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The 570 Words of the Academic Word list - Quoc Duy Vo

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to abandon /ə'bændən/ to abandon a hope, to abandon one’s wife and children

abandonment (n) /ə'bændənmənt/ their childhood abandonment by their mother

to accommodate /ə'kɔmədeit/ (1) to accommodate oneself to the new way of living (điều tiết, hòa giải)

(2) to accommodate somebody with something (cung cấp, cấp cho)

to accumulate /ə'kju:mjuleit/ to accumulate good experience (tích lũy, chất đống)

accurate /'ækjurit/ an accurate remark (đúng đắn, chính xác)

accurateness /'ækjuritnis/ accuracy of measurement (độ chính xác của phép đo)

achievement /ə'tʃi:vmənt/ to record a great science achievement, achievement of independence

to acknowledge /ək'nɔlidʤ/ (1) to acknowledge one’s error, (công nhận, thừa nhận)

(2) to acknowledge someone’s kindness (tỏ lòng biết ơn, cảm tạ)

acknowledgement /ək'nɔlidʤmənt/ (1) an acknowledgement of one’s fault

(2) in acknowledgement of someone’s help

to acquire /ə'kwaiə/ to acquire a good reputation (giành được, thu được, kiếm được)

acquirement /ə'kwaiəmənt/ a man of vast acquirement

to adapt /ə'dæpt/ (1) to adapt one thing to another (tra vật này vào vật kia)

(2) difficult books are often adapted for use in school (sửa lại cho phù hợp)

(3) to adapt oneself to circumstances (thích nghi với hoàn cảnh)

adaptability (n) /ə,dæptə'biliti/ (1, 2, 3) tính có thể…

adaptable (a) /ə'dæptəbl/ (1, 2, 3) có thể …

adaption (n) =adaptation

adequate (a) /'ædikwit/ (1) the supply is not adequate to the demand (đủ, đầy đủ)

(2) to be adequate to one’s post (tương xứng, thích hợp)

adequation (n) /,ædi'kweiʃn/ (1) sự san bằng

(2) vật tương đương

adjacent (a) /ə'dʤeizənt/ adjacent angle,

to be adjacent to: our farm land was adjacent to the river

to adjust /ə'dʤʌst/ (1) to adjust a plan

(2) He paused to adjust his tie

to administrate /əd'ministreit/ trông nom, cai quản

to advocate (n) /'ædvəkit/ (n-1) người biện hộ, người bào chữa, luật sư

(n-2) người ủng hộ: an advocate of peace

(v) Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.

to affect /ə'fekt/ (1a) the frequent changes of weather affect his health (làm ảnh hưởng đến)

(2a) the news affected him deeply (làm xúc động)

(3a) to be affected by cold (bị cảm lạnh)

(1b) to ~ ignorance (giả bộ dốt), to ~ the connoisseur(làm ra vẻ sành sỏi)

affectation /,æfek'teiʃn/ He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise

to aggregate (a,n) /'ægrigit/ (n)The three smaller parties gained an ~ of 25 per cent of the vote.

(v) tập hợp lại, kết hợp lại, tổng số lên đến

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These armies aggregate 500,000 men

to aid (n) /eid/ (n) This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer

(v) This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users.

albeit (c) /ɔ:l'bi:it/ He tried albeit without success (although)

to allocate /'æləkeit/ to allocate sth for sth, to allocate sth to sb/sth (chỉ định, phân phối)

You should allocate the same amount of time to each question

allocation /æ,lə'keiʃn/ (1) We have spent our entire allocation for the year (sự dùng 1 số tiền)

(2) The allocation of food to those who need it most (sự cấp phát)

to alter /'ɔ:ltə/ to alter for the better, to alter one’s mind (thay đổi, sửa đổi)

This incident altered the whole course of events

alteration /,ɔ:ltə'reiʃn/ They are making some alternations to the house (sự thay đổi)

alternative (n, a) /ɔ:l'tə:nətiv/ (n) There is no other alternative (con đường, cách)

(a) These two plans are necessarily alternative (xen nhau, thay phiên nhau)

alternation (n) /,ɔ:ltə'neiʃn/ sự xen nhau, sự thay phiên

ambiguous (a) /æm'bigjuəs/ His role in the affair is ambiguous (mơ hồ, không rõ ràng)

to amend /ə'mend/ to amend one’s way of living (sửa cho tốt hơn, cải thiện)

He asked to see the amended version

analogy (n) /ə'nælədʤi/ ~ between A and B: The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart

and a pump. (sự tương đồng, sự giống nhau)

~ with sth: Dr Wood explained the movement of light by analogy with the

movement of water (sự tương tự với)

annual (a) /'ænjuəl/ The school trip has become an annual event (hang năm, từng năm)

to anticipate /æn'tisipeit/ (1) We don’t anticipate any major problems (mong đợi, chờ đợi)

(2) We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the

fashion industry (thấy trước, đoán trước)

(3) When Scott reached the South Pole he found that Amundsen had

anticipated him (làm trước, nói trước)

apparent (a) /ə'pærənt/ (1) It was apparent from her face that she was really upset(rõ ràng,obvious)

(2) He did well in his exams, despite his apparent lack of interest in his

work (có vẻ)

to append /ə'pend/ to append something to another (chấp vật gì với vật khác)

The results of client survey are appended to this document (nối vào)

to appreciate /ə'pri:ʃieit/ (1) His talents are not fully appreciated in that company (đánh giá)

(2) I greatly appreciate your kindness (cảm kích)

to approach (n) /ə'proutʃ/ (n-1) She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them. (method)

(n-2) She hadn't heard his approach and jumped as the door opened. (sự

đến gần)

(n-3) All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops. (đường đi

đến, lối vào)

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(n-4) The club has made an approach to a local company for sponsorship.

(sự tiếp xúc để đặt vấn đề, gạ gẫm)

(v-1) Winter is approaching. As you approach the town, you'll see the

college on the left. (đến gần, tới gần)

(v-2) She approached the bank for a loan. (tiếp xúc để đặt vấn đề)

to appropriate (a) /ə'proupriit/ (a) appropriate (to, for) Is now an appropriate time to make a speech (thích

hợp, thích đáng)

(v-1) He was accused of appropriating club funds (chiếm đoạt, chiếm hữu)

(v-2) Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the

disease (dành riêng- để dùng vào việc gì)

to approximate (a) /ə'prɔksimit/ (a) The journey took approximately seven hours. (xấp xỉ, gần đúng)

(v) His story approximates to the facts that we already know (gần đúng với)

arbitrary (a) /'ɑ:bitrəri/ (1)He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.(hay thay đổi,thất thường)

(2) The leaders of the groups were chosen arbitrarily.(tự ý, chuyên quyền)

aspect (n) /'æspekt/ (1) to have a gentle aspect -có vẻ hiền lành (vẻ, diện mạo)

(2) The book aims to cover all aspects of city life. (khía cạnh)

to assemble /ə'sembl/ (1) All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall. (tập hợp)

(2) The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France. (lắp ráp)

to assess /ə'ses/ (1) ~ sb/sth (as sth) We are trying to assess how well the system works.

