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    CALENDARS OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES -------------------------AND--------------------------






    Calendar8 shall be printed daily- f Indez to the Calendar8 will be printed on Monday of each week if the House is Rule X I II I clause 6 in sBssion; otherwise fi18t day in session thereafter


  • 2


    Unfinished business__ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ ___ _ 2 Special legislative days_____ __ __ __ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ ____ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___ __ 3 Morning hour call of committees__ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ ___ __ __ 3 Calendar Wednesday business_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ 3 Committee list with dates of calls_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ ____ _ _ 4 Bills in conference_____ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ __ _ __ 5 Bills through conference___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ __ ____ __ _ __ ___ 6 Calendars:

    Union__________________________________________________________________________________ 13 House__________________________________________________________________________________ 31 Private_________________________________________________________________________________ 38

    (D.eferred list) _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ 71 Consent_________________________________________________________________________________ 72 Motions to discharge committees_______ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 79

    Laws and resolutions-numerical list: Public laws _____________________________________________________________________________ '- 80 Public resolutions_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ 81 Private laws _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ____ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ 81 Private resolution_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ 82

    Titles of bills and resolutions which have become laws: House bills_______________________________________________________________________________ 83

    Joint resolutions_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ ___ 95 Senate bills______________________________________________________________________________ 97

    Joint resolutions_____________________________________________________________________ 105 Acts which failed to become laws___ __ __ _ _ ___ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ 107 Constitutional amendment ("lame duck") _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 108

    (Prohibition repeal) ____________________ '- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 110 Numerical list of bills, resolutions, and motions to discharge House committees which have passed either

    or both Houses and bills and resolutions, pending on the calendars: House bills ____ '__ ____ _ _ __ ____ _ ___ __ ______ ____ __ ____ ___ __ _ ____ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _____ 111 Jointresolutions_____________________________________________________________________ 167 Concurrent resolutions____ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ 171 Resolutions________ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _____ _ _ _ __ _ 172 Motions to discharge committees ______________________________ .: _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ 178

    Senate bills ____________________________________________ ------ _______________________ ----- 179 Joint resolutions __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ 211 Concurrent resolutions________ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ 215 Resolutions (of interest to the House) _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 216

    Index (subject) _____________________________________________________ ~________________________ 217 Statistical recapitulation and comparison__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ 289 Comparative statement.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 290 Comparison of the work of the Congress_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 292 Calendars of the years 1932 and 1933___________________________________________________________ 294 Status of major bills:

    First session_________________________________________________________________________ 295 Second Session__ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 296


    1932 H. R. 4602 Granting equipment allowance to third-class postmasters. (Pending in the Committee of

    Mar. 9. the Whole House on the state of the Union, Wedn6Bday, Mar. 9, 1935; Mr. GlolJer, Chair-man.)

    H.R.6659 Mar. 23.

    H.R.9065 May 9.

    Dec_ 7.

    Additions to Coeur d'Alene and St. Joe National Forests, Idaho. (Pending in the Com-mittee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, Mar. S3, 1935; Mr. Parker of Georgia, Chairman.)

    District of Columbia, securities, regulate sale, etc. (Pending in the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, May S3, 1935; Mr. Thomason, Chairman.)

    Annual message of the President of the United States. (Pending in the Committee of the Whote House on the state of the Union, Dec. 9, 1935; Mr. Hancock of North Carolina, Chairman.)

  • 3

    SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE DAYS Calendar Wednesday _________ .. _______ _

    Consent Calendar ____________________ _ Discharge Calendar __________________ _

    District of Columbia business __________ _ Private Calendar _____________________ _

    Deferred list _____________ _ Suspension of rules _____________ .. _____ _

    Wednesday of each week, except during the last two weeks of a session (clause 7, Ru1e XXIV).

    First and third Mondays of each month (clause 3, Ru1e XIII). Second and fourth Mondays of each month, except during the last

    six days of a session (clause 4, Rule XXVII). Second and fourth Mondays of each month (clause 8, Ru1e XXIV). Saturday of each week. }(CI 6 R I XXIV) Last Saturday of each month. ause, u C First and third Mondays of each month and during the last six days

    of a session (clause 1, Rule XXVII).

    RESTRICTION OF POWER TO REPORT APPROPRIATIONS Clause 4, Ru1e XXI: "4. No bill or joint resolution carrying appropriations shall be reported by any committee not having

    jurisdiction to report appropriations, nor shall an amendment proposing an appropriation be in order during the consideration of a bill or loint resolution reported by a committee not having that jurisdiction. A question of order on an appropriation In any such bill, joint resolution, or amendment thereto may be raised at any time."

    THE MORNING HOUR FOR THE CALL OF COMMmEES Clause 4, Rule XXIV: "4. After the unfinished business has been disposed of, the Speaker shall call each standing committee in

    regu1ar order, and then select committees, and each committee when named may call up for consideration any bill reported by it on a previous dN and on the House Calendar, and if the Speaker shall not complete the call of the committees before the House passes to other business, he shall resume the next call where he left off, giving preference to the last bill under consideration: Provided, That whenever any committee shal bave occupied the morning hour on two days it shall not be in order to call up any other bill until the other eommittees have been called in their turn."

    NOTB.-8ee page 4 for committee list.

    CALENDAR WEDNESDAY BUSINESS Clause 7 Rule XXIV: "7. On Wednesday of each week no business shall be in order except as provided by paragraph 4 of this

    rule unless the House by a two-thirds vote on motion to dispense therewith shall otherwise determine. On such a motion there may be debate not to exceed five minutes for and against. On a call of committees under this rule bills may be called up from either the House or the Union Calendar, excepting bills which are privileged under the rules; but bills called up from the Union Calendar shall be considered in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. This rule shall not apply during the last two weeks of the session. It shall not be in order for the Speaker to entertain a motion for a recess on any Wednesday except during the last two weeks of the seBBion.

    " Provided, That not more than two hours of general debate shall be permitted on any measure called up on Calendar Wednesday, and all debate must be confined to the subject matter of the bill, the time to be equally divided between those for and against the bill: Providedlurther, That whenever any committee shall have occu-pied one Wednesday it shall not be in order, unless the House by a two-thirds vote shall otherwise determine, to consider any unfinished business previously called up by such committee, unless the previous question had been ordered thereon, upon any succeeding Wednesday until the other committees have been called in their turn under this rule: ProvidelJJ That when, during anyone session of Congress, all of the committees of the House are not caned under the I..ialendar Wednesday rule, at the next session of Congress the call shall commence where it left off at the end of the preceding seBBion."

    NOTE.-See page 4 for committee list.

  • 4


    Clause 4-Morning Hour Clause 7-Calentiar Wednesday

    _______________________ 1 _____ 1_9_33 _____ 1 _____ 1_9_33 _____

    1 _____ 1_9_32 _____ 1 _____ 19_3_3 __ __

    1. Elections No. 1 _______________________________________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 2. Elections No. 2 ___ ' ____________________________________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 3. Elections No. 3 _______________________________________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 4. Ways and Means ______________________________________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 5. Appropriations ________________________________________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 6. Judiciary ___________________________________ ~- ________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 7. Banking and Currency _________________________________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 8. Coinage, Weights, and Measures_ ________________ __ ______________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _ 9. Interstate and Foreign Com- I meroe _______________________ . ______________________________ Jan. 27 ________________________ _

    1.0. Rivers and Harbors ___________________________________________ Feb. S ________________________ _

    11. Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries ________________________________ .. ________________ _ Feb. 1.0 _______________ 1.. _______ _ 12. Agriculture __________________________________________________ _ 13. Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________ _ 14. Military Affairs ______________________________________________ _ 15. Naval Affairs ________________________________________________ _

    Feb. 17 _______________________ _ Feb. 24 _______________________ _ Mar. 2 ________________________ _ Mar. 2 ________________________ _

    16. Post Office and Post Roads ___________________________________ _ Mar. 9 ________________________ _ 17. Public Lands _______________________________________ ------- ---18: Indian Affairs ________________ " _______________________________ _ 19. Territories ___________________________________________________ _ 2.0. Insular Affairs _______________________________________________ _ 21. Mines and Mining ___________________ . ________________________ _ 22. Public Buildings and Grounds _________________________________ _ 23. Education ___________________________________________________ _ 24. Labor _______________________________________________________ _

    Mar. 23 _______________________ _ Apr. 13 _______________________ _ ~r. 26 _______________________ _

    M:~ H=:=:==== ==:============= May 18 ____ __________________ _ May 18 ________ . _______________ _ June 8 ________________________ _

    25. Patents ___________________________________ __________________________________ -------________ _ 26. Invalid Pensions ______________________________________________________________ - ______________ _ 27. Pensions _____________________________________________________________ . _______ -------________ _ 28. Claims _________________ . ______________________________________________________ - -----_________ _ 29. War Claims __________________ . __________________________________________ .. ____ ------_________ _ 3.0. District of Columbia ___________________________________________________________ ----------------31. Revision of the Laws __________ . _______________________________________________ ----------------32. Civil Service __________________________________________________________________ ----------------33. Election of President, Vice Pres-

    ident, and Representatives in Con~reBB------------------. ________________________________________________ --- ---------- - --

    34. Irrigation and Reclamation _____________________________________________________ ----------------35. Immigration and Naturalization _________________________________________________ - ---------------36. Expenditures in the Executive Departments _______________________________________________________________ ------ -- --- -----37. Rules ________________________________________ - _______________________________ ----------------38. Accounts _____________________ ---------------- ---------------_________________ ----------------39. Census _______________________________________ -_______________________________ ----------------4.0. Roads ______________________________ ------___ - _______________________________ ----------------41. Flood COntroL _______________________________________________________________ ----------------42. World WarVeterans'Legislation ______________________________________ __________ ----------------43. Memorials __________________________________________ ---------- ________________ ----------------

    Joint Standing Committee. 44. Library _____________________ _ 45. Printing _____________________ _ 46. Enrolled Bills ________________ _

    .---------------1---------------- ----------------47. Disposition of Useless Exeou-tive Papers ________________ _

  • 5


    Jefferson's Manual, sec. 548: "And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, etc., the conferees of the

    House asking it are to leave the papers with the conferees of the other * * *." The House agreeing to the conference acts on the report before the House requesting a conference.


