  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits





  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    Mrs. Susheela Chamoli Mayank Parihar

    Indu Linggi

    Danish Khan

    Vineet Daftari

    Samarjeet Chauhan

    Dhruv Sehrawat

    FW 08-10/ FD-2

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits





    "#e!utive Summary

    $%je!tive of the &roje!t

    'esear!h Methodology.

    Literature 'eview

    Com&any Profile

    (rade Profile

    Marketing Plan

    Management )ierar!hy

    Com&arison with other %usiness

    *ovt. &oli!ies related to %usiness

    %out the to&i! +Market Potential,

    -indings nd nalysis






    0ord of (hanks


  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    work is never a work of an individual. 0e owe a sense of gratitude to the

    intelligen!e and !o2o&eration of those &eo&le who had %een so easy to let usunderstand what we needed from time to time for !om&letion of this e#!lusive


    0e want to e#&ress our gratitude towards Mrs. Susheela Chamoli3 Marketing

    -a!ulty3 IIPM Delhi for giving us an o&&ortunity to do this &roje!t.

    Last %ut not the least3 we would like to forward our gratitude to our friends 4

    other fa!ulty mem%ers who always endured us and stood %y us and without

    whom we !ould not have envisaged the !om&letion of our &roje!t.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    (o start any %usiness the su!!ess entirely de&ends on the marketing resear!h

    done a%out the &arti!ular and the !onsumer attitude towards the &rodu!t.

    Marketing resear!h &lays a vital role in a %usiness to make it su!!ess.

    0e have tried to &ut our %est effort to !om&lete this task on the %asis of skill that

    we have a!hieved during our studies in the institute.

    0e have tried to &ut our ma#imum effort to get the a!!urate statisti!al data.

    )owever we would a&&re!iate if any mistakes are %rought to us %y the reader.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    fter going thi!k on the things3 now time is to make a !om&lete &i!ture. 0hile

    making a &rodu!t a SK5 +sto!k kee&ing unit, of the sho& retailers think a%out the

    *M'$I +gross margin return on investment, and they &romote the %rand whi!h

    &rovides them highest. (hey e#&e!t return in the form of &rofit margin3 !om&any

    s!hemes3 window dis&lay and referen!e of the sho&. mong these3 !om&any

    s!hemes make the differen!e and are the highest sour!es of motivation after

    &rofit margin. 'etailing demands a !onstant &ush from the !om&any.

    Marketer needs to use advertising and %rand %uilding strategies to address the

    dis!erning %uyers and retail &ush to in different %uyers. (he manufa!turer should

    understand !onsumer %ehavior %e!ause retailers !an6t hel& 7uality and &ri!e. It is

    only u& to manufa!turers to deliver what !onsumer wants. I need to stress on it

    %e!ause 89: retailers said that it is demand why they sell /ritannia. ;

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    5nderstanding the %uying %ehavior of the target market is the essential task of

    marketing management under marketing !on!e&t. (he !onsumer market !onsists

    of all the individuals and households who %uy or a!7uire good and servi!es for

    &ersonal !onsum&tions. (he %uying %ehavior tries to find out the answers for the

    7uestions3 who %uys= )ow do they %uy= 0here do they %uy= Do they %uy=


    (here are four major fa!tors that influen!e the %uying %ehavior su!h as !ultural

    fa!tors3 so!ial fa!tors3 &ersonal fa!tors3 and &sy!hologi!al fa!tors.

    i. CULTURAL FACTORS"Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a

    &erson wants and %ehavior. Values3 &er!e&tions3 &referen!es3 and

    %ehavior are the main varia%le under !ulture of an individual. "a!h !ulture

    !ontains su%2!ulture like nationality3 religious grou&3 geogra&hi!al area3

    and linguisti! divisions et!.

    ii. SOCIAL FACTORS" !onsumer %ehavior is also influen!ed %y so!ialfa!tors su!h as the !onsumer referen!e grou& family and so!ial roles and


    iii. PERSONAL FACTORS" %uyer de!ision is also influen!ed %y his or

    &ersonal !hara!teristi!s3 nota%ly the %uyers age3 lifestyle3 o!!u&ation3

    e!onomi! !ir!umstan!es et!.

    PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS" a &erson %uying !hoi!e is also influen!ed %y

    four major &sy!hologi!al fa!tors su!h as motivation3 &er!e&tion3 learning %elief

    and attitudes.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    It in!ludes %uying roles3 ty&es of %uying and ste&s in %uying &ro!ess.


    (he %uying role !ould %e !lassified into four &arts. (hese are initiator3 influen!er3

    de!ider and %uyer.


    Consumer de!ision taking varies with the ty&e of %uying de!ision. (here are four

    ty&es %uying %ehavior su!h as Com&le# %uying %ehavior3 )a%itual %uying

    %ehavior3 Variety seeking %uying %ehavior.


    )ere are five stages in %uying de!ision &ro!ess namely &ro%lem re!ognition

    sear!h3 evaluation of alternatives &ur!hase de!ision and &ast &ur!hase %ehavior.


    (he %uying &ro!ess starts with the %uyer6s re!ognition of a &ro%lem of need. (he

    %uyer senses a differen!e %etween his a!tual state and desired state.


    (here are different sour!es from where a !onsumer !an gather information like

    &ersonal sour!es !ommer!ial sour!es3 e#&erimental sour!es.


    fter gathering information a%out different &rodu!ts the !ustomer will %e in a fuss

    as to !hoose whi!h &rodu!t among the mainly alternatives !onsumer usually

    evaluate the alternatives on traditional %asis3 on the %asis of utility fun!tion et!.

    from the many alternative !onsumers at last !hoose the %est one for him.

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    !onsumer who de!ides to e#e!ute &ur!hase intention will %e making u& to five

    &ur!hase de!isions.


    fter &ur!hasing the &rodu!t and servi!es the !onsumer will e#&erien!e some

    level of satisfa!tion or dissatisfa!tion with the &rodu!t and servi!es that will

    influen!e su%se7uent %ehavior. If !onsumer is satisfied he may show the

    &ro%a%ility of %uying the &rodu!t the ne#t time3 satisfied !ustomer will say goodthing a%out the &rodu!t3 &roving the statement that >satisfied !ustomer is the %est

    advertisement.? dissatisfied !ustomer may take some a!tion against it. (hey

    may try to redu!e the dissonan!e %y a%andoning returning the &rodu!t.

    5nderstanding !onsumer needs and %uying &ro!ess is the foundation of any

    !om&any. /y understanding how %uyers go through &ro%lem re!ognition3

    information sear!h evaluation of alternatives3 the &ur!hase de!ision and &ost

    &ur!hase %ehavior marketers !an &i!k u& many !lues as to how to meet %uyers


  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits




    Marketing is a so!ietal &ro!ess %y whi!h individuals and grou&s o%tain what they

    need and want through !reating3 offering and freely e#!hanging &rodu!ts and

    servi!es of value with others or other wise it is the &ro!ess of &lanning and

    e#e!uting the !on!e&tion3 &ri!ing3 &romotion and distri%ution of ideas3 goods3

    servi!es to !reate e#!hanges that satisfy individual and organi@ational goals.

    M$%&'()*+ S(%$('+,

    Marketing strategy is a set of o%je!tives3 &oli!ies and rules that leads the

    !om&anyAs marketing efforts. It is the marketing a&&roa!h to a!!om&lish the

    %read o%je!tive of the marketing a&&roa!h to a!!om&lish the %read o%je!tive of

    the marketing &lan. (he various &ro!ess of marketing strategy are given %elow.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    M$%&'( '+.'*($()* $* ''()*+ ($%+'( .$%&'(

    It is an effort to in!rease a !om&anyAs &re!ision marketing. (he starting &oint of

    any segmentation dis!ussion is mass marketing. In mass marketing3 the seller

    engaged in the mass &rodu!tion3 mass distri%ution and mass &romotion of one

    &rodu!t for all %uyers. Market segment !onsists of a large identifia%le grou&

    within a market with similar wants3 &ur!hasing &ower geogra&hi!al lo!ation3

    %uying attitudes or %uying ha%ita. It is an a&&roa!h midway %etween mass

    marketing and individual marketing. (hrough this the !hoi!e of distri%ution

    !hannels3 and !ommuni!aton !hannels %e!ome mu!h easier. (he resear!hers

    try to form segments %y looking at !onsumer !hara!teristi!sF geogra&hi!3

    demogra&hi!3 and &sy!hogra&hi!. fter segmenting the market then target

    market sele!ted.