(đáng giá)

(2) They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid. (định giá)

to assign /ə'sain/ I’ve been assigned the task of looking after the new students (phân công)

to assist /ə'sist/ (1) to assist someone in doing something (giúp đỡ)

(2) to assist at a ceremony (dự, có mặt)

to assume /ə'sju:m/ (1) The court assumed responsibility for the girl’s welfare (gánh vác)

(2) Rebel forces have assumed control of the capital (nắm lấy)

(3) His illness assumes a very grave character (mang cái vẻ, có vẻ)

(4) to assume a look of innocence (làm ra vẻ, giả bộ) ngây thơ

to assure /ə'ʃuə/ (1) We were assured that everything possible were being done (làm cho

vững tâm, làm cho tin chắc)

(2) He assured himself of her safety (đảm bảo, guarantee)

to attach /ə'tætʃ/ (1) I attach a copy of my notes for your information (dán, gắn)

(2) No blame attaches to you (gắn liền với)

to attain /ə'tein/ (1) to attain to perfection (đạt tới) chổ hoàn thiện,

(2) to attain one’s object (đạt được) mục đích

attitude (n) /'ætitju:d/ (1) one’s attitude towards a question (quan điểm) đối với vấn đề

(2) Her hands were folded in an attitude of prayer (tư thế, điệu bộ).

to attribute (n) /'ætribju:t/ (n) Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. (thuộc tính)

(v) to ~ sth to sth: She attributes her success to hard word and a little luck

(cho là do, quy cho). to attribute a crime to somebody (qui tội cho ai)

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to automate /'ɔ:təmeit/ The entire manufacturing process has been automated. (tự động hóa)

aware (a) /ə'weə/ to be aware of sth. (biết, nhận thấy)

As far as I’m aware, …As you’re aware, this is not a new problem.

behalf (n) /bi:hɑ:f/ on behalf of my friends, on my behalf (nhân danh cá nhân tôi)

to benefit (n) /'benifit/ (n) I've had the benefit of a good education. (lợi ích, lợi)

(v-1) We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.

(giúp ích cho, làm lợi cho)

(v-2) to benefit by something (được lợi, lợi dụng).

to bias (n) /'baiəs/ (n-1) to have a bias against someone (thành kiến) đối với ai

(n-2) to have a bias in favor of something (khuynh hướng thiên về) cái gì

(v) The newspapers have biased people against her. (hướng)

to bond (n) /bɔnd/ (n-1) The special bond between mother and child (mối quan hệ, ràng buộc)

(n-2) He was released on $5000 bond (phiếu nợ)

(v) It takes less than 10 minutes for the two surfaces to bond. (liên kết)

to brief (n, a) /bri:f/ (a) a brief note

(n) I was given the brief of reorganizing the department. (bản tóm tắt)

(v) The president has been fully briefed on the current situation in Haiti.

(chỉ dẫn tường tận)

to bulk (n) /bʌlk/ (n) The bulk of the population lives in cities, the bulk of the work (phần lớn

hơn, phần đông, phần chính)

(v) We can bulk out the report with lots of diagrams ( to make sth bigger or

thicker by adding something else

capable (a) /'keipəbl/ (1) A very capable doctor (có tài, có năng lực giỏi)

(2) The situation in capable of improvement. Show your teacher what you

are capable of (có khả năng, có thể, cả gan)

capacity (n) /kə'pæsiti/ (1) The fuel tank has a capacity of 40 liters (sức chức, dung tích)

(2) She has an enormous capacity for hard work. (năng lực, khả năng)

(3) I attended the meeting in my capacity as chairman of the safety

committee (tư cách, quyền hạn)

(4) The tax on cars is still based on engine capacity (năng suất)

category (n) /'kætigəri/ The results of this survey can be divided into three main categories.

to cease (n) /si:s/ (v) The things people will do for charity never cease to amaze me (ngừng,

dừng, hết, tạnh)

(n) to work without cease.

to challenge (n) /'tʃælindʤ/ (n) The company is ready to meet the challenges of the next few years.

(v) I'm really at my best when I'm challenged.

circumstance (n) /'sə:kəmstəns/ (1) under (in) the present circumstance, to live in narrow circumstance

(hoàn cảnh, tình huống)

(2) to tell a story without omitting a single circumstance (chi tiết, sự việc)

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to cite /sait/ (1) She cited a passage from the President's speech. (trích dẫn, dẫn)

(2) to cite someone before a court (đòi air a trước tòa)

(3)He was cited for bravery in the Vietnam War. (tuyên dương, nêu gương)

civil /’sivl/ (1) civil rights (thuộc công dân)

(2) a civil marriage ceremony (kết hôn theo nghi lễ tôn giáo)

(3) Try at least to be civil. (lễ phép, lịch sự)

to clarify /'klærifai/ Làm cho sáng sủa, dễ hiểu-She asked him to clarify what he meant

The report aims to clarify how these conclusions were reached.

classic (a, n) /'klæsik/ (a-1) classis works (tác phẩm kinh điển)

(a-2) What makes a car a classic? (hạng nhất)

(n) The novel may become a modern classis (tác phẩm hay)

clause (n) /klɔz/ (1) A confidentiality clause was added to the contract. (mệnh đề)

(2) There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet. (điều


to code (n) /koud/ (n-1) labor code (luật lao động), there were plans to introduce a dress code

(=rules about what to wear) for civil servants. (luật)

(n-2) secret message

(v) Each path is coded to show the level of difficulty (mã hóa)

coherent (a) /kou'hiərənt/ (1) They were never a coherent group (nhất quán)

(2) A coherent account of the incident (mạch lạc)

to coincide /,kouin'said/ (1) His entry to the party coincided with his marriage (xảy ra đồng thời)

(2) The interests of the US and those of the islanders may not coincide (hợp

nhau-ý kiến, sở thích)

coincidence (n) /kou'insidəns/ 'I'm going to Appleby tomorrow.'

' What a coincidence !I'm going up there too.

coincident (a) /kou'insidənt/

coincidental (a) /kou,insi'dentl/ Any similarity between this film and real events is purely coincidental.

(trùng khớp ngẫu nhiên), coincidentally

to collapse /kə'læps/ (1) The house collapsed (đổ, sập)

(2) He collapsed with a heart attack while he was dancing (ngã quỵ, gục)

(3) There were fears that property prices would collapse.

to commence /kə'mens/ The course commences with a one week introduction to Art Theory. She

commenced her medical career in 1956 (bắt đầu, khởi đầu)

to comment (n) /'kɔment/ (n-1) Does anyone have any questions or comments? (lời bình luận)

(n-2) There was a lot of comment about his behavior (lời phê bình)

(v) He refused to comment until after the trial

to commission (n) /kə'miʃn/ (n-1) The Government set up a commission to investigate allegations of

police violence (hội đồng, ủy ban)

(n-2) The dealer takes a 20% commission on the sales he makes. One per

cent commission is charged for cashing traveller's cheques (tiền hoa hồng)

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(v) to commission someone to do something (ủy thác, ủy nhiệm)

to commit /kə'mit/ (1) Women commit fewer crimes than men (to commit a crime)

(2) to commit somebody to prison (tống giam ai)

(3) I’ve committed myself and there was no turning back (hứa, cam kết)

(4) to commit someone’s reputation (làm hại đến, làm liên lụy)

(5) The judge committed him to prison for six months (bỏ tù, giam giữ)

commodity (n) /kə'mɔditi/ (1) Commodity prices fell sharply (hàng hóa, mặt hàng)

(2) Time is a precious commodity (thứ hữu dụng)

community (n) /kə'mju:niti/ (1) We must work for the welfare of the community (dân chúng)

(2) community spirit (cộng đồng)

compatible (a) /kəm'pætəbl/ to be compatible with sth.

Stephen's political views often weren't compatible with her own.