    Clause 2, Rule XX: "2. No amendment of the Senate to a general appropriation bill which would be in violation of

    the provisions of clause 2 of Rule XXI, if said amendment had originated in the House, nor any amendment of the Senate providing for an appropriation upon any bill other than a general appro-priation bill, shall be agreed to by the managers on the part of the House unless specific authonty to agree to such amendment shall be first given by the House by a separate vote on every such amend-ment."

    No. and date sent to conference

    HI33 H. J. Res. 533

    Feb 23 Feb. 28.

    H. R. 14643 Mar. 3.

    Brief of title

    Suspension of an-nual assessment work on mining claims.

    District of Colum-bia, appropria-tions, 1934.

    . I



    Messrs. Evans of Montana , Par-sons, and Arentz.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cannon, Granfield, Blan-ton, Holaday, and Simmons.

    (House asks.)


    Messrs. Patterson, Oddie and Hay-den.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Bingham, Capper, Nye, Steiwer, Glass, Kendrick, and Copeland.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    Report No . House Senate

    1933 I 1933 1933 ----- ----, --------- ---------

    I Mar. 3 Disagreed ________ _

    2201 Mar. 3


    No. and date sent to conference

    1932 H. R. 6172

    . Jan. 13. Jan. 15.

    H. R. 7360 Jan. IS. Jan. 19.

    H. R. 6660 Jan. 20.

    H. R. 9203 Feb. 19. Feb. 20.

    Brief of title

    Additional capital for Federal land banks.

    Reconstruction Fi-nance Corpora.-tion.

    First Deficiency. 1932.

    Federal reserve system.

    H. J. Res. 292 Agricultural credit Feb. 19. corporations. Feb. 20.

    S. J. Res. 14 Proposed amend-Feb. 17. ment to Consti-

    tution fixing commencement of terms of Pres-ident, etc.

    H. R. 5315 Mar. 9. Mar. 10

    H. R. 8083 Apr. 23. Apr. 25.

    H. R. 6477 May 10. May 12.

    Amend judicial code in respect of injunctions in labor disputes.

    Appoint 1932 class of midshipmen as ensigns.

    Further extension of naturalization privileges to alien veterans of the World War residing in United States.



    House Senate

    Messrs. Steagall, Brand of Georgia, Stevenson, Mc-Fadden and Strong of Kan-sas.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Brand of Georgia, Stevenson, Mc-Fadden and Strong of Kansas.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Byrns, Wood of Indiana, and Buchanan.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Brand of Georgia, Stevenson, Mc-Fadden, and Strong of Kansas.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Jones, Ful-mer, and Haugen.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Norbeck, Steiwer, Carey, Fletcher, and Barkley.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Wolcott, Norbeck, Brook-hart, Townsend, Fletcher, Glass, and Bulkley.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Jones, Hale, Bingham, Glass, and McKellar.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Walcott, Townsend, and Glass.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Norris, Mc-Nary, and Smith.

    (Senate asks.)

    Report filed

    Report No.

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate

    1932 1932 1932 Jan. 20 I Jan. 21 Jan. 21

    188 (Approved Jan. 183, 1932. Pub-

    lic Law No.3.)

    Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 243

    (Approved Jan. 182, 19318. Pub-lic Law No.2.)

    Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 27 289

    (Amendments 15 and 23 in dis-agreement Jan. 28.)

    (Senate recedes from its amend-ments, 15 and 23, Jan. 28.)

    (Approved Feb. 2, 1932. Pub-lic Law No.5.)

    Feb. 251 Feb. 261 Feb. 26 607

    (Approved Feb. 27, 1932. Pub-lic Law No. 44.)

    Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 598

    (Approved Mar. 3, 1932. Pub-lic Res. No. 11.)

    Messrs. Jeffers, Lo-zier, and Gifford.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Norris, Feb. 27 Mar. 1 Mar. 2

    Messrs. Sumners of Texas, Montague, and Dyer.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Vinson of I Georgia, McClin-tic, Drewry, Brit-ten, and Darrow.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Dickstein, Moore of Ken-tucky, and John-son of Was1;ting-ton.

    (House asks.)

    Borah, and Walsh 633 of Montana.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Norris, Blaine, and Walsh of Montana.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hale, Oddie, and Trammell.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Hatfield, Johnson, and King.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Mar. 14 793 .

    (Recommitted to conference Mar. 18.) .

    Mar. 161 Mar. 171 Mar. 18 821

    (Approved Mar. 23, 1932. Pub-lic Law No. 65.)

    Apr. 291 May 41 Apr. 29 1168

    (Approved May 6, 1932. Pub lie Law No. 122.)

    May 191 M~y 231 May 19 1381

    (Approved May 25, 1932. Pub lic Law No. 149.)

    I 1

  • No. and date sent to conference

    1932 H; R. 10236

    June 1.

    S. 3847 June 13l June'14.

    H. R. 11361 June 13.

    S. Con. Res. 29 June 20.

    H. R. 11267 June 9.

    June 11.

    June 24.

    H. R. 11452 June 18. June 20.

    H. R. 10884 June 27;

    H. R. 10022 June 28.




    Conferees Report filed Report agreed to


    Brief of title

    House Senate Report No. House Senate

    Revenue revision_, Messrs. Co IIi e r Crisp, RaineYl Hawley,' ana Treadway.

    ( acts first.)

    preVailing"rates of 1 wages m con-struc1;ion of pub-lic buildings.

    District of Colum-bia appropria-tions, 1933.

    Printing and dis-tribution of laws relating to vet-erans.

    Legislative appro-priations, 1933.

    Naval appropria-tions, 1933.

    Adjustment of Indian debts.

    Independent offices appropriations, 1933.

    Messrs. Connery, Green,Ramspeck, Welch, and Kopp.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cannon, Granfield, Blan-ton, Holaday, and Simmons.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. StevensonJ Lambeth, ana Shott.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Sandlin Ludlow, and Hardy. .

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. McDuffie, Douglas of Ari-zona, and Wood.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Ayres, Oli-ver of Alabama, Douglas of; Ari-zona, French, and Taber. (House asks.)

    Messrs. Howard, Evans of Mon-tana, and Leavitt.

    (HouslJ asks.) :

    Messrs. Woodrum, Wright, and Wat-son.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Smoot, Watson, Reed, Harrison, and King.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Metcalf, White, and Cope-land.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Bingham, Nye, Capper, Copeland, and Kendrick.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Shipstead, Moses, and Fletcher.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Jones, Smoot, Hale, Broussard, and Bratton.

    (Senate acts first.) Messrs. Jones,

    Smoot, Hale, Broussard, and Bratton.

    (Senate asks.) Messrs. Jones,

    Smoot, Hale, Broussard, and Bratton.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hale, Keyes, Bingham, Brous-sard, and Tram-mel.

    (Senate acts first.)

    1932 1932 1932 June 3 June 4 June 6

    1492 (Approved June 8, 1932. Pub

    lie Law No. 154.)

    June 15 June 16 June 20 1634

    1 (Vetoed July 1,1932.)

    I June 241 June 27 June 24 1713

    (Amendments in disagreement 22 and 135.)

    (June 27, Senate agrees to House amendments to amend-ments 22 and 135.)

    (ApprovedJune29,1932. Pub-lic Law No. 208.)

    ---------1.---- ----1---------(Senate discharges its conferees and agrees to House amend-ments, June 27.)

    June 10 1 June 11 1 June 11 1591

    (Amendments in disagreement J une11: 48 to 188. inclusive.)

    June 18 1657

    June 20 June 24 (Senate


    1 __________________________ _

    (June 28, bill returned to Sen-ate.)

    (June 28, Sertate agrees to con-ference report. Senate agrees to Hou8e amendment to Sen ate amendment 48.)

    (Approved June 30, 1932. Pub-lic Law No~ 212.)

    June 271 Jdne 281 June 29 1722 ,

    (Amendments in disagreement June 28, lVos. 10, 14,15, 18, 17, 19, 24, 38, 37, and 38.)

    (June 29, Seriate agrees to House amendments to Senate amend-ments.)

    (Approved June 30; 1932. Pub-lic Law No. 218.)

    Messrs. Frazier, June 28 June 291 June 29 Schall, and 1725 Ashurst. (Approved July 1, 1932. Pub-

    (Senate acts first.) lie Law No. 240.)

    Messrs. Smoot, June 28/ June ,291 June 29 Jones,Hale,Glass, I 17~4 ' ., and Broussard. (June 29, Senate agre~ to House

    (Senate acts first.) amendment to Senate amend-

    I ment 114) (Ap,proved;J une 30,1932. ,Pub-lic Law No. 228.)

  • No. and date sent to conference

    1932 H. R. 9349

    May 6.

    June 30.

    1;8: Dvm m w~ *t 4


    Brief of title

    Appropriations, State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Depart-ments, 1933.



    House Senate

    Messrs. Oliver of Alabama, Griffin, Cannon, Blanton, Shreve, and Tink-ham.

    (House asks.)

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Jones, Hale, Moses, McKellar, and Broussard.

    (Senate acts firBt.)

    (Senate a8ks.)

    H. J. Res. 418 Wheat distribution_ Messrs. Jones, Ful-June 27. mer lnd Haugen.

    Messrs. McNary, Norris, and Ken-drick.

    H. R. 12443 June 29.

    S. J. Res. 165 June 22.

    H. R. 96 June 24.

    H. R. 9699 June 29.

    June 30.

    H. R. 7912 Mar. 14. Mar. 15.

    June 24.

    H. R. 10600 .luly 1.

    Second Deficiency, 1932.

    Recognize feat of Amelia Earhart Putnam.

    Postal Service, threatening let-ters.

    Treasury and Post Office appropri-ations, 1933.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Byrns, Tay-lor of Colorado, and Wood of In-diana.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Hill of Ala-bama, Fitzpat-rick, and James.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Byrns, Arnold, Ludlow, WOod oflndiana. and Thatcher.

    (House acts first.)

