  • 7/31/2019 53673615 Marketing Plan Unilever


    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 1


    In this competitive business world, marketing is an essential part of any company. The

    main two ideas of marketing are to attract the market and do the activities to retain them.

    In order to do the jobs of marketing a proper marketing plan is very important. Without

    having a complete plan the job of marketing will left with many excuses and even it

    could create a disturbing consequence for the company. So, to have an appropriate

    marketing plan for every product of the company is very necessary.

    There are many companies in Bangladesh serving to people. All the leading companies

    have a strong marketing department where the marketing strategies and marketing mixare made.

    Unilever is the leading company in Bangladesh, which is serving the people of

    Bangladesh over four decades. Unilever has many brands to serve with. Those are

    Wheel, Lux, Lifebuoy, Fair & Lovely, Ponds, Close-Up, Taaza, Sunsilk, Pepsodent,

    Clear, Vim, SurfExel, Dove, Vaseline, Lakme & Axe.

    In addition to those brands, we have created the marketing plan a new product for

    Unilever which we named as WhiteLight - Tooth Whitening System.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 2

    Company Profile:

    2.1 Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.:

    In the 1890s, William Hesketh Lever, founder of Lever Bros, wrote down his ideas for

    Sunlight Soap his revolutionary new product that helped popularize cleanliness and

    hygiene in Victorian England. Mainly from this time first idea to establish Unilever


    Over the the last four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new

    and world-class products for the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily drudgery of

    life. Over 90% of the countrys households use one or more of products.

    According to constitution, in Bangladesh Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. have 60.75% share

    and government of Bangladesh have 39.25% share.

    2.2 Product and Service Analysis:

    Unilever Bangladesh Ltd offers a wide variety of consumer goods to the people of

    Bangladesh. Its operations are categorized into three categories-

    - Food

    - Home care

    - Personal care

    Under these three operations Unilever manufactures various categories of products and

    for each of those categories they have successfully established many brands. The product

    mix of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is as following-

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight




    Skin CareandPersonal





    Tea BasedBeverage

    Vim Wheel

    Surf Excel





    Fair &Lovely












    Unilever Bangladesh Ltd produces pure consumer goods. Some its brands are produced

    locally in Bangladesh and some are imported from other regional factory of Unilever, like

    Thailand, China, and UK etc. In Bangladesh the company has a Soap Manufacturing

    factory and a Personal Products Factory located in Chittagong. Besides these, there is a

    tea packaging operation in Chittagong and three manufacturing units in Dhaka, which are

    owned and run by third parties exclusively dedicated to Unilever Bangladesh.

    2.2 Capital Investment:

    The capital expenditures of Unilever have generally been moderate. This allows Unilever

    to use its cash resources for other business investment purposes.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    2.3 Logo and Slogan:

    Figure: Logo of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.

    Our slogan is; Feel good, look good and get more out of life

    2.4 Mission:

    Unilever's mission is to add Vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition,

    hygiene and personal care with brands that help people look good, feel good and get more

    out of life.

    2.5 Vision:

    The four pillars of our vision set out the long term direction for the company where we

    want to go and how we are going to get there:

    We work to create a better future every day.

    We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and

    services that are good for them and good for others.

    We will inspire people to take small everyday actions that can add up to a big

    difference for the world.

    We will develop new ways of doing business that will allow us to double the size

    of our company while reducing our environmental impact.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    2.6 Objective:

    Objective means the goals that the business must achieve in order to meet its wider

    business objectives.

    Unilevers objectives are-

    Growth in market share

    Clearer product differentiation

    Long term brand value to customers

    Decrease customer acquisition costs 8% per year

    Creating and launching new products / services Innovation

    2.7 Current Marketing Situation:

    2.7.1 SWOT Analysis

    The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the

    company and describes the opportunities and threats facing Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.


    In depth industry experience and insight

    Largest amount of share in the market

    Having a good number of established brands

    An excellent distribution network

    Competitive advantages

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight


    Reliance on outside raw materials

    So many substitutes available in the market

    Lack of control in the market. If any disruption arises between company and

    distributor then the whole market suffers.