The new software is IBM compatible (tương hợp)

to compensate /'kɔmpenseit/ Because of my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to

compensate (bù, đền bù, bồi thường)

to compile /kəm'pail/ The document was compiled by the Department of Health (biên soạn)

to complement (n) /'kɔmpliment/ (v) The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list. (bổ sung)

(n) Each new cell will carry its full complement of chromosomes (phần bổ


complex (n, a) /'kɔmleks/ (n) China was a complex of different societies (mớ phức tạp)

(a) complex question (phức tạp, rắc rối)

component (n, a) /kəm'pounənt/ (a) hợp thành, cấu thành: component parts

(n) Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle. (thành


to compound (n, a) /'kɔmpaund/ (n) organic compound (hợp chất hữu cơ)

(a) compound word, compound sentence (phức, kép)

(v) to compound a medicine (pha, trộn, hòa lẫn)

to comprehend /,kɔmpri'hend/ She could not comprehend how someone would risk people's lives in that

way. (hiểu, nhận thức thấu đáo)

comprehensive (a) /,kɔmpri'hensiv/ (a-1) A comprehensive guide to British hotels and restaurants (bao hàm

toàn diện)

(a-2) to have a comprehensive mind (sáng ý, mau hiểu)

to comprise /kəm'praiz/ to consist of particular parts: The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen,

and a living room (bao gồm, gồm có)

to conceive /kən'si:v/ (1) I can’t conceive how he did it (hiểu, tưởng tượng, nghĩ)

(2) The first child was conceived on their wedding night (thụ thai)

(3) to conceive an affection foe somebody (hình thành trong óc lòng yêu

thương ai)

to concentrate /'kɔnsentreit/ I can't concentrate with all that noise going on. (tập trung)

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to conduct (n) /'kɔndəkt/ (n-1) good/bad conduct – (hạnh kiểm, đạo đức) tốt/ xấu

(n-2) to complaints about the conduct of the elections (sự chỉ đạo, sự điều

khiển, sự hướng dẫn)

(v) to conduct an army (chỉ huy, điểu khiển)

to confer /kən'fə:/ (v-1) to confer with somebody – (bàn bạc) với ai, (hỏi ý kiến) ai

(v-2) to confer a title on somebody – (phong tước, ban tước) cho ai

to confine (n) /kən'fain/ (v) to be confined to one’s room – bị (giam hãm, giam giữ) trong buồng

(n) biên giới, ranh giới

to conform (v) /kən'fɔ:m/ (v-1) to conform oneself to N – (thích nghi với, thích ứng với)

(v-2) to conform to the law / fashion (làm theo, tuân theo, y theo)

to consent (n) /kən'sent/ (v) to consent to a plan – (tán thành, đồng ý) một kế hoạch

(n) He took the car without the owner's consent. (sự đồng ý, sư tán thành)

consequent (, a) /'kɔnsikwənt/ consequent on / upon sth : do ở, là hậu quả của

The confusion consequent upon the earthquake

to consist /kən'sist/ (v-1) to consist of: water consists of hydrogen an oxygen (gồm có)

(v-2) Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own (cốt tại,

ở chổ)

to constitute /'kɔnstitju:t/ (1) to constitute someone's happiness – (tạo, thiết lập) hạnh phúc cho ai

The rise in crime constitutes a threat to society

(2) The Federation was constituted in 1949 (thành lập)

constitution (n) /,kɔnsti'tju:ʃn/ The constitution of a cabinet – (sự thành lập) một nội các

to constrain /kən'strein/ (2) to constrain someone to do something – (ép buộc) ai làm việc gì

(1) Poor soil has constrained the level of crop production. (kiềm chế, nén)

to consult /kən'sʌlt/ (1) to consult a lawyer – (hỏi ý kiên, thăm dò) luật sư

-consultative consultation (2) to consult someone’s feelings – (lưu ý, quan tâm) đến tình cảm của ai

-consultant (3) to consult together – (thảo luận, bàn bạc) với nhau

to contact (n, a) /kɔntækt/ (n) point of contact, to be in contact with someone (sự tiếp xúc, sự giao

dịch, sự đi lại)

(v) Give the names of two people who can be contacted in an emergency.

contemporary (n, a) /kən'tempərəri/ (n) She and I were contemporaries at college. (người cùng thời, đương thời)

to contradict /,kɔntrə'dikt/ (1) the statements of the witnessess contradict each other (mâu thuẩn với)

-contradiction, contradictory (2) to contradict a statement – (phủ nhận) lời tuyên bố

contrary (n, a) /'kɔntrəri/ (a-1) in a contrary direction – (trái ngược, nghịch) chiều

(a-2) don’t be contrary – đừng có (ngang ngược, bướng bỉnh) thế

(n) There is no evidence to the contrary – không có chứng cớ gì (ngược lại)

to contrast (n) /'kɔntræst/ (n) the contrast between light and shade (sự tương phản, sự trái ngược)

(v) his actions contrast with his words (làm trái ngược, trái ngược hẳn)

controversy (n) /'kɔntrəvə:si/ a political controversy (sự tranh cải, sự tranh luận)

-controversial (a) /,kɔntrə'və:ʃəl/ a controversial plan to build a new road (có thể gây ra tranh luận)

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-to controvert /'kɔntrəvə:t/

to convene /kən'vi:n/ to convene a meeting – (triệu tập, nhóm họp) mít tinh

to converse (a) (v) The two men were conversing on music and opera (trò chuyện)

(a) a converse sample (trái ngược, nghịch đảo)

to convert /kən'və:t/ (v) The stocks can be easily converted to cash. (đổi, biến đổi)

to convince /kən'vins/ I've been trying to convince Jean to come with me.(persuade)

Her arguments didn't convince everyone, but changes were made. (làm cho

tin, làm cho nghe theo, thuyết phục)

to cooperate The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other. (phối hợp)

to coordinate The agencies are working together to co-ordinate policy on food safety.

(điều phối)

corporate (a) /'kɔ:pərit/ The university is a corporate body made up of several different colleges

(đoàn thể, corporate body= tổ chức đoàn thể)

to credit (n) /'kredit/ (n-1) a man of the highest credit – người có (uy tín) nhất

(n-2) to give credit to a story (lòng tin, sự tin)

(v-1) to credit a story

(v-2) to credit someone with courage – (công nhận) ai là can đảm

crucial (a) /'kru:ʃjəl/ Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. (cốt yếu, chủ

yếu, quyết định)

to culture (n) /'kʌltʃə/ (n-1) the culture of the mind – (sự mở mang) trí tuệ

(n-2) văn hóa

(v) cày cấy, cấy vi khuẩn, tu dưỡng, trao dồi

currency (n) /'kʌrənsi/ (1) The bank can supply you with foreign currency (tiền tệ)

(2) to gain currency – trở thành (phổ biến, thịnh hành)

to debate (n) /di'beit/ (n) This has ignited public debate about AI (cuộc tranh luận, thảo luận)

(v) This issue will be debated on Tuesday. (tranh luận, thảo luận)

to decline (n) /di'klain/ (n-1) the decline of prices – (sự sụt) giá

(n-2) the decline of old age – (sự tàn tạ) của tuổi già

(n-3) the decline of imperialism – (sự suy tàn) của chủ nghĩa đế quốc

(v-1) After the war, the city declined in importance. (suy tàn)

(v-2) to decline an invitation – (khước từ, từ chối)

to deduce /di'dju:s/ From her son's age, I deduced that her husband must be at least 60. (suy ra,

suy diễn, luận ra)

definite (a) /'definit/ (1) a definite time – thời điểm (xác định)

(2) a definite answer – câu trả lời (rõ ràng)

to demonstrate /'demənstreit/ (1) to demonstrate in favor of something – (biểu tình) ủng hộ ai cái gì

-demonstration (2) This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England

operates. (biểu lộ, thể hiện, giải thích)

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-demonstrative /di'mɔnstrətiv/ My mother wasn’t demonstrative, she never hugged me. (hay thổ lộ tâm


to denote /di'nout/ a face that denotes energy – bộ mặt (biểu hiện) nghị lực = indicate

to depress /di'pres/ (1) failure didn't depress him (làm chán nản, làm ngã lòng)

(2) to depress the action of the heart – (làm yếu đi, làm suy nhược) hoạt

động của tim

(3) to depress one’s voice (hạ xuống, nén xuống) giọng

to derive /di'raiv/ (1) to derive profit from (lấy được từ, nhập được từ)

words that derive from Latin

(2) suy ra

to detect /di'tekt/ to detect someone in doing something (phá hiện ra, dò ra, tìm ra)

to detect a symptom of disease

to deviate /'di:vieit/ (1) to deviate from the direction- (trệch, lệch hướng)

