
    7 天天天天體驗瀨戶內海體驗瀨戶內海體驗瀨戶內海體驗瀨戶內海~单车天堂单车天堂单车天堂单车天堂+爱媛爱媛爱媛爱媛+鸣门涡潮鸣门涡潮鸣门涡潮鸣门涡潮 Hiroshima ~ Miyajima ~ Ehime ~ Shimanami-kaido ~ Naruto Whirlpool ~ Osaka

    广岛 ~ 宫岛 ~ 愛媛 ~ 戏旺沿海大道 ~ 德岛 ~ 大阪

    Day 1: SINGAPORE - HIROSHIMA (via Taipei) (Meals on board) Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to the land of the rising sun - Japan.

    Upon arrival, meet & assists by local guide and transfer to hotel for your night stay.

    第一天第一天第一天第一天::::新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡 > 广岛广岛广岛广岛 (途径台北途径台北途径台北途径台北) (机上用餐) 齐集樟宜机场,乘搭客机飞赴“日出之国”日本。抵达后,往下榻酒店

    Overnite: Hiroshima Granvia or similar class

    Day 2: HIROSHIMA – MIYAJIMA – HIROSHIMA (B/L/D) This morning, we will proceed to Miyajima, a UNESCO world heritage site – where Itsukushima Shrine is located. You will need to take a short ferry ride to reach the popular shrine. Miyajima (literally “Shrine

    Island") has been celebrated as a sacred island and is one of Japan's three most beautiful sites. It is most

    famous for Itsukushima Shrine, which, together with its large wooden tori (gate), stands in the ocean during high tide. Deer move around the island freely, and so do monkeys on top of Misen, the island's

    highest mountain. We proceed to Iwakuni to walk on the famous Kintaikyo Bridge. It is a series of five wooden arches bridge. The area surrounding the Kintai Bridge is marvelous - natural scenic beauty such

    as the fresh greenery of Mt Shiro, and the limpid stream of the Nishiki River.

    This evening, we will return to Hiroshima.

    第二天第二天第二天第二天::::广岛广岛广岛广岛 ---- 宫岛宫岛宫岛宫岛 ---- 广岛广岛广岛广岛 ((((早早早早,午午午午,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 今天,乘船前往有日本三大景之一的宫岛宫岛宫岛宫岛去。从渡船口步行 10 分钟。可以看到浮在海面上的朱红色大鸟居大鸟居大鸟居大鸟居。圆柱高 16 米,周长 10 米,是用楠树自然木做成的。满潮时大鸟居的下部被浪包围,看不到。好像鸟居浮在海面一样。退潮时可以走到鸟居的下面。满潮,退潮的景观都十分美丽迷人。接着,进入严岛神社严岛神社严岛神社严岛神社。浮在海面的本社正殿和长廊也是严岛的特征之一。朱红色的圆柱林立的走廊下,拐几个弯,好像走廊一直在海上延续似的。真是让人入迷的景色。冬天的宫岛也值得推荐。积雪的对岸为背景,看到的大鸟居的景色,也吸引很多摄影爱好者。接着到岩国的象征-锦带桥锦带桥锦带桥锦带桥去参观。桥长约 200 米、宽 5 米,是一座 5 孔木制拱桥,采用了组合式的建造技法,不用一根钉子,为日本三大名桥之一。

    Overnite: Hiroshima Granvia or similar class

  • Day 3: HIROSHIMA - EHIME - SHIMANAMI - IMABARI (B/L/D) After breakfast, precede to Hiroshima famous Peace Memorial Park and the ruins of Atomic bomb dome, thereafter, a stop at the Memorial Museum. Here, you will learn about the history of 2nd World War. We move on to Oyamazumi Shrine located on the island of Omishima in the Seto Inland Sea. The shrine is dedicated to the Gods who protect sailors and soldiers. Next, location Kirosan Observatory Park - a spectacular view from 307.8-meters on top of Mt. Kirosan. The observatory at the south end of Omishima Island is uniquely designed under the mountain and cannot be seen from outside. From the

    top, you can enjoy the panoramic view of the Kurushima Kaikyo Ohashi Bridge, the world’s first triple

    suspension bridge, in front of you, and on your back, Mt. Ishizuchi. Today’s highlight is Shimanami-Kaido

