  • 7/30/2019 51161349 Green Computing


    Green Computing

    Cover Page


    Author: Ms. Priyanka Kotwani

    3rdyr, CSE, JIET-SETG

    Email id: [email protected]

    Under the Supervision of

    Ms. Suman Goyal

    Sr. Lecturer, CSE, JIET

    Email id: [email protected]

    1. Introduction 3

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    Green Computing

    2. Why Green Computing is Needed 3

    3. Core Objectives of Green Computing 4

    4. Approaches to Green Computing

    4.1 Virtualization 4

    4.2 Power Management 5

    4.3 Power Supply 5

    4.4 Storage 5

    4.5 Display 6

    4.6 Materials Recycling 6

    4.7 Telecommuting 6

    5. NComputing - an architecture that changes the green equation

    5.1 Consumes90% less energy per user 7

    5.2 Air conditioningthe hidden environmental cost 7

    5.3 98% less e-waste in landfills 8

    6. Future of Green Computing 8

    7. Conclusion 8

    8. Bibliography 9

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    Green Computing

    Green Computing


    As 21st century belongs to computers, gizmosand electronic items, energy issues will get a

    serious ring in the coming days. If we think

    computers are nonpolluting and consume verylittle energy we need to think again. Green

    computing is the term used to denote efficient

    use of resources in computing. This term

    generally relates to the use of computingresources in conjunction with minimizing

    environmental impact, maximizing economic

    viability and ensuring social duties. Green

    computing is very much related to other similarmovements like reducing the use of

    environmentally hazardous materials like CFCs,promoting the use of recyclable materials,

    minimizing use of non-biodegradable

    components, and encouraging use of sustainable

    resources. This seminar report gives a generaloverview on the current state of opportunities lie

    in green technology and organizations which are

    seeing it as a way to create new profit centerswhile trying to help the environmental cause

    and several formations that we can explore in itin coming future. The plan towards green ITshould include new electronic products and

    services with optimum efficiency and all

    possible options towards energy savings.

    1. Introduction

    Green computing or green IT, refers to

    environmentally sustainable computing or IT.Dr. San Murugesan a Senior Consultant defines

    the field of green computing as "the study andpractice of designing, manufacturing, using, and

    disposing of computers, servers, and associated

    subsystemssuch as monitors, printers, storagedevices, and networking and communications

    systemsefficiently and effectively withminimal or no impact on the environment."

    As 21st century belongs to computers, gizmos

    and electronic items, energy issues will get aserious ring in the coming days, as the publicdebate on carbon emissions, global warming

    and climate change gets hotter. The average PC

    wastes about half the energy provided to it,according to the Climate Savers Computing

    Initiative, an industry group dedicated to

    reducing greenhouse-gas emissions

    The goals of green computing are similar

    to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardousmaterials, maximize energy efficiency during

    the product's lifetime, and promote

    the recyclability or biodegradability of defunctproducts and factory waste. Research continues

    into key areas such as making the use of

    computers as energy-efficient as possible, anddesigning algorithms and systems for

    efficiency-related computer technologies.

    2. Why Green Computing is


    IT Executives are at last coming under

    increasing pressure to deliver a Green IT or

    Green Computing Strategy. Executive boardsare finally recognizing there can be a genuine

    competitive advantage in adopting green issues

    and signing up to a low carbon emissionsfootprint. Having a Green IT Strategy can

    directly affect the view of the organizations

    customers. Customers will clearly continue to

    evaluate suppliers based on product/serviceofferings and their costs, however, if all else is

    equal, then choosing a supplier with a low

    carbon policy can be a key differentiator. Mostpeople do want to support green issues and

    adopting suppliers with low-carbon strategies

    helps buyers to feel good about their decisions.

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    Green Computing

    Green IT also brings with it direct cost benefitsfor the organization, making it an easier sell to

    the more sceptical boards of directors. With a

    Green Computing or IT Strategy we can reduce

    equipment, power, air-conditioning, and supportcosts. This applies throughout the enterprise

    not just in data-centers or our server rooms butdesktop computers as well.

    3. Core Objectives of Green

    Computing Strategies

    Minimizing energy consumption

    Purchasing green energy

    Reducing the paper and other

    consumables used

    Minimizing equipment disposalrequirements

    Reducing travel requirements foremployees/customers

    4. Approaches to Green


    4.1 Virtualization:

    Computer virtualization is the process ofrunning two or more logical computer systems

    on one set of physical hardware. With

    virtualization, a system administrator could

    combine several physical systems into virtualmachines on one single, powerful system,

    thereby unplugging the original hardware andreducing power and cooling consumption. One

    of the primary goals of almost all forms of

    virtualization is making the most efficient use of

    available system resources.