    (Senate acts fir8t.)

    Messrs. Jones, Smoot, H a I e, Kendrick, and Hayden.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Reed, Wal-cott, and Fletoher.

    (Senate ask8.)

    Messrs. Borah, Hastings, and Walsh of Mon-tana.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Oddie, Smoot, Moses, Broussard, and Trammell.

    (Senate asks.) --------------------------------------------------------

    Appro,priationsi A,g,rlcultura Department, 1933.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Buchanan, Sandlin, and Simmons.

    (Hou.e asks.)

    ------------ -.---- ------ -----------..

    Admission of im-migra,nt hus-bands.

    Messrs. Dickstein, Palmisano, Dies, Johnson of Wash-ington, and Jen-kins.

    (House asks.)

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. McNary, Jones, Keyes, Harris, and Ken-drick.

    (Senats acta first.) Messrs. McNary,

    Jones, Keyes, Kendrick, ana Hayden.

    (Senats asks.)

    Messrs. Reed, Hatfield, John-son, King, and Copeland.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Report filed

    Report No.

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate

    1932 1932 1932 June 28 June 29 June 24

    1723 (Amendment 132 in di8agree-


    I I (Senate recede8 from amendment

    182 July 1.) (Approved July 1; 1932. Pub-

    lic Law No. 232.)

    June 291 july 1 June 30 1730

    (Approved July 6 .... 1932. Pub-lic Res. No. 89.)

    June 30 June 30 I June 30 1736 ,

    (Amendment8 30 and 34 in dis-agreement. )

    (Senate agree8 to House amend ments to Senate amendments 30 and 34, July 1.)

    (Approved July 1,1932. Pub lic Law No. 236.)

    June 30 1 July 1 1 July 1 1735

    (Approved July 2,1982. Pub lie Res. No. 81.)

    I I (House agrees to Senate amend

    mentJuly 6.) (Approved July 8,1932. Pub

    lie 'Law No. 274.)

    June 29 June 30 (Senate 1733 disagrees

    June 30.) (Amendm/ents 1 to 8 and 10 to

    62 in disagreement.) June 30 July 1 I July 1

    1738 (Approved. July 6,1982. Pub

    lie ~aw No. 268.)

    June 10 June 11 1 June 10 1575

    (Amendments in disagreemen June 81: 14, 16,80,66, 77 82.)

    (Amendment 77 in di~agree ment.)

    (House adheres July 6.) (Senate recedes July 6.) (Approved July 7, 19S2. Pub

    lie Law No. 269.)

    July 61 july 71 July 5 1753

    (Approved July 11, 1932. Pub-lic Law No. 877.)

    I I

  • No. and date sent to conference

    1932 H. R. 10494

    July 5.

    H. R. 10246 July 5.




    Brief of title

    Postage charge on notices to pub-lishers regarding undeli verable second-class matter.

    Fees for issue of domestic money orders.


    House Senate

    M e s s r s. Mea d, Romjue, More-head, Sanders of New York, and Kelly of Pennsyl-vania.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs," Mead, Romjue, More-head, Sanders of New York, and Kelly of Pennsyl-vania.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. 0 d die, Moses, Dale, McKellar, and Trammell.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Oddie, Moses, Dale, McKellar, and Trammell.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Report filed

    Report No.

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate

    1932 1932 1932 July 6 July 8 "July 6

    1759 (Approved JUly 21, 1932. Pub-

    lic Law No. 301.)

    July 6 July 8 July 6 1758

    (A pproved July 21, 1932. Pub-lic Law No. 300.)

    H. R. 12445 Relief of destitu- Messr"s. Collier, Crisp, Rainey, Treadway, and Bacharach.

    Messrs. Norbeck, Brookhart, and Wagner.

    July 6 July 7 July 1760

    9 June 23. tion. June 24. (Vetoed July 11, 1932.)

    (House acts first.) (Senate asks.)

    H. R. 11897 I War Department Messrs. Collins, Wright, Parks, Barbour, and Clague.

    Messrs. Reed, Jones, Cutting, Ken-drick,and McKel-lar.

    July 11 July 12 July 11 1762 June 18. appropriations,

    H.R. 11732 July 11.

    S 4780 July 1. July 5.

    H. R. 9642 July 13.

    July 14. July 15.

    R. 811 June 4. June 17.

    S. 2437 .rune 4. June 24.


    Complete acquisi-tion of land ad-jacent to Bolling Field.

    Advances for crop planting.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Hill of Ala-bam a , Fitzpat-rick, and James.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Goldsborough, Prall, McFadden, and Strong of Kansas.

    (House acts first.)

    (Senate acts firBt.)

    Messrs. Reed, Cut-ting, and Flet-cher.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Norbeck, Steiwer, and Fletcher.

    (Senate asks.)

    (A pproved July 14, 1932. Pub-lic Law No. 286.)

    July 12 July 13 July 12 1764

    (Approved July 15,1932. Pub-lic Law No. 290.)

    July 13 July 15 1767

    (Pocket veto.)

    July 15

    Supplemental ap- Messrs. Collier, Messrs. Norbeck, July 14 _________ July 14 propriations for Rainey, Dough- Brookhart, Golds- 1774 emergency high- ton, Hawley, and borough, Glass, (Con/erees report a disagree-way construc- Treadway. and Wagner. ment.) tion. (House asks.) (Senate acts first.) (Amendments 1 and 2 in dis-

    (Destitution relief, agreement July 14.)

    ---~.-~-~~~~.~--- ------------------- _(_S_e_n_a_t_e_a_s_k_s_.>_______ Jul17Y7715I July 151 July 16 __________________ (House acts first.)

    ReliefofSophiaA. Messers. Black, BeElrs. Clark of North

    Carolina, and Guyer.

    Relief of estate of Annie Lee Edge-cum be, deceased.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Black, Clark of North Carolina, and Guyer.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Howell, Steiwer, and Lo-gan.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Howell, Capper, and Trammell.

    (Senate asks.)

    " (Approved JUly 21, 1932. Pub-lic Law No. 302.)

    July 161 July 161 July 16 1781

    (Approved July 19, 1932. Pri-vate Law No. 175.)

    July 16 July 16 July 16 1780

    (Approved July 19, 1932. Pri-vate Law No. 176.)

  • No. and date sent to conference

    1932 H. J. Res. 461

    July 16.

    H. R. 12280 I July 12. July 13.

    July 15. July 16.

    H. R. 7233 Dec. 19.

    1933 H. R. 13975

    Jan. 12. Jan. 16.

    1932 H .R. 8750

    lune 28. 1933

    Jan. 10.

    s. 5160 Jan. 20.

    H. R. 13607 .Jan.41 Jan. 5 Jan. 31. Feb. 1.




    FIRST SESSION ,.,.~ ,



    , Brief of title

    Appropriation for distribution of Government-owned wheat and cotton.

    Federal Home Loan Banks act.


    Philippine Inde-pendence.

    First Deficiency Appropriations, 1933.

    Five Civilized Tribes in Okla-homa.

    Crop production loans.

    Distribu tion of Government-owned cotton.


    House Senate

    Messrs. Byrns, Tay- Messrs. Jones, lor of Colorado, Smoot, Hale, Ayres, Wood of Glass, and Mc-Indiana, and Kellar. Wason. (Senate acts first.)

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Messrs. Norbeck, I Stevenson, Golds- Watson, and borough, Mc- Fletcher. Fadden, and (Senate a8k8.) Luce.

    (House acts first.) (Senate ask8.) (House acts first.)

    ------------------- (Senate asks.)


    Messrs. Hare, Wil-liams of Texas, and Knutson.

    (Hou8e asks.)

    Messrs. Byrns, Buchanan, Tay-lor of Colorado, Wood of Indiana, and Wason.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Howard, Cartwright, and Leavitt.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Jones, Ful-mer, Larsen, Haugen, and Purnell.

    (Hou8e act8 fir8t.)

    Messrs. Bingham, Johnson, Cutting, Pittman, and Hawes.

    (Senate acts fir",)

    Messrs. Smoot, Glass, McKellar.

    Hale, Keyes,


    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Frazier, Schall, and Thomas of Okla-homa.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. McNary, Frazier, and Smith.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Jones, Ful- Messrs. McNary, mer, and Haugen. NOJTis,andSmith.

    (House asks.) (Senate acts first.) Messrs. Jones, Ful- (Senate asks.)

    mer,Larsen,Hau-1 gen, and Purnell.

    (House acts first.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    Report House Senate No.

    1932 1932 1932 July 16 --------- ---------

    1783 (House agrees to Senate amend-

    mentB July 16.) (Approved July 22, 1932. Pub-

    lie ReB. No. 43.)

    July 14 July 15 July 15 1775 (Di8-


    July 16 1782

    july 16 july 16

    (Approved July 22,1932. Pub-lic Law No. 304.)

    I I

    Dec. 28 Dec. 29 I Dec. 22 1811 (Vetoed Jan. 13,

    1933 Jan. 16


    1933; pas8ed over veto in House, Jan. 13, 1933; passed over veto in Senate, Jan. 17, 1333. Public Law No. 311.)

    1933 \ 1933 Jan. 17 Jan. 17 (Senate amendment

    No. 12 in disagree-ment, Jan. 17; Senate agrees to House amendment to Senate amend-ment No. 12, Jan. 17.)

    (Vetoed Jan. 84, 1999.)

    Jan. 20 Jan. 24 Jan. 21 1889

    (Approved Jan. 187,1933. Pub-lic Law No. 31818.)

    Jan. 23 Jan. 241 Jan. 24 1898 .

    (Approved Feb. 4, 1993. Pub-lic Law No. 9187.)

    Jan. 14 Jan. 14 Disagreed, 1873 Jan. 31.

    Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 3 1959

    (Approved Feb. 8, 1933. Pub-lic Law No. 3189.)

  • ~

    No. and date sent to conference

    1932 S. 4509

    Jan. 20 Jan. 28.

    H. R. 13710 Feb. 10.

    S. 2148 Feb. 13. I Feb. 15.

    S. 88 Feb. 8. Feb. 14.

    H. R. 14363 Feb. 21.

    H. R. 13872 Feb. 10.

    H.R. 7716 Feb. 11. Feb. 13.

