Page 1: · 7r^K])_A (ituation by an experienced, **r>* \~Zrtmi »be weoevp-ieot wkii ebe-ge ic/../^.^._ _. rlaMBl«^nTAKTVlr-BywmmWilutiioa ProtestAnt. rV-dvh*2

7r^K])_A (ituation by an experienced,**r>* \~Zrtmi »be weoevp-ieot w kii ebe-ge


nTAKTVlr-By a ProtestAnt. rV-dvh woman.

rlaMBl«^ wmmWilutiio *2 ironic m

sr*v--'».... . *__s/_t.=-WANTED.By . retpectable )<-uni( Woman, a

*iTiiATio*>i .. ..Rt,v::,r.'Ä.1 riiin c«t ...»mm> Batata] rtaja r*'t,or ...m

S^oclTbr^^ .'"«- A»" * N°- " U,W>t~"

at, ¦<.( Hmim «p *.*¦*._.-.-1-i_rXWTVD.By a joum; oil! » situation to

W .»^a"r-..b-,orCh.d^\ apAM» RTE - <, la s lOod Weaker IMI HoMi. so Chamf ".- Warier. CtwaVlM pre«errel. tad Vs wiMo« to payklithe» «B P-t~. tM«I M eweeaetNo .-it Boe-ry,

Elsweier en4BeWart aptfare dieennekert, where

the boat Watt* .l*.»"--nj1?-?: be^ejitaioed_"_T YOUNG LADY, a k-raduatt! of a fir-it-class__ aaaaibsri ar_abana.Iaaaaelaaatla Tracht-.« the Lm-

^iifiit.r.tono' a thorough K'g _h Ede-eti-m;I, al.aV taalh« relltseett of Drawing, desires a sitaedocLTfr.ACHBR la a Piifate Pamilj or nri'eiit lost, a"-a

_°<_Li aratVr to dtT'.'a aieet of bertiaaeti tnatra't oti In _o

Z tainl'j *.«'*.. '»*Oac«._

ÄHOME mav be found for an Orphan Boy,.boat I* yea" »14. er> seeni» erd ineka bima-if geoerefle

.1,11, a Hardware Htere, la ih« cut Hernes-

Tiiaiaii-f-^ »od write a fair »and. Addrea« at C Triauoa

Oatta.__ACAPABLE M\N wirbe» a »ituati»n a*

rotCHMA**; W astalwh and earefnl diieer. an! noler-

Mend, the care of faat h-»s»s. H*e Meed for tbe laat ore ya.nIn hla iaa» aliaailoa a»d baa tba b-at of dtp rsfel » - Call or

addraasJ C.Wa. ) 24 East 9 taHA_

ASMART, inta-lli^ont, faithful Boy, who ranre*-* rep'In t copy erd repidlr. caa oitetn a

SITUATION ay a»pl)ta| at No 9> Cllf et,, flfih floor.

ASINGLE f'Ol.OREI» MAN wante a aituati >n

at COACH M A1 or aa P'jRTKfl m a Mtcre He iboraaajk j eraser.t»nf« Iba c rl and ->f hireee. Hehaadr feet t\.r taao )eere !n tbia rite 9an p-odoca «atlefaetoryre'eretca fioaa bit prearnt etnp jor. Addt aa No 21 WnJI-Ir aloe plat e_

N Krifiiah Protaatunt Eariner, (ana Wife,wi b- ii la I tboroapbly ac.-i»Inted arllb Am»r

Kan Pare lr( and beat; I tbe >»at of teeommeodatbraa wiabealo VA ORA a f Alal on tf'i A RE4 "r ottaar alee. App'y a', the

C__pa Nee 18 tad 14 Aa»or place Hb-at_N Ezpr-rie-m^d I AKM KK and <i A\iDENER,arba fboio .»». -. aadetttaadf tbr rare of Cattle, ertntf

eir.pieyeaeat A aver aat'ef<ctorr rafrreoee (leeo A ). «.

H Ii Rna No ppr, Tr bunt atatlnf arbor" an in

Irtelee» a. If hi be bad]_ _

I>OY WANi ED. Wantfl iinm.-.liau-lv. an «r-

I> lire, laul'lfent AOY erhocenlr.T rYPR. and READMANCdl RHT I OP If rloently. None a-ed apply arbo are atail cenrleBt la either of ibeee No 12 Rpreae at, bib atoiT

OY WaNTELÖTu r whoieaale Dry Palary, * f the Rrat year. Addraaa JOHNSON,

Bo» 7AI Pi a. Off r. __


aiely la aOeatl-raen e famliy-CO iR.r.HaM dER_ *lD,bfAN-VVAITER end BOT at «o. I# ffrand at.

COOK WANTED.In a private family in Brook-lya aProteatant tVoxta, lo COOK WASH aod IR )N.

Rbe muet be aeat aed capable, and fn'tlab food reeotatnenitttnna ta In cbaiacter. To a faithful coarpeleot one f ood era«»a

atill be a 'en Rppla. froan 9 to 2, at No 61 PacilU'ft., be-twtca H*ary aed Clltten at«


IPMBROIDERY CLERKS WANTED..TwoJ or three youef bfea aabo hare had e n^rlenee In E _¦

biold^ra end Lac.a, are wanted b> J R I AKKd 4 Y At 4UN i.

FAPMTABOREKS, MECHANICS and FE¬MALE DOMK.sriC4 aaay beenaafid at tbe offlce of the

American end Potrlfn Pmi|rebt ProteciTe and KmoloymentRcrlety, No. 27 Oreeawkb tt Proapeclaaea aent on applica-

JOnN TOUNG.Ajjent of tbe ProttiUut So-rlrta't Office No 7 C-.r_ini at, baa bow a number of t >od

BER> ANf4 for altnatiOBf IB Iowa er country. PamiliM tea

drpetd on thie Offica Ar wauetuallta. A*_MERCHANTS and other* vtinbint; to employ

POOKKEPPÜRAor AISIdrANTS ENiRY CLEKKfJ,BALRPBgei, r.r yi.urf maa in aoy cpacltr. are requeefed toaddreae EM PLOY MENT < OM Al I f TP.K Young Mon a Cbrienaa Aia:< lation, Clinton Hall. Aetoi place_'IIAI.IS..A youtis French Lady, who ha« ob-I te aed a flpioo a of IBe Sratclaaaea 00 VE rfSESA w . .

toowtaloabllUaTION In ao opaienl Ameri tao family. BbeBtderlerea lo teeth tbe Plaao, Vocal Bui:. Drawing andRaisting. Dndriatandt English and a little Oeiiuen. and b-rfather wbo is a i'.. tod men of left ira, would accompanybar to Amalies Addiraa. or call la person up.a, M, !f,RIAT No II Raa de rOaeet, Psria Prance

PROOF- READER..Want d, a PraetiealPiister, fsniliisr with sil kinds of wotk. to READ

PROOK. At net be a « and aarurate reader, and be willinglo All up bU Una at case. Ac. A dorses PRINTER, box No 111,Tnbuie i ihre

CKAMSTI.t>> W'ANTED.Our who undeT-C5 »lande ber hualne.a. sad I. willing lo la the CH AMB ».KW(iRK of a sraaeil, end can gire aneiceptlnnab'e retar.aacta Kisyfind a good ailuatiou at No. 26 Brerooil plar->, |f't!i-at

SERVANTS..1 he beat Cook«, Chainbermaidiead W'alr» » hn'sas. good Oirls for Hi asewoik. Ac, areto

be fan-da* KERBE'4 AO<NCY No M I uaoe et one door westo' Br adway lf> yaa-s sitabl abed in tba .,«.--. Ladies,(Its bim sea l. Oem.aa and f !.'. .'-. dir a wan -

Sy JiYAM'S WANT PLACES in CU V andCOI'e>TRY C k.Is. Cliaii.t..r...slds Naraes. Beamstreeses

atdll.neral H(iiae ..rk Mrli 'UM PLA E a. ai-b-S. »

V ll > ii rlcyn.ei.r flflire 47» Broadesy T P oAU'lDSRil.

Fp ? Ca\ntBCJLDERS^WaTited, hrbt-claao Car-X Bl era Ai .'a al the Car- Eacti.ry of the

GdANDTRCNK RalLWAY,Point BU Cnarlre Montreal


TO" PRINTERS..7 be lulvertieer. who has hn-1eight yeara'practical eipeiietce as PROUP READER,

In s Book ssd Junbl , Ks' wubea a like >owasjd and a| t e.,,,,! >T<aeot for a part o' tba tin a eathweek, in fear.lag proroi'for aaeapajiera. Is a practical printer.A mii .a »HP boi igo, rrt' uu .;l

TO TEA ('I IE KS..Wanted a TEACHER foran Academy. Miel be a g.adaete of Col leg» Ralsry

Rbfi |*r monta. Addiese, wilb tesiimonials_J II BELT, Colambia, Pa.

1^0 TEACHERS.-Wanted in u'io.sil -ol In tbe cut or country, a situation foi a JBBBglady, wbtia bar aersicee si an \ -..-. .. will be taken in rema- "''

neiall.u. f«r board end lui ion while ahe Is recelrlo« a th >r- fougk fdaratioa Please sdsrese PCPIL. all ibis wcek.atths

ft of Tbe Tribupe'PO TEACIlEUS."-WRnT4jdrto~T^'A family ef tbe adaertiiar. a abort dlelanc- from New-York

a LADY, riaellfied to giae iaalracl .a in ibe Engiiah branches, fMnale are D awli g A pleaaant and heai.h, Tillage on tie *line,.i railtoed, snc aa'eeehie h. ire Apply at the clothing »

... «.'_H>lILO. DIKRMkN A RI*H. No H7 Qieenwieb-st cor Murrst, nn the abi'o, 27tb and 2Ub inat . between theboure of 2 and 4 P M. '


Broadway. A Pf trtttiL laraofi t it, SI log Al.l. Obdbbj IwfAataatin and ceuscts for CatruMoiuias I very dollar*be pa etery petroa and r'-rerae din' .he CAer* Kelnt renew-'able ar t tyaatdbrab_a R4 Rl* g> s, kc Ms charge to pupils.1 eorteei M'*t*v ,i»d Ca»rtwaBwdtasa IMfRjf, luitmi oeerlT eTt reRcbool ana family in »Ter» repaired t-rttcr.


VVANTED.In a atnall private family at A»u>-» » ra. Lobs l.laad an Ameilcaa Kesl'ih Keiicbor WelshWmmi at ClJoK. WaS.IER ...d IRON'R; bisi a sm,-:yoaag VA .,»,. ,, f iA4H,hVA'li snd WAITER Ro'hZ,Ta,.i,*.* .VU¦l._*.4a.,"1.l, to°* ¦?'<,tenceaatoch»raiterand lualihciUoci No obieclieo to Cdloied petsoas Apd y atHo li-A.d ee aaril Baiurday.tba2»thloet. from 11 to to'dook.Tfa7ANTED.For an Orphan Boy, in his twelfth*

,. __ _ 5°_*" l»,eome rnp-cienle faral y where beKe-.i s -**1-,fy^J .*¦'" " a ceap-niati >n for ,,d boere. be is a smart latel ig,0l Boy, aod botnto N.a . etk In.juir. at No 4 Hal; place, between 6th ant'th at .eppusits Ton.pkira Market.

WANTED-A first rate COOK, WASIIERRl aid IRONPR, a,d te do General Houaaworb. Nonec.iLer r.- d aptW at s. 2 - Ma.l:.-,n a-.

