

© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


60+ Template Opening

Statements That Slash Down The

Time Of Your Sales Letter

Writing In Half

By: Carlos Redlich-G

60+ Template Opening Statements That Slash Down The

Time Of Your Sales Letter Writing In Half

By Carlos Redlich


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Copyright © 2010 by Carlos Redlich

And Undisputed Marketing

[email protected]

60+ Template Opening Statements That Slash Down The

Time Of Your Sales Letter Writing In Half is published

by Carlos Redlich and Undisputed Marketing and is fully

protected under U.S. copyright Laws. All rights

reserved. You may not reprint or distribute this

publication without the prior written permission from

the publisher.

Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


Dear Friend,

I'm about to reveal an incredible way to and .

This is real...Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

I need to get this off my chest before I explode.

There is only one way I know that you can . Yet I see so many so-called experts claiming to reveal their untold secrets which are nothing more than a bunch of theories...You deserve nothing but the truth.

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

Imagine how exciting it will be to finally be able to .

In this letter you are going find shocking, jaw-dropping information on how you can in the next .

But I must inform you, this could be the most important letter you've ever read.

Here are the details.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


Dear Friend,

I’m going to do something that I swore I would never do...

I'm going to give away my step by step secrets on how to in less than .

My friends think I’m crazy, but I don’t care...

Here's my story:


Dear Friend,

I've got to be honest.

If you knew what I knew about you would read every word of this letter.

In the next few minutes, you'll discover everything you need to know to effortlessly and in less than !

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

This letter is not about me...It's about you.

What you are about to read will show you how to in the next completely risk free!

But this offer won't last, so you must hurry to see what this is all about.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


Dear Friend,

I'm going to show you how you can quickly and easily in the next !

I know that sounds hard to believe...But it's 100% true.

Please continue reading...


Dear Friend,

Would you like to in the next ?

Let me show you how:


Dear Friend,

If you want to then this may be the most important letter you've ever read.

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

Yes! It really is this simple...

In or less, you can and !


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Here's the details.


Dear Friend,

Did you know that you can and within the next ?

Here's the scoop.


Dear Friend,

I've got to be honest, there's never been a better time for you to than it is today!

The next three minutes can change your life.

Here's what it's all about.


Dear Friend,

I'd like to make you an extremely bold promise. You can easily . You can quickly and easily in .

I know this sounds a bit mind boggling. And quite frankly, when I first decided to write this letter I realized I had a serious problem.

My problem?

How do I describe these powerful new strategies and techniques without making it sound like a bunch of hype? If you hang in here with me for a few


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

minutes, you'll quickly see that what I have to show you is easy-as-ABC, quite simple to learn and apply, and devastatingly profitable.

Here's my story.


Dear Friend,

Everything you may have heard about is true.

But here's what you don't know.


Dear Friend,

As you read this letter, you will quickly realize that the solution to is as close as a click away.

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

The truth is, you can really . The question is, are you ready to do something about it?

Here's the story.



© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Dear Friend,

Imagine this scenario...It's one year from today and you are still faced with .

Isn't it time that you find out how to ?

In this gut-wrenching letter you are going to learn everything you need to know to avoid the trap of procrastination and .

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

I've got to be blatantly honest with you. You will never learn how to until you know the exact step by step process that I'm about to reveal to you in this letter.

Here's how.


Dear Friend,

How excited would you be today if you were able to ?

There is a way to in only !

Here's how.


Dear Friend,


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Please take a minute from your busy schedule and read to the end of this letter. In this letter you will learn how to in .

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

As you can see, I have attached a to the top of this letter for two reasons:

1. I have something very important to tell you and I needed some way to catch your attention.

2.Since what I am writing about concerns money, I thought a little “financial eye catcher” was especially appropriate.

Here's the details.


Dear Friend,

It's a fact.

In only you can and .

Here's how.


Dear Friend,

Maybe it's too simple!


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

You see, virtually anyone can really - and do it massively.

Here's the details.


Dear Friend,

If you can read and write simple english, then I'm going to show you can easily and quickly by the time you finish reading this letter.

Here's how.


Dear Friend,

Here's the honest to goodness truth about straight from the mouth from someone who can show you how to and in a well thought out simple step by step details.

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

This is big!

A good friend of mine has made a startling new discovery in the industry that will completely knock your socks off.

I promise, what you are about to find out beats the pants off of any other so-called way to .


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Here's the scoop.


Dear Friend,

A lot of people feel that the industry is crowded and overly competitive.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm about to reveal a fresh look into the world of that will uncover little-known insider secrets to that have been kept quiet until now.

Please continue reading...


Dear Friend,

A lot of people feel that the industry is a complete waste of time.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I'm about to reveal a fresh look into the world of that will uncover little-known insider secrets to that have been kept quiet until now.

Please continue reading...


Dear Friend,

After many years of working in the field I've amassed a colossal collection of never before seen secret strategies and techniques that most people would pay many thousands of dollars to obtain.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Now for the first time I'm going to reveal how you can and .

Here's how...


Dear Friend,

A lot of people feel that the industry is only out for themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm about to reveal a fresh look into the world of that will uncover little-known insider secrets to that have been kept quiet until now.

Please continue reading...