    H. R. 14724 Mar. 1.

    H. R. 13520 Feb.10. Mar. 1.

    Feb. 25. Feb. 27.





    Brief of title

    Relief of coal and oil lessees on public lands.

    Interior Depart-ment appropria-tions, 1934.

    Relief of Clarence R. Killion.

    Investigate lease of post office garage in Bos-ton, Mass.

    State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Depart-ments, appropri-ations, 1934.

    Agricultural De-partment appro-priations, 1934.

    Amend radio act __

    Navy Department, appropriations, 1934.

    Treasury and Post Office De-partments, ap-propriations, 1934.

    I I

    -" -" "-

    Conferees Report Report agreed to filed in-


    Messrs. Evans of Montana, Yon, and Colton.

    (H O'U8e acts first.)

    Messrs. Taylor of Colorado, Hast-ings, Granfield, Murphy, and French.

    (House aBks.)

    Messrs. Hill of Ala-bama, Montet, and Chiperfield.

    (House acts first.)

    Messr!!.Haine~Patterson, and .Iross.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Oliver of Alabama, Griffin, Cannon, Blanton, Shreve, and Tink-ham.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Buchanan, Sandlin, Hart, Simmons, and Summers of Wash-ington.

    (House aBks.) "

    Messrs. Davis of Tennessee, Bland, and Lehlbach.

    (House aBks.)

    Messrs. Ayers, Oliver of Ala-bama, Douglas of Arizona, French, and Taber.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Byrns, Ar-nold, Ludlow, Wood of Indiana, and Thatcher.

    (House asks.)

    (House acts first.)

    Report Senate No. House Senate

    1932 1932 .1932 Messrs. Nye, Cut- Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 4

    ting, and Ken- 1953 drick. (Approved Feb. 9, 1933. Pub-

    (Senate asks.) lie Law No. 330.)

    Messrs. Smoot, Feb. 14[ Feb. 15[ Feb. 14 Oddie, Nye, Me- I 2018 . Keller, and Ken- (Approved Feb. 17, 1933. Pub-drick. lie Law No. 361.)

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Reed, Cut-ting, and Fletcher.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Oddie, Moses, and Mc-Kellar.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hale, Keyes, Moses, McKellar, and Hayden.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs, McNary, Keyes, Capper, Kendrick, and Smith. (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Couzens, Watson, Fess, Smith, and Dill.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Shortridge, Hale, Keyes, Glass, and Brous-sard.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Oddie, Smoot, Bingham, Dickinson,Keyes, Moses, Glass, McKellar, Brat-ton, Byrnes, and Thomas of Okla-homa.

    (Senate acts first.)

    (Senate asks.)

    Feb. 20 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 2074

    (Approved Feb. 28, 1933. Pri-vate Law No. 222.)

    Feb. 23[ Feb. 24[ Feb. 24 2095

    (Approved Mar. 1,1933. Pub-lic Law No. 388.)

    Feb. 23\ Feb. 25\ Feb.. 25. 2103

    (Approved Mar. 1, 1933. Pub-lic Law No. 387.)

    Feb." Feb. 271 Feb. " 2033 (Senate agrees to

    House amendment to Senate amend-ment No. 14, Feb. S8).

    (Approved Mar. 3, 1933. Pub-lic Law No. 419.)

    Feb. 231 Feb. 251 Feb. 28 2106

    :~:li~:~2r~:.) 1 (Approved Mar. 3, 1933. Pub

    lie Law No. 429.)

    Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Disagreed 2073 Feb. 24

    (Senate amendments in disagreement Feb. 21: Nos. 1, 7, 8,9,14,15, and 16.)

    (Senate amendments in disagreement Feb. 27: Nos. 1 to 16, both inclusive.)

    Mar. 1 Mar. 1 I Mar. 3 2182

    (Approved Mar. 3,1933. Pub lie Law No. J,.28.)

  • No. and date sent to conference

    1933 H. R. 14199

    Feb. 18. Feb. 20.

    Mar. 1.

    H. R. 14458 Feb. 24.

    Feb. 28. Mar.t.

    S. 5337 Feb. 28. Mar. 1.

    S.J.Res. 197 Mar. 3.

    H. R. 14769 Mar. 3.

    '1%' "ijr %' . ...'.



    Brief of title

    House Senate

    Report filed

    Report No.

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate

    ----------1---- ----1-----

    War Department appropriations, 1934.

    Messrs. Wright, Barbour, Clague.

    Collins, Parks,


    (House aBks.)

    __________________ (House asks.)

    Independent offices, appro-priations, 1934.

    Amend farm loan act, etc.

    Relief of P. F. Gormley Co.

    Second Deficiency a p p ropriations, 1933.

    Messrs. Woodrum, Boylan, and Sum-mers of Washing-ton.

    (House asks.)

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Stevenson, Golds-borough, McFad-den, and Strong of Kansas.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Allgood, Martin of Oregon, and Sinclair.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Buchanan, Taylor of Colo-rado, Ayres, Wood of Indiana, and Wason.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Reed, Bing-ham, Steiwer, Cutting, Ken-drick, McKellar, and Fletcher.

    (Senate acts first.)

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Smoot, Keyes, Hale, Glass, and Cope-land.

    (Senate acts first.)

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Fletcher, Brookhart, Stei-wer, Townsend, and Barkley.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Steiwer, White, and Lo-gan.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hale, Smoot, Keyes, Glass,and McKel-lar.

    (Senate asks.)

    1933 Feb. 28


    1933 1933 Mar. 1 Feb. 28 (Senate amendments

    in disagreement Mar. 1: Nos. 6, 7, 8, 13, 33, 33, 37, 39, 30, 31. 36, 37, and 41.)

    (Senate amendments in disagreement Mar. 3: Nos. 39 and 30.)

    Mar. 3 Mar. 3 I Mar. 3 2196

    (Approved Mar. 4, 1933. Pub-lic Law No. 441.)

    Feb. 24 2133 ---------ID~~~8

    (Senate amendments 7, 8, 9, and 11 in 1~)agreelment Mar.

    Mar. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 2193

    (Pocket veto, Mar. 4, 1933.) Mar. 31 Mar. 3 Mar. 3

    2198 (Approved Mar. 4, 1933. Pub-

    lic Law No. 430.)

    Mar. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 3 2199

    (Approved Mar. 4, 1933. Pri-vate Res. No.1.)

    Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 4 2200

    (Approved Mar. 4, 1933. Pub-lic Law No. 443.)

  • 13


    Clause 1, Rule XIII: "First. A calendar of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, to whi"h

    shall be referred bills raising revenue, general appropriation bills, and bills of a public character directly or indirectly appropriating money or property."

    1931 Dec. 8. Referred to the Committee of Annual message of the President of the United States

    the Whole House on the to the Congress. (Ordered printed Dec. 8, 1931.) state of the Union.

    No. 1

    S. 655 . Mr. Palmisano______________ An act declaring Dec. 26, 1931, and Jan. 2, 1932, to 18 Dec. 21. District of Columbia. be legal holidays in the District of Columbia.

    1932 Jan. 4.

    H. J. Res. 163 Jan. 8.

    HI R. 4650 Janl11.

    HI R; 5063 Janl121

    H. RI 6657 Jan. 15.

    iI. Ri 7525 Janl181

    Report No. 13.

    Referred to Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.

    Mr. Linthicum _____________ _ Foreign Affairs.

    Report No. 30.

    Mr. Smith of Idaho _________ _ Irrigation and Reclamation.

    Report No. 37.

    Message from the President of the United States recommending legislation concerning Federal land bank system, a reconstruction finance corpora-tion, system of home loan discount banks, the discount facilities of the Federal reserve banks, transportation, revision of banking laws, etc. (Ordered printed Jan. 4, 1932.)

    A joint resolution to provide an ap~ropriation for expenses of participation by the UnIted States in a general disarmament conference to be held in Geneva in 1932. (By Mr. Linthicum.)

    A bill to provide to!: ~tle relief of farmers in any State b the making of loans to drainage districts, levee d:aQicts, levee and drainage districts, irrigation and/or SllDilar districts other than Federal reclama-tion projects, or to counties, boards of supervisors, and/or other political subdivisions and legal enti-tiesz and for other purposes. (By Mr. Smith of Idano.)

    Mr. yon___________________ A bill to }>rovide for the establishment of the Ever-Public Lands. glades National Park in the State of Florida, and

    Report No. 40. for other purposes. (By Mrs. Owen.)

    Mr. Butler ________________ _ Public Lands.

    Report No. 97.

    Mrl Cooper of Ohio _________ _ Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. Report No. 101.

    A bill to authorize the purchase of an e1ectnc gen-erating, transmission, and distribution system in the Mount Rainier National Park, and for other pU!1l0ses, (By Mr. Johnson of Washington.) (Ob}ecUd to aniJ rirleken/rom Con .. nC Calendar Feb. 1,198'.)

    A bill to provide that the United States shall cooper-ate with the States in promoting the general health of the rural population of the United States and the welfare and hygiene of mothers and children. (By Mr; Bankhead.)






    H. R. 8638 Mr. Smith of Idaho __________ A bill for the temporary relief of water users on irri- li4 Feb. 1. Irrigation and Reclamation. gation projects constructed and operated under

    Report No. 313. the reclamation law. (By Mr. Hall of Mississippi.)

  • 1932 H. R. 8765


    May 5.

    H. R. 6659 Feb. 8.

    H.R. 92 Feb. 10.

    H. R. 4668 Feb. 15.

    H. R. 7230 Feb. 161

    HI RI 6734 Feb. 17,

    H. R. 5344 Feb. 18.

    HiR. 9489 Feb. 191

    HI R. 8088 Fe\)1 19.



    Mr. Connery _______________ _ Labor.

    Report No. 375. Mr. Connery ______________ _ Supplemental Report, Part 2.

    Mr. Smith of Idaho _________ _ Public Lands.

    Report No. 390.

    Mr. Condon _______________ _ Judiciary.