    Lack of informational reliability, since the market is too large


    Participation within a growing industry

    Utilization of changing lifestyle of people for increasing demand

    Scope of expanding the market vertically and horizontally

    Application of new tactics and surprise packages

    Niche marketing


    Threats of the market challengers

    A negative effect on peoples spending because of the current financial crisis

    Existence of political unrest though out the country

    The moto of Unilever is to hold its strengths the longest time possible. It is also working

    constantly with a view to using its opportunities at best. In spite of being the market

    leader Unilever Bangladesh has some weaknesses and threats. Its research department is

    working hard to make strategies to overcome those weaknesses and threats.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    2.7.2 Industry Analysis:

    Unilever Bangladesh Ltd produces pure consumer goods. Some its brands are produced

    locally in Bangladesh and some are imported from other regional factory of Unilever, likeThailand, China, and UK etc. In Bangladesh the company has a Soap Manufacturing

    factory and a Personal Products Factory located in Chittagong. Besides these, there is a

    tea packaging operation in Chittagong and three manufacturing units in Dhaka, which are

    owned and run by third parties exclusively dedicated to Unilever Bangladesh.

    2.7.3 Competitive Analysis:

    In the market of consumer goods Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is considered as the market

    leader. As a market leader there is always a risk to be attacked by the market challengers.

    She, Unilevers strategy is to defend their market share by being premium in service,

    having full-line strategy, extensive and efficient dealership system and good financing.

    In Bangladesh the major two challengers for Unilever is Square Toiletries Ltd and

    Proctor & Gamble Ltd.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 3

    Product profile:

    3.1 White Light - Tooth Whitening System:

    A product can be defined as anything that can be offered to a market for attention,

    actuation, use or consumption that might satisfy want or need.

    In this marketing plan our concerning product is tooth whitening system. WhiteLight is a

    revolutionary new system that incorporates light technology to whiten our tooth fast.

    Light treatment is the latest whitening technique used by dentists. The unique, patent

    pending WhiteLight is designed to be used at home and is extremely easy to use. The

    advanced light combined with the specially formulated gel, rapidly removes surface

    stains and penetrates deep to remove embedded stains. Works great on stains caused by

    coffee, tea, smoking, red wine, fruit juice, cola, aging and more.

    WhiteLight tooth whitening system will basically be a shopping product that people

    will buy less frequently at higher price and fewer purchase locations.

    3.2 Features: Whitens in just 10 minutes!

    Simple to use.

    Easy to maintain .

    3.3 Packaging:

    Packaging involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.

    Traditionally the function of packaging is to hold and protect the product. But in recentdays it is recognized that packaging perform many sales task from attracting attention to

    describing the product and to make it to sale.

    For our new product we will do regular packaging, in this package we will keep the

    WhiteLight - Tooth Whitening System independently. It will be packaged individually.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Each package contents:

    1 x White Light Tooth Whitening System

    2 x tooth whitening gel

    1 x tooth silicone set 2 x Lithium CR2025 Batteries 1 x "Secrets To A Beautiful Smile"-manual

    Note: There are two different color gels but both are the same.

    Packaging of WhiteLight - Tooth Whitening System will be done in such a way so that

    we can draw the attention of people. The packaging will be done in such a way so it will

    be differentiated from other type of products and can deliver the message very clearly. Itwill identify the brand and also convey some descriptive and persuasive information

    about the product.

    Initially we will do packaging in the upper mentioned manners, but depending on the

    positive response in future we will plan to do packaging in other way, like-

    We will try to offer the parts like formulated gel or whitener machine etc.


    Figure: A sample of WhiteLight

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    3.4 Level of product:

    Five levels of WhiteLight - Tooth Whitening System will be-

    Core Benefit of the Product: It is a teeth whitener that will help to keep the tooth


    Basic product: Basic product will be- the WhiteLight - Tooth Whitening

    System its self and its logo.

    Expected Product: Expected product will be - its solution to white the tooth

    gently and attractive packaging, reasonable price etc.

    Augmented Product: This whitener does white the tooth by using formulated

    gel, which cannot do any other product in Bangladesh.

    Potential product: If we will cut the price after having positive response, we give

    extra amount etc.

    Figure: Level of product

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    3.5 BCG Growth Matrix Analysis:

    As its a new product for Unilever, other products are popular and already achieve stars.Therefore comparatively we are hoping in the starting time we can gain Question marks

    for WhiteLight. Though people are now more conscious about teeth; white teeth and

    bright smile is part ones personality. So we are assuming people are more comfortable to

    spend money on whitening teeth. When we will enter the growing market initially we

    will be able to grab small amount of market share so we should apply Build Strategy by

    injecting cash to increase market share and to make this product stars.