    Cycling. Cycling is a popular means of experiencing the Shimanami Kaido. You will experience a thrilling 1hour bicycle ride on top Shimanami-Kaido Bridge. The route is well marked and maintained, and diverges from the expressway on the islands. The ramps leading up to the bridges were built at small

    incline with cyclists in mind. Tonight relax your mind & soul and dip into a hot spring.

    第三天第三天第三天第三天:::: 广岛广岛广岛广岛 ----爱媛爱媛爱媛爱媛 ((((戏旺沿海大道戏旺沿海大道戏旺沿海大道戏旺沿海大道 ---- 今治今治今治今治)))) ((((早早早早,午午午午,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 早晨,首先,到和平纪念公园和原弹纪念馆和平纪念公园和原弹纪念馆和平纪念公园和原弹纪念馆和平纪念公园和原弹纪念馆去了解二战历史。在广岛市内,你可看到原爆圆顶馆原爆圆顶馆原爆圆顶馆原爆圆顶馆,,,,它是它是它是它是留在市中心的原爆遗迹原爆遗迹原爆遗迹原爆遗迹。原爆是 1945 年 8月 6日上午 8点 15分,在原爆圆顶馆的东南 150 米处,高 580米的上空爆炸,广岛市一瞬间成了焦土。在和平纪念公园里散步。公园宽广明亮,难以值信这里有过悲惨地历史。原爆祭奠碑前献花并合手祈祷的人流不断。不仅是日本人,还有来自世界各地的人们。下个景点是大山大山大山大山祇神社祇神社祇神社祇神社.大山祇神社是爱媛县屈指可数的古老寺院。这里以神很灵验著称,前来这里参拜的人络绎不绝。特别是这里还有楠群作为天然纪念品,世界上有很多人只听说过但从没见到过,都想争相一见。楠树和其他树木不同很稀有,独特的芳香和暖昧的色调让世人喜爱,而且有很多人在楠群中释放平日的压力。然后,到亀老山展望台亀老山展望台亀老山展望台亀老山展望台去.展望台由建筑家隈研吾亲手打造,具有〝从外侧看不到、从内侧看得到〞的设计概念。从展望台可以饱览世界首座三连吊桥"来岛海峡大桥"、被列为日本三大急潮之一的来岛海峡潮流等等。这里也是来岛海峡落日的最佳欣赏景点。天气晴朗的话,还可以眺望到近畿以西的最高峰"石锤山"。 最后特点,骑自行车巡游骑自行车巡游骑自行车巡游骑自行车巡游戏旺沿海大道戏旺沿海大道戏旺沿海大道戏旺沿海大道.在日本算是最值得推荐的路线之一。桥上除了汽车车道,还有专门的自行车道、人行道。头顶蔚蓝色的天空,望见蔚蓝色的大海骑行,自由自在,这种感觉会相当不错。 Overnite: Imabari Kokusai Hotel or similar class (Hot Spring)

    Day 4: EHIME - IMABARI - MATSUYAMA (B/L/D) Today we will visit an interesting and unique museum – The Towel Museum. In this museum, you can see and purchase all different kinds of towel. All items are made of towels. Thereafter to Matsuyama Castle, which is located in the centre of the city on a hill and offers a stunning view of the metropolitan area

    and beyond (weather permitting)? This is one of the most well-preserved of the few remaining feudal

    castles in Japan, and can be reached by using a ropeway from the bottom of the hill. Thereafter, to

    Dogo Hot Spring Bath area, one of the oldest hot spring areas in Japan located in the heart of Matsuyama City. You will also have a chance to see the “Bochan” Train and “Bochan” Karakuri Clock. Take a look at one of Japan’s oldest Hot Spring Bath House which is said to be approximately 3,000 years and also spend some time to shop in Dogo Shopping Arcade. There are numbers of souvenir shops and restaurants along the street.

