Download - 7 Business Tourism

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    Business Tourism

    Topic 7

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



    • Understand the principal sector of the businesstourism industry and distinguish between them

    • Explain the objectives of the dierent types ofmeetings that may be organised, the various

    venues in which they take place and the roles ofmeeting planners

    • Dene incentive travel, compare it with other formsof workplace rewards and demonstrate awareness

    of the challenges of organising successful incentivetravel programmes!

    • Distinguish between trade fairs and exhibitions andunderstand the roles of those companies that

    supply services to this sector of business tourism

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



    #usiness tourism is concerned with peopletravelling for purposes which are related totheir work! $s such it represents one of the

    oldest forms of tourism, man havingtravelled for this purpose of trade sincevery early times! %Davidson, &''()

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



    • *odern+day business tourism takes fourprincipal forms

     – ravel for the purpose of attending

    conferences and other types ofmeetings

     – "ncentive travel


     ravel to attend an exhibition or tradefair

     – "ndividual business travel

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



    • an organised event which brings peopletogether to discuss a topic of sharedinterest! 0"t may1 be commercial or non+

    commercial ! ! ! may be attended by 2, ormany hundreds ! ! ! it may last from a fewhours to a week ! ! ! 03hat makes1 ameeting 4ualify as part of business tourism

    is that it engages some of the services ofthe tourism industry, and %is usually) heldaway from the premises of the organisationrunning it! %Davidson, &''()

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



    •  he most widespread forms of businesstourism

    • 5aries in forms, si6e and purpose

    • *any of the highest+prole meetingsbelong to the association category ofmeetings!

     hey can attract thousands of participantor delegates!

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    7orporate meetings

    • /ome meetings are held with colleagueswho work for the same company, andthese are known as corporate meetings!

    • Dierent companies have dierentpurposes of organising corporatemeetings, but overall purpose is linked tothe companies8 need to operate eectively

    in the eld of business!

    • 9or example it can be a trainningprogramme on selling skills, customer

    relation skills, etc

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    .overnment and political organisationmeetings

    • $nnual conferences of political parties

    • $ll party discussions

    • .overnment and political party

    negotiations, etc

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    /*E:9 meetings

    • /ocial meetings

    • *ilitary meetings

    • Educational meetings

    • :eligious meetings

    • 9raternal meetings

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    $ssociation meetings vs corporate meetings

    • Delegates number is more• Decision process of

    choosing destination islonger

    • /pending per delegate is

    moderate• *eetings can last for

    several days• 7onference could be a

    prot• Events are held in large,

    purpose built conferencecentre

    • Delegates8 partners arewelcomed

    • $re rarely cancelled

    • Delegates number is fewer• Decision process of

    choosing destination isshorter

    • /pending per delegate is

    higher• *eetings will last for often

    one day• 7onference will be a cost• Events are held in seminar

    rooms of hotels

    • Delegates8 partner arerarely encouraged to attend

    • 7an be cancelled more


  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


     he meetings industry

    • 5enues – 7onference centres

     – ;otels

     –$cademic venues

     – Unusual venues

    • Other suppliers

    • *eeting planners

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



    • "n "nns and hotels they have roomsdesigned for the purpose

    • "t is a widely preferred type for most of the

    world8s meetings• 3hether hotels are situated in city centres,

    suburban locations, airport or rural area,they earn signicant income

    • /ome of the hotels have brand theirmeeting facilities! Eg! ;ilton meetings

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    $cademic venues

    • Universities and colleges are activesuppliers of meeting facilities

    •  hey rent out their classrooms, lecture

    theatres, $5 facilities and cateringservices!

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    Unusual venues

    • *eetings facilities oered by wide range ofproperties such as museums, statelyhomes, castles, theatres, theme parks,

    6oos and a4uariums!•  he main motivation for holding a meeting

    in an unusual venue is to make the eventmemorable and attractive to attendees!

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    Other suppliers

    • *eals and refreshments

    • $udio visual resources

    • 9lip charts and overhead projectors are

    rarely used nowadays•

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    *eeting planners

    • 7hoosing the destination and venue

    • $ttendees8 travel and visa re4uirements

    • $ccommodations

    •  opics and speakers for the event

    • /ecurity details

    • /ome carries job titles =professional

    conference organiser8 %

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    "-7E-"5E :$5E>

    • travels of employees who have beenawarded a luxury trip, entirely paid for bytheir company, as a pri6e for high

    achievement at work!• "ncentive ravel is a global management

    tool that uses an exceptional travelexperience to motivate and?or recogni6e

    participants for increased levels ofperformance in support of theorgani6ational goals! %/"E, &''@)

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


     he incentive travel industry

    • "ncentive travel sector of business tourismmakes use of the same service, facilitiesand resources that are used by leisure

    tourists A airlines and other forms oftransport, hotel accommodation, touristattractions, guides, shops, culture andsports events and so on!

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  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


     he exhibition and trade fair industry

    • Exhibition halls and exhibition centres rentout their facilities in provide the basicshelter and security that are necessary

    when hosting these events!•  hey also have to provide all necessary

    utilities such as electricity, water, gas, andcommunication connections as well as a

    clear signage system, infrastructures, suchas restaurants, parking area

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    Exhibition and trade fair organisers

    • 3ho create the exhibition or trade show,rent the venue, then market the event toprospective exhibitors and visitors!

    •  hey earn a living by identifyingopportunities for new exhibitions or tradeshows and running these events!

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    /tand?booth contractors

    • *ost exhibitors rely on specialistcontractors to design and build theirstands!

    •  his task has become and increasinglycreative and technical one as stand designhas become more imaginative andelaborate, using new materials and new

    technology or make exhibition stands evermore eye+catching and attractive tovisitors

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    "-D"5"DU$> #U/"-E// :$5E>

    • *ainly termed as corporate travel

    •  rips of all men and women whose workobliges them to travel, either regularly or

    on an occasional basis• E!g! sales and marketing managers

    • "n multination companies sta travels tomeet with their collegues

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    /ta comfort and safety

    •  ravelling in comfort is important when thecompany nds it is important the sta toreturn back refreshed to start work

    immediately• Employers have legal duty of responsibility

    to do everything within reason to ensurethe safety of those travelling on company


  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    /ta loyalty and morale

    • $lthough many claims to enjoy it,individual business travel can beextremely trying at times

    •"t temporarily separates people from theirfriends and families and can be a source ofstress or frustrations

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


     he individual business travel industry

    •  ransport

    • $ccommodation

    • #usiness travel agencies

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism



    • $n accommodation that provides gueststhe ability to work is essential

    • =oCce away from oCce8

    • "nternet connection, telephone, fax,photocopy service, etc

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


    #usiness travel agencies

    • $ll but very small companies ororganisations use some form ofintermediaries to book their business

    travel services!• "t can be a high street travel agency,

    travel management company %*7),medium to large companies specialised in

    oering these services

  • 8/16/2019 7 Business Tourism


     :E-D/ "- #U/"-E// OU:"/*

    • Economic trend – Emerging markets

     – .rowing corporate cost+consiousness

    • echnology trend

     – $dvancement in "7

    • /ocial trend – *ore female business tourists

     – *ore older business tourists

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