    Relative Market Share

    M a r

    k e t G r o w

    t h R a t e

    Stars Question Marks

    Cash Cows Dogs

    Figure: Boston Consulting Group Approach

    3.6 Segmentation process:

    In our marketing plan as we are producing same product to all consume, which refers to

    mass marketing means no segmentation by demographic, geographic, behavioral etc.

    3.7 Target market selection process:

    The target markets for our new product WhiteLight Tooth whitening system will be-

    - Simply those people who have tooth.

    - Mainly the urban area people, we will focus on the big cities of our country.

    - People who want safe tooth whitener in an easy way.
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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    - People who are not interested go to dentist for tooth whitening but feel

    comfortable spending money on tooth whitener.

    Though our product is totally new in Bangladesh not so much people are aware about the

    product therefore primarily we are focusing urban area people of some big cities; so

    single segment concentration is our selective pattern of target market selection for this


    Figure: Single segment concentration

    3.8 Product Life Cycle Stage:

    As we are making a marketing plan for WhiteLight - Tooth Whitening System, which is a

    new product and not available in the market so its still in product development stage,

    however we expect that when it will enter the market it will in introduction stage where

    sales will low but a increasing rate, and our target is to go in maturity stage for higher sale and higher profit.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Figure: Product life cycle stage

    3.9 Product Development:

    Initially now we are offering very basic facilities through our product but after several

    years we are planning to develop our product in following sectors-

    Different flavored formulated gel

    Rechargeable whitening machine though its now powered by battery

    3.10 Consumer Buying Behavior:

    In this situation consumer buying behavior can be Habitual Buying Behavior because in

    our country this product are not available from other brands therefore when they will

    decide to buy this product they will have low involvement.

    3.11 Steps in the Consumer Buying Behavior:

    WhiteLight is really appropriate to those people who are very look conscious. Because of

    their consciousness may be they will recognize their needs. By our marketing they can be

    aware about the product and search more information from dentists and also by surfing

    internet. If they are interested about our product consumer can buy the product from

    some of our outlets. And we are hoping this product will satisfy their needs.

    3.12 SWOT Analysis of the product:


    Strong Brand Image

    eServices and technology

    Faster tooth whitener Easy to carry


    High Prices

    Fewer purchase location

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight


    Differnt color gel

    Different flavore gel


    Competitors can produce

    Serving at lower price

    Price of raw materials can go up

    Chapter 4

    Pricing Strategy:

    4.1 Price setting:

    Price is the amounts of money customers have to pay to obtain the product. Generally in

    setting price companies follow the following steps:

    As WhiteLight is a new product in our country so we will follow the followings:

    Select the price objective

    Determine demand

    Estimate costs

    Analyze competitor price mix

    Select pricing method

    Select final price

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Our price objective will be Maximize current profit and increase sell.

    It will be inelastic demand. Because people who are look conscious will use

    this product and actually price will not be an important matter to them. But

    also as most of our country people are price sensitive so we will try to keep

    lower and reasonable price.

    Total costs will depend on the price of the ingredients, cost of producing the

    product, costs of packaging, costs of promotion activities and the companys

    fixed costs.

    In Bangladesh no other company is selling this kind of tooth whitener, so we

    have no local competitors.

    After estimating costs we will add mark up value to get minimum profit.

    Then we will set the final price. For the premium package we will add less

    mark-up, as the gel and whitening machine will be packaged together.

    4.2 Pricing Method:

    As we mentioned that we will add mark-up value to determine the price by using mark-

    up method so our aim will be to keep the price in between Tk.1500 to Tk2000. But the

    exact amount will be set based on the upper mentioned factors.

    4.3 Pricing Strategy:

    Considering WhiteLight as a new product in our country and this is already popular in

    other countries we will use Market Skimming pricing strategy. We hope that buyer

    willing to pay our settled price.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 5

    Distribution or Location Strategy:

    5.1 Distribution Process:

    Unilever is doing this job quite efficiently for its existing products. For WhiteLight -

    Tooth Whitening System, at first we will launch it in two big cities- Dhaka City and

    Chittagong City. Depending on the positive response in future gradually we will extend

    the market of this product in other divisions.

    The distribution process of WhiteLight - Tooth Whitening System will be same as the

    companys other products, which is as following-






    The final consumers

    The retail stores

    Own distributors

    Unilever itself

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    We will produce this new product by our own and we will also make the formulated gel,

    whitening machine of the dental floss by our own.


    Unilever has its own distributors who will buy the wholesale amount and sell these to the



    Retailers will buy the products from distributors and sell these to the final consumers.