  • 第四天第四天第四天第四天::::爱媛爱媛爱媛爱媛 ((((今治今治今治今治---- 松山松山松山松山 )))) ((((早早早早,午午午午,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 早餐后,首先到独特的毛巾博物馆毛巾博物馆毛巾博物馆毛巾博物馆去看看。在此,你可看到用毛巾制作的可爱玩具,用品等等。你也可在此拍拍照。所有物品颜色亮丽,造型可爱,独特。。接着,到松山城松山城松山城松山城去。它是加藤嘉明于 1628 年建成的,花费了 25年光阴搭建出来的古城。是日本有名的山城之一。它屹立在松山市中心的胜山山顶,受到了市民的喜爱。游毕,往爱媛的道后温泉去参观。道后温泉道后温泉道后温泉道后温泉拥有 3000 年左右的悠久历史,是日本最古老的温泉。温泉浴池的主楼是道后温泉的象征,建于 1894 年,是三层木制结构的建筑。在此,你可以看到古老的"蒸汽钟和蒸汽火车",也可四周围的道后道后道后道后购物街购物街购物街购物街去购买土产。

    Overnite: Matsuyama Tokyo Inn Hotel or similar class

    Day 5: EHIME – TOKUSHIMA (B/L/D) This morning, we will visit Ishiteji Shrine, literally meaning "stone hand temple". The temple is famous for its Niomon Gate, a designated national treasure, its main hall and three storied pagoda, are designated

    important cultural properties, all built in a typical architecture style of the Kamakura Period (1192-1333).

    Thereafter, visit Asahi Beer brewery. You will be given a guided tour round the factory and learn how beer is being produced. After learning the process of beer making, you will have a chance to taste the

    famous beer.

    第五天第五天第五天第五天::::爱媛爱媛爱媛爱媛----德岛德岛德岛德岛 ((((早早早早,午午午午,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 早餐后,首先到“四国八十八处灵地”因朝拜者巡礼朝拜四国地区内的八十八处寺庙而闻名于世。位于道后温泉附近的第 51 处寺庙“石手寺石手寺石手寺石手寺”境内,至今尚保存了许多指定为国宝、或重要文化遗产的建筑物,每年都迎接众多的惨拜者, 热闹兴盛。过后,前往著名的啤酒酿酒厂-Asahi Beer 去参观.在此,您不止可以认识啤酒制造过程,您也可以品尝美味可口的啤酒.今晚入住温泉酒店.

    Overnite: Minami Awaji Royal Hotel or similar class (onsen)

    Day 6: TOKUSHIMA - OSAKA - KANSAI (B/L/D) Today’s highlight - experience natural formation wonder “ The Naruto-no-Uzushio (Naruto Whirlpool)” It is a tidal whirlpool in the Naruto Strait, a channel between Naruto in Tokushima and Awaji Island in Hyogo,

    Japan. You will enjoy an awesome cruise ride to watch the whirlpool in front of you. (Cruise ride is subject to weather condition). Next, travel on top 89km long suspension bridge that links to Kobe, Awaji

    Island and Naruto. Thereafter, photo stop at the famous - Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, also known as the Pearl Bridge, it links the city of Kobe on the mainland of Honshu to Iwaya on Awaji Island, in Japan. It crosses the busy Akashi Strait and carry part of the Honshu-Shikoku Highway. Lastly, a shopping stop in Osaka

    e.g. Shinsaibashi and Dotonbori before departing to Osaka Rinku Premium Outlets, one of the largest Outlet Mall in Japan. There are more than 120 international branded shops e.g. Nike, Adidas, Coach,

    Gap, Reebok, Ralph Lauren, Bally, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger …etc.

