  • KEY



    1 - 76

    PAPER – I




    1. 1) C 2) C 3) D 4) C

    5) If I were the narrator, I would sit like a stone due

    to terrible fear.

    6) If the snake struck him, he could not survive be-

    cause there were no medicines in the room. So

    he smiled feebly at himself.

    7) No, I haven't.

    No, it wasn't. I think it was observing its own


    2. 1) D 2) A 3) C 4) A

    5) Because he had just set up medical practice.

    6) It was an outer room with one wall facing the

    open yard. It had a tiled roof with long support-

    ing gables that rested on the beam over the wall.

    There was no ceiling.

    7) Sixty rupees along with some shirts and dhotis.



    1. 8) C 9) A 10) C

    11) Roo-matiz

    12) The Duck got socks, a coat and cigars ready to

    save them from cold.

    2. 8) D 9) D 10) C

    11) Desire to see new places is a natural way to bet-

    ter oneself. Seeking others' help promotes co-

    operative living. Foreseeing the problems and

    providing solution is a good lesson.

    12) The tone of the poem is amusing. The theme of

    the poem is the wish of the Duck to go round the




    1. 8) A 9) C 10) B

    11) Bobby's mother wanted Bobby to reflect on his

    behaviour over the last year.

    12) Bobby must tell God why he deserves a bike for

    his birthday.

    2. 8) D 9) A 10) D

    11) If anyone was there in the church, they would

    scold Bobby and complain to his parents.

    12) No, I would not like the behaviour of little Bobby

    because it is a foolish thing to get things by using

    mean ways.


    �������������� ��


    1. 13. I went back into the room and sat down on the chair.

    14. I opened the box beneath the table and took out a

    book, The Materia Medica.

    15. I opened it at the table on which stood the lamp and

    a large mirror; a small comb lay beside the mirror.

    16. One feels tempted to look into a mirror when it is


    17. I took a look.

    2. 13. His birthday was coming up and he thought this was

    a good time to tell his mother what he wanted.

    14. Mom, I want a bike for my birthday.

    15. Little Bobby was a bit of a troublemaker.

    16. He had gotten into trouble at school and at home.

    17. Bobby's mother asked him if he thought he deserved

    to get a bike for his birthday.

    3. 13. It was a hot summer night about ten o' clock.

    14. I had my meal at the restaurant and returned to my


    15. I heard a noise from above as I opened the door.

    16. The sound was a familiar one.

    17. One could say that rats and I shared the room.


    1. 18) appreciated 19) reflection 20) claim

    21) certain 22) admiring

    UNIT – 1


  • KEY



    1 - 76

    2. 18) reflect 19) behaviour 20) think

    21) deserve 22) birthday

    3. 18) tempted 19) admirer 20) handsome

    21) presence 22) parting


    1. 23) knew 24) false 25) sad

    26) in 27) walking

    2. 23) strong 24) noisy 25) discussion

    26) continued 27) about

    3. 23) reflection 24) misbehaviour 25) reflect

    26) about 27) deserve



    1. Conversation between doctor and his friend :

    Prabhakar : Doctor ! What happened ? Why do you race

    in quick gasps ? Why do you come here in

    odd time like this ?

    Doctor : Let me relax first, Prabhakar.

    Prabhakar : It's ok ! Sit here. Drink this glass of water.

    Now tell me, what is your problem ?

    Doctor : You know ! Today I faced a terrible inci-

    dent which I never expect in my life.

    Prabhakar : What is it ?

    Doctor : As usual I finished my dinner. I lay down.

    But I could not sleep. So I resumed my seat

    in the chair in front of the table.

    Prabhakar : Oh ! Tell me what happened later. I am very

    eager to know.

    Doctor : You know pretty well that rats and I shared

    the room. I heard a sound coming from

    above. I thought it was the sound of rats.

    After some time there were no more sounds

    from above.

    Prabhakar : Is it ? What is wrong in it ?

    Doctor : Let me tell. Suddenly a snake fell to the

    ground and landed on my shoulder.

    Prabhakar : O God ! How did you escape from it ?

    Doctor : The snake slithered along my shoulder and

    coiled around my left wrist. I sat like a


    Prabhakar : What did you do to escape from it ? Did

    you cry out ?

    Doctor : No, I thought that I was going to die. But a

    miracle happened. The snake looked into

    the mirror and saw its reflection.

    Prabhakar : Is it ? I never heard like this.

    Doctor : Yes, I too didn't hear. Really it happened.

    The snake unwound itself and crept to-

    wards the mirror.

    Prabhakar : Can you guess any reason for this action of

    the snake ?

    Doctor : Perhaps it wanted to enjoy its reflection at

    closer quarters.

    Prabhakar : Phew ! So you ran till here to rescue your-

    self from the snake, didn't you ?

    Doctor : Yes. Exactly. Let me take a bath first. Later

    we will talk about this.

    Prabhakar : I too was frightened by listening to you. It

    is better for us to relax.

    �������1. Friday

    4th October, 2017

    10.30 p.m.

    Dear Diary,

    Oh ! God ! I am greatly shocked and frightened

    to see the full-blooded cobra which fell on me from

    the roof and coiled around my left arm. I feel so fright-

    ened as the death lurked very near to me. I can't imag-

    ine what would have happened to me, if the snake

    had stricken me. But amazingly the snake unwound

    itself from my arm and slowly crept on to the table to

    look into the mirror and enjoy its reflection at closer

    quarters. It seemed as if God heard my prayer. Re-

    ally I am thankful to God for saving me from such a

    danger. I never forget this terrible and undreamt-of

    incident in my life.

    PAPER – II��������


    1. 1. C 2. A 3. B

    4. Lalajee promised to return the author's moneywithin one year.

    5. The author felt that the poor of India were grate-ful.


    1. 6. B 7. D

    8. The intent of the nightingale was to eat the glow-worm.

    9. The night became beautiful due to the song ofthe nightingale and due to the light of the glow-worm.

    10. Both the nightingale and the glow-worm had an

    important role to play in the world.

  • KEY



    1 - 76


    1. 11. C 12. B 13. B

    14. Moti Lal wondered how the village feast was bet-

    ter than the valley feast.

    15. Kisan Lal was very happy to see his friend after

    many years.



    1. 16. After graduating from the Janta College of Com-

    merce, Amtul studied Business Administration.

    17. When she completed her school, Amtul joined

    the Janta College for Commerce.

    18. Though Amtul left the college she did not take

    the exams.


    1. 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. C


    1. 23. visited 24. troops 25. drowned 26. to nurse

    27. regimental 28. comfort


    1. 29. different 30. seriously

    31. purchased 32. womanhood



    1. Biographical Sketch


    When one mentions the Parliament House and other

    buildings with regard to architecture, the name of

    Edwin Lutyens comes on the force. The buildings

    housing the Govt. of India (under the British rule)

    bear his name prominently. Edwin Lutyens was born

    in 1871 in England. His father was in the British Army.

    Due to weakness Lutyens had no schooling at the

    early age. So he was taught in his childhood by his

    elder brother Fred. Edwin Lutyens was very good at

    mathematics. He took a great pleasure in drawing

    the sketches of huts, walls, houses and buildings. So

    he was trained in architecture at the age of 18. There

    after he became an architect par excellence. He built

    houses, buildings and other monuments in England.

    He built the Parliament House in India. He died in



    Usually my school anniversary is held in the

    month of November so that both the students and

    teachers can devote their entire time to make the

    celebrations a complete success. But this year, due

    to unforeseen circumstances it was held in the month

    of February. Though all the team events had already

    been completed in January, only the athletics compe-

    tition was kept aside for the Anniversary day. Half of

    the day was completely devoted to these thrilling

    events. The festive fever was at its peak in my school.

    The kick-off all began with the previous year's school

    champion carrying the torch escorted by two athletes

    on motor cycles. Adding colour to the occasion people

    from the nearby villages had gathered in large

    numbers to witness the anniversary celebrations of

    the school. The nearest village was as near as one

    kilometer from the school. Although our school is

    situated in the rural area, its strength exceeds 1000.

    The guest of honour was Minister of Education,

    Government of Telangana who had been invited to

    preside over the function arrived at 4 p.m. He was

    received by the correspondent and the principal of

    the school and immediately escorted to the rostrum.

    Welcoming the gathering, the headmaster of our

    school read out the annual report of the school.

    During the course of his speech he declared that one

    of our school boys had secured 10 points in SSC

    examination conducted last year, there was a thund-

    erous applause from amidst the students and teachers.

