
Step 1Choose a debatable topic

(Hint: this needs to be a topic that someone can disagree with! Test whether your topic is debatable by rewriting it from the alternative viewpoint.)-Example: Student debt is a national problem that is stifling the U.S. economy.

-Example alternative viewpoint: Student debt is necessary to a strong education, and it helps the U.S. economy. -Your topic: type your answer here Amalan membaca dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah merupakan masalah yang sering dibincangkan di semua peringkat -Test alternative viewpoint: type your answer hereAmalan membaca sangat penting dan sering dikaitkan dengan penguasaan pelajar akademik, kemahiran menulis dan berkomunikasi serta menjadi emelen penting dalam kebolehpasaran kerja kelak.Step 2Pick a stance (Hint: what should or shouldn't be done about this topic? Again, test whether your stance is debatable by rewriting it from the alternative viewpoint.)-Example: Student loans should be forgiven in cases where students are unable to repay their debts.-Example alternative stance: Student loans should not be forgiven in cases where students are unable to repay their debts.

-Your stance: type your answer hereaspek membaca perlu diberi penekanan oleh pengetua selaku ketua yang memimpin organisasi pendidikan supaya budaya membaca dapat disemai sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi.-Test alternative stance: type your answer hereAspek membaca perlu diberi perhatian oleh ibu bapa supaya budaya membaca dapat disemai dari rumah.Step 3Choose your focus(Hint: you can't focus on everyone; a narrow focus is better.)

-Example: American students who have graduated from universities with excessive debt burdens.-Your focus: type your answer herePengetua yang telah mengamalkan kepimpinan literasi dan telah terbukti berjaya meningkatkan motivasi dan minat murid serta pencapaian dalam NILAM sehingga di beri pengiktirafan di peringkat nasionalStep 4Make your claims(Hint: choose 3 or more claims that you can support later in your essay.)-Example: Debt forgiveness will benefit the growth of the economy by

1. Increasing tax revenues

2. Unfreezing credit markets3. Creating jobs-Your claims: Pengetua memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan motivasi membaca1. menggerakkan seluruh warga sekolah dengan pelbagai aktiviti galakan membaca2.memjadikan aktiviti membaca fokus utama3. memotivasikan murid membaca4.memberi engiktirafan kepada pencapaian dalam NILAM5.

Step 5Put it all together(Hint: combine your topic + stance + focus + claims.)-Example: Student debt is a national problem that is stifling the U.S. economy, and American students are graduating from universities with excessive debt burdens. Student loans should be forgiven in cases where students are unable to repay their debts because this will benefit the growth of the economy by increasing tax revenues, unfreezing credit markets, and creating jobs.

-Your draft thesis statement: type your answer hereKrisis membaca dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah merupakan masalah yang sering dibincangkan disemua peringkat. Pengetua yang telah mengamalkan kepimpinan literasi telah terbukti berjaya meningkatkan motivasi dan minat murid serta pencapaian dalam NILAM sehingga di beri pengiktirafan di peringkat nasional. Selain itu, aspek membaca perlu diberi penekanan oleh pengetua selaku ketua yang memimpin organisasi pendidikan supaya budaya membaca dapat disemai sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi. Hal ini kerana p engetua memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan motivasi membaca kerana kuasa mutlak pengetua membolehkan beliau menggerakkan seluruh warga sekolah dengan pelbagai aktiviti galakan membaca, mejadikan aktiviti membaca sebagai fokus utama dan menjalankan program untuk memotivasikan murid membaca dan mendapat pengiktirafan dalam Program NILAM Step 6Edit and refine(Hint: edit to be more specific and to use more articulate language.)

-Example: Crippling student debt is stifling the growth of the U.S. economy because it inhibits graduates from being able to spend money on consumer goods and home purchases. To alleviate this, lenders should be required to forgive student loans in cases where students are unable to repay their debts, as doing so will benefit the growth of the economy by increasing tax revenues, unfreezing credit markets, and creating jobs.

-Your revised thesis statement: type your answer hereWoohoo! You did it!

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