    People can get it in superstores, big pharmacies etc. We will place this product mainly in

    urban areas of Dhaka City and Chittagong City of Bangladesh with Unilevers

    exceptionally good channel of distribution.

    5.2 Level of Distribution Channel:

    As Unilever have their own distributors who are working as wholesaler, and they are sell

    the product to the retailers from them consumer buy the product. Therefore, we can say

    two level of distribution channel is followed by the Unilever.

    5.3Distribution or marketing Channel systems:

    Unilever are using conventional distribution channel as this company consisting of

    independent producer and one or more independent wholesalers and retailers and also

    they have no negotiation method to resolve the problem; if any problem arise. They are

    doing their individual work by their own.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 6

    Promotional Tools:

    Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the products and persuade

    consumers to buy it. So our targeted audiences are mainly the potential user of our

    product. Though we specially targeted urban people, our main promotional concern will

    go on them. We will do different types of promotional activities to introduce and create

    awareness about our WhiteLight to the people.

    6.1 Advertising:

    TV advertising : For this product we will provide the information in such a way that will

    include that, Using whiting toothpaste is not always effective for everyone and visiting

    to dentist for whiting is uncomfortable for some people and it takes a long time. But as

    our WhiteLight Tooth whitener is very small and light product and easy to use for anyone at home, it will be able to whiten our teeth quickly and safely and as the gel is of

    meant flavor, so it will also help us to have fresh breadth. So, we should use this Tooth


    In these advertisements we will use either people or animation or both of them together.

    It will be decided according to the costs.

    WE will also publish attractive, colorful and informative advertisements in radio,

    newspapers, internet, magazines and on billboards in regular basis.

    We can do sponsoring and event organizing and campaign as our promotional


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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Testimonial advertising: It refers to use influential or believable people in advertising.

    In this case we will deal with dentists, as they are most believable to the people in case of

    the matters of teeth. We will make a deal with them and they will suggest people to use

    our Tooth whitener. We will also give free samples to the dentists, so that they can use it

    to their patients and they will also suggest our WhiteLight Tooth whitener in the

    prescriptions of their patients.

    6.2 Sales promotion: We will give free samples in dental clinic, educational institutions

    like dental college, hospital and also in super stores. The quality of those free samples

    will be smaller than the original one.

    Depending on the costs and future positive response we will plan to make more varieties

    of advertisements and will give attractive sales promotion to grab and retain morecustomers.

    Communication Budget

    Medium Cost in TK % of Total Cost

    Television 5,233,000 22.90%

    Newspaper 2,630,000 11.53%

    Outdoor 4,870,000 21.32%

    Radio 2,021,000 8.84%

    Sponsoring & event organizing 5,830,000 25.52%

    Additional Campaign Cost 2,260,000 9.89%

    Grand Total 22,844,000 100%

    6.3 Public Relation: To extend market or to introduce the product to people marketers need to create public


    Unilever always tries to create events and stories, which automatically come to press

    attention public gets to know about their product. For our new product WhiteLight we

    will try to do the following activities:

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    We will arrange press conferences and will try to have renowned dentists in

    those programs, so that the information and messages seems trustworthy to the people.

    We will try to arrange seminars in schools, colleges, universities and medical

    colleges about the usefulness and benefits of using WhiteLight. We think it will bring more

    positive response because now a day young people are much

    more concern about their look. In these seminars we will give free samples.

    In future if possible we will also try to sponsor some events and show to attract more

    customers and to capture strong places in the minds of the consumers.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 7

    Action Program:

    Unilever Bangladesh Ltd has a very well-structured organization. Every department of it

    does its job very efficiently. The marketing plan which we have made will be

    implemented and accomplished by different departments. First of all the plan will have to

    be approved by the top level executives. Only after the approval it can start its function.

    The strategies regarding the product, its promotional activities, price setting all will be

    done by the marketing department.

    The job of designing the product, manufacturing and packaging will be accomplished bythe production department.

    Finance department will be responsible for budgeting and financing the product.

    Like other brands of the company, a brand manager will be assigned for WhiteLight -

    Tooth Whitening System to administer overall activities of the product.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 8

    8.1 Problem Identification:

    Unilever is a establisher organization in our country so it have not that much problems.However, WhiteLight is a new product in Bangladesh therefore it have some problems,

    which are given below-

    Higher Price

    Lower purchase location

    Not aware about the product

    No segmentation

    8.2 Recommendation and suggestion:

    We have come up with some recommendation and suggestion that will help to develop

    the product and make the product more competitive.