    Report No. 401. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 455.)

    Mr. VVilson _______________ _

    Flood Control. Report No. 477.

    Mr. Gasque ________________ _

    Pensions. Report No. 492.

    Mr. Barton ________________ _ Naval Affairs.

    Report No. 537. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 447.)

    Mr. Coyle _________________ _ Naval Affairs.

    Report No. 548;

    Mr. Smith of Idaho _________ _ Irrigati;on and Reclamation.

    Report No. 579.

    A bill to protect labor in its old age. (By Mr. Connery.)

    A bill for the inclusion of certain lands in the Coeur d' Alene and St. Joe National Forests, State of Idaho, and for other purposes. (By Mr. French.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Apr. 8, 1985.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Con-8ent Calendar Dec. 19, 19S5.)

    A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes," approved Sept. 7, 1916, and acts in amendment thereof. (By Mr. Burdick.) (First se8sion: Objected to and stricken from ConBe"t Calendar Mar. 7, 1985. Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Mar.Sl, 1981.) (Second session: Objected to Feb. 7, 19S8.)

    A bill to amend the act entitled" An act for the con-trol of floods on the Mississippi River and its trib-utaries, and for other purposes," approved May 15, 1928. (By Mr. VVilson.)

    A bill granting uniform pensions to widows and chil-dren of certain persons who served the United States in time of war, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Gasque.)

    A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize payment of six months' death gratuity to depend-ent relative of officers, enlisted men, or nU1'8es whose death results from wounds or disease not resulting from their own misconduct," ~pproved May 22, 1928. (By Mr. Vinson of Georgia.) (First session: Objected to and ,tTicken from Conamt Calendar Apr. 18, ID8!. Objectld to and .tricken from Consent Calendar June Bt, 1985.) (Second ses8ion: Objected to Feb. 7, 1988.)

    A bill to regulate the distribution, promotion, retire-ment, and discharge of commissioned officers of the Marine Corps, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Vinson of Georgia.)

    A bill for the temporary relief of water users on irri-gation projects constructed and operated under the reclamation law. (By Mr. Hall of Missis-sippt)

    Mr. Linthicum______________ A joint resolution to authorize participation IlY the Foreign Affairs. United States in the Interparliamentary Union.

    Report No. 583. (By Mr. Montague.)

    Mr. Connery _______________ ._ Labor.

    Report No. 5841

    Mr. S~ng------------------Irrigation and Reclamation.

    Report No. 5871

    A oill to provide for cooperation by the Federal Gov-ernment with the several States in relieving the hardship and suffering caused by unemployment and for other purposes, (By Mr. Lewis.)

    A bill for the p'rotection of the Palo Verde Valley, State of California, against injury or destruction by reason of Colorado River floods. (By Mr. Swing.) (Objected 10 and .'rleken from Consent CGlIndar Mar. '1, 198B.)

    No. 60











  • 15


    1932 No. H.R; 6059 Mr. Leavitt _________________ A bill to continue the authorization for the construc- 104

    Mar.t; Publio Lands. tion, reoonstruction, and improvement of roads Report No. 64t. and trails, inclusive of necessary bridges, in, and

    approach roads to, the national parks and monu-ments under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, and for other P'l:le0ses. (~Mr. Leavitt.) (Objeeted to and.tric n from onaent Calendar Mar. Sl, 1995.)

    B.R. 5828 Mr. Drane __________________ A bill to authorize the attendance of the Navy Band. 106 Mar. 11 Naval Affairs. at the convention of the Veterans of Forei~n Wars

    Report No. 6461 of the United States at Saoramento, Calif. J,By Mr. Curry.) (Objeeted to and atricken from on-.ent Calendar Mar. Sl, 1995.) (Objected to and .tricken from Con.6nt Calendar Apr , 1995.) .

    BaR. 5847 Mrl Drane __________________ A bill to authorize the attendance of the Marine 107 Marl I. Naval Affairs. Band at the Confederate Veterans' reunion to be

    Report No. 647. held at Richmond. Va. (By Mr. Montague:) (Object6d to and stricken from Consent Calendar Apr , 1995.) (Objeet6d to and .tricken from Consent Calendar~Apr. 18, 1995.)

    H. R. 8635 Mr. Drane __________________ A bill to authorize the attendance ot the Marine 109 Naval Affairs. Band at the United Spanish War Veterans' con-

    Report N 0_ 653. vention at Milwaukee. (Be Mr. Schafer.) Ob-iect6d to and stricken from onsent Calendar Mar. Sl, 1995.) (Objeeted to and .tricken from Consent Calendar Apr , 1995.)

    H.J. Res. 320 Mrs. Owen _________________ A joint resolution to authorize an appropriation for 115 Mar. 2. Foreign Affairs. the American J:,0up of the ]nterparliamentary

    Report No. 663; Union. (By r. Monta~e.) (Objected to and stricken from Conlent Ca dar Mar. Sl, 1995.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Apr . , 1995.)

    HIR. 9456 Mrl Moore of Kentucky ______ A bill providing for an examination and survey of 122 Mar. 5. Flood Controli Lewis Creek, Ohio County, Ky. (By Mr. Carden.)

    Report No. 704.

    HI R. 4602 Mr. Romjue ________________ A bill granting ej3ipnient allowance to third-class 126 U:ar.8. Post Office and Post Roads. postmasters. (y Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania.)

    Report No. 711. (Objected to and 8tricken from Consent Calendar Mar. Sl, 19S5.) (Objected to and .tricken from Consent Calendar Apr 1995.)

    H. R. 6305 M~~:;O~~:-and -P~;t-RoadS:- A bill to amend the act reclassifying the salaries of 129 Mar. 8. postmasters and employees of the Postal Service, Report No. 740. readjustin~ their salaries and compensation on an

    equitable asis, increasing postal rates to provide for such readjustment, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Brunner.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Consent Calendar Mar. Bl, 19S5.) (Objected to and stricken from Con8ent Calendar Apr , 1995.)

    H. R. 8559 Mr. Fulmer _________________ A bill to provide for the use of net weights in inter- 130 Mar. 8. Agriculture. state and foreign commerce transactions in cotton,

    Report No. 741. to provide for the standardization of bale covering for cotton, and for other purposes. (~Mr. Fulmer.) (Objetted to and 8tricken from on8ent Calendar Apr. ~ 1995.) (Objected to and .tricken from Consent C ndar Apr. 18, 1995.)

    H. R. 8164 Mr. Butler _________________ A bill for the rehabilitation of the Stanfield project, 138 Mar. 9. Irrigation and Reclamation. Oregon. (By Mr. Butler.) (Objeeted to and

    Report No. 755. .tricken from Consent Calendar Mar. S1, 1995.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Apr. ~, 1991.)

  • 16

    UNION CALENDAR --------~~-------------------

    1932 No. H. J. Res. 193 Mr. Karch __________________ A joint resolution providing for an annual appropria- 14 IS

    Mar. 14. Foreign Affairs. tion to meet the quota of the United States toward Report No. 800. the expenses of the International Technical Com-

    mittee of Aerial Legal Experts. (Bf Mr. Linthicum.) (Obiected to May 1fJ, 1935. (Ob-jected to and 8tric en Irom Con8ent Calendar June fJ, 1939.)

    H. J. Res. 181 Mr. Linthicum ______________ A joint resolution authorizinfJ an appropriation for 146 Mar. 15. Foreign Affairs. the expenses of the sixteen h session of the Inter- ,

    Report No. 80l; national Geological Congress to be held in the ' United States ill 1933. (By Mr. Linthicum.) (Objected to and 8tricken Irom ConBent Calendar Apr. 4-. 1938.) (Objected to and 8tricken Irom Con-.ent Calendar June fJ, 1938.)

    H. R. 9398 Mrl Fernandez ______________ A bill providing a nautical school at the port of 158 Mar. 19. Naval Affairs. 'New Orleans, La; (By Mr. Fernandez.)

    Report No. 838.

    II. R. 10739 Mr, (}onnery ________________ A bill 1;0 provide that the prevailing rate of wages 157 Mar. 231 Labor. shall be paid to laborers and mechanics employed

    Report No. 877. on certam public works of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Territories, and the Panama Canal, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Connery.)

    H.R. 9559 Mr. Williamson _____________ A bill Eroviding for the construction and equipment 165 Mar. 25. Indian Affairs. of a ospital at Wagner, S. Dak. (By Mr. Christo-

    Report No. 899. pherson.)

    H.R. 4754 Mr. Leavitt _________________ A bill providing for the construction and ewpment ,169 Mar. 28. Indian Affairs. of a hospital upon the Blackfeet Indian eserva-

    Report No. 921. tion in the St~te of Montana. (By Mr. Leavitt.)

    H.R. 10794 Mr. Cochran of Missouri _____ A bill to consolidate and coordinate certain govern- 177 Mar. 30. Et>enditur611 in the Executive mental activities affecting the civil service of the

    epartments. United States. (By Mr. Cochran of Missouri.) Report No. 950.

    H. R. 4755 Mr. Leavitt ___________ ~ ____ . A bill for the construction and equirElnyf a hospital 180 Mar. 31. Indian Affairs. on Crow Indian Reservation. y r. Leavitt.)

    Report No. 953.

    H. R. 11011 Mr. Cochran of Missouri ____ . A bill to establish a Public Works Administration 185 Apr. 4. EX:l)enditures in the Executive and transfer to and consolidate and coordinate

    epartments. therein all the public works activities of the Gov-Report No. 989. ernment. (By Mr. Cochran of MiBBouri.)

    H.R. 10976 Mr. Sirovich ________________ A bill to amend and consolidate the acts respecting 190

    Apr. 5. Patents. copyright and to codify and amend common-law Report No. 1008. rights of authors in their writings. (By Mr.


    H. R. 10602 Mr. Moore of Kentucky ______ A bill to further restrict immigration into the United 193 Apr. 7. Immigration and N aturaliza- ' States. (By Mr. Moore of Kentucky.)

    tion. Report No. 1016.

