Page 1: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for

Aboardthe ark

Making every precious moment count020 8449 8877 3 Beauchamp Court, Victors Way, Barnet, EN5 5TZ

Registered Charity No. 1081156

Summer/ Autumn 2016


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Page 2: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for

Registered Charity no. 1081156

Welcome… to the Summer/Autumn issue of ‘Aboard the ark’. Here is the news on

how your donations and support bene� t our children and families.

Aboard the Ark

Editor: Ghazal TipuSub-editor: Rebekah SevernDesign & print: DS Print ServicesSpecial thanks to airbusiness for distribution

Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice

A member of Together for Short Lives

Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice is a charity registered in England (1081156) and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee (3901606)

“A great deal of our hard work is coming in to bloom this summer – it’s a pleasure to share the news with you.

In March we launched our charity partnership

with Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. For our Spurs supporters, this brought together two of their favourite passions. On pages 8-9 you will read the story by one of our children Luke Langton, describing the day he met every member of his favourite team and joined Head

At Noah’s Ark, we build out our hospice at home care, for Central and North London children, with bespoke support packages for each family.

Volunteers magnify the support we can provide by 8,000 hours a year. However, we are meeting just one-tenth of the need, and less than 10 per cent of our income is available from the NHS.

Our fundraising team is working hard to enable the expansion of community-based services, and complete

our circle of care with a dedicated hospice.

At the heart of our success is the support of our communities in Islington, Camden, Barnet, Haringey, En� eld and Hertsmere.

We’re delighted that Tottenham Hotspur Football Club has announced a two-year charity partnership with us, which will help us double the care we provide. Please visit for more information.

Who we are...

Coach Mauricio Pochettino in a press conference as his “new signing”. Key players and former players including Harry Kane, Hugo Lloris, and Gary Mabbutt have played leading roles in supporting our special two-year relationship.

Our role in a national pilot, which we’re calling Project Appleseed, has given Noah’s Ark the opportunity to share our ground breaking model of volunteer care with a wider audience and to expand our services in Islington and Camden.

And on the subject of breaking ground, we opened a new training centre in April, marking the � rst build on our new hospice


site. The E-Centre, as we call it, is shared with local community groups as part of our permission to build. There’s more about this on page 6.

Our charity was created by the community to provide better care to our local families and we continue to thrive thanks to the hard work and generosity of you all. Let me thank you once again for all these e� orts, and urge all in the community to call us about families in need, to volunteer, to work for us and to donate. The number is 020 8449 8877.”

Ru Watkins, Chief Executive


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Did you know?

If you would like to get in touch with the team at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice our details are opposite:

We send e-news once every month to update our supporters. If you would like to sign-up to receive news, information about events, and � nd out how your money is making an impact, please email us at [email protected]

Image courtesy of Shawn Anderson, Light Shaping photography

Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice,3 Beauchamp Court, Victors Way, Barnet,Hertfordshire EN5 5TZ


020 8449 8877

Page 3: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for

Elsie’s story...


Elsie was diagnosed with Down’s syndrome an hour after she was born and our world just crashed around us. But when we were allowed to see and hold Elsie nothing else mattered. We were instantly in love. We spent the next month in intensive care with Elsie, and during this time we learnt she also had a condition called TAM (Transient Abnormal Myelopoiesis). The Haematologist explained that one in �ve babies with TAM develops Leukaemia by the age of two.

We were taking in so much at this point but we tried to remain optimistic and concentrated on getting Elsie home.

We �nally got Elsie home and started getting used to being parents and to Elsie’s additional needs. Things were getting easier but then another bombshell dropped on us. When Elsie was 18 months old, she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. Entering the children cancer ward at Great Ormond Street Hospital for the �rst time was immensely poignant; Elsie’s journey from now on in was going to be extremely di�cult and uncertain. We were �lled with fear.

Elsie started an intensive four month course of chemotherapy. She was pretty much an in-patient for the whole of this time with only short breaks at home. Despite all of the uncertainty around how Elsie would react to chemotherapy with having Down’s Syndrome, she sailed through it and we were so relieved when we were told she was in remission.

The chemotherapy was over and we could try and get our lives back. Our friends didn’t need to cook meals for us to eat in hospital anymore. We could start planning our wedding again, and bought Elsie’s �ower girl out�t!

Despite this, Elsie had lost a lot of ground and needed support with her development. We were referred to Noah’s

Ark and Marcia Gilkes, Noah’s Ark Specialist Play Worker, started coming to play with Elsie. We’d never seen Elsie so stimulated and interested in playing!