    2# P)()*)*+"- (he &ositioning is a !reative e#er!ise donw with an e#isting

    &rodu!t. the well known &rodu!ts generally hold a distin!tive &osition in

    !onsumerAs minds. (he &ositioning re7uires that every tangi%le as&e!t of &rodu!t3

    &ri!e3 &la!e and &romotion must su&&ort the !hosen &ositioning strategy.

    Com&any should develo& a uni7ue selling &ro&osition +5SP, for ea!h %rand and

    sti!k to it3 PPL !onsistently &romotes its DP fertili@er %y )igher yield at lower

    !ost. s !om&anies in!rease the num%er of !laims for their %rand3 they risk

    dis%elief and a loss of !lear &ositioning. In general a !om&any must avoid four

    major &ositioning errors. (hose are under &ositioning over &ositioning3 !onfused

    &ositioning and dou%tful &ositioning.

    3# P%4("- &rodu!t is any offering that !an satisfy a need or want. (he major

    ty&es of %asi! offerings are goods3 servi!es3 e#&erien!es3 events3 &la!es3

    &ro&erties3 organi@ations3 information and ideas. (he !om&any gives more

    im&ortan!e in 7uality3 &a!kaging3 servi!es et!. to satisfy the !ustomers. (he

    &rodu!ts has itAs life !y!le. (he &rodu!t strategies are modified in different stages

    of &rodu!t life !y!le.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    5# P%)'"- It is the most im&ortant as&e!t in !om&anyAs &oint of view. Pri!e of the

    &rodu!t will %e de!ided %y the !om&any a!!ording to the !om&etitorAs &ri!e.

    6# P$'"- (his &lays a major role in the entire marketing system. the !om&any

    em&hasis on itAs distri%ution network. Pro&er distri%ution network gives &ro&er

    availa%ility of the &rodu!t.

    7# P%.()*"- Promotion is the one of the major as&e!ts in marketing

    strategies. /y ado&ting various &romotional a!tivities the !om&any !reate strong

    %rand image. It also hel&s in in!reasing the %rand awareness. It in!ludes

    advertising3 sales &romotioins and &u%li! relations et!.

    # R''$%9 $* D':';.'*("- after testing3 the new &rodu!t manager must

    develo& a &reliminary marketing strategy &lan for introdu!ing the new &rodu!t in

    to the market. (he &lan !onsists of three &arts. (he first &art des!ri%es the target

    marketAs si@e3 stru!ture and %ehavior. (he se!ond &art out lines the &lanned

    &ri!e3 distri%ution strategy and marketing %udget for the first year. (he third &art

    of the develo&ment des!ri%es the long run sales and &rofit goals and marketing

    mi# strategy over time.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    T$%+'( M$%&'(

    P%4( P%)' P%.()* P$'

    Produ!t variety List &ri!e Sales &romotion Channels

    1uality Dis!ounts dvertising Coverage

    Design llowan!es Sales for!es ssortments

    -eatures Payment &eriod Pu%li! relation Lo!ations

    /rand name Credit terms Dire!t marketing Inventory

    Pa!kaging (rans&ort






    Sweet or salty. Soft or !run!hy. Sim&le or e#oti!. "very%ody loves mun!hing on %is!uits3

    %ut do they know how %is!uits %egan=

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    (he history of %is!uits !an %e tra!ed %a!k to a re!i&e !reated %y the 'oman !hef

    &i!ius3 in whi!h >a thi!k &aste of fine wheat flour was %oiled and s&read out on a &late.

