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As a holistic health coach I learned 100s of dietary theories ranging from high carbs to no carbs to no meat to all meat.

Since we are biologically unique all serve each of us in some way.

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Yet Americans hoist a 60% obesity rate. Our children are heavy and suffering from illnesses once reserved for the

senior set. Maybe what we are eating may not be as important as how we are eating.

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I have identified 5 reasons why women struggle to lose weight and what you can do instead. These tricks are

already within you just waiting to be harnessed.

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REASON 1: The fastest eater gains not a prize only fat.

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Eating quickly equals undigested food, unassimilated nutrients and miscommunication between the brain and the belly. Slowing down means sitting at a table, chewing thoroughly and tasting your food. As you pay attention to

your body your body will let you know the optimal portion it needs and as a result you eat less and lose fat.

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REASON 2: Holding your breath while you eat.

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This may seem impossible, but actually that is how we live. We hold the power to our metabolism. The

autonomic Nervous system has 2 parts: the sympathetic (fight or flight) and the parasympathetic (rest and digest). In order to lose weight and unleash our metabolic power

we must live our lives in the parasympathetic mode. Unfortunately most of us live in the sympathetic world. We are stressed and worried and as a result our bodies react as though we are being chased by a knife-wielding

maniac. This sympathetic response denotes stress, increases cortisol to help balance our bodies and sends blood away from our stomach and to our arms, legs and brain so we can save ourselves. Excess cortisol increases

belly fat. Here is the great news; deep breathing turns off the sympathetic and turns on the parasympathetic. In a

couple minutes of deep breathing your body will be assimilating nutrients, backing off the cortisol and building

muscle and bones. Between slowing down and deep breathing your body will acquired the nutrients it needs to

decrease fat and build muscles.

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REASON 3: Morning after guilt:

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Guilty emotions build a wall between you and your ideal body because guilt brings on stress and stress brings on

cortisol. Some of the questions we ask when feeling guilty from a meal would be "Why did I eat that? "Why can't I

eat healthy?" Or "Why can't I lose weight?" Our brain will search for the answer. Noah St. John the founder of

Afformations urges us to change these questions so we receive the answers that empower us. Try asking "Why am

I able to eat a small amount of___ and feel totally satisfied? Why is it so easy for me to maintain 140 pounds while enjoying my favorite desserts? Your energy shifts to a place of fun and curiosity, guilt subsides and you are out

of the sympathetic world.

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MISTAKE 4: Eating low fat/no fat food.

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Fat doesn't make you fat rather sugar makes us fat, sick and tired. In addition, these fake foods are full of fake

ingredients that our body doesn't know how to assimilate and as a result we have built up toxins and a slower


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Sugar is not the enemy rather how we utilize sugar in our lives is what makes us sick. Instead of eating low fat ice

cream go for the real stuff, eat it slowly, breathe between bites and enjoy it thoroughly.

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MISTAKE 5: Going It Alone

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As humans we need accountability. Transforming how you eat will take time and support from a dedicated

professional. In addition, we need help researching professionals who can help set up a customized plan.

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Let go of what you are eating and start embracing how you approach food and your eating habits without guilt and

have the courage to get help from a dedicated professional.

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