    At the end of the speech the Education Minister

    wished to meet the boy. Once again the students rose

    up and clapped for a long time. Prizes were

    distributed to the meritorious students by the

    honourable minister. Later he gave a short speech

    which was highly instructive. He stressed the need

    for the students community to keep away from

    politics and strikes as they harm both the student

    and the country. He exhorted the parents to instill

    sense of duty and discipline in the minds of their

    wards. Booklets containing minister's speech were

    distributed to all. A two-hour concert was staged to

    entertain the gathering. The function came to an end

    at 6 o' clock when our English teacher proposed a

    vote of thanks. One of the highlights of the function

    was the drama in which both students and teachers

    participated. The minister and all those who attended

    the function were thrilled.

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    3. LETTERS

    1. 5.9.2017.


    x x x,

    12/3 B Prakasam Street,



    The Post Master,

    Head Post Office,



    I am a resident of Prakasam Street. I receiveletters everyday from friends and companies. Thepostman of our locality is irregular. He is careless.He throws away the letters into our compound. If itrains, they will get wet and become unreadable.Sometimes they are blown away. He does not care toopen the gate, come in, tap our door and deliver theletter.

    In fact I have missed several letters. I doubtwhether he is tearing them off. I request you eitherto shift him to your office or give him some otherunimportant work. I am sorry to place this complaintbefore you.

    Hope you will take prompt action in this regard.

    Yours faithfully,

    x x x x x x x x.

    2. Hyderabad,


    Dear Sunder,

    Just now I received the message through Jaya thatyou were involved in an accident on 8th. It is learntthat your left leg below the knee had a fracture andyou were treated in the local hospital there for threedays as in-patient. Forget about our excursion toNagarjuna Sagar. I cancelled the excursion andinformed the same to our friends. Without you, howdiscouraging the excursion would be !

    Follow the advice of your doctor. If necessary dosome physiotherapy exercises for other joint pains,etc. I pray to God for your speedy recovery. As yourelder brother is a doctor, I am confident that you willrecover soon.

    Be cheerful. Let not the accident pull you down.

    Yours loving friend,

    x x x x x x x x.Address :

    Mr. K. Sunder,

    C/o Dr. K. Ravi Kumar,




    1. Science Festival

    - By Nikitha

    Hyderabad, October 24 : A global science festival

    was organised by the American Embassy at Delhi

    Public School, Hyderabad on October 24. To set the

    tone, a cultural show that encapsulated the dance

    performances by different schools and speeches by

    eminent educationists was conducted. Dr. Prabhakar

    inaugurated the exhibition. It was thrilling to see the

    display of models and power point presentations by

    different schools. The exchange programme proved

    to be beneficial as the young minds came across the

    scientific blend of North and South. All the presen-

    tations focused on environmental issues and how they

    could be solved.

    The exhibition truly changed the mindsets of the

    general masses to preserve environment for posterity.

    Renowned environmentalists delivered lectures and

    conducted workshops to help build the culture of

    scientific temper.

    2. Ninety Nine Students Fall Sick after Mid-Day Meal

    - By Abhilash

    Medak, March 10 : As many as ninety nine students

    of the Mandal Parishad Primary School became sick

    after consuming mid day-meal in the school. The

    children started vomiting and complaining of stom-

    achache soon after taking food. They were rushed to

    the neighbouring General Hospital for treatment. The

    General Hospital, according to sources, declared that

    there were symptoms of 'food infection' of the affected

    children, five were administered drips and the re-

    maining were given tablets. The students were kept

    under observation and none of them was reported to

    be serious. The Food Inspector also inspected the food

    served and the kitchen where the meal was prepared.

    Anxious parents were seen in front of the hospital

    gates, causing tension to the concerned public.

    5. SPEECH

    1. Worthy Principal, teachers and students.

    Today on the eve of 'The Earth Day', I, Parineeta

    Sharma, stand before you to speak on 'Environmental

    Pollution'. You will see that man has polluted the Earth

    so much that nature will take years to repair itself.

    Various pollutants pollute the Earth. These are : use

    of petrol, chemical factories giving out harmful

    smoke, use of pesticides etc. Then urbanization and

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    industrialization have greatly increased the pollution.

    The result is : global warming and climate change.

    This has affected human life. There is scarcity of rain

    where rain should come and scarcity of drinking

    water. Forests are disappearing fast and the ecological

    balance of nature has been disturbed. It is the duty

    of all of us to start a movement of awareness among

    the masses to stop further environmental pollution.

    The mother Earth needs special attention for its

    upkeep and maintaining its good health. This is

    possible only if we check the misuse of things causing


    �����!&1. POSTER


    Be healthy, be wealthy

    � Keep your surroundings clean.

    � Clean your body and be healthy.

    � Brush your teeth twice a day and be free from

    dental diseases.

    � Take bath twice a day - keep away the germs.

    � Wash your clothes daily.

    � Wash your hands before and after meals.

    � Clean your plates daily.

    � Don't forget that a sound mind in a sound body !

    So be healthySo be healthySo be healthySo be healthySo be healthy.....


    Health Club,

    ZPH School, Aswaraopet.


    1. Janakpuri,


    15 March, 2017.

    Dear Ram,

    The holidays are here at last ! How do you feel

    after the examinations ? I feel like a bird who has

    been freed from his cage. Only I have no wings. How

    I wish I could come to you to spend some time with

    you ?

    Please, come to Delhi during the vacation. We

    shall spend time visiting historical places in and

    around Delhi. There are Red Fort, Qutub Minar,

    Humayun's Tomb. Raj Ghat, etc. Besides, we will go

    to the restaurants, the concert halls, everywhere. We

    will go for picnic on the river bank. We will also go

    for shopping to Connaught Place.

    You shall not be disappointed if you want to read

    either. I shall take you to the British Library and the

    American Study Centre. You can get good books of

    your choice from there.

    I am sure you shall accede to my request and come

    soon so that we can have a lot of fun together.

    Yours lovingly,



    N. Ram

    S/o Varaprasad,

    Flat No. 63/2, Sai Nagar,


    Khammam Dist.


    PAPER – I��������



    1. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) C

    5. The snake slithered along his shoulder and coiled

    around his left arm above the elbow. Later it slith-

    ered into his lap and moved away from him. So

    the doctor smeared oil all over himself to get rid

    of the aroma of the snake.

    6. 'Life companion' refers to wife. The doctor's life

    companion is a thin reedy person with the gift of

    a sprinter.

    7. i) The thief stole all the things except his dirty vest.

    The speaker felt that it was an insult for him. He

    thought so, because the thief had such a sense of


    ii) A thief stole all the things except his dirty vest.

    'One thing' refers to the dirty vest of the doctor.

    2. 1) A 2) A 3) D 4) D

    5. The narrator was a doctor and he believed in

    making himself look handsome.

    6. If he made some silly mistake and needed to run

    away, she should not be able to run after him and

    catch him.

    7. He was humorous and a great admirer of beauty.

  • KEY



    1 - 76



    1. 1) D 2) A 3) B

    11. Though the duck wanted to go round the world it

    couldn't, because it was limited to the pond. So it

    felt bored.

    12. It wanted to go round the world.



    1. 1) C 2) B 3) A

    11. Bobby's mother asked him to think whether he

    deserved to get a bike for his birthday.

    12. Because he was a troublemaker.

    2. 1) D 2) B 3) C

    11. If I were to write one, I would very humbly re-

    quest God for a bike.

    12. Yes. I received a wrist watch as a birthday gift.


    �������������� ��


    1. 13. "...... Then write a letter to God and tell Him why you

    deserve a bike for your birthday."

    14. Little Bobby stumped up the steps to his room.

    15. Jessy, his pet dog followed him.

    16. Bobby thought for some time and sat down to write a

    letter to God.

    17. Jessy sat beside him and started watching what Bobby

    was doing.

    2. 13. I got up, lit a beedi and paced up and down the room.

    14. Then another lovely thought struck me.

    15. I would marry.

    16. I would get married to a woman doctor who had

    plenty of money and a good medical practice.