    Our suggestions and recommendations are the following:

    Unilever should take initiative to reduce the price. Because without upper class

    people this products price is unaffordable for other classes people.

    Unilever should increase their distribution in other cities as it only available in Dhaka

    and Chittagong.

    Unilever should make people aware by increasing their advertising, sales promotion

    and public relation.

    Unilever should segment their customer by producing different flavored gel like for

    male- mint, vanilla and for female-chocolate, strawberry.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 9


    This section will offer a financial overview of WhiteLight Tooth whitener as it relates

    to the marketing activities. The tooth whitener will address break-even analysis, sales

    forecasts, expense forecasts, and how they link to the marketing strategy.

    Break even analysis:

    Here we have tried to analyze several price figures to determine the price that best suits

    our product and the company.

    Break-even volume = fixed cost/ (price-variable cost)

    = 800000/ (1800-1200)

    = 3000 units

    Price Break-evenvolume

    Expectedsales units

    Total revenue Total cost Profit

    Tk.1500 6000 20,000 30000000 24800000 5200000Tk.1800 3000 18000 32400000 22400000 10000000Tk.2000 2250 13000 26000000 16400000 9600000

    Assumptions :

    Fixed cost = Tk.800000

    Variable cost = Tk.1200 per unit

    Per unit cost = Tk.1350

    From here we see that, if we set the price at tk.2000, the monthly break even volume is

    only 2250 units. But at tk.1800 the break even volume is 3000 units which is a bit high

    but we are having highest profit 10000000tk. So we have decided to go for tk.1800 per

    unit where the company will be able to gain 37.5 percent profit per unit. The break even

    analysis is shown in the figure:

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Sales forecast:

    WhiteLight feels that the sales forecast is conservative. It will steadily increase sales as

    the advertising budget allows. As this WhiteLight will be available in both

    pharmaceutical stores and super markets, so in the following table we can see its sales


    Sales 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014pharmaceutical

    storesTk520000 Tk.857800 Tk.1052000 Tk.756050 Tk.912500

    Super markets Tk.310000 Tk.502500 Tk.770000 Tk.592000 Tk.798520Total sales Tk.830000 Tk.1360300 Tk.1822000 Tk.1348050 Tk.1711020

    Direct cost of sales

    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


    Tk.410000 Tk.786500 Tk.887300 Tk.689200 Tk.850200

    Super markets Tk.260000 Tk.492200 Tk.716100 Tk.516050 Tk.706300Total Cost of

    salesTk.670000 Tk.1278700 Tk.1603400 Tk.1205250 Tk.1556500

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    At the beginning, WhiteLight will have slow sales as it will be launched first time in the

    market. In the next year hopefully this product will have increased sales. When the sale

    of the product starts to decline, proper promotional activities will be undertaken to push

    up the sales.








    PharmaceuticalSuper Market

    Graph: Sales forecast of WhiteLight Tooth whitener

    Marketing Expense Budget:

    The expense forecast will be used as a tool to keep the department on target and provide

    indicators when corrections and modifications are needed for the proper implementation

    of the marketing task.

    The marketing expense is high in the beginning of the product. As the product goestowards its maturity level, the expense starts to settle down a bit. Then again after the

    maturity stage the marketing expense needs to increase as promotional activities are

    increased for larger sale.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Marketing expense budget 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    Advertisements(newspaper & TV)

    220000 186500 173200 158400 187900

    Campaign Cost 50000 35000 21200 10200 28700

    Sponsoring & eventorganizing

    30000 50000 41200 32250 61200

    Sales promotion 120000 90500 86520 53600 62510Total sales & marketing

    expense420000 362000 322120 254450 340310

    Percent of sales 50.6% 26.61% 17.67% 18.87% 21.86%

    Sales vs. Expense:





    Graph: Sales vs. Expense of WhiteLight Tooth whitener

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight

    Chapter 10

    Contingency plan:

    The job of monitoring performance comes after implementing the plan. It is important to

    monitor whether the job is being performed as it is planned. If not then corrective

    methods must be taken.

    Difficulties and Risks:

    Problems generating a sufficient customer base.

    General public may not demand the product.

    Worst Case Scenario:

    Determining that the business cannot support itself on an ongoing basis.

    Having to liquidate equipment to cover liabilities.

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    Marketing Plan for WhiteLight



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