Devastatingly, Elsie relapsed within two months of being home and we weren’t given much hope. We were told babies who relapsed so quickly rarely went into remission for a second time and even if we were so lucky, Elsie would then need a bone marrow transplant. We knew �nding a match would be tough with Elsie as she is mixed race and even if we found a match the harsh transplant procedure would be more likely to be fatal for children with Down’s Syndrome.

We were told to think seriously about palliative care as further treatment would be traumatic and Elsie may not survive. We eventually made the nerve-wracking decision to put our precious girl through chemotherapy. Against all the odds, Elsie did reach second remission, we found a bone marrow transplant donor and Elsie survived the transplant.

We were aware that going home after transplant was going to be extremely di�cult. So much was expected of us to support Elsie’s recovery at home when she was still in an exceptionally fragile condition. Noah’s Ark was there to help and support us from the onset and Jules Adams, Noah’s Ark Specialist Carer, started coming to see us when Elsie made it home in November 2015.

In the early days, Elsie had a naso-gastric tube in her nose which she kept on pulling

“Elsie was so wanted when she was born on 23rd February 2013 after we went through several rounds of fertility treatment. Our �rst surprise was that she was a girl, we were convinced we were having a boy! When they didn’t give her to us in the delivery room, we started to panic a little and suspected that something was wrong.

out. She required continuous feeding via this tube and was constantly attached to a liquid feed that had to be carried around after her throughout the day. When Elsie moved, you had to move too, so you needed to watch her the whole time. Jules was there to give us respite from the constant supervision.

Jules has made an extremely di�cult time for us more manageable. He’s totally in charge when he’s here and won’t let us do anything that he could do instead. He comes in and says ‘Right, it’s Elsie time!’ and he gets right down to Elsie’s level. Their favourite thing at the moment is doing the ‘Bunny Song’ just before he leaves.

We’ve been very isolated because of Elsie’s immune system so Jules is also here for us; for a little banter, for allowing us to get out of the house, and for carrying some of the load.

Elsie revels in the undivided attention, stimulation and care Jules can give her that we’re sometimes too exhausted to provide. He uses Makaton to communicate with Elsie which is important for her development – she needs people around her who can communicate in this way and help with her speech.

Elsie is completely comfortable with Jules’ lovely character - we’re so grateful. We can’t express enough the positive impact Noah’s Ark has had on Elsie’s recovery and development, as well as on us as a family at this di�cult time.”

Helen and Arun, Elsie’s parents

Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice,3 Beauchamp Court, Victors Way, Barnet,Hertfordshire EN5 5TZ

Page 4: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for

Our Children’s Group events cater for children with life limiting and life threatening illness and young people. They o� er them time away from home without their family, helping them to build con� dence, develop a sense of independence and form friendships with peers. Our programme includes immersive theatre, dance, cookery, and sports, all provided to groups tailored for di� erent cognitive and physical abilities.

Every child is matched and supervised 1:1 with a trained volunteer at each event, with clinical needs administered by the Nurse Team Leader and Specialist Carers.

Explaining the importance of these events, Noah’s Ark Director of Care, Dr

Lehman Brothers Foundation Europe’s generous donation of £152,000 will make a huge impact to Noah’s Ark. As well as providing care to more children, we will be able to care for children all the way through to end of life .

Sometimes, end of life needs can mean children leave our care and must go into a hospital. Children’s hospices signi� cantly enhance hospital care by providing short breaks for parents and choices regarding specialist palliative care services.

The newly recruited nurses will enable us to provide advanced clinical and end of life care, an ambition we have held for a long time. This generous donation gives us the go-ahead to recruit and train more sta� so that we can reach out to more children. We are committed to recruiting two more Nurses and seven more Specialist Carers by the end of this year.

The donation arrives at a time when we are preparing for a hospice build. Recruitment of

Care and family support news...

65 children to access Specialist Care – thanks to one special cheque

Widening horizons at our Children’s Groups

• We are able to take referrals directly from families as well as professionals. To make a referral please visit our website or call us on 020 8449 8877.

• Once a referral has been accepted a member of our Family Link Team will visit the family to talk about which services might be helpful.

• We look at the needs of the whole family.

• Our Care Team works together to create an individual support plan for the whole family.

• Every family has access to a Family Link Worker and a programme of family events.

• Families with a greater need for support may be o� ered a Home Support Volunteer or respite from one of our Specialist Carers.

• Our Parents’ Group meets six times a year and o� ers opportunities for parents to share experiences, while socialising over co� ee. The sessions are facilitated by the Family Link Team and a crèche is provided.