    H.R. 10488 Mr. Smith of Virginia ________ A bill to appoint a commiBBion to establish the bound- 194 Apr. 8. District of Columbia. ary line between the District of Columbia and the

    Report No. 1017. State of Virginia. (By Mr. Smith of Virginia.)

    H.R. 11205 Mr. McDuffie ____________ ~ __ A bill to reduce expenditures during the fiscal year 196 Apr. 8. Economy. 1933 by reducing the sums available for printing

    Report No. 1024. and bindi~ and stationery, and for other purposes. (By Mr. cDuffie.)

  • 1932 H. R. 11206

    Apr. 8.

    H.R. 11207 Apr. 8;

    H. R. 11208 Apr. 8.

    H. R. 11200 Apr. 9.

    S. 1690 Apr. 12.

    S. 2883 Apr; 14.

    H. R. 9071 Apr. 15.

    IL R. 9072 Apr. 18,

    H. R. 8576. Apr. 19,



    Mr. McDuffie_______________ A bill to abolish the International Water CommiBBion Economy. and to transfer its functions to the International

    Report No. 1025. Boundary Commission. (By Mr. McDuffie.)

    Mr. McDuffie ______________ . A bill to consolidate and coordinate the Steamboat Economy. Inspection Service and the Bureau of Navigation.

    Report No. 1026. (By Mr. McDuffie.)

    Mr. McDuffie _______________ A bill to suspend further operations in connection Economy. with . the construction of a heating plant in West

    Report No. 1027. Potomac Park. (By Mr. McDuffie.)

    Mr. Connery ________________ A bill to provide that the prevailing rate of wages Labor. shall be paid to laborers anu mechanics employed

    Report No. 1028. on certain public works of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Territories, and the Panama Canal, and for other purposee. (By Mr. Connery.)

    Mr. Parker of Georgia ____ ... _ An act to make provision for the care and treatment Military Affairs. of members of the National Guard, Organized Re-

    Report No. 1047. serves, Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and citi-zens' military training camps who are injured or contract disease while engaged in military training, and for other purposes. (Objected to MaYa 1932.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Consent alendar May 18.1932.)

    Mr. Davis ________________ .... An aot prescribing regulations for carrying on the Merchant Marine, Radio, an(l business of li~hter service from any of the ports of

    Fisheries. the United tates to stationary ships or bar~es Report No. 1058. located offshore, and for the purpose of promotmg

    the safety of navigation. (Objected to June 27, 1932.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Cal-endar Dec. 19, 1932.)

    Mr. Chavez ________________ A bill to authorize appropriations to pay in part the Indian Affairs: ' liability of the United States to the Indian pueblos

    Report No. 1061. herein named, under the terms of the act of June 7, 1924, and the liability of the United States to non-Indian claimants on Indian pueblo grants whose claims, extinguished under the act of June 7, 1924, have been found by the Pueblo Lands Board to have been claims in good faith; to authorize the ex-penditure by the Secretary of the Interior of the sums herein authorized and of sums heretofore appropriated, in conformity with the act of June 7,1924, for the purchase of needed lands and water rights and the creation of other permanent eco-nomic improvements as contemplated by said act; to provide for the protection of the watershed within the Carson National Forest for the Pueblo de Taos Indians of New Mexico and others in-terested, and to authorize the Secretary of Agri-culture to contract relating thereto and to amend the act approved June 7, 1924, in certain respects. (By Mr. Chavez.)

    Mr. Evans of Montana _______ A bill to authorize the use of public lands for camp Public Lands; sites, refining works, and other purposes in con-

    Report No. 1078. nection with mineral permits and leases. (By Mr. Evans of Montana.)

    Mr. Haines _________________ A bill to regulate the manufacture and sale of stamped Post Offices and Post Roads. envelopes. (By Mr. Romjue.) (Objected to May

    Report No. 1083. 18, 1935.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June fl, 1985.)

    137646-72-H BUS CAL---2

    No. 197









  • 1932 I::h It. 10748

    Apr. 21

    R. R. 11152 Apr. 21.

    S. 621 Apr. 21.

    S. 3110 Apr 22

    H. R. 7532 Apr. 22.

    H. R. 9064 Apr. 22.

    H. R. 9892 Apr. 22.

    H. J. Res. 328 Apr. 23.

    H. R. 11597 Apr. 25.

    H, R. 5727 Apr. 28,

    8. R. 8328 : Apr. 30.


    Mr. Smith of Idaho _________ _ Irrigation and Reclamation.

    Report No. 1089.

    Mr. Morehead _____________ _ Post Office and Post Roads.

    Report No. 1090.

    Mr. Morehead _____________ . Post Office and Post Roads.

    Report No. 1092

    Mr. Leavitt ____________ .. ___ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1100.

    Mr. Leavitt ________________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1101 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 483.)

    Mr. Leavitt ________________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1102 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 484.)

    Mr. Linthicum _____________ _ Foreign Affairs.

    Report No. 1105.

    Mr. Lehlbach ______________ _ Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries.

    Report No. 1115.

    A bill for liquidating bonded and other outstanding indebtedness of the Farmers' Irrigation District, Nebraska. (By Mr. Simmons.) (Objected to May 16, 1938.) (Objected to and .trieken from Conllent Calendar June 6,1938.)

    A bill to amend sec. 293, title 39, of the United States Code, Supplement V, to promote Parcel Post Service. (By Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania.) (Ob-jected to May I, 1981.) (Objected to and .tricken from Coment Calendar May l6, 198 )

    An act to repeal sec. 7 of the Postal act. approved May 29, 1928. (Objected to May I, 1931.) (Ob-jected to and .trlcken from Con.m' Calendar May 16, 193B.)

    An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to arrange with States for the education, medical attention, and relief of distress of Indians, and for other purposes. (Objected to May S, 1939.) (Ob-jected to and stricken from Consent Calendar May 16,1989.)

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Frazer, Mont., in the completion of the high-school building there to be available to Indian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. (By Mr. Leavitt.)

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Wolf Point, Mont., in the extension of the public-school building to be available to Indian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. (By Mr. Leavitt.)

    A bill to provide that the United States extend to foreign governments invitations to participate in the International Congress of Architects to be held in the United States during the calendar year 1933, and to authorize an appropriation to assist in meeting the expenses of the session. (By Mr. Luce.) (Objected to May 16, 1938.) (Objected to and atricken from Coment CaZendar June 6, 198 . )

    A joint resolution authorizing the U. S. Shipping Board to extend, rearrange, or hold in abeyance payments due the construction loan fund under certain conditions. (By Mr. Lehlbach.)

    Mr. McDuffie_______________ A bill to effect economies in the National Govern-Economy; ment. (By Mr. McDuffie.)

    Report No. 1126.

    Mr. Evans of Montana_______ A bill for the relief of certaIn tribes or bands of Indian Affairs. Indians in Washington, Idaho, and Montana.

    Report No. 1151. (By Mr. Hill of Washington.)

    Mr. Leavitt _______________ __ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1172.

    A bill to provide funds for eOQIleration wit)J, the school district at Nespelem, Wash., in the con-struction of a public-school building to be available to Indian children of the Colville Indian Reserva-tion. (By Mr. Hill of Washington.)

    No. 21!)










  • 1932 II. R. 10274

    Apr. 30.

    Hi R. 9065 Apr. 30,

    fl. R. 9~40 May 2.

    H. R. 11332 May 2.

    H. R. 11087 May 3.

    R. 2986 May 4.

    May 5.

    H. R. 11677 May 7.

    fl. J. Res. 377 May 7.

    II. R. 992] May 11.

    II. Rept. 1320 May 14.

    II. R. 127 "fay 16.



    Mr. Dickstein ______________ _ Immigration and Naturaliza-

    tion Report No. 1173.

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, No. 319.)

    A bill to amend the act approved Mar. 2, 1929, en-titled "An act to supplement the naturalization laws, and for other purposes" (45 Stat. 1512). (By Mr. Dickstein.) (Objected to June fl, 193e.)

    Mr. Bowman _______________ A bill to supervise and regulate the sale of securities District of Columbiai within the District of Columbia. (By Mr. Bow-

    Report No. 1175. man.)

    Mr. Andrew of Massachusetts_ A bill providing a nautical school at the port of New Naval Affairs. London, Conn. (By Mr. Freeman.)

    Report No. 1191.

    Mr Vinson of Georgia_ _ _ _ _ _ _ A bill to abolish the office of the Assistant Secretary Naval Affairs. of the Navy for Aeronautics. (By Mr. Vinson of

    Report No. 1192. Georgia.)

    Mr. Patterson _______________ A bill to abolish the statute permitting renewal of Patents. patent applications. (By Mr. Patterson.)

    Report No. 1198.

    Mr. Leavitt ________________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1211.

    Referred to the Committee of thA Whole House on the state of the Union.

    Mr. Rayburn ______________ _ Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. Report No. 1238.

    An act to amend the act of Mar. 13, 1924 (43 Stat. L. 21), so as to permit the Flathead, Kootenai, and Upper Pend d'Oreille Tribes or Nations of Indians to file suit thereunder. (Objected to May Ifl, 1932.) (Objected to and stricken from Con8ent Calendar June fl, 193e.)

    Message of the President of the United States to the Congress on the subject of economies in the National Government and balancing the budget. (Ordered printed May 5, 1932.)

    A bill to amend sees. 5, 1511., and 19a, of the Inter-state Commerce act, as amended, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Rayburn.)

    Mr Norton of Nebraska_____ A joint resolution making funds available for grass-Agriculture. hopper control. (By Mr. Simmons.)

    Report No. 1239.

    Mr. Cochran of MissourL ___ _ Expenditures in the Executive Departments.

    Report No. 1272. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 446.)

    Mr. Somers of New York ____ _ Coinage, Weights, ood Meas-

    ures. Report No . .1320.

    Mr. Peavey ________________ . Indian A f'lllrS

    Report No. 1325.

    A bill to require contractors on public-building proj-ects to name their subcontractors, material men, and supply men, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Goss.) (Objected to May Ifl, 1932.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June fl, 193e.)

    A report pursuant to H. Res. 72, a resolution to in-vestigate the cause and effect of the present de-pressed value of silver.

