Page 1: 5 Tips for Better Mental Health · 9/5/2019  · Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? You better believe it! According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author

5Tips for

Mental Health

5 Better

Page 2: 5 Tips for Better Mental Health · 9/5/2019  · Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? You better believe it! According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author

015 Tips for Better Mental Health

There are a lot of factors that go into the state of our mental health, and in

fact, those factors range far beyond the mental. Emotional health,

physical health, and even spiritual health all make up the whole that we

refer to as mental health.

To that end, the tools and strategies outlined in this guide will impact you

in all of those areas. But beyond those tips, there are a few things to be

aware of.

Good mental health is all about cultivating better habits – our actions,

our thoughts, our responses to stress and other external stimuli. And the

only way to change our habits is with time, awareness, effort, and


It's been argued that it takes up to 18 months to either break a bad habit

or establish a good new habit. So, keep that in mind, because in our fast-

food culture, we tend to want everything now. And sometimes that's just

not realistic.

Two other points to keep in mind: You are much more than a physical

being and you're also much more than your conscious self. And if you're

wondering who's really driving the car that is your life …

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theories, the unconscious is

conceptualized as the sum of all impulses, desires, feelings, thoughts

and memories, of which the person isn't aware of, yet influences

behavior and emotions.

With all of that in mind – the effort, time, and understanding involved in

manifesting a healthier state of mind – here are five tips (areas of

concentration, really) to help you reach that goal.

5 Tips for Better Mental Health page.

Page 3: 5 Tips for Better Mental Health · 9/5/2019  · Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? You better believe it! According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author

Nutrition and the Big Six

Can you use ? You specific nutrients to improve your mental health

better believe it!

According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author of Nutrient Power: Heal Your

Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain, the same nutrient deficiencies

continue to pop up for the same mental health conditions.

02page.5 Tips for Better Mental Health

“When you look at these millions of chemical analyses of

blood, urine and tissues, it's obvious that there are very great

differences." says Walsh. "I found that for mental disorders,

about six or seven chemical imbalances dominate mental

function. There are hundreds and hundreds of important

nutrients in the body, but in the brain, there are about six or

seven that [seem] to dominate everything.”


Page 4: 5 Tips for Better Mental Health · 9/5/2019  · Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? You better believe it! According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author

What are those nutrients?

Ø Zinc

Ø Copper

Ø Vitamin B6

Ø Selenium

Ø Folate

Ø S-adenosylmethionine

Certain nutrients are greatly involved in the functioning of our

neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine and dopamine. For instance,

when norepinephrine is too high and dopamine is too low, this is the

perfect ratio for anxiety and depression.

Sociopaths all have severe zinc deficiencies. In children with ADHD, B6

deficiency is extremely common. Schizophrenics commonly have too

much copper. The list goes on and on.

There's a reason for the saying, you are what you eat. But we could also

say, you think how you eat.

So, what does this information mean for you? Have some blood tests

done and see if you have too much or too little of those key brain

nutrients above. And if you do, work with your physician to find out why.

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Exercise for Your Emotional Health

045 Tips for Better Mental Health



The benefits of exercise are vast and go

well beyond mental health. However, even

many of those other benefits have direct or

indirect impacts on our mental condition.

Exercise has been shown to improve sleep,

boost confidence, improve energy levels,

and reduce stress – all things that greatly

impact our mental health. But unlike some

other tips on this list, exercise directly

contributes to an increase in happiness.

If you just thought to yourself, Happiness?

That sounds like new-age mumbo jumbo!

Not so. It's actually science.

Exercise greatly aids in the production of

neurotransmitters, also known as chemical

messengers, in the brain. And some of

these neurotransmitters – dopamine,

norepinephrine, and serotonin – are also

powerful mood enhancers.

The great thing about reaping these

benefits is how immediate they can be, as

studies have shown both short-term and

long-term happiness benefits of exercise.