• Our Bereavement Support service provides a continuing link with families for up to three years following the death of a child. Families may attend a regular Bereaved Parent/Carers’ Group or receive individual support.


Rachel Black, says, “‘These children and young people deserve opportunities for new experiences, con� dence-building, independence, and developing friendships just as much as anyone else. Through this programme, we are inviting them to choose activities they enjoy the most. We are witnessing friendships blossom and seeing children and young people express themselves creatively in new ways. Parents feedback that this programme signi� cantly increases the range of leisure opportunities available outside of school. This is an innovative approach to providing short breaks which is made possible through the support of our volunteer workforce.”

Did you know?


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more Specialist Carers and Nurses allows us to continue building a team that is skilled and appropriate in size for the build.

We are committed to meeting the needs of children in our catchment area. Research has shown there are at least 1,169 children with life limiting and life threatening illness who need our support, and technological advancements enable such children to live for longer, but with more complex needs.

Thank you to Lehman Brothers Foundation Europe for their donation.

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Our Parents’ Group is held during term time and regularly throughout the year. We recently moved to a new venue in East Finchley which is central to our catchment area, and easily accessible by public transport.

Noah’s Ark parents meet together over tea and co�ee to chat, share information, support each other and explore issues that are important to them and their children.

Family Activities Volunteers and Specialist Carers oversee the crèche for pre-school children.

The group is supported by our Family Link Team, and we are always pleased to hear parents’ views on all of our services and how they would like to see them develop.

In response to feedback from parents, we are also planning our �rst social evening in the summer and a much deserved Pamper Day later this year.

Noah’s Ark Specialist Carers are trained to provide clinical care, following a programme of competences.

Training is managed by our nurse team leader Hayley Manley and includes respiratory care skills, seizure management and enteral feeding. One Noah’s Ark Specialist Carer, Jules Adams, is now trained to care for a child with a tracheostomy.

While this training is building capacity in the care team, Noah’s Ark is recruiting two nurses who will remain essential for providing clinical care for acute and complex needs, as well as for training further Specialist Carers.

“We’ve had four successful Family Days, nine Sibling Groups, three Children’s Groups and three Parents Groups.

The Christmas Pantomime was our biggest event with 23 families. A visit from Santa was the highlight and each child received a donated stocking. The �oor was a sight to behold with a sea of glitter and goody bags!

At soft play, we observed a young person �nding a space to chat with a volunteer

amongst the busy activity. It’s these little conversations that matter to our families. Our carers and volunteers o�er some welcome individual attention to the children and young people.

At a recent Siblings event, an older sibling shared that she ‘felt reassured, secure and supported’. It was the �rst event she had attended since her brother had passed away. Unlike other services, Noah’s Ark services do not stop when a child dies.”

Noah’s Ark aims to improve the quality of life for children and families. Through our Family Activities programme, we provide opportunities to participate in inclusive activities, have fun, and make friends as part of a supportive community. These events are held on the weekends or in school holidays, for families supported by Noah’s Ark. Laura Bridle and Charlotte Avern, our Family Activity Coordinators, share some highlights from the last six months’ events.

Care and family support news...

Events round-up

Training our team

Parents’ Groups


More than 10,000 vacancies for nursing posts in London went un�lled in 2015, �gures from the Royal College revealed earlier this year.

Hayley Manley and Rachel Black are exploring all avenues for recruiting and training registered nurses, including working with local universities to develop innovative routes into nursing for health care assistants. Noah’s Ark has a preceptorship programme to support newly quali�ed nurses and applications from student nurses who will qualify soon are welcome. Please contact Hayley Manley or Rachel Black if you are interested in our nurse vacancies, whether newly quali�ed or experienced on 020 8449 8877.


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Page 6: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for

Building the Ark update...

We are currently raising funds to construct what will be North and Central London’s only children’s hospice building. The hospice, which will be built on a 7.5 acre nature reserve on Byng Road in Barnet, will complement our existing home and community-based care and allow us to o�er a complete hospice service.

We are delighted to have just completed Phase One of development at the hospice site. This has seen the construction of the ‘Noah’s Ark E-Centre’ and preparation work for the main hospice building. The construction of the E-Centre, a condition of planning permission for

the site, was shared with Friends of Barnet Environmental Centre, a local environmental charity, who will deliver environmental education onsite to over 1,000 schoolchildren each year. The E-Centre will also act as training and development base for Noah’s Ark sta� and partners in the hospice sector.

