  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumBahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum



  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


    The content standards of writing skills are achieved throughlearning standards that have been devised carefully throughoutprimary schooling.

    In Level Two, pupils progress to cursive writing of words,phrases and sentences in paragraphs. This is further developed

    with copy writing activities and gradually pupils are taughtguided writing whereby pupils write linear and non-linear textsusing appropriate language, form and style.

    The use of various media is also encouraged and pupils can

    create both linear and non-linear texts with guidance as well aswork independently.

    The content standards of writing skills are achieved throughlearning standards that have been devised carefully throughoutprimary schooling.

    In Level Two, pupils progress to cursive writing of words,phrases and sentences in paragraphs. This is further developed

    with copy writing activities and gradually pupils are taughtguided writing whereby pupils write linear and non-linear textsusing appropriate language, form and style.

    The use of various media is also encouraged and pupils can

    create both linear and non-linear texts with guidance as well aswork independently.

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    SK SJK

    .!.! "ble to write in neat legible print with

    correct spelling#$a% sentences

    $b% paragraphs

    .!.2 "ble to write in neat cursive writing

    with correct spelling#$a% sentences

    $b% paragraphs

    .2.! "ble to transfer information to complete#

    $a% linear texts$b% non-linear texts

    .2.2 "ble to write with guidance#$a% stories

    $b% formal letters

    $c% poems

    $d% descriptions$e% instructions

    .2. "ble to use punctuation correctly.

    .2.& "ble to spell words by applyingspelling rules.

    ..! "ble to create texts using a variety ofmedia#

    .!.! "ble to write in neat legible print

    with correct spelling#$a% sentences

    $b% paragraphs

    .!.2 "ble to write in neat cursive writing

    with correct spelling#$a% sentences

    $b% paragraphs

    .2.!"ble to transfer information with guidance

    to complete#$a% linear texts

    $b% non-linear texts

    .2.2 "ble to write with guidance#$a% stories

    $b% informal letters

    $c% descriptions

    .2. "ble to use punctuation correctly.

    .2.& "ble to spell words by applyingspelling rules.

    ..! "ble to create texts using a varietyof media #

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


    Good penmanship takes practice. Improve your pupils' skills by

    providing enough material to keep the practice interesting.

    Cursive handwriting is introduced to Primary Two pupils in BahasaMalaysia lessons. The lessons start out with single capital and smallcase letters and gradually move up to letter combinations words andthen sentences. It is mandatory to rein!orce these skills in "nglish

    #$$% &evel Two. (ears ) *+,

    (ou can supervise your pupils to ensure that they have the -correct-tracing pattern so that the handwriting !lows easily. &evel Two pupilsshould write using cursive writing in any written tasks in theireercise books and worksheets.

    By the age o! twelve your pupils/ cursive handwriting skills shouldbe to the point o! coming naturally and without supervision.

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    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    0dvantages o! &earning Cursive1riting

    !aster than printing.more e!!icient !or taking notes.

    enables pupils to write !aster

    during eaminations.


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    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    0ll letters are slanted.

    The letters within words are 2oined.

    The pencil is not li!ted !rom the paper until

    the word is !inished. This is the mostimportant point to make,

    "nding strokes are important 3 not too long ornot too short also called connecting strokes.These strokes determine the spacing betweenwords as well as connecting each letter.


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


    Its fun not to do any house choresbecause

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


    irst step # rewriting / getting yourthoughts written down on paper

    0rainstorm, outline or writing down notes

    1econd step # utting your ideas andthoughts together

    riting out sentences and paragraphs

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    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


    ourth step # 3ewriting or

    rearranging sentences to makesense

    ifth step # 1haring your work withothers

    This is your final copy andpresenting your work

    Third step # 4orrecting grammar andpunctuation

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    Put up the picture o! a snowman on theboard.0sk pupils to think o! words that describe thesnowman.

    1rite the words in the shape o! a snowmanon the board4display sheet.

