
8th Grade Power Vocabulary• List will be updated with words as they are covered in class• Students are expected to keep an updated list of the words in a sheet protector in the history section of their team binder. • Quizzes will be given roughly every two weeks on these words!!!

• A law that enforced Segregation in the Southern States

Amendment ratified on January 31st, 1865

– Officially banned slavery in the United States

• Equal rights amendment; said that ALL people born or naturalized within the United States (except for NATIVE AMERICANS) were citizens

• Also guaranteed the citizens ‘equal protection of the laws.’

*ratified July, 9th 1868

Gave African-American MEN the right to

vote, went into effect in 1870

1896 Supreme Court case that determined that “separate but equal” facilities are allowed. Basically made segregation LEGAL Facts about the case…

•7 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices voted in favor of this ruling…

•The case was overturned with Brown v. Board of Education in 1954

•The case originally was about Homer Plessy, a man who was kicked off on an all-white train car despite having a ticket

Promontory Point, Utah

The location where the Central and Union railroad companies connected to for the

Transcontinental Railroad

Little Big Horn

• AKA: Custer’s Last Stand

• Sioux Indians led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeated General Custer and his entire command. Custer’s horse Comanche, was the only survivor.

Horizontal/ Vertical IntegrationHorizontal integration is when you buy the other COMPANIES you compete with

Vertical integration is when you buy companies that produce the GOODS for the final product


When a company has no competition and the result is domination of a market (Robber Baron trusts in the 1800’s achieved this)

Center that processed close to 11 million immigrants from Europe between the years of 1892 and 1954

Cool Ellis Island Facts:-was originally called “oysterIsland”-Island doubled in size due to land fill from the subway tunnels being built in Manhattan-During World War I, Ellis Island was a hospital

From Ellis Island, you would be able to see the Statue of Liberty. This is the inscription on the statue:Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Journalists who “raked up,” or exposed, corruption in society during the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s

Two important muckrakers were…

• Upton Sinclair, whose book The Jungle exposed the unsanitary aspects of the meatpacking industry in Chicago

• Jacob Riis, who showed how the working class lived and worked in New York City through his book How the Other Half Lives.

People who fought for the right to vote, for women during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s

The legal ban of the manufacture, sale, transportation, and consumption of alcohol. Progressive reformers of the late 18th century pushed for prohibition

Prohibition Facts

• Reformers reached their goal with the passing of the 18th amendment in 1920, which banned the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol

• Women were the leaders pushing for Prohibition, WHY WOULD THAT BE????

Movement to improve social and political problems in the late 1800’s. Progressive means to change or improve…

*One of the most famous progressive reformers was the Danish Photographer Jacob Riis, whose pictures of immigrant life in New York City helped to bring about change


A national policy of non-involvement in world affairs.

We will mind our own business!!Don’t get involved in

Europe’s fights

Mind your own


How America acted towards Europe before entering WWI & after

*PropagandaIdeas or information designed and spread to influence opinion.

“Make my side look good . . And your side look bad!!!”


Treaty that ended World War I, punishing Germany and made them pay reparations.


& Take Total

Responsibility! Can’t we all be Friends-President Wilson

Versailles was the grand palace of the old French Kings where the treaty was created without German input

Stronger nations bullying or

picking on smaller nations


Women who cut their hair short & wore makeup & short dresses challenging ideas of how women were supposed to behave during the 1920’s

One CRAZY thing flappers did was DRIVE AUTOMOBILES… WOW!!!

Movement of African-Americans out of the South and to Factories in Northern cities that occurred during World War I and the 1920’s

African-Americans still faced racism up north…

Name for the 1920’s that describes the popularity of Jazz music

Louis ArmstrongBessie Smith

Trial of a Tennessee high school science teacher (John Scopes) who was accused of teaching evolution

Scopes was found GUILTY and fined $100!!!! Eventually the State Supreme Court overturned the decision but the debate was on!!!