    A bill to amend an act approved May 14, 1926 (44 Stat. 555), entitled" An act authorizing the Chip-pewa Indians of Minnesota to submit claims to the Court of Claims." (By Mr. Pittenger.) (Ob-jected to Dec. 19, 1932.) (Objected to and stricken from Cons.ent Calendar Jan. Ifl, 1933.)

    No. 248












  • 1932 H. R. 9495

    May 17.

    8. R. 12097 May 18.

    H. R. 6397 May 18.

    S. 3711 May 19.

    HI R. 11642 May 19.

    HI R. 11643 May 19.

    H. R. 314 :May 20.

    H. R. 5641 May 20.

    4070 May 20.

    S. J. Res. 55 May 20.

    H. R. 2318 May 20.



    Mr. Knutson_______________ A bill to establish the boundary lines of the Chippewa Indian Affairs. Indian territory in the State of Minnesota. (By

    Report No. 1327. Mr. Knutson.)

    Mr. Ramspeck _____________ _ Labor.

    Report No. 1359. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 431.)

    Mr. CartwrighL ___________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1370.

    Mr. Arentz ________________ _ Public Lands.

    Report No. 1376.

    Mr. Rayburn ______________ _

    Interstate and Foreign Com-merce.

    Report No. 1386.

    Mr. Rayburn ______________ _ Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. Report No. 1387;

    Mr. Williamson __ .. _________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1391.

    A bill for the relief of distress due to unemployment, to create a committee for Federal, State, and local cooperation in placing qualified unemployed per-sons on unoccupied farms for the purpose of grow-ing subsistence food crops during the continuance of the unemployment emergency. (By Mr. Black.) (Objected to Dec. 19, 1935.)

    A bill to provide for the acceptance of a donation of land on the campus of the University of Oklahoma, and the construction thereon of suitable buildings and appurtenances for an institution for higher education of American Indians and their descend-ants, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Swank.)

    An act to authorize the adjustment of the bound-aries of the Chelan National Forest, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes. (Obj6Ct6d to June 21, 1932.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Con8ent Calendar Dec. 19, 193e.)

    A bill to amend secs. 15a and 19a of the interstate commerce act, as amended, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Rayburn.)

    A bill to amend sec. 5 of the interstate commerce act, as amended, relating to the consolidation and acquisition of control of carriers by railroad, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Rayburn.)

    A bill to amend an act approved Dec. 17, 1928, en-titled "An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, examine, adjudicate, and enter judgment thereon, in claims which the Win-nebago Tribe of Indians may have against the United States, and for other purposes." (By Mr. Howard.)

    Mr. Carden_________________ A bill to amend the filled milk act. (By Mr. Agriculture. Haugen.)

    Report No. 1392.

    Mr. Butler ________________ _ Public Lands.

    Report No. 1396.

    I An act to authorize the acquisition of a certain build-ing, furniture, and equipment in the Crater Lake National Park. (Objected to June Sl, 19S5.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Con8ent Calendar Jan. 16, 1935.)

    Mr. Swank _________________ A joint resolution to amend sec. 2 of the act of Feb. Claims. 25, 1927 (44 Stat. L., Pt. 2; p. 336).

    Report No. 1397.

    Mr. Peavt'y _________________ A bill for the relief of the Omaha Indians residing in Indian Affairs. school district No. 16, Thurston County, State

    Report NOI 1398. of Nebraska! (By Mr. Howard.)

    No. 283











  • 1932 H~ R. 12286

    Mf\y 25.

    fT. R. 9440 May 25.



    Mr. Almon ________________ Roads.

    Report No; 1420.

    Mr. Fuller ________________ __ Public Lands.

    Report No. 1430.

    A bill to amend the act entftled "An act to provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes," approved July 11, 1916, as amended and supplemented, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Almon.)

    A bill to authorise the adjustment of the boundaries of the Colville National Forest, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Hill of Washington.) (Objected to June Sl, 1985.) (Objected to and .cricken from Camem Calendar Dec. 19, 1981.)

    No. 309


    HI R. 11082 Mr. Crisp _________________ . A bill to amend sec. 305 (a) of the tariff act of 1930, 318 May 27. Ways and Means. and secs. 211, 245, and 312 of the Criminal Code,

    H. J. Res. 352 June 1.

    HI R. 11204 .June 3.

    H. R. 11429 June 6.

    H. R. 12358 June 6.

    S. 3085 June 7.

    H. R. 12287 June 7.

    1I. R. 10673 June 7.

    Report (adverse) No. 1435. as amended. (By Mr. Hancock of North C~o lina.)

    Mr. Jones _________________ A joint resolution authoruing and directing the Secre-

    Agricu1ture. tary of Agriculture to request allocation of funds; Report No. 1465. also to establish a research laboratory for utilising

    cotton, cotton bulls, seed, linters, and waste farm products. (By Mr. Jones.) (Objected to Dec. 19, 1985.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Jan. lfJ, 1988.)

    Mr. Ellzey __________________ A bill to authorize the Department 6f Agriculture to Claims. issue a duplicate check in favor of the Mississippi

    Report No. 1494. State treasurer, the original check having been lost. (By Mr. Doxey.)

    Mr. Schafer ________________ . A bill to authorize the Department of Agriculture Claims. to issue a duplicate check in lavor of the cl.epart

    Report No. 1509. ' ment of forests and waters, Commonwea:fth of Penn:llvania, the original check having been lost. (By r. Brumm.)

    Mr. Hill of Alabama. ___ ._._. A bill to authorise appropriations for construction Military Affalra. at military posts, and for other purposes. (By

    Report No. 1511. Mr. James.)

    Mr. Loofbourow. ___________ An act relating to the tribal and individual affairs of Indian Affairs. the Osage Indians of Oklahoma. (Objected to Feb;

    Report No. 1548. SO,1933.) (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 516.)

    Mr. Jones. ________________ A bill to remove certain burdens on interstate com Agriculture.

    Report No. 1551. merce in agricultural commodities by providing means of limiting and prohibiting short sellinf in such commodities, and for other purposes. By Mr. Jones.)

    Mr. Steagall ________________ A bill to provide that advances under the Reconstruc-Banking and Currency. tion Finance Corporation act may be made to pro Report No. 1553. ducers of livestock and to dairy farmers. (By Mr.

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, Davis.) No. 319.)







    \ 336

  • 1932 H: R. 413

    June 8.

    S. 2671 June 8.

    H. R. 12026 Jur.e 9.

    n. R. 12408 . Iune 9.



    Mr. Smith of JdaJ:io _________ _ Publio Lands.

    Report No. 1558.

    Mr. Hall of MississippL _____ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1562.

    A bill to add oertain lands to the Boise National Forest. (By Mr. Frenoh.) (Objected to June 87, 1995.) (Objected to and stricken from Con,ent Calendar Dec. 19, 1998.)

    An act providing_ for the final enrollment of the Indians of the Klamath Indian Reservation in the State of Oregon. (Objected to Jan. 16, 1939.) (Ob-jected to and .tricken from Con.snt CaZendar fleb. 7,1999.)

    Mr. Gilbert ________________ A bill to purohase dond ereot in the city of Washing-Library. ton the group of statuary known as the Indian

    Report No. 1564. Buffalo Hunt. (By Mr. Gilbert.)

    Mr. Bacharaoh _____________ _ Ways and Means

    Report No. 1565.

    A bill to reduoe the rate of interest on loans JPon adjusted service certificates and to give suoh cer-tificates a loan value immediately upon the issuance thereof, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Ba.oh-arach.)

    No. 889




    H. R. 12499 Mr. McSwain ______________ A bill to amend the national defense act of June 3, 843 .lune 9. Military Affairs. 1916, as amended. (By Mr. James.)

    Report No. 1566.

    S; 1307 Mr. Holmes ________________ An aot authorizing an appropriation for the altera- 341) Juue 10. District of Columbia. I tion and repair of the buildings of Eastern Dis-

    HI R. 11676 JU'le 10.

    H. R. 12076 June 10.

    H. R. 12574 June 1b

    s. 361 June 11; I


    Report No. 1583. pensary and Casualty Hospital;

    ~r. Dominick _____________ _ Judiciary.

    Report No. 1584.

    Mr. McKeown ____________ __ Judiciary.

    Report No. 1585.

    Mr. Jones ________________ __ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1608l

    Mr Almon _______________ _

    Roads. Report No. 1609. I


    A bill providing for the appointment of a commis-sioner to hear cases arising under contracts of war-risk insurance in the Distriot Courts for tho Eastern and Wefltern Districts of South Carolina. (By Mr. Dominick.) (Objected to June S7, 1995.) (Objected to and .trieken from Coneent Calendar Du. 19, 1981.)

    A bill for the oonservation of oil and gss and pro-tection of American sources thereof from injury, correlation of domestic and foreign production, and consenting to an interstate compact for such purposes. (By Mr. McKeown.) (Objected toJune S7, 1991.) (Objected to and .trieken Irom Con"nt Calendar D.c. 19, 1991.)

    A blll to provide for the tBBuance of agricultural ex-port debentures, to secure to the farmers a fair price for agrioultural commodites, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Jones.)

    An act to amend the act entitled "An act to provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construotion of rural post roads, and for other pur PORes," approved July 11, 11)16, as amended MId supplemented. and for otl:!.@~ pUlfoses,




  • 1932 H, R. 11551

    .June 14.

    8, 763 June 14.



    Mr; Fulbright ____ " _____ eo. Flood Control.

    Report No. 1622.

    Mr. Butler __ . _____________ _ Public Lands.

    Report No. 1623.

    A bill to amend sec. 3 of an act entItled "An act for the control of floods on the MissiBBippi River and its tributaries, and for other purposes," as amend-.ed. (By Mr. Fulbright.)

    An act to extend the provisions of the Forest Ex-change act to lands adjacent to the national for ests in .he State of Oregonl (Objected to June 27. 1932.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Jan. 16, 1933.)


    H. R; 12617 Mr. Norton of Nebraska______ A bill to amend the Federal Fbrm Board act, ap- 338 June 14. Agriculture.' proved June 15, 1929. (By Mr. Norton of Ne-

    Report No_ 1625. braska.)

