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8 Best Search Engine Optimization Tips “2014”Systronic IT Group

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization in 2014)

In this presentation I will told you about 12 SEO tips that will be relevant to 2014 SEO trends. Google is most popular search engine now and you must have experience that SEO is becoming very competitive and very confusing as Google updating its algorithms as Panda, Penguin and Humming Bird.Now There is good scope for ranking in SEO if it is done the right way according to Google wants it.So here I will provide the information about 12 SEO tips that should be working for future updates of Google and will help you to get good ranking.

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Keywords: Focus on topic of content

Recent update of Humming is not just an update but It was a complete change of search engine algorithm. We were focus the keywords just in title ,Description and in keywords density. This is still necessary but now your page content should have more keywords that should be relevant to your topic.

Over the years Google has studied the trend of Searches in in Search engine and has mad great effort to improve synonym identification and grouping concept. Mean your content should have many keywords that are synonym to you main keywords and also all keywords relevant to your topic. This will give Good Impression to Search Engine that the content is highly related to keywords

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Article Quality: We Longer and Meaningful ArticlesThere was a time when 250 or 300 words articles were used to get higher ranking in search engine but after the update of panda this trend is ended. Now a days you cannot continue to have such small articles on your website or website blog. Few pages your website wont be in problem if they have small content but if the bulk of the webpages are of such type then your site can get panda bait.Many website have got success due to its long content on the website near about 1500 words. Your content should b well written and should b correct according to grammatically and very meaning full. You can write your long article by creating list type or combining features and benefited this is the best way.

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Increase Audience: With Unique and Fresh ContentYour content can increase the audience (traffic) on your site. This can only be happen if you are creating fresh content I mean write some information for new topics which others have not torched upon. This is the best way to increase traffic on your website.

Writing a new content does not only help to increase traffic on your site but it is also increase the frequency of crawling and depth of your website. You content should increase the awareness and trust of the people with helpful information. Helpful information will help you with more topics to write about.

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Titles & Headers: Create Meaningful and Attention Garbing

The rule for writing SEO optimized title tag and header have not changed but there could be change in Google title tag algorithm. Can you still continue with optimizing title tag for keyword or multiple keyword? so if you are optimizing your content focused on topic and not on keyword than obviously your title should be based on topic.You have to choose right keyword that you want to use for title tag and header, consider a term which is having highest exact match search volume and optimize it to create a meaningful and attention garbing title tag. This kind of optimization will gain ranking for longtime as its social circle will also become strong.

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Keyword Stuffing: Avoid it or Hide It

Talking about keyword stuffing is like a old school talk and by now all the SEO followers know very well that keyword stuffing will be penalized. But there are some kind of website like shopping cart where it is possible that same keyword appears many times may be as a category or titles of products. So will this not affect your SEO and thereby ranking.

If your website is old and authority site than it may not get effected much but if it is new or about 2 years old than better be careful with keyword stuffing. If you want to show keyword to search engine than use HTML if you want to hide than use image, java-script or other media.

SEO Specialist Company

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URLs: Keep It Readable

Well as for URLs you can continue as you were doing earlier, that is keep the urls readable. A readable URL gets better click through rate in search engine as well as with back-links on other pages. In Google search results a better readable URL has more chance of being clicked than other short or non formatted urls.

Also if you hover mouse over a link on any webpage you can see the URL at the bottom of browser, since the anchor texts are few words the visitor may not understand the topic of that URL. But if the urls are readable than the visitor understands the topic and hence there is more chance of getting clicked, thereby traffic.

So make sure your CMS has a feature to create URL similar to that of title for that post, if your CMS is not having this feature than better change your CMS to the one where in you can create URLs as you wish it to be.

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Page Load Time: Website Speed

Although there are claims that speed of the site does not account much for the search engine ranking, but it will surely effect the visitors patience and thereby increase bounce rate. If you really want to know the speed of your website, than try to open it in a busy local network. If it can open quickly than your site speed is okay.

Remember that if the site is loading very slow than the visitor will close the window and switch to another site, this will increase the bounce rate. Google gives lot of important to the time spent by user on a particular page that is bounce rate. So your bounce rate should be low, even fraction of milliseconds can help you reduce bounce rate. So try to design sites that will load faster.

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Website Crawl: Ensure Your Website Can Be easily Crawled

Unless your webpages are not crawled they cannot appear in search engine results. So you have to make sure that all your webpages are crawl able. Also make sure you use proper meta tags like index, no index, follow tags etc. depending on which pages you want to be crawled and which you do not.

Also ensure that the search engines have crawled the webpages that have been recently updated. If you find that updated pages are not crawled than it might be problem of your domain authority. This problem can be resolved by better internal and external back-links.

You have to make efforts to get the pages you want to get ranked be crawled faster and frequently updated. Do not leave it for the chance.

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Created By :Systronic IT Group

Systronic IT Group is Business development company in Sydney Australia. We are the Best SEO Company Sydney and also provide the services of Web Development, Web Designing and SEO Services Sydney including Domain Registration and Web Hosting's At affordable price. You Can take more information by visiting our web site: or call us at: 1800 660 007

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