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6 Tips To Help You Optimize Your

Landing Page And Bring In More Visitors


Traffic Is King

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I recently have been taking on some clients and notice that their landing pages were not

optimized for keyword search.

That’s a problem because the right people cannot see you or know how to find you!

The landing page for your product or service is the most important page on your website. It is the page that will either lead to a sale or a lost customer. But in order to get a

potential customer to reach your landing page you need to optimize it with relevant keywords


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You need to know what keywords your users will use to search your products or services on the web and then use those keywords in your landing


Without optimizing your landing page for keywords you will not have anyone find you at all. This is the first step towards making a sale or increasing visitor traffic

to your landing page.

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The second step in making the sale or bringing in more visitors is to relate to

the person who reached your site

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Here again, optimizing your landing page for keywords is important, but in a slightly different manner.

Here, you want to speak to your visitors in their language and try to influence them to buy your product or service.

Maybe you want them to opt in to a list. You need to connect with them emotionally and the only way to do that is by doing some research on trigger keywords that tell the kind of problems your

visitor is having. Then on your landing page you need to express to them how you can help them solve those problems.

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Here are some tips I recommend for optimizing your landing page:

Testimonials: People feel reassured if they know others have done the same thing. They feel even better if others are praising what they are about to use. Lightly pepper your landing page with testimonials and generate a feeling of safety in your visitors.

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Call to action:

This is very important – you should sprinkle your text with verbs and call to actions. The tone of your landing page should be clear and positive in telling them what action should be taken. If you don’t your visitors will not know what to do and back out of your website.

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Core Value Proposition:

There should be a single value proposition ( we call it an ethical bribe ) that you offer your site visitors, and it should be reinforced throughout your landing page. Don’t try to be all things to all people. It will only end up confusing your audience. Focus on one thing and make it clear to your audience that they will get it by using your product or service.

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Here are some things that I have seen with my clients and things you should

avoid on your landing page.

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Long Winded Stories:

While you should have testimonials, don’t overdo it. If you write long winded stories about how great your product is your prospects may lose interest and even begin to doubt their validity. Keep it short and simple.

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Overdo Graphics:

A picture is worth a thousand words but if it takes a hundred seconds to load, your visitors are going to exit your page before seeing any of what you have to say.

Use graphics, but not the heavy ones, and always ensure that they don’t come in the way of the page

loading fast.

Make sure to optimize your images for keyword search also. Lots of users search images and this will eventually bring them to a website. No many

people do this technique and they are losing traffic because of it.

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Long Forms:

There is not one person in this whole world who loves filling forms. So keep your forms as short as possible.

You don’t want your site visitors to lose interest halfway filling up your forms and then leave. That

would hurt! Keep it short and simple.

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Follow these tips when optimizing your landing pages and you should be off to a

good start.

Hopefully you will begin to create effective and successful landing pages that will

always bring you site visitors or sales to your products or services.


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below. If you like this post please bookmark it or tweet it

on Twitter. Thanks!

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