    17. She had to be fat; for a valid reason.


    1. 18) altar 19) around 20) picked

    21) slipped 22) shut

    2. 18) image 19) suddenly 20) breath

    21) quietly 22) leapt


    1. 23) gradually 24) fallen 25) sure

    26) over 27) simultaneous

    2. 23) inactive 24) surroundings 25) in

    26) felt 27) God


    1. The doctor was really in shock and was frightened

    though he was safe. He said to himself, "It is a very

    bad day today. I couldn't believe how I had controlled

    my emotions when the cobra had fallen on me and

    coiled around my left arm. I couldn't imagine how I

    sat like a stone without trembling, jumping and cry-

    ing. 'O God ! If I think about the cobra, I can't get a

    word to speak. If Imagine how the death lurks very

    near to me, I'll be a mere image cut in granite. Sup-

    pose if the snake had stricken, what would have hap-

    pened to me ? I know pretty well that I'll be dead as I

    don't have medicine in my room. Despite this dan-

    ger, I was surprised and amazed a lot as the snake

    admired its beauty in the mirror. Really I am thank-

    ful to God because he saved my life in such a way

    that nobody couldn't expect. Really it was a miracle.

    I never forget this ghastly incident in my life." So

    thinking he fell asleep.


    December 26, 2017,

    Dear Bobby,

    In your absence God sent some angels for you to

    inform you not to harm his mother Mary and that he

    would send the new red like that you wanted. As I

    got an urgent work, I had to leave home so, I left this

    message to you.

    Yours Mother.

    PAPER – II��������


    1. 1. A 2. C 3. C

    4. Sarlaben buys many bananas because she wants

    to give them to pregnant women.

    5. Sarlaben goes to the hospital situated in

    Ghatkopar and her first shift of work starts at

    10.30 a.m.

  • KEY



    1 - 76


    1. 6. C 7. B

    8. The comforts provided to the bird could not make

    up for the loss of freedom.

    9. The bird prefers to live in the green trees.

    10. 'ugly'


    1. 11. B 12. C 13. A

    14. Bonnie Bergin's life was full of struggles to reach

    her goal.

    15. Abdul would push Knaus up from her in chair

    falls, open doors, turn on lights, retrieve food and

    pushJevers to help her operate the chair and also

    lift it to her van.



    1. 16. Since he drew a line in the clay at the beginning

    of the path, Dassie's beady eyes shone eagerly.

    17. Pangolin could not run so fast as him.

    18. Pangolin, who had to carry all his heavy, clatter-

    ing scales along, was the loser by a clear distance.


    1. 19. C 20. C 21. C 22. C


    1. 23. for 24. his 25. lose 26. without

    27. so 28. never


    1. 29. are made 30. say

    31. get 32. ensure




    Mr. Vijendra Singh was born on 29th October, 1985

    in Haryana. He spent his early days in his village. He

    loved boxing and practised it in Bhiwani Boxing Club.

    Very soon he was picked up by his coach Jagadish

    Singh and soon won national championships. He

    participated in 2004 Athens Summer Olympics, 2006

    Commonwealth Games and 2006 Asian Games. In

    2008 Beijing Olympics he defeated carlos Gongora

    of Equador and won a first ever Olympic medal

    (bronze) for india. He was awarded 2009 Rajiv

    Gandhi Khel Ratna Award which is India's highest

    sporting honour. He hopes to win more medals for

    the country at international sports events.

    2. LETTERS

    1. 10.9.2017.


    x x x x,

    Temple Street,



    The District Civil Supply Officer,



    I regret to bring the following to your notice.

    I am the white ration card holder bearing the

    No. 13054 of Bhadrachalam. I have been taking my

    provisions from the Ration shop No. 19 of Bhadra-

    chalam. We are put to a lot of inconvenience by the

    dealer. The shop does not open at regular hours. It

    remains closed for days together. Whenever we ask

    for sugar and kerosene, the dealer says that the stocks

    have been exhausted. His way of dealing with custo-

    mers is not good. He does not display the stock posi-

    tion on the board.

    Hence I request you to see that the shop is kept

    open during the specified hours. Please instruct your

    Deputy Tahasildar to take early action in this regard.

    Thanking you sir,

    Yours faithfully,

    x x x x x x x x.

    2. Hyderabad,

    12th November, 2017.






    The Editor,

    The New Indian Express,

    Tank Bund Road,



    I request you to publish my letter in protest

    against the playing of loudspeakers during nights.

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    It is a well known fact that for each and every

    religious or family function, loud speakers are played.

    They are played throughout the day as well as the

    night. They cause a lot of nuisance. They create noise

    pollution. They do not allow students to concentrate

    on their studies and sick people to have some sleep.

    We are horrified at this nuisance.

    It is time that the Police Department took steps

    in this regard and stop the playing of loudspeakers

    indiscriminately. I hope all will agree with me.

    Yours faithfully,

    x x x x x x x x.




    1. A Date with the President

    - By Gautam Abhilash

    Stepping into the Rashtrapati Bhavan, talking to

    the President and dining with him, might be

    something that most of us can only dream about. But

    on February 24, 2016 our dreams were realised and

    we were invited by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to the

    Rashtrapati Bhavan. We were accompanied by Mrs.

    Namrata Gakhar and Mrs. S.S. Gupta. Our day

    started early in the morning at eight o'clock when

    we were asked to be present at India Gate. From there,

    two buses took us to the Rashtrapati Bhavan. After a

    few security checks we entered the portals of the

    residence of India's First Citizen. The lobby was truly

    impressive with the portraits of all the past Presidents.

    We got a chance to meet the family members of Dr.


    Next, we saw the Mughal Gardens. Finally we

    were taken to the Ashoka Hall. We were spell bound

    by the beautiful paintings some of which had not been

    given a face-lift since the establishment of the

    building but still looked magnificent as if they were

    set up yesterday. The ceiling had an oval centerpiece

    made of camel skin and the carpets were from Persia

    that were brought and installed in 1920 and were still


    Later, we interacted with Dr. Kalam and he told

    us that if we want to hold the same position as he

    does, the only way to do it is to 'sweat' which means

    'to work hard'. After having answered all the questions

    of the children, he shared with us his 10 point

    programme for the youth of India. He made us take

    a pledge to work for the progress, unity and integrity

    of the nation. We felt so honoured when he joined us

    for lunch. Dr. Kalam's simplicity and his philosophy

    completely mesmerised us.

    2. Workshop - Bio-diversity on Edge

    – By Nikitha / The Hindu

    Hyderabad, August 8 : The workshop was organised

    by the Department of Environment (Government of

    Telangana) in association with the Indian Enviro-

    nment Society on August 8 at Hyderabad secretariat.

    It was attended by two teachers and eight students.

    The resource persons Dr. Wadhwa, Dr. Chetna,

    Dr. Alka and Dr. Desh Bandhu imparted their

    profound thoughts that left an indelible mark on the

    audience. They stressed on biodiversity which meant

    number, variety and variability of all youth life forms

    on Earth. The workshop was divided into three

    different levels – Genetic Diversity, Species Diversity

    and Community Diversity. The objective of the

    workshop was to make the children aware about the

    conservation and sustainability of lifeform. The

    response of participating schools was quite

    encouraging and the session proved highly beneficial.

    The interactive and informative sessions conducted

    by the esteemed faculty greatly helped to change our

    mindsets towards all life forms.

    4. SPEECH

    1. Worthy Principal, teachers and students.

    Today I am here to speak to you on the important

    topic of 'Right to Education'. It is, indeed, a good step

    on the part of the government that all children must

    have a right to education. It has larger aims, that is

    to spread literacy and make the future of the country

    safe and civilized through education. Sarva Shiksha

    Abhiyaan is its part which has a comprehensive plan

    to give education. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan is its part

    which has a comprehensive plan to give education

    to all eligible children. This needs facilities at

    infrastructural levels, like furniture, books, teachers,

    etc. There is, at present a wide gap between gover-

    nment and elite schools. The government schools

    need to come at par with these schools in the form of

    infrastructure. Only then will it be possible to

    implement the RTE. If all the schools have the

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    facilities like those of these elite schools, all children

    shall get education. So all those connected with RTE,

    shall have to contribute to the scheme to make it

    successful for the sake of the country.

    Thanks a lot.


    1. Poster

    1. Municipal Corporation, Ghaziabad.

    Beware of mosquitoes !

    "Prevention is better than cure"

    * Avoid outdoor food.

    * Use mosquito repellants and nets.

    * Drink boiled water.

    * Take doctor's advice, not self med-


    * Clean your surroundings to avoid

    breeding of mosquitoes.

    * Avoid stagnation of water.


    2. Handicrafts Exhibition cum Sale

    Innovative and original products by the craftsInnovative and original products by the craftsInnovative and original products by the craftsInnovative and original products by the craftsInnovative and original products by the crafts

    women from all overwomen from all overwomen from all overwomen from all overwomen from all over

    TTTTTelangana State.elangana State.elangana State.elangana State.elangana State.

