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  • 1. My goals: Develop reading skills with authentic text Introduce/Develop thematic elements of Beowulf Leader as protector/provider Importance of identity/reputation/loyalty Christian/Pagan interaction
  • 2. My Idea: Create a world where the player can become a young Beowulf and learn the lessons necessary for his adult success. Play online at:
  • 3. How the Game Works Interactive Fiction (think Zork) The player reads the story The player chooses the actions of the main character Open world Completing quests builds reputation and unlocks new quests
  • 4. The Creation Process Natural Language codingInform 7 Creative writing Problem solving Collaboration Engaging and rewarding
  • 5. Colon and indent SyntaxBefore going east: if the player is in fenglm: If the player is carrying the gold pieces: continue the action; otherwise: Say "Going that way would be a big mistake."; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action.
  • 6. Things to add The monsters will fight back Character conversations Followers Multimedia The sequel will have multiplayer

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