Page 1: 50+ QuickStart Guide - Wellness & Weight Loss for Women · Processed foods contain hidden sugars, artificial sweeteners, low-quality

50+ QuickStart Guide Get Off To A Great Start With Our Easy-To-Follow QuickStart Guide, Customized For Women Over 50.

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DISCLAIMERThe information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of HealthQueens there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against HealthQueens or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

Page 3: 50+ QuickStart Guide - Wellness & Weight Loss for Women · Processed foods contain hidden sugars, artificial sweeteners, low-quality

Why Women Over 50 Need A Different Approach


If you're like most women over 50, you've probably noticed that it has become a loteasier to gain a few pounds than to lose them. The foods that you ate without care in your 30s and 40s now stick to your body like glue, adding bulk to your midsection. The good news: the solution to a fit and firm body at age 50+ (and the health, energyand vitality that comes with it) is right here in this program. We’ll show you exactly how you can to fix your metabolism and turn your fat-burning switch on, so that you lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Know Your Goal And "Reason Why”Before you start it’s essential that you know exactly what you want to achieve and your “Reason Why”.

It’s the foundation that everything is built upon, so grab a pen a paper and do it right now.

Sugar Is Your #1 Enemy, And It's Hiding In More Places Than You May Realize

In Particular, Watch Out For Hidden Sugars In These Places: Condiments (ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, and more) Sauces (fish sauce, chutney, tomato sauce, and more) Salad Dressings (especially low-fat versions) Flavored Yogurt (especially low-fat versions) Protein bars Sports drinks Fruit juices Low-fat products

What about diet soda, which has no calories? More about it in the next point.

If you haven't watched our welcome video yet, please do that right now. In it we'll walk you through an important mental exercise that will help you stay motivated and stick with it.

If you were only able to make one change, it would be to stop drinking calories.

That means to stop drinking soda, sports drinks, fruit juices and anything else with

calories in it.

These drinks are a big manipulator of your results.

Just this one habit alone can have a massive positive impact and you will start losing

weight doing this.

We all know that soda is bad, but many people still think that fruit juices are healthy - when

really they contain sometimes more sugar than soda. Fruit contains healthy fiber which

slows down the sugar absorption. Fruit juice on the other hand contains a lot of sugar and

no fiber, which leads to severe metabolic problems in women over 50.

So if you only make one change, then it would be to stop drinking soda, fruit juice, sports

drinks and anything else with calories.

Hidden sugar is a big problem and it may just be the biggest silent manipulator of your

weight loss results. Inside the "50+ Blueprint" you’ll find a list of names that mean "sugar",

which are used on labels to deceive you.

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Artificial Sweeteners Are NOT A Good Replacement For SugarArtificial Sweeteners, even though they have zero calories, can be one of the ingredients that manipulate your weight loss silently. Artificial Sweeteners can cause your body to not correctly count how many calories have been eaten, and consequently making you overeat (without your body realizing).

Diet soda contains these artificial sweeteners. If losing weight and being healthy is important to you, then eliminating diet soda is one of the most important steps that you can take. There are many people that have lost weight and started feeling much better after eliminating artificial sweeteners. Just this one small change can have a big difference on your results.

So Here Are The Artificial Sweeteners To Avoid Aspartame Saccharin Sucralose Acesulfame Potassium

Approved Sweetener Stevia (read labels to make sure there is no added sugar) Xylitol (warning: toxic for dogs) Erythritol

Eat Real FoodProcessed foods contain hidden sugars, artificial sweeteners, low-quality ingredients, unhealthy oils, trans fats and other nasty ingredients that are forcing your body to store fat. Eating high-quality, real, natural food is one of the keyfundamentals for women over 50 to lose weight and be healthy.

Whenever possible avoid processed and packaged foods (even if they have healthy claims on them) and go with real foods instead.

Protein Is The Key To Burning Fat Without Feeling HungryProtein is an important part of your fat-burning foods. Have protein at every single meal and snack! It stimulates your metabolism and makes you feel full. It has the ability to reduce appetite automatically and eliminate cravings. Eat protein at every single meal, especially breakfast! Find the best protein sources on the “Food List for Women 50+” (which you can find in the members area).