    From 15th to 25th October

    Inauguration : By Hon'ble Home Minister.

    Time : 4 p.m. on 15 October

    Venue : People's Plaza, Necklace Road,


    TSDWACRA, Arunodaya building, Nampally,


    UNIT – 2






    1. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A

    5. He felt the surface like the country road he usedto dream about.

    6. The rocks and chunks of dirt, the visions ofgolden wheat fields fill his thoughts.

    7. It was real because everything was moving inslow motion. The air around him was the purestand freshest he had ever sensed.

    2. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A

    5. He quickly interrupted his wife so that his son,Michael would not deviate from his goal.

    6. I couldn't guess whether he was surprised,thrilled or arrogant about clearing the bar at 17feet because he showed no emotion.

    7. He knew the other vaulter had missed his final

    jump by hearing the groaning of the crowd.

    3. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C

    5. The sportsman combines the grace of a gymnast

    with the strength of a bodybuilder.

    6. The thought of flying as high as a two storeyed-

    building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching

    such an event.

    7. Michael Stone's dream was to become a cham-

    pion in pole-vaulting.



    1. 8. C 9. B 10. A

    11. They practise outside, day or night, rain or shine.

    12. Though they are hurt they admit that they are


  • KEY



    1 - 76

    2. 8. C 9. A 10. A

    11. A true player has a strong, sensible mind. A true

    player never fears about success or failure.

    12. I like cricket the most. I usually never give up atthe sight of defeat. I learn from mistakes. I have

    no fear about success or failure.



    1. 8. A 9. D 10. B

    11. The collision of Sourav and Laxman while tak-ing a single in an Oval ODI.

    12. Whenever he dropped a catch he would feel sorryfor the bowler because the great effort and thechance of the bowler is floored.

    2. 8. D 9. C 10. C

    11. Playing in the under-19 grade was the huge leapfor the speaker.

    12. All the hard work and commitment that V.V.S.Laxman put in from the start of his career.

    3. 8. D 9. B 10. B

    11. V.V.S. Laxman's present hero is his father.

    12. His dream is to set-up a school and an academy.


    �������������� ��


    1. 13) But, I would feel terribly disgusted whenever Idropped a catch.

    14) I would feel sorry for the bowler who puts in sucha great effort and the chance is floored !

    15) That hurt me the most.

    16) I love to spend time with the members of my fam-ily.

    17) It gives so much of peace.

    2. 13) It was either the eruption of the people in thestands or the thump of his landing that broughtMichael back to Earth.

    14) On his back with that wonderful hot sun on hisface, he could only envision the smile on hismother's face.

    15) He knew his dad was probably smiling too, evenlaughing.

    16) Bert would always do that when he got excited,smile and then sort of giggle.

    17) What he didn't know was that his dad was hug-ging his wife and crying.

    3. 13) The pole vault is truly the glamorous event of anytrack and field competition.

    14) The sportsman combines the grace of a gymnastwith the strength of a bodybuilder.

    15) Pole-vaulting also has the element of flying andthe thought of flying as high as a two-storeyedbuilding is a mere fantasy to anyone watchingsuch an event.

    16) Today it is not only Michael Stone's reality anddream - it is his quest.

    17) As long as Michael could remember, he had al-

    ways dreamed of flying.


    1. 18) failure 19) self-belief

    20) consistently 21) contemporary

    22) delighted

    2. 18) sweating 19) quenched

    20) astroturf 21) confronted

    22) glamorous

    3. 18) influential 19) consistently

    20) amazingly 21) commitment

    22) funniest


    1. 23) more 24) to

    25) slowly 26) interruption

    27) said

    2. 23) difficult 24) performance

    25) because 26) pushes

    27) to

    3. 23) forget 24) always

    25) growth 26) described

    27) for


    �������1. Mildred Stone : Why are you crying dear ?

    (mother) I have never seen you before likethis ?

    Bert Stone : I am unable to control my

    (father) emotions.

    Mildred Stone : I know that you are crying thegreatest tears of all; tears ofpride.

    Bert Stone : Yes, see how our son has achi-eved his goal !

    Mildred Stone : Though God did a cruel trick inone angle, he rectified it in an-other angle.

    Bert Stone : Yes, though our son is blind, hewon the National Junior Olym-


  • KEY



    1 - 76

    Mildred Stone : Michael was swarmed with people

    hugging and congratulating him.

    Have you seen him ?

    Bert Stone : Yes, it is a reward for his hard

    work. It is the greatest accom-

    plishment of his life.

    Mildred Stone : Our dreams are fulfilled. I am

    proud of my precious son.

    Bert Stone : I too feel proud of him. It is a

    memorable event in our life. I

    can't forget the media attention

    and heartfelt congratulations re-

    ceived by Michael.

    Mildred Stone : Yes, dear. Let's wait to welcome

    warmly our beloved son.

    2. News Reporter : Congratulations ! Many people

    are very happy as you have won

    Junior Olympics and set a new

    world record. What is your re-

    action ?

    Michael : I am very lucky to have such sup-

    port from my people.

    News Reporter : How did you get interested in

    pole-vaulting ?

    Michael : My mother used to tell me nu-

    merous stories about flying. So

    I had always dreamed of flying.

    She is the inspiration to enter

    this field.

    News Reporter : Who is your coach ?

    Michael : My father. He was not a dreamer

    like me. I believed in his motto :

    If you want something, work for it.

    News Reporter : How did you practise daily ?

    Michael : I used to run alternate days and

    everyday with weight lifting


    News Reporter : How did your parents feel when

    you set a new world record ?

    Michael : They felt very happy. They cried

    harder than I ever seen before

    with the greatest tears of pride.

    News Reporter : Have you ever felt sorry for your

    disability ?

    Michael : No, my mother and father never

    gave a chance to think like that.

    News Reporter : What is the secret of your suc-

    cess ?

    Michael : Dedication, determination, anddiscipline.

    News Reporter : How long will you be in thissport ?

    Michael : As far as the God allows me.

    News Reporter : Thank you very much for spar-ing a few minutes for us.


    1. Wednesday,

    16th November, 2017

    10 p.m.

    Dear Diary,

    God ! I thank you very much. At last I became anOlympic champion in pole-vaulting. I can't forget howa great joy came before me when I set a new worldrecord. I felt amazing when I was swarmed withpeople hugging and congratulating me. My heartfilled with joy with all the media attention and heart-felt congratulations. How desperately I wanted to bea champion. My mother and father always wantedme to be an Olympic champion. My joy is nowcoupled as I fulfilled my parents' wish. I must gearup with this greatest accomplishment in my life.

    Michael Stone




    1. 1. C 2. D 3. C

    4. The goats harmed the dodo by eating the bushes.

    5. Dodo was not afraid of dogs because it had never

    seen an enemy.


    1. 6. C 7. B

    8. The one which disturbs the silence of the air is

    the tinkling bells.

    9. The owl complains of those who disturb his soli-


    10. The beetle's droning has been associated with the

    drowsy tinklings.


    1. 11. B 12. A 13. B

    14. Janaki proved that to be handicapped is no barto success. She became the first handicappedswimmer to part-swim the English Channel. Withher hard work, determination, courage and self-reliance she could achieve what she wanted andthus inspired the people.

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    15. Janaki's vision was to start training for the

    Paraplegic Olympics.



    1. 16. Once upon a time there lived a king in Central

    India who was handsome but very vain.

    17. I am more handsome than all the other kings on


    18. He said that he was probably more handsome

    than all the gods.


    1. 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. C


    1. 23. left for 24. to appear 25. made up 26. service

    27. against 28. because


    1. 29. will be 30. hope

    31. will justify 32. educating




    1. A.R. RAHMAN

    A.R. Rahman was born on January 6, 1966 in

    Chennai of Tamil Nadu. His real name is Dileep

    Kumar. He is raised to success as A.R. Rahman and

    became a famous director and singer. As he lost his

    father at an early age, his mother's influence is great

    on him.

    Rahman was trained under master Dhanraj and

    Illaiyaraja. He took his graduation in western classical

    music from Trinity College of Music. In his career

    the year 1992 was significant because he set up a

    recording studio and his film career began from that


    He got many awards in his career. He got four-

    teen Film Fare awards, four National Film awards,

    two Grammy awards and two Academy awards. He

    was honoured with Padma Bhushan in 2010. His

    contribution to music is immense and he is a national

    icon in music.