We have now raised £5.34m from major philanthropists and Trusts towards our Building the Ark Appeal. We will soon be reaching out to our friends in the community to help us complete the Appeal. Watch this space for how you can get involved!

Love a bargain? Then check our eBay site for good quality preloved men and women’s fashion, accessories and shoes. We’ve also got home accessories, electrical items, and an array of di�erent goods.

For all you collectors out there, we sell antiques, collectibles and memorabilia.

Some of the choice items we’ve sold recently are a Singer sewing machine, trinket boxes, a sixties’ Cercol table, vintage stereos and turntables, and silver tea strainer.

Our eBay site is a treasure chest waiting to be discovered. Now you can support our vital cause and bag yourself some bargains!

Noah’s Ark celebrate the launch of the E-Centre in April

Why not visit our eBay site or �nd your local shop in North London and pick up a bargain? We would also love to receive your unwanted, good-quality items at our shops.

Progress of our hospice building

eBay site: Fashion, antiques and collectibles

ShopsOur shops have a fantastic variety of new and pre-loved quality goods. Every purchase raises vital funds to support seriously ill children and their families across North London.

Barnet 9:30am - 5:30pm103 High StreetBarnet EN5 5TZTel: 020 8440 8656

Finchley Road 10:00am – 6:00pm287 Finchley RoadLondon NW3 6NDTel: 020 7443 7766

Borehamwood 9:00am - 5:00pm24 Shenley RoadBorehamwood WD6 1DRTel: 020 8953 4209

Images courtesy of Steve Lavelle


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People…What our volunteers have to say about their experience at Noah’s Ark.

Shawn Anderson, Volunteer Professional Photographer“My wife Samantha is an NHS Senior Healthcare Assistant and seeing my wife’s commitment to her field is really infectious.

I take portrait and candid shots at Noah’s Ark family events. It’s important to catch genuine emotion and feelings so that you can draw the viewer in. But it’s more than just capturing the subject, you want to tell a story. That’s the most critical part. The way you do that is by aiming for the eyes, and capturing the relationship.

When you arrive at a Noah’s Ark event, you can see the children a bit reserved, and then you see them loosening up and enjoying themselves. You see that magic take place at every event.

I was most proud of my photography at the Spurs launch. It was an honour to be part of that day.”

Rodri Tanato, Fundraising Volunteer “Finding out about Noah’s Ark was the cherry-on-the-top for me moving to London as a Master’s student at UCL. Back in Indonesia, I am a GP.

Volunteering enhances my people skills, pushes me out of my comfort zone and lets me do fun things. Who would imagine that it would give you the chance to be an amateur bartender, a mascot or give the chance to fundraise at football match?

My motivation is that I love children, and the hospice concept has always been one of my interests. As a doctor, I have seen a lot of suffering. Every human being should be able to live until the end in comfort and dignity.

Hospices are a new idea in Indonesia, and hopefully, volunteering for Noah’s Ark will help me understand it better and I will be able to bring it home!”

Debra Stevelman, Corporate Volunteer“When I retired from my business, I wanted to increase my voluntary work. Whenever I watched programmes like Comic Relief, I recognised small charities like children’s hospices were under supported by the Government and weren’t in a position to afford national media coverage. That’s why I signed up as a volunteer.

As a Corporate Volunteer, I’ve been securing in-kind donations, like raffle prizes, and also supporting fundraising events. I’m known as the ‘Chief Blagger’.

A highlight of my role was holding a bucket at White Hart Lane! Our family had a business on White Hart Lane several years ago and it brought back fond memories.”

Paul Clowes, Fundraising Volunteer“I supported the appeal of a young boy who suffered from Neuroblastoma. When he died, it left a void.

I felt compelled to do something more regularly and made a commitment to Noah’s Ark. It’s now been six years in which I’ve raised over £10,000 through tribute nights, like Rod Stewart, Roy Orbison and Elvis, as well as magic and comedy nights.

When I organise events, I come across so much goodwill. People are willing to make sacrifices to ensure that a fundraising event is a success.

My events have been in aid of Noah’s Ark and other charities for the last six years, but I’ve been organising social events for much longer. I like to stay in contact with old friends, and give them something to remember.

My proudest moment was receiving your newsletter for the first time and seeing the Family Days and other activities that my contribution goes towards. I like creating happy memories.”

Ash Dalappadu, Family Support Volunteer“At events you see how your involvement is having a positive effect on the children. Sometimes they’ve been a bit upset or felt excluded and you encourage them back into the group.

I provide support to a sibling. For a couple of hours a week, we play tag, computer games, and do role-playing. She takes our play time very seriously.