    0hen it had dried and hardened it was !ut u& and then fried until !ris&3 then served with

    honey and &e&&er.>

    (he word A/is!uitA is derived from the Latin words A/isA +meaning Atwi!eA, and ACo!tusA

    +meaning !ooked or %aked,. (he word A/is!ottiA is also the generi! term for !ookies in

    Italian. /a!k then3 %is!uits were unleavened3 hard and thin wafers whi!h3 %e!ause of

    their low water !ontent3 were ideal food to store.

    s &eo&le started to e#&lore the glo%e3 %is!uits %e!ame the ideal travelling food sin!e

    they stayed fresh for long &eriods. (he seafaring age3 thus3 witnessed the %oom of

    %is!uits when these were sealed in airtight !ontainers to last for months at a time. )ard

    tra!k %is!uits +earliest version of the %is!otti and &resent2day !ra!kers, were &art of the

    sta&le diet of "nglish and meri!an sailors for many !enturies. In fa!t3 the !ountries

    whi!h led this seafaring !harge3 su!h as those in 0estern "uro&e3 are the ones where

    %is!uits are most &o&ular even today. /is!otti is said to have %een a favorite of

    Christo&her Colum%us who dis!overed meri!aG

    Making good %is!uits is 7uite an art3 and history %ears testimony to that. During the jum%les>3 >&lunkets> and >!ry

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    s te!hnology im&roved during the Industrial 'evolution in the lady fingers> when

    visiting Louis V of -ran!e.

    (he ma!aroon 2 a small round !ookie with !ris& !rust and a soft interior 2 seems to have

    originated in an Italian monastery in

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    The story of one of India's favorite brands reads almost like a fairy tale. Once upon a time, in 1892 to be

    precise, a biscuit company as started in a nondescript house in !alcutta "no #olkata$ ith an initial

    investment of %s. 29&. The company e all kno as ritannia today.

    The be(innin(s mi(ht have been humble)the dreams ere anythin( but. y 191*, ith the advent of

    electricity, ritannia mechani+ed its operations, and in 1921, it became the first company east of the ue+

    !anal to use imported (as ovens. ritannia's business as flourishin(. ut, more importantly, ritannia as

    ac-uirin( a reputation for -uality and value. s a result, durin( the tra(ic /orld /ar II, the 0overnment

    reposed its trust in ritannia by contractin( it to supply lar(e -uantities of service biscuits to the armed


    s time moved on, the biscuit market continued to (ro and ritannia (re alon( ith it. In 193&, the

    ritannia iscuit !ompany took over the distribution of biscuits from 4arry's ho till no distributed

    ritannia biscuits in India. In the subse-uent public issue of 1938, Indian shareholdin( crossed 5*6, firmly

    establishin( the Indianness of the firm. The folloin( year, ritannia iscuit !ompany as re)christened

    ritannia Industries 7imited "I7$. our years later in 198, it crossed the %s. 1** crores revenue mark.

    On the operations front, the company as makin( e-ually dynamic strides. In 1992, it celebrated its 4latinum

    :ubilee. In 1993, the company unveiled its ne corporate identity ) ;at aska)!haska became India's most successful product launch. In 2**2, ritannia's ?e usiness @ivision

    formed a Aoint venture ith onterra, the orld's second lar(est @airy !ompany, and ritannia ?e Bealand

    oods 4vt. 7td. as born. In reco(nition of its vision and acceleratin( (raph, orbes 0lobal rated ritannia

    'One amon(st the Top 2** mall !ompanies of the /orld', and The ;conomic Times pe((ed ritannia

    India's 2nd >ost Trusted rand.

    Today, more than a century after those tentative first steps, ritannia's fairy tale is not only (oin( stron( but

    bla+in( ne standards, and that miniscule initial investment has (ron by leaps and bounds to crores of

    rupees in ealth for ritannia's shareholders. The company's offerin(s are spread across the spectrum ith

    products ran(in( from the healthy and economical Ti(er biscuits to the more lifestyle)oriented >ilkman


  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits




    T)+'% B$*$*$

    /ritannia is !ommitted to hel& se!ure every !hildAs right

    to *rowth 4 Develo&ment through good food everyday.