    2. ESSAY


    Today's exhibitions do not provide the same

    educative values rendered by them a few years ago.

    This is the feeling one gets after going round the

    different stalls. It would be apparent that the colourful

    arran-gements at the various stalls are only to earn

    money and not to provide food for thought to the


    At a recent exhibition, the section on silk sarees

    manufactured at Arni and Kanchi, did not provide

    any information on the various weaves or types of

    sarees, rather they catered to the affluent visitors who

    were given a warm reception with a soft drink! The

    object was to encourage them to buy the sarees at

    the stall. In another section dealing in generators and

    other electrical items that come to use during power

    failures, a man was found explaining the reasons for

    power cuts. He showed no enthusiasm and sales-

    manship in his work. When he explained the

    measures to be adopted during such emergen-cies,

    one of the listeners informed him that his village still

    remains to be electrified.

    There was a long queue before a small counter

    of a large tent. Enquiries revealed that some oriental

    dancers were in progress. No wonder there was such

    a huge queue before it ! Next to this tent, a man was

    seen bargaining with a coir merchant to push the

    sales of the product he was exhibiting. The next tent

    was an unusually big one. At its well decorated

    entrance, one received a warm welcome by two

    smartly dressed young ladies. In the main hall, a well

    dressed man who looked to be an engineer was

    explaining to a dhoti clad visitor from northern India

    about the progress their company had registered in

    the past two years in the manufacture of scooters.

    The visitor was the Minister for Industries, Govern-

    ment of Telangana.

    The next stall belonged to M/s Parry and Company.

    Here the visitors were given a truly sweet welcome

    with sweets manufactured and packed by an

    automatic machine! Needless to say that it was the

    most popular of all the stalls. None left without

    spending at least ten minutes watching the

    manufacture of toffees right before their eyes !

    Around 12 noon when we came out of the exhibition,

    we had bought a book on Russia that cost just three


  • KEY



    1 - 76

    3. LETTERS

    1. Malakpet,


    8 - 9 - 2017.

    My dear Srikanth,

    I am doing fine. Hope you are doing well. I am

    very happy to give you an account of social service

    activity in which I participated in our school.

    Last month we collected donations from the

    public to help the recent flood victims of our state.

    We collected fifty thousand rupees and sent it to the

    Chief Minister's relief fund. The public appreciated

    us a lot. Participating in such activities is a good hobby.

    I request you to participate in such a nice social

    service activity.

    Convey my regards to your parents.

    Yours loving friend,

    x x x.

    Address :

    P. Srikanth,

    S/o Dr. P. S. Rao,

    Sainagar Colony,


    2. Nizamabad,

    December 30, 2017.

    My dear sister,

    How do you do ? I received your letter only yester-

    day and was happy to know all about you. I was

    waiting to hear from you. I learn that you are spending

    all your time in reading your textbooks. I advise you

    to spare time say, one hour at least to read newspaper,

    especially English newspaper.

    Don't you know reading newspapers enables you

    develop vocabulary and other language skills ?

    Moreover, you will know what is happening in the

    world around you. You will know latest information

    regarding places, persons' environment and the like

    needed to the educated youth. Regular reading of

    newspapers enables you improve your language and

    writing skills, so please, do read newspapers regu-

    larly and make it a habit.

    Convey my respects and regards to all at home.

    Yours lovingly,

    x x x x.

    Address on the envelop :

    Vaidya Ramya,

    D/o Suhasini,

    H.No. 2 – 6 – 85/1,


    Nirmal – 504106.



    - by Gautam

    Hyderabad, November 10 : To showcase the rich

    heritage of dances; the dancers focused on Dandiya,

    Bharatanatyam, Bhangra and Maharastrian dance.

    The folk music, thumping of feet and the rhythmic

    beat of the drums created magical moments. The

    audience also participated by clapping at the beat of

    dances. The bamboo dance, especially the Naga

    dance were chosen to be performed again.

    The colourful dresses and the rhythmic and well-

    choreographed moves transported the audience to

    the times when folk dance and music were cherished

    and the young and the old participated with great

    enthusiasm. The children felt proud to be rooted in

    the unique cultural heritage of the country. The judges

    appreciated the initiative that aimed to instil not only

    the spirit of unity in diversity but also helped the

    students to develop a taste towards classical dances.

    The judgement based on expression, props and

    coordination declared state dancers from Tamil Nadu

    as the best, followed by dancers from Chandigarh.


    - By Abhilash

    Warangal, November 14 : Little Buds Public School

    celebrated its Annual Cultural and Athletic Meet with

    great verve anb fervour on November 14 at the school

    grounds. To commence with the programme, there

    was the traditional lighting of the torch followed by

    march past by the Rajkumar band. Present on the

    occasion were many dignitaries and luminaries from

    diverse fields.

    The choir group thrilled the audience with their

    melodious songs and dance performances. The

    choreography was simply par excellence. It was

    followed by the prize distribution ceremony. Special

    awards for excellence in varied sport-disciplines,

    music and art were conferred on the meritorious

    students. Vandana was awarded the best female

    athlete of the year and Gautam was awarded the best

    male athlete of the year. The school principal congra-

    tulated the achievers and encouraged them that they

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    were indeed the role-models for other students. The

    athletic feats of the performers won the hearts of the

    audience. Even the Guest of Honour was forced to

    laud the synergistic efforts of the competitors. It was

    indeed a spectacular event that had left an indelible

    mark on the audience.

    5. SPEECH

    1. Worthy Principal, teachers and students.

    Today I, Monica/Manish, am here to speak on the

    'Value of Games and Sports in Life.' I hope all of you

    know that both studies and sports and games are

    necessary for the full human growth. Studies enlig-

    hten the mind and sports and games build up good

    body. Then a healthy mind remains in a health body.

    Proper food and physical exercises are, therefore,

    necessary for keeping body in proper shape. It all

    means that sports and games should go together in

    educational institutions. Secondly acade-mics are a

    field to make a good career, one can make a good

    career in sports and games also. We know it very well

    that in the modern times, sportspersons get in the

    limelight, when they bring glories to the nation by

    winning medals from abroad. All these show that

    sports and games play an important role in life.

    Thanks a lot.


    1. POSTER1.

    Modern Public School, Secunderabad



    A dance - drama

    Date : 28 February, 2018 Time : 8 p.m. onwards

    Venue : Ravindra Bharati

    Chief Guest : Shri Ashmita Mukherjee Starring

    Director : Mr. George Verghese Parimala

    Choreographer : Prem Kumar Roshan


    Rate of Ticket � 300 Vaheeda

    Entry by tickets only Tickets available at school office

    Modern Public School, Secunderabad



    Cultural Programme

    on the occasion of the School Anniversary

    Venue : School Auditorium

    Chief Guest : Mr. Harish Rao, M.L.A

    Guest of honour : Mr. Vijay Kumar, D.E.O

    President : A. Padmavathi, Headmistress

    Welcome Address : N. Satyanarayana, English Teacher

    Cultural Programmes

    1. Dance : Two folk songs by Madhu and Radhika

    2. Song : A patriotic song by Mounika and group

    3. Skit : The Dear Departed by Students of Class X

    Vote of thanks : Mr. K. Venkateswarlu, Social Studies


    On 11th November, 6 p.m. onwards

    All are welcome.


    The Secretary

    Cultural Club.





    1. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A

    5. Michael's father was crying harder than Mildredhad ever seen before.

    6. Michael was swarmed with people hugging andcongratulating him.

    7. He had increased his personal best by 9½ inches.

    2. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A

    5. The motto of Michael's father is : "If you wantsomething, work for it !"

    6. Michael's mother had much excitement and pas-sion for flying. Hence she read him numerousstories about flying.


  • KEY



    1 - 76

    7. Michael's mother's stories had a great impact onMichael since his childhood. She told him a num-ber of stories about flying as he was growing up.She described the land from a bird's-eye view. Herexcitement and passion for details made Michael'sdreams full of colour and beauty. He developedpassion and love for flying.

    3. 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. A

    5. Michael's personal best was 16 feet 9 inches. TheNational record was 17 feet 6½ inches.

    6. He envisioned his mother because she alwaysused to tell him whenever he felt tense, anxiousor even scared, to take deep breaths.

    7. He experienced anxiety, tension, nervousnessbecause he was attempting his final jump at theNational Junior Olympics. He overcame the ten-sion by taking deep breaths. It is usual becauseanyone would feel the same emotions as it was

    the deciding event.