    "4TI5IT6 2

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    4an you name the learning standard7

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    150T I$ 0 C67C%"T" P6"M8

    Concrete poetry9sometimes also called:shape poetry/9is poetry whose visualappearance matches the topic o! the poem.The words !orm shapes which illustrate thepoem/s sub2ect as a picture as well as

    through their literal meaning.

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    Choose an ob2ect to be the sub2ect !or your poem.

    Good suggestions !or beginners could be !avouriteanimals or !avourite !ood.

    lines is probably a good length?


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


    Couplets are made up of two lines whose last words rhyme. They are often


    An example is -

    The cat ate a mouse

    And then brought it in the house.

    Triplets are made up of three lines. The rhyming pattern can be AAA or ABA.

    An example is -

    What a fine day

    To go out to play

    In the month of May.

    Quatrains are made up of four lines. The rhyming pattern can be AABB or


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA


    "4TI5IT6 Complete the story below:

    One day, a fox wandered by a tree. A crow

    was sitting on a branch. She held a piece of

    cheese in her beak. The fox wanted the

    cheese for himself. Unfortnately,





    4an you name the learning standard7

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA



    content clt



    ar "ocablary

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    Favourite torie !an alo be ue" a a mo"el#

    Pu$il !an be eae" into %riting their o%n

    torie b& rea"ing a tor& an" then %riting the

    $re'uel or e'uel# For e(am$le) &ou !oul" ak

    &our $u$il to %rite a e'uel to *+ol"ilo!k an"the Three Bear, Their tor& !oul" be title"-

    Goldilocks Gets Punished


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    A.ter rea"ing or rerea"ing the original tor&)&ou !oul" have a $re%riting "i!uion %here&ou $rom$t &our $u$il %ith 'uetion u!h a-

    /a01hat "o &ou think the three bear houl" "o to+ol"ilo!k2

    /b0Do &ou think that the& houl" talk to+ol"ilo!k3 $arent2 1h& or %h& not2

    /!01hat "o &ou think her $arent houl" "o toher2

    Then) ak $u$il to %rite their e'uel

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    Pupils will eplore digital storytelling as a way to tella story promote cross*cultural understanding andbuild meaning!ul connections with others. They canparticipate in an email echange to discuss theprocess o! developing their own stories. Pupils need

    to collaborate with their peers in order to

    develop the topic o! the story

    write the details o! their story

    create or !ind appropriate images to support theirstory

    and share their story and re!lect on their work.

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    To tea!h %riting kill e..e!tivel&) tea!her nee"to !a..ol" the %riting a!tivitie o. their $u$ilthrough-

    4e o. $i!ture an" viual ai" 4ing min" ma$ an" thinking ma$

    Note 5 e($an"ing note

    Share" %riting

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    Teacher can encourage pupils learntheir spellings using the '&ook Cover1rite Check' method.

    This method encourages the pupil to'see' and 'hear' the word and to see !or

    himsel! i! he spelt it right.


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    ind words within the word there's a 'hen' in'when'?,

    Break the word up into smaller parts 1ed Dnes D day E 1ednesday,

    Break the word up into sounds th*a*nk,Make up a silly sentence using the letters big

    elephants cause accidents under smallelephants spells 'because',

    $ay the word as it is written like 'knight',

    ind a word that rhymes with it is thespelling the same8


  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    1hat would you assess in writing skills8

    A!!ura!& 5 tru!turall& !orre!t grammati!alenten!e

    6o!abular& 5 a$$ro$riatene o. %or" !hoi!e

    7oheren!e 5 i"ea %hi!h .lo% logi!all&

    7larit& 5 i"ea an" meage !onve&e" !learl&

    Intereting 5 i. it3 a tor&

    7orre!t .ormat or la&out 5 a$$ro$riate .ormat.or variou te(t t&$e

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumKEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA

    4ontent8 Ideas





    sentence complexity

    simple compound






    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumBahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum

  • 7/24/2019 6. Writing Year 6 KSSR ENGLISH 2015.ppt


    Bahagian Pembangunan KurikulumBahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum


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