    Pur&osefully taking forward the !redo of AEat Healthy,

    Think BetterA3 we have laun!hed a new variant under

    our &ower %rand (I*"' 2 TIGER BANANA2 &ower

    &a!ked with IRON ZOR4 and with the delightful taste of


    IRON ZORhel&s make mind shar&er and %ody stronger. 's. &a!k has as

    mu!h IRON ZORas that in < kg of /anana.

    '4D in /ritannia has s&ent !onsidera%le time to develo& this nutritious and

    delightful sna!k for !hildren.

    B%)($**)$ T)+'% B$*$*$ &a!ked with IRON ZORand goodness of /anana is

    a!!essi%le to all3 %eing availa%le in !onvenient &a!ks &ri!ed at 's.B3 's. and's.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    (his range is availa%le in deli!ious variants namely L)('().'> C9$('

    %'$.> $* O%$*+' %'$.3 targeted towards all health sensitive &eo&le. It is

    also relevant for !onsumers with sugar related ailments.

    0e are sure that you will %e &leasantly delighted with its great taste and e7ually

    sur&rised to know that it has no added sugar.

    Don't be taken for a ride when you read "Sugar Free" label on many bisuit

    !aks marketed in ndia or abroad. E#en with $%%& noadded sugar, wheat

    ereals in bisuits ha#e their own natural sugar ontent. Britannia has hosen to

    re!resent these bisuits with "(o )dded Sugar" laim, as there is no added

    sugar in the !roessing of (utri*hoie Sugar+ut.

    B%)($**)$ 60-60 P';;'% C9$&&$%

    (he laun!h of the latest 8J28J variant left every%ody guessing >0hat it ee@=>

    -rom (V ads3 radio3 outdoor and in2store dis&lay materials to events3 a we%site

    and SMS and email %lasts3 traditional and new media were %lended

    synergisti!ally to !reate e#!itement and !uriosity a%out the uni7ue taste of the

    %is!uit. (he tangy and distin!tive &e&&er flavoured %is!uit3 thatAs thin and !ris&y

    and more like a sna!k3 !aught the imagination of a younger audien!e !raving

    something to ni%%le on. (he 8J28J Pe&&er Chakkar laun!h is truly a !ase of

    leveraging the marketing mi# to %est advantage.

    N4(%)C9)' D)+'():' B)4)(

    Hothing !an %e more diffi!ult than making small efforts in our daily life towardshealthy and a!tive living. BE we are engrossed in our %usy s!hedulesF ski&&ing

    meals3 missing walks3 along with inade7uate slee& and fre7uently eating2out3 all

    take a heavy toll on our health.

    t least with the new and im&roved (utri*hoie

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    Digesti#e Bisuit3 we have one less thing to worry a%out. Made with 8J: whole2

    wheat and &a!ked with added fi%re +

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    N'@ B%)($**)$ M)& B)&)

    Milk /ikis3 the favourite growth &artner of Kids3 now %rings greater value and

    delight to all with its new &rodu!t and &a!k design. 'e!ently re2laun!hed in its

    e#isting Southern 4 "astern markets3 and e#tended a!ross India3 the new Milk

    /ikis is all set to add e#!itement and a&&eal to nutritious6 food. 0hoever said

    that good food6 needs to look dull and %oring63 will just have to take a look at Milk


    0ith a uni7ue and attra!tive honey!om% design and an

    enhan!ed &rodu!t e#&erien!e3 the new %is!uit &rom&ts

    the Kid6s will love it6 rea!tion amongst mothers. (he

    milk goodness in the re!i&e is now enhan!ed with

    SM'( H5('I"H(S N vital vitamins3 iron and iodine3

    &roven to aid mental and &hysi!al develo&ment in

    growing kids. (he &remium &a!kaging3 %esides a&&ealing to kids3 also ensures

    that the %is!uits remain fresh and !ris&.