(2) to deviate from one’s way -(lạc) đường

(3) to deviate from the truth -(xa rời) chân lý

to devote /di'vout/ to devote one’s life to the revolutionary cause – (hiến dâng) đời mình cho

sự nghiệp cách mạng. to devote oneself

to differentiate /,difə'renʃieit/ to differentiate something from another: it’s important to differentiate

between face and opinion (phân biệt)

to diminish /di'miniʃ/ to diminish someone’s powers – (giảm bớt, hạ bớt) quyền hành của ai

discrete (a) /dis'kri:t/ discrete space – không gian (rời rạc)

-discretely The change happens in a series of discrete steps

to discriminate (a) /dis'krimineit/ (v) to discriminate one thing from another: phân biệt cái này với cái khác

It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion (đối xử phân


(a) discriminate judgment

discrimination Men are now the ones suffering from sexual discrimination

to displace /dɪs`pleɪs/ (1) Coal has been displaced by natural gas as a major source of energy.

(thay thế)

(2) Fifty thousand people have been displaced by the fighting. (dời chổ,

chuyển chổ)

to display (n) /dis'plei/ (n) to make a display of something (trưng bày, phơi bày)

(v) All the exam results will be displayed on the noticeboard. (trưng bày)

to dispose /dis'pouz/ (1) they are kindly disposed towards us – họ (có thiện ý) đối với chúng ta.

(2) to dispose of someone – (quyết định số phận) của ai

(3) Goods to be disposed of – hàng để (bán)

distinct (a) /dis'tiɳkt/ (1) There are four distinct types (riêng biệt, khác biệt)

(2) distinct orders, a distinct idea (rõ ràng)

(3) a distinct tendency (rõ rệt)

(4) a distinct refusal ( dứt khoát)

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to distort /dis'tɔ:t/ Tall buildings can distort radio signals. (làm méo mó, bóp méo)

to distribute /dis'tribju:t/ (1) to distribute letters (phân phối, phân bổ)

(2) to distribute manure over a field (rắc, rải)

diverse (a) /dai'və:s/ My interests are very diverse. (đa dạng, nhiều loại khác nhau)

- diversity (n) /dai'və:siti/ a diversity of opinions (tính đa dạng)

to document (n) /'dɔkjumənt/ (n), (v) His research will document how the debt crisis occurred (cung cấp

tài liệu, dẫn chứng bằng tư liệu)

domain (n) /də'mein/ The problem is outside the domain of medical science (lĩnh vực, phạm vi,

vùng, miền)

domestic (a) /də'mestik/ domestic science – khoa (nội trợ), domestic trade – (nội thương)

to dominate /'dɔmineit/ (1) to dominate a people – (thống trị) 1 dân tộc

(2) to dominate one’s emotions – (nén, kiềm chế) xúc động

(3) The industry is dominated by five multinational companies. (có ảnh

hưởng lớn)

to draft (n) /dræf / (n) I read the first draft and thought it was very good. (bản phát thảo)

(v) I’ll draft a letter for you (phát thảo)

to eliminate /i'limineit/ The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques (loại trừ, lờ đi)

to emerge /i'mə:dʤ/ The sun emerged from behind the clouds (nổi lên, hiện ra)

Eventually the truth emerged (lòi ra)

emphasis (n) /'emfəsis/ (1) In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. (sự nhấn mạnh)

(2) The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language. (sự nhấn


empirical (a) /em'pirikəl/ Such claims need to be tested empirically (theo lối kinh nghiệm)

to encounter (n) /in'kauntə/ (n)The doctor had encountered several similar cases in the past. (chạm trán,

đọ sức với, bắt gặp)

She didn't remember our encounter last summer. (sự gặp gỡ, chạm trán)

to enforce /in'fɔ:s/ (1) to enforce something upon someone - (ép thúc, ép buộc) ai phải làm

việc gì

(2) Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced (làm cho có hiệu lực)

to enhance /in'hɑ:ns/ This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company. (làm tăng,

nâng cao, đề cao)

enormous (a) The problems facing the President are enormous. (to lớn, khổng lồ)

to ensure /in'ʃuə/ Please ensure that all lights are switched off (bảo đảm, đảm bảo)

entity (n) /'entiti/ Good design brings a house and garden together as a single entity (thực thể)

to equate /i'kweit/ Some parents equate education with exam success. (coi ngang, làm cân


equivalent (n, a) /i'kwivələnt/ (n) The word has no equivalent in English. (tương đương)

(a) a qualification which is equivalent to a degree

to erode /i'roud/ The rocks have gradually eroded away. (xói mòn, ăn mòn)

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Our personal freedom is being gradually eroded away (mất dần)

erodent (a)

estate (n) /is'teit/ Her estate was left to her daughter (tài sản)

ethic (n) /'eθik/ Televised news is based on a code of ethics (đạo đức, quy cách, luân

thường đạo lý)

ethnic (a) /'eθnik/ The school teaches pupils from different ethnic groups (dân tộc)

eventual (a) /i'ventjuəl/ Both sides were happy with the eventual outcome of the talks (cuối cùng)

evident (a) /'evidənt/ It was evident that she was unhappy. (rõ rệt, hiển nhiên)

to evolve /i'vɔlv/ Animals have evolved camouflage to protect themselves from predators

(làm tiến triển, tiến hóa)

to exceed /ik'si:d/ Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. (làm quá, trội hơn)

to exclude /iks'klu:d/ (1) to exclude somebody from a house (đuổi ra, tống ra)

(2) <> include: Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report.

(loại ra, ngăn chận)

to exhibit (n) /ig'zibit/ (n) = exhibition

(v) Her paintings have been exhibited all over the world. (show, trưng bày,

triển lãm)

to expand /iks'pænd/ Sydney’s population expanded rapidly in the 1960s (phồng ra, nở ra, trải ra)

expert (n, a) /'ekspə:t/ (n), (a) to be expert in something

explicit (a) /iks'plisit/ <> implicit: Be explicit when you talk about money with your family (rỏ

ràng, dứt khoát)

to exploit /'eksplɔit/ (1) Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers. (bóc lột, lợi dụng)

(2) Teachers should be exploiting computers in education (khai thác)

to expose /iks'pouz/ to expose crime – (vạch trần) tội ác

to expose someone to danger – đặt ai vào tình thế nguy hiểm

to file /fail/ (n-1) cái giũa, (n-2) tập hồ sơ

(v-1) giũa, (v-2) sắp xếp, sắp đặt

to fluctuate /fluctuate/ Insect populations fluctuate wildly from year to year. (dao động, thay đổi

bất thường)

forthcoming (a) /fɔ:θ'kʌmiɳ/ Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events (sắp đến)

to found /faund/ The castle is founded on solid rock. (thành lập=establish)

foundation (n) /faun'deiʃn/ (1) to lay the foundation of something - đặt (nền móng) cho cái gì

(2) The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. (tổ chức)

(3) The report has no foundation (cơ sở, nền tảng, căn cứ)

(4) The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955.