I’ve become a lot more confident speaking to new people and more independent. Volunteering just helps to build who you are. My perception of people has changed too. I have put myself in other people’s shoes.”

A HUGE thank you to all of our volunteers and interns who give up their time freely to Noah’s Ark!

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A Spurs fan’s dream day…

Spurs TV came to our house to �lm us. They were really kind and they brought us brand new Spurs kits – we were �abbergasted. Thank you to Tony, Nick and Lucy! When they �lmed us we felt really nervous, but we got on with it. They �lmed us in the living room, playing football in the garden and playing with Vikki from Noah’s Ark (I won at Subbuteo!). Vikki is our Play Specialist, she is really nice. So is Specialist Carer Jules from Noah’s Ark, he is a massive Spurs fan and he is really funny.

The next exciting thing that happened was going to the Spurs Training Centre. When we drove in we were excited and nervous at the same time. Our Mum was the most nervous of all. It was really strange because people were taking our photos when we arrived. It made us feel like we were famous!

When my Dad told me and my brother

Theo that we might get to meet the

Spurs players because of Noah’s Ark

we were lost for words. We were so

excited. Mum and Dad asked us if we

would like to be in a film about Noah’s

Ark and we shouted “Yes!”

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Luke said he would never wash his hands after shaking the hands of the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club’s First Team

For more information, please visit and visit our YouTube Channel to watch Luke’s Story.

We went outside to the pitches and we spotted the players inside using the gym. We felt really happy. We held a Noah’s Ark banner and the team came out for a photo. They walked past us and shook our hands. Harry Kane told me he liked the letter I wrote to him last year. Poch said “Welcome, my new signing!” We felt a bit scared, but they made us feel welcome and really happy. Lots of people took photos with huge cameras.

I did interviews with ITV, Sky Sports and Spurs TV and we got a photo with Michael Owen. Then we watched the team training. It was a dream come true and they looked like they were on good form.

After a delicious lunch, it was time for the press conference. I was getting more and more nervous. When I walked in my heart was beating really fast. Theo told me he was really proud of me for not running away! The room was full of cameras and journalists – it was really scary, but I

couldn’t stop smiling. Poch was really kind to me. I really enjoyed being in the press conference and answering the questions. The best moment was when everyone clapped.

Then it was time to go home after a very busy and exciting day. Theo and I want to say thank you to everyone at Noah’s Ark and Spurs for an amazing day.

We were so excited to see how many people liked our photo and Mum showed me the nice comments people wrote about the video on the internet. Thank you to everyone who said nice things. I am really proud to be a Spurs fan and I love Noah’s Ark. I hope lots of Spurs fans help Noah’s Ark. And I really hope Spurs win the league. COYS!

Put up our Spurs posters! If you’d like one of our special A3 Spurs partnership posters, featuring the entire Spurs team, in your o�ce, surgery, Scout hut, shop, restaurant, pub – or any other public place – please email Priya Singh at [email protected]

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JCW Fitness and LAGAD who raised £3,895 over Christmas from events and collections.Keith for organising a charitable Cha Revival Night at The Arkley Club which raised £1,000.Our team of Corporate Ambassadors without whom we could not have achieved the results we did in 2015.

The Phoenix School’s PTA for their incredible support and raising £10,500.Pauline Treen and Haydn Chamber Orchestra Orchestra for raising almost £10,000 through their concert.

Little Dinosaurs Soft Play in Alexandra Palace for donating food for all the adults at our Family Day.

Sha’arei Tsedek North London Reform Synagogue for raising over £2,000 during the Days of Awe Appeal 2015.

All of our Regular Givers including our regular payroll givers who help keep Noah’s Ark a� oat.

Simon Greatbatch from Letterbox Distribution,

Barnet, and Emmie Osman and the team at Air Business, St Alban’s, for helping us keep in touch with

our supporters at no cost to us.

NatWest North London Commercial who walked

10k across London’s bridges and raised over £7,000.

Sunningdale Golf Club who provided us with a 4 ball

voucher donation for our Dyrham Park Golf Day.

Integrated Pest Management for continuing to fund

our van insurance.

Arbonne Foundation who donated £5,400 towards

our Older Siblings Programme.

Bank of Cyprus UK who continue to support us

through their annual donation of £5,000 and sta�

fundraising e� orts in 2015.

One Facility who donated over £3,000 from sta�

fundraising e� orts.

Santander including its North London branch

network for their continued volunteering and


Natwest PLU and TSG for choosing to support us again this year.