    So3 whether its %reakfast time or sna!k time at s!hool3 rest assured that kids will

    look forward to mun!hing these !run!hy3 milky %is!uits whi!h even hel&s in their

    develo&ment. nd yes3 adults won6t %e far %ehind in rea!hing out for a &a!k

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    F)*$*)$ A*$,)

    /ritanniaAs gross sales turnover in!reased to 's

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    O-ig B.B "arning &er Share of /ritanniaQ









    O;'*)*+ H)+9 /< (9' D$, L/@ /< (9' D$, C/)*+






    O-ig B. *ra&h of Share Movement of /ritannia Industry on the /S"Q

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    /is!uits derive its name from a -ren!h word meaning twi!e %a!ked %readF

    /is!uits in general have a good shelf life3 whi!h is higher than all other sna!k

    items availa%le in the market.

    India is the se!ond largest &rodu!er of %is!uits in the world after the 5.S.. %ut

    still the &er !a&ita !onsum&tion is only B. kgyear of develo&ed !ountries. s &er

    the latest survey done %y H.C..".'.3 %is!uits are !onsumed in rural areas.

    (he &enetration of %is!uits into households stands at an average of 9.B: with

    the rural &enetration at EE: and ur%an &enetration at 99:. /is!uits are reserved

    for the small s!ale se!tor %ut there are strong &ossi%ilities of the industry %eing

    deserved in line with the government &oli!y of li%erali@ation. (he net effe!t thus

    would %e greater !hoi!e for the !onsumer as well as a !he!k on the !osts.

    (he !ountry &rodu!tion of the %is!uits during BJJ2J8 was

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


    (he !om&anyAs strategy has %een to attra!t new !onsumer segments and widen

    its !onsumer %ase with its well &a!kaged low &ri!ed offerings. /ritanniaAs

    su!!ess has also !ome from its formida%le.

    It gives me great &leasure to introdu!e the Summer (raining 'e&ort. It is %ased

    on the survey !ondu!ted in "ast Delhi region on /is!uit industry. (he a&&li!a%ility

    of various %randing strategies &lay !ru!ial role in marketing in &rodu!t. the

    a&&li!a%ility has grown due to the li%erali@ation3 !om&etition and te!hnologi!al

    !hanges taking &la!e in !or&orate world.

    In this &roje!t the various %randing strategies ado&ted %y the !om&any has %een

    studied and !om&ared on the %asis of !urrent market s!enario. It gives the ideaa%out the market share enjoyed %y the different !om&anies in the B)4)(

    I*4(%,#It &rovides the ade7uate !overage of many issues related to %is!uit

    industry. (he o%je!tive of this re&ort is to give the market share of /ritannia

    %is!uits in the Indian !a&ital +Hew Delhi,. It has %een made &ossi%le %y knowing

    the !onsumerAs %ehaviour and %y studying the &atterns ado&ted %y the retailers.

    It gives us very &re!ise view a%out the e#isting demand of /ritannia %is!uits and

    demand of their &rodu!ts as !om&ared to other !om&etitors. It also highlights the

    !hanging market trends and !onsumer &referen!es3 why they have shifted from

    finally &a!k to &ou!h &a!k. (he annual growth rate of the industry is a%out

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    Marketing is not "u!lidean geometry a fi#ed system of !on!e&t. 'ather

    marketing is one of the dynami! fields with in the management arena. (he

    market fa!es !ontinually a new !hallenge everyday and !om&anies must

    res&ond to it &ositively. (herefore it is not sur&rising that new market idea kee&

    surfa!ing to meet new market &la!e !hallenges.

    (he market &ro!ess is a&&li!a%le to more than goods and servi!es. nything

    related to market in!luding ideas3 events3 &oli!ies3 &ri!es and &ersonalities

    !omes under market strategy. )owever it is im&ortant to em&hasi@e o&&ortunity

    in the market through market strategy.

    -ollowing strategies ado&ted %y the organi@ation.

    A (%*+ 4$)(, < (9' ;%4( $* 4(.'% $()

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits


  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    *enerally all organi@ations have !om&etitors in the market. &arti!ular

    organi@ation always !om&rises with other same %usiness and a!!ording tomarket share we !larify the %rand of &rodu!t is giving more !hallenge to my


    I found many &rodu!ts whi!h !an %e !om&ared with /ritannia /is!uit. s a

    !on!lusion I found that &arti!ularly in my &rovided area /ritannia is really doing

    well and its &erforman!e is on sur&rising level. During the field work and after

    intensive study it was found that main !om&etitor of PRIYAGOLD %is!uits is

    BRITANNIA as the market leader.