(sự thành lập)

fundamental (a, n) /,fʌndə'mentl/ (a) fundamental rules – những quy tắc (cơ bản, chủ yếu, cơ sở)

(n) the fundamentals of mathematics (những quy tắc cơ bản)

guideline (n) This chapter gives you some guidelines to help you in your work (nguyên

tắc chỉ đạo, đường lối chỉ đạo)

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hierarchy (n) /`haɪə,rɑrki/ She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become

president. (hệ thống cấp bậc, thứ bậc)

The group of people in control of a large organization or institution

hypothesis /hai'pɔθisis/ We hope that further research will confirm our hypothesis. (giả thuyết)

identical (a) /ai'dentikəl/ Her dress is almost identical to mine. (giống với)

to identify /ai'dentifai/ (1) He was too far away to be able to identify faces. (nhận ra, nhận biết)

(2) to identify with the hero of the novel – (đồng cảm với)

ideology (n) /,adiə'ɔlədʤi/ a new ideology based on individualism (sự nghiên cứu tư tưởng, tương


ignorance (n) /'ignərəns/ to be complete ignorance of – hoàn toàn (không biết gì) về , sự ngu dốt

to image (n) /'imidʤ/ (n-1) ảnh, (n-2) He is the very image of his father (vật giống hệt, người

giống hệt)

He is the image of industriousness (hiện thân, tượng trưng, điển hình)

(v) to image something to oneself (hình dung, tưởng tượng ra)

to immigrate /'imigreit/ About 6.6 million people immigrated to the United States in the 1970s

(nhập cư)

to implement (n) /'impliment/ (n) kitchen implements (đồ dùng, dụng cụ)

(v) thi hành, hiện thực

to implicate /'implikit/ (v-1) to be implicated in a crime – (có dính líu, làm liên can vào) tội ác

(v-2) silence implicates consent – im lặng là (ngụ ý, bao hàm) bằng lòng

implicit (a) /im'plisit/ an implicit threat – mối đe dọa (ngấm ngầm, ẩn)

to imply /im'plai/ silence implies consent (ngụ ý = implicate)

to impose /im'pouz/ (1) to impose heavy taxes upon luxury goods – (đánh thuế) nặng vào hàng

xa xỉ

(2) to impose one's methods on somebody – bắt ai phải làm theo phương

pháp của mình)

(3) to impose on someone - gây ấn tượng mạnh mẽ đối với ai; bắt ai phải

kính nể

(4) to impose upon someone's kindness – lợi dụng lòng tốt của ai

incentive (n, a) /in'sentiv/ (a) an incentive speech

(n) Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skill

incident (n) /'insidənt/ (n) His bad behavior was just an isolated incident. (việc tình cờ xảy ra)

-incidental (a) /,insi'dentl/ an incidental encounter (ngẫu nhiên, tình cờ, bất ngờ)

to incline (n) /in'klain/ (1) This result will incline them to try again (khiến cho có khuynh hướng)

to be inclined to lazy – có khuynh hướng lười

(2) I incline to believe – (có ý sẳn sang, có ý thiên về, có khuynh hướng)

to incorporate /in'kɔ:pərit/ (v) We've incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the

design of the building. (kết hợp chặt chẽ)

to indicate /'indikeit/ (1) the signpost indicated the right road for us to follow (chỉ, ra dấu)

(2) his refusal indicated a warning – (ngụ ý)

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individual (n, a) /,indi'vidjuəl/ (a-1) individual interest – quyền lợi (cá nhân, riêng)

(a-2) an individual style of writing (độc đáo, đặc biệt)

(n) cá nhân, người

to induce /in'dju:s/ (1) to induce someone to do something – (xui, xui khiến) ai làm điều gì.

(2) to induce sleep (gây ra, đem lại)

inevitable (a) /in'evitəbl/ (1) a tourist with his inevitable camera (quen thuộc, vẫn thường nghe)

(2) It's inevitable that doctors will make the occasional mistake. (không thể

tránh được)

to infer /in'fə:/ From the evidence we can infer that the victim knew her killer. (suy ra,

luận ra)

to inhibit /in'hibit/ An unhappy family life may inhibit children's learning. (ngăn chặn, kiềm


to initiate /i'niʃiit/ Many of them had been initiated into drug use at an early age. (bắt đầu làm

quen cho , khai tâm)

to injure /'indʤə/ She injured herself during training. (làm tổn thương, làm bị thương)

This could seriously injure the company’s reputation (xúc phạm, làm hại)

to innovate /'inouveit/ The company has successfully innovated new products and services. (đưa

vào những cái mới)

to insert (n) /'insə:t/ (v), (n) a six-page insert on computer software (tờ in rời, tờ thông tri)

insight (n) /'insait/ The research provides new insights into the way we process language.

(nhận thức, sự hiểu biết sâu sắc, sự sáng suốt)

to inspect /in'spekt/ I got out of the car to inspect the damage . (xem xét kỹ, kiểm tra)

to institute (n) /'institju:t/ (v) to institute a course of English language (thành lập, mở)

(n) academy, research institutes

integral (a, n) /'intigrəl/ (a) Vegetables are an integral part of our diet. (toàn bộ)

(n) tích phân

to integrate /'intigreit/ (1) We're looking for people who can integrate with a team. (hợp nhất)

These programs will integrate with your existing software.

(2) lấy tích phân

integrity (n) /in'tegriti/ (1) a man of great integrity (tính liêm chính, tính chính trực)

(2) the territorial integrity of the country (tính toàn vẹn, tính nguyên vẹn)

intense (a) /in'tens/ The intense heat of the desert (mạnh, có cường độ lớn)

to intermediate (a) /,intə'mi:djət/ (a) Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and

solid. (ở giữa)

(v ) làm môi giới, làm trung gian hòa giải

to interpret /in'tə:prit/ (1) They spoke good Spanish, and promised to interpret for me. (làm phiên


(2) Freud's attempts to interpret the meaning of dreams (giải thích, làm

sáng tỏ, hiểu)

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interval (n) /'intəvəl/ The interval between arrest and trial can be up to six months. (khoảng thời


to intervene /,intə'vi:n/ (1) to intervene in someone’s affairs (can thiệp, xen vào)

(2) many events intervened between the August Revolution and the 1954

Geveva Conference (ở giữa, xảy ra ở giữa)

intrinsic (a) /in'trinsik/ intrinsic value – giá trị (bên trong, thực chất)

to invoke /in'vouk/ (1) His name was invoked as a symbol of the revolution. (nhắc đến)

(2) cầu khẩn

to isolate /'aisəleit/ The town was isolated by the foods (cô lập, cách ly, tách ra)

to justify /'dʤʌstifai/ How can they justify paying such huge salaries?

You don't need to justify yourself to me. (bào chữa, biện hộ)

to lecture (n) /'lektʃə/ (v) I wish you'd stop lecturing me! (la mắng, lên lớp ai, diễn thuyết)

(n-1) to read (give) someone a lecture (lời la mắng, lời quở trách)

(n-2) bài thuyết trình, bài diễn thuyết

to legislate /'ledʤisleit/ We must legislate for equal pay (làm luật, lập pháp)

to levy (n) /'levi/ (n) tiền thuế thu được, sự tuyển quân

(v) thu (thuế), tuyển (quân)

liberal /'libərəl/ (1) I had quite liberal parents. a liberal table(rộng rãi, ko hẹp hòi)

(2) a liberal ideas (tự do)

likewise /'laikwaiz/ (1) similarly: He voted for the changed and he expected his colleagues to

do likewise

(2) also: Her second marriage was likewise unhappy.

to manipulate /mə'nipjuleit/ Computers are very efficient at manipulating information (thao tác, vận

dụng bằng tay)

manual (n, a) /'mænjuəl/ (a) manual labour , manual workers (thuộc tay, làm bằng tay)

(n) sổ tay, sách học

to mature (a) /mə'tjuə/ (a-1) mature years (trưởng thành, chin, thành thực)

(a-2) after mature deliberation (cẩn thận, chín chắn, kỹ càng)

(v) làm cho hoàn thiện, làm cho chín chắn

to mediate (a) /'mi:diit/ (v) to mediate between two warring nations (làm trung gian để điều đình

giữa hai nước đang đánh nhau), hòa giải, dàn xếp

(a) trung gian, gián tiếp

medical (a) /'medikəl/ (a) medical school – trường (y, y học)

mental (n, a) /'mentl/ (a) a mental patient (tâm thần, tinh thần, trí tuệ)