Boparan Charitable Trust who pledged £32,086 for ‘The Boparan Paediatric Palliative Nurse’.Jesus Hospital Charity who donated £8,256 towards Family Activities Days.Hadley Memorial Hall Residents Association who organised a fundraising quiz, with half of the proceeds going to Noah’s Ark. Thank you to quiz masters Simon and Jane!

Hospital Saturday Fund who donated £2,000 for Specialist Care.

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Metropolitan Masonic Charity for their £5,000 donation.

Breakaway Charity Committee who donated £3,025 towards a hoist.

Ark Runners who completed their year of 52 weekly, consecutive park runs across London, raising £5,924.

Everyone who plays our lottery and congratulations to all who have won so far!

Christ Church School for giving us free use of their premises for our annual Memory Day for the past three years and a Nature-themed Family Day.

CIBC whose sta� raised over £62,000 for us in 2015.

Jeet Gathani for donating goody bags full of snacks and treats for our families to enjoy at our Christmas pantomime. Thank you to St Mary’s School and Manor Lodge School for supporting our Christmas pantomime.

Haringey Sixth Form Centre for allowing us to use their facilities free of charge for our MasterChef Siblings Group.Spa by Car and the Massage Rooms for providing free treatments at our Parent Pamper Day.

Thank you A big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated, spread the word, given their time and resources, baked a cake, run a race, or done anything in support of Noah’s Ark. Here are some of the wonderful things our supporters have done for us. Thank you to….

The Royal Parks Half Marathon Runners who together raised over £12,000.Steve and Rachel Kelly for organising another successful casino night. Thank you to them and their friends and families for helping to raise over £3,500.Diane David and the power walking girls for raising £1,100 as a result of their weekly power walk at Hampstead Heath.Islington Museum for hosting a workshop free of charge for our younger siblings group.

Jennifer Israel who celebrated her

70th birthday and Pauline Isaacs

who celebrated her 80th birthday in

support of Noah’s Ark, raising £1,600

between them.

Taylor Family Foundation who

donated £15,000 for ‘The Taylor

Family Foundation Specialist Carer’.

UCL Guitar Society for providing a

workshop and performance at our

Musical Mayhem Family Day.

As always, a big thank you to all of our

amazing fundraising


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Fundraising news…

Paul Russell from Lancashire Group

in the Spotlight…

Charity Podz partnershipNoah’s Ark has teamed up with Charity Podz, a family run business. Charity Podz supports Noah’s Ark by supplying un-manned, branded concessions to businesses in our community. The concessions sell licensed capsuled toys for £1 of which we receive 25p. With everything from Star Wars rubbers to ‘Frozen’ memorabilia, the toys are fun and collectable so it’s an easy way to support your local children’s hospice!

Why not become a Charity Podz Champion for Noah’s Ark and host a concession in your venue? Charity Podz covers the maintenance. All it requires from you is the space.

For more information, contact Rebekah Severn at [email protected] or on 020 8449 8877.

Paul talks to us about running the Virgin Money Marathon in April 2016.

Why are you taking up the challenge?Without a doubt the most important reason for participating is the fundraising, and maximising the sponsorship for Noah’s Ark’s worthy cause. The charity is very close to my heart.

It’s important to have a future goal to work towards. The fact you are committing to a challenge means you have to design a training programme that � ts in with work and life. I gain personal satisfaction knowing that I am taking on a challenge which will also improve my levels of � tness.

Do you have any personal goals?My personal goal is to maximise sponsorship. If I improve my marathon time, this is a bonus, but not my ultimate aim. Since this is my eighth London marathon I am fully aware of the pain I am likely to su� er, but Noah’s Ark is worth it!

I probably wouldn’t have run another marathon without my commitment to Noah’s Ark.

What would you say to someone who is thinking of taking up this challenge?I would always urge somebody to consider participating. Don’t focus on your � nishing time but plan well ahead and design a programme of training and nutrition that � ts your lifestyle. Take advice from professionals if you have any major concerns but you can do the vast majority of your research on the internet.

There are a number of ways you can support us!

• Make a donation We are funded almost entirely by

voluntary donations.

• Sign up for a regular gift Regular giving means we can plan for the future.

• Hold your own fundraising event Why not get together with friends, family or colleagues and hold your own event? We can help you with ideas, posters and collection tins.

• Company givingWe can work with companies in many ways e.g. Charity of the Year, sponsorship opportunities, employee fundraising, and cause-related marketing promotions.

• Payroll GivingPledge a small amount of your salary each month before tax is deducted. The government will contribute a certain percentage depending on your tax rate.