    In my &rovided area the share of the market is as follows.

    /'I(HHI 9:

    P'IR*$LD BJ:


  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    Market &otential of the /'I(HHI is mu!h &ositive in !om&etitive era and will

    sure !over the ma#imum market share of %is!uit &rodu!t. Potentiality of any

    &rodu!t de&ends u&on the futuristi! &erforman!e of the &rodu!t. it de&ends that

    how mu!h retailers have &otentiality to %e &ermanent seller of /'I(HHI.

    -or great &otentiality it is ne!essary to im&rove those fa!tors whi!h are going to

    effe!t retailers. In my study I found some fa!tors whi!h !an hel& to !over great


    (hese fa!tors are following

    S!heme delivery should in &erfe!t determining time.

    Some &la!es distri%utors not a%le to !over his &arti!ular area. (hat should %e


    S!heme fa!ility should %e regular as mu!h as &ossi%le.

    Small &a!k also should %e in the market.

    lways !olle!t the views of retailers. It gives &sy!hologi!al effe!t on theretailers a%out !are ness %y manufa!turing !om&any.

    (hese fa!tors are very im&ortant for the organi@ation. If !om&any is a%le to

    im&rove these all fa!tors then definitely its market share will more in!rease.

    'etailers will take more interest to sell /ritannia %is!uit and !ustomer will also

    enjoy for it.

    So &otentiality is very high to /ritannia %is!uit in &ositive dire!tion.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits




    -ulfill one of our /asi!

    'e7uirement among ir 3

    0ater 3 -ood3 Shelter

    0idely a!!e&ted in all


    "asily availa%le in various forms

    Provide good Instant 'emedy

    for hunger in the form of

    readymade food

    Preserves the non seasonal

    food and makes it availa%le all

    throughout the year


    De!reases nutritional value

    In!reases the !ost of food


    Industry and te!hnology

    re7uires high investment

    'egular usage of &ro!essed

    food !an !ause alteration in



    In!rease e!onomy of India

    *enerate em&loyment


    *ood 7uality of *oods

    Provide !om&etition to foreign


    Im&rove living standard

    Provide goods to nation at

    !hea&er rate

    Inflow of foreign reserve and

    funds for the govt.+ta#es,


    Many !om&anies are result


    In!rease in &ollution

    Sometimes &rovide &oor 7uality

    of &rodu!t for more &rofit

    La!k of te!hnology

    5na%le to utili@e all the

    resour!es effi!iently

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits



    fter going thi!k on the thing3 now time is to make a !om&lete &i!ture. 0hile

    making a &rodu!t a SK5 +Sto!k Kee&ing 5nit, of the sho& retailers think a%out

    the *M'$I +*ross Margin 'eturn $n Investment, and they &romote the %rand

    whi!h &rovide them highest. (hey e#&e!t return in the form of &rofit margin3

    !om&any s!hemes3 window dis&lay and referen!es of the sho&. mong these3

    !om&any s!hemes make the differen!es and are the highest sour!e of motivation

    after &rofit margin. 'etailing demands a !onstant &ush from the !om&any.

    Marketer needs to use advertising and %rand %uilding strategies to address the

    dis!erning %uyers and retail &ush to in different %uyers. (he manufa!turer should

    understand !onsumer %ehavior %e!ause retailers !anAt hel& 7uality and &ri!e. It is

    only u& to dealers said it is demand they sell /ritannia B: agree that at retail

    sho& it is %rand &o&ularity3 whi!h determine the &ur!hase of %is!uit.

    (here is a greater need to understand the retailer %ehavior !onsidering them as a

    team working for the !om&any may hel& them to %e atta!hed to the !om&any.

    (here should %e feeling of %elonging to the !om&any in inner of the retailers.

    Setting values !lu% for retailers so that they may e#!hange views with the

    !om&any and hel& in understanding !onsumer %ehavior.

  • 8/12/2019 8075757 Marketing Survey on Britannia Biscuits




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