W^P«1^1"'' .* No. Sl>4 NRsaau-at.,tall A_ M-_ ?_ ' * .to CU"- l0- Bd>ta-t,Ill^v *>»f IWtobecsoie AieBU for tbe NntS ttoiith East

"lyANTED.At r Home lit^rdittg 8chool in^l.,-..M~ ..ilh,,'.,''.t;^.,' bB loVelligaut Irl.bWtiMAS a_»»^** *r 'o«ng or miltle **ei»W.M, ;l^rV^*^T,. tf .*«-.. »»<« -»te h.rielfS7!T ._ __

OM .»° " **.% teflaed. load of childrea and fx^eeaed of a patlenl dUpoeitk.n need enpl, To on,

ü,.b wiTba giaen V*Lee »7 ,^niea'.b Apply In the basement of Ns. 97 East »..,,Lealt gten-aa , between It and IP H»II'at neat

W,Ao_?:i>-A J'KOTE8TANl~(afRL to goW-elber1Ä, J^^TlV^l "d -»l s5

W^^-UwnT^ -g^JM« _aroaUsct as Assistant ReaTbtsiT ILTntmi^0^*''1'orally eeefal. b.nrg . ,erod pracuij JCl__l__ f'D»^«encas »do.bted^ Atdre_ Ba. R.

WANTED.A Proteataot Oirl »o ro^irWARM aod IRON. laeBaaptionabla ally

reaatreA Apply at Ne Sg War rea-at Brawkryn, seTjTISy^LI " _X- .1-

Coot anb foütib.

TTbe of nc see to sty aae ba' tba aweer. If retained to theRank, the fladnt will be laitably rewardel_WATCH LOST..6» Tds3r_rt, -4tb insi bt>, _k?lT.*_Ll,ük ¦.» .. wtewarft la Broadway, a Lndy'tOOLD HUNTING CASKC W ATt rj. eaa neled an both eUatwitb fkak aad Rowtrt. with a GOLD CH Al N attaaked. Thefcf_ .Tü1 ""£'* .* r*~** hl "»elatj tke saw. Bl No. 1»W aal 17tk-aa,, ketween 5tk aad Itk-aTs.

08T.A BANK-BOOK on the Bowery SaT-int. wank; aamker of tba Book at Sit Raid Rook eaa

to farmer* ana <DH)cr*.BOUE MANTTKE..T_e subavjribe* has cr_-

tajBtvllT aa ba_ a .er. _l__l-i. _e_mnumif^JwaaJy t« ktaad a aery taperiot arueJa of pare Id

*jj_j»fj«l. ap stetre. CHRISM AN SCH hv a Rl

Y£L^~*^^^*m»V ft Kn. rs Ca»|g^e-tlZZ'*"*" C^EI^b^Mtkn^

NEW and IMPROVED POUDRETTE. .TL«beet and BM-et »9>rir|l enhsUtu.e for K.rin fed 'deoare.

and Bohae r.t'.et m the >»»rt«l. rao be <i d,---t

ceract witk !?..»»«. thereby eR.relog i..i»i»bu»ii( ta>a*e*v-

adef» to tbe yoeng plett A aen.phl-t. will snYlteSoaai Ac,tu bo but gratis. M spt,' '«ti >o to ths en. uere. Price,

t. . b . ». «» i *

LO0I WANCtA- UaINO Co..lap stn rs.J 1, 7« CeaertUadU et.

Pa tract from 1 Istter o* Horace viraeley niujJanuary tl ".si.

" Yoe kBow tb»t It was qi'te Ute tin too. sent it end thatIt eras after became «rf. end remained so nr.'II bep .».

re % Ter, nnf.e «t..e nt>portar ty br 0ee«*ef tbo »eloePondrette; yet I can testify that It m4 me food eerflee. and

yon are welcome to refer a, ui> -a im wer "_

N~TTW -YORK aGKICUL 1'L'KALSe.cOfvn Ibree ir,e f.i . lb- es Seer bet r.,.- e ar,e,t

cb*«peat »od av-st r {.'"» easortinact of


PPRI'VIAN OL'AIO.wttk Government bread oa eack

ha»^rd not dan peoed to rn-ke It welgd beefier; Snpeiphiof-pfceua of Lüne. Bone Heel. P' ..drette.Ae

*K. L. «HI N. N-< l.9»oeltl WaRaral

floret's, ggtTiagfs, *frc

AFAMILY HORSE. 7 yeart old, fatti aod a

enrre, II"R8E 4}.ersotd. Rlr4 werren'ed eooad er.d

r-tnarkeby »eotle. et tie comer of WaahLngtoB aad rru.t-

Una's, . ¦ ¦ mm

Co tTJIiom it Xflns Concern.

CITY and COUNTh\lA)VKKlTSINtt..1>oa tbe eklloeopOy of Advertising, end the beet p-nr-tlcel

avode of cetrjirf oat Iba system, eeioeb e inf .r-na-'ob may be

hadst V ». PALMER-Advertising Agency. Tribans Baud-

ts«B, Near York_I ftjl C NO T IT. E to SAFE-MAM FAC-Ij TUa».R» -Tbe understated atnotlc- Ibet aTel-atera. eitel Marth 27. USA foe the aLI *d RILLINORmRatalneed by Meaera HOLMK.S a U N. .11 Noi ». ant a.'Mil¬

den lene. aid tL»t ail futare iafringetneut* thereof er.II be

rigidly proer'uted.Thie totive l-eromee oerereery af arena af the principal Safe

Maker, la Near York (ana ooe ia partieue-i s-e oiideretood to

beee aied It, or an Imitatloa of it tines tbet ry-tel Tf ace teat

Attorney for l!.A Bouer No I» Wal'-et_

<Ct}ame» for Cngincoa ttlen.

D~AGI ERREIAN8' INSTRUMENT*. SPEC-IMKNB Ac, of the be.t qaeliiy. fui'ed for Itaad ap

Room here or -laeeibe-e for tele at half tbe or!«lnal coit, aa

tbe owner leaot ia tbe trade, end dei rei t. oo.ela caab for

Ibtin Addreaa O. A. D . TrIbaBe Office._ |

FOR SALE "or CHARTER..The firrtt clameteamiblp OCI AN BIRO Lenftb, 210 feet; b^a*,3f;

depth. 21; entir e, 64 Incb cylinder, 12 fort itrnke. Tbe hjid

of tbtt ibip la ( nlded Inie watei eompartrjuenU. foroedof beevy plate lion aid rnnnlnt frucn ateai tot'.t.-n. which are

rrmiod and braced at rifbt »n|lee wiio th- eame aitteriili;whiih metre ber a peifeet life bo*'; ehe bee Ir m water taaki,capacity for 2" 6i0 fi'looe; iron coal banien rapacity fir 7 0

tone; the it cioei breced wl'b Irin I; inr| Inch** and tie trot!erf, entioef, BLd 6re room! are incloeed with beavf plate lien,makhf. her hie prm.f; abe bee opacity for 2W Hre'-e aea pea-a. 11r» ind 2K eecond cabin paieerrfetf. and fitted In ibe moat

appiovetf mercer It ie the tuppoeitljn of enme of jar moat

experiepred eeameB ihtt the will be a yeiy hue aat boat, andequal In ipeed to tbe fi>teit afl itt AnTbe RPM tat! I tteamabip UNITED rafATK* bn It In thu

city In IIM| I 610 tun* bürdet; tne of the fealee! and .'ineittea toi'i afloat Ala",Tbe .turner ST. LAWRENCE, d-lly expected frrm Ifa-

eana; ZH> feet Mtt(| Si fe-t beam, i.' ra-y draf' wi ft

fine accr Dimooatloui for b<at peasant".!; built la this city Id1842. Por further particular., epp'y to

JOHN OBAU AM. foot of 6'it ft Eatt River.where the ehipe can he aeea.

POR SALE..The «tfRiuboat 10LUS, aboutI let feel In entth, breadth of beam 22 lawtj depth of bnlJ,7J feet; cyllide; M lichee, and d\ feet mole o' ptetoo. Canbe put In food order fur runnlnt ia . eery ihort t me Tbtaboat la »,ne' ie for tn*ln| r a feriy l<oa'. har n« bran oa-d retbo b; tbeeen-.e coat, one year eto Ril.OOo. hat will now hetold veiv cheep Tbe boot bow net In the MnniiCenei oetih,Jertty CStty. Per 'nriher ptrtleolara, app'y to


FOR SALE.A Bargain.A BAKERY, and aCONip. TIONERY. win a lAteOOM hanlaom ih fit «d

op with narblt top Cuui ten and Talle.; dolnt a i >od buaiaiti. It « ill be a, Id fin half of «hat it coat at Nj Mb) Tib tat,The ownria ere f olap to ti'i>o:i ie

I^OR SALE..A valuable SI. ME (JCARRY,wail ind favoiabiy loealex) near a Kailroad eat af ready

tccc't to Boatoa and New Ycik maike't. it offered foi aale onri ly adaiLtafecui terrni A tma I capi'ai only required. Anply to J K B A II But. R 1 Co No 1 111 iiroejw.y

FOR SALE .A BOOT and SHOE STORE,wi't: t fine, freih Block of Ooodt In food o d-r Kor bo

tt.erti lie man lhl« ii I Ten cnanc*. A (o-m! let**it a cheap rent Addifet RHOES, Box No New-YouPoet Uffce.


Ij^OR SALE.The Fixture! of a Preaerriui;Eitabli.ha.ent, coneuting < f a new Btearo B .lie'. Eaiglne

Pnmre, Copper earn VVormi. Pip-a. Tonil Ac Ac Ac Ap-pry bj QEOAG1 HraKR, No. 2 Broad at., ba. m»»',

VEV\ -YORK CTRÜULAK MOLDINÖ" (löLI Hitii g putebaaed of Naibaniel 0 er the rlgbt of bit PatBi t Molding Mirbine for the Male of New Yo.k wea eoow

pteptird to eell . ounty R ghu f r the e.uie. and recAira or-den for the Mae gliatBkMt for nperatiopWe have alto filled op a large ihop at No »3 Walker ft for

the eirriilii n of t ineri for cent Tail»ty of Circular and Ir-rrgatar kwiiclnfa end where the' ui»vhme m^y be aeen inopetet'on at all I'mra,Application tniy be made ilmutb MOORE4 A I, r

No. 3 1 Mh-at YOI'BIO A ^Urre.rt No 3<ti A WILLIAMd, ^o. H White it or at No. 9«


PAR I NEK VYANTED.In the CÖUPÖSl-fiONaiid KRAMP. MARIM0 bufl..rf. Apply to

IH CM Ad fiKEENEd. lao, | |fi Chambe.-a it.