    1. 8. A 9. A 10. B

    11. Mistakes

    12. Complaining about play time is an unacceptablecrime of a player.


    �������"���1. 8. C 9. B 10. A

    11. No; the World Cup

    12. The Test series against Australia in 2001.

    2. 8. A 9. A 10. A

    11. Handling success and failure with equal ease.

    12. The time when he had to prefer cricket to aca-demics.


    �������������� ��

    ������!�"���1. 13) He rolled over and did his ritual of three finger-

    tipped push-ups.

    14) He found his pole, stood and stepped on the run-way that led to the most challenging event of hisseventeen year-old life.

    15) The runway felt different this time.

    16) It startled him for a brief moment.

    17) Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay.

    2. 13) It was when I had to prefer cricket to academics.

    14) That was the toughest moment of my life.

    15) Though there was always the dream to play for

    my country, I also had a natural desire to be a

    doctor, coming from a family of doctors.

    16) Luckily, my father gave me the complete freedom

    to choose any one of the two.

    17) Here the role of my uncle Baba Mohan was very

    crucial along with some of the coaches then.


    1. 18) chores 19) obsession

    20) 'free dreaming' 21) interrupted

    22) reward

    2. 18) swarmed 19) accomplishment

    20) Junior 21) heartfelt

    22) never


    1. 23) for 24) was

    25) ordinary 26) best

    27) Clear

    2. 23) shallow 24) child

    25) was 26) in

    27) around



    1. I know it is time for my final jump. Since the other

    vaulter had fewer misses, I needed to clear this vault

    to win. If I miss, I will get second place. Nothing to

    be ashamed of. But why would I allow myself the

    thought of not winning first place ? Why this runway

    felt different this time ? Why it is startling me ? Why

    it all hit me like a wet bale of hay ? I think the inten-

    sity of the moment filled my mind with anxiety. Oh !

    I began shaking off the tension from my body. My

    body is not working. I am feeling more tense. Why is

    this happening to me now ? Why are this fear and

    nervousness shaking me ? I have never experienced

    these feelings. I must overcome all this. I have to do

    something. From the deepest depths of my souls, I

    envisioned my mother. What was my mother doing

    in my thoughts at a time like this ? Yes, I remember

    she always used to tell me whenever I felt tense, anx-

    ious or even scared, to take deep breaths. So I will do


  • KEY



    1 - 76


    1. Message

    16th Nov, 2017.


    Michael called on phone today when you were

    away. He is leaving for New York for National Pole-

    vaulting Competition at 4 a.m. tomorrow. Please get

    his bag packed as he will be back home in the

    evening after practice.





    1. 1. B 2. A 3. C

    4. The mineral oil comes from the Earth. The re-

    fined mineral oil gives us petrol.

    5. The old ships used to burn coal.


    1. 6. D 7. B

    8. The poet speaks about poor babies in the poem.

    9. The poet is angry with miserly people.

    10. The poet comments on the song of the children.


    1. 11. B 12. C 13. A

    14. Har Singh was unfortunate as he did not know

    how to climb a tree.

    15. The act shows their grit and determination.



    1. 16. He went straight to a village where the commu-

    nist violence was daily expected.

    17. He appealed to them to treat him as their fifth

    son and give him his share.

    18. The landlords' imaginations were touched by him.


    1. 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. C


    1. 23. every 24. is completed 25. regimented

    26. and 27. an 28. to remain


    1. 29. believe 30. has been using

    31. had 32. made





    Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India. He

    was born on 15th October 1931 at Rameswaram in

    Tamil Nadu. His mother was Ashiamma and father

    Jainulabdeen. He did his schooling at Rameswaram.

    His childhood friends are Ramanadha Sastry,

    Aravindan and Sivaprakasan.

    He studied at St. Joseph's College in Tiruchirapalli

    and completed his professional course at Madras

    Institute of Technology. He stepped into the shoes of

    many professions such as a professor, author and an

    aerospace scientist.

    He was elected as 11th President of India on 25th

    July 2002. He played a key role in the evolution of

    ISRO's launch vehicle programme and in the

    operationalisation of AGNI, PRITHVI missiles.

    The four important literary pursuits of Kalam are

    'Wings of Fire', 'India 2020 - A Vision for the New

    Millennium', 'My Journey' and 'Ignited Minds'. He was

    honoured with a honorary doctorate from 30

    universities. He got awards like Padma Bhushan in

    1981 and Padma Vibhushan in 1990. He also got the

    most prestigious award Bharat Ratna in 1997.

    2. LETTERS

    1. Hyderabad,

    15 - 9 - 2017.

    Dear father,

    I am doing fine. Hope you are all doing well. I am

    studying well.

    My friends and teachers are planning to go on an

    excursion to Delhi in the first week of next month. I

    too would like to go along with them.

    Please permit me to go on the excursion. So please

    send me one thousand rupees. Convey my love to

    mummy and best wishes to brother.

    Yours Lovingly

    x x x x x x x x.

  • KEY



    1 - 76


    Sri P. Chandra Sekhar,


    11 - 63 - 6, Prasanthi Nagar,


    2. 12th November, 2017.


    x x x x x x x x,

    H. 2/15, Lalita Nivas,

    New Ashok Nagar,



    The Editor,

    The Times of India,



    I shall be thankful if you publish my letter in your

    daily newspaper. The matter is of public safety and


    Ours is a newly formed colony with scattered

    houses. The frequent thefts are causing us a lot of

    worry. On 10th of this month, the house of an

    Assistant Engineer was looted when the inmates went

    to Yadadri. The same night some thieves entered the

    house of a retired railway employee. The members

    of the family went to attend a marriage function in


    Yesterday the thieves entered the Ramalayam

    temple and took away the idol - jewels worth about

    one lakh. These reports were lodged with the police.

    So far no clue has been detected regarding the thefts.

    Due to these frequent thefts, we are spending

    sleepless nights. I request the police department to

    intensify night patrolling. We are also ready to help

    the police in the night patrolling.

    Yours faithfully,

    x x x x x x x x.



    - By Nikita

    Hyderabad, February 15 : Lovely Public School cele-

    brated its Annual Day on February 15. The district

    collector graced the occasion with his presence, as

    the chief guest. The event began with the lighting of

    the lamp. The mesmerizing invocation song set the

    mood for a memorable evening. The school choir

    sang melodious songs which touched almost every

    heart. The glorious achievements of school were

    highlighted by the principal. The students who

    excelled in academics and co-curricular activities

    were awarded and motivated by the chief guest and

    the principal. A colourful cultural extravaganza

    "Shunya se Anant Tak" based on the theme was

    presented by the enthusiastic and exuberant students.

    It showcased the journey of human existence from

    the birth of the universe to the present day. It bubbled

    with scientific and techno-logical developments that

    influence every aspect of mankind. The element

    dance, and the Robotics - dance stole the show.

    The Chief Guest addressed the gathering by

    sharing his experiences and motivational thoughts.

    The Guest of Honour and the Chairman of the school

    encouraged and motivated the students. The special

    invitee, Mr. Rajanikanth - a renowned theatre and a

    movie actor motivated the young scholars to excel in

    their respective fields. The school also released its

    Annual News letter commemorating the

    achievements and activities of the school. It also

    showcased the literary acumen of the students. The

    vote of thanks was moved by the Head girl. The event

    ended with the national anthem.


    - By Gautam / Gowthami [Student reporter]

    Hyderabad : 12 September, 20xx

    Keeping in view the frequent occurrences of

    earthquakes, Wisdom Public School, Hyderabad in

    association with the Indian Red Cross Society,

    organised a talk on Disaster Management. Around

    120 teachers and 300 students from various

    educational institutions participated in the workshop.

    Mr. Mohinder Singh, the society secretary was the

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    main speaker. He cited statistics from World Disaster

    Report and identified the areas which are more

    vulnerable to earthquake in the states. He also

    explained the precautionary measures to be taken

    by the public and the government in case of emer-

    gency. The session included a multimedia presenta-

    tion on the alternate in the disaster struck areas of

    Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan. Mrs. Pauline,

    secretary 'Seva an NGO' was the other resource person.

    She focused on the capacity assessment, highlighted

    the problem of rehabilitation and relief work. Mock

    evacuation drill was also conducted by the volunteers

    from the NCC team of the school. The workshop was

    really enlightening for one and all.