(n) người mắc bệnh tâm thần

ministry (n) /'ministri/ the Ministry of Foreign Trade / National Defense (bộ)

mode (n) /moud/ a new mode of transport – (cách, lối, phương thức) vận chuyển mới

thời trang, mốt

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to modify /'mɔdifai/ (1) the revolution modified the whole social structure of the country (sửa

đổi, thay đổi)

(2) to modify one’s tone – (làm nhẹ, làm dịu, giảm bớt) giọng

motive (n, a) /'moutiv/ (n) What do you suppose the killer’s motive was? (động cơ, lý do, cớ)

(a) Water provided the motive power for the mill. (vận động, chuyển động)

mutual (a) /'mju:tjuəl/ mutual affection – tình yêu mến (lẫn nhau, qua lại, tương hỗ)

to negate /ni'geit/ Efforts to expand the tourist industry could be negated by reports that the

sea is highly polluted. (phủ định, phủ nhận)

neutral (n, a) /'nju:trəl/ (a) neutral zone, neutral nation (trung lập, trung tính)

(n) nước trung lập

norm (n) /nɔ:m/ (n) 28% of children tested below the norm. (chỉ tiêu, quy tắc tiêu chuẩn)

notion (n) /'nouʃn/ to have no notion of … (khái niệm, ý niệm, quan điểm)

notwithstanding /,nɔtwiθ'stændiɳ/ He went notwithstanding that he was ordered not to (mặc dù, tuy, dù)

objective (n, a) /ɔb'dʤektiv/ (a-1) objective opinion, objective existence (khách quan)

(a-2) objective point (mục tiêu)

(n) mục tiêu, mục đích

to obtain /əb'tein/ (1) to obtain a prize (đạt được, thu được)

(2) the customes which obtain (đang tồn tại, hiện hành)

obvious (a) /'ɔbviəs/ an obvious style, an obvious truth (rõ ràng, rành mạch, hiển nhiên)

odd (a) /ɔd/ (1) 13 is an odd number

(2) an odd job – công việc (lặt vặt, linh tinh, vặt)

(3) odd moments – lúc (rỗi rãi, rảnh rang)

to offset /'ɔ:fset/ Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials. (đền bù,

bù đấp, bù lại)

output (n) /'autput/ Manufacturing output has increased by 8% (sản phẩm, hiểu suất)

paradigm (n) /'pærədaim/ The basic paradigm of the family tree (mẫu)

to parallel (n, a) /'pærəlel/ (a-1) he is a parallel case (tương đương, ngang hàng)

(a-2) parallel to (with ) = song song

(n-2) đường song song

(n-2) vật tương đương

(v-1) to parallel one thing with another (so sánh vật này với vật kia)

(v-2) the road parallels the river (song song với)

to perceive /pə'si:v/ to perceive the point of an argument-(hiểu) được điểm chính của 1 lý lẽ

I perceived a change in his behaviour. (trông thấy)

The sound is too high to be perceived by humans. (nghe thấy)

to persist /pə'sist/ (1) to persist in doing something (kiên gan, bền bỉ) làm việc gì

(2) to persist in one’s opinion (khăng khăng, cố chấp)

perspective (n, a) /pə'spektiv/ The novel is written from a child's perspective. (viễn cảnh, tiến độ)

phase /feiz/ The first phase of renovations should be finished by January. (thời kỳ, tuần)

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phenomenon /fi'nɔminən/ Early retirement is a relatively new phenomenon in Britain

Homelessness is not a new phenomenon (hiện tượng)

philosophy (n) /fi'lɔsəfi/ Marxist-Leninist philosophy

a man without a philosophy (triết lý sống)

physical (a) /'fizikəl/ (1) physical strength (thuộc cơ thể, thân thể)

(2) a physical explanation for this phenomenon( thuộc vật chất, vật lý)

policy (n) /'pɔlisi/ (1) chính sách, (2) insureance policy (hợp đồng, khế ước)

to portion (n) /'pɔ:ʃn/ (n) The front portion of the rocket breaks off. (phần, phần chia)

(v) to portion something to somebody – (chia phần) cái gì cho ai

to pose (n) /pouz/ (v) The events pose a challenge to the church's leadership. (đưa ra, đặt ra)

In her book she poses the question,'How much do we need to be happy?

(n) tư thế, bộ tịch, điệu bộ

positive (a, n) /'pɔzətiv/ (a-1) The witness made a positive identification. (xác thực, rõ ràng)

(a-2) to be positive about something (quả quyết, khẳng định, chắc chắn)

(n) Always emphasise the positive (điều xác thực, điều có thực)

practitioner (n) /præk'tiʃnə/ thầy thuốc đang hành nghề, luật sư đang hành nghề

to precede /pri:'si:d/ Such duties precede all others (đi trước, đứng trước, đến trước)

precise (a) /pri'sais/ (1) At the precise moment (đúng, chính xác)

(2) a precise, careful woman (tỉ mỉ, kỹ tính)

to predominate /pri'dɔmineit/ Pine trees predominate in this area of forest. (chiếm ưu thế, trội hơn hẳn)

-predominant (a) /pri'dɔminənt/ In this painting, the predominant colour is black.

preliminary (n, a) /pri'liminəri/ (n) After the usual preliminaries , the chairman made his announcement.

(cuộc đàm phán sơ bộ, sự sắp đặt mở đầu)

(a) After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners. (sơ bộ, mở


to presume /pri'zju:m/ (1) I presume that he will do it – tôi (cho là, đoán chừng) nó sẽ làm việc đó

(2) I presume to give you a piece of advice – tôi (mạo muội, đánh bạo) góp

với anh 1 ý được chăng?

(3) to presume upon/on someone’s acquaaitance (lợi dụng, lạm dụng)

principal (a, n) /'prinsəpəl/ (a) principal cause (chủ yếu, chính)

(n) người đúng đầu

principle (n) /'prinsəpl/ (1) the principle of all good – (nguồi gốc, gốc) của mọi điều thiện

(2) Archimedes’s principle (nguyên lý, nguyên tắc)

prior (a, adv) /prior/ (adv) prior to my arrival

(a) Some prior experience with the software is needed.

priority (n) /priority/ priority is given to developing heavy industry (quyền được trước, sự ưu


to proceed /proceed/ (1) to proceed to London (tiến lên, đi đến)

(2) the story proceeds as follows (tiếp tục, tiếp diễn)

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(3)how shall we proceed? (hành động, làm)

to proportion (n) /proportion/ (v) to proportion one's expenses to one's income (làm cân xứng, làm cân


(n-1) Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface. (phần)

(n-2) The proportion of men to women in the college has changed

dramatically over the years. (tỉ lệ)

to prospect (n) /prospect/ (n-1) to offer no prospect of success – không có (triễn vọng, tiền đồ) thành


(n-2) this opened a new prospect to his mind –(viễn tượng)

(v-1) to prospect for gold (thăm dò, điều tra)

(v-2) to prospect a fine yield – (hứa hẹn) có sản lượng cao

psychology (n) /sai'kɔlədʤi/ tâm lý học, hệ tâm lý

publication (n) /,pʌbli'keiʃn/ the publication of the company's annual results (sự công bố, sự xuất bản


to pursue /pə'sju:/ (1) She plans to pursue a career in politics. (theo đuổi)

(2) to pursue the enemy (đuổi theo)

(3) to pursue pleasure/happiness (đi tìm) hạnh phúc, thú vui

qualitative (a) /'kwɔlitətiv/ qualitative difference – sự khác nhau về (chất, phẩm chất)

Women’s experiences are qualitatively different from men’s.

to quote (n) /kwout/ (v) She quoted from a newspaper article. (trích dẫn)