W~XK)LEH MILL SALE..The Seneca WodI-en Mill! Cnmpnny barint been diatolred tbe nroeerty

mown a* tbe bENE JA WOOLEN MILL*, at Seneca Pa Ii.teneca County New-York, w;il be aold at auction, oa tbe¦reu.leti to THURSDAY, the loth day of May nett, f Ifi'cloi k no. n The property la titotte on the Caynta aod ienre Oaaal in laid eli.age and cunai.ti of a lot feet by aboati2 feet, with ebondent \a ,-er t, k. ., The nuiMinge are alone-tba rrala bni'dlr g being II« feet long be 4« feet wide, andur ttoctet hith; and bar a wing <6 ba R6 f. et and two tto'lea'gh. There ate aleti upon and belontlrgto tbe ; r- n.,a-. con-enlrnt Dva Dry Store and »'ood Huuiea. TL» mtchinerp,i iJiiftiBg (f lit tett of eatdi, with all all orceattry macnineryor tbe tans, waa u.ena'a tured by Meein Oleaaon A DavitI Andovrr. Maeeatbceetti. and ir of the nioit Improved kind'he bnildirgt and machinery are ia perfect order, and ready-r Immediate operation. Poaaeaiiiin will be given on'iale Termilare known r tk« dav of tale By order of the Trueteee.BeiecaKall. March ig U44tfaTANT11).An American to take a luialtff FARM on SHARES, to wok the prea-n- year Potiilhrr rarriculert Inoaire of Ctpttta 1 W WEST uear theleilroad Dep t New Rocbei e, <>i at Counu jnwaailh Iuauiaocallfice No. 6 Wall it New-York.

ftQK ()(W| .A GENTLEMAN of b-ji-IT fRM ,-P»\',i f\P» reea talenu and eiparlence.wiia.lba!»>ae id..iu. t of ruh wlihea to coon-et himtelf *itii gtaatouae alieady eitib i.hed or witb iome perron hevlog bumualneea tallDlt and a like amount of capiial 41 -. bu.iuratraferred. Addiaet OALHTIN Tribune Ofjj e

ft I *>lll I Tu $-<J 50H..A Gentleman wellW lUW ecquale ed In New Yoik and wall poetelnaainre* wou'd like to Inveet kbit amount la aome «o ed

ife and profitable buaiorea. Addreei W. O 8.. Tribune Otb:e.'

Önmmcr Uctrcats.

BOARD in the COCNTKY.A city fmiiilv.owuii g a Perm in Vernon Val ey. New J rtey. etty of a

eia by can at d atagee from Newark, heve rece. tly enlargedleu bouae f.r the acromtnodation of Boardere E,.r namcu-aitapplyto J I) CHEVALIER No 360 Br, el*, ,T.

COUNTRY BOARD WANTED.For the mm»r. for a Oenileaian aad Wile without cbiHrro in any

t alii y locality. aaaYJ of acceae to toe ajtyi af la a coo' audraawaaatt location ia ibe inbarba. Addieae i'a'it c aecammole-itni d'l'ance Ii. New Yoik, and ptlce, W., Bol No. 20io><w Yoik roat Office-_POUNTRY BOARD WANTED.For about two

aad a half rtiOBthe. commeael.-g the lauer part of laee>y a fami y Bfecinf four good roomi, where tbe alluat on ia

btdy tnd rr'itrd. and where no otbei boarderi letalen Aaim in tbe interior preferred coaeenisat to a raiiwae ati'ion.elihlnia few tonttof New Yoik. Adlreet box .ao 17. NiwToik roetOtSca.

COUNTRY BOARDING.Mav now be had atthe Meaeee BPIu-OS'd. h-lt en ecu ;f tide from HUVt*.,

ta Heilem Hailroad aod ralnuiea' walk from Ibe de pot atM Ullama'i Biidg. Care tea bonr'v. Honee aew eud we.

iheded. treeh aegelal. at end frui a. 'ftabla aod ea'riage hoaae.App'y ai the ttoie of JOHN T BRItiOS. (a roee the bradtr,roidlrrcii. Bitothebouee K U, -., t M PARrRIOir..No 441 Coarilaidtat LEONARD SCOTT, No. 4» Gold tt;_POUNTRY BOARD'lJr CHILDBtN.-A

Lady baa in tea. n a Hnaea a abort dleraoce n tbe country,and Bear the aea »böte, weald take ander ber especial care alu-lted tiiabei of CHI LUKEN dorlag the aammar Atypem« baaing Cblldrao they weald like to piece under kled pa-EiiLfmm&i^jyP 1)»*r»J «.'".. »»» kMlkwl EARM-HUl BE. Tribune UtRca.

rjOUNTRT BOARD WANTED. Ftir lix or,7.iT..**?v.r\7<T t"*r ,ba «»'loa Riser either aide.aba«t

grag *3*£jJir L°*" r».fW.l laaalraf

_Boorb ano taooms.L^iaÜ1X.a? -G'-'^^nieo cAn obtain well-fur-.e.T^r U kW! KO0Ui IR J« .».»-» P"p'.xkfl, ,\nd WimLU,Lh',,ei*e ttAGLE HOTEL cotoJlt

&o}*?J,l\l."i LADY, or SINGLEROOM, oa the Ztli SSr!* * ¦fwlfOg aad full else BttDthe nxdeia 'mtWaT" ¦ a browa an tie boeaa with all ofaieialtt of Msdaaoa twa J** *.* ¦ .oeafortek a h » la theL. L-.Tribnaa OfAee. * **wfateJa pnee. k> atdreasiag

room No 142 Chamaera si »HaUR. U tba front

A PRIVATE FAMILY"^aTaTeomVodate" a^\ Geatlrmanandkl. Wife ertwoe, gagf*?*..*men, wttk ROOMS and BOARD. daetrabiTi!!.^*/'*, g"***w aat 14th at Tertns toodera'e Batht. ana. rT^' " 1,1

ALADY and Gentleman, or iwToTthref» ain-Jle teeetiemea, can be aceaatoodaiad arltb rivL J

PARTIAL BOARD, tba Hou«. first Claas. Refer enMand requiraA Ia^aLra at Ne. lit StA M , west of and awtarlrawRway._ALASGI BOOM and BEDROOM," cVmrnam-

ea'.tag to LET wttk BOARD to a GaatlastAa ani Lady,as ants) ar twa ttealg (s^tlaakm at Nn Tt 2d tr

BOARD in WILLIAM8BÜR0H..A Centio.«» end iii at i'« or !.» ra*l* rBe'lswes, tea »im

r.i_B'fied w ih a hinia m- ll'i >w m » -«.

fa.-tested ti ue-e-ti.bed. w.'S fall or pattas-BO *. 11 by la

r* st No tl Tbl * «t WU :i_br..'g- only tb M .n'aetee'

walk fioes three Ii rat«

1>V APPLICATION to Mr-. LKK. Union-e,ri».reeLS fort OS-re errange-neete oao a* Baad« erl .i p-r* .a< «i.b

tea tu engage b.rd I* . br»- clear h -a-* .. iee e mi'y .,ft'eKt iqeer-ant Mb av for 'be let el May Re<ee*oee. et


BOARD ROOM* to LET Rt No 29 St. Mirks.a. - Of lerg" Roc to. suitah.- f e Oea'l mm sod

W,l« »!.'¦ a /-Roea Re'eieeees eartaoged

BOARD..Ore or two giti.;le Oentle nn«n ran huercomn i.oVio' e.ib' -0'-a* wi.b ( «. etc .and

PAS"i lei. Bi'aRD bj a i tue ' femi.e a.. M M*Greene el oae d.»>r *0"»e Blee«.krr.

BOAHIiIM...A eicgle Oeotleraan d«siriD.r a

eqoiet pertneaett bfl i e can Bt»e a large ban. cot

bA' K r«lL >ll or ROOM ob the «'co-d et tr, of a ey,r> ai

o ive e booie »crupie* h, the cwnei, t iving m-de m ipr ,i~

mean until beoti! iocatl-n wait from Iere - c. nerier t o atefee lid c tra. a!) u' *hree aiioBtai fill

f b> Waa>aaa**a aaajar* T'no* |i«*l'i a « tf.u

Hoard, if feiind Addrao* Mil d Broadway P O.

BOARD NO.On reasonable term*, and in

tlet.BBi *rjtt B>oarii, eaa be bad ta Bnoilye. No. |7*

V»aebio»i<Bat Ahtsaa OfflCI reAaij seen,ad WJ a *.***;

[OARLING m South Brooklyn, at No. 73 War-reo ¦! nesi 8 :ni) ..-Lsrgea.d eu.eJi roon¦ e»ite> break-

feat .to baa._ _

BOARDING..A front SUITE of ROTJIS,er lb le<*e Pant'iri, also. ROJVH <¦ r ei-gl* len-..»-non

LctttfTT ». re rteeir.lue tat a reaiieoee-reureni-ot 10

cere and etsg-t. R.'t tenee. required Apply at No I Atiegduo euaeie eeooad dtet frees Batiae*l

OOAJ-DJNO at No. 177 EAST BROADWAY..19 Kr,.nt and back Par r in/delory to L-t eritb vin i,

to Oeit einen and tbelr Vt iret, iiAttfie*. t Root: for UugM

GeatleB-ea._,BOARD.A BSBflaowi fmr.t BARX.ÖR and

Room* et'aebed. erita toe BeeeeaaaaaWteeM ...»

¦att brows etofie Horse No. IM East Mm el Alan t ae*lr*bhs ROOM f-.r a Mania Ocntia-asa R»f« reacee ex-banged.

BOAPD..A Gentleman and Wilt-, or three or

fi or «i' t'e O-o'Vooeu ran p-ocuie BOtRD end nl-a-av.

Af". Ri WIN T8 ir. a piirale family, by tp, , i. »"- 6> ReelntaVet ,Biarttb aT>_

BOAhD.-A very pieaaant front PARLOR andUK ..ROOM ot. tne aer. no fljtir ra-y be ob ein d at

Jin » l'8r.JV.«. Mo 71 Ea»t tlb » ., t*«' l'nli»» »i|«»re Aiu»tt ».¦. l oortt Th<- iiouec baeali tbe mo.ein i_ipro»»_r.uIlini' r »' e i.'elcc»._BOARDING..One or two rovRf toten, who dc-

tire to oblalb pleeaact ROOM., BTttR PL'M o "At

TiAL _(Af. D. caa be accoti.ji, d*te<L_ Apply tl 1 Kingat

BOARDING.I Iiatoiiit, like tkt) eoiintry, ntnre

ronrrLi at. M » « to ran: tt No t»7S Mb At (ltd rajMill opptitte the Palace ) O-Lttel faxil}. C«'. art) eeenlof.

BOARDING..City and Countrj BOARD cmnow bt »ei urcd la a farj p .atui' and cor-Teoienr atr

tnr.L trtjri u iqutrr P <uie bra en hod-, with ill 'hi Bob«:.. .[:¦ *< n-. .'. tUl'iTKf IIOiMliu jn::. i -ir'» .*.».

ttri t U .01 the city, tamlli'i end'e sentletaeM Utobtaiaboard on adveiitaat cu¦ trrmr by applamg at No Hi A'eat iSth-

ii.iicar Reierrore eichtatrd._OÄ~RDIN(i..A Ga'ntleman ami his Wi :e. ortwo ntjle '»ntlen.eri ran o'tna BOARD win p'»at

ent Riom 01 recoil Boor, by applyiag st N. 1.'V.rdam at

7ein.i d 1 deride.

BOARD.At No r,;, Ki;lt,.;i-it.. fur rvr.uauentf)«y ind Treneient Roer"«. T rue BB dertr»

BOaKDINC atNoi. 45a.d 47 KAST ltROAl>W tV.-A pleaiant frort RuOM and BKONjOVf oa

te'occ B.hii. Alto (.tber, i-i'ab e'-r (ir.tle ret \l>

HeiViiea fari..«lei or n ,f..r.i»i. .1 At fu.--ait Ut rut'eüei tlemera. Apply at No. 44 Eaet Broadway_BOARD.With siij't iinr ftii'nuitnoilationn. may

be it Cair >l pi ee doom Hro.k.ya. tatlatahjijeetat 1 :aCon.ta'. Rt Vrt in . t xc'iant-d

BOAhl in I'.liOOKI.YN.About kW~Sinktfi. m Bootb tod Wall it Kerne« a fJ-o lenac and

W ite or aio|,e (re_UfBBtl can be acc imrnodat-1 tritt I I \ I 1

at >i. t I rtt'e it ata a BaR 0:, tbe ea::re arc ,sdflLor Ee.'rrrBce tic bet god

B(»ARI)~in~l»lfo<)KLYN.. fwi (.ientlein.Meitbtbelr Wirea met obta't. pleaaen'. nn'ernieh-d »p

rarrr ante by early epv'ir.-'ior at No 1' UtIoii oil ob« 4jmhorn C. nr'-ei at eonreu'tfct lw,ea:e ;. jji iV'e' ,. duu iJPul o. KeirtealiOARDING..Thi'»wi7e~r"öl the~bonae NoT12AR I.,f .. r - /orb at b-:weeBl»'h and Inb-ata bar-Ill . Urge beoee end «u> II »e» il7 "i'l »ec .m-n idana two

learlb Dies aan wivaa witb o'bfit wuald 1>« tab-aA piiette Part it fiont latajaara a* abov.

