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AbstractIntroductionthe need for secuirty has been constantly growing in today in secure world .the usage of secuirty camera with secuirty guards can be found almost every where especially at the big corporation .Many corporation spend thousand of dollars every year after security guards to constantly store in camera monitors for any possible movement.However,it is possible to automatically detect motion in to view of camera in today's world of advanced signal processing.Our main goal is to design a security device that constantly for any motor at the camera following are the other objective of the system1..micro stepping2..interfacing of LPT with stepper motor3..Generic board for 8052 microcontrollerDisadvantagethis is a fast algorithm and compatible with real time video analysis.but many problem appears in using the still background ,these can be summarized as follows.1..senstivity light ,where any lighting condition will cause the system to recognizing it as a moving target.2.senstivity to clutter and image texture ,the same thing will be done by the system in error detection.ReferenceA.Lipton, H .Fujiyash,R.Patil,the robotic instituseMarcus Breig and Markus Kohser,Development of a motion detecion and prediction for human motionGROUP-5 COMMUNICATION STERAMName ID -numberMelaku Cherekos TER/2404/04Mulat Asasaye TER/3222/04Dasash Taddes TER/1732/03Eyayaw Worku TER/2826/04Ayalew Getachew TER/2975/04

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