Page 1: 60 flowers a tretoise of information flowers you can eat By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension , VP AUP  Peshawar
Page 2: 60 flowers a tretoise of information flowers you can eat By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension , VP AUP  Peshawar

Flowers we Can EatA Report

ByMr. Allah Dad Khan

Page 3: 60 flowers a tretoise of information flowers you can eat By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension , VP AUP  Peshawar

Edible Flowers

Food and flowers have long been partners in the garden and on the dining table, but most don't realize they can be partners on the plate. Edible flowers, with their vibrant colors, lively scents, and interesting shapes, can provide much-needed accents for decorating a plate and whetting the appetite. When you're choosing an edible flower, consider not only its flavor, but also its appearance and ability to look fresh out of water.

Page 4: 60 flowers a tretoise of information flowers you can eat By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension , VP AUP  Peshawar

Edible Flowers

As a general rule edible flowers are usually a delicate flavor. There are notable exceptions such as the peppery-piquant of a nasturtium blossom or almost any plant in the greater mustard family  Also usually one eats just the petal parts of the blossom. Dandelion rays are sweet but the green base is bitter. That said there can be exceptions. The tart base of the Roselle blossom is used to make a lemonade-like drink and wild flower Spiderwort blossom is tossed in the salad whole. Where relevant preparation requirements have been included

Page 5: 60 flowers a tretoise of information flowers you can eat By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension , VP AUP  Peshawar

Edible Flowers

There is a word of caution. If you are a person who has allergies, try only a small amount of a blossom the first time, a very small amount, such as a quarter inch square of the blossom. While blossoms might be delicate they can still pack a chemical punch. I know form personal experience. Introduce them gradually into the diet if you are not sure. Also, some flowers have known effects, such as yellow violas are laxative in quantities.

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Allium (Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) The smallest member of the onion

family, the common chive is a hardy perennial that happily comes back each year in the garden and blooms in the early spring. The purple flower heads are made up of individual florets that can be broken off and added to salads, dips, butters and infused in vinegar. They are easy to dry: Cover the blossoms and part of the stems with a paper bag and hang the bunch upside down in a dry, airy place. Like dried herbs, dried flowers impart a more concentrated flavor.

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Angelica   (disambiguation).

Depending on the variety, flowers range from pale lavender-blue to deep rose and have a licorice-like flavor

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Anise hyssop ( Agastache foeniculum)Lightly minty with a note of licorice, this perennial's profusion of blossoms throughout a long growing season makes it an ideal edible flower. Trim the flower heads and use fresh or dried in a tisane (herb tea), or separate the tiny flowers from the main stem to dot over the top of a fruit salad or garnish a summer cucumber soup.

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Arugula  Eruca sativa.

Also called garden rocket, roquette, rocket-salad, Oruga, Rocketsalad, rocket-gentle; Raukenkohl (German); rouquelle (French); rucola (Italian). An Italian green usually appreciated raw in salads or on sandwiches. The flowers are small, white with dark centers and can be used in the salad for a light piquant flavor. The flowers taste very similar to the leaves and range in color from white to yellowish with dark purple veins. Arugula resembles radish leaves in both appearance and taste. Leaves are compound and have a spicy, peppery flavor that starts mild in young leaves and intensifies as they mature

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Bachelor buttons (Centaurea cyanus)

Grassy in flavor, the petals are edible. Avoid the bitter calyx.

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Basil  (Ocimum  basilicum.)

Blossoms come in a variety of colors, Depending on the type, the flowers are either bright white, pale pink, or a delicate lavender. The flavor of the flower is milder, but similar to the leaves of the same plant. Basil also has different varieties that have different milder flavors like lemon and mint. Sprinkle them over salad or pasta for a concentrated flavor and a spark of color thatgives any dish a fresh, festive look. Linguine with Tomatoes and Basil .

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Borage (Borago officinalis)

One of the prettiest of all edible flowers, the blue star-shaped blossoms seem mismatched against the hairy foliage of the sprawling borage plant, but they hold up remarkably well after picking. Pluck the flowers from the stem and remove the back stem to separate the delicate pointed blossom. For drinks, float borage flowers in punch bowls or freeze them in ice cubes to serve in lemonade. The large leaves have a mild cucumber flavor and can be steeped in hot water for a refreshing summer tea.