BOARD and ROOM Udt4«ired by the advertiserfor r'mi-lf and wife and aou of tl >ea t in a aaati ft u-'r.

il ui en i_Lcb tbe l*t'«i (at moderate lermi. wh'cb pleaetHale R'feietcet eichai if d AddreeiO N. Trftiune Oltic*.

BOARDING AGENÜY. No." 4 Autor place.feoart im In tt.ta and p.irate laoiiliee <up|ili.d wnb re-

tpect lie BfMt IiKR.S Per.ti Wiehl, g Boari. direc-d L>a>iliabi~ tnueta free of cba ge. A camber of -jpet o> noaidMf i-taa*atrareaearboad DEStARatSt a sa OEf

tTINTSHhD or UNFURNISHED Rt) »M-4.on tret tt.d leeird lad i la LtVf w;m BUARÜ Kami y

arxiall Apply a- No 12.' n,n ;.d it

PURNISHED ROOMS In the iM-RT., a>f»n3tk-A i'.A r-te i (if i ui iiy »or I ier.t; .m»nrfo eeirure tapenot. en roodau. aa iu a. elegin' we| furaiah.d atwaag. harloga. ill I ii.' Sara lataa rmtaaatt ¦raBbaaw) If reqaued Alao afew BINULK BSD HOOM4 Aipiy until Mat I, at No BV\ bile-it

Gt NTLEMFN _e7n öbimin "FURNISHKitROObiB, w1'k*«t Boare, at IIa ifiaytt near Ore-t.

wit'b-at Aeerjcoiife. lattaa tat UMS doing buelueeiA wn row,.

KOOWfl tö I.I I Fiirnidhedlirn^'Ffuraibbed.Itataflg CeWUctaea only. wi>out Btard Tie Honn

baa all tr e nuedern imp oteai'LU Anp y at No 137 lib itlelwren tie Bi wary a d La Peyetf« v a;.-

|[>( tiMS to LET, wilh BOARD.7n u privateR ¦ fan Of, p « aatbtly locet»d wi.bin ih-ee niinu-ft' well ofreel a Ir aid Unieiun at F ir.-a Appl, latBBedlateryatNe.12 Wgibingtin piece, bouth 6ib .t. Bro'k yn taMtlS DUtli t

CUITE'of ROOMS..An i-u'irr SECO.nI)ö BftifV. rl'RNIdHKD, lu a th o. .fry llej... aear

Wta hKciiy Er otlya Hooci are latgn. end open on a line|ird nl'h tripe vine. There are lew efrp irtuni'ioe .dforel. to

¦frare drdgbtfi,-antrtD col* auchaitheee wnirh eaee unet

l*cl»d,v bi con f aacanl. (>n:y .h're or f ti- p«raou* Id the. it of the bouas. Apjoy to (fiat 81M JNsON. No. H Itg bit> k!)ta

TO LET-AnarKrTlKKrM^rt!^ana laige airy Bk liitllOM, ei'h Cro-on water and ¦> her

wItlifgfI ii private hfB»e No 242 Inquire at

above. N R.. Poeeeteit-o given laimed'ateiy

IVPI 1IfGEE"~(iENTLEM EN..RoiTr7~withHi aid can be bad in an eirgact aew b-own e one H ibbM

c one ol the tti,*: beaai'ul loct'i Uta ta l'ib Ward RingleI oon ¦ s**> ai d uiward Acc rnmode'l ,t,e nnaarpaeai'». 'let.balb.eit.. wi h a, tbe modern cum: Majaat Diuuat at i.

Apply al No ii.i Watt -2d it n»ir Loci <a Terrace

IX) LET. with full BOARD.Th- a ntin- 3EU-('NO FLOOR ot tbe boa e<v,1M No 11 Baad ISth ft

reargib av There are two pari .-. and Iw- bedreotra wilb

piotnei. Ac atiacLed Aparfmente well lumLbrd and atvt

|ka tht! ugtout eppir AS above, ta ktn BAl.LtRI)

ItWO or three vrry i.iee iiiifiirnielicl ROOMS,ar d BOaRU tfttb a ea alt family, i aa be abantared at t

I V. t l n'on-it a pleeeaat loca'loa. rne ml e from tb« CUyHell '1 bi. it a good pp rtnti ty for any party givl.g up boaackeeping Refei-ncri g veu aed rtqiind.

UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, witibO»hl) in a gentet'. private reaiJea*.« Alto, uiie tmall

d.rniibed Room Inquire it No. 79 Eaat I th at

IVANTED. By a yeiiiig(>. iitieiiniii a SINGLE** ROuM. with BOARD Price Rt per week. AddreuK Tiibaue Office."IVAN! ED.In a snmll, resj>ectable quii t tam-vv llj (whrie there art no board.r.,1 BO aRO for a yooog

Lady, wbeie mty be igpatlaagid Ibe comfotte of a bo ne. A'-drre», atating t.raag 1.1aaaaa and eaiare or accommodalioa, M.V. C K Herald OaVce a-teienree .aebanged_aj^ll (HtEENLSI..1'ARLOR ant EB&m**J»" ROORB to LK ¦- Auk ar Aitheat Board. Tieb m- baa ail tbe modern improtrmeaia doortfrois

1. tt ^

(jonotE to £(t.AT HARLEM.To LET or for SALE, on l t:tal

et batw.rt, 'lb end 6 1. avi a nee: two and-a La ' -a

PBaME Hlll'se filled la wi h brl:k, t'oe caller, Ac .

and ait Lot. of noond raver, d wlib Kreit Tieae TtroBg eaty.

A-pit to II H aiCE. Raper'r t Cou-l coraer of Chemb *ra eadC.n'tea!. H.ntA2u pta»aeaiuo _ow. Caia el.p at IBM iu

boor a_

BATH HOTELIiTLET..TneTarg- anil BtWmooioo* Hou. kiown at tbe BATH -IOCS'., at NE A

llRtCliT Kingt Co eitaata e!t milat fr itn Nan Volk, oa

tka tea ttote. and tbe Paul ute tor nie Tbt HoBte it rtpletawl b tttiy i a i i e fur a brM-ciaat Hotal, aal arlU aat >*>

ii date leo hundred pe aona aaaBBxeiablj f «a-eaioc fieeainmedie'ely laqa're n JAB L PtJEL'8 Jr.N tlj,hiet.,betweeB the honet of 12 and 2 P Mo.- of W. T. BRO RTMNo. _. Henry .<-, Broea ye_

BOARDING-HOUSE tt) LET in the COUN¬TRY A veiy iar*e tloaaa. wltb eai'asle Oatbai.diati

in lbs center of a iieaoaat and bet-lbs ai U<e fnar hnart fronIbe cht by Ha'leni Raa.rued Kr.Apply to D A GOULD, No SS Jobn it ap stairs._

BROADWAY STORE to LET.Nr. 40. one of(be best pteitKMii in the city for I asports ri sr P-enm<*stoa

MaicbBBU. will be rented low. Apply to MERMUTH A Co

COUNTRY HOUSE..To !et, on Berk-en Point,one hand tail boat the iky. a roomy and ee iveateat

tit'I laj pi«e»aBt't etiueted oear tbe watat, oavtog a one stew

oi p>»w Bilgbiim. nrw-Yark Bey At cot See miantes' walkfr w tbe isedirc \ -:v deetrable far a nrarner reailease.Apply 10 Mr WiLLIAM RE I» reset the pre mates.

COTTAGES to LET in the IMi Ward, in thisCity, aoaeaaltai to Railreads and dtages pltatattly la

cated, on daReirnt atnets and avenue*, faded, litated. Ac,with from 1 lot U acrae Mint-bed Cratae wa'ar bstb rente,br Rente. »175, ASec. RJX. aVMS. Sl-f a>7w» and Rl ra)each Apply to XU BROkN

_Ho 71 Wall at. fresa 1 to 3 P at.

COlTt'TRY HOUSE to LET.For one or threeyear*, at Rneaeewaod L I With aboat tares aerea of

.nd raost't ta tardee; gawd out beaeaa. frail, .brabbery.

.bade ueea, Ac in abatdaaca Ta* bteisa it large aad we

a.'aMed sat a goatee! private residence Real SSOt, far partVuhvrs apply to Dr_SnJ«POR0, aear the rr-m sea._

DESIRABLE COUOTRY~tolDENCE to,LRToafor SAI.Et.Situated at the Vi. a** af tabway.

* J .ISmUae fiosatkeCRyat New York Tas b oaae is i rs-

r»rWr iraeclern b-.t edtCee sesttalsLsg all tke raqoiremeeoj ef

l^l'1 *Si i! !_ . BS»* ettekiraad ether sot ka id aga,with tare weiki af an aerie, -aiet. eUtern. Aa The ati-lm

DF SIR A RLE IpIRw sAan ami bate-uifnt brickHIT lt !''f .'!» ' ¦.' BaiR,.ru K 1

. ''c. la* tr»s< i a-.«.¦>' it HR i««.'«»wi Caasal¦**>! 47 Bp,? iöen.1 ib- c Boge« r l -lu H «B at

HOI Bll M LI I in Bt/aWKI *. '.'

IB-** ¦!' ¦..» < ' * **1 . '"* »*. I** B-BB1BVt - F 'l ?¦«¦ C - »1A t «-»I» eCO **B«* rf .

ts--a adiav* a kaaal 'a' view a' 'h illaj aaidr P» Ciii «.» i t ail Sana la Orot» uaa . lo¬

oses ¦ iu so* bwt em .**¦ aatas aw I «. * anil as Is* ajCi«s" . . ' 1 : -*

- - ..'

Madeew er* tr-ere Blbiaet '_¦ ** % ' N

BOUSl ii MWT'xr, R LOT, ttaPOtTST »*,» 41 Washlaann-a» ,o»a«d b* be h-UB of

ihele'eHr ,vli tea mub'i r. .-. 1*4 'j-il.h-di f-r be-nil-

j,g ..rii i >i>ii riasauiaeaa end gnawerl f r e

)*<*. «.o i s fa*sraaasa katJatalaa libs aap,als*) fsaWltt lala-Uta. bill.*_*»* Sa» re* a ae»sr'Ssl**af «e I af aaval enare leg nearthe B**B* rosereab n |i»«L ibe lat Juee A .ply.*r ibe pren.lees

HOU81 to LET ..n BROOKLYN RIGHTO..Tbe .!««» a. a H .e;.«Lt Ereta BOI H Ha M

Oreo beiryo' nee a ma'ee' wall f n, PeM M or aTajJ it Kerilss toss Ibioosh. ut Reit R'.id Anplt t

0 0 J XON a. SI Vt.iJeu läse.