    4. SPEECH

    1. Should School Children be Sent to a Hostel ?

    (Against the motion)

    Mr. Chairman Sir,

    I am Gautam. I stand here to speak against the


    'Should school children be sent to a Hostel ?' is

    highly debatable. On the one hand, it tends to help

    the students to rise higher in their careers, on the

    other it makes them highly homesick and

    unsuccessful. Students in hostels are exposed to

    grave risks of life, like maladjustment, drugs, child

    abuse, poor food and poor health. Besides, their

    family ties, values and parental love get ignored. All

    this puts them in isolation and loneliness. Alienation

    and psychological complexes develop. They find

    studies highly boring and burdensome. As a result,

    they feel disoriented towards good careers. On the

    other hand, they tend to be susceptible to depression

    and tension. They need family support, good

    friendship, friends to spend time with and seek help

    in studies. But these are not possible when they are

    in hostels. So hostels become prison houses for them.

    Therefore, I am of the opinion that school children

    should not be sent to a hostel.


    1. POSTER



    Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad

    On the Occasion of The Laughter Day



    For the best piece of writing on


    The Award Annually Honours Writers, Journalists,

    Poets, Essayists, Cartoonists and Lyricists


    1. Stories

    2. Songs

    3. Poems

    4. Essays

    5. Articles

    6. Cartoons


    1. Nalgonda,

    15 December, 2017.

    My dear Krishna,

    Writing after rather a long time. Hope you are all

    fine there. I'm writing now mainly to invite you to

    our village on the occasion of Annual District Sports

    Meet being conducted in our village on 23, 24 and 25

    December. As you know, I am the Secretary of

    Vivekananda Youth Club that has for years been

    actively working for the integrated development of

    rural India. Apart from educative, developmental,

    cultural and social events, we conduct sports

    competitions every summer. All traditional rural

    sports are given equal importance and you will be

    really surprised to find such a variety. You can also

    Deadline for Entries

    9th August

    For Further information and

    submission of published entries


    The President.




    Contact No. 98xxxxxx49Each Award Carries

    � 10,000

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    spend a day at the famous hill temple of Lord Laxmi

    Narasimha near our village. Do come a day ahead of

    the beginning of the mega event.

    Your loving friend,



    P. Krishna,

    S/o Purushottama Rao,

    Flat No. 36/2, Radhakrishna Nagar,


    Nalgonda Dist.

    UNIT – 3




    1. 1) A 2) C 3) B 4) C

    5) Because Swami broke the panes of the venti-lators

    of his room.

    6) The words of Swami, 'Don't beat me, sir. It pains,'

    made the headmaster bring down the cane four

    times again.

    7) Swaminathan was going to be dismissed from


    2. 1) D 2) A 3) D 4) A

    5) The headmaster is going to punish the students

    who have misbehaved.

    6) Some of the students broke the panes of the

    ventilators of headmaster's room. Swaminathan

    was one among them. So he wished that he had

    not been in the class that time.

    7) Some of the students broke the panes of the

    ventilators of the headmaster's room. That was

    the thing to be greatly ashamed of.

    3. 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) C

    5) The headmaster punished Swami for breaking

    the panes of the ventilators of his room. Swami

    could not bear the pain of whacks and his

    mischievous behaviour was proved. He felt

    ashamed of coming to school. Hence he muttered


    6) I don't justify the headmaster's behaviour. Giving

    corporal punishment is not the solution for

    correcting the mischievous behaviour of children.

    It needs good counselling and patience and the

    headmaster should make the children reflect on

    their behaviour. If the headmaster did not beat

    Swami severely, he would not take the decision

    of leaving the school.

    7) If I were in Swami's place, I would never leave

    the school, I would realise my mistake and apolo-

    gise to the headmaster. I promise him to behave

    good in future and keep it up forever.



    1. 8) A 9) A 10) D

    11) As each day grew longer, trust between the boy

    and the teacher became stronger.

    12) The boy was afraid that the trust between his

    teacher and him would slowly fade.



    1. 8) D 9) B 10) A

    11) The large amount of homework given to students

    is the reason for the insufficient amount of sleep.

    12) It can limit the children's participation in after

    school activities.

    2. 8) D 9) A 10) B

    11) Children will practise copying homework and

    cheating in tests. These bad habits will haunt kids

    through their lives.

    12) Yes, he is criticising the excessive amounts of

    homework throughout the passage.


    �������������� ��


    1. 13) It was an intolerable sight.

    14) Swaminathan was in acute suspense lest that

    head should turn and fix its eyes on his;

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    15) he felt that he would drop from the desk to the

    floor, if that happened.

    16) The pink ears three benches off made him

    incapable of speech.

    17) If only somebody would put a blackboard between

    his eyes and those pink ears !

    2. 13) Homework has historically been given to students

    to reinforce what they learn at school, and

    ultimately to help them learn the material better.

    14) However, too much homework is not helpful, and

    can be counter-productive.

    15) Excessive amounts of time spent on completing

    homework can take away the kid's social life,

    family time, and it limits their participation in

    sports or other activities.

    16) The amount of homework a teacher has to give

    to a student should be restricted.

    17) Critically acclaimed author, Tamim Ansary

    reports that since 1981, the amount of homework

    given to an average sixth class child has incre-

    ased by more than fifty per cent.

    3. 13) The large amount of homework is causing kids

    in both high school and junior high school to be

    up until midnight or later.

    14) When extracurricular activities such as sports,

    clubs, etc., are added to the picture, kids may even

    have to wake up early next morning to finish their

    homework, leaving them with an insufficient

    amount of sleep.

    15) Some parents and teachers argue that it would

    be beneficial to a child's academics to limit after

    school activities.

    16) However, cutting the time out of the few hours a

    week teenagers use for exercise, could be a factor

    in the growing obesity cases.

    17) The number of children who are overweight has

    doubled in the last two to three decades.

    4. 13) The use of homework is effective when used by

    the rule "less is more".

    14) Overwhelming kids with loads of homework can

    cause them stress and possible physical injury.

    15) Homework takes away from the small amount of

    time kids get to spend with their parents and


    16) A limit on their physical and social activities can

    also take a large toil on their lives, and could

    hinder their health and future relationships.

    17) This is not to say that homework should be

    abolished, but it should be limited.

    5. 13) The headmaster entered the class with a slightly

    flushed face and a hard ominous look in his eyes.

    14) Swaminathan wished that he had been any-where

    but there at that moment.

    15) The headmaster surveyed the class for a few

    minutes and asked, 'Are you not ashamed of

    coming and sitting there after what you did

    yesterday ?'

    16) Just as a special honour to them, he read out the

    names of a dozen students or so that had attended

    the class.

    17) After that he read out the names of those that

    had kept away, and asked them to stand on their



    1. 18) impulse 19) absent

    20) attendance register 21) stoned 22) cap

    2. 18) burnt 19) flood 20) restrained

    21) grasping 22) muttering

    3. 18) large 19) midnight

    20) extracurricular 21) added 22) may

    4. 18) effective 19) Overwhelming

    20) cause 21) physical injury 22) their

    5. 18) illiterate 19) neighbours

    20) perspiration 21) could 22) about


    1. 23) large 24) preparation 25) for

    26) is becoming 27) decreasingly

    2. 23) aspects 24) generally

    25) childhood 26) spent 27) a

    3. 23) historical 24) learn 25) better

    26) helpless 27) Excessive

    4. 23) literate 24) neighbourhood 25) possibly

    26) since 27) with

    5. 23) exited / left 24) look 25) at

    26) surveying / survey 27) asked

  • KEY



    1 - 76



    1. Conversation between Swami and his father :

    Swami's father : My dear Swami, why are you

    looking so dull ? Why haven't you

    gone to school today ?

    Swami : Daddy, I don't like the school.

    The headmaster beats me every


    Swami's father : Why does your headmaster beat

    you everyday without any reason

    ? I'm sure you must be causing a

    lot of nuisance in school.

    Swami : No, dad. The headmaster beats

    all my friends in the same way.

    Swami's father : OK. What do you want to do now ?

    Don't you go to school and

    continue your studies ?

    Swami : No, dad. I'll join some other


    Swami's father : Don't be stupid. I will come to

    your school and talk to your


    Swami : No, don't come. My headmaster

    will be deaf to your request.

    Swami's father : Don't worry. I will request him

    to excuse you.

    Swami : He won't excuse me. He will beat

    again after your departure.

    Swami's father : How could he do like that ? Don't

    think in such a way.

    Swami : No, dad. I don't want to study in

    that school. Please join me in a

    new school.