    H. J. Res. 378 Mr. Linthicum ______________ A joint resolutIon authOrIzmg an approprIation as 360 June 15. Foreign Affain. the contribution of the United States to the ex-

    Report No. 1628. penses of the Permanent Court of International Justice for the calendar year 1932. (By Mr. Linthicum.)

    H. R. 9592 Mr. Black __________________ A bill to provide for the regulation of the business of 361

    June 15. District of Columbia. making loans of $300 or less in the District of Report No. 16~ Columbia, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Bow


    S. 2352 Mr. Williamson ____________ An act amendi~ the act entitled" An act authorizing 366 June 16. Indian Affairs. the Court of laims to hear, determine. and render

    Report No. 1645. Wdgment in the civilization fund claim of the Osage (Placed on Consent Calendar, ation of Indians against the United States," ap-

    No. 404.) proved Feb. 6, 1921 (41 Stat. 1097).

    II. R. 9555 Mr. Major __________________ A bill to authorize the Postmaster General to hire 367 June 18. Post Office and Post Roads. vehicles from postal employeeA. (By Mr. Haines.)

    Report Nc. 1654. (Objected to July 1, 1932.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Con.ent Calendar D~. lB, 193e.)

    H. J. Res. 416 Mr. Linthicum ______________ A joint resolution to extend the time for filing claims 370 June 20. Foreign Affain. under the settlement of war .claims dct of 1928,

    Report No. 1672. and for other purposes. (By Mr. Doughton.) (Strickln from Consent Calendar Feb. 7, 1933.)

    H. R. 8984 Mr. Sirovich ________________ A bill to authorize the licensing of patents owned by 372 June 20. Patents. the United States. (By Mr. Sirovich.)

    Report No. 1674.

    HI J. Res. 422 Mr. Connery ________________ A joint resolution to provide for a survey to deter- 373 June 21. Labor. mine the amount of surplus cloth held by the

    Report No. 1681. Government, and to provide for the free distri-bution of such surplus to unemployed people of the United States. (By Mr. Johnson of Okla-homa.)

    B.R. 11297 Mr. Peavey _________________ A bill for the relief ot the Winnebago Indians resid- 373 June 21; Indian Affairs. ing in school district No. 17, Thurston County,

    Report No. 16~3. St~te of Nebrfjka. (By Mr. Howa,rd.)

  • 1\132 H. R. 12723

    June 21,

    Fla 4029 . lune 22.

    Hi R. 10927 June 22.

    S. J. Res. 124 June 22.

    H. R. 12742 June 22.

    R. R. 12752 June 22.

    H. R; 2481 June 27.

    Feb. 21, 1933

    H. R. 12730 July 1.


    Mr. Norton of Nebraska._____ A bill to secure cost of production to producers of Agriculture. agricultural commodities, and for other purposes.

    Report No. 1688. (By Mr. Norton of Nebraska.)

    Mr. Butler ________________ _ Public Lands .

    Report No. 1690. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 415.)

    Mr. Loofbourow ___________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1696.

    Mr. Linthicum _____________ . Foreign Affairs.

    Report No. 1697. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 526.)

    Mr. McReynolds ___________ _ Foreign Affairs.

    Report No. 1700.

    Mr. McReynolds ______ - ____ _ Foreign Affairs.

    Report No. 1710.

    Mr. Baldrige _______________ _

    Claims. Report No. 1720.

    Supplemental report, Part 2.

    An act to restore homestead rights in certain cases. (Objected to Jan. 16, 19S5.)

    A bill conferring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to adjudicate the rights of the Otoe and Missouria Tribes of Indians to comp~nsation on a basis of guardian and ward. (By Mr. Garber.) (Objected to Dec. 19, 19S5.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar Jan. 16, 19S5.)

    A joint resolution to provide for the determination of claims for damage!! sustained by the fluctuation of the water levels of Lake of the Woods in certain cases. and for other purposes. (Objected to Feb. SO,19SS.)

    A bill authorizing an appropriation for payment to the Government of the Dominican Republic for the account of Mercedes Martinez Viuda de Sanchez, a Dominican subject. (By Mr. McReynolds.) (Objected to Dec. 19, 19S5.) (Objected to and stricken from Con8ent Calendar Jan t6, 19S5.)

    A bill authorizing an appropriation for payment to the French Government for the account of Henry Borday, a citizen of France. (By ~r. Mc-Reynolds.) (Objected to Dec. 19, 19Se.) (Objected to and stricken/rom CORaent Calendar Ian. 16, 19fJS.)

    A bill making appropriation to restore water of high mineral content on land owned and controlled by the Federal Government. (By Mr. Morehead.)

    Mr. Jones__________________ A bill to provide temporary aid to agriculture for the Agriculture. relief of the existing national economic emergency.

    Report No. 1747. (By Mr. Kleberg.)

    Noa 377








    H. J. Res. 448 Mr. COllIer ______ .___________ A joint resolution to construe the revenue act of 403 July 6. W~rs and Means. 1932. (By Mr. Collier.)

    S.J. Res. 186 July 6,

    Report No. 1754.

    Mr. Collier _________________ A joint resolution to provide transportation and Ways and Means. travel subsistence to World War veterans tem-

    Report No. 1755. porarily quartered in the District of Columbia

    R.Con.Res.32 Mr. Warren________________ A concurrent resolution to reduce e;glenses connected 405 July 6. Accounts. wiftTh con)greBSionai funera,lfj, (Bf Mr. Su:mP.~:re

    Report No. 1757. 0 exaa.

  • 1932 Dec. 6

    H. J. Res. 131 Dec 7.

    1933 H. R. 13559

    Jan. 10.

    H. R. 13811 Jan. 11.

    H. J. Res. 536 Jan. 11.

    H; Rept. 1865 Jan. 14.

    H. R. 14201 Jan. 14.

    8. 1492 Jan. 18.

    HIR. 13007 Jan. 19.

    H;R; 14243 Jan. 23.


    Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.

    Mr. Keller __________________ Library.

    Report No. 1784.

    Mr. Smith of Idaho __________ Public Lands.

    Report No. 1840. (Placed on Consent Calendar.

    No. 476.)

    Mr. Crowe ________________ Immigration and Naturaliza-

    tion. Report No. 1852.

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, No. 494.)

    Mr. McReynolds ____________ Foreign Affairs.

    Report No. 1853. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 521.)

    Mr. Warren ________________ United States Roanoke Colony

    Commission. Report No. 1865.

    Mr. Vmson of Georgia ______ Naval Affairs.

    Report No. 1872. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 514..)

    Mr. Leavitt _______________ . Public Lands.

    Report No. 1879. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 487.)

    Mr. Williamson _____________ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1884. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 490.)

    Mr. Vinson of Georgia ______ Naval Affairs.

    Report No. 1891. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 510.)

    Annual message of the President of the United States to the Congress. (Ordered printed Dec. 6,1932.)

    A joint resolution to make available to Congress the services and data of the Interstate Legislative Reference Bureau. (By Mr. Luce.)

    A bill authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to enter into a cooperative agreement or agreements with the State of Idaho and private owners of lands within the State of Idaho for grazing and ra~e development, and for other purposes. (By r. French.)

    A bill to amend sec. 23 of the imm~ration act of Feb. 5, 1917 (39 Stat. 874). (By r. Dickstein.)

    A joint resolution authorizing an appropriation for participation by the United States in an inter-national monetary . and economic conference to be held in London. (By Mr. McReynolds.) (Objected to Feb. 20, 1933.)

    A report pursuant to R. Con. Res. 26, a concurrent resolution to establish a commission to be known as the United States Roanoke Colony Commission to report a plan and program for the celebration in 1934 of the three hundred and fiftieth anniver-sary of the birth of En!lish-speaking civilization in America on Roanoke sland, N. C.

    A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to make a long-term contract for a supp8, of water to the United States naval station at uantanamo Bay, Cuba. (By Mr. Vinson of Georgia.) (Objected to Feb. 20, 1933.}

    A;n act to add certain ls,nds to the Columbia National Forest in the State of Washington.

    A bill providing for the restoration of an Indian a'tnt for the Lower Brule Indian Reservation. (By r. Williamson.)

    A bill to authorize an increase in the limit of cost of one aircraft carrier. (By Mr. Vinson of Georgia.) (Objected to Feb. 20, 1933.)

    No. 418










  • 1933 S. J. Res. 108

    Jan. 24.

    H. R. 188 Jan. 26.

    H. R. 12678 Jan. 27.

    lL J. Res. 577 Jan. 27.

    ~. 4578 Jan. 27.

    :-. 3475 Jan. 30.



    Mr. Glover ________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1899. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 527.)

    Mr. Englebright ____________ . Public Lands.

    Report No. 1916. (Placed on Consent Calendar.

    No. 506.)

    Mr. Gilbert ______________ .. _. District of Columbia.

    Report No. 1924.

    Mr. Dickstein ______________ _ Immigration and NatUTaliza-

    tion. Report No. 1926.

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, No. 508.)

    Mr. Loofbourow ____________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1935. (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 509.)

    A joint resolution to authorize and direct the Secre-tary of Agriculture to investigate the cost of main-taining the present system of future trading in agricultural products and to ascertain what classes of citizens bear such cost. (Objected ;to Feb. 20, 1988.)

    A bill to extend the provi~ions of the forest ex-change act approved Mar. 20, 1922, to certain lands adjacent to the Modoc National Forest,in the State of California. (By Mr. Englebright.) (Objected to Feb. 20, 1988.)

    A bill to license and register master electricians, master fixture hangers, journeymen electricians, and journeymen fixture hangers engaged in the business of installing, repairing, or maintaining electric wiring, fixtures, apparatus, and appliances for light, heat, or power in the District of Colum-bia, and for other purposes. (By Mrs., Norton of New Jersey.)

    A joint resolution to provide for the return to the Philippine Islands of unemployed Filipinos resident in the continental United States, to authorize ap-propriations to accomplish that result, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Dicks

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