LZSGi OPl " Ü in waLLSI. t-. LET..The Faix tcra. with a le/g* *ara. (Bl'a l* fir s p'tti c

n.n.paus la b« sc.! apply a. No 6 * a., at., rear oiF.-.o,fr.i fl»o;_OEFK,'rMo LET.Äajt« Off0641 ami in guitt-*,

.l the n»» b*» o:n. " ' s . <. I «n ' awewt SJ 1- -t

ran *r * ***s an r*s aeeono so rj aes ei-p--* i t .a *%r-. tcii

rb- Je» > lei. aid otber. a, the otficrs «. e well ligo ed, sadeery . esat '.- » fir Lb tm,o bei deome "ci'e. of Oft;.!, soltab e for Lawyers la "be

>'d ha Ii i) Apply at US* ds. a.

OFFICE to LET..PfiONT B%8EMBrfT ofIf ose Nu it'Je, >t ne.r (, .ei.; - ,¦ Ballabr* fat *

fr j»i-i»r -.»in beer orcopied y ' t e i or tor o ber Sn, ...

PART of a il.girablo BOD8I for RENT.New.«i'beil the oi d a i'npri i-ro i', Be^t mvee»^ la

entdt-n.n' Apply at No I». »\ a*l .tiit, si. Re 'rrttu.* ro-

ROOa.8 to LETrwith"STE*.\f P0WER-I-.the hoi't'e*'omer of Oreea-lri tnd Isaah (ta ,aa*aa>

peaees for o.atnncturLg porooeos {tent rrry :utr to rarpoj-i. - teaaLt* Apply to

er/KMt a TAt»R II i m

aj^TEAM POWER to LEI.In jlgQ ami airyt_ n aant in a a-*/ bmldng bj C iff tnp.ti

_i_ C_JfLCL Jt SOt. »}.» IMCsaatat,GTEAll POWER to LET.LOFT>, with orA_7 a: tiaal M> AM f<j ¦ r t gpp , to

CHaS M. elMQ^nON N... Igt Uarlast,

STEAM POWl-R to LET.At tli/.al.i-t!ip.irt,N J tisM .il BrtcA AnlMlnt KasAbyM ap<iy

'.. «RM BAIZ, No '17 Bro_t#4v 10Asa B, Ri;L>-1 ON al B iiehetbp ri.

bJTf-AM POWrR, »ith wefl lirtteil roonu, toO LET It hot'dlnga t< s II'.. I»J |3S Marce-it Irnintra«0BO.H KITmHii.N.No ISA Mercer *t or I V. HtUj"n t i: r N Sn ei.<i 'i. aroadataiCTEADY STEAM POWEi t. LET-Lin,»»O Roooie ae i 'i«hl-d in in« near brtct banding No ifiu starlet., bat attartke aad Ra'aara^llg* laaalra as sboeo,y.retle ('e.p s .teller- T t' B V | M ) L t " H »1. lit le USed.

STORE and HOUSE No. Jlti ( ana! at. toI.FT; slao ibe SffiRR ci-B.rnf Rrssylaray satt tut M ,

erl'l b* Ut at a leer Rgnrr; aasa the 8JTJ4K l*e II tVaeafar-.I erestei y sice, tin d d or fr ,m ,,i,n al st *pp'y to

J CR AM No S L'uno eqntre.

TO LET.No Profiti. Rsj Rent..To Km* r* mjPttasg, laatRtt* aasj oilers.KM KR BENT-A ttotie

BSD (lie outer of s i ar C .( **s H use. eotittiuiug n;nerrrna, .i'ntle a'a popular ere'en a plae* gf g»ata*rl. here epplirslinnt tc r summer Renl en- de l? r e, srrlasjRai i<tb- aaaeaa aU1 li I the taaai>' t II ¦it hesr taagtartre.rertebi'itv, wbn csn fo-nisb i* In t p't'o nitou-r to sec inn. d'tesfesrh ard« ta, bihib tt e ifrni it BBy rneoern-r on*hell of 'he r et p-oree-, (*ratta-tbird) tu IIa* af *M t- n*. Kga>»«atlot ima-roie'ele li.ide- griund. eat pisni-e iura c i er

Ir d-Ced h qul.» st N .. 71 Ns-uu tt 3d floor, front office or¦a,Li McHuutal. ill P m

rO LET.A STORE, LOPES and WORK-IHOP*, ereil li,hied with or ¦ rh.iat Hteem eoie.-r.

p, ,.e«,i, n In niediatelj Inquire on in- premises 47 Ann st

1'0 L E T.A loiir-et'iry Eiiylinh-baifmenfBO0*E be n« ne'L Ihil blii k of If iut tia'.h-l,

lo3Ji|i .t bette-eo 7tb iun ?ib «<s w lb al' in- at*>4wia Isa-BgtBesTeat*. 'si fi» ores c rtpl.te Rtat *n'ei loqaliaal.i telth A-IIN. n. nil nil, ,v , r tie Agent, C. NBlsRJO »,No lift lib iv liriwe.b mm a n tith .ta

I^O LET.To a e-mail lamilv, tin- LTPPERf A It T f a Rial cleat hill, j- i.esu Ifail] .i-u»r,,i .

tab i'i.ji r.pstt wlib all the asodnra latproi aeai* Realsaadarat* It etiHei'e'io- Inq ure cf M d.MI Til. N i IUBieeck-r -t in the e -enlog

LEI.A TJitTPAtiE Hffl.'SE, No TJ7v - t iiihst It bl ckt fruu Bri*d#ay with all the

u drrt in.p. ivrcer.'i Can re i-.n ftaaj I A. M till 9 f.» «lla*a cr *' Ito* and 7C Wruhlnttoo it hktl.llDg, tritb f,.or Rle*| iog llo nn aoaaacri.) s'idr* Aidb> ow.maklr g 12 Rooms :i a... 1'. nt. RtoMj Uja'.edail overw ob UM large

'|'t> LET.Tin' tvto-Htorv aniT nttic BRICKx HOIJdE.Nj ii Wbitaat B-rt R?oo

_j a*, b. mjN r. No m w*': .

rP0 Lr ASF..On tavornble ternm, tbirty-tv-oA IsOTi, eliiihly eitiut-d for butiaea* purp.-*«*, on £ I

and 71it'i* w-i erly of ire li'th ,r

Aliofor-.'* aavacal DW r LLIN'O 800*19, with hroatt tVt ir. r'» si.d cort»ir ng all 'r>* moiert: iinproveuieataAe, . nuDibor of ts'ii-' WM."I\J o«ir4 Iqe'rntt

tneifliceol_JaMLi N WKIsCB. Mo. 117 fca-ip,T'l LET.(»r. thej Kaat Uiveir, at Ravi-nawiunl,1 L. I two OioH-Tl built I OTtlKi »ie»-» Bi ata

»seh Irqa-r- e4? O'LBKaT SOPaUIR st Raven.arood or

ar '* DlTr:-. Nn 4n Peca il-p. no statt* 'cnii ti to o'c ock.

I'vj Lr. 1. I be large ROOM now oecnpted byIk* Ai.oe and Leethet Back enrcer of lohn end vVilliatn-

Hs tn*e oer sritb s large aid wei. li«hr*d llAHKw-^r pgeh the f.ietii Pi»« Inaoraneo 17.' P'-aaeasaoa

jiaer or Ut* lat aa| of Maa ui it Inquire at the BANK

1-0 LET.The STORE and BASEll_Nf, No.241 Broadaeav. betw eo Park pkaM and M'ir'av st Tie

Ba emeit »i., ha lei erparately. if deeiied. luqui.e oa tb*


I '(T LET-LaritT' STORE RDt. BASEMENT1 f o 4t3 dib av .. ue of the he.t .tauds la ih; city fur

teteil business Apply at No. Ill l olton at,_

I'O LET.The Iwo StiTt Attic and BageuuntHOI if. No lit tVfat aWtb(t Kor termi ir oi f,.

N S K AB No 14. Cbaaben tt ti and Croton wtter u

ibt boot*

1*0 LIT.The IP »CSE No. Tu Varit-Tt-t. Forirrta* s pnl j to BaKER A WEEKS, No lPunit.c r-

ner of w*y .

r() LET.No. M Err. 20th*Bt., between Broftd-wty sad 4th ar , a choice of baodaomely foru .h-d

RHOMB ^n tirst, second and tbild fl ,i.i, with eg arlthjalBOAR0

I'O LET.At"TARMANSVILLE and WA8H1 aof,1 taN H OHT.-i t->e ana KasoionaMy huilt M il'ra

l)t« KI.I.IN HOI «h .* v t f., IIa; r .ad a'a;,a. eni. : city Hall peal the ttoor. AF^U'°S Q Qliirr

r. r P*'!iit s-id !'tb av Carmaosvilia.

TO I.f T-At Morriiania. a lame DOUBLEHOli'E w 'b K tc en mache I, eoniia .og of 10 r ho naj

kit 4*al4R Real ttltb atabM aa ttat corner of Wa>hiattJB av.

atdSctt Itqar-rf J. C. 4M1TH. N a, 71 it., coraar

of John it Net* fork._fO LET LOW to a GOOD TENANT.TheI r.av fuu-ttoiy brut.n S'one front Engltab btietuenlROUeP fori i.l id aal b si; 'be n.o-e a itnprovemeat* Af-V I to U bHLPHERD, No 7 Well at., ro .m No-7._-IM LET.Tie rfinainine STORE. N... 176A OrsanwarbM arjolniat the Pacific Uo'-I. rem 4- '.

RattMaaal *>.. gi^i "me st^re and B-c* R om N., 5i itreen-

wl.btf leal 01M Ali'.' a nu . ber of we HaMAMl ^ Hi let in

bu. u'ti. Noe a'd aid o-4 Rr aj-aa H^plj toE BLOOMER No 2D« Broadway.

UTLET with FELL BOARD.An unfurniahedT B all 'OM al f" ¦ V,, a H sp;, >il e rlt JoanPark, tp eaiat t 'ocatioa tor a Oentiemea aol hot A'ife, 01 two

tli-t'o O» ntien.en_'I'O LET.Tht prinrijial part (or the whole) of1 <l tie 1 01 sioiv Pnt i.n Rae-ment HOl'aC, No. J«2V eat .Sab at con'slniag all the iaaprovem-ois Appiyon the premise*, or at /to. 4o7 J.eeowich at


I'O LET-St-veral STORIES of the Urne buiM,A. In I P> * :t and 21 Pra' kfon .t .wall salted for eat mechanl*

aal .'.Less Vt 111 base a steam powar boiatway.BBd be ear oedba steam. Staat, av rer wUlle eu op r<a.ooebie neraas.

da} and LiaLu Wl I le r-eda April I Apply to


CHAPI.E4 JPWK1NS. No fa rrankfort-at,

IM) let.SIEAM POWER, Rod well-littbtedRO'JMS rear Broadway ob Caaai. K oi and Va.ter ata.,

a: >ar istes P.i»session uxmed ate, wlihoet abarte till 1stMst Aleo Iheen'lre corner STORE. No. IS Canal st-, by Mr.OAVDL" Ne 1H W aikar-at_ .

1^0 LET.At noleokeii. two briek DWELLINGBOL'bEV wi'b'b 12 . littet' wall of lbs fsrry Reot

R*1" snd 4>47S per aaium Imir 00tote pon ailia given Tbeessre ... d Heaaea, il so. n a " .at >na at iha Lena Of-c- ri k-r of « VN AMIPPEN. Ageat.