    Swami's father : OK, be calm at present. Things

    will settle in time. I'll think and

    take a decision.

    Swami : Thank you dad.

    2. SKIT

    The scene : Classroom

    [The Headmaster enters the class with a slightly flushed

    face and has an ominous look in his eyes.]

    Children : Good morning, Sir !

    Headmaster : Are you not ashamed of coming and

    sitting there after what you did

    yesterday ? Swami, Raju, Suresh,

    Rajesh get up and stand on the desk.

    Now tell me why you didn't come to

    school yesterday.

    Raju : I got a headache.

    Headmaster : Bring a medical certificate.

    Suresh : Someone told me that there would be

    no school. So I went back home.

    Headmaster : Stupid, why didn't you come to school

    and verify ? Ten days attendance

    cancelled, two rupees fine and stand

    whole day on the desk.

    Rajesh : My grandmother died suddenly.

    Headmaster : Bring a letter from your father

    otherwise you will be suspended for 15


    Swami : (Stands silently)

    Headmaster : Why did you keep away yesterday ?

    Swami : No - No.

    Headmaster : Idiot, stupid (many raps on Swami-

    nathan's body from the headmaster's


    Swami : I ....... I ......... couldn't come.

    Headmaster : Is that so ? (Turning to a boy said) Bring

    the peon. (Peon enters the classroom)

    Peon : Didn't I see you break the panes ?

    Headmaster : Of the ventilators in my room ?

    (Headmaster beats Swami in a bitter


    Swami : Don't beat me, sir, it pains.

    Headmaster : Idiot, stand on the desk, till I announce

    your dismissal.

    Swami : I don't care for your dirty school.

    [Jumps down and weeps and with

    rolling tears leaves the school.]


    1. Friday

    25th October 2017

    9 p.m.

    Dear Diary,

    What a wretched school ! How cruelty has taken

    the shape of this headmaster ? Don't they under-

    stand our feelings ? Weren't they too children at one

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    time ? Didn't they cause any nuisance when they

    were children ? Yes, I did break the panes in a

    moment of childish behaviour. Have I not been

    honest in not denying the charge ? Is it not enough

    to scold us in the whole class ? He went on insulting

    us, beating us and threatening us with dismissals. Is

    that the way to correct us ? Shouldn't they give us a

    chance to set ourselves right ? I wish I weren't a

    student of this horrible school. Thank God ! At least

    now, I gathered enough courage to come out of the

    school. I can join some other school. I think any other

    school will definitely be better than this bloody

    school. Any how, I too should and will be more

    careful about my behaviour and friends. I should

    think of my studies and my parents too. Yes, in one

    way, the incident is a lesson for me. I should make

    utmost use of it !


    PAPER – II


    1. 1. C 2. A 3. B

    4. For a majority of Indian working women family

    is more important than the job.

    5. Indian working women have practically no time

    for personal needs.


    1. 6. C 7. B

    8. The similarity between the cloud and the poet is

    that both of them move on aimlessly without any


    9. The poet was happy because there was happi-

    ness all around.

    10. The waves seemed to be less happy than the daf-



    1. 11. C 12. A 13. A

    14. Nick could not talk as he was badly hurt by

    Mother's refusal.

    15. The narrator told a lie that half of the expense of

    the pail was paid by him.



    1. 16. Broken biscuits will be given to us by them.

    17. don't they ?

    18. He agreed that they were not producing anything

    like they had done the previous year.


    1. 19. B 20. D 21. C 22. A


    1. 23. which 24. at 25. is 26. growing

    27. to feed 28. continues


    1. 29. advise 30. advocated

    31. to leave 32. holding


    1. Biographical Sketch


    Amitabh Bachchan is the megastar of Bollywood film

    industry. His father is Harivansh Rai Bachchan. He

    took his B.Sc., from Delhi University.

    He is a famous Hindi film actor. Now he is acting

    in prominent roles in films and even in television.

    He was the winner of the National Award for Best

    Actor for four times. He also won the majestic 'Film

    Fare Award' for five times. He was declared as the

    'Star of the Millennium' by distinguished panel of


    The Indian Government honoured him with the

    Padma Vibhushan award.

    He got married to Jayabaduri. He is blessed with

    a son and a daughter. The new role of Amitabh is



    India has more child workers than any other

    country in the world. This incidence is increasing day

    by day. In our country, one-third of the houses have a

    working child and one-fourth of the children in the

    age group 5-15 are employed. Over twenty percent

    of the country's GNP is the contribution of child

    labour. According to a rough estimate, there are

    around 50 million child labourers in India. Such

    children are deprived of much needed love of their

    parents. They are denied opportunities for growth,

    development, learning, etc. They are subjected to

    hard labour with meagre wages. As they have no

    legislature or union, demands for better facilities on

    wagehike cannot be raised by them.

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    Hard labour for long hours mars the children's

    world of imagination. It kills their creativity by

    pushing them into a mechanised way of life. Their

    tender mind and tiny limbs cannot withstand the

    work-load they are subjected to. The result would be

    disastrous. Soon, they start suffering from diseases

    such as asthma, tuberculosis, skin problems, etc.,

    besides they are more and more likely to lose one of

    their limbs or both while working. Some child

    workers take even country liquor, opium, marijuana

    and other drugs to get rid of exhaustion. Their

    disturbed childhood also tempts to indulge in crimes.

    Sexual perversions are also witnessed among them.

    We have to act rapidly to melt away this serious

    problem. The ultimate objective of any sane society

    should be the abolition of child labour. Our Indian

    Government prohibits the employment of children

    in hazardous jobs.

    The west may save its conscience by banning

    carpet imports from India only because of the tender

    hands that have suffered in making them. But, we

    have to think practically also about the plight of the

    children. If they are suddenly deprived of their

    livelihood, a viable social security scheme endorsed

    by legislation only will be to their rescue.

    3. LETTERS

    1. 10.8.2017.


    Regd. No. x x x x x,

    Rama Rao pet,



    The District Collector,



    I request you to go through my grievance. The

    local Assistant Polling Officer asked me to get my

    photograph for the identity card from the Mandal

    Revenue Office. It happened on 3rd January.

    I went to the M.R.O's office a dozen times last

    month to collect my identity card. I failed to get it.

    They said that it would take some more time. In fact,

    I was driven from pillar to post. I am vexed and

    frustrated at the things going on in the M.R.O.'s office.

    As the elections are approaching, I request you

    to take action in this regard and see that I get my

    identity card at an earliest.

    Thanking you, sir,

    Yours faithfully,

    x x x x x x x x.




    x x x x x x x,

    Krishna Nagar Colony,



    The Chairman,

    Medak Zilla Parishad,



    I am a resident of Krishna Nagar Colony of

    Medak. I am the Secretary of the Colony Association.

    I would like to bring the following to your


    The Government Hospital is located in the

    outskirts of our town. The road leading to it comes

    under Zilla Parishad. It has many ups and downs.

    The surface of the cement road is peeled off. There

    are pot holes and ditches. During rainy season water

    gets stagnated in low lying areas. There had been

    many accidents also there. The patients are facing a

    lot of difficulty to reach the hospital.

    Our earlier appeals to repair the road have not

    been attended to. Hence I request you to take personal

    interest in this regard and see that the road is repaired

    at an earliest. The residents of our colony are ready

    to offer 'Shramadan'.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Yours faithfully,

    x x x x x x x x.



    1. Tree Plantation Drive

    - by Abhilash / The Hindu

    Hyderabad, July 29 : The young environ-

    mentalists undertook the tree plantation drive on July

    29 at the Ridge road adjoining Rajendra Nagar. The

    whole-hearted participation from the students,

    parents and teachers, undoubtedly, facilitated

    environmental awareness among the knowledge -

    community and the general public. Dr. Gautam

    lauded the efforts of the school towards the

    betterment of the society. He stressed that it was

    imperative for the first generation to learn about

    environmental care and augmentation.

  • KEY



    1 - 76

    Children also participated in painting competition

    and numerous fun-filled activities like wall climbing,

    rope-ladder and horse riding. Everybody hummed the

    tunes of the tree-songs that were continuously played

    in the background.

    2. Truck Rams into Bus : 4 Injured

    – By Gautam (Staff correspondent)

    Subhash (17) would not have been writing his

    Grade XII Board Examination, had he not had a

    providential escape with minor injuries in a road

    accident that took place yesterday near Transport

    Nagar, Agra.

    The bus (UP – 12 AG 4240) he was travelling by,

    met with an accident as it collided with a truck laden

    with steel

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