(n) A quote from the minister’s speech (lời trích dẫn)

radical (n, a) /'rædikəl/ (a) radical change (căn bản, gốc)

(n-1) căn thức, (n-2) nguồn gốc căn bản

random (n, a) /'rændəm/ (n-1) ngẫu nhiên, (n-2) to speak at random – nói (bậy bạ, ẩu)

(a) a random remark, a random shot (ẩu, bừa)

to range (n) /reindʤ/ (n-1) a range of mountains – (dãy, hàng) núi

(n-2) range of knowledge/action, within my range (phạm vi, trình độ)

(v-1) our house ranges with the next building (cùng dãy với, nằm dọc theo)

(v-2) to range over the country / the woods (đi khắp, đi dọc)

(v-3) xếp lọai, sắp hàng

to recover /'ri:'kʌvə/ (1) to recover what was lost (lấy lại, giành lại, tìm lại được)

(2) to recover damages, to recover a debt (bù lại, đòi lại)

(3) to recover from a long illness (bình phục, lại sức, tỉnh lại)

to refine /ri'fain/ (1) to refine gold (lọc, luyện tinh, tinh chế)

(2) to refine upon words (tinh tế, tế nhị)

regime (n) /rei'ʤi:m/ democratic regime – (chế độ) dân chủ

feudal regime – (chế độ) phong kiến

to regulate /'regjuleit/ to regulate a watch – (điều chỉnh, sửa lại cho đúng)

to reinforce /,ri:in'fɔ:s/ (v) to reinforce a fortress – (củng cố, tăng cường) pháo đài

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to reject (n) /'ri:dʤekt/ (v) to reject someone's demand – (bác bỏ, không chấp thuận) yêu cầu của ai

(n) They felt that they were society's rejects. (người bị loại, vật bỏ đi)

relevant (a) /'relivənt/ the relevant documents – những tài liệu (thích hợp, xác đáng)

to rely on/upon /ri'lai/ to rely one someone, to rely on something (tin cậy, dựa vào)

to remove (n) /ri'mu:v/ (n) examination for the remove (sự lên lớp, lớp chuyển tiếp)

(v-1) to remove a machine (dời đi, chuyển đi, cất đi)

(v-2) to remove one’s hat (tháo ra, bỏ ra)

(v-3) to remove an official (cách chức, đuổi)

(v-4) they shall never remove from here (đời đi xa, đi ra, tránh xa ra)

to require /ri'kwaiə/ What do you require of me? (đòi hỏi, yêu cầu)

to reside /ri'zaid/ to reside abroad (ở tại, cư trú)

to resolve (n) /ri'zɔlv/ (v-1) The crisis was resolved by negotiations (giải quyết,phân giải)

(v-2) After the divorce she resolved never to marry again (make a definite


(n) Recent events strengthened her resolve to find out the truth. (ý kiên

quyết, quyết tâm)

to respond /ris'pɔns/ to respond to the appeal – (đáp lại, hưởng ứng lại) lời kêu gọi

-response (n) /ris'pɔns/ in response to the appeal (sự đáp lại, sự hưởng ứng)

to restore /ris'tɔ:/ (1) to restore something to someone – (trả lại, hoàn lại)

(2) to restore one’s health – (khôi phục lại, phục hồi lại)

to restrain /ris'trein/ (1) to restrain someone from doing harm (ngăn trở, cản trở)

(2) to restrain one’s stemper (nén, kềm chế, hạn chế)

to restrict /ris'trikt/ to restrict the use of alcohol (hạn chế, giới hạn)

to retain /ri'tein/ (1) dykes retain the river water – để điều (ngăn giữ, cầm giữ) nước sông

(2) to retain one's composure – (vẫn duy trì, vẫn giữ) bình tĩnh)

to reveal /ri'vi:l/ He revealed that he had been in prison twice before. (tiết lộ, để lộ)

revenue (n) /'revinju:/ The company's annual revenues rose by 30% (thu nhập)

to reverse (a, n) /ri'və:s/ (a) in the reverse direction (đảo, ngược, trái lại)

(n) It is quite the reverse (điều trái lại, mặt trái)

(v) to reverse the engine (cho chạy lùi, đi ngược, đảo lại)

to revise /ri'vaiz/ We have revised our estimates of population growth (duyệt lại, đọc lại,

xem lại)

revolution (n) /,revə'lu:ʃn/ (1) revolutions per minute (vòng, tua)

(2) the socialist revolution (cuộc cách mạng)

rigid (a) /'ridʤid/ regid principles , rigid discipline (cứng, cứng rắn)

to scheme (n) /ski:m/ (n-1) The money will be used for teacher training schemes. (kế họach, ý đồ,

âm mưu)

(n-2) lược đồ, giãn đồ, sơ đồ

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(v) She schemed to kill him with poison. (vạch ra kế hoạch, âm mưu, mưu


scope (n) /skoup/ that is beyond my scope (phạm vi, khả năng giải quyết, tầm vực)

to secure (a) /si'kjuə/ (v-1) Television networks need to attract large audiences to secure their

financial survival (củng cố, làm kiên cố)

(v-2) to secure front places – (chiếm được)

(a) a secure future (1 tương lai đảm bảo), to be secure of victory

to seek /si:k/ (1) to seek employment (tìm, đi tìm, tìm kiếm)

(2) to seek someone’s add (yêu cầu, thỉnh cầu)

to select (a) /si'lekt/ (a) The party was small and select. (được lựa chọn)

(v) They selected the winner from six finalists. (lựa chọn)

sequence (n) /'si:kwəns/ (1) important events occur in rapid sequence (sự nối tiếp, sự liên tục)

(2) sequence of function, sequence of number (dãy)

series (n) /'siəri:z/ in series – theo từng đợt tiếp nhau

arithmetical series, geometrical series – cấp số, chuỗi

to shift (n) /ʃift/ (n-1) shift of crops (sự thay đổi luân phiên)

(v) to shift the scene – (move, change attention, change opinion)

significant (a) /sig'nifikənt/ Please inform us if there are any significant changes in your plans. (đầy ý

nghĩa, đáng chú ý)

to simulate /'simjuleit/ (1) A machine that simulates conditions in space (phỏng theo, giả vờ)

(2) actor simulates king – (đóng vai)

to site (n) /sait/ (n-1) a good site for picnic (nơi, chổ, vị trí)

(n-2) construction site , building site (đất xây dựng)

(v) Some of this new housing has been sited in inner city areas (định vị trí)

so-called (a) /'sou'kɔ:ld/ The so-called experts couldn't tell us what was wrong. (cái gọi là)

somewhat (adv) /'sʌmwɔt/ It’s somewhat difficult (hơi, một chút, gọi là)

source (n) /sɔ:s/ (1) reliable source of information (nguồn, nguồn gốc)

(2) nguồi sông, nguồn suối

specific (a) /spi'sifik/ (1) a specific statement – lời tuyên bố (rõ ràng, rành mạnh, dứt khoát)

(2) games suitable for specific age-groups (đặc trưng, riêng biệt)

to specify /'spesifai/ it is specified in the agreement (chỉ rõ, định rõ, ghi rõ)

sphere (n) /sfiə/ (1) that does not come withing my sphere (phạm vi quyền lực, khu vực)

(2) hình cầu, quả cầu

stable (a) /'steibl/ (a) a stable relationship, This ladder doesn't seem very stable. (vững vàng,

ổn định, kiên định)

status (n) /'steitəs/ official status (địa vị, thân phận, thân thế) chính thức

(2) What’s the status of the trade talks? (tình trạng)

straightforward (a) /'streit'fɔ:wəd/ (1) Installing the program is relatively straightforward. (ko phức tạp)

(2) Let me put it more straightforwardly. (thẳng thắng, cởi mở)

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to stress (n) /stres/ (n) to lay stress on something (sự nhấn mạnh)