TO I.FT.Lower jart sjf a small, prettyHOl'eE. with large sbrabbeey yard- Location aery

t-asmt Occmpied by a tea tieman and wife R-cr tboatgUSP. one er two rooms on Si floor. Pcsteeeatoatatmed'ately. Apply at No- SRI 4tu st._


balldtrg corner c** Bteeawsy tad CBaaowriet. Itba tint storyof which will be occopaed oy lAe Shoe and LeaUver Bank.) ar¬

ranged ta well '(bled and eoavaaieat otficss 4* in asttrs flooea,as tenexta may want Powasasiow grvea oa the 'at day of Mayaett Inquire a: the Banteo.tar of John and WtlUameta.

cTlET. on MVRTLE-1V.. corner of Yates-av twaary minutes' rids from iha Pa.tea Perry.Twelve j

new HOU»BR ibs' A Biso ad wilb foldlog door* tee MSB andpisisa ooarwaaaing obs of ths laeat v.eara of Rreoklya. Toa giard teBBet will be ter and leased at a very rhtap rear. Ap¬ia toAlOUSTrs C »RtSlIOLI. at tbeoffi e of r -

A Bryan. No. I W'aii $t New-Tork or on the pretBiaea.

HM) LET.A nt?w HOUSE, replete frith everyJa cooveeietre three rooms deep oa Parlor and Baaemeatkton-s wi'k Raage and 8»t Air. sitaate oa Clermoat av..BtooklvB.ta a pleasant itigbboraoud Real bwt, any onewho ttlll lute car* of the premises

Atso VOR BALK cr TO LET.A baaatifbl GOTHICCOTTA«.K aadtb Brabta aad five Lots of Or sand, laid cat withRbrBbhery Prrit Ac, oa the comer *f Oate* and P.-ankLnsis Rreoklya. Terms low Aap y to

_POSTTR A LOPER. No. 4 Sands sc

TO LFT-FT'RNISHED op lJNITRNISHED.Aa eiegatt aRtwry and Baaemeat HOL'IE Rioaw >

keeatifaUa Rrktbed. with Bath raoni, aad otaar modem eoave-aieaaee. b<.U: last nsscr er tn . very des'rtbie ocatioo m S iu-.hBraektye. aot .** astaatae' w» k S.b the Roath Perry Rae"tare new. eUkyaat aad tastwfal. Will be rested far on* yearvert cheap. Firaisaed or Clftirnieked. to a aaaall family, whowtl, as* it wttk g-reaat once. W eaU lent the House ar es 11 thaParnlta.e If dee].ad PeaWaWSasa a tee immediately, la du.reef H. end a B. ROOT or R H MERRILL No. uWftf,flew Yosk, at at Na ICi A-tsdtyW , RrooaJjs,

T° LET.Tb« three rtvrj BRICK BOUSEi M* 7« Vsnchet. For i>m, eno . t. "\KR4 4W Fr K » No IP.,, . aatawf ,. Br ..!>.} An il .R 17 M SJ

T «' LE f-Tlie v v ;> Ii..;» anj

'i'o LET.On2M-«*., ofptmiii L A m ten i .<¦1 bat* lo .Vo*I..L. tuj .n^.i*r.«fmr.(.-yt»ewt e'«w* .f n*. c nttlnial .'I

anec-a Bap.oaeu.ett. Tjicv >m Ik. ,Itr. , |.|,u » ' vwkwl Ho»»» ,0< ,7.-. g».

T° %l"-Tl«' LTPEB part of n .. ye¦ Je» tar*. <« a*. Irry.i . «-,i i,. .tI.¦ I i bu»T... |arpnee». *n*i* b-grtber, to . od Ui ant apply if ta» *

la Baaasa, or to-ir in« r

r> hrnIi at tor.**

P0 LET.\ brawayRtobeHOVAEA IIa M «v.i 2M,,« tow -o.^a,,, .,4'

povemei.«. Mm) U see l .( « Ui nr. Be the la, Aeole lo.P. 0 HI .¦ >ICT, No 7. rZlZTOLFT in RRfOKLYX-SiT HOUSES 5

a, A i rar I liitonat aa m-aaet ititoibta r.|,hv>ra»4c'.ae ba at*] rei r.'eua la ibe fer. re R-nt sc.urd og f» *ie->'ati R a ARja .i.a Rt* 111|ui.a of V. d. 8 ["ALLK <EwUI r'No 85 .-aeaesuet New Yurk._rOLET.HOUSES Nor 150 Mai 158 Weft

I 'b it hetwrea l.rtwa'wsa and Ith *v ; i'ott gs la rearHi 1* Kur iT .' . b'Cwt e'ooe Barni m ead lax

. to.-j tlüi «I , lelw.. a l.bna Ctn aaa la i-iire ofMACPaALAa k MCaUtlCf, >, OU »v_

1*0 LET.1 wo"'COTTAGES on -let nt, ~b»-twec-n «d a- d So aaa Iio/im af

_MACFaRLAN aQaglBtiT. No 49SdeT

TO LET.A liandrxiinr. roomy, detached twt>»Inry .i d attic frame b W K .LI SO Hi »INR IllfalallJMlvatav,tl Bebas 'n V«n Vtt sv n**r Orelnni aT Ke*<

t.ock'ja Kent *>..<..lecv ow toi.EHR ,£ W, KEL*£Y.

¦aNMa >rd Home kg-nt. No i2l II aad at, Wil'isuitbarpa.T° LET.lit >ESE ami STORE. \.,. ;!!»! andA 3.i denke.«', aim.:, efi I Dpi 9 tvi* loinir- o'

V L. i-txr^ Me. lit Waeaat aa4 N I at »nana«rr«0 LAW VEhS..Half of a Se.T of OFFICESA to LET Ri. 1.1 .«.¦(, I aid at, No 80 et. at it* Bo. n.a

IX} LET "in BROOKLYN..Rent* redufed;i' mreiota aaaaaaatea), m co ooie'e iraer Tnw «'.>ry

Hi tf|E. eoatb ude of L uion o ar Hirt« >t fjaa aad mrdera'r r -» »'»'< Alan. Hr. a»n Maaa HUL'iE ao ilTUeoijet,If* r. :tu:t« from II aa.i ten tt Fern

_THOt 1 MaaMi T-tm d»B' H'rktet

IK) Ltbl or LEaHE.tut itrnRai, tourch atidfifth I OrT*'n the iar«r btowa «oo»- tout BuM ngN i.

tJrR Btaalaaai.aet'F Cei'rah « retina tor any tin I of )aal-Lt ea, er.d aaib h. ... r rfil pnal'1'- ' Apol« at

V AN PER tll.T Bim t n hi-rt No 4 3 j4ro*rlarty.I^O LET .One or two desirable UF^FICfct* IRI T'i'iiy Piil' A'di-eaH r Ni 2 1*5, P 0.

r|Hj Ljktl.TWO a«nieel COri'AtrLS at ItA-A \ ENS'* OOO. I.. 1 with'iranodt «od auilee a-taraf bed,

> in friHtt of ibe atearuboat leading, at l.iwer Raver.e.aa.h^I. Hlagee p .ae tr.e door*, eaery boar, to lj-eenp la: *' ].llen.ebarth end Brnrklyt,

Rbai ier aele. two deatra'.is BI'ILOINO LOTS, eaeh lifBBat on road aad Kaet B-vra* end ebont l-'a- Peel Irj Uagth next

ateemboBt lacdls* A . to HARRIS A Jo , No. 22 Peak-e'lpi or to J. d. 11 AHB Id, near the premtsee.

TO LET- A n.-at COTTAGE. p'eit*antly_gitii.Bated ta CUaREH BVILLI Long 'eienn, half en «

ride fr'.n. the city. Tttma moderate Apply ta

_VAN tV(..KLK. rei. itnf) a. -t

TO LET, and Poneegsioii gate*, imuiediately.Arototi He-ie DWCbUwO H iL'afi la Ot.ote ft J.,

titnataa at Vain a .b it', di-tatoe tiom the Raalratejfawjotaitg Oreito I. ab mt twelaeu.i ee fiop >.* -k a fe * u.i e* hey -nd Neavat.oa toeMi itla a. d Pa., a beiiroed To a tSBtal featllt, wtthoat chil¬dren the pro.eity will be rented turR'2it.e- eana a Korluither pa tku'et« eppby to ROdIRT <l!AaS

181 Wi 'lam a r-at Ra« York.

1*0 LET.STORE Bo.707 Brondwity, betweenf.b aid 9*.t e't 2b ft 6 in In w Idth, he 11S't deep P*a>

trsal'n tieen tmmediataiy Appy t > M AC5'AaLAN A MEt-Ii I I' No 41.Id ae

OTOBE8BOP8 at LOW RENT.I.ari.1', IT,M well eentneted and 1- ih* beit part of the city. Apply

a the Pui Office of Button'« Th-ater.1170RK8rlOPfl to LET.In th. in«.v fiM' -itoi ,'fl PKaR HUIL UN", No HI «. nit-at oay three d > i'tweal of Hrradway Oood llgal font ant rear One of tatD.oat eenfel and rnnvenient ioe«'i ma in t*>e city Pg« Jee.ler., frlttert Bookh'urera, Piauo Maker*.or enylight jVeLulectuting buainea*. tpelr te

J L fMmPTON, la that rroart Rtora.

<|*j)<3~änd 331 BRX)AJ)WAl North-ü-ht*)»>»* OF'K KB »Mo *" No dll «rielwey Jt-r-eaaillg llalaa Rerat* RITT tit 11 No 3n Beoaderit. « d-light anil «k» I'tb , do *>|.V to Ml.e**, No J;l Briadway,Iturt *f Ralooa Bae**ttai Rl>* U t t»\ No xi ttroad«ar.upper pelt of Hi o«e, ot in par.a Rh' I fa *' K#| at »

up Headway Kaabmiebie Sr irrt RI M la t><!5''' .tijly,for all dtKrlpiinn- of Btoadwaa pr perfy. to

OBORAI P. FOX,Nat <; lor32l Broadway.»> lO BROADWAY, orer6RtrR.eett)tlva l i'i-f)4w ertecle to LIP. to *B i t'r Ulfi-ee aud Worktbope Apa'a on the pr-a ieea or ro

I'A vTBlDOE R BRI TAN, No RM Broaiwty..Rfr*- BROADWAY, 3lreetl; oppoRite City~mrt) f 11*11. .1 he? Fourth tt.d Pi ih Btor..-t wnb Say-Hint to LEI. Iti-i'iir* at the Pener Han.In« W.ri-hine* of

ffBOB. fa YE A Co., aa taa prvmiie*.

. t)onoco tinb Marino UJantcb.STKAM-IiiWKR and ROOM WANTED .

V« ii t.l !p lease tor a term of aeaiae lar.. ? k 1 r 9L ll>t.w<te f erd rnon artjo'Bins a * enuor twelve k .ree 8Te: \ af-1'iita.gB. Moat be located on No th River airN, and wi- noes

S''btt. Addteas aietitg paitiou'or« o II 1 -. a' In e


\\T(.| I.I) ill,.- a niniill TENFMENT of twotl at three II am* la the aUtarflT <*i <l Joba's-pua Ai-iieatC W Ii K. i No i »I Pott Office.

_Real (Sfltntc for Bait*ABFATJITFITL CÖÜNTBT BEAT let 8 U.E.