Dear Friend,

Are you looking for a way to ?

Before I share with what many experts are calling the most ingenious breakthrough method in years, please pay close attention to every word in this letter.

Okay, let's get to the nitty gritty.


Dear Friend,

Are you tired of ?

Isn't it time you finally learn how to ?

There has never been a better time than right now to finally .


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Here's what it's all about.


Dear Friend,

Would you like to find out about a secret technique that works like crazy?

Then give me three minutes of your time and I'll give you the straight truth on how you can and in the next .

Here it is.


Dear Friend,

Don't be fooled by all of those so-called gurus who are only out to get your money.

What you are about to find out is the only way I know that you can and in as little as .

Please continue reading.


Dear Friend,

Don't even think of buying another book until you read this entire letter. This letter contains new mind boggling information on how you can . It's stripped clean of fluff, hype and theory. It contains keen insights and little known ways to that has never been revealed.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Okay, let me start right here.


Dear Friend,

Don't read another book on until you read this entire letter.

You are about to uncover new and shocking never before seen information on how you can . I promise, you have never read anything like this before.

Here's the scoop.


Dear Friend,

Don't buy another on .

It's useless.

Most of these people who write this stuff have never even done what they are telling you to do.

If you want the honest to goodness truth on how to , then please continue reading.


Dear Friend,

Are you still struggling with ? This should not be...It's time to let the cat out of the bag.

In this letter you will get the naked truth on how to and do it with ease.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Now here's the truth.


Dear Friend,

If you've been watching the industry for any length of time you would know that there is a major shift happening that will make it more difficult to than ever before.

Don't be left behind...Get the facts here.


Dear Friend,

I'm going to be completely honest with you. The truth is, unless you are serious about learning how you can , you will never know what it is like to .

In this letter you're going to get the shocking truth like never told before on what you need to do in very simple detailed steps.

Read this...


Dear Friend,

I'll bet you anything that if you could , backed up by a no-nonsense no-brainer money-back plus guarantee and see your results within the next , you'd think this was too good to be true, right?

Well it's not...Here's the details.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


Dear Friend,

I'll get straight to the point...

In the next you can and begin to ...

Here's how.


Dear Friend,

I'm going to make you an extremely bold promise...

In the next you will be able to or double your money back!

Please listen very carefully to this...


Dear Friend,

In this letter your imagination is going to run wild thinking about finally being able to .

You are about to uncover the honest to goodness truth on how you can in a set of well thought out step by step instructions.

Here's how.



© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Dear Friend,

Are you faced with ?

In this letter you will find startling insider information on how to . It's going to be very exciting so make sure you read every word (blink and you may miss something).

Here's the details.


Dear Friend,

Are you looking to ?

If so, then hang on to your hat. The information you are about to read is guaranteed to show you an exact paint-by-number system to in as little as .

Let me explain.


Dear Friend,

You can and in as little as !

Not only is this possible, but I guarantee it.

Here's the story.


Dear Friend,


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Please don't let anyone know I'm releasing this highly sensitive information to you.

You see, you are about to discover how to and in less than .

Here's the deal.


Dear Friend,

At the risk of ruining my reputation, I am going to make a rather bold statement...

I now honestly believe I know more about than anyone else on earth!

Here's my true story.


Dear Friend,

You are about to read a single page of deceptively simple information that can show you how to .

Please pay careful attention.


Dear Friend,

There are very few people who can show you how to other than myself.

Yes, I know that may sound rather arrogant, but I assure you I'm not.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Here's my story.


Dear Friend,

There is no doubt about it, there is no easier way to than this.

Listen to this.


Dear Friend,

My name is and I'm about to reveal an insanely shameless way to in as little as .

I myself live and practice everything that I'm about to reveal so please listen carefully to every word I say.

Here's the details.


Dear Friend,

There is a saying that goes, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

There is no doubt about it, knowing how to in less than does sound too good to be true. I assure you, it's not.

Let me explain...


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


Dear Friend,

I have a bold confession to make.

I failed to inform you about my brand new . Over has passed since the release of that can show you how to effortlessly .

Here's the complete details.


Dear Friend,

If you are sick and tired of hopelessly suffering from then this is the godsend that you have been looking for.

In the next few minutes, you will learn how to and in only .

Here's what it's all about.


Dear Friend,

What if you could in as little as ?

Please, listen to this.

I've just put together a tell it all that totally takes the lid off of little known secrets.

My newly created will show you how to in no time at all.

Don't just take my word for it, here's what others are saying.


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing


Dear Friend,

Without reservation, what I am about to show you has to be the easiest way I know to .

Take a look at this.


Dear Friend,

This is it!...I guarantee it!

If you are sick and tired of suffering from , then this is the godsend that you have been looking for, hands down.

Let me tell what all the rave is about.


Dear Friend,

Can I ask you a question?

Are you ready to ?

I need to be honest with you. Now


Dear Friend,


© 2010 Carlos Redlich's Undisputed Marketing

Are you troubled by ?

If so, then this could be the most important letter you've ever read.

Please read every word very carefully.


Dear Friend,

Do you want to know the naked truth on ?

Then keep reading...


Dear Friend,

It's true.

You can in the next

Here's how.

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