯套娃 Harbin Kanto Ancient Alley & Polar Museum + DIY Russian Doll Set

Shopping Stop 购物店: Winter Clothes Store 东北棉服店, Russian Handicraft Store 俄罗斯工艺商品商店

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