    Virtualization highlights the idea of Green

    Computing; by consolidating servers andmaximizing CPU processing power on other

    servers. Storage virtualization makes it possible

    for systems to access a shared storagesubsystem. Its clear that this approach would

    reduce the number of storage devices needed,

    the amount of power required, the heat produced

    and, as a wonderful side effect, would reducethe operational and administrative costs of back

    up, archival storage etc.

    4.2 Power Management:Lower power consumption also means lower

    heat dissipation, which increases system

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    stability, and less energy use, which savesmoney and reduces the impact on the


    The Advanced Configuration and Power

    Interface (ACPI), an open industry standard,allows an operating system to directly control

    the power saving aspects of its underlyinghardware. This allows a system to automatically

    turn off components such as monitors and hard

    drives after set periods of inactivity. In addition,

    a system may hibernate, where mostcomponents (including the CPU and the system

    RAM) are turned off. ACPI is a successor to an

    earlier Intel-Microsoft standard called AdvancedPower Management, which allows a computer's

    BIOS to control power management functions.

    Power management for computer systems are

    desired for many reasons, particularly:

    Prolong battery life for portable and embedded systems.

    Reduce cooling requirements.Reduce noise.Reduce operating costs for energy and


    4.3 Power Supply:

    Power supplies in most computers (PSUs for

    short) aren't designed for energy efficiency. Infact, most computers drain more power than

    they need during normal operation, leading to

    higher electrical bills and a more direenvironmental impact. The 80 Plus program is a

    voluntary certification system for power-supply

    manufacturers. If a PSU meets the certification,

    it will use only the power it needs at a given

    Load i.e. it won't use more power than it needs.Various initiatives are underway to improve the

    efficiency of computer power supplies.

    Climate savers computing initiative promotesenergy saving and reduction of greenhouse gas

    emissions by encouraging development and use

    of more efficient power supplies

    4.4 Storage:There are three routes available, all of which

    vary in cost, performance, and Capacity.

    The most conventional route is the 3.5" desktop

    hard drive. For laying focus on reduced powerconsumption reduced RAM low power idle

    mode with fixed rotation speed have come in

    scene. Its advantage is highest possible capacityplus the best performance.

    The second option is to use a 2.5" laptop harddrive. These consume less power than largerdisks as a result of their smaller platters, smaller

    motors, and firmware

    The lowest-power option is to use a solid state

    hard drive (SSD), which typically draw less than

    one-third the power of a 2.5" disk. The latest,highest-performance SSDs are very fast and

    consume less energy

    4.5 Displays:

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    Green Computing

    LCD monitors typically use a cold-cathodefluorescent bulb to provide light for the display.

    Some newer displays use an array of light-

    emitting diodes (LEDs) in place of thefluorescent bulb, which reduces the amount of

    electricity used by the display. LCD monitors

    uses three times less when active, and ten timesless energy when in sleep mode. LCDs are up to

    66% more energy efficient than CRTs, LCDs

    are also upwards of 80% smaller in size and

    weight, leading to fuel savings in shipping.LCDs produce less heat, meaning you'll need

    less AC to keep cool.LCD screens are also

    easier on the eyes. Their lower intensity andsteady light pattern result in less fatigue versus


    4.6 Materials Recycling:

    Computer recycling refers to recycling or reuse

    of a computer or electronic wasteAdditionally, parts from outdated systems may

    be salvaged and recycled through certain retail

    outlets and municipal or private recyclingcenters. Recycling computing equipment can

    keep harmful materials such as lead, mercury,

    and hexavalent chromium out of landfills.Computing supplies, such as printer cartridges,

    paper, and batteries may be recycled as well.

    Obsolete computers are a valuable source for

    secondary raw materials, if treated properly,however if not treated properly they are a major

    source of toxins and carcinogens.

    4.7 Telecommuting:Teleconferencing and telepresence technologiesare often implemented in green computing

    initiatives. The advantages are many; increased

    worker satisfaction, reduction of greenhouse gas

    emissions related to travel, and increased profitmargins as a result of lower overhead costs for

    office space, heat, lighting, etc

    Rather than traveling great distances, in order to

    have a face-face meeting, it is now possible toteleconference instead, using a multiway video

    phone. Each member of the meeting, or each

    party, can see every other member on a screenor screens, and can talk to them as if they were

    in the same room. This brings enormous time

    and cost benefits, as well as a reduced impact on

    the environment by lessening the need for travel- a damaging source of carbon emissions.

    5. NComputing - an architecture

    that changes the green equation

    NComputing systems are a major leap forward

    in green computing. More than 15,000

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    Green Computing

    organizations in over 80 countries have usedNComputing to slash their carbon footprint and

    electric consumption. The NComputing solution

    is based on a simple fact: todays PCs are so

    powerful that the vast majority of applicationsonly use a small fraction of the computers

    capacity. NComputings virtualization softwareand hardware tap this unused capacity so that it

    can be simultaneously shared by multiple users.