Aim for getting three types of exercise

every week:

1. Cardio

2. Strength training

3. Flexibility training, like yoga

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055 Tips for Better Mental Health

Meditation and Mindfulness

The benefits of meditation and mindfulness have been gaining

widespread attention in the West in recent years and decades, but in

some parts of the world, people have been practicing these techniques

for millennia.

Meditation involves sitting quietly and turning your attention to your

breath or a mantra that you repeat over and over in your mind, timed

with your inhalations and exhalations. As thoughts come, and they will,

it's not your job to ignore those thoughts. Instead, simply recognize the

thought, let it pass, and return your focus on your breath or your mantra.

As for a mantra, Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn recommends the


On the inhale – Breathing in, I

calm my body.



Page 7: 5 Tips for Better Mental Health · 9/5/2019  · Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? You better believe it! According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author

Mindfulness, on the other hand, is a way of experiencing life more fully.

Mindfulness is about living in the present, as opposed to our default,

which is to live in our heads, where we play an endless recording of

thoughts pertaining to past traumas or future concerns. To say the least,

living this way is not productive or fulfilling.

Both meditation and mindfulness require awareness. Constant

awareness. You have to steer your thoughts in ways you're probably not

used to, and this is quite exhausting and difficult. But if you stick it out,

you'll go from sleepwalking through your life to being an actual

participant in it.

Not sure about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness? The folks at

John's Hopkins University weren't either, which is why they poured over

19,000 studies. Ultimately, their conclusion was this: Mindful meditation

can help ease psychological stresses like anxiety, depression, and pain.

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Page 8: 5 Tips for Better Mental Health · 9/5/2019  · Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? You better believe it! According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author

Just Say No to Stress

This one probably isn't a surprise, as stress has serious detrimental

effects when it comes to physical, emotional, and mental health. Which

means that any designs on effectively treating mental health will need

to address stress reduction.

Studies have shown that stress increases the risk of developing anxiety

and depression in some people. long-term, or chronic, stress has also

been shown to impact memory and learning and even alter the

structure of the brain in negative ways.

Since isn't a hard sell, let's explore some ways in which reducing stress

you can do that. Look no further than this list. Sure, you can walk in nature,

listen to music, write in your journal, and so forth. But for some serious

stress-busting power, put your faith and time into exercise,

meditation/mindfulness, and an improved, nutrient rich diet.

The problem is that those things are more difficult to execute than say a

hot bath. Which is precisely why you should do them. Because things like

good mental health rarely come without some hard work and effort.

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085 Tips for Better Mental Health

Take it Out with a TrainedProfessional

Not sure if we saved the best for last … but this certainly ties it all together.

The calls talk therapy, “the American Mental Wellness Association

collaborative piece of mental wellness treatment,” and that “working

with a counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist with talk therapy assists with

the day to day thoughts, challenges, and mood regulation.”

We'd have to agree with both of those statements. Think of a therapist as

your own personal guide. Someone who has training and experience

and can speed up your progress. And remember, therapists don't want

to see their patients forever. They want to see their patients get better.



Page 10: 5 Tips for Better Mental Health · 9/5/2019  · Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? You better believe it! According to William Walsh, Ph.D. and author

According to the American Mental Wellness Association, talk therapy

benefits include:

Ø Understand what's going on inside of you

Ø Identify current obstacles

Ø Identify future goals

Ø Overcome fears or insecurities

Ø Cope with stress

Ø Process past traumatic experiences

Ø Understand the difference between you and the symptoms of your


Ø Improve relationships

Ø Create manageable steps towards your goals

Ø End unhealthy habits

Ø Understand what bothers you and what changes you can make

Ø Identify triggers that make your symptoms worse

There are 168 hours in a week, and you'll only spend one or two of those

talking with your therapist, so don't ignore the other 165+ hours. Fill those

hours with exercise, healthy eating, meditation and mindfulness, and

ways to reduce stress and you'll be on your way to living a life absent of

mental health issues.

095 Tips for Better Mental Health page.

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