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Who would have thought that those small flowers growing at the top of a giant cactus would be so delicious! Tetechas are super tasty, highly nutritious and versatile. You can prepare them any way you like: as a soup, dressed with a chicatanas (winged ants) sauce, with your favorite mole or you can just throw some of them into any stew for the extra flavor. However, the easiest and best way to enjoy a typical dish including tetechas, is to visit central Mexico

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Broccoli Florets (Brassica oleracea) The top portion of broccoli is

actually flower buds. As the flower buds mature, each will open into a bright yellow flower, which is why they are called florets. Small yellow flowers have a mild spiciness (mild broccoli flavor), and are delicious in salads or in a stir-fry or steamer.

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Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Calendula grows in a range of red, orange and yellow. This easy-to-grow annual responds to frequent harvest: The more you pick, the more flowers it will produce. The daisylike petals are easy to separate from the flower head and can be scattered over salads. The petals can also be used to color and flavor butter, cheese and rice dishes, acting like saffron but with a lighter impact. Dried petals, used as a garnish for winter soups, make for an especially colorful addition to leek and potato or butternut squash soups

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Cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea)

Flower is used as vegetables

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Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus - aka Dianthus) Carnation (Dianthus) petals

must be separated from the calyx and the white base removed before use as it makes eating them very bitter. What you are left with is a clove-like taste, and the petals can be added to jellies, aspics, salads, herb butters and cordials.

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Chamomile ( Mat

Small and daisylike, the flowers have a sweet flavor and are often used in tea. Ragweed sufferers may be allergic to chamomile

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Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium)

Chervil flowers are delicate white flowers with an anise flavor. Chervil's flavor is lost very easily, either by drying the herb, or too much heat. That is why it should be added at the end of cooking or sprinkled on in its fresh, raw state in salads.

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Chicory (Cichorium intybus)

Earthy flavor, eat either the petals or the buds. Chicory has a pleasant, mild-bitter taste that has been compared to endive. The buds can be pickled.

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Chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemum coronarium) The garland

chrysanthemum or edible chrysanthemum is well known in Asian cusine. The leaves can be steamed, stir-fried or boiled and used instead of greens. The petals can also be brewed into a tea. The petals are tangy and go well with lamb..

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Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)

Like the leaves and seeds, the flowers have a strong herbal flavor. Use leaves and flowers raw as the flavor fades quickly when cooked. Sprinkle to taste on salads, bean dishes, and cold vegetable dishes.

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Citrus Blossoms

 Use highly scented waxy petals sparingly. Distilled orange flower water is characteristic of Middle Eastern pastries and beverages.Citrus flavor and lemony.

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Clover (Trifolium species)

It was also believed that the texture of fingernails and toenails would improve after drinking clover blossom tea. Native Americans used whole clover plants in salads, and made a white clover leaf tea for coughs and colds.

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Dandelion  (Taraxacum officinalis)

The dandelion is another weed most gardeners would like to eradicate. But it's quite multi-talented: Every bit of the plant is edible. Young buds are tasty fried in butter. More than just a bright yellow garnish for soups and salads, dandelion flowers are also known for being made into wine and jellies.

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Daylily (Hemerocallis spp.)

This flower has a sweet taste and can be eaten raw. The tubers of the roots can be boiled and eaten like mini potatoes. Just remove the stalks and hairs and, of course, the dirt. The flower buds are a good source of vitamin C and carotene. But be careful — lilies are deadly to cats.

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Dill (Anethum graveolens)

Yellow dill flowers taste much like the herb’s leaves.

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Elderberry Blossoms (Sambucus spp)The elder tree's frothy, fragrant blossoms can be used to make tea, liqueur, syrup, jelly, and vinegar. A special treat: elderflower fritters.

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English daisy

These aren’t the best-tasting petals — they are somewhat bitter — Often considered a weed, English daisies brighten uniform green lawns, and children love to pick them to make daisy chains and necklaces. The tiny flower buds and petals can be eaten in salads and sandwichesbut they look great!