• Text donateMake a quick £5 donation by texting NOAH05 £5 to 70070.

• Leave us a LegacyLeave a gift in your Will to support those who do not have the gift of time.

• In-kind donationMaybe you would prefer to donate a service, or goods that can be auctioned?

Did you know?

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In order to take on the weighty responsibility of being Harriet or Henry, sta� and volunteers are required to undertake a mandatory Hippo Training Module. This is a pioneering project run by world-leading Hippo experts on how to be the most convincing hippo in a dress or dungarees possible. Hippo trainees, or ‘Hippees’, are shown everything from artistic hand-waving to how to make sure their feet don’t fall o�.

Dan Leigh, who played Harriet at the recent Spurs launch, found this

to be invaluable life experience. ‘You never know when you might �nd yourself in a giant hippo costume,’ he explains. ‘At White Hart Lane, I needed to remember all my training to make sure I didn’t fall on Harry Kane and end Spurs’ title hopes in freakishly hilarious fashion.’

If you too would like to take up this once in a lifetime opportunity to be one of the largest, mostly herbivorous mammals on earth, please contact Philippa Cairns on [email protected].

Our volunteers were accompanied by a special new guest at our collection at Brent Cross Shopping Centre last month. Our new mascot, Henry the Hippo, joined our volunteers for a day of raising vital funds and meeting the local community.

Shettal Panchal, Fundraising Volunteer, dressed up as Henry for the day and said “Today was the most fun I have had, since joining Noah’s Ark. I would love to be part of the Henry and Harriet mascot collection duo again”.

Henry’s mascot partner, Harriet, was seen with Henry and Spurs mascot,

Chirpy, at the North London derby match against Arsenal on 5th March. The Henry and Harriet duo will be making several appearances across north London in the coming months, so look out for them!

How to be a Hippo

Henry and Harriet are a huge hit!

Freeth Solicitors, Bourne Leisure Support, Air Travel and Lloyds BlackHorse Cockfosters

Welcome to new partners

Get Involved…

Family SupportVolunteers support Noah’s Ark families in the home (playing, helping with homework, gardening or ironing) or at our activities (Sibling Groups, Family Days and Parent Groups). This is a rewarding volunteering role which provides valuable experience working directly with family members. There is a selection process before you can get involved and full training and supervision is provided.

RetailVolunteers help to sort donated goods, restock, and serve customers; all of which raise both funds and awareness. Get involved as a retail volunteer and play an important part in the support we are able to o�er families.

FundraisingFundraising volunteers help us to raise vital funds to provide services for children and families. We have a range of fun events to get involved in throughout the year. If you’re interested in helping to run a stall, hold a bucket, raise awareness or perhaps even organise a fundraising event of your own then this is the role for you.

Ambassador ProgrammeYou can make a big di�erence by representing Noah’s Ark in your local area. Helping us to raise awareness is an incredibly valuable way for us to build connections, but it’s also a great way for you to get involved with your community.

All of these volunteering opportunities are important to us and play a crucial part in supporting the care and services we provide. If you would like to get involved please call Catherine Boyd on 020 8449 8877 or email [email protected]

Volunteering in our Stevenage warehouse

There are always treasures to discover at our Stevenage warehouse.

We would like to invite individuals and teams to volunteer regularly or on a one-o� basis. Joining as a regular volunteer would suit those who love to discover novel goods and collectibles, and provides invaluable experience as a stockist.

If you would like to volunteer as part of a corporate team, this provides a great opportunity for team away days. All you need to do is one day of fundraising, and bring one quality item to donate.


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Page 14: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for


NEW Broadgate Tower Abseil & Stair climb 4 June 2016 – City of LondonYour chance to take part in this incredible Abseil and Stair climb at Broadgate Tower, one of the tallest buildings in London. The Broadgate Tower stands’ tall at 35 � oors which is 541 feet high!

Dyrham Park Golf DayFriday 10 June – Dyrham ParkEnjoy a day of golf with Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice at one of London’s exclusive country clubs. Sponsorship opportunities available.

Charity Golf Day, Hendon Golf Club6 July 2016 – HendonHendon Golf Club invites you to enter as a team to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of their Golf Challenge Cup. The day includes refreshments, lunch and wine.

NEW RideLondon – Surrey 100 31 July – London and SurreyCelebrating the legacy for cycling created by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, RideLondon-Surrey 100 starts in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and then follows a 100-mile route on closed roads through the capital and into Surrey’s stunning countryside.