Cartoon of the Prosecutor, William Jennings Bryan

Time period from roughly 1929 to 1942 when the United States went through a huge economic downturn, or depression.

Eleanor Roosevelt

• an American political leader who used her influence as an active First Lady from 1933 to 1945 to promote the New Deal policies of her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Name given to Franklin Roosevelt’s plans to fix the Great Depression, Consisted of three goals: relief, recovery, and reform.

October 29th, 1929: The day the stock market crashed, which many state officially started the Great Depression.

Prior to the stock market crashing, there were already warnings signs of this to come, including banks closing and both farmers and factories overproducing.

Severe drought that hit the Great Plains during the 1930’s.

Causes of the Dust Bowl included: overproduction, ripping up the native grasses, and new technology.

*United NationsInternational group

created to help settle

conflicts between

nations after World

War II.

The United Nations replaced the League of Nations… a similar group the United States never joined.


Economic system where people can own their own business

Rosie the Riveter

American propaganda Character that showed that women were strong enough to work in factories at

home to help the war effort.

Location of the Japanese attack that brought the U.S. into WWII onDecember 7, 1941

Japanese Internment Camps

Remote camps where Japanese-Americans were

forced to go leaving businesses, homes and property. Racist

thoughts believed Japanese-Am. would help the Japanese during

the war.

The famous WWII invasion of NAZI-held France. Also known as the Battle of Normandy, June 6, 1944.

Manhattan Project

Secret project during WWII to build a NUCLEAR

BOMB. Working in secret cities, scientist created 3

bombs by the end of WWII. Two were dropped on


Lead scientist Dr. Robert Oppenheimer

System of government where the government controls everything from the economy to totalitarian political control. Cannot own a business

System of government with a totalitarian political control using twisted history and racism with capitalistic economy.

HOLOCAUST- The mass killings of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World

War II.Jewish prisoners were identified by numbers which the NAZIS tattooed on their arms.

ANTI-SEMITISM Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism. Used by Hitler in Germany to blame the Jewish people for Germany’s problem.

Holocaust locations that were designed to kill people through work and held Jews, Gypsies and political opponents of NAZI Germany.

NAZINational Socialist German

Worker’s Party:Fascist political party led by Adolf Hitler that took over Germany in

the 1930’s.

Militarism & Nationalism

BIG 3 & Yalta Conference

The Big Three:Roosevelt -US, Churchill-Britain,

Stalin-Soviet UnionYalta was a meeting of the Big 3 to decide how to govern Europe after Germany & Japan were defeated

Stalin: More LandFor


Churchill:I want to save

British Power & Colonies

Roosevelt: Can’t we all just get


The competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to explore space.

Joseph McCarthy’s method of accusing people of being Communists without any proof.

A “contest” where the United States and the Soviet Union rushed to build more nuclear weapons than the other.

A barrier of concrete and barbed wire that passed through Berlin, separating West Berlin from Communist East Berlin.

Global competition from 1949-1989 between the Super Powers of the United States (Democratic Capitalism)& the Soviet Union (Totalitarian Communism).Space Race/ NATO & Warsaw Pact / Arms Race / Olympics

Inspired by Gandhi, this man led the non-violent, peaceful Civil Rights Movement (by using civil disobedience) until he was assassinated.

1960’s and 70’s African American movement that focused on self-pride and self reliance. Symbolized by the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam.

Intentionally breaking laws seen as unjust and accepting the punishment as a non-violent sign of protest. Used by leaders of the peaceful Civil Rights Movement.

Law passed to guarantee equal rights for ALL Americans against segregation in response to brutality seen against peaceful protesters.

1954 Supreme Court case that overturned ‘Separate but Equal’ Segregation laws, specifically laws segregating schools.

-Fought by the NAACP, with Thurgood Marshall the main lawyer later becoming the 1st Af-Am. Sup. Court Justice

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