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Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare)

It has a star-burst yellow flowers that have a mild anise flavor. Use with desserts or cold soups, or as a garnish with your entrees.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

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Fuchsia (Fuchsia X hybrida)

Blooms have a slightly acidic flavor. Explosive colors and graceful shape make it ideal as garnish. The berries are also edible.

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Gladiolus (Gladiolus spp)

Flowers (anthers removed) have a nondescript flavor (taste vaguely like lettuce) but make lovely receptacles for sweet or savory spreads or mousses. Toss individual petals in salads. It can also be cooked like a day lily.

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Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Famously used in hibiscus tea, the vibrant cranberry flavor is tart and can be used sparingly.Cranberry-like flavor with citrus overtones. Use slightly acidic petals sparingly in salads or as garnish. The flower can be dried to make an exotic tea

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Fairly bland in flavour, but very pretty and edible. Can be used as salad leaves or in tortillas.

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Honey Suckle (Lonicera japonica)

Bland and vegetal in flavor, hollyhock blossoms make a showy, edible garnishThe base of the flower holds a sweet tasting nectar that can be eaten, and the entire flower makes a great addition to any spring or summer salad.

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Impatiens ( Impatiens wallerianal)

The flowers have a sweet flavor. They can be used as a garnish in salads or floated in drinks

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Jasmine ( Jasmine officinale)

The flowers are intensely fragrant and are traditionally used for scenting tea. True Jasmine has oval, shiny leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers

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Johnny Jump-up ( Viola tricolor)

Lovely yellow, white and purple blooms have a mild wintergreen flavor and can be used in salads, to decorate cakes, or served with soft cheese. They are also a great addition to drinks, soups, desserts or salads.

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Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

Aromatic lavender has long been used as an ingredient in perfumes and potpourri, but the perennial also has magical effects as a culinary herb. Remove the buds from the stem and use sparingly in desserts such as cookies or in a fruit preserve. A small amount of lavender is an essential ingredient in herbes de Provence, a blend of dried basil, thyme, savory and fennel, typically used flavoring savory foods such as lamb, pork, or white beans.

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Lemon verbena(Aloysia triphylla)

Tiny cream-colored citrus-scented blossoms. Leaves and flowers can be steeped as an herbtea, and used to flavor custards and flans

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Lilac ( Syringa vulgaris)

The beautiful smelling lilac tastes how it smells — delicate and not overwhelming. Lilac is best used as a garnish. For something different try mixing it in vanilla frozen yogurt for an interesting treat.

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Marigold (Tagetes spp.)

All marigold blossoms are edible, but the French signet series will quickly become a favorite. A popular annual grown from seed, signet marigolds grow in a range of lemon yellow, orange and bicolor single blossoms with a citrus-scented foliage that resembles ferns. The petite flowers can be used whole, or separate the petals to scatter over a dish for an aromatic lift.

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Monarda (Monarda spp.) bell balm

Also called Wild Bergamot, Wild Oswego Tea, Horsemint, Monarda. Wild bee balm tastes like oregano and mint. The taste of bee balm is reminiscent of citrus with soft mingling of lemon and orange. The red flowers have a minty flavor. Any place you use oregano, you can use bee balm blossoms. The leaves and flower petals can also be used in both fruit and regular salads. The leaves taste like the main ingredient in Earl Gray Tea and can be used as a substitute

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Mints (Mentha spp.)

The flavor of the flowers are minty, but with different overtones depending on the variety. Mint flowers and leaves are great in Middle Eastern dishes..

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Mustard (Brassica species)

Young flowers and leaves can be steamed, used as a herb, eaten raw, or cooked like spinach

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Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)

With its bold colors and spicy flavor, it's hard to ignore nasturtium, an annual that originated in South America. With a flavor akin to watercress, the pungent-flavored blossoms and green lily pad–shaped leaves can be used in salads and are said to have exceptional antioxidant qualities. Excellent served in a salad, or mixed with softened butter to melt over steamed vegetables or fish.

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Oregano (Origanum officinalis)

The purple or white summer flowers of oregano lend potent oregano flavor to savory dishes

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Pansy (Viola hybrids)

Pansies have a slightly sweet green or grassy flavor. If you eat only the petals, the flavor is extremely mild, but if you eat the whole flower, there is a winter, green overtone. Use them as garnishes, in fruit salads, green salad, desserts or in soups.