NE AH PLL'nHINO, L. I Only one hours «i«aa.efn ii. tl-* cira v "He* nloat and Raiinadl and c i^io-ai «to li Is* ace. oi highly Isapravsat O.VROKN. «EIDJ.Vaid Tl uI.A riiE LA1»» Th- main dw-Uiot la Is-ge end «pa-

tioiia gi lit-mint a'l Ibe modern (inorovem-nte avaiiabl» in theroui'ry besutitully atsdei by treet, which are th«gro»thefthirty jeer., and it. Veracda« era anrornuiouly c ~il kbdpleassi t in the h>et «I anmmnr The ire*n-Houaa It »In in

eic*lient condition, and remarkably »eil built, The lc*-houae ii tuny *inied for th* co ciag *«a*or.. Tne Coach Housetnd Ruble* are weil (end even eapotiSTely) boll', aad wiUchs"et ge coo pa-ison with any in th- aicioiiy of New-If'irk.Tt eie 1. alio on ibe preri a leautifal Cottage of two stori'S.

». :iy arrartr i tor aumir-r or wn-er ..r.riioai,cf. Neipen-e has been epa'ed tn ibe cultivetiao of 'he land, sablllbla tarn' ua fur its yield of tine fru'te end v latAaklaa Tbo anus

ti n of tb* ir'oper.t is on hith g ouoi BtMerae between Fli.h-its end tA'biiesione. end nueurpa««d a*) noaith and tmaaty bya- [tagRaidsBB* aa.'Oia a e (aal of the City ofhis Ink A lane petti, n of the pr .pe-t) Ii -s up >n s bea itifBI avenue, wh i li is rapid a becoming a faeorl'e ana for dr.t-c'ss* iiaidenees, etd It la safe to assu tie that should the par-chas.r see fit to sell Villa Sue* along the too, he tamAi it ao ata han-aoioe a. vance upon ce' Ta» place I« eaaily atceatihlefrom New vert, Iv tae lliiabing Rtiir ad and teat(elibt trife dai y each way,) by stet-t halfhoirly ftvntb*Peck tlip Ferry, and by atcem kaag to Waite-etooe.

Price for ibe wfco'e Rte ff n; for the bouse green h nse andfive acresif lie cnoice.t |a den land imai'd ately s'acen",pad leg; aad) agg the house and green h.ia.e, witi ouiy threescies 0I3.MR A liberal eaount left oa bond and mortgage.

r r per'icu'are a I If to

_AN rilONY J. BLECCKER, No. 7 Bread tt.

T PKIYATE SALE.A FARM at WeatHa, tenant, N J l*j cuilea from Hohoken aodljinilat

abo'e Heckerta:k It cootaint ab ut V> acte«, *'o' .

fllable'end, balance w ^d and mead iae, »:ih a new H tat Mcy M teel deep finished with aistbie mantles, Ac Ac also a

tew ban., six* Si by 3>J fset deep with e terse Apple O.coard.a'd a feat variety of other Fruits together with a lot ofFanu'rg I'terjila For tetn,« end tur'her pa/'l alert tpply attheotlceof RAKERA«EKK4 AMtleojeert

No I Ploe St.. corosr of Broadway.T a ORF*.AT SACRIFICE.To~"mee-t "pre«i-lag eegasamenta Th* ade- rtteer wi sal* a large three-

story b-ict BO(III and LOT. at a ptiee thai will render it a

dastiablt inreatmeot Tb* boose on alas \"> ro irai. witb attore oo b'«t fJooe, and eel sr underneath sod icated oa Pa¬cific st ae it door rest of the corner of W'ashlog'.oa it. la-c,Bii*of JOHIt Dl.'PFY. on th* premltesj._

ASTORIA..COUNTRY BF:SIDENCE forBALE.Loes'ed l| ml e« from Mth et Perry cimentnd-

lag a Tiew if lbs Bey. wnktwoeciasol' Orracd k .aatlfa'le laidoat ¦ lib a larte variet. of Fralt and O najjeotal Treee, Beatac -nt.i. a R Bat and Cellar; sai. Barn. Cerri*«* and o'herttu' Baileuga all searly aa* an* ta pecfeet order. Termtee«y. Apt.y loJACuB P RkPE'.'fE. E«; ad ,nu.g thetremieee, or tu CHARLE*) W WARD, N»-_IHJftont-st_

CARMANSYILLE PROPERTY for RALE orta Le T .A baadseme t*o story asd basement COf-

TaOE WMB ftab.e wtii be aeld oa aocoram eja'int terms orlet IB a g-Btsel faa-ily louaire of JuHN D CHCVALIÄR.fe. ago Broadway. N.B Poweaeion immediately._

Ci -übtet RESlDENt E fur SALE..A deair-able Coon'iy Residence at tiREEN >V1 1 C099\ wita

two or four artet af lend titusted in tie village The H luseis eearly tear, the room* are barge and com -noHoaa, a tone viewof the Boond. 'bree Cbarchee and good aMawMas la taa Unna,dia'e neighborhood Pisaee loa t'aea 'mmea.ataly Apply'oHOMER NOBOAN Piae at. No I Metropoli.aa Bant flullolng. or oa the premises,to Mr PEw'K._


(i-aared *acut oc« mil* froaa Vaaderbilt'* Lttvilag. eomsnaawlog t fine vtetv *f Iba Bay It a wall ftAiabed. aud hat .eftcoBTeBience for a tentael fanliy. and a good Coaeh-doa*e. aaafron 1 to 4 seres of Laad

Also, ia same aeighbeirbood. a email COTTAOE.Ia goodorder »Ith Coaith Hoaaa, ann about half aa acre of Laad Potparties era apply to_LEV I COOR, No 71 Rroedsvey._CGENTRY SEATS Rnd BUILDING SITES.

BeaatifBiiy tltaated ia parcel* fium aeree ta half as a--.

aboot two tates oat ef Rrr.klyn. oa Rai.road and Plaakraad.access" is by omnibai Bad railroad s IA reiaatee atd will buildbeaaet to oak patch**etB Apply to CR, MILLER k Co.,Aaetioneer* No IS6 Broadway.


OUNTRY-RESIDENCE for SALE Rt RYEtack, half * oa le from the ratified depot, eitatted oa tb*

Boaroe Tarapike Roaa. aad Bear Loa« la «ad doaiadi theboeae Is baaotlfaily a haded, there are about four acres sfgross* abarndaac* of abads aad ornaateatal treee, all tinde offrmlt tree*. R.were Rat kltcbea gardea ttakla, Ac. Apply toT. I SHEPHERD No 29 aad Fj OttA-at._FOR SiLE.One fintclAda foor-itorjr browa-

BtPaV»fToat ktOObE. avttk all the modem Improveoaeets2* by w Lor t« ktl I loche« deep RHtaatad No al EastMbh st bet 4th Bad LexlBAtoa-avt Iaioir* of JOHN W.KI ELDER. N.~ * East 1 at st, near Id as '_ _

FOR SALE or EXCHANGE tor a FARM.Anear BOOdE ta Tvbat , W'K.iamabargb which will rent

(or ORB* Woald lika Farm ta baa* 75 to 100 aatttt of Lsvaditaejat beva atwA tnA treee wpoa it aad a* ayadj wateteA Afply ta WsCaT OOaUl, Jd-t*,, WRBi ¦¦Raf|>.


1?0R BALE.A tkm itan IYrsm HOUSE Ml1 i*mLOT*ofOROCMRlaIgtaajt 1 .. - ,,I «e f P i(ki l 's soj bated il required is Aee-ee., betwreea4 ' . 4 u> .>., Tb« h.e. . r Heira 11 ~s, «. au* e.dar U aar«to .»he« 1r« k «' I'd »ataiod well <1 soft *>ut a|t>lb*aavaaaia ta*e*yeayh. i . t>«'a-r» o» b.>ed aa4atajaanaajLVT7/,aTf?,» *PP a <»e o, lo Jo) IN CJ,MF f FORD. «t» rur ataiv

E?Oaa PALI.F or of the elefMa fonr-eXOTyb s. .«.. o, ,tl>P, fltml n,,|j ;g, c«ra* uf bom ,'*"* tHoaeaees | . e I i»e ;..,.« Seea"'*l .aa'i iaaajoileaity Tl.. R««a ara ball« o- ib* tar ena'.nai. aai

,-.,,«,,t'e w.iB Fj.- mm a.ara.T ,fT* '* 'be b'JJt_ee- ao ta> |a,a .

I FRAMED e)t)ll4R a-rear af »eReib ead Mir«, armEa.l »rr>ll,« »W »*LE and FOUR t")""^ff. \ aNou » U :-fi I Tie bo is a la re fe-d loe f .aa-wwa «ualtte trunotl lall with »n«e« Pre < f"re~ and' a It la a ia>~i ro-d to ai. the f-trwe eel a "treat,n - ara h freaa tbe M«ltl»e* rara *p*J, eeth* previses.IK* i.ROiVR V.» r P'l»-t äe afaif,

L'1 'i» SALE.At Chatham I .TiTTCorm-ia. C.7-1 o^lia County a «cd I IHM of 44) acree. vanety ufthou. Piu:t, a ford H-nae e'th 1{ roime a '»-pi aal Ser-n«te honse. ttue Baraa, Ac a - tear aba 4M >'ofHar.m bail read ran a .meat to schritt* agd ct ardh**. le-VvZ2'J-'*! T Etta^D.rta\5IWa»a1 o-.fS.U Sri»

i;<»|{ SALE or to i;i N I -Tie 'twivatairy hiah,

.,tL=» '';0o'.'0,""£.r »ctpecr. rxr-!>,. r-l.hb rbotd.

I^OH .SALI- or to LET at KING'* BRIDGE.a .-»> < ur.STPV Ri.-a iia-a, a; ,,.,...< . in,road r.O!P«io \ort-ra T!>« darr-llir* la a foabla . sr > aaary.naaiaaae*an.eai hoi'.uaa ^» at ran art.,and roatalaecoe-ren tat »aler arrar^a-j.t.rt atatbla man.I t Sic. tbe oath«. (ir.e aravbtmtItbaata c. ¦ ?..c» ice honee. ailed and allII p ra rt ord, r Taeie la ac abarananee of t/.ea f apeTinea iLruhberj Sc 1 or latthet pattir.i a'l anp'y lo

_m Jttea ttotJANSALK, FXCHASOE, ,,r toLKT.ön thö

i Bi«ton Fi e'rned at Bto Nack. na hMk (roaad.ia full riearot the -eard he I a mile from the Mamaroeeca Btatija atdl'NTRY SEAT of aboat font iciea.wuh ahaode-.c* ol .ba-i.aand fr nt t>.e> and ITarj rtaaltt * aaartiiktiiu* i,Mgi h.i..Ii|, Ac. Arptvl-Mr. f I,V»«i K KUREN, on Ha* prerjM-*.. or V W I in L1M.lN.Nj 1 >,..« «' S t.

0 Ii SALE. B VRf?. RERN'T' IV a f-lt.LlPi,

No SI L'-er.a a' n-a- Naetea.Two thr-e-et wj nratr'ia* b.tct .Ijuae*. with etl tbe modern

lwit'ioT. aaai ta. la 6 ** atTt e t .air Mai j tint rlaea Fa tilth R aaemrat HT >u*a, VVaM 2Xb>

at te«i t h a* . tarlr* all ibe mcdrrj l»ptatt n.utaTlie Bjaw at. and toaaemeat hi own etoae tioot Houee Ne *U

tth tT. Lear >ic at1 hn thrre at«} biick Hoaea coruer of Clinton and Rlala*--

tor t a

Tato four rton b-:. k Hoaa.'t. 7ih *r. a»»r '»hatTbe tout a an kilek !loa>e ,,o abt aaeat tabaVal1r. ti t* Lot, I1 itrtf- >nt v. nh i"ie I'uptoveirieota tlidrejti,

Waat eele of Hi I. er near 4b'<b atTwo I.o'a tojith aide of 44th .I IOn fVet eeat of loth ar.Sil I ote'la'terlem. IWih et near 6th a*.Ihr lliree airrj end b eement Hri. k Home fioiebiad la h >ad-

aome eiyle c. -n-r o' L*e a* en.i R ee at BtootljoT. «etber wnh a oouiber of Houeea and Lota io New TorR,

Broot jn a^.i aVÜRaatwaMraRAllot the above ptopeity wi be add ch-ip. and on eaay

terms_FOB 8 »LE or EXCHANGE.A lian.i*oiTielyA tinahid HO08C, No i"7'V«.t 3"h at. near S h «e ear*.Baa tbe laaprei >att Beatpieta taai I lei tv*th tab*,Resits Batt* VAe'er c'te.i., Dual1) w-n.r. tubet Be lt,Us, Il lee lootaa deep sHronplere +s n .1 ma-remain rsnaastl fill* --- t "»|.| eichaajn for (ood New Yoikor Yooaets Lots. Api Ir or a> .1" aa

A l)*V|4, owner. No .'v. Staae.