Eat Healthy Fats To Burn FatOne of the reason why most dieters fail is because they think that all fats arebad... when really some fats are extremely healthy, like the fat in fish, nuts and avocado. You have nothing to fear from fat that comes from natural, whole foods like real butter, eggs, grass-fed animals and the saturated fat found in these natural, whole foods. We’ll explain this in detail in the “50+ Blueprint”.


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Women 50+ Should Focus On Eating The Right CarbsWe do agree that reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your meal plans will help you lose weight and lean down. Many women over 50 find that once they replace many of the bad carbs with healthy fats and protein, they'll lose more weight faster, without hunger or cravings.

This isn't a zero carb diet though, and there are plenty of good carbs that you can enjoy. It is the processed and refined wheat and grains that are causing especially women over 50 to feel bloated and have a difficult time losing weight.

Eat 3 Meals Per Day, And A Snack If Hungry

Use The Right Kind Of Cooking Oils

Never Use Canola Oil Or Other Seed & Vegetable OilsCanola oil is highly processed: a toxic solvent called hexane is used to extract the oil from the seeds. During this highly unnatural manufacturing process, some of the oil becomes damaged. Avoid canola oil and other seed & vegetable oils.

Use Coconut Oil For CookingA great oil to incorporate into your eating plan every day is unrefined coconut oil. Besides the fact that it tastes amazing, its ability to speed up the metabolism and help the body burn off unwanted fat makes it an amazing part of your diet.

The First Meal Of The Day Is The Key To Losing Weight

Also, eating an unhealthy first meal - as opposed to a protein-rich healthy first meal - sets the tone for the day, so if you cheat at your first meal you are much more likely to cheat in the later meals as well.

Knowing this, it’s important that you make it your #1 priority to eat a healthy first meal that is high in protein. For meal ideas and delicious recipes check outthe recipe section in the members area.


Using the wrong oils can cause inflammation in your body, which causes a lot of health problems. Don’t use seed & vegetable oils as they are high in the inflammation-promoting Omega-6 fatty acids (as opposed to the good, inflammation-fighting Omega-3 fatty acids) which can cause serious health issues.

The myth that you need eat 5 small meals per day is a persistent one, even though it has

been thoroughly debunked in multiple studies. Eat 3 meals and add a snack if you are

hungry. Eat when you are hungry, and eat until you are full. Eating the right kind of foods

that we are going to show you, your body know how to regulate the right amount

automatically, so no counting of calories or other detailed tracking is needed.

Eat a first meal that is rich in protein. For women over 50 we recommend eating 20 grams

of protein within one hour of waking up. Getting this first meal right is essential, because it

sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you skip this meal then you are more likely to make

unhealthy choices throughout the day.

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Drink Lemon Water First Thing In The MorningThis easy trick can help you lose weight, increase energy, improve digestion and even make your skin look younger.

Keep a pitcher of room temperature water and lemons on hand, and each morning, squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a cup of water. Make sure the water is room temperature, because cold water can shock your system and prevent some of the many health benefits from starting to work. Try this neat little trick, it works very well!

Next Steps:

Food List For Women 50+

50+ Blueprint

Have a look at the "Food List for Women 50+" to see exactly which

foods are recommended. This list also includes drinks, spices,

cooking oils, quick tips and more.

Delicious, Quick & Easy RecipesJust pick from the list of delicious, good-for-you meals, enjoy the food

and you can start losing weight. Inside the members area you have

access to a large variety of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks

and indulgences.

In the “50+ Blueprint” you'll learn everything you need to know about how to

lose the weight and keep it off for good. We’ve eliminated all the useless

fillers and condensed all the essential information into this compact guide.

You’ll learn exactly the most important things about healthy eating and losing

weight as a woman over 50, in a way that’s not overwhelming and easy to

understand. You can access this and all the other important information

inside the members area on!

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