Get involved…Why not tear out the diary and

post it on your noticeboard?

NEW Superhero Run Sunday 15 May 2016 – Regent’s ParkJoin TEAM Noah and dress up as your favourite superhero to take part in the in the 5k or 10k run. The spirit of the event is ‘taking part’ not ‘winning’ so you can run, jog or walk - you decide! Will you save the day for Noah’s Ark?

Skydive Sunday 29 May – Various locations Experience the unparalleled feeling of freefalling at 120mph from 13,000ft! Why not do something di� erent and get your family, friends and colleagues involved in a once-in-a-lifetime experience?

NEW London 10,000 Run Monday 30 May – Central LondonThe Vitality London 10,000 starts and � nishes in St James’s Park. It is your chance to run around the closed roads of central London.

Royal Parks Half Marathon 9 October 2016 - LondonTake part in this beautiful half marathon through the picturesque autumn parks of central London, taking in the iconic scenery.

NEW Kilimanjaro Trek 13 – 23 OctoberAt a whopping 16,000 ft, Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain. Join this epic challenge of a lifetime.

NEW Everest Base Camp Trek 17 November – 4 DecemberGrab your places for the ultimate challenge and trek to Everest Base Camp. Experience the incredible view of the Himalayas and the tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest.

Precious Moments Concerts26 November 2016 – St James’ Church, Muswell HillJoin us for a matinee or evening performance of festive and heart-warming music from schools and community choirs in support of Noah’s Ark.

To sign up to any of these events

please contact the fundraising

team on 020 8449 8877.


to download your fundraising pack..

Page 15: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for


For more information contact Simon on

[email protected] or call 020 8449 8877

Registered Charity no. 1081156



9th October 2016

A spectacular Half Marathon through

the iconic Royal Parks in central London

Feel the thrill of stepping over the edge and abseil down or run up one of the tallest buildings in London, standing tall at 541 feet!

Precious Moments ConcertSt James Church, Muswell Hill, 26 November 2016

Join us for this unforgettable, magical concert where schools and community choirs from across North London come together to support their local children’s hospice.

Charity PodzWhy not become a Charity Podz Champion and host a concession in your venue? The concessions sell licensed capsuled toys for £1 of which we receive 25p!

Please call 020 8449 8877, email [email protected] or visit to sign up to these events or for more information.

Page 16: 818 Noahs Ark summer autumn16 16pp update … · Aboard the Ark Editor: Ghazal Tipu Sub-editor: Rebekah Severn Design & print: DS Print Services Special thanks to airbusiness for

Registered Charity no. 1081156

Help us make every

precious moment count

Become a Regular Giver or give a one o� donation and help us make every precious moment count. Thank you for your support!

Please return your donation slip to:

Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice, 3 Beauchamp Court, Victors Way, Barnet EN5 5TZ

I would like to receive Noah’s Ark newsletters twice a year I would like to receive monthly Noah’s Ark e-news I am happy to be contacted by telephone/email /SMS by Noah’s Ark I am happy to be contacted by telephone/email /SMS by Noah’s Ark’s lottery team (Your Hospice Lottery)

I would like to become a Regular Giver

Start date:

I will donate to Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice

monthly /annually until further notice

Full Name:






You can boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate by letting us know that we are able to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation(s).

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Gift Aid is reclaimed by Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.

I would like Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice to treat all gifts of money that I have made in the past 4 years and all future gifts of money that I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations.

I would like to give a one-o� donation of

Please select below the payment type:


Cheque (made payable to Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice)

Donation by credit/debit card: (Please enter your details below)

Signature Date / /

Please debit my Visa Mastercard CAF Card Maestro

Card Number

Card Security Code Expiry Date (last three digits on signature strip)

Maestro only:Issue number

Valid from Expires end


Single donationRegular donation

In order for us to set up your Regular Giving, we will require your bank details:Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Standing Order

HSBC, 171 Darkes Lanes, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 1BUSort code: 40-37-19 Account No: 41368109Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice, 3 Beauchamp Court, Victors Way, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 5TZ

Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society

To: The Manager Bank or Building Society



Name(s) of Account Holder(s)

Reference (for official use only)

Instructions to your Bank or Building Society Please pay Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice by Standing Order from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society.

Signature(s) Date / /

Branch Sort Code Bank or Building Society account number

I confirm I have paid, or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. All other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. Further information on Gift Aid can be found on the HM Revenue and Customs website. Please notify Noah’s Ark if you: (1) Want to cancel this declaration. (2) Change your name or home address. (3) No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. Please note: If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

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