HOUSE for BAI B ia SOCTG BBOOKLTK..a T-T« Baaertes Üttsaeta » irick BOOoK. No. * tfalsey-

at IRR koast teal >' C**j t-ar arall h nit m ee-ip paiticolar,has batb at d all tbi asndetat bMaso*waaaaM a iar»« p mioa r- n ho. d and uor'aaae 1'al Ire eeeaf-nen 2 to 6, Fat I'm but partioulart ln;n:is of JtiilN T.Daly, No im w»j .t

HOUSE ami LOT, tritk 6T0BB, fof SALEt HEAP fur CA'H.No ii caaibraoce; f ur start, fiie-

pioot Iii ION I 'ot n water all ibi»u*n ihs a <uae | ¦atatealon7iha'.. ar Jttb at Apply at No ¦. >t "earl at ia ibestore TaliEf.¦Rawal loua.., ll.ioo.s, Bedrooms, & \

noi svs for BALE VF.RY CHEAP..Sixtuoaoiy a n B t.k Baaevrnt for aale. Ties ai*

bsaattfally located in Miciaoa-aL. sear FuIi>bst Hallio.d,".on. Ivn, a-.d raillahed *>ih Marh.e Mw.'.lee, fl.s es AreWill be t dd tor nal* kl.wOeaca About twotklrdt can re¬main on bead aad aarwinaa la jaire of rtPPKN TQW&-RLND. No ti .".iiaa.u «t , New Yon apstairs_? 01 8E8 foT sALET.At thfTl'uiou-BquareII Baal Retail US** Ml r t -r- tt Ho i*a. coiaet of 4to>bt ted ivrh tt t tine four story krosya-*t* .i- kaaaa, iu Hi at,,it»r .Mh-at RIT.Uti aV).$l»RB)| H,|1ni| do threebuntes RIHHi.sM between Madl.oa «» and Brotdwty. AL i »i P* n at1' a li nt b uae In il «. it uee' 'i*i iia'on ar ,

+ Two lion hoosealo rimt m p'sce. *iri'«e)»nl ?»,'»¦».feTciel eleteat - « on unmrpeesed ineicnlletre of boisB and beau't locst'ou be soythin* in f.emerket *> t tun io RM.'i'l T-en liae lour atory ¦arown at-irae ,

homes on Leiiostuti as *>I4 issl and* 3M0 Ala i. up we'd*ot Infoibif b ue.t k »arnna parts of tb* city, *t from Rio .la i I KR Ca.1 and etaioina our lat*.

K'iYK« b. H')At>fjAND.

HI I HIV EU ( H'NTKY >E.\T forSALE CHEAP.- A Ccnntra- <eat altoat-d a itlle

Hace I art cootnar iinti beiu ioil vlsw of 'he ilrer e >n'ai_-los abnot 50 tctet. f besuifu land ()u the p-eniaet there l«aler.e Mane on Fatal Batt**, Bar .is .W ..«! *^d Ice tloiiaea. F'th-Pond Ac Tn« pi a*r*Thadj mint ti-t of «b B Uiniaior*,V A S3 BttwBll COwTaOKadj*aala| with 1j) »cr«.. co a

lesndlns e view of th. r pet A great variety ofcbolse riada We T....... ..... Aef e Be

IlilMI K at.nt 1 a V . I I'ioest New York.

ft I <Ult|-F0I< »ALE CHEAP.3? 1 |OOt I, Foi sale cbe-.'i. a <Uree*«ory krtok boa**lo BneLwirk. *: V<0Alao.a'ao ataW] cnttate, wl'b two tola. In Clarencevtlle,

Load! fataad,ball ar baas *riwa traeB Now YorB; house new.S>1"' Tema very .. .v

T t> ''.er with a aaa>aet o< and lots la New York,Bivoaivnaad V i1 isi-e'-uriih Ao|dy to

FBCARKa, BER^JltSlN * PHILLIPS,No si f.ibeetvet

W \I.KEH A_Cu..REAL ESTATE, LOAN,It A.- AliK CV Nn V47»ru.d»a» enrner Mar-ayet..

ever Be Black A Co .Real F.ara'e bou(ht eold, leased sotaxebsrte.'; atcau'y leod aVaevaateek so nd b u*bt, sddaniMtyaAadl Ren's «od char moneys rolectac, btuaey loaaed;s:..l I n.u. ss'ona promptly eacca'aal.

3ti5truction.A USTERDAM ACADEMY.Ob the CentraldTshn l.cad *' milee west of A baay Term c>; inmence.a MayIi nun her ttattttd t It) Reference.D 11. Ciu'tuaden, A. M.,No. Hi Nt.aaeu it. F.r Circulars, ruldtes*

_M P. CAVgRT, R M PrtecipeL_AWELL exp«ri«R«ed ProHaRor of If08(0 tm

the PI AMU a* aiso raaabey tVf both tbe FRKNC-1 and(iF.eM AN laagaaga* having bee i blthly sarc-es'ui la thesebtar cbes !¦ r th« las' five yara in cat deei ee 11 d so<>ae ofa few hont«, be las to spars at nicest, by engagiat a few tva*ci U'r al Hr Loiart. \t nh tegarrj to bla caoabilltv, heboldly'*.fi't'o l.i«prea.nt pupils tahoee loo' nah scjtiieonsta mayapesk ti bi» anvaciate No u'.Jecttno to anch e* anti te lateteer« at hie residence Put pa t -.ulai« isiuire uf W.RAA It E No 1J Bivintton tt,. th'rd .1 eir Lear Bo«ery.

All. WHEELER, timlior of PENMAN.. SHIP and BO'IK K KP. »IN t, Iii« lenoi'i t> aew aad

. r orr. No (») Broadway, c .raer o' 1 h st ')raemen'sl VVrkhtgasei u ed to n d-r Uaefsl and higher braucbeauf Matneniatics by aa able teacher.

FAMILY SCHOOL for LOYS..NauberA to el«bt- Noee received over leu react of age.Oipbsi, ib'b'rra can rea.eln during vac a".ra and If desired, ta*Pilrcipel will provide clo*bia| ted Uta tbe emir* overaltht oftbem. There ar* now two T*e*ec.iee. further Inf"luaUeamay be obtained by eodieesii g 'be Principal af Rest, Ct.

_ABHRRL PL'tiLCR. PrisetaaL

ASHLAND HALL.A BOARDING-SCHOOLfor BUY3. W es« B o. ti.beid N 1 -The Teeatyo'gbtk

f-uA Annual teae on commence on WEO-M-SllAY.Msv *. euroing. Circulars on applteat on at Mr.WUey's, no. 167 Broadway at by mail or otherwise to

DAMP A FRaMP, Pitoc'pel.

VLAOY ra-biiHn»! in one of tbe moat healthfulend lallpAlIRl Iaaa i l*s in tbe Spate, wiafaea ie take a

lew O.rl* between rh, sie* nt 7 and IS fur INdTRU .TION.Boe has evcy 'scilny lor 'If,rung them a p'eaeaut a,toe,and ibelr »du. a'lon a taoroutb one b .in m the ttnglieb and a*>

.r- en'* BBtbal y ier rrence* «ieen Adlre** T C B.«TiibeBs Ufhce.

BLOOMEIEL1» ACADEMY -Family Boardir.g .ad f*a> kebool, for Males and Fem« ee corner of

B.. ii field end lat its, Hnle.k.n. N J -ED FELbiMER.Principal. Tbe Bummer ReasioB will eommeoee May let.Number ilmitid. Buuatboa healthy and deliab'ful The lasts-tutiou has all Iba toottera Impioveaient* and edords rare ton-

aet ince to enquire a peifect kaowiedge of the Ue'maa aadPreach licfbege* I lrcaiatt at Weeteiinaaa't Booatture, Nd.i*t briedwsy. Mew York._BEBKSHIKE FAMILY SCHOOL.STOCK-

BRl0(ii Msae-cheeettsb The rit'MMFR dEtSIUMwill on tb- let of MAY. Boye fioea 8 to Id years will beedncated for Co.lege or bealnews pursuits Rtoetbrtdte I« dietla-guwbed for lie hae eaeoery. healthfai climate aad highly aaAkVvsled society Clrraler* Cootaimnt fall la'ocosttoe. refer-enoee. Ac wtl! be seer s*J spplieetlo* to R W-wtermana kCo BookseLtit, No i*> Brnalesy, ttsw York.

J4RH) REIO, Jr. {PrtadBeU.FEbDIRANB HUFFMAN?!,) ."aa9*<*'

BOARDING SCHOOL for BOYS.At New-_1 Boche ,1s, on* boar from Near Yoik Tbe feveoth TeraaI this llatltete will coom.lirn net the 30th lost Parent* of

w.rr« an cotaalt tbe fiacOei on rKI 'aV «. 12 o'c lock. a*the offic* of The TribuaB;_R, LOCK WOUD. PrincipaL^

BOAEDfNO'SCHOOL for BOYS, at ORKEN-WICH Cotta .111* Soniagar Raattoa will eomrniat*

MONDAY May 7, and oootloo* tw*aiy tw* .?.»* fSgeuiara. eontsunlng reterenrea, teraat be , eegly to taa cpnaat

pal._LE W|D HO* B. 'rieeawtjBb.Caatta.

BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNGLADIER No F7 I>ompso»st-rt>e Mlasee PA^ACHB

. ill ie open tkatt aateb. iahmeat for tha Baaa over das ana om

the tlth April._._.*ÖHERRVTEMALE ACADEMY. Cherry VrI-

try N T..Nett seealoa aommencea May 5 r* A****loVoe.;eppl, to taePrtacioaJs or WM » alC A WNJbaar.YoVk CO HAZELTINE. J. A P'> WlER. Prtaerpaia.

DTC^lNlBON fi^fTÜTE. No. l.CWO BroäJ-«a« near llat-et Limited to V Boy*.1_A A MaRCELL'-* A M . Prtaclaa'.

IP | G L I 8 H and CLASSICAL FAMILYJ BCHOOL for ROTI at iadford. W»««ehester Ca-aty,

N T. A WILLIAM* >N A at PrtaeiptX Bait taawAWarlll commence May 1 A *m*t' aaa.ber of papdl* ottW twttjyod.ClrcBiars mat be bad e* D BE ARIEN, B«v «I Peeri at. B.T..or byaadreasiBg the Prtttdawl ra-

MOUSt'WA8H1NQT0» COLLEOLATK 1»-RTITVTE.Na M 4tA*L, ea Wttbkaalaa tkaaaaa a*-

tnaoa Na. IM attc«»*n«i *¦ - . ...«.CLARK A FÄRBINw, FrteVtir***

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