Page 1: 5 steps to develop a strong you tube video title

ePreneur Global

5 Steps to Develop a Strong YouTube Video Title

Having a great video content is not enough to be successful on YouTube marketing. If you want to be

effective on your YouTube marketing, your video should have an interesting and attractive title. It

should also have video description that is keyword enriched and has your business details on it. And

finally, it should be tagged with the most relevant and appropriate keywords.

Doing such will not only make your business stand out on YouTube searches, but it will also help your

business appear on search engine search results. Hence, driving traffic to your website, and

consequently increase your business revenue.

Your YouTube video title is crucial to maximize your potential in expanding your online exposure. It lets

your target audience know what your video is all about – giving them an idea what to expect when they

watch your video. Therefore, it affects their behavior whether they would want to watch your video or


To help you craft a strong YouTube video title that will be able to attract views, follow these simple 5

steps to developing video titles:

1. Include your key message

Make sure that when your target audience reads your YouTube video title, they will get an idea

of what to expect and what value they will get when they watch it. For example, if your video

talks about Video Marketing, then you should be able to include Video Marketing on your

video’s title.

Also if applicable, always try to include catchphrases such as “How To”, “Tutorial”, “Top Ten

List” etc. on your YouTube video titles because people react strongly to these words.

2. Include your target keyword/s

Startup businesses do not yet have online exposure. Hence, your target audience most likely will

not search for your business brand on YouTube.

What you can do is put yourself in your target audience’s shoe and think which keywords they

will most likely type in to search for your business competitors’ videos. Include those keywords

in your YouTube video title. Accordingly, this will help your videos appear on related searches on

YouTube page’s sidebar.

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ePreneur Global

3. Include a renowned person’s name

If your YouTube marketing video is associated with a popular person’s name (for instance, you

interviewed that person in that video or you created the video with that person), make sure to

mention their name on the title.

It is good for your exposure on YouTube and search engines such as Google and Bing. That is

because when people search for their names on YouTube or search engines, your video will

most likely appear on such search results.

4. Avoid spam-y phrases

Phrases such as “Click here”, “Buy Now”, and “Free” are some of the terms that search engines

identify as spams. Even us humans, perceive such words as spam. As a result, your target

audience will turn away and not your videos at all.

So, if you can exclude such phrases, please make sure you do.

5. Keep it concise

Though YouTube limits 100 characters for your video’s title, only 50-60 of those are actually

shown on YouTube search results, as well as on side bar where related videos are shown.

This applies also on search engine results.

So be certain that your YouTube video titles are short and sweet.

Say, your business has just released a waist trimming belt called “Sven Wolf Flab Buster”:

Instead of the below title….

The New Sven Wolf Flab Buster to Trim Your Waist in just Two Weeks --- Buy now!

Applying the 5 steps will make the title SEO and YouTube Marketing friendly….

How to Trim Your Waist in two weeks: The Sven Wolf Flab Buster

See the difference?

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ePreneur Global

Apply these 5 steps on your YouTube marketing and you will notice a growth on your video views, as

well as subscribers.

But remember that success rarely happens overnight. Persistence, consistency and practice will do the


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