(v) The report stressed that student math skills need to improve. (nhấn


to submit /səb'mit/ (1) I would like to submit it to your inspection (đệ trình, đưa ra ý kiến)

(2) to submit to defeat (cam chịu, chịu, quy phục) thất bại

to subordinate (a, n) /sə'bɔ:dnit/ (a) to play a subordinate part – đóng vai (phụ, lệ thuộc,)

(n) người cấp dưới, người dưới quyền

subsequent (a) /'sʌbsikwənt/ Subsequent events confirmed our doubts. (đến sau, theo sau)

-subsequence (n) sự việc đến sau

subsidy (n) /'sʌbsidi/ housing subsidy (tiền trợ cấp)

to substitute (n) /'sʌbstitju:t/ (n) Vitamin pills are no substitute for a healthy diet (vật thay thế, người

thay thế)

(v) Bill substituted for Larry, who was off sick. (thay thế, đổi)

successor (n) /sək'sesə/ I'm sure she will be worthy successor (người nối nghiệp, người nối ngôi)

sufficient (a, n) /sə'fiʃənt/ (a) to have not sufficient courage for something (đủ, có thẩm quyền)

(n) have you had sufficient? (số lượng đủ)

to supplement (n) /'sʌplimənt/ (n) The payments are a supplement to his usual salary (phần bổ sung, phần

phụ thêm)

(v) Kia supplements her regular salary by tutoring in the evenings.

to survey (n) /'sə:vei/ (v-1) The next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire. (quan

sát, nhìn chung)

(v-2) This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics.

(nghiên cứu chung)

(n) điều tra, sự nhìn chung

to survive /sə'vaivə/ (1) to survive one’s contemporaries – (sống lâu hơn) những người cùng


(2) sống sót, còn lại, tồn tại

to suspend /səs'pend/ to suspend a newspaper – (đình chỉ, trì hoãn, treo gìo) 1 tờ báo

to sustain /səs'tein/ to sustain the shock of the enemy’s tanks (chống cự, chịu đựng)

to sustain a defeat / loss – (chịu) thua, mất

I only had a little chocolate to sustain me on my walk. (chống đở)

to tape (n) /teip/ (n-1) a tape of paper – một (băng, dải) giấy, (n-2) băng điện tín

(v-1) to tape a dress (viền)

(v-2) to tape a parcel – (buộc) 1 cái gói

(v-3) I’ve got the situation taped – tôi đã (nắm vững, tính kỷ) tình hình

to task (n) (v-1) to task someone to do something (giao nhiệm vụ, giao việc)

(v-2) mathematics tasks the child’s brain (chồng chất lên, làm mệt mỏi)

(n) a difficult task

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to team (n) /ti:m/ (v) You can team up with one other class member if you want. (hợp ai

thành đội)

(n) a football team

temporary (a) /'tempərəri/ temporary success (tạm thời, nhất thời, lâm thời)

tense (n, a) /tens/ (n) the past tense

(a-1) a tense wire – sợ dây (căng)

(a-2) tense situation – tình hình (căng thẳng)

to terminate /'tə:mineit/ to terminate one’s work – (hoàn thành, kết thúc, làm xong) công việc

theme (n) /θi:m/ the theme of a speech (đề tài, chủ đề)

thereby (adv) /'ðeə'bai/ He became a citizen in 1978, thereby gaining the the right to voit (bằng

cách ấy, theo cách ấy)

to trace (n) /treis/ (n) the traces of an ancient civilization (vết tích, dấu vết)

(v-1) to trace out a plan – (vạch ra, vẻ ra, chỉ ra) 1 kế họach

(v-2) to trace someone – (theo vết, theo vết chân) ai

to transform /træns'fɔ:m/ Increased population has transformed the landscape. (thay đổi, làm biến


to transit (n) /trænsit/ (n-1) goods in transit – hàng hóa (quá cảnh)

(n-2) in transit – dọc đường, lost in transit (đường)

(v) pass across, pass through

to transmit /trænz'mit/ to transmit a letter/order/disease/news, electricity (truyền, chuyển giao)

to transport /trænspɔ:t/ (n-1) the transport of passengers and goods (sự chuyên chở, phương tiên đi


(n-2) to be in transports – (sự cảm kích mạnh mẽ, vui tưng bừng, hoan hỉ)

(v-1) chuyên chở (v-2) to be transported with joy (gây xúc cảm mạnh)

to trend (n) /trend/ (n) the trend of modern thoughts (xu hướng)

(v-1) the road trends to the north (đi về, hướng về)

(v-2) modern thought is trending towards socialisim (có xu hướng)

to trigger (n) /'trigə/ (n) cò súng, nút bấm

(v) gây ra, gây nên

ultimate (n, a) /'ʌltimit/ (a-1) ultimate aim – mục đích (cuối cùng, sau chót)

(a-2) ultimate cause – nguyên nhân (cơ bản)

(n) The plane was the ultimate in air technology in the 60s. (điểm cuối cùng,

kết quả cuối cùng)

to undergo /,ʌndə'gou/ to undergo a great chance (bị, trả qua, chịu)

to underlie /'ʌndəlain/ It is a principle that underlies all the party's policies. (làm cơ sở cho)

to undertake /,ʌndə'teik/ I can’t undertake to do that – tôi không thể (nhận làm, cam kết) điều đó

to unify /'ju:nifai/ Strong support for the war has unified the nation. (thống nhất, hợp nhất)

unique (a) /ju:'ni:k/ (a) unique meaning, unique aim, unique son (duy nhất, độc nhất, vô song)

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to utilize /'ju:tilaiz/ We must consider how best to utilize what resources we have. (sự dụng, lợi

dụng, dùng)

valid (a) /'vælid/ (1) a valid argument – một lý lẽ (vững chắc, có căn cứ)

(2) valid contract / passport (có hiệu lực, hợp lệ)

to vary /'veəri/ (1) to vary the diet- (làm cho khác nhau, thay đổi) chế độ ăn uống

to vary from day to day

(2) opinions vary on this point (bất đồng)

vehicle (n) /'vi:ikl/ (1) to travel by a vehicle (xe cộ)

(2) to use the press as a vehicle for one’s political opinions (phương tiện

truyền bá, vật truyền)

via (adv) / `viə/ to go to England via Gibraltar (qua, theo đường)

virtual (a) /'və:tjuəl/ (1) a virtual promise – lời hứa (thực sự, thực tế)

(2) virtual focus – tiêu điểm (ảo)

visible (a) /'vizəbl/ (1) to be visible to naked eye (có thể trông thấy, thấy được)

(2) without visible cause - không có nguyên nhân (rõ rệt, rõ ràng)

vision (n) /'viʤn/ (1) within range of vision (sức nhìn, tầm nhìn)

(2) vision of peace (ảo tưởng, ảo mộng)

visual (a) /'vizjuəl/ visual nerve – dây thần kinh (thị giác)

volume (n) /`vɑlyəm/ (1) a work in three volumes – 1 tác phẩm gầm ba (tập, quyển)

(2) khối (3) dung tích (4) âm lượng

voluntary (a) /`vɑləntɛri/ a voluntary action – hành động (tự giác, tự nguyện, tình nguyện)

welfare (n) /'welfe / (1) to work for the welfare of the nation – làm việc cho (hạnh phúc) của

dân tộc

(2) child welfare center –cơ quan (bảo vệ, sự chăm sóc) thiếu nhi

whereas (con.) /wɛr`æz/ some people like meat with much fat in it whereas others hate it (nhưng trái

lại, trong khi mà, còn)

whereby (adv) /we 'bai/ (1) whereby shall we know him? (bằng cách gì, do cái gì)

(2) he devised a plan whereby he might escape (nhờ đó, bởi vậy)

widespread (a) /'waidspred/ The plan received widespread support throughout the country. (lan rộng,

phổ biến)

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