  • 第六天第六天第六天第六天:::: 德岛德岛德岛德岛 ----大阪大阪大阪大阪 ---- 关西关西关西关西 ((((早早早早,午午午午,,,,晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 今早,出发前往德岛德岛德岛德岛去观世界名潮——鸣门鸣门鸣门鸣门“涡潮涡潮涡潮涡潮”。涡潮就是海洋涨潮落潮相互作用,最后在海面上产生的大规模漩涡,很壮观。世界上有四大涡潮:南意大利卡拉布里亚沿岸的查雷布迪斯涡潮、西西里岛和意大利间海峡的墨西拿涡潮、挪威沿岸罗佛敦群岛的大涡潮以及鸣门涡潮。只有 1600人口的鸣门市还有四大景之一。你将乘船前往涡潮去做近距离的接触。一个接一个,大大小小的涡潮,一一呈现在你眼前。接着到-明石海峡大桥明石海峡大桥明石海峡大桥明石海峡大桥去拍照留念.此桥在 1998年建成,它是世界上目前最长的吊桥。大桥坐落在日本神户市与淡路岛之间.游毕,往大阪的心斋桥和心斋桥和心斋桥和心斋桥和道頓道頓道頓道頓堀堀堀堀去购物.最后, 到 RINKU工厂直销中心去疯狂购物。 Overnite: Kansai Garden Bellevue Hotel or similar class

    Day 07: KANSAI –SIN (Via TPE) (B/Meals on Board) After breakfast transfer to airport, bid farewell to this beautiful country and we hope you have had an

    exciting holiday.

    第七天第七天第七天第七天::::关西关西关西关西 > 新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡 ((((途径台北途径台北途径台北途径台北) (早餐,机上用餐) 今天,告别难忘的日本,由专车送往关西国际机场,乘达豪华客机飞返美丽的家园新加坡。 注: 行程如有更动, 以当地旅行社最后安排为准。 如果中文路线和英文路线不符合,以英文路线为主。 Remarks:Remarks:Remarks:Remarks: Minimum GV15 adults to go Minimum GV15 adults to go Minimum GV15 adults to go Minimum GV15 adults to go & 20 above paxs & 20 above paxs & 20 above paxs & 20 above paxs include a tour leader from Singaporeinclude a tour leader from Singaporeinclude a tour leader from Singaporeinclude a tour leader from Singapore Tour will be conducted in Mandarin (English guide subject to availability).Tour will be conducted in Mandarin (English guide subject to availability).Tour will be conducted in Mandarin (English guide subject to availability).Tour will be conducted in Mandarin (English guide subject to availability). - Tour operator reserves the right to alter the itinerary / sequence of the day-to-day program due to

    Unforeseen circumstances.

    - Ensure your passport is with at least 6 months validity from date of travel and a valid visa.

    (if applicable) Subject to changes / Not IncludedSubject to changes / Not IncludedSubject to changes / Not IncludedSubject to changes / Not Included 1. Airport /airlines taxes & fuel charge approximately S$398 2. Optional 3D2N Taiwan Free & Easy extension available. Deviation surcharge of S$50/- applies.

    3. Visa application fee (if applicable) - Tipping JPY3500 per traveler - Travel Insurance, etc

    4. Local Peak / Fair Period surcharges

    Any other items not mentioned

    Hotels based on local standards / Room Type: Standard. Triple sharing - 3rd bed is based on roll away

    Certain hotels in Japan may have only tatami rooms AmendmentAmendmentAmendmentAmendment / Cancellation subject to Travel Agents Terms & Conditions/ Cancellation subject to Travel Agents Terms & Conditions/ Cancellation subject to Travel Agents Terms & Conditions/ Cancellation subject to Travel Agents Terms & Conditions FLIGHT DETAILS :

    DAY 01 CI 752 SINTPE 1025 / 1510 DAY 01 CI 112 TPEHIJ 1655 / 2015

    DAY 07 CI 159 KIXTPE 1000 / 1140 DAY 07 CI 751 TPESIN 1605 / 2045


    APR 17, 24

    MAY 1,15, 22, 29

    JUN 5, 12, 19, 26

    JUL 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

    AUG 21, 28

    SEP 4, 9,

    OCT 7, 21



    S$2488 S$1988 S$1988 S$1188

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