Page 1: 6 th EC-GI & GIS Workshop Lyon, 28-30 June 2000 AGILE: A Cornerstone for the Development of Geographic and Territorial Information and Related Systems

66thth EC-GI & GIS Workshop EC-GI & GIS Workshop Lyon, 28-30 June 2000 Lyon, 28-30 June 2000

AGILE: A Cornerstone for the Development of Geographic and Territorial Information and Related Systems in the EU

Mauro Salvemini chairman of AGILE

Università di Roma La [email protected]

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66thth EC-GI & GIS Workshop EC-GI & GIS Workshop Lyon, 28-30 June 2000 Lyon, 28-30 June 2000

• Presentation of the association ;

• The Development Of Agile Activities In Connection With The Activities Of The EC Relative To The Geographic and Territorial System

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66thth EC-GI & GIS Workshop EC-GI & GIS Workshop Lyon, 28-30 June 2000 Lyon, 28-30 June 2000

AGILE is an Association consisting of geographic information laboratories in Europe.

The mission is :

to promote academic teaching and research on GIS at the European level.

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• Association as legal form

• self started and self-sustained association, very low fee

• About members :– research groups (laboratories), not individuals– 50 founder members (1998) 55 ( 2000) some applications pending– 18 countries

Affiliated members :– non-academic research groups (e.g.private sector), Autodesk and Mapinfo

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The Conferences (self sustained) :

1998 - Enschede, 1st Conference , the “foundation”(themes: dynamic modelling; data quality; GI-infrastructures; interoperability)

1999 - Rome , 2nd Conference (theme: user-friendly information)

2000 - Helsinki, 3rd Conference (theme:Mobile GIS , Semantic, GI policies)

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2001 - Brno Czech Republic April 19-21th, 2001 call for paper end of July 2000

Milan Konecny : chair of LOCAnders Ostman : chair of PC

1st Call for paper within July 15.See : http://www.agile-online.organd : July 15.

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Within two years AGILE was able to gather :

about 200 experts, teachers and young researchers;

about 300 participants to conferences;

about 160 papers and presentations

on the following themes :

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•Dynamic Modelling of Spatial Processes•Management of Data Quality•Geographical Information Infrastructures•Aspects of Interoperability•Integration of Spatial and Administrative Databases•Spatial Aspects of Socio-Economic or EnvironmentalModelling•Emerging Technologies•GI Infrastructures•Web-based visualisation•GIS for Public Planning•Emerging technologies•Spatial modelling•Transportation and mobile GIS•Geodata usability•GI policies

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AGILE’s “columns” :

•research agenda or roster of research activities

•WGs :

GIS and environment, Interoperability, Data policy

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European IST Landscape and AGILE Member Activities :

• Members in more than 100 EU projects

•Working groups

•Participation of Association through the WGs in ETeMII project

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EC themes :

•infomobility•integration of ITT•large data bases•multimedia •infomobility and e-commerce•multifarious uses of GI•……………..•………………

European IST Landscape and AGILE Member Activities

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National mandates for NMAs and other agencies

which rely on/use GI, limiting their activities to the

national boundaries.

A lack of funds to work outside the national


A lack of interest or awareness, jingoism and

nimbyism and fear of exploitation

Political issues and subsidiarity

Too little inter-disciplinary contact

Lack of a clear lead from appropriate EU-DGs and

other EU organisations

Uncertainty or difficulties with copyrighting and

other legal issues.

(P.Burrough 1997)

Conflation and data integration;

GIS and society;

GIS in decision making;


Participatory GIS;

Aspects of data quality;


GIS and institutions;


(AGILE Research Agenda 1999)

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Some findings :

Positive environment for GI and GIS;

Necessity of joint and coordinated activity

Necessity of clustering

Necessity of transnational and international data and actions

Necessity of common objectives at *all* levels.

Common GI and GIS ( Science and System)

*Interoperability * of higher education

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MOU between AGILE and UCGIS signed on 1998 and renewed on the year base.

AGILE/UCGIS bilateral events and r/d activities:• focused on challenging topics or views not yet covered at other meetings•prepared by joint scientific committee/s•targeted to a diverse(research, commercial,

public bodies, etc) but dedicated audience•contributing towards mutual benefits•funding from ESF and NSF

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The Development Of Agile Activities in Connection and Collaboration With The Activities of EC relative To Geographic and Territorial System.

The following functions are considered essential:

•that of operativity through the Association itself;•that of operativity through the working groups of the Association;•that of involvement in activities aimed at the development of a

collaboration between academic research and external world;

•that of undertaking specific activities together with Associations from outside the EU;

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Scholars, Research and teaching people are customer to

challenges :

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Bringing together the research and teaching community for

the progress of GI Science and applications in the EU society

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