    The NComputing virtualization software workson a standard Windows or Linux1 PC. Each

    users monitor, keyboard, and mouse connect to

    the shared PC through a small and durableNComputing access device. The device itself

    has no CPU, memory, or moving partsso it iseasy to deploy and maintain. It also consumes

    very little power.

    5.1 Consumes 90% less energy per


    PCs typically consume between 110 to 200watts of electricity. In contrast, NComputing

    access devices consume next to nothing. In fact,NComputings L-series devices consume 5

    watts per added user and the X-series consumejust 1 watt per added user. If you replace

    seventy PCs with ten PCs attached to sixty

    NComputing X-series access devices, youwould save over 10,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh),

    which translates to over 1 metric ton of CO2emissions per year.

    5.2 Air conditioningthe hidden

    environmental cost

    A single PC generates more heat than a 100watt light bulb. A classroom, computer lab, or

    office with PCs warms up very

    quickly. In fact, PC-filled work areas almostalways have to be air conditioned. Air

    conditioners raise electricity costs and requirelarge capital expenditures to buy, install, and

    maintain them. In comparison, a room equippedwith PCs and NComputing access devices

    generates 90% less heat and does not require

    additional air conditioning.

    5.3 98% less e-waste in landfills

    It is found out lately that while electronic wasterepresents only 2% of trash in landfills, it

    represents 80% of the toxic waste. NComputinggreatly reduces the magnitude of this problem.

    In sheer weight, PCs generate much more

    waste than virtual desktops. A typical PC

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    Green Computing

    weighs about 21 pounds (9.5 kg); anNComputing access device weighs about 1/3 of

    a pound (0.15 kg), for a 98% reduction in

    electronic waste.

    An NComputing access device also has amuch longer useful life than a PC. When a

    shared PC is replaced with a newer one, the PC

    may go to a landfill, but the NComputing userscan keep their access devices and enjoy the

    boost in performance from the new PC. So

    whereas PCs might be upgraded every threeyears or so, access devices could easily last five

    years or more. With less frequent turnover, less

    equipment ends up in landfills.

    NComputing access devices are also compliantwith RoHS regulations, which restrict the use of

    lead and other harmful metals.

    6. Future of Green Computing

    The plan towards green IT should include newelectronic products and services with

    optimum efficiency and all possible

    options towards energy savings. That isenterprise wise companies are layingemphasis on moving towards Eco

    Friendly Components in Computers, the

    use of eco-friendly sustainable

    components will become the norm

    rather than the exception in future.

    To this approach for an instance - A Canadian

    Company, Userful Inc. ( have

    come up with a solution that turns 1 computer

    into 10 - Discover Station. Quickly becomingthe standard for green computing worldwide,

    Discover Station leverages the unused

    computing power of modern PCs to create anenvironmentally efficient alternative to

    traditional desktop computing. Multiple users

    can work on a single computer by simply

    attaching up to 10 monitors, mice andkeyboards. This makes it possible to reduce

    CO2 emissions by up to 15 tons per year per

    system and reduce electronic waste by up to

    80%. Userful has recently stated that in the lastyear their software has saved over 13,250* tons

    of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of taking2,300 cars off the road.

    Another approach for future Green Computing

    is building big more and more data centerswhere data center refers to a centralized

    repository, either physical or virtual, for the

    storage, management, and dissemination of dataand information organized around a particular

    body of knowledge or pertaining to a particularbusiness.

    7. Conclusion

    So far, consumers haven't cared about

    ecological impact when buying computers,they've cared only about speed and price. But as

    Moore's Law marches on and computers

    commoditize, consumers will become pickier

    about being green. Devices use less and lesspower while renewable energy gets more and

    more portable and effective. New green

    materials are developed every year, and manytoxic ones are already being replaced by them.

    So green computing is amindset that asks how we can satisfy the

    growing demand for network computing

    without putting such pressure on the

    environment. There is an alternative way to

    design a processor and a system such that wedon't increase demands on the environment, but

    still provide an increased amount of processingcapability to customers to satisfy their business

    needs. Green computing is not about going out

    and designing biodegradable packaging forproducts. Now the time came to think about the

    efficiently use of computers and the resources

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    which are non renewable. It opens a newwindow for the new entrepreneur for harvesting

    with E-waste material and scrap computers.

    The greenest computer will not

    miraculously fall from the sky one day; itll be

    the product of years of improvements. Thefeatures of a green computer of tomorrow

    would be like: efficiency, manufacturing &

    materials, recyclability, service model, self-

    powering, and other trends. Green computer willbe one of the major contributions which will

    break down the 'digital divide', the electronic

    gulf that separates the information rich from theinformation poor.

    8. Bibliography




    www.techno- Green%20 Computing .pdf future-

    of-green - computing .html NComputing %20Technology%20 White %20 Paper

    %202-2-07.pdf Data _ center green -

    computing /.../73844.aspx

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