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Pea Blossoms (Pisum species)

Edible garden peas bloom mostly in white, but may have other pale coloring. The blossoms are slightly sweet and crunchy and they taste like peas. The shoots and vine tendrils are edible, with a delicate, pea-like flavor. Here again, remember that harvesting blooms will diminish your pea harvest, so you may want to plant extra

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Purslane can often be found in moist garden beds, lawns, and shady areas, where it lies close to the ground and often goes unnoticed. This humble garden weed, however, is a nutritional powerhouse, as it is said to contain more omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable, and can be a great addition to a salad or stir-fry, or used to thicken soups or stews. Purslane is a succulent, with a crispy texture, and the leaves and stems can be eaten raw or cooked to add a peppery flavor to any dish.

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Radish Flowers (Raphanus sativus)Depending on the variety, flowers may be pink, white or yellow, and will have a distinctive, spicy bite (has a radish flavor). Best used in salads. The Radish shoots with their bright red or white tender stalks are very tasty and are great sautéed or in salads.

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Raid your vase of its fragrant roses: Rose petals enhance many a dish, particularly cakes and desserts. In Middle Eastern cuisine, the petals are distilled into rose water for concentrated flavor.

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Rose / Rose Hips

Remove the white, bitter base and the remaining petals have a strongly perfumed flavor perfect for floating in drinks or scattering across desserts, and for a variety of jams. All roses are edible, with flavor more pronounced in darker varieties.These circular buds have played an essential role in the Native American diet for a long time. Rose Hips contain vitamin C and store well when dried properly. For a refreshing twist try making rosebud ice cubes.

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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Blooming intermittently in fall, winter or spring, rosemary flowers are white or purplish and pair well with grilled meats and savory salads

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Sage (Salvia officinalis)

The flowers are violet-blue, pink or white up to 1 3/8 inches long, small, tubelike, clustered together in whorls along the stem tops. Flowers have a subtler sage taste than the leaves and can be used in salads and as a garnish. Flowers are a delicious companion to many foods including beans, corn dishes, sauteed or stuffed mushrooms, or pesto sauce.

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Scarlet Runner Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Have brilliant red blooms that

are very tasty and can be served as a garnish for soups, in salads. Bean pods toughen as they age, so makeuse of young pods as well as flowers.

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Scented geraniums

The flavor of scented geranium flowers ranges from rose, to lemon to nutmeg and can be added to sorbets, ice creams and desserts. The leaves can also be used and added to soups, stews and sauces for flavor.

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Squash Blossoms (Curcubita pepo)Squash and pumpkin blossoms are edible and taste mildly of raw squash. Prepare the blossoms by washing and trimming the stems and remove the stamens. Squash blossoms are usually taken off the male plant, which only provides pollen for the female.

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Sun flower (Helianthus annus)

. The flower is best eaten in the bud stage when it tastes similar to artichokes. Once the flower opens, the petals may be used like chrysanthemums, the flavor is distinctly bittersweet. The unopened flower buds can also be steamed like artichokes.

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Thyme (Thymus spp.)

The early summer flowers of thyme may be pink, white or purple and taste delicately of thyme. Sprinkle them on spring cream soups or salads.

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Tulip Petals (Tulipa)

Flavor varies from tulip to tulip, but generally the petals taste like sweet lettuce, fresh baby peas, or a cucumber-like texture and flavor

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Violet (Viola spp.)

Another famous edible flower, violets are floral, sweet and beautiful as garnishes. Use the flowers in salads and to garnish desserts and drinks. Both the flowers and the heart-shaped leaves of the wild violet are edible. Both add color and complexity to salads. The flower is often used to make jellies and teas and can also be candied and used as a decorative garnish.

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Yucca Petals (Yucca species)

The white Yucca flower is crunchy with a mildly sweet taste (a hint of artichoke). in the spring, they can be used in salads and as a garnish.


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Zingiber officinale ( Ginger)

The white variety of ginger is very fragrant and has a gingery taste on the tongue. Petals may be eaten raw or you can cook the tender young shoots.

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Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo)

A well-known dish that is enjoyed throughout Italy and beyond, uses the male flowers (with no bulge underneath) of the zucchini plant. They are stuffed and fried, or sometimes just coated in a light batter and deep-fried.

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